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HARRIS' Ice Cream The Cream of Quality Made from the Finest Products Obtainable. 1300 Dryades St. Phone Jackson 1080-1081 144ý m, BI)TT.\l ý. 1 \.YS IN A BOX OF superb Candies i very Layer s in a Separate ;ray and the Same De licious Candies From the First to the Last Piece IN GOOD OLD NEW ORLEANS CU8ACH'S DRUG STORE Canal treet Agent. Our Customers soon And that our Laundry WeI ColAr, Shr I U I OArCutomer soon find that our laundry Swork has reached a degree of S III a under I Collars, Cuffs and Shirts in a : waM that infures your satisfac American, Sadry LO.I ,ORT.I enO. I ManDufacturs om f LUMBER AND t Sonp k of Fe Dry Cyprofo LIuuh (Opposite New OFleans) i for ethe Ciasle Addres s o: i, S h "Cyproess" OF JNO. . .PARKER CO. t he month of Febaari in the year of our Lord One thousand Nine hundred and Seo. States of America the One Hundred and For. ty-fia Before me, Carles F. Fletchin e, notary a-nd in the presence ef witaesses hereinafter pa[ities as P oresident and Secretary of Jn laws of the Louisiana, by At ; m~ ..~oln C in the mrigm e le -I f-. dsasd tat at al rela ofteeeeede 13. t fart- r ",. T':,TI a" "t e ? " e ,t-, said -.. . ,. .,: N.·t ,I-' u:-a .. 1, :,e IndId st ..I . .\ " .- : : e par v:i", ' f h tt ne f le. - p-ect .r tc1 eanl,-:ed at t .. .. 1 " , ,l ab d a: : nd lI , butl i.9 - . T ; , i .a tL t l 'r , L n e s l u ra h d t . , i ,. , I i . , 1 " ' " 1 T h , u ~ a t- l lth , a1 , d iv i d e d 9'.o . n t A o . t . ," L. - a .-. . , t o ,er :t . e , : c 1, . . . :, - a I :. o:d . k \t m.- -. -, l . I, ,, he v ' NA'r AN D, ,:n h le pr ,, -C ':l I a nd the v te forty i r .... .m ;i . .. Arthu !. Le:p:old a Ja. "nu ' f. I9s . Itt, on t '. , l. . ty of Ne r l . , "ot ish - ii :: , :'n itl re, ' . ar, iLnr te :i 'i i l"f the ite-:e Sforty-first. I . t. n ,tiur t Ie pii a, el. iC an: ' if :u . .itY , N : i:' . ..A. s. pArI'sh .i t.-n. t erein resii, atid It t r e, . . ,.. t ... it . R .e named and undternlgred. ler'ontlly catle and The severlal perstits wht-c names are here unto stohbsrihed. who severally declared that availing then elve . oi the laws of the Sta e of Iuisiana. Cu itch ca-es nade and prn vided. they do, by these presents. f.rm themselves into a corporation under the Iol lowing stipulations. Article I.--The ntitie of this corporati-in shall he the Shell Beach LAnd & Iprov.· ttent Co,.pany. Inc.. iy whh niae said cor pnramion -ht.ilt hive au-I e-uov corporate ex ,I"ence attd , : cce t i ir :he t:rm of ninety nine iii years, front attil after the date hereO. tlC! . sine- •di ilved according to law; and tn dlniii!e shall CCe in the city of New Orctans It shall have power to contract, sue and he sue-I. to titake and use a corporate seal. and the sa, e to break and alter at tleasure; to hold. receive, lease. purchase, sell and convey, as well as mort gage anuI lhypothecate. un er its crlprate name, property both real and personal; to Iorrow m oney ani lend m ney. to give and receive securities therefor: to name and appoint such managers, directors and officers as the titerest and convenience of said nrporat ain may reqiure tP make and estab lish such ,by-law,. rules aid -egtlations as may be nucessary and proper, and the same to alter and anttise at pleasure Article I1.-All citations and other legal process shall ie served on the president of said corporatiot. and in case of his absence upon the vice-presdent, or the secre:tary treasurer thereof. Article Il.--The otects and purposes for which this corporation is formed are de clared to he. the ISuyieg, developin. improv ing and selling of real estate or other x ert'y builitigs, and reclamations on iand, and to own, maintain and operate hotels, amusements ani pleasure enterprises of ev ery descriptin, and t l do all things as may be incidental or necessary to the primary purposes fr which this corporation is formed. Article TIV.-The capital sto k of this cor poration is fixed at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, represented by fifteen hun dred shares 1500) of $1100.00 each. Said cap ital stock may be increased or reduced, Subscriptions to said capital stock may be paid for in cash or in property and good wi ll, and when paid for or exchanged for property and goodewil. there shall be an therewith, or by other proper instruments, an accurate detailed and itemized descrip tion of such property, as to amount, loca tion, extent, character, and tate of improve nents, together with a statement of the value placed upon any good p ill included in the capitpl stock. Article T.-All the corporate powers of this corporation shall be vested in a board of directors. to he composed of three of the stockholders who shall be elected by the stockhouldes on the first Monday of Jlan uary, of each year beginning on the fas aMnday of January, 19W. The present board of directors shall hold office until the fest Monday in January, 1918, and until their surcessrs shall have been elected and quali tie. The directors shall elect a president, who shall also act as a general manager, a rvce-presidient, and secretary-treasurer. In case of any vacancy occurring on the board from death, resignation or otherwise, the re maining members of the board shall fill the vacancy until the next election. Two mem hers of the hoard of directors shall consti tute a quorum. Article VI -The following persons. to-wit: Milton P. Droullut, 400n Egansa Street, New t)rleans. La., Paul Doullut. 5301 Dotxlass Street, New Orleans, La., W. Horace Wil liams, 3318 Coliseum St., New OrlcaUL La.. shall be and are hereby constituteds, frat board of directors, with said Milton P. Doul lut, as president and general manager, Paul Doullut, vicepresident, and 'V. Horace Wil lams. secretary-treasurer, Article VII.-AII meetings aof the stock holders shall be called after fifteen days pre vious notice in writing mailed to each srtock holder at his post-office address. Article VIII.-Whenever this corporation is dissolved, either by limitation or other wise. its affairs shall be liquidrted by three liquidators, to be selected by the stock holders after a meeting convened for that purpose shall have been called Article IX.-This act of incorporastion may be changed, altered, or amended, or said corporation may be dissolved or its capital stock increased, ase prvided ror by the laws of this state, after a general meeting of the stockholders shall have been called, after tffteen days previous notice thereof given. Article .-Nos stackholder shall ever he held riable or responsible for the contracts of said corporation for any further sum than the unpaid halance due upon the shares of stock subscribed for. or owned by him, nor shall any informality in organization have the effect of rcendering this charter null or of exposing a stockholder to any liability enknd the amount of subscription to the stock. The subscribers hereto have given oppo site their respective names, the ramounf of stock in this corporation subsoribed for by each of them, so that this act of ineorpo ration may also serve as the original ub scription list of said corporation. Thus done and passed, this 5th day of January. 1917. in the presence of E. Howard SMcCaleb and Gerald Netter, competent wit nesses, of lawful age, and both of this city who hereunto sign their names with the saird appearers and me, notary, on the day and date aforesaid. Original signed: Namesr of subscribers omitted. WitnessesI: E. Howard McCalreb, Gerald Netter. ARTHUR B. LEOPOLD, Notat Phbor I, the u..deigniod ecorder of moere in and for the parish of (Irleanr, Staftet lacisiany do heheba lcrtifo ht the aboe and foregoins act of incorporation of the Shl Beach Land & Improvieae Compaa. Ier., of thih dard d ldreorsd is oimy - Aie in hook 1V-1T folow e , - Mitn . or EOe aa, Street, ew. jIamn 1 25 eb I s IS e CHARTER II. AMERI(AN EXPORT CO.. INC. S: t.t ". I te, if America. State of Louisiana, P .,I . iileanis, t it% of New Orleans. l:e : .,:l ti:~n t "n th:- tir-. day of the monat: I Fe!,rua-y to the .ear '.f ,u- Lord : i an , tn e hundred and seventeen, c c r '.." . ,e rge .lail ier a notary pu t c. 1 ." ".: ;. - - ,n,l ,:.1 I n l:tiel i n l t .,r the state and parish aforesaid, thetein re , , , d . .i I :. : Ie nce",r e of the w it teises hereinafter na ned and unie -igned, person :1 % l,.,l a:. sate: are h!l re;t. r , : , -t rl\ c .1 , t'. I , l t ihait 1all .ing the:s, elves of N _ s w . , t :ie .I t . " t 1. ,:ti, . , l 'i , .tc h b w : I . I.:ert I i : ·! ·a· de a perfor J Il 1 acts an c int agr :t a d x ts ,i. s tl t.-t" pr a n .r 1 1 { tl'" tiles: n"t n.- esrt k i' l l t t ii d r'-i , -i I -t-.i" , , t h ii . ' I , " .sn dh .l,- s i -, f . )i . Sre xi i t. li ,t, w. it" -,tck ' , hi , " - r l'iii i ,, . . • . -t "d OI I 'li lti i g Isi.lI t . I . - . InT, of the Ia o--f h SIaw if v .owsiana . ok of Ih Ic ' ..ila i ,O and no transfers,.,, ' . c: - "ier- ii thif , .i rp -rt:. ,in I. i " I ii wrsit i riug .111. shi ll : Ie ac cte oir rejecteid by the -rther .tu ckh *'di-r -, ir d 1. ,h11 1.i'i 1 i' ,I ti: --l ,I :t . "I II ''!1 wi.l.i titri y lax If In' stll ikholder shiull, not deire to purclae has priportion i,f the stIck ti oitrel , the r ;.i/'5inng st1.ckh ulIer. !./ -I p. ' o rta . t Lhe i t h +h1gs 1e r e quired t, take over sa',me. .Artcile V\.-All the clrpilrat' eL pi r If saidJ c rpration shall he vet Id iIn and exer cised bee a board of directors. coinm.sed of four 14, stickh olderi a npajr in v if 1a7.1hi shall constitute a quorum . The said d - ,ln l ,- ,ct d ,iu. ally . . t, e secotd t d, ThAiu day ill Jaituari 1 I leach ta tr. S.l:, th electC ini sha:ll be, ', .allo: and ,cthis '0t of at i rd cIrpie ora tio n, n. n dr t "ie -hera ll , heI y threniy n ¢etlis ni-ng to .pli hiIe rle l.' the ocard if direChtors.c T ed -,yf sa ih elections shall be gvien by the secretary of the c.Ilr pany It. by it, nthe rice therefl delivered lr sinallh ir by .lc alto I. v- d It ple st.l ikh all er at lea- t ltit Ia t tVS lrecidig hach a iaet:ing. A'I ... s ,,ch elctilln g and at all cbrporate meetin s every stockholder shall lie entitled to one vote for each share oi stick staonvlirlr in his name on the book f te c.irpra tson, to ie cast in person i,rt l written crcie xy and it shall re a majoritly of the sitock istanding, i to elect. Any vacancy among the directors by death. Areilga trn er others e. - hn all le tilled tny r ectio frp. the resnainder of the tern, tby -" c -,,,, ,d t h ,ree c n , tr "m, hets the remaining directors. A failure to elect directors or the date alve specilied shall not dissoll e the cor liiratlion iior -ilpair its corporate manage. peti bti thie lIrCct then p it office, shall remain in office until their sucessors shall have btee.t fllyelectled and shall have qual The board of directors shall elect from their numbitilr a pres dent and a vice-presi ditii;. They xhall also elect a secretary and a treasiUr., iTer e person who shall he eboth, either or both of whom mtnay or may not be hmembers of the board.) They may fror tIde to to l seame aild appoint all such offi cers' a r, agents as may Ie deemed necessary for the purposes and tbusness of the corpo ration; thley shall have p1e5cr to six and define the duties of every officer and em ployee and all officers and employees shall hold oice and employment at the pleasure The board may make as well as alter and anlenl a et atld all iy-laws. rules and regsu lotions necessary and proper in its judg mint tor the conduct and management of the iusiiness an atiadra a sf the corporation. The iard shall have full power and au thiritv ti- hlirriw money, to execute mort gages and to create liens; to issue bonds, tietes and ,ther lligatini, and generally to do, all things reasonaile lcolnvenient and necessary for the proper carrying on of the ,usiness of the corporation. The hoard may issue full paid and non assessable shares of stock for cash or in payitent if labor ,done or property actually received by said corporation. At all meetings of the board of directors. each director shall have the right to appoint a proxy to act in his place and stead. Article VI.-Wh henever this corporation may be dshelved, either by limitation or from any other cause, its affairs shall be liqui atcd ,l three clnmmissioners to be appointed fAym among its stockholders at a general meeting of the stockholders convened for that purpose, of which meeting notice shall be given in the manner and time provided for the aickhodlers meetings provided by Arti cle VII .f this charter and three-fourths in anount of the capital stock represented at such meeting shall be requisite to elect. Said commissioners shall remain in office un til the affairs of the said corporation shall have been fully liquidated. In case of death -ir resgination af one or more of the said liquidators the vacancy shall be filled by electiT by the remaining commissioners. Artrler ,VII-This act of incorporation may be changed, modified or amenaed or said corporation may bhe dissolved or the capital stock may be increased or decreased in ac cordance aith law, at a meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose, after rnutlce shall have been given in writing to each stockholder personay or by mail, ad esst fifteen days prior to the date of the Article VIII.-No stockholder shall ever he liable for the contracts, faults, or de rflt or debts of the said corporation in any - corporation on the shares of stock owned by him, nor shall any mere informality in or ganization have the effect of rendering this I charter ntill or of exposing a stockholder I to any liahility beyond the unpaid atount Article IX.- The follownl shall constitute theirst. horr of dirNecytors Aguste Coiron, IaWhitney Btuiding, New tOrlensu La, d. Roydan Fanning, Whitney Building, New SOrleans. La.. Louis Coiron, Whitney Build ing. New Orleans, La. and Augute Coiron I shall be ptresident, S Royden Fanning shall be vice-president and Lous Coiron shall be secnetary-treaurper. The said directors shall hold office until the second Thursday in January, 1918, or auntil their succsors shall have been duly seIn orde that thi as t of incorpo ration may erve as the original snebsriptiro lir t of the said corporation, the rtsubscribers hereto have set forth mpoitee s their uaes theiresct eadiresctsr haud the resgpetivo apn r of Astarte u ei. hnor this os rai ab Thus Ldae aeithed at aglci tihe city th Neoase , its a rsal ealqo Eugene Thorpe and A. Miles (oe, competent wit neese'. of lawful age, both residents of the cits of New Orleans, who hereunto sign their nalles, .toget:her with the said appear er aml ienc. n .t.try, after a reading ot the .a!1 it·. Ilrigit l tginedt. Atigu t-e (t',rio, New )- leans, six (6) and one-fourth shares, $W250(; Lo.u:, oiiorn, New OIrl-ans, isx (,i ant -," - .. n" r,2. i)5; . kml_," I tr ting, New ()rleant, twelve (12 and one h a lt sh a tr -. $ 1.._ ' 1Ia \: : n e - s e : E u g e n " T h r p r. A . .M l e '- t .r . t,E(º(,4. JANVI'R., No:. . ':1:'. 1, the undler. gi i rer i or,- t ,t : " . n a n d t ,r Th e p ·ir t i 1 ,f r ;e I , S t a , L-.,' m.|na. d". hetrehy cte ai\ th lt.a t'-'v a n d f .Jt e g ,o i nt g a , " t o r u Jo r p , ' ,t l " t Atn. t t- h \ , t I n ', " .,:: ' itti . 1 17 , 1 .\ll.L. . I.. IE R: , D. R. CHARTER I, : ,, , ' , " .1 , . -. i: "' . I , i t . .. . , i ii 1 t l ( ,t t S ' • ,i i : !t ilt" I I. ' i. - _ - i t ,i r "i l T I T. c t. ,1 { it` . m.e i- ret ti.i e, "ar. to "rake ~ ., ,.t- a. t1 • .(nnd .4th -laws, rutl - .. ..t . - mv '. c " ..:: ...t-s 1 , ttie. ,r ivt- ,, .ti i, -i:.t i.i 1" . ~ :{r,.le. lttoi it hereby Ad ii the ills if Nesisllr t tii tpi' it,- n in the : treitic r the ' " i. '" . . -r , : i t y - t ie c herie y . , t .,"•n . , :, i... I, ,,ha -. :is ,c , it,l , r S ,l .n . : i :, t t t! ., i, t:! ;r : t -. , an . tw." : sa e ;l, -ruhe Kr t"hc"i: carriage iof freightd ieri, , gel ' ,rs act - ag, ects anid t irokers tt: 1it the righ t . ard p, wer. . den and i:. ors rue c-'.i.t oi cor rioccreld wi-ith or i ii mannr. -dentil r -iipieitmetary tII THie irett- and I . hieri tet firth. ,atl c e ,,i .t e cai, tal : tk, or f thts ci, t T'e i the i' ri of } t dre,, ,i .tl I : larS. S a\,.: i i,:ci a'idt p,:-ck shall c pai, d fr ai ca.h. The dc .t ick rif th cirtporLt - ,I t ,i i i ty lie intcrca m i t; o the at uit , itot e e hun~tdred tihouand dollars ,.000.tren. :lArtle Vt.-All the ct , rate powerrt, of .a,11 year. ,"t.iy raid neye t': and Ixc "-I Ia ctrp. itri t, ,:hall li t e exercised t y ag , 'In : le ,.th i ; " a lt ,ttr. ,l ,,' t -i ',t p., , tt lt " tarid of ilirect-r Trnsiting of n-it lessnr than three atid nit mthe tha tiv ofckhild cr., a rajtrity of wh in shall c-ins stitte a quitism for- the t rantihe li-in of iutiie . The "l"ar-id t directors hl elect annually from eIt uImer -t hie"tl, vi,.ce-president and ' a secretar- , trea iuer. Tr the irtg .oard of ,i rect'I {,hall of rtve soaekhtldr-r anrd ali ie cito ,.etic f lieriard cMeyer, theorge i. h1\t frell. (ihar-i- ,. ltnt'anit, Jr- W. : iy t er ath pret ident Georg the II. West fto t a't vice-prlt, and r i t , a ! lic-lt e t . l)ira tt at'in IV Jr.. as secretari-treasitu, er t iThe cst office dd the sse. of a if said directiri are New Orleans, Ludrdii-ana. I- e.rit i tetr anr iflcer shall llserve upint i the ilst 'llWednesday of March, 1918. or until .tr, lc.cetl .Tr have e ,t iuly elected aidpr qualitied. e nia tToe an t eisur of stock "alnds i--tp tfor t he elec f directrri shll a i.d ftire ir-t e nesdayen of M ar.ce of each year, unlens said day lie a legal I - . doa, iir then ni the next tank day there-nd after. Each suiscriier iereti sets after hi arin hi. p ait -ie addrets ani a .tate •ient ol tIe nm-r er of- w shares of stock with q|.tllm foer t held t lrinle or cft t nntarycTh le agrees to take in the corporation. tur theat prnlisct after ten, dae written no Atce sett.-'heoachti c ohe s tocky mail oit his lart kolil address stald ai quittors shall I tehrae te authiirity to wi$ui 0. the dusiviess atan afair s n this corporati on. re d .In case of death f e thrck ofleaid , liqui datir, the survivor shall appit Int a stock t Jlder as successor to rim . Article V.ll-This cirarter may be modi Ted, cpatged or altered or said corporation may iie dasolved, with f te Orlne of stock ti nan teetor au nd oieri n haltl seve untcihe ld holders owding two-hirds of the entire cap ital stik, aty a general meeting of sthe stockrr older crnvened for such purpose, after. ten day s wriectten notice shall have been given to each stockholder mailed to him at his last known address. *Article IVlbieroo.-No tubscriber for stock orshall ever ie held liaboffie for the an d tract, faults, or ndebtseot of said corporation n any further sum than the unpaid baltance, ifr any, due the corporatio on the stock fr whtrch ie has viiscrilii; nor shall any stockholder eser be held liable f r such contracgts, Vfaults or debts a n any further sum than the unpa. d l.Ilan e, if any on the stock ow red by him; tnor shae an mere inform al intorganeirz in the erffente of Mrend eri. tisr cnad aririunt, if anty remaining doe otn his., stiok. Article IX.- t bis etcporatutu is organized e htinern the laws if the State of Louisiana, ad earspecially Act Noe. a267 of 1914, and tahe souscrilers hereto, for themselves and said ncorporatien, and for its officers, directors andt setothilders, hnerey accept, as part of this charter and as conditions of this corporation, all rthe rights, powers, privileges ad immo nLatie grane, l to crporations, athe granted stockhel ers ct of c orpor atins y said lawsf anti sail act; such acceptance being as full, complete and binding as if said rights, pisw b at full length in this instrument. SrThus done n d passed in my notarial of tIne at the C atny of New Orleans, aforesaid, in the presence of Gerorge . Terriberry andt Morris B. Redmann, competent witnesses of said parties and n e. notary, on the iday and date set forth ien ie caption here of. ( Atc nal signedti: Nanuesr of subscribers SHita sses: Geo. ei. Terriberry, Morris B. - W. W. YOUNU, Not. Pub. It, rthe undebrsagned recorder of mortgagesn and toreg ing act of incorporation f the Brazil Shipping Co., Inc., was this day duly recorded in my soffuce in book 1t6, folno a. A trnce opyf f on the oriinate act.Pbm Cnited States of America. State of Louisiana Parish h of iOrleans, City of New Orleans. toh e onthe ofe Febu reyderint thyea ro u Lord one thousa rndr nine hndred and ser - enteen and of the indendence of the United States of America, the one hundred andt qualieae inpld for this city an t paisia of Orleans, therein residing , and in the predsence of thed wito eals h reinafterv amed acd undersind Per a camep an ar -th peared: 1.a . otoDwer and 2. A. o . E, munds, both of we reridents of the ci of New Orleans; who declared, that as wnl iere at the , Limitte was held at the of. the . ,"standtng capital csto k , w i ,; 4 ,~ ra!' Ln was pre-int a: 1 p tr , .,rp orautJ , w e ee . It - 1 . . a: weere . d " -,ur.e u:. ' . ... - :' 1.141 : : 'a;,,t' siacea appr,' ' ,l,,ttt l J,:h"., 4 ','p's. 1'. ii 1 '1,' S l ," i { l a i ' t a ' , 4. th I . it ," Ct ; . 'b t ., , " " • ' a '. , . hs" , t .i . - , , t , • ,. ' : , ', t , t ' " th,' , t . 1 ..l 1 . f , . : ' . " . ' t" , ". .1 ' 4 ' \t " t- 1 ' L , ! " . ' """ ' L . .. .. l or.'. " . . . .. . " r I s i, . sh i t. . ! ' ,tb... ! e4ot5. h t tc \ l , t ..i , l l " 1 , 'r i '; I - '. , . :i " : . S , -. I s all e tled , e v ' " " . : -' , i 4 . '4 r ' '" 44 '. , the , a t 5.l .. ",,'t . ,; . '1 i ., -, "1. st. ` - -,a Id· ' - i ,. . ,r . ' : , s tha e 4': t ~tl I t 4.') .14C V4.t' d h r t".i '4 r , ,ttn eb .it 111 pr , 4. ., .. . " .I d t",e i iled i, s af- ,r, .l . at 4n4 t.r 1., 4 . 1 Sa,,te iill 4, 4 r .i , e .4r4 1 -a4 n ,4' . r 'I '.i5r dc , 44ect41 :a't . qu "-Ii ti - ' 1 t ,ah ces .n the ue oada d of f darec:uars e hal ,..ard and a, id. -ari d -.all serve unttl it. riice, -r is elected and qua.iied. Two d -I -re' y ',:"l, ' I~ t , , t r 1,t: . .It · · ,1' , I;". retors shall e oniaied itu t e a qurum fr all pur oltive, by resolution adopted at any annual it each sand in cae ol. such in,'rcase thre t shall cons titute a quorum or all purposes. or in part b. and , . and rece!ve tthe price faithelure to elect d i may receive stock in other c "tor ations lin ,payment the refor; it !may tpurchase the stock and business of,, any other corpora tion or tin:dividual s ,r pay frt. the s-nic an of the corporate funds; phl vided that this power shall not ,e exercised Stilles at leasth threen members o f the board ard and said at thear ting shall serve unt h tich such a-ct .,ion is elecauthorized . uaied. Twu di Arti,'le - .-The oficers of thi- corpora tor, shall cone a president, a icru prir all purt .ecretary and a treasurer. The board of TIect lroa inl ice at the time of the increasoti tof thiv e by rnde nt shall procepted at any annual electro the iregingsu increase thallree I erse until their successors are elected and shall edon, anitd t shall quor torhe duty purpos the 'he oard of directrs elected at the annual erty and bysiness of the corporation in wh .ole iee in part aelect oficex and receive they faprice ,tto do e . the thenii cumbents shall c'.rititiue therefor, and may receive stock in other cerporation s in payment therefor; it may purchasd ithe si theo r and uccnessor e electo e d and q uai.Tticdd. All ttice f theother corporation or individual nshall hdpay fur rided that this power shall not aoe exerciseld nlce at least three membersill of the khler d h Spresent at any eeting elect uccesora to the sac tion is authorized.f the ofi. Article Vo.-"The officers of this rprathi tirn shall rt a president, vice-presidente re secretary and a treasurer. The noard ot clrporation in office at the time of the adoptio and Euhend:e shall peed imn eiaRay.tely SArt elect the f.or- ig corporati n mway ell Shrve until their successors are elected and dissolvedt and its shai lie thquidated i the Article a lII.-"No stockholder shall ever e held liale or relesponsible at the sannual lrati in any furth oficer sum thanould the unpaid , balancd e utilhe coieany on the shares of stock o4wied by hiei; n,or l ti i shall infor, malitry ii rganization have the effect of irend t erin this chartell of the t ll wexposing the t holder elect successors any liability beyond the unpaid al eitheance afor the ofsaid. Article IX.-"Any and all notices and dethis retssned in writing anfi entere od ithe tlhe minutes of the meeting at which said con acity of New Orleansf on the day. month anid yealcr here irst above written, in the ptres tence of iMe ssrs. Henry P. Dart and Leo L. yDubourg. ico etent wianesses, who heret'o unto .ign their names with the said ap SpeArtile I.--"rs and me, notary, after reading ofe the whorile. " (Signed): Wi illiam H. Dwyerni Arnold e. Eicntitds. Witinesses: Hienry a l. Dart, Leo in aed for the parish of Orleans. State if loui.ianac de thereiy certifn that the act rf amendment ts the charter of the pDwer . e so4 my tice in book 1206, folio nd . New I oIrleans. lFebi.. 1017. Sun(Signed EMILE ao . LEONARD. y. R. (Signedi HENRY P. DIART, JR., SNotary Public. IA true b copy. aer o orats iHENRY I. DheeART, JR., Nitary Pualic. Febt 22march 18 5 i 22. l'nited States of American State of Louisiana, cParish of Orleans, 'ity if New trlehans. Be it known, that on this 14th day of the a nth of February, in the year of our Lorde one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. . and of the inependence of the nited State. before me, Alfred Charles Ka otar y ranita public in and for the pario. Orleans, I State of Louisiana, aforesaid, therein re-s e ified, and oin the presence of rthe witnesseste mhereinaf ter named and undersigned, person . ally carne and appeared: Hendri kJansten, r., all of the fulln age of majority and res idf enmets of the city of New Orleans, State of .rus ana. Ldwho to me sevaerally declnared that, avai li ng themselves of ihe laws of the State of Louisian.a in such cases made and - providiged, and Martie.ularly of the provisions of Act No. 267 of the acts of the General and do by pthese presents coven a nd agreey I, persons as may hereafter join or become asso . ciated with them, to constitute and form a corporation and body politic in law, for the if oliects and purposes and under the articles .- expresseda which they hereby adopt as the d charter of this corporation, to-wit: d Article 1.-The name and style of this cor-n poration shall be "H. Jansten Lunmber Corn. B ame it sowal thae ants of the orprat e existence and succession for the full term d and period of ninety-nine years from and Safter thoe date hereofr it shall haeve power 1. and ao therity to contract sue and be staes Sto make tnd use a corporate sea, andfor the foi same to alter and break at pleasure; to hold, a receive lease, orchase and convey, as norell . a rtgage of oisand . ahyporeaitheerei re id nerson d al n mise, nd sor and aicorpo toed, and mtdpsn suce of the m atges's, Ja e I.... sa"re..'lled and James Ta .t r kn T.i .',.: SPENCER BUjSINE COLLEG ylv na. ter .n th, %ill f I ,%, 1 I*, ,. "f LLE pratti, al T iF 'TIF." TH i T ;i lI, ih: I 1 i , . . up-to + m 19 ,, - of , ,,",ri; n o r ' i e st ti ", tlllad hu n -- I.CI :.; ' ,e prac. DIay and NiLht in. ': , t 11 -,II~ 1 ' "- I iShool .fa btter SOULE COLLEGE ommer. Is Ihe tliaew er In BusInii Poo9ag Because it is the Thousae ý Home of Thoroughness and High-Grade Courses ENINATE'S E AND U OT E GOC Fine Wines. Liqulo s i. ll Varietie CORNER OF ALIX and " kENINAT VALLETTE STREETS IFTO i Model Sheet Metal Works FRANK BRAAI, Prop. 1<' P.\IR \\()RK. G(uTT R SI'< tl [' I 1: \M AND) G.". FI'ITTINNG. StII=.T-:"1 .r T \1. i, " .LL IEStRIPT1I N. (G1.\V STU 1: j '. il ;ING OtR .'ER .l, TY Phone Algiers 377 916-918 Teche Street WORLD BOTTLING CO., Ltd. IP,,e. nhemlock 291 Corner Royal and Montegat Streetr ~M MANUFACTURERS OF ... HIGH GRADE MALTED BEVERAGES TORNADOES .are due and STORMS are due For Policies that will secure you against Loss. see R. A. TANSEY, Phone Algiers 9126 157 Delaronde Stree to make and estahblish, as well as alter and amend from time to time, such by-laws rules and regulations for the proper governnment of the affairs of said corporation as may be necessary and proper. Article II.-The domicile of this corpora tion shall be in the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, and all citations or other legal process shall be served upon the pres ident of said corporation or, in the event of his absence, upon the vice-president there of, and, in the absence of both of said offi cers, upon the secretary thereof. Article III.-The objects and purposes for vsh:ch this corporation is organized and the nature of the business to be carried in by t are hereby declared to lie the buying and Selling of all kinds of lumber, timber a-ti logs. both fir domestic and foreign con sumption; to carry on the business of an exporter of lumber and for this purpose to own and charter vessels, and to do a steam ship b,utiness; and generally to do and tran.act all such bu.iness as may be inci lental to ,r connected ~lath the business Sntemlplated in this charter. Article IV.-The capital stock of this c,r poration is hereby tixed at the sum of twenty thousand 4mllars 'I31,00tJ.i0). divided int, and represented by two hundred shares of S-tock, of the par value of one hundred dIl lars ($100.()) each. Said stock shall bIe paid for in cash, at such time, in such amounts and after such notice to the subscribers as ,may lie fixed by the board of directors, or the , mtuay be Issued at not less than par fr labor done or property actually received ,y the corporation. Thui, corporatit,n shall become a going con ,ern anld bIe a'uthorized to do lhtt4u1uit whelk ten thousand iill.ars t$10,lOW0.lI oif its ta ,ta' stock shall have been subscribed an" paid for. The amount to which the capital stock may he increased shall he the sum, of fifty thousand dollars. Article V.-All the corporate power, of said cirporati ,n shall lie vested in and ex ercisel lby a board of directors, composed of three stockholders, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum. Said directors shall be elected annually on the second Tuesday in IFebruary in each year, except the first board ippointel in this charter, who shall hold their offices until the second Tuesday in February. 1918. All such electi i~s shall be held by ballot and conducted at the office of the said cor poration, under the supervisi in of three com missioners to be appointed by the board of lirectors. N :tuce of such election shall be given by :he secretary if the company by written no tice thereof delivered personally or by de p.,tst:ng same in the post office, pr)perly adI dressed, to each stockholder at Teast fifteen (5l days preceding such elections. At all such elections and at all corp. rate meetingo every stockholder shall he entitled ti one vote for each share of stock standing i: hi- name on the !",)ks+ of the corporation, t li e cast in person or by his written proxy, and a majority of the votes cast shall elect Any vacancy occurring among the direc tirs "by death. resignation or otherwise shall be filled by election for the remainder of the term by the remaining directors. A failure to elect directors on the date abolve specified shall not dissolve the cor porati:n nor impair its corporate nmanagement, hut the directors then in office shall remain ini office until their .successors are elected and qualified. The board of directors shall elect from their own number a pr-sident and a vice president. They shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer, or one person who shall he 'oth, either of whom may or may not be me'mbers of the board. They shall have power and authority, from time to time, to namnie and appoir)t all such officers agents or other employees as may be deemeid necessary for the purpose and business of the corpora titn. They shall have power to fix the compensation and define the duties of 'every officer and employee, and all officers and employees shall hold office and employment at the pleasure of the b6ard. The board may make and establish, as well as alter and amend, any and all by-laws, rules and regulations necessary and proper in its judgmentfor the conduct, support and management of the business and affairs of said corporation. At all meetings of the board of directors each director shall have the right to ampinut a proxy to act in his place and stead. The ii trd shall have full power and as thort) to 'borrow money, to execute ianrt. gages and to create liens; to issue hmud , notes and other obligations, and penersll, to do all things reasonable, povement al necessary for the proper carrying on df business of the corporation. The board may issue full paid shares of stock for cash or in payment of labor ds or property actually received by said co poration. Article VI.-W-Vhenever this cttorpatis may be dissolved, either by limitation ia fr,,m any other cause, its afairs shall be liquidated by three co.,misoners, to be applinttd ifr n amongst the stockholders at a. gteneral tei:ttiig rf the stockholders coa vere, fir such purpose, of which meetiq notice shadl be given in the manner aM tiny prvidled for stockholders' meetinp by Article VII of this charter, and two-thirs in amnt uit of the capital stock of said ear pany .hall ite requtite tt elect. Said ms :i<i ,ne, ,-h ill remain n office' until the affairs of said corporation shall have bees fully liquidated. In case of death of one K more of said cormlssioners, the vacancy shall be tilled by the surviving coammnt sionero. \ -' l V .- " i :h , act of incorporation m ay ihe nihir, dI. ch i I 'Cnl ,r altered. r this cote ;traln ,may bie d,I-olved, or the capital St ck may b1e alteel in accordance with law. a' . mrei;ng *,t ,tckholders called fir the lurpose after notice shall have been given ',y written not, e ti each stockholder. delivered 'to hin personally or wailed tb hi:t at the ioi' ,tite address designated by ham ni writ ig at least fifteen (15) days prior ti ",he"' -l'e ' i "f eting. Artidcl V'IlI. Ni stockholder shall ever be !,',! .,, , ,r .. ,.':sible for the con - tracts f ii:ts r ldets if said corporation 5o any turthr aurn: tlian the unpaid balaCe ic the , r , i. ,,n ,hares of stock owned ,y hr' - ,: mere informality 'irg.'z i-n !rve thi effect of rendering this charter rull or t expiroing a stockholde to any liatility Ieyon d the unpaid amount ii.ilnilg .l ire his stock. Art.,. IX. lir.lInk Janssen, New Or" leant, La . ..mns L.. I)eTreville, N'ew Or leans. IL.. and ~Iries T. Stockton, Sr.. ew Orican-, . i. ,~.s r ',een choen and selett a , the iiir t t ,-u-i Ii *fi:ct,,ri of this eo ' ration, is,; i -l Il;icdrik Janssen. AA Orleans, l..i .,- pre,ilrnt; James L De' Treville. NeSw iri-n-. La., as vices-pr" l'ent: a,1! laIme- I. St,ckton. Sr.. New O lean-, l.a., I" i, et:ry and treasus r, t. .. l i, sec ,l Tuesday ta' i rr i . " intdl the'" i :1ccr sorI s l'ir .sli .. er, t o h c pt;stal tocko of i .i' l thr'r r,-,pectlve arc tI !-k lansicn New Orleatns mr v;'r. .. l.a., one l), shoarel J13 Ni. . . ew rleans . La., ':. ,. . pa. : a.: y office it v. ;'.- ,)i-lean. in the presence .Mta rs A 'i I. ' , nd Ilarold J. a olele :"I "" trernsto sign their na o S,,c: i ..tani .ppeairer and. t ,ry... 1;," l v :.? late aforesaid, sfem diPa ra "i rt 3 'k' "' w',le. U na..l.: .-r 'IP,: i. ...rlk e ansiscn , " . J.- I. ielreville. .11. I -, ,,,. " t,' t," i T. St:ockton. SI. . 0, \\ :t', ... X M'" " ,', lHarold J. MW not. r. " AMMER. Not lo I I. r l t rcrdet at o tiift1 in anl en, - fir- ;iarsin ~ f Orleans. ] +If,' Il d !'r , -hV cert;,y that th sLb.o 52, - . r in ,rp'r:rOUn .,to - J--s e 1e " , Ic., was this l~iu;y 11 n ry ntice, in booki tfio 170. New O)rca-^. s " ."...rv 15, 1917. Ne )r+ " "III : J. I'FONARD, Dy. . I : + , . ' - e "a y p u b l i c , d o 1. 1 . I . ct !..' . -, ied ar and fwSha 'a t.e nai h] .rict cpy of the G5i5gt? ,fi o; :ý H. Janssen (" ,pan). [r . , le and on reoed it ottice, t ~e' h- w.'h the certi6Cate d td p't :- ,rder , f :m rtgages tbertl I I tacheW W:nes my '-ar! and seal this 171r Februar. ":7. (S.AI., AL. C. Feb 22 :rarl h 1 8 l122 Z: