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Their i' ew Neighbr gyATHERINE HOWE cgare you C!'! "' ..b y 5fm ijother" d(n.t think 1 -L:i SKirk :. . oniniflg wa: Werkend visit t," whre he :V -. ed to spend -t. MWthat their :." . a l bouE .. ' . . ' Swould 'r' l p oth eer. a. .. Slas the na:rh' " - ui4t'5t the OL1u ' 1L , I havn" [:" , . S 11 I can " . .. : r.' ,Ibat' queer" aft going5s-o on"r t". r I. :'" 0o so e abmut t ._ . ii isbling old " ..... " ags who carne in 1 y the sbriek ant : , sl laughter w" ' ' ' !: l b l o d . I r l, . - . . 4 going over t .. atter. when I n: alde. calmy . lb thought if r it. l w I lu l I -" . dicitude w"uI ; 't ' Syout sup,-"' oan. 'he has' it' -Itmust be * . It iay rate. it ; :, . depy. If I had . gt door to a pr : I o g, ose t . . pedant or s.nwo' .r ' .- ' " " pyo lady. Te h. . i-,. t : "I should tll: k . , s rs. Kirk' rn. . .n " -!.,r,! y ..m - e. She was e, ' dbet own ann.'ir.ce ro r"!... ":: pigt of the girl 'aLi t 1:: t 1.-."n r.i , pist in her iwn'- :inLl. "Pereap " he s w'h,", "' i's only 1porary, and won't , on '.,n.'" 'perha s she assente . "'Iut If it 'dl. we will seep." ho said. e aezt Saturday when yvrnn KIrk gried he jerked a tinger ward their neighbor, and asked1: hat abtut tt" "sa lad two or three attar.ks this ias; goes on just about the same I weder if she is insane." dl. a doctor has Ibeen there twice 'ISw do you know it was. :s dcetnr?'" es car looked like n phys.iaan't. abe went In with a case i: his l." said the young man with a feeling. "Then there mut-t be asift the matter." 7~ie suppose she wa. doing this bIt a en.ntr" asked his mother. M sa asperity. t sdt, of course not. But whei H I r!ut there the young lady was Sap a vine and laughing nod to the other woman just as- 1 Ma atural as anyone." 'S7 doht she has lucid intervals. Sthey hope for her recovery In 'Iha3M think you'd get so eurlnos i IM hes to call," ventured the l ! gShe might return it: and tle't feel safe for a minute. p, either, think of making a d 1o don't want me to pack up ai s tin." h ad to at once disclaim any r sat ao doing. He liked the Ad wa looking forward to r Shis vacatlon there. bat week he came out to stay t kll. In answer to his usual M to the deveilopmento next 0 -Lm oter replied that it had a 17i quiet. Perhaps the pa %hII taken away. a Rthen s he's back again. for I S lmag lady as I passe(." he after all. she isn't the sa They may." she adled In a Shddery tone. "have some - tai shut up there." i' ¶ irt Up to me to fathin this , e'e anything (of the kind." 1 Smotber. "'You let It .d 1rMOo he took a Itttle stroll baall stream near by to +E, I', Shythlng In the way of [, *- Iag. In a pretty wol,.d1 : s tlhe branches hung over r. Sdropped, ,sten'ibly to tt Sa . but in reality to be hi . He sew a book lying d, ._ s a few feet away. He a f tor the owner. There ec " UCa TOR IS SUCCESS di is iib g lPeirforming Strenu- I' a SUki st's Motorbusses S London. i "conductrmeo" in ' _ m rtrated La(,n,. n N,,, "' that the wrk v,-:.i ' eo l for ,,, or . ... e sLWi the ar to f I i n ha had h - Ti al nrul..,,.i,,n. I has. rivel ai grd:t Il, r IPPearan-.r quick 4in ~i. Swe atll. tactful anld n'e is-s ahe fall In the wi pI. t of her duties. wi - I- Idindon has had ha S Is be seen running, m' . lseI.. IEuUdnl the ti.n A, nI ?I . , - . , ' . !. . . ' " ' s " n. " " ,. . rr 1 !,,. .." . ," , ! .; .,ý , : . . , . . . .. ,., , : . .. .t .. ,c'; + " " : '.. .:, , ' . ` ' • . : ' ." L ' , -. r1I tr hm ,i :. ' ' .".,r - - A ' .- . l, : ·.. !,*-i . • : . ' "..- :'"I I K There, Was- No .. ,f Humn Coth " t'- " n .th,. " .h.- laugh, . . h"but I !ad t, ," ,! yIu. I tu ,tuck h. the mnu41" If you will Ipeas ' It "I think I ha, e a better . y.- he 'aid. And throwing[ off hi' sh-.e, he went Into the water t- ' n I u-'led the h"r." she said. "Chen I t,_4E th, likely py the large ho for There Was No Sound of Human Com pany. I wry sr,.'rr. nnKi heur at, ,r, I,, ma irf -,aic ,i.tres.. "TIt.' nothlng .eri,,us." s. , . Ilaugi~e t. "tout I had to auH vyu. I'mr -tuk a the mut"" If y,,ud will Iol . ate.I thi liLne. m th hialt will blt, safe. I can wade :ruhore." "T think I huv-e a better na." he taid. And thr,' wing off him sh,,e. her wn ent ito the wnt , nirn hrt(l,',l thde boat from thte uholuow plat-. -! b,,lije-e y, u must i,' lly n,.i;h hr." Kshe .aid. u' Vhen I tua the hous.e, the at'nt ail, nl, ,n,. w,,uldt lilkly o.heripy thte iarng, huos-e for ortle timrk. as it wduas ftr sailnn. 'Yes. we' botljrht 't.'" saji Kirk. thoeth rt nfl A:ii wO lll0 1', 1-at: url ,, hv o--thf, no!io. I wh .nel.n .... .m M.f yu've her] It." It war Kirk's turn t,, itc nmatir ras.sed. "Oh. I see yoen have. 1 night as well confess. "Murder will ,,lit.' I'm Ptuding e big part. If I 2uc,0.d in this. my way is bl'ur. I .all be a tremenmlon h h,,stori'aJ slhne in It. and old Msnnadam (i;randllt i a terrille taskml-fstress. the ae nkes ae u ,Fr and orer It till It suits her. ,li. dear: I wofnder nwhat you thtuhf:t" When Kirk gut up ti,', u',lrlnge to rlldy Kirk a indUc to joun in.b Mrs. Kirk rbever.dl her !,.i~a:. ann d I crlled. And now the qui.-:itn is whether GraCe Anhhle will glr· ,ip her ipri fltsi, l wh,,tn .hlelt ', t.,mr t Mrk . the4 4 ean Kirk. ,,r hhthetr shra hill ain kn i her -r,,at deblult. It*' is qait, \itilllr· ' she shall havte her aly.h Peknese Dog Sold for 52.000. i Llt'r:il',y i·n.rtl h' "eir:ht in fgEd.t lfog. annmS ,,.lhl I n Ne' Ytrk f:.r gl,-. saii th: I'- a re,',l ri figure fr L ni - - nl : m of this tYl''. lIe wats adjuleri- I the best ty dfug tif any va:riety c exhi Iited at the shtw hiihl rt'erntly. The i dog was importedi toi thl ountry about a year iago by Mrsi. M. E. lurhy. at at uest of $1.7t). driver with her el ,'trim tor.lh. The is aulwayn-s reful, too. t kLprl the ,uftslrde seti dovt'red during rainy w.ent her. ['art ,f her traininiEr t.,h - i sist. In lheing taken fr 11 trial trip r ,hat the r, xin x here The Is lik. t, ai 'hlyel. to b'ltliren her ',': relpy' " t h-m n ,- ,l ,.oltt be r ,p, f.ra I.,, nd , ,m h,, :1 t xe 1 .i : 11. 1.t , r n - t.'i ..l,." rll,.l takes a ll'r t ti t : ,kl t, . u,'u- f::- l,f ti.e v. hail ,,rae ui ,'lit'ito tz ii', ket'ti 'ling their ltalan: ,e. SoW t the theUsa ? harving already been reaped by the 20 men, could not be reaped a second cL time by the 15" HOME 1. TOWN NELPS CO-OPERATION LIFE TO CITY Community Which Does Net Erceur age Growth of Individua:s arn Industries Cannot Thrive. .n - ' n .'! ::, :.. .. :. .. . i. ; , ".. - ry .'" ' r : ri n. ! ":··u .u - : . : - . I,: - ·-.'. 'r':h. ' - , : . -' l .t '. r..h . .s .' I. f r a cit.y 1 t . it. SCHOOL GARDENING NOT FAD Tendency in Some Quarters Not to Regard New Development Serious ly Is Decried. The federal bureau of " ,*!u' on of the department of he ', .nt.or ha~ i sued a pamphlet. ."i rdnin; in E I t:int'ry (rtY S'h ."i. which covers Ji.e procre~s an! pr. pect' ~f whL.~.1 Snrenlng. The tLetir:r:ay . n'ed lv 'scbl offic::4 tfrom 't:,e' ,f mnure :an diei ip opati~n in aill rarts of a th counatry in!Dcatec that wh.eio gar .,den w.rk is ,red. in the schol.. of about four hundred citI 9 and enthu i. siactlenlly prai4sd by the school offi a .als of these dies., there is still a ten i deney in some quarters to r.'_ard it I merely ns another educational fad. This it certainly is not. The United P States is still an agricultural country. • and the teaching of gardening l ring's e the schools at one point clo'ier to the * real business of the country than any thing else taught, says the Ind'an po lis News. ,But of course there must he somne r system about teaching rrdening. The natural desire for a garden must be .the ,iluctors. Many .ities have cm-rn plained that they rc nnot i'get gicod i teachers to un l rtaken the ,,Iwork. The . school auth I" rities will have to cult. - a rate tea-hers as the chiiren cultivate • their gardens-that is, if they are to meet the demand. For it aDpears gar den ing h as won its place. It hast Seveloped the home garden under school supervision, and this h34 proved Dot only its eduational worth, butD fair sur bundrnge. for our many bleans ings wuch the poor must lack, we give hearty thanks; and we resolve that from what store we have, a liptte more th rtnan n cn cmfortably a--ori sha llI he given to the servants of the poir who seek to cheer forlorn h-mes, to lift up wear cy lives, to open the path irf opahrnityn . to remove old cvi., and very -,,r ces This is dine in the hope aul faith that (- tur city) willa thu Sbecome a fairer and better home for I all alike, and that virtue is ae. arte and peace will incriase visibly am- -ng u.s in the h nrlnSurvey.nlr I n Port Sunlight on thie Mersey, ot cottages. eontaint.4 three bedroiomts. a living room kitchen. scullery bath and lorder, with a yard and outbuildings. rent for an average of $1.28 a week. luaror ottages, with two addit ional ir naturs, rent for $1S. a vele. mus I r t a year an yone can t have an l- r I,,t:iena of t hen perches of lan-! with water suply free. nIt i the intenti -a *1hot othe re shall nesr hoe ore thul n a t to- -es t the achre. o-n-quent- it ther rdIs no lack of sunlight and ti Assist Nature i n Gardens.Ia natrm with intent rto iceve tha uth Sberesraninedr n haen hv large out cropping rocks: make use of them, ti even if remainder of wall t is of dis tinctly different mt uateronial. Mertely as- c sist nature,. . h orha A trap has been Invented to catch t rats as they try to emter a ship by ! limbing a hawser as iv to moored In on cure avL' povert at I DANGER IN HARMLESS TH!NGS c.d -- e.' Y, ~a-a 'c, TY Si, . . : t' 1 r. S !.. .c, . :.. ... 1.. .. .. -I - I t :• * n D . :. . . . . . . . .: . " . . I ,! - vxI ": i:"" ." ' " i" " . S . . , , . 5: .,. , ,:· . . : . .. : . it fa< . or t uer. AN .- I'i t A f""u r a at:. the u Sa:%- r o fl ill. .t, "1 .h " * *I',:i, r r " r-w he re ::un* - at a t S\ý. a!1 <.' wr" l £:ili th. F"ir•t m T11 he .at, . r, .. . .a- :s .a a rii t . ::thrk . fo .i rg t.. . ,A. h_. :., t'o ii:' a,,'ri fr , lrt e to . r . .. - at a :s :'ntt-n r. h, h t. t hE . I .rlt r ver. h in i ue u ite t . fr i nk. hia a, t s . r. n '"t Hr, hte hi- fat.'rn! m,-irk he i Ath,- he'r-z-, f-t.i - ir, this pl-ms J n- t he Y" licht f giet.ner a rhm t in.t h., to, sy A Pertatnh i ll n ,nt. n ite c ,'.;neti . o t " ennl "t h h. w ,o th r of ii ,f j hnk r u,,,,ll. at h f th h ? * L' ti "\ aa n eh , rin ,1ir he i r-,ie*. hn a. t, Th , . two "roft he : in i het i f vu re " at:!: .r - h . rt, n il tht oynt, l S":int tha rvn.ry !,t o--,.; irl i nl tll Itall( is , To Pert and Ipnertinent.s te T - A t,,.lO oinurilt n ',-f;l link ,',fifl * I :h S Ion t i,)s lohr i " tmltl a k in tim Ei, T o , th it 4nli *ng plnt ,' t ht Atlantic , lt tti nn. L,, the e ars an. it nceel . ier. I'uld ,rn ihr.w the lantr :ther ha,- hr. h AW li- ne rl :it hi~t ilulnI Olunr , he r h e liht ef clhingl anr I.otfe nthe Ilnic Cli., Whenu Postr age Ciot $10a an Oune.i (Cl Saren!,l r ai, Iri, ba"?. irt'" ,ihit ctried't In; h In acnt. fTr frim n ild. "I ,,,nt ria ,. ,r f tr,!,- i lly -1hu ,,~i t f "ily (,hi h,,ui i.v."-- P" T:i-tek .1 th;M- .ily. . S Two Pnanam a C oaling Plants. dr, Milk Street. Boston. When Re.janii was still young his father removed 'h to a small gambrel-roofed house in pot 'Hanover street h Inearr nhere it is ec-t l',house swung the Sign of thcie iBlue lsignified that rre. ThJoe linah Franklin h Ben Jamin Frankthese clin'sg plfan a the arried on C Bterllinal ou thab canal is consldereut c the business of makogt $10sp and Oce (oe dies. es 1;.,. ',; ., . . .... i o . T i ,l ., . r.... . , A,. ;. . ph ! . .' r :-- :. Sh t• k "h, h " " t , U 't U * * ¶p!;Sn. "I 'nav oz aTU11 .. w . "r .l : ." • f ... .": h ,! : . t • , . . .n r :k - . ., . . t :!.- n . C' . . - . -* T h' y !. 1 T ": 1 . t r i. h . . ..ay .d . f. r th- n f u. and. ' S. . .. t, " .. "' ith " '1 hi or' on *l.." . ilty :n" my :ia "lutly had tr r av ih:ft..n ', are n. as good ,mitatin "f th'" r:." ! ".."l ." man as you look you will •. a se rti tr . t... hi " A n. ' r " . : i r i: . r hrtAo~ attili t.' , Th i, tta.... , ayntel" .h,- t h: ha trhanc huA ire ,.l . *t WarI '.w3 It war the id1p !a.' w - r,, r, h r , t :it'n:l ti . ThtA. riat. lh'.t alv:it.n't it .r at the entrne. h l u t t. r n \ want di tol tel ri- nh -ah :,ny. ·I hne't k niw ha,,t crh-i :ll r r. tII.t A i t he lADan hart '! .. th.n yo, i'ri ntn Ir i ln g n - hr . . 'i t "h r B ret giikh r.ui , h i t rn':i. i ii::t i y.: a AA ,l uti - y htand told the li iy l :.itr r ti'·. ianl the an wo notsk yo twl r ,' t, him hws te firt thing rn(, t, h-' ti r el, t an taice thi tttA'a.Ze th ak to thii Aplpi. h, avA , hail ai m:i:. y . f.t: i !i waiters her e" The girl trieh to tihp rAi, I;nrut he r ent t,-"tiin !th 'lit m, , A, waiters all the evening. dt tait waiters, like mysif. are 5tui li< whose dwsgacent to toll ci.ur", w el it han honor-I hs that: theyat mut irlk frd ntheir college educatior l n. ,We havt cime as guests ut the Alpha·. Ti,. Srumor that we were being pairl, for t!, yO srtarted rls fan it u n,. i, ,,,ur. (Copyright. ltan tld th'- Mtan -'t r, Newpa. I dn'It ratelauirui e itt,, nal ,, li k. ton. I. rrlflil t ieln a ,rm , : , i t m. r, t'rho It n htr htike tare f :rt th!i2 in ith,' : ,,r Jiurng." JA ture writer says th:atr old ish rive to be one hundred years old'u hri but not where. there a re three small ch. il- i h dren about to feed them. hao 5,! The departm'ett of agriculture re- bil an poters he grea--" Thest nGirl tri.l t) th r is country's history. Well, that accounts h ,' Alph for some things, fnyway. i rs Ano ther difference betweeni l tihe asheso a- pl a dead man and a lire one is that de I moe kind is in an rn somewhere, Td Fa r- the other is scattered all dier tl he o Sstarted ths a jlk." aaa atol thiml !, r . . - ' 5.F 1 ir rY ~i JE I i.'. : S.- ; - ' " , . .. .. D IS NOW A "MAN MAKER" r3 e -- ..--, -.;: '" + "c . t ua. i , . . . . r t p-· 'h ·~. · ..1 ) - * ' II! · _ .. . . . h n -n Sr t 1• b . L :. . n : ::.o -, , re . :.: !:nr ,; . 1. : t ho :l,'. r t, Now Works by His Side. Th... r, n . an n !. :,.'v rarr,., him wthrs" d iy a. nightly by his la dll Tir 1I Aided in Every Way His Efforts to Rise From the Gutter. tn . .. M ,::.:. w ,. ,. :,' L , i:.; b , r- ;: tit.r ".11y ~ il 1.4id- :< emn l , 11-', L. :ne ., ; '.n . ,,I " . "'ve ,:,4 :.. r" rI*zr . Her' n , h i' ,-- n zy l- n'is-. hTian and I , '. 1 .,, ,' Iarr i, ht We have rld ' ii uri lAda! an! 'ent le.rn li toi their f:.a 111e:- and thi4r ii; .h.e fr.'.' hun dreds ef wavvour: srn- 'ro.:i .v;. was's nl _n: t' to thr Ither. "LrInk and 'ru "-.r * '.1 :t.n anrdi EU' vouths enrer our n;an-r''lai:mngn plant by the thounrdis and we try to cut away thie wu.:tI' at!d lI'ave '.n!v the I good. Th re ar* r* nn ny hl flght and fir losi-. tut ". e are rot d.b"'irac ." F"Oi Dcg Burned in Saving Famly. ba ns: to . i'-e-o a! ' " .ise r . but in a vsack 'f ptatoet a fl:ttfli the tirer:.e·n :.r:·:·.·: * 0 <· : in "ew in ha I . r t ! : t e and Want Vaduabres Reurned. BChkyn..-Fie Yr.&-- tickle d T haths two behiere. grlnned Da. e Mc b- t eggs, a sack of peedne , nu"omo* thof bile, andl he~ldi up i<overal riizens. AS ** ieward hns been Waeryd for the erts let Iand potatoes. w it ooc ?l HIIands Pleasd. Bro.klyn, n. " .-"rl I'm tickled to death to be here." ,rinned Da, e y c- i ,addn,l, a "speeder." o,, i "I am tickled to fne o firve dol larw aaid the judge. . an wm. \. " . 1 ,' wi, , A , t . . ', . I " ut :. . . . r. : ,, d ar, "Th. A- :', , . t , " 1....r laying a gr , .:n .r "- , .-..l .ti . .n . -n f , ,"r 1 ,11v t1 u ." :.. W :.. r. ....- . 1- ...". Th- next "1 ,". 71T , z.1 " ", ,irl" think a lot , 1. r. feara Y ,.. Pleasing H im. "Th ,- Ji,; :, U \t ,r r. lfhyinI! grU . i'h- *- . :h. ] , i , ',' : th, . .. thtika "I, ix.tlr- :;It "n1r ° T h. .:,; m . 1 r Y l- t h int Of the Earth Family. $ x,. - w,.e ' ; ... in I w-\\a GETTING IN TRIM. O ftti he E ret mly k. I IP.r- n- ' . ,. " :. .r Ill be inf-i I *. . :, " .s , t..;' "fense oto :* ' t : -' i nt, my - o r *t iny . . ..- ' : " L, . . l "'TI .e :- . ' . ';' r 'ugh; 1b t :1 - :. . .rked ":. .- a; ' .. 'r " ; .,,"t l t;.'' i ' r, -:* " . :.A .f+ l+" !. .and bel" Not the Same.I. Thy L" ..t • i: ari .. .oo judgear of umian,: ,atur:.e- :ai ths fair widow. and I av.- also a few ldea4 aibout O--eL * "