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THE HERALD. Devoted to the Upbuilding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newsm aper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. - . _. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1017. No. . yOL, XXIV.- --- ______ NewDressFabrics nite rouDds a 50c a lteabl r f "JIr : " laches i vrb dt shite r.und i 79C A inches tide. I p li, pe0r 'a - B rantiful (" c'· : ". ,onds il,,, IV ii: . , ).int: loa ' 79c 3 lhrbes w id .- . . 2 c 0st shi s i he . i! ,' a tan. ground 50 le: 2r.75inukc€f0 3 laches wide' 44r'nhlt' In1.2 y lard i,'' , ' '.1' ,. -d orine 2.00 Sinches wi i'. ir " , . pay ytin, 1... nh U:" 25c w a yrd V ed stripes and : I scb aid. ,.rl ........5C ----- - GREATEST STORE SOUTH EAl - -3c, 4c, 5c, 6c Loaf . 0* Sc loaf r as large as the regular ; loaf. ur Sc loaf is as large as the regular toc loaf. BR EAD For the Grocery Trade lake the Very Best BR E I) one comes to us for EA a924 Teche St. Plone Algiers 199 { 'ancxl Fine Cakes and Confections To Borrow Money To Invest Money IN SMALL AMOUNTS THE MORRIS PLAN s Plan Bank of New Orleans, Inc. Capital $200,000.00 Orce Hoar.-8:30 A. M. to 4 P. M. TVRDAY MONDAY s 3:00 P. M. 6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. VIER STREET, NEW ORLEANS Your Abe requirements may extraction of a oa teeth. Our Bridae -Never-Fall" Plates f it and they last a d·e by the best den land-matured, expe st neats. Our prices my other dentist when Se only the very Sasry can buy. ANr1 SUNDAYS mm $4 la ý 1 ,. 50c ,50c Filling Sp S-Dental Co. EHouse, I Agency, bAe of FORD Accessories, holine. I ellI.TV F. I.S. ktnit U.l1 F.I.I. etrit T, R HER SLOUlUIAANA * VEAL, JUST RECEIVED Line of VLENTIIINES Broussard's Drug Store Cyrus Broussard, Prop. Cor. Belleville and Pelican Ave. Phone Algiers 9120, Algiers, La. S"THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" Special For TMis Week: SPARE RIBS. 15e a Ilb Just Opened . .. CORNED PORK. 2 I lb. Sliced. Delici ... 2 SCHIMMEL'S 10C a Large SALAD DRESSING .. Bottle PEANUT BUTTER. flia Fine for Sandwich ,i es. . Glas LOG CABIN 5 "cabin" MAPLE SYRUP. 25e *"CI a Jdohn Kllinkenper Co., Ltd. Alix and Verret Streets PHONE ALGIERS 266 Miss S.Palmer FASNIOLABLE ILLUIERY b8 te to e Ladie of AllgerS Prneed kanr, 85 ve $1.50_O Veihet lah, $5 alue. . $1.50 ONE BAT TO A LADY 121 CAMP STREET, Phone 4419, w.o. Se***d Fleer MONEY TO LOAN Largest and meet up-to-date PAWN BROKER Be the seeth Will Lead Money at the Lowest Rate of Interest In the City. Bargains in UNIDEEMED DIAMONDS riAU ADP JEWIIW.,L , ,, ,,,,,, LOCAL STOCK COMPANY li FOR FERRIES i.' 1 A. . 1 ... o s.. : t I' - -' " l 'r,,fit t S ltti, t Illy F ' I" r \ - tt. l. LETTER` FROM " HE PtOPL'.t: AN OLD NEW CONTRACTOR. I ,in r il , I I Oti .. t . t ih e . i 11. piei ". iei a atin and h h .io in heto Iuid l ine f : , terin id"l\. th: rec 111 ,.i. lhgi: nti nr the utcting busifes M .? in"trl dc tio n t n tih .l 'r ",'i . i H, i a ' ati\l h-r : " Ip 1n ino . tp tud inh businls for to I tr.n Bears. hasi een the rceular builc 1 thi,4s imi f," somey tim but only re- ,t, ing an'd c i ntractin- businessi. Ir, . of furnishin e plns mnd pr incatiue and to h o build ne oss s on the .IInt 'I without' B. Bth:t t Mr. Boe 1wn w1' ly inetallmdnt lsn w lhen . e ,suil ,:,r 3 has a lot upon rhich to build a houae. c .1r. Brown has ber onte-mplatinre. iben thisn tl business in Alfer. It or . t heel in ithe pIast. EMPLOYEES WANTED AT NAVAL, STATION. Fo'r th contetience oif l . ch:niti s and helpers examinlations untler th. e usual cn ndiitions will he helld h at this ' station beginning on Iarch 1, 11 7. or remployees in the . ollowing trades and occulpations. a shortage of whi hi eXists at the prest nt time: Trades: Boilermlakers. chippers :en calkeirs. iron, coppersmiths. drillers. alntatrnmakrers rin ers. riveters. ship fi ttersF. iths. Occupations: hreler, c boilermaker: hellier, molder he lpr. painter; hneller. sheetnmetal worker: helper, smith. plications should be filled out and fibed in the oftice of the Labor Boar. at this station, not later than the e. Ilose of workin hours on Pebruar Thes necessary appelication blank . :" the Labor noard. Naval Station. or Room e;::p yusitm Mhouse. New (t r leans. L a. exis at the pest. FLAG RAISINC Algiers observed "oniversal Flat raising Bay" 1ednesday. when at 1 oclock the Stars and Stripes were flung to the breeze in front of the court house ion. Morgan street with al tropriate exercises. Judn e Marcin S. feahoney was in charge of the ar rangements. The school children andw I their teachers sang "The Star-Spanf-i led Banner" as little Flossy Reynolds and Master Louis Mahoney raised "Old Glory" to the top of the mast. The following acted as a commit tee: J:udge M. S. Mahoney. Judger Thomas F. Maher. Judge T. P. Goff. .1 icthluskey. E. Grimes, Jas. Forrest er. John Sprada. G Kobolt. .Miss A.: ;M. Hlarte. Miss Lizzie Kelly. .lMiss Ca ileggett, Miss Serena Seele. Sergt Seelhorst, .iules Bodenger. I. A. Jan sen. J. P. n ezien. F. C. Duvic, Louis P Zinc. DEMONSTRATION OF WORK. A splendid demonstration of the work being done by the gymnasium classes of the Y. W'. C. A. was given in Newcomb assembly hall Thursday night. Tlft place was crowded with the friends of the association and the gym girls. The program included national and I folk songs and dances, the nations represented being England, Bohemia, Holland. France, Spain, Sweden, Rus lsta. Irelnd and America. Among those takltng pt were Miases Ruth Pettigraoe and May Strasel in the Swedish em English dances; and Misses Perl t SchwaSgenobch and Lo-n is Gravals tr the Holland dance. Mrs. Maner Haggsty was the ac-o Scomp lsab. I 1 SPERSONALS ii SAND OTHERWISE - i.. ,1 " ,, . . ..' , 1 ill I. .• "h* r , 1. 0. : . . \ i . : "j ,: 1 , . , \ ;. . ('"" -' I ill I.. h 1 l i t th* h in ! . '.: ' Th. S.fial S. nijir -1. ht J lul " thi- as k a. the huin -t' \1" a, \lrs. T. . Itu hl . Th" u" , Ilayrt n N"tre Mr. C ri. B ;il-* "t1 nd :r- .1. I'. ola -. ,r. r \. A \.1 1 anti Mr- i Ma1n. nt. pua? ie t"- 1Mr and Mr it. . hi. thi i :e r '-ld -h Io nsL . ion Mr and M . . 11 Itrh w l4te etll a n il r ban ! the ld . t\- " meetin. . The T'riiea Moiht Euchre ('lt at 1,The ,cssful play er.s were \'lar ria Rich. .)ds. Mrs. 113 .' ket. is L. ('urrn and Mrs. A. Graf. Mrs B. Nbeson received the consolation. The next meeting will be held at th"m home of .rs. hI. Nelson. The T 'ride a Month Club inet lat the hmie of Mrs. lG. Pollo 'rk The she succssful playelars werse Mrs. o - d'lahia Xi(. dls. o rs. has A.rmkd . i.h i.. ('urrt.n and rs. Ae. ;ra. rE. J. ot.he rece ived the co nsnsoltion. The nhext n t einet will e he heat tho home of ,)frs. Gr. Ta. l son. The Thursday Euchre C('lub mit lat week at the of me. (;. lMrs. Ck. Th. u(The scsfl prsful plaers were .(',.ne C.h and rft. a .Mrs.Mn. .Lewis re. J. ed othe c onsolation. Mrs. .1i. Thor oxn will enterta i at the next n:h,t ll The Ladies Thursday Afternlub m las eike hdt the home olub rs. -'. ntrisih.l by Mrs. K. rVallier las t week. The ned the conola The next meti. r willv .n llett entertin at th. ne nti Theia is visitin his parents Mr. and Mrs. . ii. aNelson of 2;s Vallette Sth A consulation. monthly meet in of theill be helday night at the home of rs. F. Iss Mrs.ohi Miller oss of bSan .\tonio. Tewas indulged in untival ra late hour. The nexbrother-etin-la will r.e held at the home tltrmae in Seurum street. Ilastor INa. tonrk for tofe Trans-Mis-l hia Ispp Termiitin alis omparny at esr. t-nd ers. \.as shot in ofthe left shoulder t bA Leaulander Thonhlassie mwatinan of the \dnthe same place. Sunday night. Theof is men eSol.hire illr kyafterkin. it is said andi porthe shoo'.ning was purely an accident. re frNo chargens havee served and e.lancin Mras induled until a late hour. Th lantic Avmetin ill e haveld at the of their ifmany friends (;ladin the loss of their baby un son Herman SEdwain street. The Matrons Club met atin the left shomulder tof Mrs. C. Fisch. Sunda niThe successful. The playmen were skMlars. .it is saids, andMrs. Hy. Brown. and Mrs. S. Brooks of .\t play bel recei Ave hd\ the consolympathy of theirs son looormaen Edwill entertain at the. The Mteertns Club met at the hmg. Mrs. Jo('. FrKoenig and children ofu IaBoyce are here for carnival'. J. MrLeis. Koe-Mrs. H.nig will join them S aturday. inThe many friends of EdM. F. Borne of Opelousas Avreceivede will be gconsolad to learns. .ent illness and able to bera at agtheain Mrs. Jo. BarrKoenig and childrt Bend, La aorriv are here last week to spend car. Koe Mrs. Muill join them Saturday.s been the guesThe many friends of Ed. J. KiBorne rethat he homas recovered from his rs Mucent ihollness and able to be out as Miss Emmain. ThoMrs. J. Barrios of Jesuit Bend, La. where she arrived here last .ee to spend car Ao Seumon st enjoyable ride was givenMrs. Sunday hollattero who has been thejol returned home last Thursday. Mrspen. paiunholland were Missewas EulMa EmmJudlin, Blancshe attended Tut and Sidon ia Satherland; Messrs. Albert Nelson Marcel Druvic and Ernest Vetien. (Contimed am Pag 12) FOH ALL THE FAMILYi S' .. . MR. COL'GET MAES IMPPOVE ME T . . . . ." . ; . . . . . . ... .T I-" T - h .: I i. , , , , . , , , -1 rn . -lptr nt r-ui Sils- arn e : h ie r Sunlae Lh.:i ns n " , . i n, h nr i. , ..I .iss i A. I.. i "cNt .:lr "1 i-- ' --i in a blue JPtian hi:lona . thr-w a Japanese pral ,. t 4 hih th pr', , nts wer'ie tie ".. The r i,.i .. e , -t re, ie ~ 'i l when ,l ('il enterilled the roomth cakiss Carrie tli. r played Loheunt - rin- in iter pdi march and k. iss .nn iton. the dl. I and isn a blue Jaan' on tnll the thid"le t. Thoc arese and cake were serveds o :nd. Katie iss Donnell ornut thlil cake. MElis Golden. rmGolden found th lcon.l tlhe dime, and tr. iss Nellie roo-r. Donnellt' nnel!. 'arnthe thimble. \an Ii·. I . -,ahller. t arnirthn lanldt rlinslen.. . Tho ihe present were Miss Novarrt adlrha t Katier. )itd e laih. Corneliar urts and a Anni e L. McNeely. Alfred I - andhor. ise Golden. lirma Td fton. Leah nrrt. inoa Ilernnp:. Nifhy caoknier. (.a and Irma S;hre. rae enoise Schroditiner. Nellie C'(onnnell and rreinle a er. o FIRST M ASKED B ALL. Thel'a Johnson. s rnion liarrett. ebruary th. ker. Georgtte ailhs. aer who ides chairman of th con. Mittle. ha arrangerment for the affair. It goes ithorst, Hilda adthat theMildre will be a nlrt. Nova D'onncll. Nibby I\'nner. (. 1lare crowd rescnt to Initiate then he new uilinga tnd the dance hall. Be I- sides the danle hall the other nea aures will also be that of fancy dress beeaniu clalio wearing apparel. Ah fine r the \oasion. tnir n d ELECT DELEGATES, AcAt the meeting of Orange Camp Nero. r. y 0. W. held Tueday night. ithout sayfollowing delegthates there will be acted tolarge crowd present the campo initiateat the conven tion to huieing tnheld inthe dance hall. Be-i idBarretts the dance hall the other ea ures willere also be that of fancy dresstwo and calico wearing apparel. . fine Slland of music has been engaged forvices Sthe occaSunday Morning. At the meebrating of the Orange Campn niversar. W. O. W. held Tuesday night.hias ill the following delegates were electeday. to represent the auspices ofat the grand lodgen tofficers of tbe held state in thNew Iberia inPres SW.tran Church. TheC. J. DRev. Gerretts. . CoBerthauton, pastor. w Smith and Jno. A dBarrett After the leadership of Professor Henrle- i . gates, tihere was alsoc s initiation, twoed. -e aWll resAttident grand Special Church lodge oficers wviceth Nexthe past grSund chancelly Mors wning.ll ct as .sThe a receptionlebration of the fifty-third angesi y niversary of the Knights nof Pythias t e will be held delegat 11 a. m. next Sunday.tes. I-under the anspreme domain arthe cegrand lodgebrat officers ofl the state in the First Prvies - der the 70,000leadership of Professor Henri ,teGrand Chancellor Shelby Tin praylor foand pseas amongst the warring nationl Sa conttalned peace in our own Isad. For the Brilliant Social Events Evening Gowns 25.00 and 35.00 Spring Coats 2,.50, 35.00 Women's Blouses D. H. Holmes Co. Pr.i New Yor :E e..abl,sh"d Berlin. London and Flornce. Arr' 2, I,42 IMason & Hiamtlin tt Piantt Succssr to CablePn C o.~l 912-914 UZI7It E ECANAL Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET Strane r withint our ates. a i: any N a I )rl:,ans lhoust if,, vvher, shy buys hoer rocori's. Of to rse there are many good groceries to choose fromi. lu we are sure she will nanm( SO LARI'S FIRST. Solari's has a reputation (of 72 :ears of merchandising behind it. a reputation that we are proud of and one that ,we U'' t1OL1 every day. No unworthy (commodity has a place on our shelves: in fact, you may purchase with your oeys blindlolided here. with the ame certainty of obtaining ah solute satisfaction. So1ari's Diphtheria Reduction in Prices of ANTITOXI N We desire to announce a reduction in Prices of Diphtheria Antitoxins as Follows: 3,000 Units, $1.50 MULFDS ,000 Units, $2.00 10,000 Units, $4.00 20,000 Units, $7.50 E;FRIJUPP, Druggist Berruda, Ewai. &aerret th Pianos, Player-Pianos, Talking Machines All standard makes, each priced strictly to quality, in such wide rage of selection that we can satisfy nay demand and at the same time abe lutely guarantee the fullest satlsfac tian. JUST GLANCE OVER THE LIST ENABE AND EMERSON ANGELUS PLAYER PIANOS HALLET & DAVIS AND CONWAY VIRTUOLA PLAYERS EMERSON DE LUXE AND AMPLICO PLAYERS LEXINGTON BOWIN AND 5IILEX PLAYERS PATHE-PRERES IATHOPONRE COLUMBIA 0RAFOEOLAS SOLOPHONES, 3.4-N-O ORA PHONES TALKING MACHINI RECORDS MUSIC ROLLS J.PSimmons Pian Co.,Inc. "The Progressiv Piano Store" 933 Canal St. Audubon Building