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_THE HERALD. Devoted to the Upbullding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newtpaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. V xxiv. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1917. No. 43. New Millinery 1 a'' i,: t etxce'l $5.75 Specials in Untrimmed Shapes i l 1:. cI: ::,c1. L,ý k an1( c ,l 98c i ;:',hi. la;,. l.i-cr . M\ ilan. A l - -3c, 4c, 5c, 6c Loaf ur 3e loaf is as large as the regular 5c loaf. Our Sc loaf is as large as the regular toc loaf. JjREAD For the Grocery Trade "h : the Very Best BR 1 ' l e t924 Teche St. Phoe Algier 199 Sianckl Fine Cakes and Confections To Borrow Money AND To Invest Money B IN SMALL AMOUNTS THE MORRIS PLAN ' Plan Bank of New Orleans, Inc. . Capital $200,000.00 Of i Hourrt-8:30 A. IJ. to 4 P. M. SATURDAY MONDAY LA.a 3:00 P. . 6:00 P. MA. f &00 P. X. VIER STREET, NEW ORLEANS Your 1the requirements may extraction of a o teeth. Our Bridge mt"Never-Fall" Plates and they last a 4e by the boest den Slad--matured, expe. ebinta. Our prices "a ether dentist when We see only the very emey can buy. AND SUNDAYS S$1 I~ ___1 50c I5Oc 1-Uis--- -3 ap Sental Co. ADVANCE k With his Idowers to our M* h(h char stify an .ell kept, G-ET, lo---. ------- ---lol YOU SHOULD ALWAYS FIGHT FOR MT IS RIGHT SQVARE FAIR AND SQUARE HE Fair and Square army S is always looking for 1 recruits. If you are a devotee of Fair and Square meals you should enlist the services of this honest-to-good ness grocery organization. Mrs. Daisy J. Kranme, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. All Sorts of Cordials. 549 Elmira Avenue MissS.Palmer FASIHONABLE MILLINERY Special Sels to the Lae of Algiers Prossd leaver, 85 valm $1.50 Velvet Nlts, 85 vo .. $1.50 ONE AT TO A L.ADY 121 CAMP STREET, PIese 4415, N. O. Semi pleet Algiers Auto Supply Kose, N. L. NARSMo, prep. UMROA ANd SS U* STI re TS Pe Alumrs 44S Authorized Ford Agency,. We carry a full line of FORD PARTS, all Auto Accessories, Tires, Oil and Gasoline. FOU REPAIRS MN EaIALTT Teiugs - - h - $U.U F..L rul aesket, - - 334L F.U.. hired udes., - - - - SN.1 heirel PERSONALS AND OTHERWISE i Sts. John Chapter No. 3,,. O. E. $. he!d a social mieetin g Monday night. Me, rs. Ivan Fuller and Bert Shea returnl.,I to Terre Haute. Ind . Mottn day alter spending the carnival hert with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sports. lEd at Brien. John Towlis and A.\nd t) (onnell 0! Terr.e laute we re al.l guests of Mr. adi Mrs. Fred Spotts. r. Steve t'owen of il'on, hatoula La.. was the guest of Misses Ed: I and .\dele V\rneuil during Carnival t: itantat son of Mr. and _Mri Etinttr Wartnguy oas baptized Sun dlay aof the Lutheran chul ii Thb tialt b*itw-tt \ , I on himl a as Leste :Everett. 11s- Margaret Wattigu. andl Herrtrand l'tvk were the spon Mr. and Mrs. 1 ent A. itarthe hart the -\'lmpathV of the, many friend: in the loss of their infant son wa host dt .ath oaýuirre.d at liotel Ilieu Mon lay inmirrag. Mrs. Harthe wlas for nterly Ida I respin of our (li toIn The horite of Levy Wood ',i ort h. Loitt e oit the outtalil canal. as Ia -trnoyed by tire Sunday. the loss be ting t-tima.ted at $25. with 11o in.-ur Iatn,. The cause ot the. tire awas not TIh' fle' n ! 1I. feet of uoppel wire frmoll a Iredge lyine at a point live Iil.,, down the river was reportI ed to thet \;giers police' Sunllay. . b> Itudolph F'erdinand. iwatchman olt the lr.dge. The wire w:as vatlued at $1n l1i<1 Vila Giorlano of Ironton ILa .. i t viitir:g relatives here. .Mr F. 4'. I)uvio i enltertaint ed ith Thur-,llay at!trrnoon Five Hundred c:lub la;-: w e'k. The suctcessful play er werea .Miss Noel and Mr;. Geo Helrbrt. Miss Eugenia Herbert re it'ied the consolation. Mrs. W. A. IDilze&l I ill erttert.ain at the next meetiLg. The baby girl or Mr. and M1rs. Geo. J. Forrest was naptized Suntday at the C'hurch of the Holy Name of Mary. The little one received the name of Beryl Katherine. Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Lowe were sponsors. Mrs. Amelia Smith returned last night from a trip to New Iberia and to Franklin where she went in the interest of the Woodmen Circle. Mrs. Jos. Daly and daughter. Celia. came back from Mobile. Ala.. Mon day night after spending several days with the Misses Donohue. Mrs. Geo. W. McDuff left Wednes day night for her home in New Iberia after spendng the cairnival with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stumpf. Mrs. Jos. Daly and daughter ex pect to leave Monday for home. They will visit New York before reaching home. Mr. Ernest ('ayard and Misses Frtlni e Bretaux a-'d enay r('."art, left left last week ror their home in, Lafayette. La., after spending carni val here with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vanderlinden. Mrs. R. E. Hingle and children and Mrs. E. C. Kohn of Pointe-a-la Hache. La.. returned home last week. Miss .Mildred Ose and brother, Harold, spent Sunday at Home Place. La.. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ly ens. Mr. Walter Ellis was a visitor to Mr. and Mrs. Munsterman of Buras Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williamson were guests of Mrs. E. Schmitt of Bermuda street last week. Mrs. E. C. ("Dick") Pries of Hous ton. is expected here shortly to take up her permanent residence. Mrs. Pries is well known here as this was her home before going to Texas some eight years ago. Her many friends will welcome ner return. 'Mr. and .Mrs. :Roome hlve 're turned from Lafourche Crossing. Mr. Marc Barosse has returned from Thibodaux where he went on a business trip. Mrs. W. H. Seymour left yesterday for her home in Long Beach, Miss. Mr. Dan Hartnett spent the Car nival season here with his mother, Mrs. A. Hartnett. 270 Vallette St. Miss Nellie Gosselin of Logtown. Miss.. was the guest of Mrs. A. K. Vallette in Eliza street during Car nlval. Mr. Wade Kerr. after a delightful stay in Algiers as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wmin. Lilly. has returned to his home in Long Beach, Miss. The Misses Elisd. Caroline and Delia Kerr were the happy little Carnival guests of their cousin, Viv lan Vallette. in Eliza street. Messrs. John Lips and Fred Luft left Sunday for Bay St. Louis to visit their mother. Miss Daisy Daniels left Sunday for her home in Sea Shore Camp Grounds, after spending Carnival here the guest of Mrs. J. W. Dan iels. The Methodist Sewing Circle met at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Dan iels on Monday. All participating are delighted with the success of the circle. The Matron's Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. Hoogoven. The successful players were Mrs. R. A. Tansey, Mrs. C. Arnold and Mrs. O. Aycock. Mrs. A. Burke received the consolation. Mrs. F. Goebel will entertain at the next meeting. The many friends of Mr. A. H. Verret will ,be glad to learn that he is convalescing. Miss Nola Himel of St. Amelia and Octavie Himel of St. James were Carnival guests of Miss Hy. Aycock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Figarola of 406 Diana street, are receiving congrat ulations on the arrival of a fine baby boy. The home of .Mr. and Mrs. C. Hnyub, of 702 811dell avenue, was brightened by the arrival of a baby boy. Mrs. P. Hoogoven spent a few days at Raceland last week. Mrs. H. C. Brodtman left last week on the Parismina for Panama, to visit her dughter, Mrs. C. Casa nova. Howard LeBlanc, who was pain fully injured some weeks ago is able to be home again. His friends are pleased to learn of his recovery. The many friends of Mr. Walter Harvey will regret to learn that he was compelled to undergo an opera tion at Hotel Dise Tuesday. Dr. A. C. King is In attendance. S (cntmumd an 1 ,1|) I-CENT FERRY FARE NEW FEATURES THIS WEEK To Be Recimnmended I:h r New Third D)itrict 1'crrv Franchise. I'l cet I'ricc T, Be R(educed From "7."0.1HO to S1(I(iH) Is Another Reco nm daltti Ill. Ncw Schedull c T', (;c, Into, Effcct \With l;xp)ir:tti(ln ( )f Canal Street I.eac. Algier ,. L.a .Feb 2 . 1'*17. \ i '. 'inl ! t . ollllliit'.. tpoIIn:d by t, .e : hairnulan Indr' au l:',e ting ' e'l t7,ns ,: the' F ,th lIis trin Jai,tuar: 22. 1!'17. ipropiI ti p ir p-,,t -atl,. the Third li ,< tri F- rry Fr:ia hii e. was held at ,n . V" Vt, rrt: -trect. there beingi S lit lon.Win. a U J. tinh t .e. F l tl):ne1. in. thlerterit. Jr. .\. Spitz -ad.n. Jr . I r C. V. I'ra:t aindl S. A Th ,"e retary prey ented atcind read a Ica,) of lthe prlpo-ld sp., i - tlr th -ale : the :erry trati ii hl-e. ,11t a:ter full and deliberate dius -ion inart rnmal: it N\ as det"rtnined T1 re ~ini li to i the o tnii-ioni 'ollnci the follo l g s in the Spet ith inot. 'viz: The duriation o the franchise to he for 1: years as stipulated in the speci it ation . at tariff rates the same as now prevail at the I'anal Street ferry. but wi it h certain hanges in tthe tariff. a listed below. to ie eaective fromn and after the expiratimn of the canal Street ferry franchise. The franchise up-et price to be $1~11 instead of $73.:0i, . The Ferry Conpany to be com pelled to keep the driveways and approaches in condition satisfactory to the public at all times, and to furnish sufttiient number of com fortable benches both in the ferry houses and on the boats to ade quate!y accommodate the usual pat ronage at all times. Sanitary drinking facilities to be provided and maintained in accord an'ce with the regulati?.ons of the Hoard of lHealth. Proper power facilities to be in ~ tl:ed to a-si-t 'all :In o'ting o or off boats when the glade on either, side of the river exceeds 4 per cent. Schdule of service to be as fol lows: 3 a. m. to . a. m. and 4 p. m. to 7 p. m., every ii minutes: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 12 mid night. every 15 minutes; 12 mid night to 3 a. m.. every 30 minutes. Tariff rates to be as follows: Pedestrians. 100 tickets for $1. or I cent a ticket. Double fare after midnight until 5 a. m. School children free between 7:30 a. m. and 5 p. m. on school days. 2-wheel vehicle and driver. 10c. 2-horse vehicle 20c. 1 animal and driver. Sc. each ad ditional animal Sc. 1 horse carriage, wagon or tally ho. 10oc. 3:1-horse vehicle. 30c. Lumbejr wagons. 40c. Auto. 2 persons 1 lre. 4 persons iSc. 5 persons 2oc. 6 persons or over 25c. Runabout auto truck. 10c. 2 to 5 ton truck 20c. Over five ton truck. SOc. Freight packages, all kinds, or dinary. 10l lbs. or under. Sc. 100 to 300 lbs. 10c. Wheelbarrows. 5c. Same rates to apply whether loaded or unloaded. A penalty clause to be incorporated in the franchise which will insure redress of complaints by the public for non-compliance with the fran chise which will insure redress of complaints by the public for non compliance with the franchise con ditions. The secretary was instructed to call a meeting of all the members who were present at the initial meet ing held January 23, 1917, said meeting to be on Friday. March 2.' 1917, at 500 Verret street. for the purpose of approving the recommen datlons of this committee and per fecting plans for a mass meeting to ,secure the approval of the general public before presentink the sugges tions to the Commission Council. There being no further business. the meeting adjournd. S. A. E3ROSS, Scrtary. Spring Hate Why pay the high Canal St. prices for your Spring Hats when ye.s cr save from so% to60% by making your purchases from Miss S. Palmer, 121 Camrp Sret Pg 4416 Seced Fler Old Brass and Iron Beds Made New ALL LAQUER BAKED NATIONAL BRASS BED WORKS. Phe.. da.i e 2132 1241 AIUlE STREET, REW IRlllS. WhIe in go.l Heolth, Frovide asint Ianefu and Death by &er nn in the CITIZENS' INDUSTRIAL LIFE INSURANCE AND SICK BENEFIT ASSOCIATION miulenm 10 -5 sa s pse smi. in c OJMIB S 2Tnr - . . . . . . .i .;i I I i . . "t 'i . , "I'. I ; " i. II I ' -t"- . . ' 0 ' ti :..v T l. = i l,- ,. . I. n , . ,n ,iii of hat t :i- , the ,l ru T . lT I.. ·Ilr pi rm rl jn i it rf yhap ti Titll i t T'. i -tt, ' it i it. he har,.1\' iro - .ifte ' iii ite l Il " tin gi T' he '.:,., t i p T, t:i . ,.- , d ' ,r : I I Sh$ h ge eýti. e r "t ; . J, . i tt t h , e rttl - "iilto tt -'1.:th I r hi n to thi r' ,it ,l aI iie" e t1i 1i" ' tlis", t Hoi . T e. Th',,,e 0 r' 1 ,T n 'l i T.t e T eltighne t lll 1\" .t Tih. ' and jointl L' li all\° in hng t'1in plansw reinoti t tor i cnus-e1. Thell yas ,Inh rumheiItal s ?trlr o e issers iho mont.ihlertl thenm aloirsbte aTH ii it. i'raft. i tear ' S i h atr ellr toha ct ani atrrl. A icthe aRiorcan. aiithn Cor hltt. E tva , etach. Merlc Ricilt ar dsont n laition to thurday aov. is the the Junior Circle fand The KMri Thos. F.agh The vear were hapere delightfully Lsill rprise . and joined in singi ent by atri orderains. The. when h a crimposwded a fin the of ollo or ing programson nt for sixtal dts. The womanisses Norma Wiieatiey. -lois.' ebert. while drunk on r. Eva ras. arlpushot M.the Kra. Pearl-o!d son of Captan t Eliam Heuer iggin the uttr at Brooklyn and Opecitationuas Miavenusses Miland created M H'aru n Alace iorwas sentened tor Tpe a ne of tech. or sere tlihentlso s in jail and to the additional nine Glays i n default of the Tolfine on a Zema Judlof bin and Mastero James Louanis Higging were in atten connection withMrs. J. L. Higgins. the thft of rotile ferom theof the Junior ( iroat e and Mrs. Thos. F Riearelson were ithapernes. TNE EROS LIBARL PASTE .llay Brggs. alias Brockn Lia , an negress was given a heavy punish-r maent by Recorder Burthe. when he, imposed a finttle ofrh PoTER RsoPP nment for sixty dtys. The woman. 15while drunk on Mardi Gras. pushedOTTLE .am Heuer n the gutter at Brooklyn' ani Opelousas avenues and created a g eneral disturbance. pay a fine of $g0. or serve twenty days in jail and an additional nine MONEYR TO LOAT suspicious character upn connection with the theft of crothe from the Will Lead Money at the Lorwst prte of Lwher Coast railroad. I er ell in the City. Bar oyins in lan O usready Never Neede Wuaner Ain AuD JEfRI COUISa Estalitehel 911 FORTSMARKE Fashionable Shoes for Mi-Lady When She Goes Out F[' the l u, il : lit" I1( )ll enIt. .Ž\ ] l,c1 - IL c . -, till e l' ý I P l,,5 Considered ,ad laht l t` l di di!:c1:cL) c tlUIlCS. Mi-La ,d\ insistS, \hlclT slohe ,c- I, that her toottwear be in pertect ha 1,i 1\ with her tiner . Our lilies oft s rin sIl- , y'are ttilt t,) &oi, turinl to these dlmands, Ito aippeal to the \vwu Iman who acklIowlk cJes th nece 'sit\ ut ef tective lit, finish and harmt~n\. The conscien tious care in the finish, the tasteful designing of each last and pattern- -these elements will make their appeal to \Pu. \Ve are full\ prepared to meet ever\ re quirement ot the woman -- whether for sport, street or dress ftootwear. D. . Holmes Co. Praf *., N rk,. LIMITED ,.,tl i 1i Let Solari's Suggest What to Eat During These Lenten Days Solari's Lenten days need not incon venience you in securing prop er nutrition in pure food gro ceries. Solari's have a long and selected list of Ieaten foods that are rich in nour ishing elements land can be made 'into inumerable delec table dishes. At every time and in every season this old purveying in stitution stands ready to fur nish its patrons with season able eatables of Guaranteed Quality and Purity. EQUAL TQ ALL MUSICAL DEMANDS The cultivated taste of a true musician or music-lover demands more of a piano than merely structural beauty or q superf cially pleasing tone. In the Mason & Hamlin, with its rich, colorful tone quality and its wonderfully responsive action, he finds a piano equal to ALL that he may expect from a musical instrument. lluqual """""iuo" f ju~q 912-914 UEL!E1J E WCANAL Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET The Danger That comes from buying DRI'GS promiscuously is more than the fact that you are not getting what you ordered--vutr svs tem has to suffer for the sustlttitutin. You cannot afford to flirt with th!is vital question of buying your DRUGS. \We s,,licit your trade on the basis of I,,on esty, Accuracy and Thoroughness ot method at all ti: There's a difference in your favor if you trade with us. EE UPP, Dru ist Bermud. E & s&Verret \5t. Feeciueting New Node. In SMART MILLINERY Will Be Shws Here Trowrw at $7.50 $10 and $15 Excleuive but Not Expenelve v 7t0779 C &Emel