OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, July 20, 1916, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1916-07-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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T Paid on Deposits of
/0 $1.00 and Upwards
from Date of Each
Entry on Pass Books
We Have:-
Assets $135,000.00
Surplus - 1,700.00
No Real Estate on Hand 0
904 Gravier Street
JAS. J. MALOCHEE, Secretary
A355ti5 of the arra:,l'h, int .coml
d the grand i':i, and dan da
lhves by S. J S. ( "n Saturday,
Si.t at Suburban Park. 1Mt Don
•J, was held or !.t-t \IoltIl; t,.
- the clubrooms, to maket' final
la for the af;tir. .\ comii
- ladies fronm St,. .oh (' hap
S., 0. E. S.. joined tlhe mritting
alsnteered to take charge of the
ts, and juiiltn froll tletir
ccesses this branch of the pi'
sUl be exceptionally vell man
The ladies compos:ntl the comrn
sre: Mrs. Burgeess, Mrs. Good
li Schabel and Mrs. Sutherland
Lalae's Original Iteliant e Band
MIash the music and special ar
will be made for extra car
S The arrangements commit
Thvery well pleased with the prog
dae in the sale of tickets, and
point to a record-breaking
and the committee is leav
0 slome unturned to make it a
smjsgble evening for all.
rNSlar meeting of S. J. S. C.
k heod this Thursday evening,
a unique parade occurred on
ssraning in Algiers, being
" st the delivery automobiles
Lhm Blanche Company.
arade consisted of fifteen de
ssemobiles, and one large pas
car,. a which were seated the
d the shipping dpartment. The
pnade was led by a brass band.
dicipal streets of the town
mared and in the route Mayor
was serenaded, but Chief of
Iaymold's residence could not
on account of bad streets,
Is heavy rains.
IJect of the parade was the
of the inauguration of
Iulat daily service for delivery
IAers. Heretofore Maison
delivered but once a day in
but beginning Friday the day
-i "over the river sale," they
htte two deliveries each
" tlis side of the river, putting
McDonoghville and all the
lg on the west side on the
lad as the city for delivery.
of the satomobiles carried
Ubla read as follows:
Over the River Sale Friday,
Ii.t t ee Ferriage and Free
- the Store." On the other side
Sthe sign read: "We De
Sthe River Twice Hvery
t sale to-morrow will be
l e line as it was last year
"ftl prices are made all over
Is the Algiers people spe
Struasportatlon by ferry
M the store will be furnished
with a membership this
,artis. the G. M. A. Club.
had for boys only between
M 5 5ad 14 years, held its
at the club's present
UM2 Bermuda street.
S .0t osession was from 6
eeaner was elected presi
D tat, vice president,
Selusager, treasurer. A
tllicitation of new mem
S w plpotnted at the next
Warm Weather Is Coming.
- ?ms and Other Lighting Add More
ric Light is Heat Proof
S"': .
Mlonda? c-veninz= at t!ie. 'lthian lHall
on li«rmiuuda :trceet.1 Miss Margaret l i!
e'll was the charming honoree at a
!:rilliantly Beautiful dance tendered ocn
tlith oct .ion of her siateenth birthday
She is the, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter I)ilzll.
I)ainty farors and deli (ios rTefrcTh
mtents, .oftly glowing lights and lovelly
girls of her large coterie of friends.
cowntedl in flet hing dancet froctks. comn
bined to make the event an assem
bla-ce of ýuperc loovclines~s an affair to
be forever remembered as exquisitely
and ideally appropriate.
The chaperons were: nlmes. Cur
ren and Ryan. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
E. Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. Dilzell.
Mr. Walter Durand, in behalf of the
boys and girls of the large guest list,
practically all of whom were present.
tendered a lavalliere, set with pearls
and diamonds, to the fair honoree.
The guests were: Eleanor Richard
son, Florine Grimes. Lillian Curren.
Camille Nelson, Thelma Rooney, Anna
Mae Brechtel. Edna Gerrets, Connie
Madden. Alma Gerrets. Irma Tufts,
Gladys Schroder, Omega lluguet,
Eunice Muntz, Ermine Hopper, Alice
Dilzell, Annette Marie, Claire Keenan,
Bertha Baker, Leah Schroder. Alfreda
Golden. Claire Finley, Albertine Le
court, Edna Schroder, Eloise Lecourt.
Grace Lennox, Camille Spahr, Theresa
Platt, Alva Salathe, Nanette Fabares,
Nettle Horn. Olga MeNeely, Verlin
Brodtman, Ruth Vallette, Mildred Wal
ters, Adriel Lennox, Genevieve llauer,
Eloise Schroder, Mabel George, Emma
George. Eulalia Giblin, Ethel Olroyd,
Mae Chestnutt, Alice Judlin, Ililda
Hantel, Blanche Pollock, Nettle For
rest, Izetta Meyers. Irma \Vardrop.
Rosabelle Garland; Messieurs Noel.
Parmentel, James t;nd Jeff Gerrets.
James Tufts, Wallace McGuire. Warren
Whitmore, Thomas Bucholz. Justin
Pujol, Robert Gallinghous. John
Stassi, Mr. Tokhe. Mr. Sprich, Peter
McGlvney, George Courtney, Roy
Schroder, Walter Durand, Clark Nel
son, Emmet Hotard, Aubrey Bainnie,
Clayton Umbach,'Edwin Harding, .Mike
Donner, William Donner, Pat Burns,
Lewis Nelson, Kirby Barrett, Myt Don
asha, Mark Abbott, John and Dan
Mr. M. J. Rooney, chief clerk to the
Mayor, will shortly begin the construc
tion o a handsome residence to be
located on the corner of Verret and
Eliza streets. The architect's plans
are being prepared for the building,
and it Is stated that the construction
of the lower part of the building will
be entirely of white enamel tile, while
the upper part of the building will be
white stucco, an imitation of stone.
This will be one of the most hand
some residences in our district when
completed. Some of the material for
the new building is already on hand,
and will be delivered shortly at the
Mr. S. A. Eross, who is prominently
connected with the firm of Isadore
Newman & Co., has recently purchased
the Huff residence. on Vallette street,
between Patterson street and Pelicjn
avenue. Mr. Eross will reside there
with his family.
Lefevre, Pel Hurler, Driven from V
Mound.-Jeff Cerrets Pitches a
a Good Game.
t f . James 11. F'inhy.y
Ilitting to eve-ry corner of the tilIdl
dluring nIarly every inninni of an it.n
teristing c'ontest. the Algiers Tigers -
romped to victory o\ .r the l'.-lican
Stars by the onesid,.d s.or,- of I, to :
Yes. Louise,. the I'elicans were hulnt
bled unmercilully by th lir opplonnt1s;
if you are looking for a barc;tiu, I
guesss Ti',.'" I.efe. re will ,be sold a'
(heap as a hag of pe.anouts and a-,out
$ " in ('onfe-de-rat.e ;ills. atter hii
"'.raundl" h to iris of last stlundav.
"Te ," l. ft r.-, pitlching for the. I 'el
cot his troins th'e dtart a dt. !,y tie tiimt,
he . as taken fro" tlt.- hbo, he had
Slost about fie poiUrlds a\ilght. And. l
Leuis.,-. ou sh;ould hs.l-( si',.ut the t.,
fen'et the i'. ]'licans presentted. t
"ould hate. Iut .you ill :ndl of II.
arnless out!ield.r of IDa ', \Villittuis'
tearsu. )ha k in (. 1 lillu ll ltu he..s
re-lieve.d l.ef,-r e, but il as also haitti
h-rt.'d by the Tirers.
The Ti,,er. were a retjuVenat.,d
:h . tlil starred in eve-r\ depart
itltt  f the caml..' while the l'.li, an
Star- Itude a irve rl poor .howwint. fshelt
you consider how hatndlily the.y on t
hll , their last live gaelll s this season.
I.i Th.. 'licans scored one.- run inll their
it a half o(f the lirst framell on three ,ingle,.
I o bY Splitzfade'n. Hardin antd Caialthoune.
latv McC;.lann hit to short anl(d ',as safe'
Irs. on Itardin's error to start thle Tigers'
first. Iefevre, balked, and I mpire 1
cih- Palmer donated Mark Ab.\bolt his irst
clty base. Salathe hit to lIft tieldi and the
uds, bags wtere full. Then the balloon
omn busted, and up went Lefeyre w.hen
ent. Kirk Ab.\bott hit to left for tauo Ia-tes.
r to scoring two runs. ltefore Lefevre
tely realized what had halpplened. thet
Ticers had scored six runs. enough to
fur- cop the game.
Jas. The l'Pelican Stars a \\ill streng'then
up and attempt to come back against
the the Tigers In the rear future.
list, The teams lined up as follows:
ent. Pelican ttars-Lefevre. p.; Spitz
arls faden, c.; Galllnghouse. lb.: '\TVhit
more, 2b.; Trosclair, s. s.; lHardin,
ard- 3b.; Finley, I. f.; ('assabonne. c. f.:
ren, Buckholz, r. f.
nna Algiers Tigers Gerrets, p.: K. Ab
rnle bott, c.; M Abbott. lb; Labit. 2b.; Mc
ifts, Gatnn. s.s .: Salathe. lb.; ('orbett. I. f.:
uet. Sutherland. c. f.; Barkmeier, r. f.
Le- The "W'ooly's" are out for chal
urt, lenges to play any team in the city,
esa whose players are under fourteen
res, years of age. The line-up is as fol
rlin lows: B. Conrad, c.; Charles Fink, p.;
Val- [lave IHaag, I. f.: Ed Schroder. Ltb.: Ed
u-r, Fitcll, .;.: M. Matchett. s. s.; Pete
\ma Wilcox. 1. f.: IR. Moore. c. f.; Emile
oyd, Matchett, r. f.
ilda Send all challenges to Zwickle. 619
For- ,\Atlantic avenue.
rop. -
Scoring 19 to 3 at Viaduct Field
trn Sunday afternoon, the local Tigers
ohn swamped the Pelicans.
Batteries: Tigers--(;errets and Ab
toy bott: Pelican-Lefevre, ilughes and
N- Spitzfaden.
Struck out by Gerrets-13 men. The
lke ~eer willow work of the crack Tiger
batters and fast inflelding of the
Tigers piled up their runs and held
Dan down their opponents.
the Work on the erection of a new steel
bridge by the Union Ferry Company at
be their landing at the head of Olivier
and street, will soon be started. The bridge
ans will be a duplicate of that recently fin
Ished by the company at their landing
tion on the cIty side of the river. The
will bridge consists of two spans measuring
hile 60 feet each, and is sufficiently wide
I be to allow joint use by wagons and pas
senger traffic. According to officials
and- of the company the ferry, Hettle, which
hen was taken away from Algiers following
for the September storm, will soon be
and. Flaced in operation in the Third Dis
the trict business.
EW The Herald is in receipt of a hand
some paper weight made from a piece
ntly of ferro-manganese, the metal which is
lore now used for converting iron into steel.
ised The specimen is exceedingly heavy and
'eet, has all the celors of the rainbow to
Icqn make it attractive. We extend sin
iere cere thanks to Mr. E. E. Babn for the
Remaining at Station A. New Or
leans, La.. Post Office week ending
Thursday, July 20, 1916:
Gentlemen-Willie Butler, N. Chest
nut, Paul Clark, Mr. Donegan, A. It.
Johnson. Enes J. Laudin, Victor Makle.
J. C. Pep-ls. /Dr. Rollins, Anthony Rut
fins, Earl Shoup. Tom Silmon, R.
Springer, L. Toner.
Ladies-Mrs. Ophlia Broussard, Miss
Helen Jewel, Miss Ellen Julian, Mollie
Stas, Mrs. Louise Taylor, Mrs. Lessie
JOS. W. DANIELS, Superintendent,
Station A.
There is a difference between ordi
nary olive oil and good olive oil. The
Italian Beauty Brand is a recognized
standard. 10-oz. bottles, 30c; quart
tins, 90c; gallon tins, $3.50. Always
tall measure .V. 8. Dantonl, 520 Ho.
rnital St.
Gould-O-(n Saturday. July lth, :it
4: 1 o'clock a. ni.. 'Mrs. Ni holas .1. ,
;ould. nee Edna Irene Itenn.-it er_, .]
wa\ - c'iain*.d l y the G;ritll Ite'apr ;and
a. thy, life of thlie youl c iithe, r ..i
!brich- of t,.n month, !. ,, a; l hr "h
t tl,' son ojf a t.ea hours also ;, s. -d
into 1h i. i;reat It.'}onl, i. d -;i . all h.!t
iould bl, don l or th,," ',. T t . ri . o ,- imi
atric-k n huI tv u;l ilt l hll r i i -.T l ! ,t
St he I l. ,pathy Iof his ,n'..y fri.l- i id
Th" d1u- l" here-at:it'!. - in~" t '. a
'rvat b. hi't.iMrs inotult \ ta :urn li .r,-ri
r'- a ti-t -on y y Tiars a it' ir
Th tutm:' ral took ',la, .' SI lac i after -
noonii al oi. n lk p . nIn. 1-tll, l llat. l
i '.siden' -. - of thl' it .h i'a .l. ' I' t l: i't
avenue,.- .r-v Ku iaile of Trir .iti
ttu s'ii t u r.. iU'v. KtI'liii- ,)!' "- f i-i-.ili
'hur h. n of whit dt ', a<i.ld wi s a idv
iout fnnsem r. ofi intin- i at the ~-ri
ice- ai t itlot', at cll 'urtih aut at l th
fal It . ( .rl inedl l tI . ill . lilr hilrt -. h
Trae vinterment niwas i- NI ear ofn th
\i. a' ni ter f ay. Tile p ll aiarers w,ri .
. lir.itnu .ier,. Philip Tiab n. ! l. Thorn
inre. W \r.tei .ti nl I . .Kir'.i a lnt ,nrI
lhe sitd-kn h ,ern tuan, -MIts tinuI to
-urvivs'il by ler ;arient<. it hroth.r and
two sWtors. Tha orae ain r wrk.
,,itli minll y ,eai tiful flor.il otH.rin s.
Giartdino Italph (-;irdn o. it loarut
olars. fIarmerahl asone nill ,known hek
plund ine hiis rou tirmh t fron tnh
utharity h'loit alo, where h w hair hein/
trk ated for tyarlid feveort ear. i he ha
The fev her is said of have elousas
uthe up-kef e of th alneutralh ground:n
iways urkept the inflowers and grass in afoot
fall co -ustained whilt don. irio
The youne dean was 2 \ ars of irat
and ntiv of Italy frient had ras he did
not ae for fiveto ear. Taili funerng at all. Took
evening bfhor his e rpasid'ne into ath
tersonl street. lnte(rl .in nt was in NI1
I )onopgll ill' ('eo ietery.
Weber On Thursday. July 1::th.
d;reath llnd e as ou on ldhist andfront
best-klr.own German is survtived his wifen th
three son o Fritz e and r. is ber
Mr. eber twoas lttorn in Brunswick.orne.
Ger..rmand r. seventy-ven ars auo, n.
had reided hfu ere for the past lifty-tive
years. eeased Olouas wavell known her
and nasie his retirement froe al thee
Southern Vathifc Company, where he
worked for nearly forty years, he has
been at the head of the pelousas on
thenue alommissionur and chl arge ofI1
the up-kee of thre neutral ground. the
took great pride in his to dr, and al
.ways kept the flowers and grass in atr
beautiful condition.
Mr. ths way.eber's death was a greadout.
shockwever, this matheny friends as he did
wnot appear to be aicoling at all. The
evening befor ows the passed into the
pGreat Beyond, he was out on his front
aler. permaet is survived by his wife.
three sons. Pvarious and Chris Weber
and two daughters. Mrs. Felix Borne.
Jr.. and Mrs. lengtharles varahon.
The funeral took place Friday eve
ning at 2:3e o'clo s a calm m late resi
dencet. 15 Opelousas avenue. Inter
ment was In St. Vincent de Paul geme
n Lines on the Palms of Handme and.
It cannot be said that the lines on
the palms of our hands are of ahen
great service to onus Indeedde with ht is doubt
ful f theyard was are of any value in them
selves, outside of the a mirssble anid they
may be nlook at helping us to determusualine theow
Swhich wever, he grasp or touok matters philosophically.
b"e that they aid n some slighty and delibgreer
hairn this way. There is lIlle doubt.
Ouhowever, thairt they are a result of the.
work the handsfirst free school estant4y callshed in
thpon tnlteo do rStather thas n contrived forvince
ofany particular setts Bay rvice. The ehabitur 11
teny ordeny of the fingeneral colonial courtand
witholdin thegs thrown having fifty housee
holders nder penalty of ahese lines orf 25.
tais fiand length andoubled by a declarations s the
chier basis of, 'ile" i the so caller.d science of
A Tt of Philoa'aophy.m."
upset. On one occasion, as his motor-ry heavy soldler
"car had come to a sudde on stop, heway
hmcrawled underneath andt to sey've whagot wa
the matter.n
nited. A erce burst of flame andl.
i rcismoke camore forthan, envelopything Slowbet
Sater. I the midst of thor-e exitemr plent he
walk of money to one side with .sual slow
In aln "f-li rt oI i;:. r. ,1 , i . . I
rlsl . 11 ' ,l 2. "lt a t - r : t :. '.
S,:tr IT.r if t, ,,, t .. S. .i" ':+. ! t, .t
:ir ft. I irt t dll !t, iltt r lt lp tt i -,
'ril k Klllt ienl i t a, . at. f r. i .' 1
isr-,, 1241, " fi 'l K int. tlt- t \ .
tp4-llrty of Mlci. Ed StItoltigt. t.citt-r tl
I'lian ant Se:guin f ta 1.r 1 P .at iilt
r- rs. I 't . l Itro In at a st.il; t. i,
r\'illia t r.lo It ali . t a n trl f!. ort . l is L
1\1t Ii 1 iflt* ' tI l in it r .t r V l lf iti 'r ) t1 t .l l
,uta:r 101,tt r : It . - 4 if) t\ i," 'tH --r t1 " , -
i.rstra,'t, Nl,, . rT. N,
\i ri . (. .l.: t l tIl th ,i i" \t? hr 'it ti a
I,.is,. t rriely..n \ .orett is SI" .11.. ri b' i
I !louna, la "guest of Mrs. w. ond. I.
crt. ulon , i'orbt i- left .d1tday for. a"ft
\!rI. 1 '. J. lorristt n :t itl tlauhte'I . 1"r
lamist anwt gk rand St. I.a ter. Fpiar n-t
nSkely. Soidne Olroyd anti t lton ('or
hett,s left Sunday for hion Bruiali (
anyMr. and ovrs. iall. adll is . -air
istor s to oalkport. La., last k.
rhe guest. (of. Mthe former- and ite. Str.
Mlaire left 'a li"ls was a visoritor ta
tri E. Y( hiuratich olf Plit aointsu
Frank Killeen. ontraBtor. is ut r
I'iie nlg xt-a-sit ('inr(ll, till s n11 th'
propelrty of \Mrs. EIid cihmidt, i orle\t
'elit an and Seguin sjtm.s, ( cllpied
by .Mrs. Iy. I ron asF a stae. who
William Montgomery. (ontracitor. is ki
haompletinn ilpro guests of 1r.n Mrs.
.art pr. pert., 4 for to :t few montrsn hs.
str. Ark.
Mrs. C. Ca t of Broad street is a
gu.st at thet home of her mother. Mrs. n1
II. It. hardy. : B:1., termuda street.
Miss Evelyn C'orett is suendring
at !louil a, a guest of Mrs. W. Bond. r
Mr. retuon Corbet left Sunday for a to
few days' visit t Long timeath Miss.
Mrs. J .P. Tierny of Coa vington.r toa..
is visiting her brother. T. G. liar es.
iln rlian lat week.
Mrs. Willia. J. Morrison and daughterlan
Mamie, and granddaughter. Fl-ioren.e
Skelly, Sidney Olroyd andt Flton nor
bett, left Sunday for Long Beahish tomany
spend awhile.s.
Mr. and Mrs. IAen J. Williams want daughtere
visitors to Lockport. La. last wek.ois
the guests of the former's sister.
Miss M. Phillips was a visitor to `l
hiss E. Yuratich of Pelit an avenue
Sunday. They returned to y
The Once-a-ldeonth lSolarub will meedsot niet
the hoene of Mrs. Ily. Acker nextt
Wednesday at 7:30 it. m.
Miss Cora Swift is spending awhile
with Mrs. AW.. Le Baucum of Gulfporteie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred siseater, whoMiss
have been the guests of daughter. and rs
J.of . exalter for the past few months. I
left esterday for their home in rog
VerretMiss Marvel Waltna, s undergo is spending om
ahile at Sour Lake, Tex.
IMr. Toni Rauskoonyb and daughtero
Eleanords returned Suonday for a vacation trip i,
SMr. and Mrs. J.y. Clark was lefa visitor toues
day foMr. William Comiskeym, of 607 Altr lan
mary, much to thewill residgret of his many in Amsvil.
Mr. and rs. J. R. Allen anSmi. daughterof
Tce reMaude, came in from Bay St. fouisr a
M visits Elde Solar, of Donaldsonvile,
s spending st is comple weeks with her aunt.
arae for Mrs. A. J. LeBlanc, 56 Beleville
I stret.
after a fortnight's iller and sister, Miss
Madeliturne, and little onda ughafter, Elgin,
iof Texas City, arel visit guestsing her mother,. c
)Mrs. J. oansen, at 537 BellevTecllhe street. (
'IThe store of A. Gayaut, corner of er of
plete remodeling and hand streets, former im
Mr. and by Mr. E.red WeAurth.gman and chil
took management Saturday.
itook management Saturday.
Algerines at Law.
C 0 str, t ' r
W 119 Prc oated.
M1 r \\ ,.
First City Court.
Conventional M ortayre
bil: 1" 11 1 ( tl' h a \ . it -! N,
Real Estate Transfers.
il l il I .y . r . i , , - * i .-I-' rF ! ,
.I , ,h It nr I, 1 - 1 ,
SI' l hr..t n it .
M r- Mlary V. 1i, r iIr i tr ;.r l:a, i
n.\m cr , an ttli .- tis . i,t. : lih,1,l!.
IT ,che'z . uiil. i ll ,n e I', !! i . -
1-ll ct Nriior.
i r. \'iii. t '. Ih ,th. it -. i ai
sireet.. is r tl upi Iatlnll train an1 illn ."
of soime weeks.
.\ comjillantoie lly .ltunlior i ,tllnr
larlton. aM .ssr. . I' I. l.on . \V. It PI r
kils. I. It. WoVndt and oth,,rs identitili i,
with the work, the rlivtr surve: force
leaves to-day for a trip up aovi
Natchez. M1iss.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. Mlartinl'z oin Molltiday
moved front 71 l llieo villhe -treet tl o i -)r,
side at Si'2 )pelousas.
-lisses ()dette Iluras and Aline Sevin
returned home Sunday from a delighti
tuil stay at Lockport. La.
Mrs. Lynch of Baton ltou':e. I, a
guest of Mrs. Bull on lellevhille street.
Mrs. S. Frisele of 704 Slidell ave
nue presented her husband with a
baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Cartuso of 1:,It Sum
ner street are receiving concratula
tions on the arrival of a baby boy.
I. L. ('ornish is expel teid here the
latter part of the' w'.t -k.
Rev. I. M. llrown i-pent \Wediledtay
at Itiloxi.
Kent (hristy. I'. Maneiaracino and
.1. E. iuckins spent Stunday at Irish
layou. iMr. Christy remained there
for several days.
The Zuzu Soc ial I'lub Is reorganized.
tGot your huttons.
31r. .1. Creighton Mathewea,. tor
nierly of Algiers, where he has hosts
of good friends, is now in charge of
Glad Oak hotel. on the Gulf coast.
Misses Mazy and Juanita McNeely
left last evening for Ocean Springs,.
where they will enjoy a eacation of
several weeks.
Catholic Ladies' lenevolent Ass'.
'iation vill meet to-night (Thursday)
at the residence of Mrs. Ily. Brown.
corner Seguin and Pelican All mem
iters are requested to be present, as
business of importance will take
Pr. V. L. Lowe anti family returned
last evening, after spending part of
the heated term at lay St. Louis, the
guests of his sister and brother-in
law. Mr. and .1rs. Vallery liarras.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Russo left for a
visit over the Gulf coast.
Itoy Quinn left for Patterson. L.a.. to
accept a position with thle M. and O.
Railway Company.
Mrs. S. C. Oswald and children re
turned from Iay St. Louis. after two
weeks' stay.
Miss Alice Hiolton. who was the
guest of Miss Orlean Allen. Bay St.
Louis, Miss., returned home.
Frank Lecourt. .Jr.. is spending two
weeks' vacation at his summer home.
Bay St. Louis.
Mnrs. Pred Lecourt and daughter,
Lucille, are spending two weeks at
Salatle's Villa.
Benjamin ltintz underwent an oper
ation on the knee at the Touro, and hi
rapidly improving.
('apt. John N. MeNeely. who recent
ly arrived frotm (ovington, l.a.. left
on a business trip to Mobile, Ala.
Capt. Charles Clas.n is spendinc
two weeks' vac ation at Bay St. Louis
with his fanmily, who are summering
Miss Mary Sullivan orf Memphi.
Tenn., was in Al'elrs a few days, the
uust of Mrs. Ada .11eNeely. aft'.r
which she left for Covington. L.a . t,.
be the guest of Annie Louise M,
Mrs. Erwin Salathe and two a0:.
left Sunday for Eunice, L.a., t)o ,o
gone a month, the guest of he.r sister.
Mrs. ('arl Millor.
Miss Hannah A.lbrrelt and Samuel
Hardini, Jr.. let Sunday for E.,nit .
La., the gue-t of Mrs. 'arl Miller for
two montths.
Mrs. P. Martinoz is authorized to
collect for the benefit of St. Anthony's
Chapel, lower coast. Algiers. Dona
tions from 10 cents up will be grate.
fully received.
day from her summer home. Bay St.
Louis, after one week's stay.
m - - " "
: 11 ' I I h . , ..
, r.
I - r .I
t i " .,. tr i r, t ' i . ,
io r. Il r:T -
Is Most Important
When You need it
It tak.s .\prt nln to i. n,
pli . this rttsult
\'. halt' i.h- . Ilr i4-i e'i a4to
I Ol'ur i" ro is l. in thi- i irtill-'t i
of di.nti.sitry. \V \ "h t' ru t I ,
il st inl urt. t olr it ii l t " ti hl
:an Wntt hern mid .ft .e\,rt,
(ºur ri. ar." Jior ",\trl i oI,>
O l"r iprh , air.. fm- i,\o r tii nl
\Vtih nitrous i,\id, anil o\y
getii, 1 toil
\Vlth local ani/iu. tii
No l ari.-s for '.xtra tion
whti l . ts ,of t<,.,th ar , oirdsi-r,.,l .
Gold crowns and bridge work
$4.00 per tooth.
Sets of teeth $5.00 up.
It.{ ul'itini -at I I the pri
Iiu uailly a.ke"d t, Slp,,,ialists.
Union Dental Co., Ltd.
Established in 1899.
Mrs. Jos. I'. Ski Ily. Miss .\lic'" Iil
zell. hfamn ('rozat and ltayniond IictIh
ards l'-ft yesterday mnorning for l.ong
Ilhtauch to slpend alhile'.
.ittle' Margaret lF'in"l'y left 'Sundaliv
for Hlay St. Louis to spenditl awbhile withl
Mrs. T. M.. Giblin and family.
Mrs. Tierney is spending soni." tliimet
in Galveston, Tex.
.Mrs. ly. Brown and children ari'
sDpending awhile in Ilamuniond. tllhi
guestsIl of Mrs. Samlson.
Miss Viola Giardano o(f Irontoln. l.a..
was a visitor here Sunday.
"'Fun in tl I'hototgralphers I ;al
hIry" is thi' title of an iinterestiing
play which was priesented in a pluals
ing manner Iy yoiuigK pa'opli, of thi'
Algiers Ml'!thodist Episcojal ('hurcli.
Tuesday night. Ti' play as r'
'peated \We'dnresday at thie a hurlh Iby
Miss Loretta Shook, aa't ;iripilnii'ad
bly her nic<.!, I- ois Graivois. Ilft vyt.
t.rdaly flior a visit to Iliart,,asa, Park.
Mr. L. F. (;isch rrturned Mondlay
from Illloxl, whetrn his wifi' is spe-nda
ilg sormn w.'eks.
Mrs. E. Jones and daughtir. The!
ma, have returned from Hlogalusa.
J. Gerald was a visitor to M.iss ()r
lean Allen Sunday at Ilay Ht. LI.II
Mr. and Mrs. ('ulver ari' -p,.nI
inig a week at MadlisonvIll. I.:L.
Miss Ililda Hinti z I wa" t,,II' ui' '. if
her sister. Mrs. l('apt ) W. i. II ;j'-r
at Bilo- i f(,r a f,,w 'lav lIast ;',vk.
Mr. ain l .1ir-. A. . Ita tt ahl , l!I
Idr. n 'aill l,,v,, shrtly for .1 '":i line;
ir,,v .-. I- r.? Ilo.t - t .Mpi lil
' a '.+ , \ il,,.
1 - nI,-i iv'- , it n ,iia g d-M-i
a'trelt : " IIivf o.'r I,. at Tirps l lo '- " I1hr.b
vI I. ha y. l.-" ri -ht I'- It ali. ( f
tm.- l'Ei:'t -n-y Br.,. . t
of r. II W . a.,it, I -: A .r,,tJ n;
ty r1re . .r,,:ir . piatzfadv r. ee g. iv
ilnce ih ]' , , . I ji9 Mq onot fil,..
inr theJ gd(.ts.

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