Newspaper Page Text
THE COLD { LAND o FI r . "'7- - ' a- - I,' It,. 1. " . h.. 'h I si1hql, i f.l '\ f + jl:t , _ , " - .t 1i '.h i l i. " ' " it , t , . r ,' l'ni,,& 'it: .:..t 1 r 1."'"." . , ' , - t ,'ir . ",r . . 1~ 1 . . , l " :111. i. n a 1 r ' 'ii tta I' I. lla1 • , r. . i, " . n ! 5111|:1 1,l ' "1." . :,h 4 , . :i . , ,1. .. ", , - r :tl l Irt. i : sllul . l "l' 1 :111. '+,*'l', ('ol d-lttril i: hIrt-i iie'arttiftil h,'s'4fl4 'of a city or sI-etio n oEf c Eonlry vkither oither ':uncolrN Idi his tihrt lllnr.'si !ins. T slll e s inrs, i the tir's :ln i rs ofa o h th e wrtr illl ite ,. "To',a thl w ith b la z in g ;:ir .e . . .. "* T i , 'ra ,I.I If t: , gVo" sraie, oan l prl :h5p thlii : , etarr llte t lln ln - :'M l "'.;:l 1 ,11 Fir.." It hl ts been otae inr avery thue x fl thl 1"i Ilze weatrhl, wnhtlen iIl lin lil that it 1o-s pre-tnrny tly the rEf orll. At epe Cold, But Beautiful. Cohl-blut . in parts iIl,t ifil heytnd ifmpartlon. SrNaturafllly one' I lpilnon of a city or section of country visited .Is often colored by his lfirst i ipres 'lens. These limpressions in the .catse mf the writer Itly have bIen unusun'lly favorable, owing pe ,rhnaps I Illo the sn slon of the year and the xiceptolally ne weather when he vliewe this olt of-the-way corner of the worl. -At t Tny rl ltt, ihlt will llv 'V r' f','gt the tcentic wonders i ,i'llounterel a it ta trip through the Strait 1f .1:ltllan. miil especlally of Ihat sectioin ', f thif F1ile lan arehiplhago whii h l) Ireli'r" on Pagdlen foirna. h tin armli of the htrait which stretches almost ' h irily ".11th from the elbow frmled hb e';Ilp Frl. lwierd, aIthe soulthyertim tlst ti of11 t1he Sotuth lAmlrienn mtain lIranl. It wets luri hth fttirl lays (if .April O--l'ly ltlulllnl ir n othe r 'utll irn rtei n Sof S with A lmeritc: -iwen inl ntoe tra tait of Mtellan:l aut It' al cnii endc. We weres e rintl teo reorunta oArenas. tInd the ie:I ptin of thI . vte.l biud kindely ctnientel t.oe give s aI tnr view oif funatll Mlunt So:trlient.., whch ellllllt :t detoliulr of m5h.i' ,'venllty mlles 41down into 11ueal"l'ln stlnd. It Is rust where the soane :ital 'er aknrt hnnetl it ale mot a rihtl :inl t h a t t h i s i ' ,e - hln d e ,l i n . 1 t ', k n l. \w : as the "Mount:in Kin ,f lIthe s,.lthern molnst Aulltls" ,Ilotin t,.s :i s'.'ce, .of nmarvte!lul ttl:llty. W e It:111 pI:iss a*' b etwe,,l 1'i::r'' is land oil the wev.t.rn a dl I);i\.,,n i, 11(11 o11 the o n t rll side of the s ,,lnil whlen we timi.illy tlh ,it,,I intio alit ,I) peare i t he n Illnel. l I bity. All shout us acre .lii, an , 5.'r ils and snow-covered l.eks :ull there. Just it he soutlilhe iS , "h i lrner f h by taid Ins; like a ,li ,iteninli ini, iii ;lwho , ciip was hi!1,en in the 5irilini wreaths of vilpr adl of l*,l. we saw Sar illenti. Magnificence of Sarmiento. we drifted co.'e, to 1h,1 foºot of reat mlount',,, ,i 1 , ,t li1, its llealls was a nerfeto shnp most woinfm to l , ! . i ' : ' . 1 . . 1 ·. - N, ..:: 1,. - ,',1 , 1li r l "i ! ! l i" ,"1. it is 1.m , i.i 1 1 \\," :'nll' "1 :him i'.T: !1. -, l,:lrat,,d :r' uin tlh * Ir :,ii n nll l 1, l,"'i. 1, ',' -,, 'i ,,i1 i .\ 1 ! l lm i r :l l ty - , ,il ,l . t h a t . ou nl,, t .:i r - -itiint, is I ,letedl . It ftor, uti 11iy,. I r itrn ti r t11 1' l ,h"' l ir'g ti l rl. ncl ,. 1:hi l h1 stre tl i.i e fr , n ld i ,11t .1 ,lll l I l ,l'1 111,1 t\ 111:tinlt-!. Tlhe \r th r 1 extrII'IIe - , ''h ,"' Ir;l iri f, ,',ivir, us n, 'nt ie ar m 'l -If t)"` rairi 'ru ti'h to a l f- i ith It 'y t fin olt, .rt: ' i r m 't l stl , atliI thr-li', lh rSt ll .c.,'inl :Ti't I int ll arti ittr thi pith I1 A .lllt ,li iLf t: l: l ll. T hi - i set' .il oif thi l i htIut , 'NNllii l' i , les ti pi t ll'es' than thatll lill cni u toi Mlul dnlen Ilil, its of mIull iih jIgreate' r utility, for it i here that the llrgi sheepi rlanches aif to ht, foun il d. Scanty Resources of Archipelago. The i'll''hy i,'lnl environment of a rame lof people has mulh to d, with its d,' vielopi le'it, 11nt0ll.lily 3 s 1 l el l 11 al i physie li, in the iiiourse iof centuries ol.f ex i"tenii. 'lilnate. lharactr iof the land. rfsourci ,ts ,l ,r dll in the lit atter of folod. shfe lt ,r. etc., all are imp'rlnt f hrtlcorls ahicrh ,Wither retllrd or hsten the denll,, h inent of the ilttllest'l and oIften nlt lify 4 ,,In the t trl't ire of the I.ody. l,'iariii thi n inl iti l, it irs llo it aill tlii , ei-thi ri th utl ih,t Fut igilI irie( s ha l rl'aie,'h l ill :1 1',l-t''l : I tri"hV - 1vo lll'tli, l. ''.li]pIe l llyl i tlhis trie. sal the Y ilil- n : ll l : h,, . h ' i,'l '. T' 'i iriliols of ilne ar-rhipio lgo in ttlinh lh,,v h:at livi,, for llanyi3l ::,gllratiioll ffrierld hlt s rnltl - re. ur s ti. l, whiht tlhle lit a te aituls lertniri'y tfr Ilfr, l i'':lnt. hlse rilnnie I hr. foi r ate llitti dliar rtt'n thet' Ilace wt:lirtn that retl above th4e sulrfne 1o the ::. at.teordl mu n tain 1lint i that ihl . in1'll time l' nil iipast Ite'l ishlonlyr sc mer.l' inl te. is1 :r 8t "hold . n oi 1 tir n i :i r !iheed nail is-a I'rt I Ihi'ti' illd Ito ,,hi fitur wiil,u. for haline t ln t' e1. Thiet the o tn tain i t he- preairit'fl seli the water it' it i< :ble\ i. m <ily lprove d, fur Modie lotn the the lhd ble lead line often giupan ii tI 10) fathernl lthin 1li) fbeet if ithe, ' shore line." Photographing Wild Flowers. E lwln IhIae [inoln u.f l'ittsfihld, iMass. has pursued one .ashy dfor 'i Ieoston (ahte. In that period MIr ALgnerln h:1s houtlinld 4nIt b ictlres of the i o wl l hra of lerkshire nounty. a pictuare the h artits care to p by students in the foremost art schools and universities of Almeri.i, so hil 1e KITCIU A 1. .: I" ''' . T. . .1" 1, 1 t1 : . p' -" 1: : 1 " ' :, i n u '1 : i l r .j i. . h 1: "1 mul' i ,':1 ],,, i. %a : , . \.rr lc "i, 1 • II i r m l l' . ". In ' .' t 'I " ipl>.* t 1 n n thI \i lu-;ts. L 'p~tin the l-. :I , ,tr ;;i ht - i .R ad l" I. " t I ' l * : , . i n. r-., I t; iN'l i " i 'll '[ lilw fv i+ ; . I' + In o :,.r pal' r1 ,I ' .t . ot, , t,, i, lt - bi i1 ,. ISpnucu b Jelly Salad. d.---'1' :l . ' :t , ' I t''' 1' " i 'fr ii' . 1.. if l ia 11r 13 nI pr r.1 1'l tl i ...ll ; in' l it t. . in i i ,lly l":. l It .a e r t'li 1 i', ii,. tii'i tIh i ;11 -i \ ! . , ill lh, . t 11 !; a , 1',: I;, . l ', . Ih,' Radish S l aJ.- t.,1'1 r !1I r cucumber Je.lly Salad.-i 1.' \irl a gain I i r re, pis:e, anh .i ,i t vli , , Iitlitn h n r, n spl r'. Iit theie 'lje. tS 1.1 .l t b . elim ' 'To s'i'.r,' a I irii.t hf flit,,d 31141 keep t- thl . -ll .f imits pl one's imI.ll rla' i il-s ,i - ' t ' :tiLt i11 ..rl h r, " t, t ld ' t', 1 1 : 1. 1 11; ir .'"..i"1 :It " ir 't. i.f.h .1 tiu l .i -pl,! ,'i Sil If ,t, tl in of all J Lint h, se i t' o il n -'i'\t l it olt. - 'rnuimill t It, iuti".i is ' i 111113' h. cut \',r}' : thin -t. ,t11 r 1 . . in thheilY ,l - 1 ,-. ,t i , l th :r i :.'" ,.tl to ,in.,ilt. T ' ,ii -lit -ill ,l l 'Baked Kidney Ben- il il I tlhlIr i'iit truI 111. t f ;: r g:i r N 1 'ih r3d'l I' 'tigll " :r fii l ' :l lT I"'i i. Ikiki' I'f ''' Iow II ili r ] I lt lmki.i .1 .- i . 111 ' 1ll f haveClub Salad.-rkly Iusles l : thing1111 r i In i Toni lllp, T o.1 l i . l lis' What a gaintl for repose ant l eltr', uIto say not llng 1.1, . ~li11ll , I1' f Ir h i l l X,: 1. 13 L11i 1StI P Iif t.i of spaIe, ilf these h l -Jer s ollld b,- elimi inr. Oatmeal Bred. d.-ir int il '- To ser rve a variety if food and keep SI i f thin the limits if one*--1 allowa :te it 1. the k im of all just - hnlf , wf lr i vt ilur. '- Ifh l' a t one is l too Lt . ,lIl t tnsipnful ,is us, it may he"13l n -n hull ,it it d ni t byr lla ile !r l1 1 iiL i s' expensive ft:Inl fli. t the:' A nother Thousand Island Dreseping the ,, irthef ilf oter wI-e lyl1 l expeli - I n tut ed.l balanced. T r Baked Kidney Beans. S Si t ellli'T'.j 1f lln s of liiili 5311n1, s115 i he'm lit with n pint of tll toml a tl Elf o , th ip'rd cfhivi'. o s lle n l n fwa is(1 I t s lril. , f sit an d i i b IihOyster Curry.-(hut tais small ionlilns di n iiti' h lit , ill 311 o uli' oEf lltl'r. tdid S 'inth t ni'r o tI ilicy. stir ,eIln' thi' fire Ifor twiE 11 , inUtis or unttl h the nyi'y ar I le cilitwitd and fcovreud ith sIute. i twIne thleir hearts with our lives. They Sas.sume our Ihurdens share our car, lighten our gltoom, or carry our mes sages, so that, depending on them as I on a rol d or sti , we gelt to requir, e Sthemli we thlnk, as spiritual if not iA o way ot making a delicitous thlel Sirn. rom muscadine igrape Is spri k lounced by the Unitedl S te nllb au ll Pt plnt uidu ntilttl)k DDK .Au1or /' -ikE , E 5T -4`CAA l i, i:,W - HIS MAJESTY, TuE SROOK TROUT. 1k4,, I" .I Ilh: , ,k t ry, 4i r),', i,. ,,, r i' ,, ' t . 11: h,+ is in a cla.,s livy hi11i ,. and h (arry; , tor,' tri:. in his tail tha:; any other fish. 11,+ is truly an Ameri can and of a stirdly typ'e that can forage a living in any stream or spring fed lake that is cool. Al though he does not grow as large as his cousin, the rainll),w troult fr,-ln the West. or h;s foriCen relative. the i br,,wn, or Ge;rmar trout, for his smna!l siz.e and weight he puts up the keenest figh:t of th, trout family. The trout is a trinm-bilt fish with graceful lhii " - al"I his con:istant b::t!', with s',u ift (curr , s ,:, rakes h::n a strong. l.u ky y.:;ngst r. As a , gein d,.·,..r :Hi .., : i is w .ll ;.' l k,.-. A" ,!i '11 a.ti r : ait i: . i , i , i' ' ;u ' c,. ii t.: ii i 111·: li t. , hr, ia t :t i*.,nti r l it . i; s 1, fall.s, in tIhe s'i t rp ' l :, anId lh . tr,)ut in t}!,, li-i 1.-.r 'i.l(),.-1 "' ,.iY tiicse th, ;".. ,t b..,t- ash,, t:', is a ral a"' ,,",. ,. and tak,'.s i-Li food troull th, surlc', in n i: liat''r Sa: 1, at llthe b )tt > l "; he is, hL w .cr, mostly a s:riac's' fcIaer and dotes on !-h.s, gra..shlopp'rs, insects, gorm.. A small niunnovs aol even small frIns. Trout Has Keen Sight. TVndoubthd'y hi, has the konlest sight f any . >hI. and he evi-l'ently watches his lre.y i. -fore it strikes tiie water, as he will cie , his jaw.; on a fly the instant it hits the: water, often .leaping up and catching it on the , wing. Its a pretty good guess that he watch'"s the lies or insects as they fly over the water and this same sight makes it necessary for the rod wield er to match his wits against those or M T Mir. 11. Trout. Trout are caught with artificial flies, t grasshoppers, worms, minnows, crick ets, grubs and almost any small In sects that are found along streams, also with very small spoons. When r fishing with a fly It should be kept in motion, imitating as near as possible a the movements of a fly that has v dropped on the surface and is strug- t gling to rise again. This can be ac complished by a slight broken twitch ing of the wrist. When a trout takes the fly, strike quickly, but not with a heavy jerk, only a slight move of r the wrist Is necessary. In taking a fly he snaps his jaws together over the fly, but is quick to throw out the artificial feathery substitute for a square meal. Lot Depends on Rod Work. The sport begins with a rush right after you hook your fish and you sure have to work your gray matter, luck, hiefore you can evr el a trout. tli seems to know every rift, rooted hold, snag or windfall in the stream, and you got to keep your mind in the game to hold hliu from ruch ing cover, which means a lost fish and a snagged line. Let your rod do most uE the work. that's what a good fly rod is for--keep your line tight, at no time give any slack, as the trout may not be securely hooked, and a slack line gives him a chance to cough out the fly. You will find the trout is more quickly landed if worked down stream, especially with a large fish, as the current is in your favor. Keep the rod well up and the line shortened, as a short line gives better control over the fish and you need every extra bit of advantage, as the sole object of the trout is to get away and at that game he is some little getter. E Fish Both Up and Down Stream. If you are fishing a slow running stream it is best to fish up stream and on swift-running streams flsh down, making it a point to walk around pools and fish them from the lower end up to the head. In fishing up stream the ftiy comes quickly down ( with the current, this can be slowed up by casting diagonally up and r across. Trout Gorge Angleworms. Early In the seasop the common angleworm is considered a delicacy r by the trout and this batt iof floated down stream under a shelving bank or around a log, which makes an Ideal hiding place for trout, it's a twenty-to. one shot that another fish will be add ed to the creel. Htook the worm so that the entire hook is covered, using a No. 6 or 8 snelled hook. Always fish down stream with worms, as the natural action of the current carries the worms down stream. Let the bait float from about thirty feet above the spot where you anticipate the trout are lying and throw In the shut-off on all noise. DIXIL Association Football Feature. One of the features of the Eastern association football season will be a friendly game between the champion Univer.uity f Pennsylvania team and the Intercollegiute league, and the Ilethlehem eleven champions of the I country. - Horse Show Prizes. Since the first National Horse Show association events, held In New York 33 years ago, the association has dis tributed $832,780 In prizet to 7,017 ex hibitors, represeating 39,535 mtrles. MIRAGE LURES SHIP TO HER DESTRUCTIO' Destroys Ca!c;',ations ofi ~'~\i t: :on 'nd L;.inds e,. :: ceid Ca tin i a 'd C;' a ACl J.r? A Shor Line Somctim s Vissbie ond Sometimes Invisiblc. i . ' tu .-. i i -;\ Ii ci 'r.. I i ... w hci hIt ilw -t :u , Itli II .i '. . " ' 'ute 2 p .: .I:c h I1 tr'i m T i. - I t ,i . ii ' t Ii:ii lt mtile. widl, rut. n.Iti n " outh. 4 aptain II:m-* a aii el eltieIt tu le. et' the west must tllnna ttw 11r'1 \igh!. but at u-, I Il" i as urrie to . ntlt only the we' -ten. but al.4 the ea-t"rn shoreli e. 'ithe - latter up -Ieatteil eight miles te4 starltard. Here was a struit 1m0 tiles wilke that appeared It). Captain Hansi n anwl hip rIIates eillle they were vitIn.s f 111 il optl-:lI illt i'inl. S ,t they Nilet in a wide zigzag ands the eastercn .heore was always just on the horizon while the western Iehavel s nirtuial }l-, disalwaring and rpllrleari|g as llthe t.Ii al'erel its litiurse. S, tlhe Ilav'igatirs lhe-ilel thait the ste:ir trly lad was a mirage.I But Iwteri the i rage lhe:iue retality and near ta h iL ent lll'e of ilthe giult the Sesiel went r ti the bIecvh oef ltilg:e too iitelu, . ' Il e Mar-i t t.t1 saw til l li. t'li e hu teh Si attejiletl ti y iiater. " OFF HATS IN COURT * Sii I i Iti iIc).-- hi n iciet 1 I thri ti: lll A. Tttritr. tc sutlchfl i i -lhlit iel te tllhei ('aliti'orniia h r,ir nlI iren-d tee prlie.,cute her tic-it c'',iee e-th leearnteed line rule eof ] ernceed|curee llt 1'letutitli i[le ii her • I *. r, t y, u the i:LttL rley in thic . n'l " qluerice,, the judh,. . .Mi.- Tlrnler tuts ereel in the , i u' Xe'r. alwc- remlve ttetr* eicirt," .i' Sh ,ii0 tieil. kietdly, helt " ii rmly. MiOt Tirnter ihithieT. :init pull * inl eit th, leegi lint e h oitel I . the hi it oIl lihe ttttocereese' tblhe.le BLIND 20 YEARS, NOW SEES ( Civil War Veteran, 75 Years Old. Has Recovered His Sight in I California. S M::ry.vile. (cnl.-Twenty youtrs ngo > (or.T Viln Iteekirk. ii vete'rin eef thei 1 (ivil wir. h"':iuncei bllnd while ieepllothy I ee in Macry'evillte. (ttl. Hi itcase was I re,:ucre tc ho1ee lelhe tne l he wXent ibhIct thel e wert gicuiee by lihiu grin! chelehlreen whceili hc hutul clever Sei'il. t Se-viral mllotnthl-ltl e f eite t to llof t h ieev re Ill shirt item, n i ';I nl ,w ll eii ,r tell. ticu f it in epe0rltion In Sui i r:iiiii 'o rwli,'eh had re-,teireeh li t tee i1 blhind . ltln. V nili lIcc-t irk deciehh, tee iueiergo ai 3iimil.'r iei riltielti. - he' t-e,, hreLIcgh hi.avy glalcie, but c ('iE n S::n iltkilrk, w lss ihe In Su c c . c':i .is no, .il" fur the' tlrst tine cc teh.hillllee. an,'i ll 1ute (,11e eheihLe'. lltiion li ture' .shwie. a wirehes,. tehlegrtch ittit ii, i li aicl t cin nirscip. t Saved $1,400 Worth of Puppies. S Ne'sw Y,,rk.-M-llss iertrudr , IeLes.ter. returnlng frciom a shihpeinci trip. feund he'r hemne In failmen. She ethIsheid insih e ind reied an arniftl of pUpple. which, she said, were worth $1.400. 1 Woman Divorced Fifth Time at 35. SHiunthlcgton. W. Va.--Mr,. Muaudee l Young. tlige thirty-tive vy'clrs, declares e that marriage is a failurre. She has e been divorced ftire times by as many different husbands. Likes Heavy Music. Nashville, Tenn.-John Lightelnger likes heavy music. lie stole a piano out of a church and carted It two miles. He was caught when he went bck for the stool. Ia hatMýeli Dy "1 f" y I;; i. . C s St Fe4, Clss Sit : Ci F e ,, c .... iii fT ''-, . "" ~a: -" ":ac :: '" .:::. ;~-:i,::.:- -:.. . \ ..:: . ... ... ". .'. ::i' ':. .. .,;. . Ct,-".vSutofFr,,e e-F,, _ '.r , , !.." , : . - ~. ,' , , n o i, l is 2 . :,: : t, I . ,,,I r .. ha , i+,+-, ,:''oL . ,,** e r n,,1. .1 w h+,l, r-, ..i t+,t l "f" l r !.,irt- It. h! ýh ,l it t r . 1 ,'." : : 1 ; 1 : r: . i , tir, ný t~ h, w o r t . 1 i t lh o t .l l u. i t : ,. . 'h , i , + u i t yt o f1t .\ t r ., ' n' :i+|' " u.' , ,: . t o Tr| , *' , m i ,r rn' I, . I!tt:I ::,,:, ,', .; ,r, .. h, r th:,t it :slit !l r t ;,,, a:iol a. i. tl t, the m i,-+ lny ofl,,f h,.r .ir h' , lt,,. ,. 112~ o, f th.- nl \'o " ý.',' r.: s in.. ,'Is i1 sh-o, I: h'r,, ann, it, tine, lirm<, and " :la, &s" fl:t-h th,,ns,,Iv .. into th,. [:intl! a t it ,l an ,", ,. T I i." j : t '\ i o u t t". ih e moist poptular l."hngth. Is h.alt«"d at the back andl front ant smartly finished with fancy buttons. The collar way ,":." 4 .: "" ."., : ,;: Easter Hats for Little Girls. Everyone is cntitlel to, new hat for Easter. eve'n the. lit:lst maid In ithe family. anl no one V ill wnar her new finery qulite0 so j,. Ol"-ly. the lhas not been n.eglected by the nllllin'rs. who aittend to the alleore serious business of seeing to it that her elders are' properly hatted, and it is not diffi cult to (',IIIn to a (lecision in ch.,eoslng a hat for her. In shapes those that resemhle little honnets have all the preference'. Many of thenm hlave round crowns andl na:rrow brims and as :many more are hell-sha:ped, but. for the' very little girl, there is no great variety in shapes. IOf the two hats shown in the picture the on,. at the top Is de,-igneud for a chlld of three or more ycers andI the lower hat for the little miss of sevenr at le:lat. For the yoitIm,.,r girl the shape is ,overed with silk in ltight color as a felllat!een fir the rows of fine lingerie' la'e pla.ith'_ that cover it. At each sideh near the hack two fant rosettes. InIaIle of the pIla:itedl ihce'e, are placed with the ede ' of onrte, overlhl ping the oether. A collar of griorninrl rihbon is run through the center of the. rosette' and finished with hi,ews at the back and front. Th's is ouni of the pretty llttlhe hats that the home miilline'r cten ma:ke w"ith out much risk .of failure. The other is a satin-covered shape. trinttne,l " th baby velvet ribbon In two colors. It Is Chiffon to Replace Georgette. Chiffon, which, so the wlseartre's say, Is to triumph over the long reigning crepe. Georgette, is embroidered, lace trimmed, beaded. Flowered chiffons are made up in the utmost simplicity. but on most graceful lines. Fine cot ton voliles in a bewildering array of ex quisite designs. striped, dotted, checked, flowered, openwork striped or plaided, bordered, are fashioned Into sRttly-girdled, stralght-falling, be Writching frocks. . . :, t l ' 't . ketS wb:l ' n , . e" xt,,u ion lal. 1Er +h," pfss. wher e k is inavi. It ils I: T"': I ~~s thte (dot over i I'!,,. -i.i, 1- ,i'!i n. gathermld ln f :! th hI:.:; :an h: I lo Iose belta t, ., \\:':-I. .1 i- :I little lon>gertht atl -lirt- ,,f :h,. ,;hit two se.tson .i t r ue : ,11 ":t \,, i.i}l'he's below the t ,t" lb' Xh1-'. •1u-, :a- pie tur,.l this suit is I rrih ,.ir._. ijt r:try blue and aft 'l1I I. otill t .hiri is nothing beta. Iut t It has Ieten develhped ia ohf 2oii f aunti is a succesilaaa ,if thlntn. The juriket I isn ied l p:..:nu-n'-, c.n" w\lhic'h has beco a well estuhtlilhe.el that Its ~a abn MnrVeos an IEnlish tnrnslttlon. not a diflicult piece of work, bit quires sotr." knowledge of nmaking. Alming, the hats that rlnade ait hoouIe with little tro 0ble those of ha:lvy linen, decorated d enmhroldery. Any of the steandtd torn con.1c.rntt furnish pattll f them. Thy :Ire always good stll summll r n ich fr. Pongee and CrepS. White, ' conbined with gitte cr.,' \ iiill malke some or tedL llest sluui:a.r fr,;. These int hav'' shI. :'LitnlLtage of belio inn] :liw.::t. *'s ally If t0h I60 variety ,f ge .rý. tte is boought Th°. n,,w blti'res are, m0l1 (lWi in thi- hii:iy crepe, one Vr M7 Ille beting In the palest ad M e.ribr I'l'.'r in dlue. Pastel Shades In Vil ih, l:tintlest dres 11 at -:itrp"Iicl resorts ort Io are thi,-' tinlde of fine cotton i:,.I rlu t o l, in white. I '.' ien.hal:: ý, n tlu.', gray. wistari..u0 Inl Iit r" .. re taking wl str:aight -lion. 1 tl. 4, white with ,if hail . em'br iuie.ry or besdlaig colors Is al-t, selling freeld. No Animals for HiS. (nt. ila> .1 lhnl' mother wu hy, v,".m:m.,,'ni' indl she told l ,to the rrlt and get ioma Sht s:i : "'\e will have oldit J-hn I,, isv thloklkin g. stll d: "I'l 1eut the soup, bt for hre." Fad That May lstsr "In ruti imeic" declared "girls were more modest said the flippant girl. "It once. We way get bgack 5