Newspaper Page Text
N"OEM r NE A Az, EL No' oý+ý j" DENT: " -1 -9 FROM 'I3RIV 1ý i I' .'\T i;A- rL -'i sI'\T. r- fl1* \II CRESCENT THEATEP. fe pAase ir th. ul t t * gI X Mahoney. th ;: h. , IMl poplar cartoo' , g eomedy "Brinn :, l'.,h r `a " which corn.- , . h,: eater for a w'P ~ -r n ·o- gSuaday alftrni in At - iL elected (ontr.- ,. at. l a Wia ington h· r. it - h,,;, I yLllet a usual ir. lr :'.ntiVw ut *IIh. He can thank hi- wi't! , amr which he strongly : SSmnt Mrs. Mah1',n,'" re vt l- wealth earned by .li-'" lLi was in the contract inli bu U winr to let some ,of it burn MaMO "FLORA BE.LLA" at the TULANE WEEK OF FIFB. 2",TH. ISLANE THEATER. au sgagcal score rippling with , book which hts Shave been asking for iat ainterest story of do ad romance (an odd com sa that Joyous artiste. Flor ,slting the prima don - a DBella," the season's l ph, comes direct from run to captivate lo of the Tulane Sunday t Nlays a week's engage t has given the pro staging, and a splen t he aes are laid in Rus As Nearilghted. 4a a samber of experl mkitlsts have found -- B ef are m relatively wnh human eyes; etwiftry about one-twen S Mgth of its body, while i teem onesixtieth to Eat height It is be Sftome reason for their !MW Ju)t like trees, and I ·rwing to the differ. M One of the best a languages is the Iabject in Tylor's * The story in Geh w of Babel is not by scholars as be Shistorical value. a Luxury. V haled before him, Nit this question: ne u your house down It tnsured?" Where .Ipiled: "Yo' honith, me can't afford to SIansurance, too." d ennmansm hold that the orig aot of the same BSo th. Germans, or Mongolian at the English. and South Ger bW the Prussians are not In eircle. They ignally of non emospt when were taWlking lMa llemination have much :hr,!,lh h.,r in. s it any ra,- --h. , : 'rns for oi'. thinL to dissi,ate a larite amount of ennui of whic'h 'h. seemts to be obes-e. o he takes u; the cud_,els in favtor of woman u: trapTe with the rme ol that tat, hrad " the laniil miust I,. honored 'ith some sort of a nominaliltion. .Jigs eventually e(l( cted and then .icom th crand speech of acc'.ptanc('. \,'Wh-. evcrylbo(dy x1to-cts hi to dis.ours, \ords of pr:ois. br thi, untlrin forts of hi-% wife. in his bhthalf. he do+* the unex:,ec ted and throws cold wa ter upon the calse of sdifltrage oand roasts the centler sex to a frazzle. (if course this is the signal for a holla halloo and as a rule these thins arodse laughter. sia. The story has to do with a cab eret singer who. without his knowing her past means of livelihood, marries Prince Nicholas Demidoff. Believing that a princess would conduct herself in a cold, dignified manner, she for gets her naturalness with the result that the prince soon tires of her. In his search for frivolity he goes to Pe trograd and visits the "Sign of the Golden Calf." The princess, at the same time, returns to her old life for one night and there meets her hus band. She explains that she is a twin sister known as "Flora Bella." and the prince believing her. falls desler ately it love with her, and all ends happily. .& Elephant Choked by Frogs. A large elephant carrying tasks weighing nearly 200 pounds, choked to death on frogs recently in one of the provinces of Sudan while drinking at a pool. The batrachians were sucked into the elephant's trunk with such force that they lodged in the windpipe and shut off the air. Trees on a Boundary. When trees grow on a boundary line they belong to the owner of the land even though they be only six inches over the line. The fruit on the tree be longs to this owner even though the limbs extend over the other man's land. Theowner cannot go on the neighbor's property to pick this fruit without permission, nor can the neighbor legal ly pick the fruit on the tree. When Filling a Fountain Pen. To . prevent annoyance from air bubbles, use narrow, tapering pieces of blotting paper, cut small enough to reach easily into the barrel of the pen. When touched with one of these blot ter points, the bubbles disappear and others do not form. Sound Body and Mind. Not all the battles have been fought with the sword and shield, not all re bellions have been struggled out on the feld of battle, not all achieve ments reached by the nobility. Men have come to realise that sound bodies and minds are of less importance than sound spirits. Right Sect of Citiasn. A man of a right spirit is not a man of narrow and private views, but is greatly Interested and concerned for the good of the community to whteh he belongs and particularly at the city or village in which he reides, and for the true welfare of the society ofat which he is a member.--Jomatha a D wards. MARRIAGES @; -en one Hymde.Herthum. te ite Mr. and Mrs. F. Berthelot an-. ,j nounce the marriage of their god- the child. Miss Celina Hymel, to Mr. Ar- uC thur Herthum of Baton Rouge. La. :!I, The ceremony took place Tuesday :ra at 5:30 o'clock p. m.. Rev. J. A. Petit officiating. The attendants were Miss Louise Hintz and Mr. sin Phillip A. Berthelot. After the ceremony a reception was held at the house. The young ,,t couple \t ha were the recipients of many handsome presents, are resid ing at 333. Tulane Ave. t::e Horn-Iecourt. SOn Thursday evening at 7 uo' pr a quiet but pretty 'iedding took cat p:ac'e at the ('hur,.h o: the Holy Name of Mary, the contra, ting par- - !¶-s ',iing Mis- Alice Horn and Mr \'. Frank Ltecourt. The ceremnony t: s p , r!o r mt 'd by tt v . J A . (rt;'t t. : 1i-: th r rude Hlrn and Mr We.ey !ii.k, .rr..- the attenlan:-. w\hlr'. Mr. J,-. .rn. .a broutherl." ot: "Lh bride ir,-. .. .1h t.ry ptllltr in our di- r t The ,ridl. : cllirn:ng blodle. ham . s' iti'd-. ti hilt tihe t, I. ". h , (1i, o n : our¶ 'a. ' -'' hell " i- ot'e. Tl ",. ~ild:h_ o f 1ieia Marlt a ritra W,-dlnesd:yc at the L'hirtch t'1 i Ill1. Nioit o! Mary at, - oclock. teyv. J . I ltt it ofliiating. A\ rt , i. ' i,:lt o:I.oae at Pythian halei'.n O'Ihnn,,ll-Hr,,ss n. On VWe.dnesday. Feb. 14. at t i:, Sclock p. nm Miss Juant itt ')h nnel! and Mi. 1 Iobert Itr. ' ,n of I toun::a. La. w -re married at the (hurch of the Htoly Nalne of .Mary. i v. . .1. 1'. i sagln officiatin . The attendants • were 1Miss Nellie 01 tonnell ant! Mr I trott. a brother of th.e gro :ii. Th.y a left immtediately after th ero .rEi ony di for Ramos. where theo wsill rteside. Mlarxen-Owens. On We\dnesday eveninni Feb. 7. Mi= Myrtle Marxen was married to Ml John T. 0( ens by Rev. i. Kuegele. at Trinity Evan. Lutheran Church. The bride was charmingly dressed in a lo ely gown of gray crepe de chene and Geor ette crepe, and wore a beau tiful corsage of bride's roses. She was attended by her sister. Miss Es ther Marxen. who was also gowned in I crepe de chine, and wore pink Killarn ey roses. The groom was attended by the bride's brother. Mr. Chas. M. Marxen. After the ceremony the bridal par ty. accompanied by Mrs. Marren. wen' to Kolo's German Tavern. where a de liohtful supper was served them. Mir. and Mrs. Owens will be at honm to their friends at -27 Dielaronde St. Early Discouraged. Mother-"No, Betty darling, I can't button your boots for you. Now you have a little sister you must learn to do things for yourself." Betty-"Shall I always have to do fings for myself?" Mother-"Yes, darling." Betty-"Then I don't ink I shall like life."-Punch. H. @Matter of Comparison. It- Election Agent-"That was a good ng long speech our candidate made on the s's agricultural question, wasn't it?' an Farmer Plowson-"Oh, a, it wast't elf bad; but a couple o' nlghts' good rain ar- Id 'a' done a sight more agood." Ilt In, e O I. l CHARTER e F TilE KSOTHERN EMBROIDERY & S MANeFA CTU RING WORKS. INC. he tnated States of America, State of mlouisiana. or ari'h of Orleans. City of New Orleans. r e it known ttat on this 31st day of Jatn-. Sary, the year at our Iord nineteen hundred in anid seventeen of the independence of the nd United States of America the one hundred and foi'tv-firt. tbefore me. Nicholas E. er- Humlwe-. a duly qualified Notary Public s in and for the city, parish and state aforesaid. and in the presence of the hereinafter namedi and undetsigned witnesses, personally came and appeared the persons subcribing hereto. sho declared that availing themselves of the constitution and laws of this state relative it the organization of corporations, they have Scosveisated and agreed and do by these pres ents agree. tind. and conatitute themselve? , then oucce',otrs and asrigos and such persons 0e as may hereafter becomie associated with athem into a corporation b r the purposes and nt the followng artics of incorporation ed t,-wit: Aitscle 1.-The nanie of this corporation ohall be the "Southern Embroidery an Manu pe facturing Works'. Incorporated. Article 11.-The objects end purposes for which this corporation is formed is ro be for the manufacture and sale of curtains, pen-' nants, sofa pllows, emblems banners, braid. tng. flags, cards, threads o? all kinds, em broidery supplies, labels, buttons. etc. To fl perform all kinds of applshque work for dresses. nd costumes, cushions, etc., to do all kinds of accardeon and box p!eating, marking and LOl stamping. To tpurchase and sell all kinds be- of goods, materials and merchandise incident and to the performance of this work. To con he duct supply estrablisments, to buy and sell ad. any and all merchandise necessary, or mc sldent to the above objects and purposes. and 'i generally to do and perform any and all work rUt connected therewith. SArticle III.--The capital stock of this re "-- i.rtation is tereby fixed at Ten Thousand I Dollars. divided into Two Hundred shares ofi the par value of Fifty Iollsrs ($50.00) each. Stock shall be paid for in Ilabor done, or money, or property actually received, in such ainounts and on such terms as shall be fixed hv the Board of I)Drectomr. One Hundred and air Forty (140) shares full paid stock shall be issued to Edgar G;. CGould. suabscriber hereto; far said number of shares in considerataon to whereof the said Edgar G. Gould hereby sells, . assigns, sets over nd deliv 1 of the ae a good w of the "Southem Em ot- broidery & Mfg. Works," heretofore con nd ducted by him. in this eity as of date Decem her 30th. 1916. and this company accepts same and acknowledges due delivery thereof. and in further conideration thereof assumes the liabilities thereof, the whole as pe list of said assets and lisbilities which are attach ed hereto, made a part hereof, and marked ht "Exhhibt A" to identify it herith. And the appearers, being all of the sub scribers hereto and officers..ereof, towit: SEdgar G. Gould, Albert Mille sd Jewell A. Sperling, being by me fjst dilly sworn, did I depose and say, that te pperty herein so above transferred to thirs eompany by said Edgar GC. GCould. is weldl known to them, and that they and each of them herebx value and I a ~spraise same at the sum of Sevrd Thousand Dollars ($7.000.00) and further declare that. including the amount of capial stock issued to Edgar G. Gould, Seven Thousand One Hundred Dollars (57,100.00) of the capital stock of this company has been subscribed and paid for, and that the balance of said unpaid stock will be stabsacribed for within Sthe time as fixed by Law. The amount to is which the capital sack may be increased shall be Twenrtyire Thousand Dollars ($25,.000.00). No stockholder shall have the eb isht to dispose of his stock in this company wthout i: eang Inr offered in writing, at its then book value, to the board of directors, !Or who may purchase the same for the company and may be retited or reissued as treasury stock by the board of directors. Certificates D- of stock mhall be signed by the Prmidenmt or Vice President, and the Seeretary-'Trmarer, if one officer. Article IV.--'lTe dpmible eof this C r a:ion is fixed for New Orleans, Louisiana. "1 Citation shall be served on its president, in ";i h:s absence on the vice-president, in the ab- its -ence of both on the secretary-treasurer if ci-. one officer, if two, on the secretary and in hre the abence of all three, on the treasurer. Arlicle \.--The corporation in its crrpor- 'rr.e are name shall have the right to have and rces enjo.y successon for ninety-nine years from I: the date of this charer; to sue and to be errs sued in any court of competent ju:rsdiic:1r : t, make and uie a comirmni sea. and a'r . he r'e " t, a.-.i : "~ ..cqi'ei : -.<!. pe-s".,ml and mixede . in and out of t :e Sta:e of L., ..ama !,) grant, g:t, pu-'cha and :, dv\ i- - hequies:; - lear, h ,.1 1 `l , 1s.;-t-r ,. ,,:,i ! .n..h r:gafge a'~1 pit' ipght' :'tc , sanme; to , apt' ' ,' 'tfir a d . .. r-t ..t 1 -'. ,e".'. ,, t ii i-r :,"'1 • . x their , ' l, , l "1" n" .:d"' , p, a: ' l. . - . i ." -' , I. ! . ;, ,, .t :. - ,· g S -e i T. , - .' e - , - , , , . : ;t h , t I i f' .: S: t " - t s. c ' e . !v be'. • . '.. . ':c in A' c , c p t -i e the . i t " r ! . p r, - d" - " S " ' " 2 - .A th A t . . .' , le *i.. _, ', . ., ". - ! .i.* ":e n th- -ht ' r . · t: c i5 t , n . c se . o ',Tfu -Ih, . f 'l if th - , t a. l A' t:a..s -n e' t e,:t n " t `C., ' . -. i. -. 't '.t: h ..). . r ·· •- '.. I, ; - r . ,. M ee t s, h - - s hld,-'- " ,er . •s\ ,l . ,- It h s " it od I.t .as ' at e i.' I ,,i -.; .,-r ' hf th ' -r ",.e '"!.:r ik _ator .. : .d t rali s li ona v f rl e r . V fan' : .n n a siis ": i " " fcfti e '~ the - i iF i . f :e l ...,, .ti- . e -fir ea h ti. "- fth ,d IF 1 he.i! f.r . h bt ov' wri'le, that the 1 I X -C ith said apayhr an tea.' el nars , the th .'se rese d, . t e dute ,ea d"in , i cr f :,.h - o rhi hed A f e-. \'- , •i .. , -- : ,aqu d .te ' ,y a v. -It ' i'i ;. -"r Ii " . i' t "n e o t . Przoale d . t ahe tlhe r !it) and iur as Is-roeof inArticle h I iah e \-s t" ) i "e a ec inded or tht ca.e .i i 'nd: f K. ithfe id of. "in is not. ca clutr. s S ie .for in rec . finr S . to itsel of the criat.i to Ahich l c:-t'.ys -" ted. t, she dilldio , in il any ~f the nE roihde r vidend in ufcturin 2$ ,f .ct i",Ja hthe dGendr .A :..a l y . f thr Sstalrl t'c onelh of 1m1r Fto ede further.m S that if them ... ock , nd npurpos , of ,t ile, II - h this chare.r It s Ja . t L.orended c r ,the cai !a `tack ofa thus cbov t i a is a t a t hr ncreased nte -s the um -ixacd iny the main cting luh amendments may ntort sle made excin ly cthe t'-t de t nhrefurth s is f all of the capital S rt cler .-o n. t ,n the dais, oluto , in an. , mtahits. ,f tri, o cwith-ati, , the sreto ad mer S haldl c r lt one or more tio ie determined id 'nit eda seos k hf . J. r and s lC u rton.s1o. L N. E. EIlMPHiREY. Notary Public.I me , I., ,the ,n rine ' r e r 1 e of mortag es,. -t a'ned aoe ot Aef Orea n.. a ,State ofLuin, the r. L iousa a, ,wher ceu . f- , l that - i ethe da o tdlt a,d gn andt of d idnc r orie of theU,, Staete of Emroiader the oan huntureind s- forkt . .lnciir b foraiedm W. was dat y duly,,a e ,ef ad ie nl irftf aln ed to ri no if Foh nh. i eleans , Fthe .. orngc a rr 2Finte pran 1 cI. ith d sign ed, M n ,,-'ll 3a. a Red , ap Da Re. ad I the M odrsne nota rB. ilynn, dot relsidenr in th a t cit a ote abvge isfa true, ad orrei t oay o f the ortini d acr.t of inar; pcation d nuof W ti s inco , t ra ed oen fa leinmy of icet i, othtf the )sid CW.i an d pa'e. o A ertileIn e i ached uder scnid the cirtde e of utheort en- 'heavnd ad hv affixedumyooficipledeal this aid. 2 nd doy oers Fa theur m11e7n. oxJ tan y 2h mf b N. hi E. rp 't iv Re E c optaty Puar ie ac. T ao e , 15 etin o , f the o tohoerst k of the1 is thl ican kan h oldemp any wa 1ld atos th :hg horfice if afaid companinferthis cypon whn ed nFeruar 12.t hr F 1at1r7s . mnd r tr| n- hare. oft th e a not itrybe. of Ne Ore an is Be hait ke of ta tny th reaind co daynid ac.i th inath at o Fseiby, in teyeo r tion osu and Loed to thousnd nitne hunr fe and seven rhued and ha e ofaied epn dec ofseahe theie nd taesy of Amrierhsn te. noe hu ndort nd cd a l eran, cher fe rs ing a sn in the prso iec r. if t toch an d witnesses hehreiat a ndu uhd teardaas aro cam anda ea beof the GillicaneVizard Cospanyr; andeld A. edn I cthue ftemsijf ne rcode of Louisianys in s an h of t s e an ih of Orleans .ty, hee in - stockholders a lt knownat ther tin o atadry m- 1e at theofi of compa . 80o! the 9) of Can e pseloust We a BFuroiGd ian, hintd an ictr;n - f shares in hir riespectivecapacty de la re: ist Jil.. Tca-ora Company was held attmhe rs orff . Ic o rf a ti cm i any iths caiy on ran ur. yn. 29, T te r wians predsen a nd repre-. ur I s the tnesdgnd eonoare do he to andam oit tin sv har te ofsaid cm pand corrist A. Ith t catf sai eetl ang of an rorelauion ast i ofe t oe aternd E Arri a oanuaicharte -in- ofnsa. Idcorporati . on a hereina e forfide at e t wand thatrall of said 363 5. dares theret and. In o fsaith rslution, haed saidn cha rer, iahereto atceS and da made pab hreaof and )n- stockholdersN 'tlUMtr meetingry ol. bUned fc ate e of sad ricy, 89anal-ouisiana, B, Pank ourldinlg City of New Orleans, Lo. sed eac taock of the aiselastpce of theaddres as.(copes of whmerich is o hred athr w th-ofein aesnt W B.. Iin th city 321 5a9 any shares; , th erei rs i , and shares; ar.A. taylore hrdeinafte i sares andqor um trs st.r.t. Wat Gillha acted as chntaomn br It tahs mo G diind scomande hat utnn of this city oration fle ofmnajofrom smeret - s c and that tof of said efcmp nr, s09Caid rl~met .B.Gliahhlig31 - "The name of this corporation shall be I "(;illican-Chipley Conmpany. I:c." a:u ' r its corporate name shall exist ex"-and t c-. in for nine:vy nne , year- ' hre-.f, and -hall hay Ipower ;.n'. ano ts ' ·n: -art. ,ue nd e I'e paed. t make adI rect. Vt. ea-C. -i e. " ' , r r:\ ry a '. p e r - , i ·" I· : \ , . · : !'. I , -. .I. \1 " M 1 " . ," e . ." "" . . \ , t--0 •i . ... . .... 1 , " . , I . I , - - . w- " "'" s "t li i l 1 ti- \Al isl. !i i2t W .. I G I . I '' 1 ' '". CHARTER ' ~ta n w"' th . "sion ; "" "he a" w "-' '. • . , _ . h . \- . .. e. , ." . , a, t , . i, S. he u ,·If sos as may h - 'm C' aed c Iwi tfe, nd 1 'hn 'he-,v nsuie, w. .t the Ar I.-Tch\ 1; -,:id ir s-v M. lorpaine ae. hll' P Farish if add. in the Sate f I:-. ht. lanai1 pf the pr-isio'n s las. the Ss e uih f t. e e made arni 2 povi i d. .the m . .trai te. ant agreed. i n r.a d - tiems-es,, a well aall such p er Ssons" ax may hereafter bectme assi sciated. - with the. fir and constitute a ciorsi-a: sed lion fir the ilects and purposes and under Lich The stipulattins hereinafter set forth. the Article I.-The' name of said corporation hta shall he Fairview Lanih o .imapny, Incorpor ated limited,. and nder said name it sh all by enjoy shilce bion for the term of ninety-nine .t.' ,ii i sear- f'n and after the date h er e ed u4 sner dissolved. .It htall have power at t:hectsh it crsnractIn tise agn it he sadi toh d. cor""p" or ate " ,' affar.-,etc. .' ' nc al tie oi the arinshat, od reas: i u an d ' tae ofLo . sranl a.,t and nto fr n or th.e lta IA. 'ticr le Im.-The saectar o s aid c.rpo i tnar sh all n. . n~ Hu.ndred. T"cu.. n . n atud. olf 1,.m . ait b ,i s s hall be. T b a te pa ,d .f.'.n ,.-talme"r t he t .e m ut" of , anid .' r(- sutell rIe estan and tofer ahend eu lhrtila as ,':h: L, chll hT detr w:ned " bye -the dcor.w A. " : . t1 A rtil.eto - Tsei c apital stoc o, ma. i c r ini-ate, s hall be On 2 hnde Tousand lic.lolar' iSlcfi.Bf -c.Ofiarl tdivride ito ten hou e r, san .ae'.d tlo . fr liar- prt calue-f tein "v th fr'e . in inale n ofs. the mantms he snt a ofthe in l.te antad th .iesh hn te h r- Any- po-hrto ,ii f said capital 'i, k rm:ay , h ·sissed f thfe direcitr s infexh ngtefhoraer .tie r ,nishn all cort itrtp eit ors itor utieg rthe pcris shall be feaed n the cyp'anid met , . nr i" thck-orenp raa pur tuh ose. e as.kodes -ect rtcle .-the e'.ntir poate n o wersed. ic shtad lethesed shall be oalrd on sDietc eoo snons ad maoef tea s cmn tierc ofe ahi bared - lston e kn , lace of anddress purposes tane nr rad et o f rs rectors shahllbeu by andlfothe thille held oatno ad tohef ate sarem and Ftra Ari ace le.-Thc gncawit oc'h yeaid cornr t11 i.said shall e hel ufirpn ll n ,ed wnty das Ote d, tym al to ahnf stode h io lee t shid t ai rst ion d of direc tors sail slil hall cIone kr of the a otosea cprt shall henecopessaryt ind:, aw anlt nd Any aher tcmany u Tghey shall Boad ofirctors shall he f fille by to e iebr-. Arrt.4c iate ly- dfoslinte adourn samd c ertio, -ac the ainngl deetn of theeatokhoe tae ,o f i Boa rd of Directrs a hall ooi s tteegar Sn b the eqi-rslet odf a intve president, hno de l ce shall othe fitce tar of Fear uar At rtile nl.-lt o the ds tolhoesio rp theo s in otserety, its andireas shall be o fiudaerd s ntl re i sceal ssenrs e ee are and ee thed t the holders at a meeting called for at purpose, 29, upon thirty (30) d tys' noce of th baolding nal thereof duly aprinted n at leastc two news lho papers published at New Orleans, Louisiana. Artile i- ctl rn e of inrey coro ration may the be modifiedn changed or ame aed, or said the corporation may be dissolved, upon the vote a n- three-fourths of the capital s tock repre pre sented at a general meeting held for that pur rof pose upon thirtay c(30) days' previous notche rd- inted in at least two newspapers published Sthe city of New Orleansc and in the city was of Shreveort in the state of Loiuisiat. sec Article aIII.-No stockholder shall be a rth ble for any contract or fault of this cor eal poration in any further sum than the bhalance o due on the ares of stock owned by him February, 'Ir, Article IXual-The t oun e stockaolder, to is to which said Fairview Land Company may nd be increased is to e Two Hundred Thousand the dresses of the osubscr icers of the earticles of na the corposion, and thae numer of n hares l of stock whiretrs each hallve eed to take in the corporation and fa descrption and vasue o of the propertl y piven in exchange for such ras stock is as follows, namnely: Ru: uincy, Illn, 10; J. Sherman Rape, Threveyort, a, La., 10 shares Georgte fW. Rape, Shreveporta La., 10 shares; Harry M. Rape, Shreveportd e La., 10namet of the 10,000 tock rs SDeseription of preperty given etc. A i cr lain tract of land now or foerly known g as the l.airiwn the dPlaiesio.t, ioni o tee tise left or at hank otf te Magissaippi river, aArticle aI.--tiste act of swctpaltas mtl TULANE BSUND Feb. 25th Matinees. V ednesda. and Saturday, at 2 Pt . 1 .FLORA BELLA Crescent Theatre ngi niFeb. 25 "Bringing Up Father" PRICES: N" 'TT 5: .2i .*MATINEES: Sunday at 2:3(', Tacsda, Thursday and Sat. at I'. .I. PHONE MAIN 333- 334 ++BEST OF VAUDEVILLE MATINEE EVERT DAY :..a-lOc TO 50c. BO J F Ai ' 7c. EVFRY NIGHT :15-l10c TO 75c. 1o4X SFATc SI0 \ . ' .... FI 111,1 , , , \ . \• - e i e e l, . n d e r ., I :r td sM tle" h tter li . . , .,d . I . t I. •' r: o e . I " ". i e' r . - i :'th w " '-. loC l it \% It iI - , t h, Si' an , : u., 'e as aole ve h cr-'"! .. , ,. 'tics s nth enertc . raveio \ 1 , * a i-« i , o ," .:r -name. together ''. I ap crer' rll I :re, notary, on the .y, andt ,tae af,,-r-and (add, Parish, Louisiana. f 15 22 n,'h I f 13 22. l017 Tae ,r lll! nais. Adams tCounty as I. . . Sm:th. ('lerk of the County Court :hin and for the said County and State, ithe saute being a court of record, having a clerk and seal)i. do hereby certify that it ap tears of record in my office that Rolland IM. iWagne-. Esq.. whose name appears subscriied to the foregoing certificate, was, on the day and date thereof. an acting notary public in and for said county, duly appointed and colr.misioned ,by the governor of the State of Illinois. as such on the 26th day of November, 1913 for the term of four years from the date of said commission, and duly authorized by the laws of the state of llt :,Ois to take and certify acknowledgment of deeds, and other instruments and to admin .: er oaths, and that all his official acta under -.,id commission are entitled to full faith and credit. and that said certificate is in due forni according to the laws of the state of Illinois. I further certify that I sam acquaint ed with the handwriting of said and I',ihese the foregoing signature, purporting t, ',r his, to be genuine. In testimony w ereof. I have hereunto set -my hand and affTxed the seal of said court. at my office in Quincy, this 19th day of De Sctn!,er, A. D. 1916. W. T. SMITH. Clerk. Per J. C. WITEFIELD. Deputy. I fet., 13 22 mnch 1 8 15 22. 1417. - CHARTER OII IN AITfE IANTS MANVIFACTrURING (' iMPANY. I NCORPIORATEI). lBe it knrain that on this Ninth day of the imonth of Felhrua-y in the year One Thou sand. Nine Ilundred and Seveneeen, before be,. i;abriel Fernandez, a notary public, duly cmomissiloed and sworn in 'qFr the parish of SOrleans. therein residing, personally came and aillpeared: :he sevral persinr w"hose names are hereunto subscribed. who declared that, avalling themselves of the provisi-tsi of the Slaws ~f this statre rela:ie to the rganlizaiilin .f carpirattlns, and more particularly Act No. 267 of the General Assembly of this state. ap prived ltul 9th. 1914, they have covenated and s agreed and do by these presents covenant and L agree. hind. formnn and constitute themselves, as e well as such persons who may hereafter join or become associated with them into a cor 0 poration and body politic in law. for the oh e jects and piurposes and under the agreements and stipulations following. tos it: Article I.-The -a:me of the corporation t shall be United Pants Manufacturing Com , pan. Incorporated. and under that name it shall have and enjoy all of the rights. priv rleges and advantages gran ed by law to .corporations it shall exist for a period of ninety-nine years from this date; it shall f have the power to contract. siue and be sued e in its corporate name, to make and use a cor 'piorate seal, and the same to break or alter at pleasure; to hold. receive, purchase, con Svey. m,,rtgage. hypothecate or pledge property d h,:h real and personal, to is-ue bonds, notes and other oh!i:gations or negltiable instruments a to have and emloy stuch managers. directors,. Sotficers, agents and other emploiyees a the y interest and convenience of laid eorpoation iay require or demand, to make and establish . such liy-laws, rules and regulations for the g c rporate iranageme~rt and control of the af fairs of said corporation as may be deemed . necessary and expedient. Article II.--The domicile of said corpora ,d ion shall be established in the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana. and all citations and other legal processes shall !ie served on the president; in his absence, on the Secre e tary. and in the absence of both, on the d Treasurer. o Article II.--The objects and purposes for which this corporation is establshed. sb d the tnature of the siness to be carried on by it are herety declared to be the manufacture Sof pants, other wearing apparel. or any other articles of commerce; to buy, sell and deal in the same for its own account or ott commistion and in general to engagIe in and carry on any other business or enterprise which may be germane or incident to or connected with the .put oses hereinabove set forth or conteiplat if ed bv this charter. Article IV.--Tie capital stckc of the cor otration is fixed at the sum of tSeventy-fzve SThousand ($ Dollars divided into b Seven Hundred and Fifty (750) shares of the spar value of $ each. All shares of stock all be iully paid and non-assessable. No i tranker of stock shall be binding upon the g corpora'ion unless made upos its books and ell certificates of stock shall be signed by such officers as may be designated by the directors. No stock shall be sold without having first been offered to the members of r- the Board of Directors. SThis corporation shall have die right to · increase its capitl stock to the sum of One ~ Hundred and Fifty Thousaand ($l5OsiXOCO) Dolius to be divided into Fifteen Hundred n ; r : . a - till his 1t i ti re. 'The tenure . • plr.\ r I.f . , oart r 1 · ~i t , t :r::- or iff ··h:· :0 app: 2: h writte a , .. klcti ; L " lder ti it X nbr -e I at ait" one a f T t l . L c 1 ,b .,d (. ' Ae l the re t. - r .ficrs shall have- the : r.c. ` ..' ',tc .hol .er to: act as : ! i 'i i h - - i-I s on. ci the meet ..r a- pu-i ha . i .he .corprat.on .or fr. S , ac l ,,ei-t- ~1 ed tm its and itn pane ,f : t " ,;,r; t ,l u . y r tpt i rn . Trhe tenure "..' l -t. f sald etack i'r H erman Board S) e s'ti corporation d:te accert theoff :-n -' :t :delivery if the bineyw con l: t : - '\d Herma in i" ti:". i. a thi ne ty f t :n.i of tares Stre, . cd Sl.rec:ng of theAny the :rect bank,r good ffilcr. hall hae the r.i'rt et a ,:rth ny detriail in the statement a ,icr ,rrctr , - c holder to+ act as h:. nnerd v"r and hi. -tri a a part 'if the meet -.f Ir- i te Ri.:d i The Boardr. Said irector r rit t pu'hamed :hvnge corporatluedn or fsar Sr-ve-i ancuald rit:S0,00: ) Doll andrs, more ta fft per f sceaid the capital stock Bra :.rdebts i said: corporation n:or accelt the rn- nforma:lit in f ts fe ormation have the !efct of ren a:d er man this charter nu this otfy at No+. 231' ('iartrec Stret:. c ,"1.i.t :ng of the %',cok :., :rade. outstanding aclu::ts, machin ,c-y. c,-h In hank. good will. et,-. the co:n e:posin t asume the outs o and any liabltyins of thbeynd the uncrnaid balathe hole ao more partic .Article II.lrth in detail n the Incrpratmeiont annexed i chand modified a part of this Act f rp'rarton may . The dioleard with thirectrssent f the reinstockr named haowning valued the sad of the i:convened a a thatng cpuoncern after at leathe sum f F",ty Th ,nloand 4$40,000.00) Dollars, more than dafifty per cent the capitalhe meeting hav beeing been suhscribedough and paid for concurrentlyach w":h the execution of this instrument. This [ corporation shall he a goin concern atoc A-stckle V.-r at hiso last knowner shall be held liable or responsible for the contracts, faults, .r debts .,f said corporation, nor shall any dere informaeity in its formation have the effect of rendering this charter null or of exposing a stockholder o any liquidaor frobility I amond the unuaid balanr e due an the shares owned by him. Article Vll.--This Act od incorporation may lie changed modified or altered, or this corporation may the dissolved with the assent of the stock holderaffairs owning two-thirds of the stofk of the orporation at a the sne-al meeting crmnvened for thliquidat porse and after at least ten days' written noticane of the meeting has been gien throngh man l addresred to each stkholder at his lat knalon plhavce of resi dence. In case of der the,luton by the cxpir atin ofn athi Charter. r otherwise the stockade by 'lolders shaf elect three liquidators from hemong ther numer said lquidate and settle the business affairs of the cotermspany. In ease of death r dsa the ility of any of the sad c-le r missioners mader liqidators the survivors or Sremaining liq ridatars shall have full power Sto settle chased ore panys all btsr and divide the s remaining confer and property among the khmay e modified, changedl also have b ower i mteet and act undha er the capital sto of the or , .-atr,,n a:vl under regulations to he made by the ratrin. The ,f said liquidats, to fix have price and prscrib to e thr and recover the said Sir.,prrty atin the manner in which the sale d al e made and by the take name, and bonds Ssh re l iablev m in rtage or oathr wise for part if the pdrchase r thie monell any prrty of sai prc perty.n w hich shall owever. that the rights herein conferred upo the liquidators r Arty bce modfied, changed or denied bysses ofa ma -htv ,f the shacr ers tof the capital stock of the Scirtoran:i n. rThe said liquidator shall have S stanehritv to rue fNewr and rcover the debts t. trel ,Nerty I rlhe name of the corporation a Levy. 161e tued ,y the same name, and they f thrkh; nn fr the moneyr, and North Olpertympia •Ie tr lrt New ratin which shall rme into their inc 21 eI streetion a ew Orquid leans, for the further aplicat on and dietrlhu:eon thereof. eth of nArt:are VIII.-The names and addresses of tithute thrier t Bohe capital strd k of irecto thi cerman,,r:,n ramanr , lermann ratrsharn 115 r(' dentae Serman. ew rss as viceur hundred s hare Morris Warhauer as se5017 Constance SdStree f. and th)rlea, fir afty share; ing brmoan e ro, Buamend the sa..e at ple shasures: Joseph n .evay, 16mont1 tand year firee, New Orleans tten the pares; enns Fof rtiBenr. 130 Krorth and lympia Speareetrsew (r!and me notar: fivy, o reading Abthe Leve l- n, 2118 Btn ee:n street, New Orleans, five - shares. l'til the rect:',n to be held on the twenti a- eth of January. 1419, the following shall con w .itute the f:rst Board of Directors, viz: H. lermann Bratmann 00 Morris Warshauer and - H. Bracman, 50 shares; Joseph LevyBratmann aby H. o Bratman, 5 shlerman res; Abe aeveson, by H. Brat e man 5 sharesri FWarh. Guer as3 shaerestary and tr eurr. he saigned recoarder of mortgages, ihave the e and fru:hrity theo makerish of Orleans, State of -la Sfr the igoverme act of intcorporation of the United de fPat, anufad thuy r g Company, Incorporated 'a- Thus done and passrecorded in my ' office on thein the presence of Benj. W. err.n and Paul Nparer and me. Feb. notary9, o1917 reading the whole. o WSigned)s: Benj. W. LEONARD. Dy. ReDo-. ) GABRIEL FNANDEZ, Jr., Notary PublicJr. a feb ain 2210 ch 1 res: 15 22. Frtirb H. ed I feb 15 22 meh I8 15 22.