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SCENTRAL DRUG STORE A FRAk ". CALLA (IHAN, Prop. N g Plcal Ave and Olivier St. ALGIERS, La. D $ ('1 (' I EA M Y ,IGlIT CAl l ~l1 IERFL'LLY ANSWERED Captions caltt Ir anrid Delivered, Phone 9177 can get te kind of goods here YO that wii! satisfy. E the large assortment we always have on hand S E in our drl;catessen department. LA sets the prices and starts them do'·n" hill. .NTiEO. J. LALA. The Teche St. Grocer Phose your &trder% Phones Algiers 50--426. All Kinds-Place Your Order O) With Us-Can Make Immediate • Shipments. Rubber---V Crimp Corrugated B. V. REDMOND & SON 309-311-313 Decatur Street. The Johnson Iron Works, Ltd. iEW ORLEANS, LA. I Mclbane, Iorge and Pattern Shops and Foundry, S trO Budding and Repairs to Steel and Wooden Vessels, oiler, I ank and Pipe Shops. MORUAN, A rl ERSOUN AND SEQUIN STREETS I r S 241 ALGIERS. STA. Telephone Algiers 491 j311l T TO THE CHARTER OF THE AUTO-CY' L.L ('t. .ates of Americi. , e S!. , L i - aish of Orleans, t::y ot News ' December 30, 1l91. • awn. that on ths : : h day of is the year ine :thusand nine .ad sixteen, befte nme. Bernard Nrtary public, dilyv ,:nmissioned in and for said state and par the presence of the witnesses samsed and undersigned, person " ad appeared: 3" Lacour, of fu:l age of ma pd a resident of this city, herein s pIlsidest of the Ai;o-Cycle Com *aspsCation organized under the laws u and domiciled in this city, in .y a act passed before undersigned ga second day of February, 1914, in mortgage office book 1119, S said appearer acting in his said *3dared that, at a meeting of the of the said company held on Srofd December, 1916. as will more - by reference to the annexed cer from the minutes thereof, Ar M Article II of the charter of the dCe Company was amended as lly set forth, and that he, said am authorised and empowered to the undersigned notary and said amendment to Article I and ed the sid Auto-Cycle Company, in a notarial act. in accordance with the said Le, said appearer, acting in his has appeared before the un for the purpose of placing to the charter of the Auto in authentic form by nota y declared that Article I of the charter of the said C'paany shall hereafter read as same and title of this cor be changed by substituting Service Company, Inc., same "Auto-Cycle Company;" ,mpp ta said article to remain objects and purposes for tion is organized and the to be carried on by o be the following, to-wit: sell automobiles, automobile of all kinds; to act as i same; to operate auto sad other vehicles for hire; autpmohiles, automobile hicles; to buy and sell seal property of any kind, in or outright; to act as at5trney in fact for any per Mspomation: to manufacture sand things which in the ids management of this corpora dsaag.ous and profitable, and Wp and sell articles of trade sad to do all things which are advantageous or necessary with any of said enterprises. Slpassed at my office in the an the day, month and weriate, in the presence of 1ad Edwin Adams. both of witnesses, who 6ave here emues together with said ea. btary, after due reading Asthwr S. Lacour. P. R Ferrnera. CHE, Not. Pub. recorder of mortgages, of Orleans, State of eartify that the above io ineorporation of the le Company was this my ofice, in book 1206, !, 1917. . LEONARD, D. R. TITCHE, Not. Pub. CANNING CO., INC. ri ca, State of Louisiana, that on this twenty-fourth tf January, in the year handred and seventeen -' EMo reCotonio. a notary and sworn in for and City of New Or , personally appeared, eames are hereunto sub that, availing them e of the laws of this the rganization of corpo articularly Act No. 267 !Lmy of this State, ap i. they have covenanted `.d _ tese presents, cove _ 1, form and constitute l as such persons who may * seiome associated with Sand body politic in and purposes and un , and stipulations follow Sme and style of this u Central Canning Co.. same it shall have and and privileges and ad 5w to corporations; it of ninety-nine years tldl have the power to uead in its corporate ed Use a corporate seal or alter at p.easure; convey, mortgage operty. both real , notes and other instrumentl; Jo po empolyees as 'he of said corior ,:a, to make an:. e.;ab a tand regulat:ons for and control of slgeration asn may be -pe.dient. of said corpora in the city 'f New and all ci'a. sm5L shall be served hbi tence, on the te absence of both ~5Ms and purposes for lemed and nature emsad on by it, are s manufacture and I.bles and fruits * .and do other S rotwing or Mtock of this cor e.m a ten thousand itat HI shares of 1. All shares of sa-mseseable, Sbiading upoa re r Its booki, s-d-.lI -.uhi n-c.-.s---iie .t :w -il. sialh {.h :.l 1 le r. a - .i - e ' -:'-'-are i *y the ,a d ,f d'rec .u a.-t .h- , .,, cr he; s-tha!. trl.t n Iýncl te .ik ha t t e e .t t Tl srin ,a'd I -te . In -, l d::led :of an inc res ··f :!he capitalt the ane nial shffres A.rtlte i.-All the >rii piwsri - f this threor-ti -n shall se vsth I in, and nor f man ,e n-$1.o.d, . ir'- :n, ," te akla' .he, pr, arm.nt an ontr,-l he .ap:t's affair k shall o e exrrciern ce a :hrn oiy direv t r-t cm. thse Sk! l~e t o tehO l tte " A mtjt r hlie of ther dir ctrs tshall cnritue a u rum cr or theany transaction of au l ithe ane h. The difereors fha- ale t thed annuallyc n b c a hailo: on the the -gt ta, nrchase the -sfaue and no transfer .tal fie nude up- nta e 'brd ks ,dr the c.rpo r:tf .en ent~l the -hodck har . A er a , offered sec nd Thurcda in the evenar in inch year. Eachl estckholrder shall the enttled. in person or ,v prxy. to a vrte for every share owned rpory him, and all elections shall be held nder auci rules and controultins as may be de exercined by the hoard of directors, after tifteen days notice rv mail of such election h rs shall have been sent to each stockholder at trs last inown addrll es s. The directors thus elected shall contintue in office for one year. or until their successors shall have been duly elected and qu lified. No failure to elect orl be roxgr to a a ate for feiture of this charter. Any vacll ti ~ e arrlieg o said arined shall bye fied by the remaining direc tors for the unexpired term: the said board hafifteenll likdays nti elect the additional members n case they shoentld determine to increase the number of said board The said r oard of directo-s shall, at its first meeting after its election nominate out of its nunber a a treasurer. Said board shall have the right to consolidate any two of said oticers into one. or segregate said ofbcers, as also their right to appoint and dismiss such clerks, itanagecrs and other employees of the cor pralltion as conditions may justify or the business of the corporation may require. The tenure of all the employees of the corporation shall be -*uring the pleasure of the board of directors. Article Vasurer. -o stockholder shall ever be held liable or r twponsi ole fr the contractso faults or debts of said corpofficers, ation nor hall any mere informality in its organization have of poin a stocholdr todismiss suchny liabiliterks, manaers ayond the unpaid balance due the stck porationed by him. Article VIIss -Thi act of incorporation may te changed modified or alteredm or this cor poration may he disolringved, with the assent of the stockholders owning tso-thirds of all the stock of the corporation, at a general meeting conrened for that purpose, after at least fifteen days written notice of this meet ing has been given through mail, addressed to eachposing a stockholder at s last known liabilityd dress. In case of dissolution by the expira. tion of this charter or otherwise, the stock holders shall elect three liquidators from among their nunber, to liquidate and settle the business and affairs of the corporation. Article VIII.-Eight thousand dollar s cor ratio.) has been dissolvcribed to the capital stock of t hes corporation as folla generas: Angelo clorioso, 625 St. Ann St., Nea Orleans La. tfifteen sharitten notice of this. Fmeetava orn ha Sons 611 given through maiNe Orleans, La., ten sharesolder, 1.000; . . Fruit Importing Co., 429 Decatur St.. New Orleans, La., ten shares. $1,00n ca0; Jos Cangelosi 112 Decatur St., tion of this char., ten shares $1 000wise, the . Se gari & Co., 117 Poydras St., New drleans, La., ten sharesll el00: ctddo ros. Cuidators., 1222 De catur St.. Neu Orleans, La., ten shares, $1,000: . essina Co.ribed to122 Decatur St. New Orleans. La., ten shares, $1,000; Frank Alfano, 320 S. Murat St., New Orleans, La., ten shares. $10; ,000. Article IX.-Until the election to be held on the econd hursdaySt., n rJanuaryns, 191a.8, the following shall constitute the first board of directors, viz.: Anelo sharelorioso. $1.00; etano FavaBros. & Co., Peter catur CNew Orngelosi. SLa.muel Sen shari, Jo $1,seph 000;do and aetano Messina of homecatur St., said Angelo Glorioso shall -act as president. oseph Orleaddns, La., tice-president and Ga,0t0; Frano :I avaloro as secretary-trrJsurer. Thus done and passed in my offce at the ACity of Ne Orleat St., on the day and date deLacrix and Theresa$1,000. Mahan. bo of thi cityi competent witneses, who sign these on presents ith said appearers and me, no tarh, after due reading of the first bhole. Name of ubscribers.ctors, iz.: Aitnessloes: L. deLacroix Theresa- ahan. THEO. COTONIO, Not. Pub. I, the undersigned recorder of mortgages in and for the parish of Oreans, Segari, Jo Louisiana. do hereby certify that the above and foreoin g act of incorporatiohn of the Central Cannin CGlorioso.. Inshall, as this day duly re orded in my office, in ook th1206 folio 28. NewCity of Orleans Tanar 25 1917. (Signed) EMILE J. LEONARD, Dy. R. A abtruove written, in the presence of Lub. Feb Larx and h esa Mahan. bch 1-of thi CHARTIR OF DERlES AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY, INCORPORATED. presenited States of America State of Lmeouisiana Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. We it known, that deLaoix, the thirteenath dayha in and for the month of January, in the year o Loisianar Lord, one thousand nine hundred and and foreventeen, and of the inedpendence of the l .nited States of America, the one hundred aCentrd fartl annfinrst, before me, Sidney Francis autier, a notary publoffic, duin cookma 12ss6,oned swfolio and aled in and for the arish Newof -leans State of Louisiana aoresa1917.d, therein residing and in the presence of wit esse hereinafter named and undersigLEONARD, Dy. ned, personally came and ppeaed, the persons iwhose names are hereunto subsibd all of fall age, and residing in the City New HErlO. ns. who severally declared, Nothat avaPub. Parig themselves of theans, City of Newthe act e it klegislanown, thatture of this state, bein ow as Act 267 of the montsession acts of th they dr Lord these presents, coveninet and aree and ind themselves, as well dpendenas such other r persons as may become hereafter associated Sw'ith thema in order to for and constitute a corporation or body politirc in lw. far tha , objects and purposes and under the stipa j lations followiag to-wik If Article I.--The ame sad title of this ear i poration shall ie "Derbes Atihn and Sers t. age , oayratd, and it shall a have and wao seerssalsy sad eisthat a - I, aeriyd te ptyr eses oent dshanr earL It shall have, enjoy and possess all the su powers, rights, privileges and immunities us accorded to corporatians under the laws of :h th:. s:ate, and part;cu!ar:y under Act 2o7 ve of 1l14 referred ti. ar Article II -The domicile of this corpora- at :ion shall be in the city of New Orleans. ,t St :ie of Louisiana, where all citations and as o:ner legal pr-cess shall be served upon the P president, and in his absence, upon the sec- rs retary and :tpn the absence of both the if ai ,renamed, c;tation and legal process shall :h je se'ved on the treasurer. as Article III.-The 2b.ects and purposes fir fhich this cirporation is organized and the ti nature of the bus:ness to be carried on by St I. are hereby declared to be to engage in l :he aucti in Iirnes and also the storage Ii u rness ,n all ,i its branches, and fur therm ire ti t,:I. Ceae or o'!lerwise ,Cluirer st . a:ni proper:y as nl·av 'e ne c.a-v t i pr )p-rly ca-ry on aai c t Else sat I " : : i a:l .:)raige bus :nessr, in I the e-ta !-:,:nent of st.rcs, . I - ' e , ,. . -~ a "v cq :ippel ,:i -i : ' r ia r "y ly a"d se:i , " " " v .:l .. '" , : i,' f , ' :: tics ." ' l e" " V !:' : " 't. I a . . , : r of, "." 1 ,t'- I :':.t· ' .: "':; ;,1 v,'.t I i ei rH' n:v ".l ! . -'"a - ,.1, , a'"! , " , i:f,.lra" ý'i:S ,!: 1 ",r , vc " i ,,1" . t I f.,'ot e 1 "er i p' a w" ",- : e h < ".- " . I , ,: - ise in Sat -ii e f . , c':' :r :t 'h." ."et. . ', -r":c' -'," . i ic -s.i·'e. c';:, e, I Ir " ,' ... ;,a.,t e' e :" ' ,- i ':,'. . in , ". - , I ;,r " r. .- 1 , i va ue h 'wt l , : 1-, . " , a e. G. , , llf i ," , It - t , : i. - " :' ' , .: i' " ia I i - l y . ." .c "." kr~l i, • ',. o 1I "t ": , : :k ",'rrn. t " r r:,", o, f CI .o.a- atd. !y theraeb p,' v ", · 'o t I i,': . . " e -i I nst :wsn n t S " "' -': , " i -t .' N e C ;u lof fourne "r~ f, , n i a", I r W - sh Iti \rne 1 r t , 1ralied atck & '- " . ,-I A c . a1i & nr $ .d e G),.. 1 , t'l, , : . ,.-s' iic ' ,f - ete.. all formx;:e ly -tic :i . .- lte ra ' se r let )ore referred e .a-. u e: .- , i .aet od rchamrs and; cr., .:-. . m : , N ; s ik. v' red at " hy re; - t C " l and thr -e l,- , of the sra! b k:nd of to, by th 'a:ad A pr Mli-ri ,ht s'aep t :i l't h \ : . . all lsa w r n of a" ,- o s -ad .oe 1rt n . c an - n all i fh ...rh : l rcti of. owarr -,nty tie -u:s : ,d f f M arn1", - s as:d i d': rli: ,:: ri-. and sun- hereby lrie- I. he sam. e s:ock. vale d at 15.00n n -t -tr:- :iught Ip:lrter. $ rthe; upen ofaccounts. i -u xs nd thl :.ape tlarsd val"n the mannerstock So,. eldered A. u setrin i )O .m sets. SArice - Thre trasferred h erein made byat g pae ^. ~l t. te an acepred eby this referred p .a -lUt i.n tirl sl85; e lot of chan s hu nd 1 S eto by the said Ahekrtn, va ued atis made wi h ar ilegal warranty of tite 1 sa:d prop-o - ir e td tewih fll sitir !uedon anofd the sabro-me S-t,k. v ue and to .7 the riaehts and actions 't ocrantf the same aid ck , valed at r$415.00; has or osav have hgainst all preceding own valved tS o ; vnie hfixtures office furnc Sure and imvendorsovements 11250; Cash on thaid. s n appraised valuof stk s ochall bk Sordiererd byn tA. Maorpoin $4,unless same sArtice Vl ti e trasfS therei. and n stock-y Srnt ar share h eld by him, by thunless heor e :a: .on f'.id offered smme in huwriting. ir-a the tkarold of directorp. waionh will have the rlgilt -t I irch u se same for not ocss than i par vaeh t such shares of stock subscribed to by the csaid Al bert Maurin, is reiued wih Artile gal.-The wa charter of tite to sa:d prop- - erth and wirh full s:mllbstiution and subro d ttrto in ande tondd byll the vote of two-ns thr may haveits againstk. all precedting of hen d stockholders duly called for the purposec the ers and vendors increased by the vo puArticle VI.-Each share of stock shall be en t pnding uto n t. a bprsdtion unless samet Sapptitled to one vote which vote may be astock holder shall have phe rieht to assign or San te tck share heldor by him agent or prhexy. theh pro or agnchase may be for evidenot ledss thby paetr valor andothe wsuch sharten of stock so ac thquired y the corportion shall e ay bvested in ssueboard f directors to be catposd of not less than par valuan S Article Vl.--The charter of this corpora Sthree directorsmay , to be rectd vote of two hi er of a general ts seti an t a meeting of the r o stockholders duly called fcorporation shall be eligible as ock director unlessmay he ownsincreased bin the voteis of three-f shares of the capital stock of this a meet ng of the stockhin. ders duly called othat ' Articlse. E ach share d of directors shall itled to one vote which vote may be cast 'v the power tolder or by his agent orule proxy. and e which proxy or agency may be evidenced by business affairs or said cehporatlon: shall t elect from otheir written documident. a ec f Article .--This corporatione spollwers the ths poe oration shall he vested int a boardt of directors to make cmpand used of not less than and tohree devise or bequleted ato e hold nd Sdispose of agenerand meetin e and pledge the l same aond to appoi nt sucn o.ics and aent Nas the business of the corporation may re e iLe s nd to fa their cmpensatons to makes o. lv-laws e fiing or alteden the management soei proes or the areul tions and m anae omt oif itrs ffirsP and he manner of the Scertification and registration of its retoc, toh a conduct business in this -tate and ther reustates of this union and to do and perform unall manner of eontracts and transait all d with, incidental or germane to, the perpoase eta for whichand tehis corporation is organied. i Article X.--ntil the election to he held Oi., as hler seinabove ro idedaur tihe following shaell constitute thee orst hoardt of directors whon 1iphave been elected and duly qualified. rt Signed: Albert Maurin. 1465 N. Villere St., eran Stepihes JIs of Derbes ar Kerlerec St, ' fn oo with afbert n aurin as presidente e ection Pellat as treasurer oand Stephens tJ. d' Derbes as secretary. t t n oe s0 Thus done and at the City of he Orleans, on tE ay m t and ye mi lander, competent witnessesY who hae rce wiunto signcd their namae with the said op. or pe rerh tndme notary, after readinio. the whole. SOriginal sied: A. b M anrin, 16 4 shares; L ri. Pellat, 12 L Stephens J. Derber, 4 shares. P. w Fourcht Mr. A. Verlander. , s the inderianed aarecorder of mOrtles in and for the parsh of Orleans, State Lau heforeoing act af inorpisation of the Derese Aof Mesitr Caoanuch Inc. a this folid Jnr- New Orlean Jan 15. 1917. andear, opubli dinsss hotar Pbaeli ,r Sunt OF E. C.d r he waith N a.d t SStrate of Louisiana. Ptaryish of Orean, City eof ew Orleans. nnesses hereinafter named and undersigned, d, whose names are hereunto subscribe, who it. declared that, availinF uemnselves of the , proviiteons of the laws of thire State of lon is isiana. and more particularly of Act 2? of of the General Assembly of rthen State of Lo s isiana, for the year 1914, th have cove il naforei and agreed, and don of these pres ncuts, covenant, agree, bind, nrm and cn ra stitnte themselves, as wel s uch persons dy whod nay here nere join and b ome os, ee ciated th them, into a corporai on and er body politic ine law, for the objects and. ad poses and under the agreements end sAt ate lationa following, to-wit: l Article .-Tyhe name and ste of this ca SporationFhall be. E. C. Hyat . ad nuder that nusame it shall rs an O eans l sr and Be tk w hat on this vnd d ome re! • nedoth ry pli, duln y eommi a n 1l a period of a stry-aine yearn fe dater I, hreof, inless -o t lw t It t sued in its corporate name; to make and nat use a corporate seal and to break and alter it the same at pleasure; to hold, receive, con- T vey. mortgage and hypothecate real, personal perr and mixed property: to issue bonds, notes it and other obligations; to have and employ " such managers, officers, agents and employees ,r as the interest and convenience of said cor- nin pration may require; and to mike and i estah!ish such laws, rules and reguiat:a,: x for the corporate managenent and cJn:rol f the hbus.nes and affairs of the i c irp ,ra't:l: as may ie derred necessa.ry and expe l:e::. Artisle II. The dimicie f t. c-a ;tn s all !,e n the city f New e ):iea . ilegal lr escs -iii ' r - , I' : i - .' ,ent an it I e u :. "t:n _ ci rti l i .e t m ain - ' " , - i: .."',t , :t, ,. K, i"t: t e , . . .. '' , , " I ::c " t ',. " " : " " > • , T . , , , i ,"-. . . ,. L', . .. . - "I" . : . se ."t, .t I, :. t r s:v. r eXe ill.A tIuo "rL" raet pt-iei nil - " ma . ,I," :e Ir : . "' i B rt : "icest 'tt , Sant y .i e 'ti; -it t e I t' - o f c'' r "a . .'i h "le . are l . A ll het n l.. e . ifthed ip e t st h , i i 'i - iretI , ,ior Sat . • i i , i .r. at !tat t ir ti,' s ina atn -tar .s sh i hI ',v a. a lay. d.. . ;n" .. n. . ue : i ee i. l.e. . A I ra ' ail. t oti he -, "w ,"~ e s a f ,in stitarte '- eat h r'... , thA : electr n, sh all i, e e - utader " i- ilres i te "rf t h f I ar"tr"s any ', Ie p .er- ilv the c-iari of d ,ret iay bie dt fer at et " e nh atis alre ' *, itic€te o c ele Sti: a s alte ritten t ac to v'i in the nrne l s: -i ste thi last anrwn di rect or ti there aif im-c a: le at th'"ee times -n, e' d The ,i.ecrp n shill ctione it one wre h:et. SJya "Et r in nwpp the r int a New Orle ans uarder asu a orfles ait reo Clthi har rany e deocan- in the biy oardbf direc tors al bet doliaereatlelt se ten as oa rd of duc rectd of r tisor shall e ofen Ea l,,hdw ard C ie t-attl- srentit hi tha ee city ofdNew orla b a,.hr .; 1os a . in ythe c:ts of New leans iat 1135 Philips d streetf with said atett as president. Sam i-i man as secretary-treasture r. The three above Saiectors and shall serve ti dntilre their succes-l e ie re are duri elected. trhe s o ard of Tedirec C thor shall after each electiot select from Stheir freumedir a president, a -ice-president i. -and a 'dsecret ary-treasu er. lit ait lit t the Ave.; lav Kf :ana f Artcle VII -No stockholder shall ev he ,d t liaile or responsible for the contracts, faults 19 effect of rendering this charter anll or of ex-a *d the unpaid ralance due on the sharel s ilof Stock st tcrh sed for v a him. This act of i Sincorporation may i e echanged, modified or altered, or this corporation may he dissolved e in accordance with the p rovisions of Sections Nos. 6 and 28 of Aclt reNo. 267 of the General re a ye ar e4. In the event of the dissolution of te at this lcorporation by the expiration of its t charter or otherwise, it , business and affairs rn shall be liquidated and terninated by three to Sthe stockholders at the meeting which shall re it have full power and autheity ta settle all t F. the business and affairs of the corpooation. na In ease of the death or disability or any of a said liquidators, the survivor or surviors a a shall a point a succesror or successors to d the amount of stock in this corporation sub- a escribed for by meach of the, so that this act ofl of incrporation may halso serve as thed orig- t . inalt subscription list of said corporation. e Thus dane hand passed in my notarial office, c It '317 Hennen Building, New Orleans, Louis. a e- iana, tn the presence of Marguerite G. Stein li le and Frank Thompson, competent witnessesp e to who have hereunto signed their names with Cr the said appearers and me. said notary pub' n lic, after due reading of the whole. o he Original Signed: E. C. H att, 9e shares; 0 AriJoe Kaufman, 1 share; Sam shaufman share. Witnesses: Marguerite G. Stein and Frankth ',dnThompson. h iI TIERBERT W. KAISER, Not. Pub.I h I, the undersigned recorder of mortgages all in and for the parish of Orleans, State of e Louisiana, do hereby certify that the abovens and foregoing act of incorporation of the y"E. C. Hyatt, Inc." was this da d duly uto o corded in my office in book 1ne 6, folio 6o t ituaNew Orleans, La.. Jan. 2, 1917. A trke copy. of HERBERT t u . KAISER, Not. Pub.s tarea fufell o a1 2 tmch I r 'p. CHARTER te Unsited States of America, State of Losisio S Orleans. in Be it known, that on this the twenty. s. fourth day of the month of January in hse ud year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ser ee enteen and of the independence of the United iis States of America the one hundred and forty' net, a notary public, dulh commassioned anb Squalified, in and for this city and parish, Stherein residin and in the presenc ie Gof the several persons whose nampes are hereunto subscribed, who severally declared that, avaling themselves of the laws of thi state, relative to formation of corpora' tions, they have c anted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant and aree rand bid thmselvesne weoreas such othier pers them, to form at cop ration and body polo itic in law, for the objects ed purposes and of under ithe agreements and sti.pulation s ifol. Cr, lowing, to-wit: nd Article I.-That the name and title and Ate style of this corporation shall be Colonial it' Land Company Inc. and by and under such a e ts p rivileges, p owers, advantages and ins e ties allowed or granted to corCorations by e any existing or future law of at th this stante; r that by and under such nam e it shall have of power and authority to sne and be sued and ee to make and enter iento all lawful contracts ' that it shall see fit; to make and uae a cor S porate seal andr the same nto break alter and' * amend at pleasure; to employ ass discharge asti all managers, agents or other employees aus n' compensatioa; to pricduase, or otherwise ac ' quire and to sell, or etherwise alienate, ary or althe propersdin ty of said corporation, e o. pt ersonal or iated, ad the am n to inert all generally, all pow ers and rights usually tex a erciserd by corposatiees sad stec ether to asusre a d wrscieeadly the holard of thei pn . rtisesent* a .esent s ane d sare td nature of the business to be carried on byr it are hereby declared to be. To buy, scr and deal in a'i kinds of rea., persmnal or mixed pr ioperty. wit:n thc .e ý e SLoulstaiitna, the Unitel S.ates ,f A '.e .,, el,.-wile'e; -, ptt.I 'IA, .r gd. tX :A': ,r a e o t e r . :u r" :v a' y .. '" 1t1;. c,5. ' 1: 11: 'rV'.g , . +,r, ,' l oe,.. :: Ct , + ., . )c t S, t : . Ie :.t . .: . .. . t . e . e I .I ." L t t IlIx S n :. ,t .e c •. -:, "t ,.. ..... , ., •,+ t or vJed y th har of irectos t.: stak, , , -u . ,n t , ,:o ! -[" m b e : '. 1 ,.. .c t . ra se t - :c ., 1 : : C . n . o t I C . 1 - . r J ... . T . in. . t : - '-. f. • l 1918 . un.r w.:tcht d t, thle see:1 in LJ halle~ J :. t'.1 :,1 z, ' p : a: du "c:: e, ",: 'i C ret e Orlan i 'itanc w ii.eCarbin et. Sr.. ,.33 .1.ui Avenu.."c tr a li.* Ei , ,.- : t, te , . :-'-' ... . y be 1- i:,: nd "'1 :h, w ) :. c"-prr .d dn:. t r a wet . er f th' uccess ~ ~ a he enle:ndand b ae qr~rual l n . t".1. : . ''tp 0"-.',. v ,e rrd in a, execied a '" ,.1,: :u: IV, tian etgn't and not ';1f :': i ut -v- d. . . . t ',. *. PI ''vle t, t'he ard ,f i.irectr t h l sa d I m A n eit d , eg t e -berst a-. v ; t, . ,,r ah n a: r c, i, : rate a nd1 tsu :c :t , t he ",h a:t nall bh t ef e ti est e f -a~d l-+1:Id,`tli be thec:ed annulnty on t:; ir, ei,: •l Monday :n January. The ibrst e: ctil lt'h :tder this ihartet s.- e hi elctd t: . el+ n: w ch dt th foown shl:the t~r,t board of directors, to w;: i:d dto 8d 1te s. 23 Atiodul:ond iae sNaiw -, ei: , t Al le n HI . Joh neo 20)u ' er st, st ee , Ne vics,(t!iden F. Ohway Denny 5910 Perer e 'reet, Nea Franil s D. Charbor-c t, hran s ,sal , bo }e t rea ,u rer. ; .\A.l . elect --l h al bl:te ,,y b lth: a. nd aa te at r,2:: t'oult i e Aveny e New t rea f .t O; tto J . Mayer, 3=1 ,2 t.-arle. Ave. ý "ate, New Virleans Ati e LS. kite 1631 E.h anade venuck New Ordan ; 1h Set fte ,t Ci. " at ,, s:, b.: -y Ce ur tstproc ittied. vide i n eto 1 fA t o . o 94 h eard board of direct ors shall rou elect, t rour their ntumter a presidetnt, a vice-pres - , ent, a cec 'tary and at treasuier and such ot c ti e shaltlber held at the fitrt teeting " a Sucd board tallowing their own election. n -t' 'I their -'.cce,sirs have been so elected e itin 1r it tehe sad Ferd:nand Katz shall be p etide nt the said ,Allen H. Jihness shall be sie eit idtent, Otfway Denny shall be s' and Francis D. Charpsanet, Jr., e sha. lie t .reesirer. SA elec.ti shall ner ihare be y a l and a e orri ts the votes ast sale te ecessary toes rle oIr - hi chtto maIetlerd 5- amedecd or tinded any question; each t thp'it',ier s hall be entitled rto one vote for a e toire of satock standing in his name, in thte books if the company, and such vote nTs my e cast in person, by proxy or as pro- a ide, ; en Seci ohn 1 of Act No. 267 of 1914. is Sa holard of directorps shall provide, by a rf o sstotr.. for the Umsane formthu cof gro s th'sni' nt eeMatner, meepting. the. bAot e, balance de r b and o the sbodhirelf .t I cpiah oarcd suallb, alt maescanh by-awd s ,: o, proprl carry osut anrd exhce th he di Sieu pwersad p. r ileged oth corporan - tioni therirll xproided fr isntocklud thevis-res Jento an liabictay, andp as traboveprovndedsuh hle Atctl X.-Thl e seudscribe frs to tecptalng sek reg hist coporation a hner t wn ofeits cap itlstk their anners ahne meent hod eient a and shaes ot tuhe stckpina othercknorderations hvthscatest inprtnerhp a ndte o irina , sub 10crivtiegeis andpoers lofwedc or usuall exb serofhso tista.a o Ferdnand Katzs 250eshdres, $1e.said Allen H. Joihness, sha0 r h AresI-Tde0 , F. Ocway Denny bae shalred, s0anendedor chrangedu . Charbomnet, with tthare prvisios Oof A. 267 of 1914,ares, h g- tis y to the sam te. ea0 sharlsbe necessary rtic le chidr-,n th0e diayessotionof; thisd Ffatihr shall be liqudtled b ot hree orb icn i mibioers t be ecte by s tock is tohle sn Atice bX-nolabs i ty shcal attsach toanbeyng stckholder ofsthis corpoaton, fyoyor any fault f fomi ssin otr camit sof cn of ths orpora-. tirao idn and y manner, enxcp forthe, u ntp fik apt stockh subrib n the for and unpLaidb uhi borfrd any asumor amount tuha be-mays li es andrebted to.aytonr patio. o ineefor tyo propeesrlyh sarry outh and apper arter ad tes , maitoiwter on rganiation of this corpora. of tion heral eprosed tre stinnokhe thereof toe.any liabilityaexcept ascabiove povided.p hte Article -thener su ierstnod teapi 2tall -e- stoecsk f this corporation haren opms dthe itte teir nrest the Hamonetss and nurmsb erise by boards of suhresaa stock in oder to hAvte tl.-his charter seveasthe oinalterub. scritiend lis thanreofpwhichompyingl sub shear, $07,sio;s Otwt y. 2enye, o 0 shares, $10,01F) Fr abncis, Jr. Charonnhares. 100. sthave, $R,0he aOmeo h. 50is AlertS. hie.CH 100NET shares.P$u000;c. IAftone Sneidaun10 hresd.s outin Joatmes Foratten for aes purs5of orfeansai osu ad Lscanibrs de clabr cin uig y tha i ste itobe 5t aid forin cash, and such susription beinge ewsfonrrth etire capital stck o si cthorp ol Tahs doe ar dpoaded , in my offie, ant th ad rt06 fleo I--N iblt hl taht n olt Cit o N ew Orleans, on thep d fya and dat tv- firstcabove brttn himn the phresec of Loits edm Foar eo atnRysm ond Gamunthe, cometent n Oriinalbsedi gEd: Fer EOiNanD , 250or e a-iA. Srhthe. o100share;P Sefton Schnera :hidu,10 sharlexps; OthtocJkhoayer,50thares; 5to Save Riaiiymon Gauche.ta bv rvdd sal F. D. CHARBONNET. Notary Publie. A1mcite undersiged rbcorders of mhrtgageta dh inb an fo the2 parish of OrenSaeo e Or . and foregin corporation ofwtheno pd Uoited Ltanes Compaenya. tic, was tuisie olt dhayres oh rde tlstoemy ice, in beOrto tad 1.6,flo - rhave ithi knoharhte onrv ts tweorinal-seven s1 r New orlistterans, J a hnuar o26 in 11s7 scr iptn hisdred and sollows: befrdian met Wl (50signed) $E25LE Al.e LE ohnAD. Dy. R sharei s F.r D.oHa ROt ary DNotar sPaures $ feb 1t0 15rais 22 march ons1 Sae o 10_ shares $.00;Oto .RMayr, 0sae,2 e; aOF dAlnd o. Whis ine R a, ncorporat ed. ald nited restate of AmericaeSlate ofrLoausb pta naid Por nashd orlensd, pCisty fcrNew Onr for lhearnst. e sepital sons os aimoo rge Be itdknon, tha osned, tis teoy-sev thel oidy of Dec ebers, inte the oan thousatd airsforbthe Paristeh on trleansstate of Louisa 7aiaesduly whommisione itsand qalifedrr and t e. inothearesencter rednf the winse.hoeren.e rtinaedindl uneslgned: personally caat an sh apared; the seveal Dersns, whoshaes names Floare, heeut suarsc ibedhes, all5v shresfu; A. ag. oWhsoite, w00 severes lly deelaon that, oaf L100aa n sars;Ote . alyer t. lasarels in eld tor the pearishl~ of Osrleanies, Sthtey thdaveul reve orded ad aee ofie, bin. book 1 . 1 . - Vs -r.-. ct'V i ~e \o. i n- l'.,a .t : t ,aekes : 1 . "t ` ., t . . . t 's t e .' t. e e- o A'•:, u f %% i d .s l e a . " t " fi i": ' \ - t' lak d, : is no e de "o-...- d. :t c-rs " ,'o , ,, -it -.--lssue i-nm of. i ..... i •i k, '" i ,' he i, ng 1- : .: I '- - at a -r: eC . ti . c p: c:!t"ed . t', ,l I , oset aiter ten da: s , rv. iten no- " e S - oi strckholder ..r 1':, to h1 s l: a:kn awn aIdre-; said liqutictror shall .-e " ' t hor t' to w.'-. d up t:e t ua sii s t oI it ir- of this c 2rpcration. I f , V deai\t f eithe r r %f sai- liqui-e ,, . .. 4 S: Mry .vty A . lapp.-::nt a t. ck-. !c 1- ' a" st,cce. s .t 'to him.- , I .ti , ,i r u'e I[-This charter -.y he odi- ly SI: - i I '1 y altered 02 T 2. I corporatt ong kh ,ler , wýth the as:t: ,f -, stock-r t 22 I - 002. :g two-th rds if te ent:re cap- n `,:] e;,1 .na general nmeeting of the stock I. , ,r}" ,,f each1 ye:.r uT:::rcs c.lud day be a "'t li-s convened for stch purpose, after ten k 1.'. w r ttcn notice shall have been given teach s ackholder mailed tcr;',er him a t his last a hs name h:L trce adlre a a i.r e- Ie:l Ih-No uf scriber for stock skhall :1 ehr ch he alree t kle f the contracts,", rfaults. n Art.cle Vl.--n the eve-nt of the hiquida SIt of sain corporation in any fur:lther i .I,,l.. h ,l let-: sha:', elect tw 1 :qutdators from -i than ,he unpait balance, iif any' due no :te orpiration on the toclde for whichn:l t hes a,- i kn ,wn ailre; nt shai ll qa stockholders a have file author~tv to wind up th'e business f eer ie held o able fhis cor such catontracts, faults I c:et in andea further sum than ter he unpaid liqui .,- shae any mere insoal app,:ity n organiza ck i or rendering any subscriber or stock hm. ehoder l-iible hesyind the unpaid amount, If u Ia , remaining due VI. on his stockmay e m ad A:rtie I -This calteorp oration is organisedo inder the dlws of hthe State of Louisiana and h ,'lstock-,ownin'g two-th~rds of toenct:re cap- n ,' :eialkv Act a general meeting of th114, and be stockub th,,1 " hereto, for such purpose, after tenaid cor p.rav' w ritten notice shall have been givend t eaockholders. holdereby accept, as pat of this lasta :h knrtern and as conditions of this rporation, 0 ig Art'cle V1II.--\n. subscriber for stock shall|'I Severall the rights powersf p rivileges and immusi a- ebt;s gran id to corporation is, and granted r to thand conferred unpaid balanofficers, directors and the cokholders of corporation on the stock for whch hee x as s.O,scrnhed; n.or shall any stockholdersl n ever he helsaid act: such acceptance being asts, full, ts 'r dcomplete and binding any further sum than the unpaid rights, low. abalance, if any, on the stock owned by him;|: So privleges andy mere informalmunities were set orthanza at full lengthe effect of renderingin this charterdinstrument. aThus done arendering passed in suscribery notarial office Sat thdee City of New Orleansp aforesaid, inf the presence of George II. Terriberty and e d, Mieyer L. Dresner, competent witnesses of Slawful age, andy remasidining due on his stocity, whoa A- hereunto subscrI.-iis corporation is orgniether wth said parties and me notary, on the dayLouisi and c ri date set forth in the caption hereof. it (Original Signed) A. L. Warriner, 307 Tio a t he (uaranthe Bldg., New Orleans, La. one -hae; ga Ct Liversedged 307 Title Guaranteed * andg., new Orleans, La., one share; R. A. Warrinerd 307 Title Guarantee Bldg., New u n Orleans La, forty-six sharesi M. Warriner, t 4 St. Mary Axe. London, E. C., England, -a- p p g A Warriner, one sharen G. D. War. I riner, 307t Ttle Guarantee Bldg. New Or. i t5leans, I a. one share, y Witnesses: Geo. H. Terriberry, M. Lt Dresner r . W. YOUNG, Not. Pub, of* T. the undersigned recorder of mortgages ed. uin and for the Parish of Orleans, State o_ tr Louisiana, do hereby certify that the above - p- and foregoing act of incorporation of M & R. sad Warriner. Inc., was this day duly recorded a in my office, in book 1201, folio - i bd.,.ew Orleans, La., oanua r Lare;RD. Warigned,3i il EuarLee y B191., e r nty sDeputy Recorder. C (te co A W. YOUNG, Notary C. blic. 10Jan 25 feb 1 B 15 22 inch 1 17 P. CHARTER s bF DUVIC HAD AECOMPANY, IN be(ORPORATED. gUnited Stales of America, Stale of Louisiana, p. Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. Be it known, that on this 2th day of the the month of January in the year of our Lard one ate thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and ais of tthe independence of the United States of ct America, the one hundred and forty-farst, and before me, Nicholas Eugene Humphrey, a notary public, duly commissioned and qua! 50 itied in and for his city, and the parish of nes Orlans, State of Louisiana, therein residing a; and in the presence of the witnesses herein. ii. after named, personally caine and appeared: s; The persons subscribing hereto lwho de F. elated that availing themselves of the laws of this state relative to the organization of ic. corporations, they have coveranted and te agreed, and do by these presents agree, bind of and constitute themselves, their successors oe and assigns and such persons as may here he after become assoctated witN them, into a his corporation for the purposes and under the Tank following articles of incorporation, to-wti: Article I.-The name of this corporation shall be "DDvic Hardware Company, Incor article 1I.-The objects and purpses for eik, which this corporation is forme7t nd the business fo be carried on by it is hereby - declared to beh to conduct a general retail hardware business; to buy and sell by whole sale or retail, hardware, house furnishing e. goods, crockery, earthenware, iron and other metals, of all kinds and character, building : splies, shio sa, mill and pataion sunpples r*and any and prlln ofther aricessof herhan dise generally handled in connection with such business and incidental to the above h obj ets Iad e a pi t al stock of this corf cr. poration is hereby fixed at the sum of sev ad enteen thousand five hundred dollars ($17, asi- 500.00) divided into one hundred and seventy. and five shares of the par value of one hundred fter dollars each. The stock shall be paid for ad in cash or property actual!y received by the ass stockolder sabscribing hereto or on such ull terms as shall be Ared by the board of hadiecardtors. t mdc agnra ea hardwinetbu-one shrs foull pand shall be wsoled cand to ank C.d Dalc sut crier heric s of ser ldn dsy numberaof shardes ia consieration withes enteen saidusand C. oye henreby sellsarssigns, the I te St :', . " .,d " an f ,,~g coutr , s IX- . a . , . ' s t . t i n . \ '. t 1 ,ll 1.10tt' s l. :.C 1" t.' L "r hC . ,l!;tl t::tlrl'll l O Antilcll .A h c r e r i-rernt t o alt t ".e .. ,e :1 ,4 t v.. .i - t: to ta:< ra" I C{I,.. n v s te . in . to ., 1, 1.7," .1.."1 11 .,t -.,.h .:I: 1 the- l,,rl},r 1!. s. der l f ,r c.11, , ,1 b' -mt i. .. i l r; " 1 In ! "tit' µ:. ,t ik )' pwlelase T ~ r I A ,'p«-t" f r tetire ibame, p r.v.,h' i I .: e t .le , hk of this i'.r p 7,1 . 't ,I ": n ' r I dini'.ifl "I 1 ele w he a:n,,un:t jr v,,ltI y .v to* c.v Iid:ut hsi 'e~ in :ti , - ,. ' hier sa't es, the Federal , r:ct-. :h "l r , all lan ,.,sess: n, of lthe .n:ted at e d in foreign coun.ries; to win u, atd +-usie itseif. and generally S t, il l t 1 T 'itm e t-n s and iiuTlit Ti- grantsed i i.w ",i isip corppiatitsns. A-tincle V". Al the coerpr.,te p,we-s of t ; cri ora. ,' -ht'dl b e ve-ted its and ex Ter i'-d I, a '",a:,' f d'rectk r., to be cocn a- set , :h:,'e itik'. ler each of whi:n hTill own5 in is NnT rigOit nit le-s than one f al; ln d and Ual.eiged share of stock. to he Ce:ectTd by the s:,I'khhi'rs annually begin' i'i, at the anntual meetTng of 1918. Te ! , oard of t:rect ors shall at its first teetngr. anter the aidIual eiection elect fromn the r wTn 0huiser a president, a vice-presi dLit. a':d -hall elect a secretary-treasurer Ai !ietd noTt Tle a stockholder, or may elect a secretary and treasurer, neither of whom need be a stoekholdor. The first board of directors shall consist of Frank CI. DTusvie, residing at 323t Morgan I street in this city, Remty Charles, residing at 508 Slidell avenue in this city, and Carl L. Ruch, residing at 2131 Bainne street in I :his cit, with said Frank C. Duvic as pres .Tlent, kemy Charles as vice-president, and rCarl L. Ruch as secretary-treasurer, who eshall hold office until their successors are Selected and qualitfied after the first annual meeting in 1918. She annual meeting of the stockholders for the election of directrs and such other bus ness as may cme before it, shall be held on the first Tuesday following the first Mon sday of January of each year beginning in 1918. All electiins shall be by ballot. Fail a re to elect shall not vacate any office, and all officers shall hold over until their suc cessors are elected and qualified. All va cancies in the board of directors or the of oces shall be filled by the remaining direc tors. iuth "the written consent of all the mareitors. meetngs of the board of directors ,may be held outdtie the stite of Louisiana. or within the s'ate elsewhere than at the corpi~ratiTn's dcsnnicile. Direc'tors ntay be represented at any meeting of the board by written prsxy. Th bsoar of direotore may i when it deems necessary convene a meeting of the stockholders, and shall call a meeting of the stockholders when requested. bn writ tingp by tlhe holders of twent t-fihe per cent ot the outstanding Stock; and she president 'may call a meetig of the board of directors C when in his judgment it is necessary, Artir e VItl.-F.ach st*Jnholder shall at every stockholders' meeting le entitled to one vote in person or by written proxy for each 0share of capital stock held by him, or he ha kser atvole by letter, the signature d of whch must be acknowledged before a no tary public, orotr te officer authorized to take affidavits. Stockholders shall ave the dright of cumulative frting in the election of edirectors. L Sares of stock in this corporation legally or equitably belonging to it shall not be rvoted directly or itdirettly. Notices of all stockholders meetings rhall re in writing and shall be delivered to each r stckholder at least fifteen days before the date of such meeting by depositina such no ttis ihn the pnt office, post prepaidu ad dressed to eachstockholder at his last ad drges, which niust be furnished to the sec chretary by such psockholder, or such notice nTay be delivered to such astockholder in per Article VIII.-No stockholder shall ever he held lialed or responsible for the contracts or fauls ot this corporation in any further sum than in an amount equal to the unpaid halance on the stock for which he has sub scrited, nor shall any mere informality in organication have the effect of rendering this charter null, or expose any stockholder t any liabilityh other than as above provided, Article IX.--This charter may be altered, atended or modified or the capital stock in creased or decreasedi, or the corporation may be dissolved and its affairs liquidated by a vote of two-thirds of all of lts capital stock at any special meeting called for any ,hf such purposes, after notice to each stock holder shall have been given as provided in nefArticle VII of this charter; provided, that the capital stock of this corporation shalt of not be increased to more than fifty thou sand dollars ($50,000.00). Provided further that the above method of dissolution is not exclusive, the corporation reserving to itelf the right which is hereby granted to be dis solved by any of the methods provided is Section 28 of Act 267 of the General Assem on bly of the State of aouisiana of 1914. Pro vided further, that if the objects and pu-. poses of Article II of this charter is to be of amended or the capital stock of this corpora tion is to be increased beyond the amount Sfixed in this charter said amendments may not be made except by the vote of three fourths of all the capital stock. Article N -Upon on the disolution, in any hemanner, of this corporation, the stockhol - ers shall elect one or more (to be deter onmined by -them) stockholder, as liquidators, to liquidate its affairs and onfer uponn such Sliquidator such authority apsthe law now orinvests in such Lituidators, or modify it as Sthey deem desirabe. S I case of vacancy the remaining liqui ad at or niquidators shall he elected to fill I-such vacancy, fo Thus done and passed, at my toha ce at the ter city of New Orleans, on the day, month and g year hereinabove first written, in the pres ence of Josephine Noel and L P. Selph. coin in:petent witnesses, who with said appearers an-d ihme, notary, signed these presents. ye Original signed: Frank C. Duvic, ]emy Charles, Carl L. Ruch. Witnesses: Joseph:ne Noel. J. P. LelphD. NICHOLAS E. HUMPHREY, 17, NNotary Public. t in the undersigned recorder o mortgages red and for the parish of Orleans, State of[ frLouisiana. do hereby certify that the above teand foregoing art of ineorporationh of "Duvi ads ardware Company, Incorporated,." was this ofdaV' duly recorded in nu ofic, in book 1206, folio -- New Orleans, La., Jan, 27, 1917. sd(Signed) EMilie J. LEONARD, Dy. R. s.Feb 1 a 15 fl march~ 13