Newspaper Page Text
Shall American Nation Devote Itself to Growth Along Materialistic Lines? By MAJ. LOUIS L SEAMAN of New York (ii ,r : :. '. t : %v w , r.'rI. l tih. :.... , ri it al p ridtl of its hi-itorv. .M a!,y ,, -. :. art' pr, -, n :;: , Irn- i;'- fr ciorre't ,itutiln. upon Il which depnId 'I,'r dl,-ntv. TI' . ..nieririan t ,'u,"tPle m:iat determine along what tint t!e develop .i of t1ie r:aion u Il take place and what Jhall he its uit a1.te goal. `!all " . te t heir (,I!.rLv to thie d"ev''lip ent of at(ilmertr iali-~ :.a t ra! -rn at the (Xp'i-e of those ihinii= that a;tcrtain to , t, I , :t f . ' it f e . or ch:il it -suI l'rdinate itself to f, lf-i 41r s- :- Tl!, -:':,,,rt of } . r it:-in w il l 1,.,. p t -o , p:ritual quialitii's u1 i . ti'h ' ý r h!! , ,:, rn, ni t !of uill lixi, a,i l an' l. tlc.rfr,. of of ilorr '.r ai,,> , .. ' I. - l , t , b , ~ ,.f ,.!:r 2* .,i,;b!a1vi I,, m ::n, the am a-- r,: .f o ',4t . :i,., t, " t" i, plaif -ur' their C':i'i ,t,.d. spir ; , tf fpatr. t:,- n a . : l a l ,',e ti. n:t,ral at. l I:r tual ,!:al.ti. if our pe, ole. If thi it uIr.try H ti ri, t a:,! -,lvo the -'r at pritlenms whti.h i in ront i. an,! f,'il our ,.-tin y in th.- }i-try (f the w ,rl,, them rna-t I a 1ut:i, rsal rei'ial of patrilti t- an:l the aoption o(f a tlx ret Treslve ,i t our pant to }:hol ourivlav, in th . e I,e virtues anti scound prii,.ipl, (Of citia ue-hip. without which our l!iti al instllltutloio will hate no pt'r r-anint ffurrlation. The ire, .nt situatioan is rtw. In the pa-t th' grat issue we have fatil eha- ,lat'iln ;tre, prof incial, rl.:itinr to our own cul:ntrv and its deve ltiopmre.t, an, \1r, l, (e si.tId them. B:t n.,w we are a tr!.l power arl, we face pr be, nt w t our di plotmarc. The' apit rtain to our foreiL'n relatins.i nop inli , as i ( . ! tk . ! , l en,, t V , ,' t ,u , 10 ,1. i lt Is !. a il !:;a r and uder e.rIrr t.ii I: 11 v..h I * p, ov ,*it. \l e i rut '. rn th. , a f ,.... ,, ." .te f,,r a ,elrr,', t -te '.:':,.: ,,i t"!:-n attentir o on nrul v to h!:o( :dv of , "ide a 'air awl ll, ' the rtr'i,otn ai ' c iv ic d u t ie s . T "h ,' s it u a i , .n , i lls fo r ilf- -a r ith ,,, s e lf-( ,o ,t ro l, a in d t h, ' development of a kee,,,r n-t' of duty to th nation. Putting Federal Convicts to Work on Roads Would Benefit Them and Country By THOMAS I. TYNAN Warden of Colorado Stem Pmeniy I understand that in the three federal penitentiaries leaven wort th, 'Atlanta and MeNeil's Island, there are confined about four thousand m1.n with very little work, if any, for them. If there is anythii.,z on earth that Sixty per cent of these men would be trustworthy under proper laws and under proper conditions-at leas that has proved to be true in the handling of state prisoners in Colorado. With an indeterminate-sentene law and a good-time law, g.ranting a reduction of the minimum sentence for work on trust and honor outside and away from the p ri on walls. 50 per cent, or two thousand. of these federal convitts could be put to work immediately building highways in the national park s and fore-t oeserves of this nation. These two thousan d men could be employed year in and year out at such work by putting them at grading work in the summer time and at rock work in mountain canyons, such as wareare now doing in olo rado, in the winter time. r These two tthousand men could earn $5,000 per day at this work. ,r 0'1,530,000 per year. Work worth $2.50 per day per man would not cost the government to exceed 40 cents per day for the keep of each man, and would furnish healthy outdoor work for conviets. This would redeem and reform about 80 per cent of them, and there is fifty years' work ahead for all of the men the government could possibly put at this so rt 'of work. Senator Shafroth of Colorado has introduced such a hill in congress and it is to be hoped that the nation will see fit, instead of locking its federal prisoners up in prnisons and allowing them to degenerate on account o-f lack of work, to take advantage of a law such as above mentioned and put these men at work developing the most wonderful system of natural parks in the world. Not only could these men construct roads in the national parks and forest reserves, but could build military roads where necessary. With the scarcity of labor now prevailing, it seems a burning shame that the tax payers of the nation should have to maintain so many able-bodied men in idleness when these men should he bettering their own condition and enriching the nation by outdoor work as above outlined. SRecall For Public Officials Reduces the Number of Undesirable Candidates Before election it is xirtuallv imnpossible for the voters to know the fitness of andidates. Even business men with good facilities for seleet ing carefully their employees, make mistakes and have to discharge many because it is impossible to know what an applieant will amount to until actually on the job. The humiliation of being discharged keeps most men from applying for a position they know they cannot fill. But if a tman can just get elected to a public office he is safe for the term of that ofice whether or not he is satisfactory to the voters who hired him. Hence the usual crop of undesirable candidates. With such a blind and blundering system of hiring our public officials there should be some direct mean; of discharging the undesirable ones, other than at the regular elections. Whenever the people find themselves being "stung" by one of their officials. thai- should be able to call a special election and by majority vote remove him from office. Business men who insist upon the right to discharge utndesirale agents should logically believe in the people having the right to recall undcsiralhle public ofli.ials. The recall is very satisfactorv to the cities whwh have it because crooks atnd in(impctnts do not campaign for an oi.e in whict they can not be crooked and in,:petent. Women Should Be Ready for Emergency. By ELLEN SPENCER MUSSEY, Honorary Dean of Washington College of Law. When men are called to take up arms in defense of country and home, the women should be able to support and guide the families so that the home, are maintained and the children educated. No man can give his whole strenith to the defense of the country if he knows that his home ' will suffer in a material way by his absence. Next, women must be able to perform in the industrial and commer. Ial world the work laid down by the soldier citizens who have gone to I the front. CAREFULLY PLAN THE HORSE BARN Structure Should Differ From All Other Live Stock Farm Shelters. AVOID FAULTY VENTILATION Design Pictured Here Has Many De. sirable Features-Special Atten. tion Given Stable Floor, Car riage Shed and Granary. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Mr Wi!:.:arr A. ,itif^.I w ,I arusw, r or; o lr . , a i.t . t,( tv prlal:tia:r t, t :. o jr t of I "n:,iln;g w, rk .n tnf. t r :.:, f r the r , ad, -rs of [,.i ..p r. tin ac. eunt if hie ihb.* * xp, riince La E.t:d r. AutIl r a:. I iMan:;factur., rhe Ii. wtthout diu t. t.e hligh,.t authority rn all th.«e euLb.c' Addrten all lniuirlrs to W i\'liumn A l,,td ford, No. i127 I'rairl. av,,nue, t ::Hica L. II1, and orly include two-cent stamnp for reply. '1Th, greate,'st return will Ie rFeallzied fromi rtioncy ti-silt ini fiurii buiiliing wvhen t thee .i tructuril' are .i pic'Itll y designed for the l url.ose ithich they are to ser\ e. A h,,r- hlar sliihull dif fer in ie teral r"-l.i'ct. frt in nly ,ithier luilnliilg oil the farm. i'c.rt:,in (Ie ll tio,:i- rl',iirld in order th:at the h,,res ItaLy I.e klpit in the bli t ,f ,he-alth for:In thIi 1urilu.:urtal *itisjih.nratlonl in cll.:o\in ::I, i l e-.l to thi< yuI - ` utl. h i 'aitti, r. 1t tin p 0rt:i t - ,,t ,-,v b r'- oI in *!t:l I ltttn ' [i l th hlr,0 y \' i l , ' the- , i-r: ,t r 1:i. hi,'th i thlu (tt -.e . t ' 11:11i : ,iib.l l ie b l tc t iia Ii,'1'-l.". tut II. t ;the' tII, I". i,: fl , iiri . lul i"'r , L! L, '1'',- \%ho ,'h Ih , \ ,orh wll t'i l. t :. ':.: n" r ;i i ll ; lit ii thell l ir fiir'i e r t k te t hi ju-. the tul::iler of which will requlre housinig. In co1d weather the importance of the mnatter of size is espEti.l:ully evi !let . A stalle big enough for six Convenient Horse Barn. 001 E OC OM ' 'C A IN 1 1 R A MT A . S W i I lo ll 11 ' 'l . II iFloor Plan. horses will not be warm enough if only two are stabled. If, for any reason. the stable is too large, It Is a good plan to fill it up with cows during the win ter for the reason that without heat there is no ventilation. Of course, It is not wise to design the barn with the Intention of housing horses and cows together in the same stable. If they are in the same building, the horse stable and the cow stable should be definitely separated. The best posst ble scheme is to have horses and cows in separate buildings. If possible, a horse barn should con tain a carriage room which will be reasonably free from dust. Every man who has a good horse should have a rig which will be a credit to him. Even now in the day when farmers are buy ing automobiles to do most of their "running around " the horses and car riage has its important place. What is true of the buildings, the machinery and the farm wagons is also true of the carriage-the appearance is one means by which people judge the char acter of the owner. The farmer owes it to his family to provide horses, har ness and vehicles which will present a good appearance on the public road. All horse stables should be well ven tilated. The problem should be worked out for each particular stable in order that the best possible conditions may be obtained. Every farmer knows that there is a great difference in stables with respect to their ventilation. Some stables are, built so that it is impos sible to keep them clean. The smell of inmmonia is always present and when the doors are closed it is very disa rreo'ble. ViWheni a valuable horse is placed in such a stable it can hard ly be expected that the health of the animal will not be effected even by breathing the foul air only one night. Horses are the most expensive ani mals on the farm and the most suscep tible to disease; hence, the first con sideration In a stable should be to pro mote the health of the horses. A horse stable should be cool and airy in the summer and it should be warm and well ventilated in the win ter. The floor should be made in such a manner that it will not absorb the liquids to pass down beneath the loor, there to ferment and eventually pol lute the air throughout the buildln. One method of construrtlotn cr.nvists i n t hi ul ' - o ,f a d4 l1 , h. t h ll t n , . , , ,f Ii1 l , h\ iglh . ,t li,.:l, :. , ' lil,,,v the1 , liht,r-,< t Il hIii tl!,.";r Il :uid' uip. If ithe stahlh i bu1111 1 as It -h, -ulhl Ih,,. tht 1,,'41% hIea:t tof thli hoirset \ ifl t It u a gE"'l 'ir, uluthin if air. Me'n \!h~rl keep ",',l h rr.,- will npi pre.'late thil design sht.o'n In tel1' ti' c,:lillnpnytiig llu-tr:latins. Ti, ir r a g eý ' i i'leln t o f st l <ll' i" .gt *o ' a nl t tl p '!', is at large carriage llhi iln \ hlih ti keep vehilt's. awnay trailn the' iust. With this carriagei ruti andI thi hliar wll w rn ,li there 1, tIl. t 'ilt ' for I .!! ty ;. Ih n l el or , ,I" i i i n ig h l h :t m .il t l !,. . .\ f rt."i i r ,r e ,f t h i - 1 ,:ir 'i \\ 10.'h s h. u!i, i l tril -: t - hi la i ittiintion As the, tto-l, rl, tlL. It S i feet I, . 11 feet ili a fr ,,nt iornlter lof the bmil!nil. wi.l thre irae tio \\1 l!l, '\- to fiir:i'h plt y' 1f !i hit. A l\w ,rlk bc ,i h t ithl i \ i-, . o ,i n e c .o , 1 ,a lletd for. td:el, t that thel light "ill -trl..'e i t f ro m t\\' ,. d lre'I ,t in . llB ,,x ,. to hoh tool: and ii, plel, tire nr' l,!''d aloiz theI lurk sitdei f the ro,,in. Thell rl:aniry tiii itl large -iiuth er lnot : i 'i' 'rlliig to thlt othiler bo ili:igs on the fartm. Where there i' a large granaiy in thi. hors' liirn se e to an swer every- jlurol... The grlinary- i. liilted In i gli til p i,-tion in this plan since' it i' etirely shliut ioff fromii the statibl ltl. d yiet It is near enli ugh to bei Ctl Vttnittt hi fcdillng. Th(er. is roil oilterhead forl a g lid lIluattity if haiy ntit straw. Th'lie hal -arriir nill lbri Ilh.- stuffi frnm the hi, k ir try wl.t-l1 thrl',',lh to te. front. If til' hrdr. It!,I lprlt:ltly 1- tlId ;i<i!b.- t 1,, I'i;t it i.,in-ret, 1!..'r ill t1hi: hna i ill,, 1h,. fuil siz, of thl', !t"b . p:,rt : I' Ih,.I i'tri;lt. ritl I n i thi ll ir:e. 1Ti , ,I \.':-hI.. It- ,lii .e id f r . c i. r ':l : , . i .1:. , . n . h..i' ,. V ,, 'a ,',, i\.'111."1: to t, .' l i t':'.ilt. \\hart tihlt ''rk tl: i "y i b h l' il it l.'i hI, tt' '. At 1l., .: l::, li! l t l' ]::i in ,- - i" k tr t I I'' t if thei' htr- Iartl. Inventors' Luck. The rieate-ti j ii etltiii- !i tlit al Stiv- hbrinu thet l:.rg'r tin:<'ci:al re h:irdw. Iolllr skti" aire staild to halvet r. it.:hlit theit r itvli ntlr 3.t . H il i.M. while nearly 8.itw.H(WIi was reallized I-y the malni lo fit drl,\i",, hoot laitse. The, ilivetittr of thil sal'ety pi. \lih, tiook the id-,ii froi t a reprohti'. thion if 1a PoTipeltii freseil. manidet $1, Ili, Ii.ii. (11 thle t othelr hand. C'harles Ihiou rteul, wtho dilscoveredl andl de scribed the principle of the telephone in 1S55. died poor. Michaux. the in ventor of the bicycle, ended his days in the utmost penury, and Frederick Sauvage. who Is credited with the in vention of the screw propeller, was imprisoned and died bankrupt and in sane. Beauty of Gay Head. Examination of the brightly hued cliffs of Gay Head on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Mass.. with the ob ject of taking about 100 acres around the lighthouse for a state reservation. has been begun by the Massachusetts waterways and public Innds commis sion. Hitchcock In his geology of Mas sachusetts says: "The height of the cliff (Gay Head) from the shore Is 150 feet. with a richness of color that ren ders it a striking and even splendid ob ject from the ocean. The clays are red. blue and white: the sand white and yellow, and the lignite black. All of these are arranged individual strata without much order. There is nothing to compare with it In New England." Cloudy Film on Furniture. There is a cloudy white ilm with a blue tint in It that sometimes per slsts in spreading itself over the pol ished woodwork of our furniture. it appears on the piano case frequently, or perhaps shows more readily there because of the extent of smooth sur face. But fortunately there is a simple remedy for this state of things-Just to wash the wood with warm water and white sonap and dry it off well. Then use a mixture of one-third of turpen tine to two-thirds of crude oil; dip a very soft cloth in this, squeeze it out, and rub the wood surface with it. until not a trace of the application remains. The blue-white film will all have disap peared. Add Querulous Queries. Why is it that a man will Insist up on getting the last penny in change from a newsboy, yet willingly tip the barber for merely doing work which he is hired to do? Not Unassisted. "A man," said Uncle Ebea. "kin make money all by hlmelf. But money can't make a man all by Itself." DI DADUFST Thf AY 1Al.YI R .\ll.LH BO' NN R CHILDREN'S CIRCUS. ,i O i i- . : ' i, r,' nhil! . 1 ..,) -,I u T hr, 1 ',; iie . lI, ' t it. ah r ,, 1 , .+ ,' l ,k Ir."ee ' . « i 1. r", I. ' frel il . " f 'hil. , i r 1..,!'. i l e f :l. t I II '. - ! ,:i ' - 1: . re t ,,.r ceerriles eots e e t. i tl:i leil er. 1 -1 : n, 1 * k ;.. l. I ,l r. \ l bn / ,. , t f'lll :" I ri k ril oi s a l, l ,in . Hr . II n I (. :, t, .I"x , Ii \, 1, 'cl -i, h - . ' - I i, : . + lu Ir , n '.' iats.t n il: : h I ,l'ifri. ( -" t , Ii.le i the al st t y r' h,,of all tl. re ryi .u will s comib 'o\ wi i i t -It 1,I ,I n I ler. T'';,. in tl." girls r.e it s noe'Itr !-d b ni ti , h,,i 141,1 otf th l ." i' l- t t.lwil m'l ' t :I", 1 : l, k.; ir.::,l." of cloth ' Th, h , 1i d A the'y 1h+l rn at f ine begari n te: rol,kin tl thir. rft thrC,.ur, \ te tll he 11 ''lt. - I': , is .1 ::!,,!it u , 1, ' ,"t re ltl It lhiC. 4l . t hy asked! , each ,thr". h lt surphises t',. w'r. t, oettliy In they did'llaugh tn cef the' clallelre, ",:,,l in a: green "lit jr' t a, s MI r. ' r,, Tricks on and Rocking Horse. -'t o. l ,e S lice;,, righ ut singinth int t luir rEift od ire o will see f" lilll 'ie. - ll.' (og-- om, Go - All lhe cehi'l'ren at oine began toiittio t' ,11' l their lsft throuh a tihe sny ach other. tninsat surprises th y were. 1,I ni1 tile T..1.:l-n+. c;11,. e atnd see me." greinte'eI the'I Te.nd.-or the child ''eet ing r i: rtle b. snap, we play1 we draw in e .tr heads t1nele'r 1lur 1 hells !" Ani sure' eneugih hen they werere nsid the trich tnt how weefele'rful. althnugh they had been All the cildrn uh n of ter hildreng on war in gruit te ulghtf t as n said. rg mwould wear and reaidlly lookin quite va o theat se l lidel a grprat f dl like ,rog. 1h! w'l hoptin about liig int just then uaking voice. l r e"lf lle , ii ullrto, dGoog t-ro gt , Goeog kthere o s lit hie ren ll trying ton hokki aroundi and like he dids the s"A h." lie saidh t riuhlla. putting on his spectacles for snakeh at thad higs wleyes lolI so long. "thy d-Mcan't help butd see admire me." and he Tod-oke up the tchilder "Wefrogs, rhle thletoads Baturtles Weand snap. we playto wae drup at in our headsut tl.e same tnlsi. All but" Andte srnak enoughur they weto the circus to see whatricks. hap penhngir Toe sntkes were tec ballusy quite onderful, trying to see about thad beenw prIldeng suits hult thof paper.t of th cr toweres quite delighted h and cald. all the hilciurelt dressed like animalsr to voicesh thllcat sounded a great r n dealu like. the lce s of snakes, toe.ds, frogs nd plnturtles.? rwaking up vind his swtril) was v ry Thne'r tho le beot is ire h t ie ciru was be g givReady for Emergency.n. ofThe ioy ho lerns dr to gtit nu ahforead Said the oy ho ? It's Sready for an I'me, get . hen It comes. r i vr-ut n ot before." Acqihe hurried L h Ot "Lhop aroundck l stop and talk like onhe, i specu'll standcls for he had had his eyes admire upme." and he woke up the other b frogs, while thone toads, turtols and tWle same time. All but the snakes hur-Jordan William Georle Jordan ' Ki .*saYn Hon. Ex-Editor Cale Iluhart on Duties of an Editor i''I" t, ' ". : ' Ih , I ' , - , S i . h t , . ' , :, t • I .:I tt i .- '* I . .. . ... i .. . . , .. _ . ·% 4~ - i "I - "rC .÷.,.;,__... A · r *~ t. . - . , . . . sTe;'s th' 0:e C!;ar \ h'- G,.-y Si f* ait an' t:' Stained White Wmj Ti-*t Wants; t' Lc' Thrc' Eh' Ercnangs tcrt,;' ounk;rk StandA *hr:c" ,e a r. ,i'' " ' .- ;b , " t "; r :c I rI h It f !.' rI . < .' I' i i i. : i1 " l+ u i. hoI:ur 'a I h " . r 1 ." .I; uI l :. r haulIt' n ,lrota,. n- \a r il" , tl t": ., 1h,':,4 atll tie-! I.' 1i?'C;,r ! . [,:' ,': : i!,,, "' aill he' !!illu I h:il\.e :r: un h ,!linr' liei,' anl ' tl' c ui r ir 'e t' .:iV" '1Y,-ý.' '.i1c elitt, r ha" ali ry , c' alllerl i n aciiei sh..uld hie i render ' iIntnan nature cr t Lr eiic'ulic tlin t ill ei indlh,. Th' er's 1 tic' fellhr that': iitake.n thi' lniper <itce irs first i..'ieee ni' ii h,. wints his side . - wl lk griadle changedi; th.her's thel cle' : chirp with th' gre'eey stiff hut nl' th' -titeid x hitr thll t wanti t' . t.'k thre' thi t'exchancel- f'r 'fh' I un irk Standard :i th' statesmanic with th' i c..'k r(ot anc' leil'k cravait tlhat has eilt'n turclse teet: tic' girl who Sundtceyed f l li e}lelur eit" wtho wantsi heir first e nuwe [lelh. d I' dlcthe': i l", th" l ithr e.' 1 Misplaced Ene'gy Sonsewhtere in th" I"at th' slow. t, didOu: procwss Eif resorin a Great Auk (also spelled Alk. A~ k. Alek and Alka) I, in pr(ogres-. This bird behlnged t' un antediluvian ri" o IImonsters even exceediln' in Elilinien.lion, th' celehbrated DiplodEnccus (CarnegilI. If alive t'dlay an' able t' he up an' about th' Great Auk could easily pick fliwers off th' rEif o' tih' Woolworth bhulldin'. Whi-le ti' Great Auk wuz distin'tly Arctic In its proclivities his huge hones are frequently unearthed in Fl.'orldly. which hw\\s that he wOuz sonce little traveler When All th' Neck Bones o' th' Great Auk Are Collected ani' Set la pI Will Be Proven t' th' World That He stood at Least a Head Tali bI Bare Feet Than th' Famous Gigantosaurus Augustus Africfanlu OI0 So Little Is Known. an' often wandelred fir fromir head quarters. Still. fer a bird o' his size it wVz only a stelp from Spitzherg.n t' Jacksonville. W'hein all ti' neck hlones o' t, ' ;rent Auik are ,'ollec'te.l an' ,et in pi'iei it will he prroven t' thi' wovrl that he stood at least :1 he:d taller in his hare feet than th' f tous (l.;.:i atoisaurut Au gustu-s Afri:canuslll. of whiclh soi little ii known. Awirdlin' t' :a dlis tnllgullll.had ilBrlins entist th' Grrat Auk a:-unld ed in l.Thbrador as lipte :us th" Tildten ctnmpaign, while a \itienna authority o' repute writes that large flocks o' th' bird were seen on th' funks off th' south coiast o' Newfoundlalnd. an' that it wuz lth' only North Anmerican lird without wings. defendin' Its young by kickin'. A section ,' th' Great Auk's spine ameusurln' thirty-nine feet wuz found In Florldy in 1h an' is Includ el In th' prersent frano' nuow undelr con stnruction in th' East. At present a party o' scientists are spidin' fir th' wishbone east i' 2at tle. while still other scientists are fille riui' a clew in Surtmtra with th' hope o' , 2prehend iG' tllh' clhvile tin' t , could, ;f 11i11.h needed,',l ribs'. \Vho furnihe."s tit' I,Ir yev t' riun I iA h 1 th ie,' ti ll. u h:lov w ,,l. i- t le e-'ne'iui ed by na ,-I2 e:l" - i i ten o' tit (;r'at Auk I-. ,,r, Inw,'.n :i ' hlow th,-'.e whi are'u th,,r tie Precious Time. "Timle is precious." W'e use the at. Fe'rtion at every turn of the da!y, ,,rt we neglect to add the inquiry which would straighten out many a ta:lhe. and save much of the rush and worry antd many mistakes. Time is so pre- clous that we all need to learn the wisdom of putting first things first, and discriminatlig between the ln portant and nonlmportant. There is not room for everything, but there in always room for the duty that really belongs to uo-there is room .ter It, r Mind While r. kept li , ,se lilac S lrl,'st ta I alrer right '.: th' rle l " ,own; th' ,tn straw g * Wh' Iktur SIaches ' ' , Walkla' ' Portland, O! S ' t rt- .Itrlp . t , gitttln' up S : th' er : hi le pIOlI, , Ias beu en . !., preseht. I n, th' Ieaos'th' I* Ibt . , I., . bliaides o' th' Dab s :'Ilb ' I ,.. i ,, Vitrified . "'th :~,rr ,relittur must hatel LJ. i'o ~ i) t" bhvlh. this motle's in U- : f: hlil that each mil ,.u. ,',, .r.'' fr,,m his sanctuma l with hincht,.r. Then. when tb' .' \,.ni: ,' ;ath,.r an' th' stret, . sert.dl th" wi,'lxxll call his wlhpg tli I her nl,t t' set up fer hbls ag his pilw tin write a column of on 'Th' Fnuture o' Alasky.' Aiisb :,n (e :lulontal urnbreller left b5t it I,-le .-gar tossed on his gal editur ,', a rnewspaper gits jlt us tu., uh ,ut o' life as i statigsuy giOner." Itstuntin'. th' grizzled j '.Il. "IAlt th' most trouble Iliala I \ilz i ,ulittlr wuz keepin' my n frnt be,':tinl' th' paper out." atn' I.:eans in th' project espet t'R ',Ulpt' ik also a mystery. Vhtnt ai pity it is that so mueh am an' energy Is annually wasted is l gin' up th' fossil remains o' feetMd skywrapers an' long-waisted diaosm uses when ther's so many thblanlo' parantively recent years that alhtb restored t' th' real benefit o es buddly. Let our scientists glt t'p nII' idevise some way t' allay th' 1l 41" th' little handful o' men who I cornered th' wealth o' this coW Let thewm knock off work on th' (l Auk fern while an' set abet r'll Io n tililenee. W('opyrlght, Adtams Newspawp r Land of Many Reptil Austrai:ta is supplied with i i,.s of suke''. three-fourths Of Ver no,,,. 'The big pythons - 'snake,, are lhrmhlss, but as .5O, clIs fr,,n the tropcls opthl l:tangi.r,.:< varieties increse Is l heiIr ,unl in 'liasmnanla all are ,ol,. Ilhuuch only five are teal an:r fortunately these are sit 'rThe cntlinent is also supplieid with lizards. Threi and iuintity speles are th.y mnav te seenf not only anrd lp, irb. atnd deserts ola t iamong rocks adtt trees. but 2ir1 less freqlucente'd city street. Ot. of the Mouths of D I "irru:na." said a rmll three ..:rs. "our Sunday-Icd er 1:,Il i, ould punish $ ri.," .... ,- . d an Io saly. r I . It Ii. l l Iis weli '":,1 , : h; . f:airly judged b' it ,i,,.,u :,. Ih. crowdsdl out to It. ,u . . r t':. yur life by tLt 1l Why Not Swat Hief An; : h" r f,,rm f the dou cssen, ...i f pcl,t whose fraiomiE his sioul!. rs comPOIPd O feIrc'le cuancrete. Is the ,eulsanll' who insists upso thet current of pedettdall crowded street on the W* the pavement.