Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD. Devoted to the Upbuilding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. "OL. XXIII. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1915. No. 31. PERSONALI AID gTHERWISE I )l. LOgene Barrett, ?ht accom- in 1 ghtoger of Mr. anl .lirs. John di atof Algiers. a quitted her ,hb. bly at the ;iterary exer- sl li Tihursday a' h" VNldanade tl Girls High S hnol, when she e a .Lbeth. Mlis- Barrett was a' ld3 applauded for her effort, a Mrs. C(harl. (. Moseley nr wsrmed from Lafa. "'t:e' where tl be called by th(e h;n's of Mr. h -father. who Pa yi 'a way on hlay -lght. The !. i., :a s hip to Jacki's. Mips' \iLt Ne' Or a tO jIrcLs , - .... i ) tl jIBL where Lnterme'ntt a- tmad. I)e wasd wa an old entii,,Y' of the Pacific ('oll':I: . ha \in gea nltt at Eola, l.a.. for many il . )Besides Charle. M ..l.. d ' eaed leaves another n Frank Myelea and tWO (la-.,r-. Meq dmw lallande and ltallh . 1n1 s. dagrs adchildren. i Mayor Behrman was nitied lri day his re.election a> dir,' tor of t the tpbJeal Rivers and llarbor.s t'ot r The mayor has ju t returnd .4 res the session of the (c(n ress i WFlUV', but the new diretorate' ast organized until after the aeti at the national tapital. I Cd. s Mrs. John P. Mayo. of the ( clugiýloa Station. hate, as their t Cl guest their ,on. Thos. F. t Yo wh li attending college at Ox- i ge4, degd., having won the Cecil fllajholhip front Mississil)i. :1 111 Lient. C. B. Mayo. and wife I1 as ljhter, and Miss l'endleton. of vs'. arrived Monday and will spu the holidays with ('ol. Mayo: Ja Social Club of Algiers will jI Yilrumal social and dance for he s ern of Sts. John Lodge No.' SA. sad A. M.. and Sts. John V. Order of the Eastern Star, SMl1daY, Jan. 8, 1916, at the eiob dubrooms, corner Olivier 1ad Pelican avenue. Some of mllters of the committees hav t a afair in charge are: E. Dosh ; T. Reagan, P. J. Lau L P. Maaglaracina. E. Lorio, C. i-MN·eled, J. Bodenger and oth g the last affair given by this " * he taken as a criterion, all *,qiml are bound to have a good >l3it at 8:45 o'clock fire of llamed origin damaged a shed S MOdni aventle to the extent of A destroyed feed worth $25. .b * bdelm to Ida Willis, col aws sued as a stable by An Jahdl. Two alarms were thaSgh mistake. Other Folks Do All the "Knocking;" 'au Help Us Boom Our Home Town. you have never heard of Daedalus. Maybe the name '-d Tales is just as strange to you. Well, it doesn't make any difference. t is that one of these two ancient gentlemen IN the SAP Pliny says Daedalus did. Apollodorus credit to Tacos. this way: Talos (or Daedalus, if you prefer Pliny) sawbone of a snake and employed it to cut through a Then he formed an instrument of iron like it and ti world the first saw. tl good old universe has been sawing wood ever since. - E SAWING WOOD RIGHT HEPE IN TOWN NOW FOR SWORTH. WE ARE TRYING TO ATTRACT NEW IN AND NEW BUSINESS ENTERPRISES HERE. Interested in this movement, and so is this newspaper. has been in the front in every effort to attract new We have GOOD STORES and BUSINESS CON hes NOW, but we are GROWING, and we welcome RISES that BRING MONEY to town and here. -- a elp along in this boosting crusade by keeping closely 131 this paper. Read it yourself. Send it to your rela imais. We think we deserve your support because we through publicity to build up the town. TWN NEEDS THE HELP OF THIS LIVE WIRE PA T WOULD THE TOWN BE WITHOUT IT? WHAT COMMUNITY BE WITHOUT THE AID OF THE NISP SAW WOOD FOR ITS CITIZENSI SAWING WOOD. OULD HELP US. mas 1915 Ident Wilson Says ARE HERE AND GOING TO STAY. NOT BELIEVE IT COME AND BUY FROM ME AND BE CONVINCED. Fruit Cake, Fruit Puing, Wine5s, Liquor, etc. Sto set your Christmas table of. ;OGVE ME YOUR ORDER EARLY. CALL OR PHONE SPhone Mrs. D. J. Kra*mm ALGIMas SE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potts. of Cali fornia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. Vezien. K. N. Williams, of Birmingham, tl Ala.. was a recent guest of Mr. and it Mrs. J. P. Vezlen. w Mrs. J. B. Miller, of Pelican ave- d. Inue, who has been visiting relatives (c in Iafayette. La., returned home Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. \. A. Tipton are (' spending the holidays in Crowley with fl the former's parents. ti Mrs. Tracy Lilly. of :ti9 Atlantis e avenue, presented her husband with I a fine baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. C('asmer Kirby have I the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their baby boy. g \'illianm W\hitmore and Alvin Mc- t (Givney have returned from Jefferson I ('ollege to spend the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Albion Dlaniels and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duffy are leavr ing ('hristmas eve to spend the boli-I 'lays in Bellerose. l.a., with Mr. and rs. .I. M. Barlow. Their sisters. ;1 issbes Edna and Lillian Barlow, ar. with them. Mrs. Wm. Il. Seymour is mu hI i m proved, after a serious illness. i Mr. and Mrs. John l)uffy enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Jim Biruton on Tuesday. Otto T. Mater's death by suicide Monday was a shock to many friends.. who esteemed him in our district. Mr. Maier was interested in several en terprises for the development of the e entire section, being connected with r the Grand Isle and street railway sys tems, as well as the real estate busi ness. i1 Master Harvey McNeely. of Covine . ton, is spending a week with his fa e ther. f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman and I Il children, of McComb City. Miss., are o spending the holidays with relatives. Miss Hannah Albright and brothers. 11 Irvin and Samuel, are the guests of relatives in Eunice, La., for the holP •. days. n Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Toledano and r, children have removed to Harahan, ie where they will reside in the future. r The many friends of little Rilma f McNair will be pleased to learn that v- she is able to be out again, after an h- attack of appendicitis. u·- Mrs. Alphonse Soulant presented C. her husband with a fine twelve-pound h- girl. is Capt. H. P. McNeely has returned Lil from Covington much improved in )d health. Master Don Duffy is improving, aft of er a severe attack of la grippe. ed Mrs. T. V. Cassanova is spending of the holidays with her parents at Bay 5. St. Louis. il- Misses Irma and Daisy Daniels left n" Monday 4or the Seashore ('amo re Grounds. Mrs. Gallagher and children left IN THE TRENCHES. l'm thinking of home today. I'm thinking most of a November morn ing of the long ago. Twas in the wee hours and the fog was very dense. I was out to gatlher in the Cows, w\hen I heard the sweetest something in all life a colleen voice. She was singing "W\hen This ('ruel War Is Over." The clear notes of Cloated upward and were slenit among ('a the stars. .\h. but site was a pretty creature' I couldn't see her for the fog was very heavy. She was some- as where over there and I was over her. I know that she was pretty, becaust lshe owned that girlish voice, and that at girlisli voicet was Irish. I believed in the fairies then. I wish I could be lice in them now. There was noth ing earthly nor sordid in that belief. a I'm thinking of home today. And, lgod tit bless nli. .\nmerica ihas i-cien good and in kind to ime saving tihet four years aft (r I followetd Grant out of Illinoi,. \\Whlien I landed it, this to untry the east t\as in thli west- the old \lisi sipti was far over toward the suns-.I .\nd. bIy the s ll, hkt ll. I -aW the randil tld river when it hinnl red in its Blur whteitn Nevi Orb-ant as i N.t i ( rlean- and got all that was tcomning. lni thinking of home today. Solnello. I don't why. Mavye it'.; he(aluse I'hrstnmas i sto near anld imy - owni aret all over inll rance. Thelt were to bt( home for Christmnas. They're in the trenchlles l t. . -ill atr SECOND PRECINCT ORGANIZES. thi bet The Secon-d lPrecin t Retgular Dent- br ocratic Club of the F'ifteentlth \\ard or- ro ganized last week at Pythian Il:il lt II with the following officers: Martin se S. Mahoney. president Italeigh J. br \\'illiam.s, sec'retary: ('aptain ('Charles lh .1. Mott, treasurer: ('aptain Albert We , Short, grand marshal. M. J. Rooney was mast(er of ceremonies. \'ice pres- C idents are \\'illiam Giepert. .1. E. Iit iluckins. Fred Wagner. James ('asey. lules Bal,in, ;George Muntz, Thomas Oi Schaeffer, ('harles Brodtmann., Joseph Y° Zatarain. E. Berthaut. J. Thornton. an t George North, Peter Rupp and Wil- th liam Salathe. The new steward is lil \'heeler Packard. ti( d . Music', speec:hes and refreshments ti( d were enjoyed. Resolutions wer- le adopted endorsing Col. G. Pleasant m d for governor, W. T. ('hristy for the th n State Senate and the other unopposed a local candidates. WOODMEN CHRISTMAS TREE. Chairman L. F. Gisch, of the W\ood men ('hristmas tree celebration com-i 1D mittee, reports that all details for the (I event have been attended to, and that G more than 200 children are to be pro- re - vided for in the way of gifts and can- tx dy on that occasion. The distribution J, will be confined to children of mem- C bers and only those between the ages of two and eight -ears, and everyone .f attending will be given a ticket to be deposited in a ballot box, from which 6 one will be drawn at the end of the g celebration and the party whose name appears thereon will receive the Christmas tree. There will be an in- , teresting program during the evening, starting at 7 o'c(lock. a LOST CHILD FOUND. While Mrs. Charles Traub, wife of I Police Corporal Traub, of the local station, searched department stores in Canal street Saturday afternoon' for her 8-year-old son, Warren, who had become separated from her in a crush of Christmas shoppers, that young gentleman was being safely conducted by an unknown •an to his home at 1808 Annette street. \'hen Mrs. Traub returned home exhausted and almost frantic after notifying the police, she found her son awaiting her. The man who found the child crying in Canal street, learned from him his address, and after escorting him to the Traub home left without giving his name. Sunday for Ocean Springs to spend Christmas. Through an unknown cause at mid night Monday, fire completely de stroyed the building at 1241 Brooklyn avenue, occupied as a grocery and owned by William Washington, negro, of 1233 Brooklyn avenue, whose real dence was slightly damaged. The building in which the grocery was Io - cated was valued at $250. - Miss L. Safford, of 301 Seguin street, was victimized- by two neatly dressed strangers Monday evening, who entered her mother's store and tendered her a $1 note in payment for a five-cent purchase. Miss Safford gave them the chbange whereupon one of the men said he ad a five-cent piece, which she accepted, returnlng the i1 note. The men, however, failed to retrarn her change and disappeared. The many triends of Ed Pindar will regret to learn that he snuLered a par alytlc stmroke on Sunday last. Mirss Gertrude stalcup, of Boothe vine, is the gaest of her brother, Win H. Staleap. Tho New Orteas Dry Dsc, whiLh was dimaged dmar the meet etr, I la p thity dyda e rears. Better Than Wor Pure Candy (iati You kinow any ('andy youl buy I me of Solari w ill be good, pure 1bui (a d . of held This season we offer a larger I um assortment than ever before. In corn every grade we handle the best o er at the price. Not only pure ('andy. but good ('andy. in. The newest novelties in Swiss rect and lHolland Milk (' hocolates and trea reli tihe' Frlncllh coll'fectiolls are hereI r ' in prouso ion 1,ea SOLARI' ru WOlhere Thinglu to Eat lre r le .s (-'H!i a.- They IAok ALHAMBRA HAS BIG NIGHT. X1i l.ast 'Iliir-dan night thi .\llhamilra ý,. I (;yllin stic ('lub! La\t the first valnd- re. 'ille shoi\ to Ie held in thl, Folly The'- T atre, and there was a record ,rowd in Erl the big shoehouse that night. Lonll ii before thle vaudel ille alts were lit brought before, the curtain standing ph room was at a premlium. Soiie of the nt I ,st talent in the city offered their ,, services for the benefit of the .\lhaim- In bra and those who patronized the show were given their llloney's worth. I)uring the evening the lion. Charles Brownlee. on behalf of The I Herald, presented the medals which le were won at The llerald Athletic Fete 1i1 on Thanksgi\ing I)ay. All of the ref h young men responded to their nam 's Bli and had their medals pinned upon re. I- their proud breast in front of the ap- tre splauding audience. The vaudeville numbers were par- un ticularly pleasing and special men tion should be made of the New Or leans Comedy Cops, who certainly - made good. This was the same act .e that played at the Orpheum Theatre da few weeks ago. ATTORNEY PLATT SUCCESSFUL. The case of State vs. Taylor. where in Joseph Taylor (colored) was te charged with the murder of one George Grey Icolored), both parties ' residents of Algiers, came up for ° trial Monday. December '20, before n Judge Alex O'Donnell. in the Second Ti City ('riminal Court. s Our readers will recall that Joseph 7e Taylor shot and instantly killed be George Grayson. Monday. December 6. 191'. in John Saux's lane, below Al e giers. ae Geo. P. Platt, a young attorney from le our district, defended the accused and in succeeded in having him discharged. ig, This is Mr. Platt's first murder case and all his friends join with us in ex tending him our hearty congratula tions. of SHOTS FIRED INTO RECTOR'S RESIDENCE. sh A few days ago a dispatch from Co ng lumbus, Mississippi, to one of our ed evening papers recited the firing of a at shot Into the residence of Rev. W. S. ub Slack. now rector of St. Paul's Epis t copal Church at Columbus, Miss. The ,he article gave little details, but it was i, presumed that the shot was fired by al some drunken person. Later in the Sweek, however, another dispatch froni tub Columbus, under date of December 18th, gives the following account and also gives some evidence of a general shake-up in the police force of that nd thriving little city. The dispatch fol lows: Id- Columbus, Miss., Dec. 18.-With the de- dismissal of two members of the po lice force and the request for the res and Ignation of Chief T. G. Munger, Mayor Gunter has inaugurated a movement s for the enforcement of the gambling he and liquor laws of the state and city. lo- The mayor has appointed Officer John Morton acting chief, and two more of icers have been added to the force. The shake-up in the police depart atly ment came as the result of the failure ng, of repeated efforts, on the part of the and mayor, according to his own state for ments, to secure satisfactory results ord from the department in the enforce Smeat of the gambling and liquor laws. t The action of the mayor came in response to public sentiment, ex ed pressed through representations of prominent citizens, agaist alleged will open and flagrant violations of the r- law. An act which brought the crsdis in the situation and which precipttat the. ed the action of the mayor, was the InP. Srng into the home a few days ago of Rev. W. S. Slack, rector o St. huh Psal's Upscopl Chureb, by a party em, or parties whew Umtty, it is eml, ls unkm ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Workingmen's Union and Benevolent Association. in \Vedtiesday. lilt. 1 th. the W\ork itolýIlt'n t nion and Itlt ittvolelt .\s>. jiation hi.i! their ri ular toithlyt mlleet111 il l'vtlithian Iliall, Ro:ltin lu-itjne.' iwas trianaicte'd ald el- tion of officers for the tl -uiin r.ear %iast held. In a very close tcontest, the i-I Surbt iit president, ciha irimanit of relic' comminittee and as·oia it iotn ctilt or aIre re-elected. The oft lit rs for the year are: .lohn Schroder. president .\ug. Ilril. vice president : E. E . llab in. financial .ecretary: W. (G .\itry. recording secretary . '. . I liltebran I. treasurer; Ed toi. i hairnlan ofr relitef cotll itti"e: Ge; . G. llrnnnsanll nll 'rand marshial: I'. (iGauthreaux. sir eantil-at-larmlt-: Ur. I. E. Pollock. ph' sit i ln John A. Itarrett. (:.u,. (;. {ih llrunnls-;I l illl IE. .I. \11t hlI'. ia i i ' t ket'-. Sts. John Social Club. s . 1,1n Sti ial I 'l iof \litrs lelhl their rc:ilahr hi-:iuonhl> mte tiin !'lhir'daly. I ,,ccenlch r itith. ini the l:l't - osin-. rllner ()livitr and I'elican at: ' hue Ilt-:. tilt of ofli irs for the i-tt -uini t year resultted as follow : IK. utsher. Itriident: ('. . S ithetlint I. ra vice prisitlent: I'. lMangiaratnila. se - Sret.l:iry-l reau';li ier: I'(o. I in'rbtrt iatel T '1. It-eatau, trt-tee.: K. Lorio. S. A. i Erou s and I'. .1. l.auman. intail re cIutl Slittee. Thel club hia.i made iian ad re ililtions to its etluipmintlt and tPara iO Itphertrlaia. including a hatndsonme itn he nor I:later-piano. .\ Ititulter of Iew 'ir tllemhrer;; rt ele (ced. alin rout in't - busine-s I ransacted. Division No. 9, A. O. H. - )n. he Iivision No. 9. A. . Hibernianis ch elected the following officers Tuesday le night: e(v. J. A. Petit, spiritual di he rector; F'. II. Killeen. president: W\. J. s Burke. vice president: J. 1.. Hogan. on recording secretary: J. E. ('ollins.l ap. treasurer: P. Doris, sergeant-at-arms: .\. i.. Green. marshal: J. A. Barrett. ar- undertaker; .\. J. Babin. physician. en- Or nlv nat Bolfor You Decide on Your Work tre - SEE Lang & Hidden Rat Proofing Contracting J L. House Raising 112 Illi.ill St. 1113 Atlaltic Ae. was ties 100 Sg. English Slates. for 150,000 Building Bricks rore 25,000 Ft. Ceiling onl 25,000 Ft. T & G Flooring eln 25,000 Ft. Weatherboards ied All Kinds of New andSecond ibe: Hand Building Material Al We Bay Old Building and rom Building Material and APPLY ged. ýsde People's House ex" - tula Wrecking Co. Phone Main 5148 834 JULIA STREET ICE. COAL 10 bbls. Egg and Nut Coal for Gpis- Grate. $-4.00 The 10 bbli. Benlin Lump Coal...... 4.50 was 10 bbls. Iris Lump Coal ............. 5.00 S 10 bbls. Marvel Cahaba Red Ash Coal 5.50 the 10 bbls. Superior Cahaba Red fron Ash Coal .............. - 6.00 nber 10 bbls. Superior Gas Coke ...... 3.75 and Phone Us For Prices on oeral WOOD IN CORD, HALF-CORD OR that CARLOAD LOTS. fol- Ferry Charges Extra. t the SEE Il PAE II PUIE IOS e p- MAIN 2657 ? res SScharfanstsin & Son bling 1121 CLARA ST. NEW OILEAIS city. -30-16 John re of rce. e PETETIN & GOLL >t the state esults Statiffo re, Printera, ore- Binlder, Lithographers In and Looe Leaf ox- Specifirete e A tril ererr is ell we *Lk. crisis GOt er pri0 wo *5n iptt-tO as the rs aso PFhone 5Me 3663 i st. ~ t 2 POYDRAS ST. I WANT TO BUY A PRESENT FOR HER (A Story True To Lifer . irl t' . i tl ' ir . ts 11 ".1 t '\ t i lt' ni ig hil t * tI l 1'. t ' Letnd quickly the Candy B:lre iGood--- it r of all ar ili . , . pr a ;iblv l, t .r : I' t l a i. 1 1 hiih' t1 lht $t . t 1i.i it- dtlaint ineti ' ro-tiItts laI - .. t l. "l . h \ tý rI ... -. - -t`rllt ln"'il .'1y qi -! - It 1 d ml' 1to Ih ni'" - : ti , thi. r. I tuli ,1 a t brilliant andt ,o ltn p r 'h . ' l- ,ll, ,t io n , a l l ,. a u t i : I 1' ,ol- a t 'td I k n ,,w t h ., d,'pt'nlm abbl. ,luality tl all I ,'rchau lui-, Iie . \\ 1 '!ih L .-.ihlt pophp ' ýhhl tt ' iii.' i t' ;mttilltlr 'lt -. t l .t - -t i , l ill I; \ -. 1. I:, I a -n "r, -ht , \\ill h, pl.,a-tad t.\tltl it I ,oalhl i-."t a wtrd t, hI . r al bolt -",1,,.1l.} :l I t;\a ow pra- e"li. I \w t 11ll d er.'.'t hI .r thert,, -.a - ' ii. o! h11. t:t.lm\ n',. thinlg2 t llt \Delicious Fruit Cake Jim muh whilt I Ib,\ea Let the Candy Be Good---It Will Make a Big Difference I'i iit - tll h Ih ' bir i -!n1:- .,i i i ll and \" ht .'- tl ' lhri -' lit' m ot y 111 iii. i Illr t ;tl tl a n atll"'- !tr' Ii-- .1 1 \\ t ,y -..lilty' t,'t-rv .Ia " l' Ih , l '. ll' l ! ' ,lnie al i l !I 't 1., ,t! I'. a il i - it t , ,a ' a l"' HOLMES Delicious Fruit Cake Iu 111111. 11.,11 Ii, e. 40c Per Pound It biiug- t.. r'ealiiat ii) :t ,Il-'o\' lry ! ,.1 't" llt'nt t to. D. H. Holmes Co. Pori., Nw Yrk.., LIMITED .,,.ele* Birlin, L.nden rnd Florence. LAprl 2, 142 S LATE JUST RECEIVED 500 SQUARES OF NO. 1 JACKSON BLUE BANGOR SLATE. GUARANTEED BEST IN THE MARKET. SEE US FOR PRICES BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER BODENGER 157 DELARONDE ST. TELEPHONES ALGIERS 48-9126 Dugan Pianos and Players Are Quality Leaders I, tt,,. l.t... year-. New e lrlean a tii, u .l .. ant h. ern gaUedKa l by the Piano. titugt'' hivrt actrtled the credit tht ithit' Pla i- and t Il. yer, for tteing the best-t t'ach tIi it rersl'ective r tne If yl'tt it tit o Itm ii wii tih 1,,w jt ce;, eaty trmli a, othtr av',it tage" an abihtiti ast r. gin '' I '-t qu i' . t'tu will hte t'o - lli t o slakt soul seletion ,d th ,to .. Tluuu Thaw I.OflI35'W 9124C14 £Y Z CANAL Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET Closing Out This is the Last Season That We Will Handle Fire Works So if you want bargains, we will have them to offer you during the Xmas holidays WE WILL MAKE A Big Reduction in all of this class of goods. Some will be sold less than cost. ETEUPP, Dru ist Bermudz , n-erre t