Newspaper Page Text
Iw pgy for taxes. Help remove ____ THE HERALD. Ha eLtra tax. Cheaper and Better Ferrjage. Devoted to the Upbullding of the West Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. "OL. XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1917. No. 12. , - -- . ... · .. . .• -=; . - · · I , , - II _-: .-- - - - - - -- .. . . .. . ... . . . - : . .. . PERSONALS AND OTHERWISE H y orothy and ('ario,tta Kraft dljaturday for Alexantria to spend with Mrs. Fred l'eterkorn. M.and Mrs. Leo Jan onne and W.have , returned from North and a re ::ling in McDon a C. Duffy is tr.,t'urer of the Sampaign cmii "e in charge t---nights of Colu1 n1:. camlpaign ra is funds to ' t r c.reation and to prov:'; .t priest for Samp at the .,;. '- canton IIa Annie Daviý "ho, spent her a at the D. 11. liolives suni -me at Ocean 1 i rinls, returned Sanday night. r. yVllier Judlin is in New York after having m:ade a trip to ors. E. E. Ditch and Mrs Iternard Morgan City are the guests of .Mrs. p. Walter. Irm. M. B. Conklin returned to her in Morgan City after spending weeks here. the guests of her adghter. Mrs. J. I'. \\ alter h laogical Carnival Club of Al pi and the Boilermakers of New ogg" will give a benefiet picnic for I tlildren of the late W\'in. Powers g 8aharban Park. Mc l unogh. ille. gt Saturday night. Schilling's Jazz M will furnish the music. W spbsn,. chairman, and Charles F. gLy, ex officio, head the Logical jg's committee, while Charles Moll Safruan of the loilermakers' glotee. Wn. Spencer is chair go of the floor committee Cosmencement exercises of the iads T. Nicholls vocational school Sgirls will be held Thursday even is at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium the Sophie B. \\'richt High School. Misses Nirma Keenan. P. Stansbury Il Myrtle Sutherland of the Francis T. icholls School received Times kIan.e Walking (lub badges last Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kent and family Ie returned from Milneburg where I have been spending their vaca ta the past two weeks. or a week end trip to Fort Logan L loots, Mayor Behrman and wife hi the city Saturday morning Their dy son, Stanley. is preparing to grad Ie fro the officers' training acad ap on August 11. It is probable Uhaley will be an instructor in the Imad camp to open on Aucust "7. Iy returned Monday night. ged with disturbing the peace S dB rocery of Mrs A Gayaut. M Verret street, Sarah Robertson. ssIe, 1014 Vallette street, was ar l,1 Frilday by Patrolmen George - n and Theodore Graver. Mrs. Joe. Thorning and daughters .all and Mildred. returned from oiut, Texas, last week. Mr. Willie Hantel left for New York erday night after spending a few aI here with his parents. Mrs . S. Gravois and daughter, Yall left Friday morning for Vach l La. ll Leah Davis returned last mt from Ocean Springs after Mfg awhile at the D. H. Holmes lm home. Mis. H. Munsterman. Sr.. spent the I dmd at Buras with her son lsa Fetherling turned over 7, feet jlald rope to Patrolmen Bell and Thursday morning. Mr. Sfound the rope under a 5w1 in the lumber yard. M, Martha Ellis of Baton Rouge r was the guest of the Misses Len I ha returned home. MIer Cora and Ruth Shields left 1L6y night to spend a month's va ai t Waco. Texas. Si8klonia Sutherland has re ifrom Heartsease l'rak where Swas the guest of Miss Irma Lee Is Irma Lee French spent a few SIr n Algiers this week. Mrt W. J. Van |fees of Opelousas IM has returned from St. Louis h e. was visiting friends. She Iitld P'ederickston. Mo.. where i ter resides. She also visited IIether points of interest in the -lr. W. 3.~S lless and sons are at L Sy Vbw Gda and Rod ('lub. Bay h where they are spending a 5h utnag. hh p. S. Slack of Columbus, i. expected here next week _a1nd awhile. M. J. Kappler and daughter. S Salee. and Miss Trene Foster M Su hday st Pointe-a-La-Ilache. .M Ruth Pettigrove has gone to jlehNotaln. N. (' . as a delegate 1 Catherine Anna Indelicato - ay for Gulfport. where she Sthe guest of Mrs A. Pruitt mother Mrs. Li. Wiliamson. l 4 drena Wllliamson has re to her home in Gulfport after -qa visit to the Misses In '. lamet Cognevich has return Nal llrn, La., after spending a . the guest of his mother. S. . 8ylve sla spending a few ith hia mother In Opelousas - aya friends of Miss imelda ,Il regret to learn she is ill h.- in Atlantic avenue. . Mrs. J. Rant7 and family U avenue returned from Bay .lM, Miss., Sunday night. SO, Jr., returned from Home 1f4.ater spending a while Mu- M. A. Lyons. - thertne and Fare Stumpf . Jesee Tennerson spent Sun SIt Iberia, the guests of Mr. s go. W McDuff. Jr. I Mrs. H. W. Hauffe and . T. Cassidv and Mrs. Jos Smotored to, Pointe-a-la S-ndy where a most enjoy h_ Cayard has returned te and Morgan City after _1*e time there. iYnel and son and Miss returned from Bayou C6.dlng a week t rth ret Miss Evangeline Lanaux of Morgan City has been spending a while here with relatives. Mr. James E. Donovan of 523 Belle ville street is visiting several sec tions of the West on business. Miss Verena Brodtman left Sunday for Bay St. Louis to spend awhile. Miss Mary Spahr of Ilouma. La a. is spending awhile with the Misses Reynolds of Belleville street The Misses Allen entertained a few f iends at their summer home in Bay St. Louis last Sunday. Those pres ent were Misses Irma ilibben. Mary Spellman and Alma Quinn. Mrs. J. ltantL and Messrs. Richard Allen. Peter Ladda and J. Spellman. Mrs. Tackaberry and two nieces Misses Mary and Emma ('Collins. left Sunday for liouma, for a two weeks stay. Mr G. Bernauer spent Sunday with his wife who is the guest of Mrs. J. P. Walter. .Miss Ellen Quinn spent Sunday at Ba) St. Louis. the guest of Mrs. \\al ler. Miss (;ladys Schroder had as her guest last week Miss Ethel Gross of Gretna. Supt. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds and family have returned home after spendingI awhile at West End. Miss IA,uise Stanton was the guest of Miss May Bowers this week. 1Mrs. Louis Sierra and daughter No lita are spending an indefinite time in Marshall. Texas. 1Miss Itorothy Fitzgerald spent Sun da\ with her sister Mrs Dunn at the Nasal Station Mis-. Eunice Muntz of Bermuda St. returned frotm Bay St. Louis after spending a few days as the guest of Miss May Lowe. The Misses lone. Christine and Hlil da lIauschkolb left for Franklin. La., to spend a few weeks. Mr. Chris Renecky of Pacific Ave.. left Monday night for the Great Lakes where he will attend the Naval Train ing School. Miss Velmna Renecky has as her guests Misses Nancy and Beulah Mid dleton off lc('onb ('ity. Mr. B (; Gilder was called to his old home in ( hoctaw county. Ala.. on account of his mother's serious ill ness. He reached her bedside Wed nesday and she died Thursday. .Misses Courtney and Gladys Heard were the guests of their aunt Mrs. ('. (' Wier duringi the week. Master Vernon I)avis of Ruston, l.a.. is the gouest of his aunt Mrs A. C'. King. Mliss Marcie .ohns on and Master A\lien ;uillot will leave shortly for New York to isit Mrs. Clark. Mr. C'has llradley of New York was a visitor to his sister Mrs F. .\ .lJohn son. Mr F. .T Breaux of Slidell avenue returned to Chatahoula after spending the ,seek etnd with tamnily lMehsrs. Chas McCloskey and Fred ,iltt slpe:tt a fet, days in ; ulfpoert on business and pleasure'. Mr. E. J .Mothe is extet'te'd hoei Sunday trom lHot Springs. Ark .Mrs. .\. W. ('onnely ot lounla was a visitor here the guest of \Ir. and Mrs Hly .\ycock. She left Saturday night for New York to attend the wedding of iier son i)r Edmnond ('on ntely to Miss Fanny Bisland of Ilou mla. Itr. C'onnely will lea\e the lat ter part of the week for Europe. .\lr- Iattie Talbot left Sunday night for Philadelphia and many oth er interesting points. Mrs. .1. Arnold and daughter ('on cordia left yesterday for Biloxi to spetnd sollle tiloe. Mrs. L. Murphy returned from ('ov ington last week. Mr. Sinnmmons of Natchitoches was a visitor here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. DeMonastero. Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. P Vezien spent yesterday at Mandeville. La. Mrs II. Mc'Pherson and family are splending some time in \Vaveland. The Friday Night Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. L. D)e Laup last week. the successful players being Mrs. Gaiennie. Miss C'amille Nelson. and Mrs. I). Murtagh. The consola tion fell to the lot of Mrs. R. Wil liamins. The next meeting will be held at the hoime of Mrs. (;erretts in Pelican and Pacific avenues. Mrs. P. Cognevich and granddauigh: ter Annette 1)i1 Bartolo left Sunday for Lafayette to spelnd awhile with relatives. Mr. Jules Barrols spent Sunday at Jesuit Bend. La., with his parents. The Once a Month Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. P. Cafiero ih V'erret street. The successful play ers were: Miss Sadie Garland for Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. F. Goebel, .Mrs. Gerrets and Mrs. Ryan. The con solation was won by .Mrs. Nicaud. Mrs. (;errets will entertain at the next nmeetlng. .1Mrs. Ii. W. Anderson returned from New Iberia after spending a week there. Mrs. E. J. Schroeder of Pelican av enue has taken up her residence in Houston, Texas. with her daughter Mrs. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. E. McLeod of Mem phis. Tenn.. are going to be citizens of our town. Mrs. E. Gretzner of Port Arthar. Texas. was a visitor here last week the guest of Mrs. Anderson Mliss Ledrew Brown returned to her homne in Gareyville after spending a while with Miss Cleo Platt. Val J. Barras. Jr.. spent the week end at Bay St. Louis the guest of his aunt Mrs. V. F. Lowe. Miss Cleo Platt leaves Saturday for Gareyville to visit the Misses Brown. Nir. Willie Spahr Jr.. is visiting his aunt. Mrs. R. Irving of Gremmercy. La. Val J. Barras left Sunday for Bay St. Louis to spend the summer with Mrs. V. F. Lowe. Miss Jennie Mongrue is spending a while in Hahnville. La.. the guest of Mrs. W. Bourgeois. Miss A. Krogh is spending a while in Amite City. Mrs. G. Babin and family of Alix street spent last week at Milneburg. They had as their guests the Misses A. Brechtel, and C. Platt, L. Savini. Messrs. O. Platt and Dr. Platt, Mrs. Kepper and family and Mr and Mrs. Savini. Mr. Gentile returned from Arkansa I after spending aome time there. Mrs. J. Taylor is spending some jAmi ia Bay St. Lti AUTO OVERITUNS, PINS FOUR UNDERNEATH IT One person was injured and sev eral others narro,\ lvy es. ap. d A hten the automobile of John ltH.- . 41:: Atlantic aveniue. -truk the nutltral ground at St. 'harles avenllue. and Ipperline stree'. shortly after . otclo, k Thu r-dal night and up.-ct. pntn:i:ng the occupa; lt- beneath it. Mi-s Max t'ox. "2. of 5315 A+ - nuin iation -treet. aas abo:i:t the right side At the t'har:t.i fi - pital. Frid:ay tmorning. her ini r:, " ere- said to be slight. Th' Ie othe iailt ~ .i nt- ,here Jamit, Quinl ivan. 41.: Atlantic avenue. Mi V'innie - iler. living e~ :'h i-- x., at 5:1 i A. llt ciation srreet ant Mr. Thiit Ios.. autotmobile was making a 1tI1 up St. ' avenue. A 1'pperline street Mr. lo --. who t .a drivitng att.mpte: l to pu:l to the id* to permit anothe.r tcar to pass from the In putlling to The sid-, Mr. olls tailed to notite anlother tcar parked a' thit- erner and to avoid strikintg the machine that was parked there ran hi- car to',ards the neut!ra ground. W\hen the car stru, k !thet <urbit it upstet. .o THllR lII RltlY. Thi. -tiro of Mrs. F. Goebel. cor nor of \V .rr.t a:nd .\lix strteet-. \a rotl,bed aain a few night- ago for the sixth tin:e a lnd nlotiwith-tandijn the police hadl beetn notified in t: ch instatnce. no clue has ibeeon tfnlid that w.i:l lead to the arrest of tlhe guilty party. A\ fe",i High:< ago patriea again entered the st-ore by cu uttitng the huttter trot: the ba.-k of the house. breaking thr'olh the ;windlw in or der to gain entrance. It coulld he plainly seten. ho..ever. that it was not the intent of the midnight raid ers to steal but they went there for the purpose ot destroying property. Large quantities of etigar were ta ken and tmixed ith toe flou r. some of the cakes were scattered all about the floor antd heoides cautsing this danage the ,lparties commnitted nuils ance in th ,e ttpremises. The greatest amllount of damage was caused by the large anount of atndiie that were stattered about over t lhe floor. Mrs. \W A. Thompson and son Mil ton leave Saturday for I-favette. Mrs. W. A. Thompson entertained a few friends at her home in Pelican avenue on Monday night. Those present were Mesdames Gentile. Tay lor and James, Miss Margaret James of \rkansas anol Mr. Milton and \Wil lie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Thompson. Mis. Wheatleyv and Ifamill. Mrs. M1eMahon and family. Mrs. W. A. Thompson and family and Mrs. (en ile l'tt Tu.esday for West End to spend a week at Dixie C(ottage. Misses Thelma and hlettle Moffett and Messrs. C. \W Fulton and Vtmt I tmbtah spent Sunday at Baton Roue with friends. Mrs Wtm: Treadaway returned Tuesday 'fromi a visit to at Oakdale. La. Miss Viola Giordano of Ironton. La. is spendint a while here. Mr. Frank Galvin has been trans ferred back to New Orleans from San Antonio, Texas. It is indeed with much pleasure that the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Galvin will learn that that they are to remain with us. Miss Irene Laskey spent Sunday in Morgan City the guest of friends. Miss Effel Pearson spent the week end with Miss Irene Laskey. Miss Eunice Terrebone. who is the Iouse guest of Mrs. Darcy for sev eral months spent a few days with her parents in Morgan City. Misses Rebecca Mar~uez and flat tie Bibbins returned to their home Sunday in Morgan City, after a de lightful and most enjoyable stay with Mrs. Darcy of Olivier street. Miss Lena Poot left Sunday for Chicago to be the guest of relatives. Capt. J. Caruso of Engine HTouse No. 1; is enjoying a fifteen days' va cation. Mrs. J. Burg and family of Bermu da street returned from Milneburg Sunday night after spending some time there. Mr. W. A. Stalcup left yesterday for Boothville to visit his father. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert returned from Tampico and Cuba on the steam er Punuca. Mr. ard Mirs. Jos Smith of LeBoeuf street are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a baby boy at their home. Mrs. F. Keese presented her hus band with a baby boy. The Matrons Club held their an nual meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. Goebel. Each player received an appropriate sou venir and refreshments were served. The players finished in the following order: Mrs. E. Manent. Mrs. C. Dick ey. Iplaying for Mrs. A. Burket Mrs. A. Graf. Mrs. L. Gisch. MrS. G. Bour geois. Mrs. L. DeLaup (playing for Mrs. C. Anold I Mrs. P. Hloogoven. Mrs. E. J. Mothe. Mrs. R. A. Tansey, Mrs. R. J. Williams. Mrs. C. Prisch. Mrs. O. Aycock. Mrs. C. V. Kraft. Mrs. F. J. Borne (playing for Mrs. 1. J. Lewis) Mrs. P. Geobel, Mrs. McK. Vezien. Mrs. H. T. Malone.1Mrs. R. Engler. Miss Clairia Richards and Mrs. A. Short. Theresa Veal. 13 yar old negro girl. fell from a fig tree at her home on the lower coast Sunday, and land ed on a broken bottle sustaining se vere cuts about the foot. She was sent to the hospital. Mrs. J. Coburn of Dallas. Texas. is visiting relatives here. Vincent Reaney aged 16 years, was hurt about the head last week when he fell in the swimming pool at the playgrounds. Mr. Alex McGivney left Tuesday for Alexandria. La. (Continued on page 2) PIOTICT YOUm CISTERNS ANI tiTHER PROPERTY. REALTY OWNERS PROTECTIVE ALLIANCE, INC. 413 CARONDELET ST. OFFICES: 1121 S. RAMPART ST. PHONE MAIN 1612 POLICE FESIIVAL PLANS ARE BIGGER THAN EVER BEFORE W\Vith a greater nuthtbr and more new andl novel attractions than ever the annual festival and athletic tour nament of the Police Mutual tenevo lent .Association will be held at the Fair (rounds Monday. Aucust t;. The proceeds go to the police ;lension fund. No expense is being spar.ed to make the festival the croetet over given by the members of the associa tion. Every precinct commander is taking an active inter,."t in the affair and patrolmen are doing everything possible to assure success. Sports will be run from the fat po licemen's race to the pie eating cn test. There is plenty of rivalry bh t.een the nmenhers of the precincts in the athletic ewents and some of the contests will be fought stubbornly, as medals and other prizes will he awarded. Sports n ill not he the only attractions, as the committee in charge has arranged for other amuse itents many of which hl, :.e been se cured at large expense HI.'1 .1PPII: NI("ITIS. I'harl, llantl. Jr.. son of c(lar'.s .:ntrei. the propri.etor of the 0l d F='a:non IMith Il't se. was taken to Tour t Inirm :try S lnday night. .". h 0rt' ";c a'. opera.el on for appen d t: ,.i i '. Y ,,int g l a ti t e l, w h o i - .m - ,,) ,,d "ith the Southern P'a'itic Co. in 'hie Icr.i a. department. has many r' :il< here ttong the ltintg peO, p .. ' (h '. ili: ie ple.asd to know he - doing nicely after the oIperation. .-'l-I1 V.I.rA S LE l'IE(E OF P RO PPi.lRTY. Mr. Martin Koningi. a hot operate, :a s.h p near the levee and the Naval Si tt in. has just Ipur cha-1d a lot of crottndl inntuediately in frint of tlhe' main entrance to the Nava. Station il on Nc' ton street. Mr. Kl'onintg exp'ct. to erect in his plac' a ttiodern presing shop. ly'ing tand . !0'anintt workL. IIt will betin the erecttion of his building in a short time. ENJOIY.II.AE LUNCHEON. \Mi-- I.itian Tuft- of Vallette tre ,: "n' ,rtained! at a lInclheon on lionda night Tlc. present were -I! r 4 1,. ('urrsn. h-va. May and Huhcv Strickl'an. ( Flutllen. Viol;a l1rt on l. O t. tlin e'. P. L.abit. II. and T M1f;rat. R. and L.. Tufts: Mesr,. G t'ulton. K L m:,ttnsaay, I. Grant. , Tayv or. 1.. Jack-on. J. Strin klan. ,. l.anei rd. .1. t ,evin. P Iobichat s. .1 1.dt '. P'. and t! . latter: on. c' lieuther. IV. mbaha It and Mr and Mr'. Tuft. PIlt l( TI:D TO QU.ARTElIl.,STFI{ Mr. ':tir't Malone. who left here a ¢c",v nli'rtha aco with the Naval Militia and who, i- now on board Ithe 'orpeldo bhat dctroiver Terry. wtas re.ently promnotedl to quarterlmaster. hird grade. mItOK- TWO R1l1S. Mr 'aficro. the genial man aer of Fotors Folly Theatre. had the misfocrtune of breaking two of his ribt a few nichts ago. Mr. ('a fiero was staantding on a chair and in trying to do soite work overhead. he .tarte!l to fall and in doing the ha!ant itt: act he lost his equilibrium with the result that two of his slats a ere broken. lie is. however on luty acain ta kin short breaths. but is there with the goods. Miss C.allie J.ohnson and Mr. Chris the occasion being the an niversary of the birth of the two young peotlle. It was also the eve of the departure of Mr. Renecky for the Great Lakes where he will go in training for the navy. A fine hand of music was In attend ance and all had a most delichtful time. Dainty refreshmetits were Those present were MissBes Nettle tHorn. Verlan Brodtman. Irma Tufts. Leah Kirby. Eula Judlin. Shepard. Ethel Johnson. C. Johnson, Be rtha Baker. Claire Finley. Georgiana John son, Pe RichardIson. Clara and .Ten nie Christiansoin. Thelma Johnson. Myrtle Burlet, Juanita Hloffstetter. Annie Johnson, M. Lanaux. F. Burlet. R. and E. Munsterman. Ethel Foster and J. lannen. Messrs. . T. Strassor. ('hri Stumpf. Chriso Renecky, John Braai. N. Donner. Chas Corbett. Chas. Dunn. . S. N.. ('hubby Walters. '. S. N... C. Gisch. Earl Vallette. George and Henry Sirey. F. Zwicke. II. Craw ford. R. Williams. R. Breaux, C. Itar per. R. ('azauton. A. Gaspard, Owen Lindquist, Peter McGivney. Auhrey Gaiennie. Poster Ryan. Melvin Kee. nan. Arthur Christy, Kirby and Bruce Barrett. .INo. A. Barrett. Jr.. N. Car ter. V. S. N.. and R. Newland. Mr. and Mrs. J Judlin and Mrs. E. John CHANCE TO DISPOSE OF CISTERNS. The Samuel House-Wrecking Corn any. of S27 Toulouse St.. New Or leans. is buying a quantity of cisterns and old buildings in Algiers. It is for this kind of material. Their said they pay the highest cash prices telephone number is Hemlock 181. Adv. ti I'UNCLAIMED LETTERS Remaining at Sta. A. New Or leans. La. P. O., Thursday. July 26. 1917. Men-E. D. Hunter. Bennie John son. Felix Sunile. Chas. Smith. 1200 Sumner St., Ray Thomas. Women-Mrs. R. H. Abbott. Mrs. Rufus Cole. Mrs. John M. Dunn Miss Alice Foster. Mrs. Lillie Green Mrb Elizabeth Morse. Mrs. Julit Pattal, Miss Elizabeth Reed. Laurih de St. Guar, W. Stoker. Mrs. B. A Smith, MM. Rose Washington. Charles Janvler. P. M. DRY DOCK AND SHIP THREATENED BY FIRE 'Ihe' .... '- dry. d(I k ,f the N\..% .rl ,i b ll In ( rIInV ' ("ll o 'mp . ltr the hial o' l mi iud,I -treet' . and the lIrit i>| wtrI hentIllmtnln Size'rglh atet . now tl.deri.. re pairs in the dock were threal,-et-'I with destructiton by tire' -hortlv after 1 (o'chl-k Friday mornt ini 11ow the lire ,tarted the pIolw. ciultl tinid o otne that knew and an;i ill.e'-tigation, is now being; cilnduc tedi by both foederal antd city atithorittie,. fith iamtlttite to the do k was u-sti mated at $ -'". The fire u as dl (i v 'r.d in the ni-:inie rooml of the dock by the nli-hlt watc-hmllan who ranl to lthe Eighth precinct statiotn ::,lo feet away and notiledi Doormant Moi, lwho turned in an alarm. The dock tul Sallson e\tlnuttished the lire. The wvatchtt atn told the poldice that he did tit s"e aiinyone prow ling around the doe k during the nicht SOLARI COMPANY LEASES BUILDING IN CANAL STREET Ml.arkin another milestone in the progrtsc of its ret ail crotvery businesst.. the houses of .\. M1. & .I. Solarl. Ltd las-t wctk leasetd for a tersii oif %ars the builine at I'.l -1 ('anal street, for a new lran'ch I pwards tof $ ,,, ,, will be o\peln!t ed on alti'ratioii and the installation of fi\tures I'fosse.-sin w\ill hie taken lVutust 1. andi the premiseis will be retl for occulwtlnit\ a bout Setptemblller 15. Int this ('anal street salesroomt the housei- will carry a full line of their imnptirtedi .nd donltestic groceries, both fatncy and staple. as well as wines and liquors One feature will be a thor oughly modern delicate.-sen. The house of Solari was foundedl in 1S4. Its downtiwn store. at Royal and Iberville streets has built upi a trade that covers a wide territory and extends to the tropics. Its uptownI branch. at St. Charles and l.ouisiana alenues has been uniformly success ful since it was established y7 years ago. FAREWELL PARTY. (in last Thursday evenitlt Miss Pearl Schwarzenbach entertained at a farewell party in honor of Miss ('arlotta M. Kraft. The evening was indeed a pleasant one. (Games were played and refresh ments served. Those present were Misses Anita Weilbacher. Pearl Schwarzenbach. Barbara Schabel. Florence Fillers. Elsie Pleschia. Elizabeth liigins and Carlotta Kraft. Masters Malco.m Ma nent. John. llart. M\alcolmn and Schwarzenbach. James Pillery. James Comfort. Willie Weilbacher and Rob ert Talbot. S%11 KING IIlIVIE lFIll I NI)S. S..nta Maria ('()outiil. Knights of I'oluIb,. nameltl 1 a strolg teanm for the drive or tind. that is bteing m!iade thi- week throuhotut Algiers. iGretnai. \lionoghivlle and other ltowns oif Ji+tirson parish in the in terest of the' mnfelVlentt to look after ithe moral adnt social welfare of the (ctholic. ten of the arity and navy. Algiers has been dlivided into •e ven precint-- fir the drive. with thil foi! twing ca:ptains: Joseph I'. Skelly. Peteor 1. Mliiunt. George J. l-orri-t. (Oirris J. Tuivieson. tohn P. M, ('is-key. .1,amet IL. Hogan. Jamoe P gol;hit. Each cr)ptain has two lieutenants. PYTHIANS CELEBRATE DAY OF PATRIOTISM. Knights of Pythias throughout the U'nited States and Dominion of Can ada will celebrate during this week Patriotic Day. Members of the order in New Orleans held their (elebration July 24 at the Scottish Rite Cathedral under the auspices of the grand lodue officers and subordinate lodges. The local lodges were relpresented on the arrangement committee by the fol lowing: R. Chestnut. Gee. I. Wagner and J. O. Stewart. SCHOOL CONTRACTS AWARDED. The school board recently opened bids to supl)ily the new Adolph Meyer school in Algiers with furniture and the contract for forty-two desks and eithty-four desks and chairs for the school was awarded to the Southern Seating Company. Another contract for 6i4 chairs was awartlded to the American Seating ('ompany at a total cost of $1430. WORK FOR BUILDING AT NAVAL STATION IS TO BEGIN THIS WEEK. Erection of a Young Men's Chris tian Assoclation building at the Al giers naval station for the free use of the 1IS0, sailors and marines there will start this week. ('omnmodore Nelson hIas assigned a pIlot of ground :1voo feet. The building is to be put up and the Pxlpense of construction, furnishing. supllying reading mater ial and games andti paying the salary of a secretary is to be paid by the V. I. C. A. Dr. A. O. Btrowne. gen eral secretary. said Saturday night that a secretary had been appointed for the naval station building. Preparation of the opening dedica tory exercises has begun. Dr. Browne reports success in a simil ar building recently opened at ('amp Nicholls. NEGRO PREACHER IN TROUBLE. Rev. E. C. Rounds. Algiers negro preacher, was placed under a bond of $1ti0 by Recorder (;off Monday to an swer the charge of insult and abuse. preferred by a negro woman named Topsy Gaines. Another charge of beatine and wounding is pendin against Rounds in the second city criminal court. a r+,h t "::'e we wa!t g:ve f-re w:'h eX - :1Lk 4k:rt a bai to . nat c1 ck:rt. \Ve. *,. Slcit , -ur chare acc-u-tnt. \V,,k and fit Iuaran: eed. ,rice same as cash. JUL P. FRIED. 304 Royal St. Main 5051. Special Values in Couch Hammocks 5: . ..25 3 50 S.00 10.00 12.00 1500 Children's Couch Hammocks With Stand and Canopy 7.50 10.00 13.50 15.50 Vudor Porch Shades Vudor Porch Shades .. . . . i." ir - t , 3.65 S 1TIv - + < 4 75 Sit. t , i 625 6.25 , h , i. 8.25 2I i .. ,1 " 1000 D. H. Holmes Co. r., 1... Yr.,. LIMITED AI1*AO4*" .Berln, Lond.n andr Flrence. Apl 2.1842. PIANO CONTRASTS AND COMPARISONS .: ,. I., N iS c ,- " ,o \l .I . . S -- .:: . DuqiinWiuno fpiiQpwzq 912-914 LZrf1.rL'E;EH CANAL Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET Your Boy or Girl ('an learn shorthand, typewriting bookkeeping in :: to , months for good commenrcial positions, or 5 to l months for Governlment positions paying $,:: a nmonh entrance sal ary. at Sbisa's Business College 325 Camp St. New Orleans 10.; of students of this school taking civil strr\ice exams. for stenogral.her-typew riter passed an( appointed: and many placed in commercial positions paying from $ a week to $100, a month after 5 or *; months study. Individual Instruction by an expert stenographer and civ ii service expert-- reason for suc SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD; Solari's Come and See Us 'ihein 'l~ i wa t sm ll thill to eat or drink --nIo matter what it i- .ae tinm -. visiting our store- \\o', !hav huni red' of good tling- y',il Iont know atbilu that you r.hally -wll ould likr ti halt if o'n knew about t hi n So make it at rule to visit our Mlain Store whhen in toA tiuir clrks will take p~hli a-re to -show n:1 t-ll you aboui t what "i e hi v. atnd you ill finitl ouir prlce~ aol treat inient jlust anI fair Fa iliy li-itne-- onur special ty. . ii annot i.s i eit a priced catalog ie(.aile of existing market (nodiuious jult write for prites. giving ui list of youir reqlnuiremelts and we will quote figures by return mail. MAIN STORE Royal and Iberville Streets PHONE MAIN 2590 For Your Pets We nave just added a new line of remedies lur Dogs and Cats known as Vermilox Remedies besides the ditferent remedies, we also carry FLEE POWDER AND SOAP SPECIAL THIS WEEK: A Big 16-oz. Box of Corylopsis Talcum Powder, 1Oc KEEP YOUR EGGS We have a preparation for preserving Eggs for many months. Buy them when cheap and use our preservative 12FELRUPP, Druggist BermudI, Et & vi erret itsh It Pays to Advertise in The Herald