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Only to Trust. Only to truIt, and ,o , ur h'st. iand wear a stnilirn a fae au rutl y he for others and our.relves.-Robrlrt Louts Stevenson. BRACES. TRUSSES, SUPPORI E.RS. ELAST!C HOSIERY Ueasonale Prices SOUTHERN SURGICAL CO. 141 Baronne St. New Orleans, La. Smoke Portina Cigars We sell lots of 'em. U. KOEN & CO., Distributors NEW ORLEANS EYES EXAMINED GLASSES MADE SAVIN6 6 NO DRUGS USED Algiers Auto Supply House, H. L. HARDING, Prop. MORGAN AmO SEGUIN STREETS Phone Algiers 445 Authorized Ford Agency, WVe carry .t lu'! line ,t It'h'i, t'A b I S . a l : gu t . A .c c e , \, ,r ;e , , Iire t. nI ant d ;a.,,ine FORD REPAIRS OUR SPECIALTY Touring. - - - - $360.00 F.O.B. Detroit Runabout. - - $345.00 F.O.B. Detroit Sedan, - - - - S645.00 F.O.B. Detroit AMENDMENT OF CHARTER ,f" TIlL ,.1. tMt \\ \\1 I". lilt A", I ft S1 LAD. t ; 1 24. 1,:-, ,Lay t I, '" ' ri ll 'I nc .l . . , . 11. ti . I , ' ,: . le, , . . :kla ,,. ., ' ,, n.,ck lie*, ,ra nt Pli "ri "i tg r : M e. .:. , I. ,, . - - I: , ,,,., 'i . :,,l l "1· - pr dent -r r, i , tt 1t , tl t"' :'- ( t"' . . ...r"1 lT t'tr , I I law, .f th., "t,tt ',. I- : 1-, c I , f .:re .Mortgage ()nice ".t -!;, P.iril- in II.,k ;'7t Felix J. 1)"c f.,u . " ry " ry city, on lan'.,' y , :'7 r, ..l :n the M ortgage tth r , ,f t . n It ,k .i t, f o3l , , a 'I .r : " {.1 ', an .. t . , 1. tie before Jula 1. I . ,un:.:., t , . "y '. rc uid ta 'he \ "" :ct ,e " tt,• Ir"t :h.. l'r.'sh in Hook 994. F-l:, lIl,. , unl a; ;,tat-r .at ng under andt by v, rtte ,f t, " :m,fr tn ,.f itle ed at a "nee':'g he,, .i the 13th d'y of July, 1917. And the -.:, api'i.ur, dcr ia'lrd' , tht at a regular :n1c' '1 ,f t' ''.itri o' f .:1 n t. t ,T n <u t II . ti-:'a.l, ha'i'l on :he 14:h day ,f June, 1917, a prpl.. i %% ma, i .,} :ne :ui er. of said Ilrm n te- -I t, . rIv s ;,t .n:n,, Articles Nos I Ill. IV, , VII. I X, and XVI of its charter i.i. :. , make ti. e . , read as it. herrintifer .et f.,rth in f:tll; thiat, a special meettg o'f all the :nemn' rs .,f alit nHomnesteadc w. isiled t convene t '' the 13th day of llyi;, 1117 . t t i ic .th ,, . a st. Htmnesteal,t to cnide. a:in' vt s n the *..iii P i i'.I'-t re'v:-. ,io a', .i:i i ti wn'l ii. the call for ' " -:" i i .. ,Itly .viv ' published mn the 'tyi o tr N a irleant f,.r ten full da). p:t,.r t, .ant tiittig: ,iii iNo. XVI ,f 'barter. That at !the -atI -li'c:al ettnl.lIg of .the members 'f sanii t ll , .eaId, c iit', ' tI t c :i vened a' If .t ''.,iiIl. .01 f th 1( mlet s " f said Homestead votittg. in per.'n or by j i )isw . i ianti a-tl a eti'' in tl a r . r e , article asi pr ie. l at .,Iint ttl titti if thle 14t.h oi Junte. I'l17. a t .hat the ltsl,| Ai:i, Noi. I. lIt. I'. V. VII. X. at XVI. now antd sitll h'rc.ster resh t a. f,,lliw.: Article I.-Na:ne ,ndl Leneral Powe .. The slame and t tle o.f thl' ci.rp,artln hal ..i be the " .La -rty I.:ut-tc d s:,l undh-r it- s.,:, corporate at e it i .ihall hase tthe pw. er -'ind I hait eity : . i nt'ralt. .Ic andll t i'. sul; to make anid us.e .1 crlirite ea. .itnd, the same to break ir t . alter .1t ple.isii ; to hoal, receive. lease. purchia.e, clonvey, l1 edge and niortgige, uiiniei 1 i , v'prati t i ile . property. ot l .1 d ei'r!'. , la ; lcnd or s Itch pectal iit' . Itl n.i lie Itli on ' . tr t , v'er ,)t -. ,i r :r l t :t. tole liab:l!itc i,: re. a4 the intt, t .n tonise. e I ,l .,r fitatble o :'i :cn . tol i ake an is :.tals and alter it ;. - , . .d a til] the and proffile ' t 'e . : I ' i. t . a' |.' - polses of s.i, ro:cr , Article Ill - lte'. t I ' '':'- object of th i .r .1t 1 . l l , mulation ,i . :' " , c.: t account ,f the .'' . . the fiuitd s-i c w' : 'c ' purchase aol <,e ,f . the lendltilg it 'i 4d . ( )r e altr , ] ,r t b f J e tte r o n a t of St. lierrt: d; ,,vi u , . corpirat,tn to the extttt Ir , .t the face v'.lu' t'a o r d ,'h , : hut no lait i : ,ii. I ,ttr th " rity or shart. , :i e " epenn , made witt :r t t ',:n e "I ,. :st c t member.-) , !ti pitd of .hret i r 1' paratsll, -i " i' t"t t ;oetr o , money s' :it * ue"]-i ', .f : , ,.t | , rectors. Article IV.-t 'aplial %'ick The c iitpai stock of thu.- ' ~' i p tt t ha' l e i re ::: . dollars. ($,l. , i,, -I., !! ,.. -- ,', . shares paa',c , : t une aiid int manner i- here taitftir pti-iv't. classes. tlamel- laht1i it 1 . l'urcnt " r I'- a vestment attd i'erinanltt:. Fir the sake .if convenience. ('C rrettt i'r I t Ve i::nelit't C are sub-dinided int.i Inic:mtet: i tinl L.'iait shares. Investment shares shall le i--tet at the par value of one hundred dallar. eic", i. able at the rate of one dlihar ir ::tz: pe thereof per month per share. Frull-paid and permanent shares .hail ie issued at the option of the biard of d:re:I-r.. in shares of twenty-tive dollars ec.i" p-.. .ided that .aid shares shall be paid uti in full at the date of issue. Loan shares shall be issued at the par value of tifts' dollars each, payable on or before the last day of each month, at the rate of twenty-rive cents or multiple thereof per share. Installments on stock shall be non-for feitable. Payments on shares, installments and interest, shall be due and payable at the eoice of the corporation, on or before the last day of each consecutive month, and all payments shall be imputed: 1st. To the payment of any insurance, taxes or other inesment paid for account ofthe sharebolder; ICOOK WITH GAS No Dirt. No Trouble. No Worry. A Cool, Clcen Kitcher is an ALL GAS Kitchen. Sec Us for ,r' Special Cash Allowance on Your Old Coal. Wood or Oil Stove. SlNEW ORLEANS GAS GO., 206 Baronne St. Or Phone Main 4800 Have Representative Call J\~--------------· 1' .: l l i·'·t- i · • . r '. . :1, , . S--., , . I .. I- n ,r -'I, - . iv , .n ":;t t 4 " " !', i.' " IR-I ER MEUFF \ .. S : 'l :i , " 'eI. et i - 1" t .i i L'u in d" he • c -tif 1at her Act if -A n i t f the . - r X " ," i r, I, I cie,. -te I w'as thi l y il" ' ic" l, I itt -4 , -e.e In IT o "t 112, ifh , 4.3 N- i-I eans. July 24, 1'417. . . .. .ll FMILE i. LE, AR . c)y. R. • I ;ER NI I XI:R, , 1 .h. ly 3. 1517. CHARTER •OF , Ii 4 , i. AM4RS & (4 PAN . INC. I n ,ed Si ,te, -f Amer.ra S: ite -f j, uisrana, . an. 1 ity f New 4 rleani. S: . l.'I n" . fine h un drted a.nd seventeen, : .{ " ""h ' "lipe:.ienre of The I i nitedi States ` A erie . the ' ne ound-eid andi f"rty-- nrst, 1;- ave A. L.lamn s, a n-tary el in r tf e l.. rr.h. i.f I ,le a:t t,,, the prience " I the wiitneses hereinafter n... I nl un i -lr-iriIe persont ally cane and Mrr ict ir smuonr, of fill age: Mr. Geurge A . : age; 1-;. 4 lenience (1- i S"i , wite, . " .fll .. f J"hn I.. Pelt vil, ii e - ll . iiy t:au-r:t cit!- and a-sateid iiy her n ' , the , l L. I'ieyt'aviin, here al. i reentc 'I XI m nred te Cant-i-, w fe. .f full age. ni . a. '. tied ' her hus' t-i , he sard , . l Lint-i-i. here alt ;ire-ent; i11 -Alice . an , :. wife. of fll age, of XI ic .. . l tir .,. herein duly auth i. , "ed c e l . , her i,.. the said Marcel ,,, i. Ihe - al-a iresent. . and . Xi--. tlr ,ete (am . ite, of full age, of . 1,. i-.--tel - ' her it-,lt , tie said Sidney J. . - - -,'he e "ia i re. ",ti - \ . :t, s-l ijra-a' s dileci arci that, " iti -n t r -, lie-. -i tie i " s if this state. l I r t b-'l' Act N" . i, if 1914 nelatrve ti heit - in I , if .cnrp -i. eirat i t it.y il- i+ Iny h.Xi r I i. t i 1 at cre a hit tleni ve Si-in aed with themi. ta f-tt t .I t. i I . ' n" in! tinier the articles andS -t-le Vci-1 ri- . e a-n t -lt lti f ihis car. i '·i t :, m'ii: l I "el e I . iit r man :-rs & C-mna-iyl ,il In is -al onne aunit carparatei catia. itbian i ine 2t4 t ienon fi-r tn- . tIs. .I. InIrArs- frI th ly ae . .,,- .lld "I ll l ,' c hlt ani every 'tie:rcrai er tarat h 1 1 --T-pratan. sn1 ic dim - at- t i r e w ttrleii. L r-i. -i t Il , II n The -he-cts anie p ursa es of"l . . -nh' le e 'itf i tat iesr ,i T ; eTa- e '1 the hIncenn - and lr -r aitn . , ve o i. nl , a n stm . the tr otc+ , Ina e s he'itisal-n ne- m er - s nt -.,i a it n ir e. e ane l leant e and nd. entr . i fir ah e purc s ey o rfat A Tr r ,-f-Ih l a wh ttsh lte '-c ndi-e aI ' aI. the ;a c ,,h M . dey~al in, hne I Mr -..Mt anrd :eprert a. wc ie go , ,f Pfull ane m'e ,i an e as a-, ed or her h' tradt, ":h say :n:i t a I t \l, jr , h e n d v trting en d I;. Andlr ,e. c'nerall, fa- ri prue' : of ati WM. LEIBE REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTORY REFRIGERATING PLANTS MANUPACTURERS OFP Refrigerators, Cold Storage Boxes, Display Refrigerators. Sifm aid ldarm: 741 hlira Simai FaSierj: 1124-1121 anmy Strut NIW ORLEgAs, LA. 1li ' - " t ! - r,. k ' .z· :. ,1· . r . 1 . ,,uer Xl I - ', - .. - r: .` . . " ' I' 4 4'I n ' . : n . . . .1..1 "t 1 "i t ,, 4 -I - ,i: t.i... I , " -!, , - I.-.. i 7 .\ t I , , ". \'it e r-,1 I :. Mc J, . e it n a f `I . .: S ' 7' I -,". . I _ 4i' 41 . \ ' I : .¶ If ,i "te-r :', -. ir , d ' "' " it th i r., , I ':'I: 1 -, t, e , t " 1 •in e I. I , v e 'i ,ev e - .I-- . :ig ,fir an ",' .'. re-"' 1t '" •.s' ,lr 'i Ii . 'hi ' * - , , i.d t', ,i1i's d is, t -it' - a the "i l I 1 .7. is " I-- - . . Ir -, I .. e , -" 1, - , i', , w ( ha 1l n, t sI,| iy '. " ". \11 r I"' i t "t. 2 0' Sti.te '. '- r . . . 'w ' . . r: - ,,, L t l "\1r.. ,'. J. ,, \- , - . 4 R: ,I . ...4" I : P ' es, :New 1 r:''' . l' L lt i : w h t icea r (t Ma ovr tire lrn 1, t .' tt A r- ; t ' it-'esI •:it ! the , 1d " rsI Vd . ... - "'" ! 9 .1 , e ti-. t eec' , t , u f e s r' ctg • , i hnder this ay arte, - : l ' e he:i, . or ' ntil their sul . ''ri]t'l. Anyi i .'. an, i -'.i ir. c s .iv . Iany " r e ' . t s i en i'-, -. t he n.. ltremaIn. g ,\l . 7'.,'7" !. .. ', ', " - 17.1 . - , -. lltr te VI. . ie .re . ' ! ,tcu i 'holder shall 'i n tier Shall .fe t e :"' c ti ' h '- of d-e' ,. .- which hall -"I i n I 'Sct. . - na .he , F 'aid .k thI'e " Ite -"i". ir h .h . "i k Itl- 1-a , rightars It--le 'l :t ,;n In in ny oice, a" New Or i thi f te I '.' rrth ian, tear tirS a ove f ~n,. .t, whol htlave ; md w::h !'le ap;/eair '.,,:".7. :n3 " , n .t-" ry, .<f(' r due re 7.1l,"1 . A nd, 1 I'drr tt the pre's- c ath th -pet ratbin may als· ;reve as the Ir:ginal stick sub -ppi' t'i their tl 'nait'r e .- the niitt er of te ,'lae in thi . i rporan is u, scri ed fIr by 12 ithem re.pect:vely. , 1 Cm-l "i. ,'l I VM. :.Ia nor', 333 1-3P b , A, .- . a rh l - shatI\; Mr; , Fi. 1'-t e"1,,,'1 , C !ar -c· 3. n. t h1I ,t-a .a cA er -a !( f M I 'nrrh -e, i crf tn tes, irs C 'i r it Iiule t , ern -i , h.te -ni', l d nhaie T l' 72 <-e s it A iit J, T c ;a' r - e lva flar-v C 1.\r:. ea . Vlll.--eeyre ny Ch, tha e th s abllVe .-I'n. I, tI ' ir:sa l r. I -.. was th is tal I c e in eI ir n in. fi Hie tar-h aIt a E -.-,II r .i- i e , .e a y. k t, lul '! ' t i ', a a t pe se tcr , a t P b n it ' dite & at , 'h-in ' ai dlv tenfitr d ref neu. "-he yar, v:.:,one thou all nt npne .'I'lt' c 'la te]. I t an i yefor the parI' h r , ,, . 'r w:h . h prts:dea, t of and as - r a']t, ier , the u-i-lrR ena n-t arusb I-c 'rt-tut's 3. 1atie 'stried ,i rptblm c. athed em b r .1. ra' '," 4, v e ] da t.1 '.'I ', i: a;. A II '. c c. I1, -. 434. HIh s l appi- arer. act-ng in his fa:re- j S','" "'. -- i n. a-lip' r -I at a meeting helt,] 1hof .e 1'i c 'l7 ; (a rtcertite a r copy S rM, e:. y. 1ere:C:'It-i aunexed and made Th'e: Ta ue-ne meeting of the soek-nharld . S . said .ei.a.dt:onh was helr d on June 1 lin ind t f, '', ic, af:er the nat)ce and [,:,lwat . n . hviert-l he t l aw and the charoer of the Associatton, to vote upoin said a.nend men'. to Artitles Ill IV and % u, c.t d 'ha: tr, soubiiit d ae, t s.t l l't r ; 5.i3-tus s i 'itr's ks were p-, , sent: d, .cald vorte at .,?,1 :n.. . :i ,i 1 ot tolol , ,, k vJtd ::l . •: -t, rs, n '1 n : e. - I n n , 1;. . \e 'il ,t ". Il, t , .r , ' "t it Al 1-I 1C t .,"I' . 'i 1h . ' k - t. ! .. , ', , " ' .. ..\ t' -1 t o ' " i,,' r ~. ' : ?. ; , ''1 .t , -. if a" , ,.'. it te' nif d i le . . f ' . is t , I, 11 : , 1,t i , , "r i : ft ea t li: " e , i," -- ":a::: .r, .1 .... - ' " - : . tl ,'a : u, - v te ' s I . " n ' ir. . t. I - :1 s t a":-. t r. ,; t e at"''d Ile; - t. rd ', c. t I S: i l .itent . f c.ltl :! '1: ent I' Ie . : t h t ashes twi nlr .' Ie a,:lf e : " f :. the , ousta:tl'.:ig e is, w ai i - .i i" |ven: as by the a - . I' - alai. of so t e. -n:t: g, s- i :.n Sd ar -I ss a ijisidetti ti the stickitold. tia p o~n ti the silue of stick if "rut " .. rc. i d. ant, a' " Pi.) 'i C! , it ,. S it tne t.nie ti" 1t1r '. , d" . .' , . ." ".' : l , ! . , it l..a ` 1 1 , , :" ., .1 t -tall egin to tarn . v1tentI -ii~ tie iblgr.'trg of the next niati-inul ': . : , .,", "c , -hal . e n t: . A. r Is ," .ty a:' f-o'd s:e fiue." but I .. : er te r a gre ter :ate if i. v .ite tt " stck.' , The b d shall h. e .,.. t 1 . , eci. are a, , ., nd tpay a le, fi: - e "Pt [ii " S',NlI thin -i the ar ok. 'The Itoarit sii.2 I ive the I- ir c declara tin f a tv ttid, ,t an .1.i Ithree lir en b ; thc n: nr -ti i'-g at n . ii:v 1,ted:to lot a-ole .ieast 1 " . . , J ,-d t:', , . -, x 1. ' ,t" "'. ': J.' : - l' g, th e ts:anding as; which invested as dtrectcs by the r r -, 42, at, ,_ . -1 d ti dititeits declared on "runnti.g - ..i - ll: e creiSted i:n the pass bh ks e t is emiiens senii-anniiallv, aini the dlvi' d : , n p , ' d I p stock:e shall .:, e : a:: : i n is: n .,i t:" . the fonuth MI::1onday of ,January . tin July f eua.lh yeai. c Art!i I. .- he co..ln ate o wens of this r r : "', ar - a divtr idend I't]l' Ii : th s :It ereo CA . :.. t: i: n ihi . ,. sit e in an execise t., by a Ii,.a: tl to :iae eoc iti .]ist-tof i't t thai twii.4 stael aid tint leso than ten :.-,sk., ...fcns. i 'u , f ws- i sh' ill ' n at Sast lie "hare in lr of, 'n nae ,, who shall e r i " ' r''l i id -e . :icki itn"s tin the fort:n Toesdl in :ait .ntiae i-n each year .. Any •'ickh'i :lier sig to oin Tive shares shall t' l:r fact;: cease ,: . and iect-i. Isfire ea ch n- h el. i t he - N .ii l heio -t1 , itair to th '"etle e ha atan> stirecistor w thin she -'ut, : ae-t. pn.viThed, shall t.: elhcted ft tel .wieg sm; hut itsing the o ear the Int mii ihe increasedi ftnis timne to tle is the ied; "re r in tr tpce to - ineo tc not x ,ceiling t"entn-tive. Nrice 'it sati t dec tin : taI ie gdiven for tihe sfce of tens - f runpi: tn ite if the tiw y morn-e eng pq spe s jusulnheit itt thi city of \e e ::a"pesr S it eeftien shall tine it h allthi it E iill ibe hesd at the diticile ob the i .ti'it it iiten the siiucrs i f thnee it Thlde s iih ,h are not caniedLe n' r etcln '1 ' , who shall e ie Dappointed i the board a. its ltast tere. i--ang regulr etar n .tnyg. Ata suchrketon- hefianeh'.hutns receiving a o ] ith icr vites cast shalt lt .e c'lared Cit-.t.. "d 'h shire if stick which hass been • C t-- -is ivty ituis shnll lie entitlei to ,it e p t ivtitt no stockihilder shall hie en ti ledt tmoe tfiar twenty-tive votes in hi' ,' ti.'"ire -,l nreusies"'at yeiof the ttiolie ofnth : mrs hell tiv ltot. The failure to hold ant - Ci ctimn on tue itus stiecitirit shall tot dis' i rtl t cirie the er ati-in isit the idirectins in "thee h*,ll h lt oven until an election le head at'er tein days' notice of the tettw and itl-e tiny -e n as heretn ptrovitdei. a The ithiec' -s shall .'lcct fr-tn their niumber at'.'e lInt' one in mire vlce,p rssiienta a !they r i 'er tuine, a secretandy a treasurerwhe Sltti itey bnit a nitary. preicied that the itc "f secielans and treasur n niay le i,- . ,anet in t te tiicreteii of the tiard. The 1: t'e n uil r a ei-t aonuhi theriy ticrs t iedi m:'ye s ay 'e necess-uy, a-ho shall --ati tt e si''jcct to the tiheasiure of the idt.iit I Tn I",adit siiihall fi the copenia. ! n. ;al tCers nnit an e outh iyes and shall risi t ic ;i wen ti enact hiy-iaa-s nit repug arter.rout a nd e lase 'it vacancyi n hte V.Tiert or aning the offices fro t' A-h. , re': ,nron. removal, or any other i C ti s ini iute sltrei' r-- 1ai 1 till chct iiyli iOrli'is ,i the feia-it to fie redouceit iv sac'icel 5weity-hv, ''en n-ot less than ten. I se itrectr' shall constitute a quorum at ,l eset en s of the ika, it. it T u da u ind passed r in ty office at New S '-lens,' -e said, in the o iresenie of Edh 'itn-i atege' - and Wtihelnt:na lre n, u.tese., bthei of law f age ini res.tientsha i ,f h'tr c:ive who s-an thd ret csnts witth - iaril htyueu-ei .nd e.e, nfsary, the day andi !I tthest aforesaist e il 5twenty Jchn N. rnwen. Prex.t -i tOC- seses. Etmniai Whegenen. W. 1'on IT. L,. 1.OOMIS, JR.. Not, Pnti t. the tundcgned Re nor hle of 3t-rtgages.n . atit fiVr the I'ant-h of tlneans, State sif an it anti, he- d rerttfy ath the a'ive and n 'g ,r a'nendnen'r to the charnter of the - Si~rehan liabil:rht,& 1.,ian Assc.n e :"n a-r e -" is' necreded in my office tn -tak 1212, a New 0lea la.h at. Jttne Wk. 1017. it-nnti EMI.LE 3. I.EONARD, TDy. P. 1. thn ttnde u, eteitx nt'ya-v shuilic, o eitler us etfvr,*Le a', -e and fi, 'iick hher i be a trie n and c.i n' c--r tif the ri- r-"l act aenend 0, ,'t the ii in'en sf the St'tihn tu'ilding & J -Lf As . ,ition. and of the certicate of ai tec R ,ccs er of Miurgayes fI- this Parishh - ' thee attorded, on fle and of recoinit t my t ,iffice. ,al hd' vr u tl a lcm b In witness te ere-if." nt tota5, haei here' ti unto affixed a 'effreinal sinature and seal at lea'Orleans, La,, na,, second day ofa IT. L n TaOMIS JR., Not. Put.h. july 5 12 IS 26 Aug 29 it CHARTER t OF "THE PON'IXTIARTRtAIN HOTEL it COMPANY, INC." United States of America, State of Ltnisht Pt snts, Nnrsh of Orleans, City of New Or- p In;ns,,,y.. . y e ee.-,wh t~at h,,hi known, that em this Satsuda of the m ,- .'. , d : , [..",.", ". ":1 ,' y " Ii, .~ -,, 1. J' r .e I\ - ', :. , !. " t '" 1.1.1: : 1, " ,' " r r ` I 'N "1, 1 . ,t: • . : t . . , ' . a : +'ýP 7 :. ... t. ." r \ -t • , ' y an .I : '. e 1 l , a \ 1 '.n1 .r . . . , .. . N, w . , , I- " ,, n d " ", - . ... 2 : I t . r "' . 1C C .:,r ". .,, , . and 11.t ,,A ' i'+ .: -;C . ii; I "'lie :and " e .era:;N ., 1, m. ,' itt:i, . ; .. :i r 1.i . c ri 12, 0 :. . : i, :a :' , ' ; - l d '1 ": e [,, " c.: " . . . -t ýc !,:: c" : and b . , a t .:t.- ,; r a' : y one;- t -t t e .. 1 V' t r . .. t , 'A e" , ,Ire, l ,t , "- . Ir r~ ...... '.y . ,! I :,1 "a : ,', cr: ..~{,.. ".:l 7,e 1 , :: t, a "d h .... r - :: ..'nc : and 1' 4 4, . * ! . . ' of 1 <t' . a; y : ,,' ,Ci y o: l[ : :'.' ' ,e -l '' ` ,1 :, , th Il"," ac ti t14"t, I . " . Y " , ' -' t. . ,"n 1 : ° c !. ;e . : . ! ,'l ."" .; .:err ar V.I J.e 2 o , ' "1' 1- c l I " .. , .; +l ", : ".4. V ', c :t 1 1 ,c, lh 1,,t, -t . Ap 1,:.- ,:: t ,t K 1 igi .., - ...' e l .e v , ,e .! :. .- ; a, . aI t ) It rce fcrl'1 ,e I A A " t Int r!It a: 7c e' 7 . I " 'lie u p • r it { "" .- , ;. .... 1 .' . .: ! at Ip t h 4 1. c ' "e I"` .t " , t y PI Ne " -', 1 '. sI e t'[ .,e an. n :v. , 1" . 1 11: ' r vot d ii. \'hT ¶ ' c t f .e tie : n a p es: *:rl , S "; "vre ,.r c. ' •eta V T a : ;ari er. T:.' e " ' I .1: "l s ' : - :u r :c "" t: r!:-Ict")rs -e .e i ig .'c-'i .'- : . i t : :ten lay a f Se te- .eri . e ' ' Tie t:r.t Ct ba :e - Xc ,i Pi'ie" S C- g ' ,' 1 ",arl) a c ar ! d Ire t ,ir. an IA a" ,( , ,"' ,ic p ' raIt a '. t I "1i he a :n .e t '. t 1 . tw g 'n Lpii aprt. c" wt 1i1 -ve l nt:i tCe 5ath nday u septem'ner. a atnr uent::i their e r"ier a' IrVi A' r e ti taken e l ': -. p- ,'. p." .v a :. ,l' ha ve a J1. 1 Kahan. vi'ce predient. 1217 a k' n t avenuet $'"1 1 " e' er" , '" , .18" : S :. (,: "':e : A ve.; e 'harle. Levu. 7'11 ine Sr.: G - A. !tacTDir b an11. 1422' Jackcson Axe., a::"1 C. A. Sp.)r, st.' .tary. 352I Wh::ney Building, a:1 of New e i)rliai',' L tui e tana. I hi,, article of in, rnratio. , ears t he 2neddan( IT i ic arp.irat 'lin ll 'a vc. andth it-er itnt-aI ti.iatei! i4n tile! 7o in Act'7 g tarhi aIne a,, ,imec a' l-e'i'.t ,of thi, e State Imouiaa forthe inr the .iiiThiiatei ict..i '-4 ave tirteny tn amne.adthe Jr-in'iIt E. !l'a-a cife miii Ave aI. 'its w"t hr" ap: i .ater ', an .revi n ar y, aer. [r :. f '.,:he ,e n -e A ',e- v :v" o th e Se t ate* t' i'.Loluita the ahe.ya ])4 The dI n at ndt~: pa'l , in ... otl ,; e-,- ic;a :New •t .c' I gina , " s " i+ 7 : , ' t,, ii1tiitte 'a. . gr'! " "aic 'a!.. t .. .. .' 7"c a';r n• .. . a.,d +,a . e e n B i '.v r ! e , i S te .e tse a:e 'o ," E . r ez e :i , , 'e W. 11 . Hey I te c.iige.!-; . -e.',r .i adn g r g n 'i a rt.;ht- e l,, e b-,: t c ,iti. hr eIf -'a~newith da heri".ertmfv th nit the a'taer re: ding att '.. -i t an .f t he wh e. I' tliongc~in II tgel Ci Ina:, wia tti'. dars W.: ne," -- es,'",: Ro y E '. Ir z ae :" , I:; ' e y>' SI NeY. L. in yLiE.A. 4 21t2, Pblio 1.lteaunde Inned 2ec!. e 1Q17. rgae -ine.!n E M! t.E 3.+ 1.E ,-l.AtnD. C"lerk 'L e-pre-:,te: '. erbyeca- a" 1?re t 'hee a. 1h A' traue c - a' o f th oigit . f, 'I I'. e, t |har .,, ! c 4\! ".;' . I nc -,- e :+; it: d!e ay; New ,a rleii i . uee ,e . 19 J e. 2r ' ii'. SII-NE. ,i-. at I e,.tEMAN. Nitaty laPaltc Kah,vn e pre.l 1 t 1 t.h 1u21 Ta .,n , e: CHARTER 4b RIVER AN. RAIL. iERMINAIeS. INC. Uanite'! Sire, if Acnew. St ic of L aTia 4, I',irith if V t:tiney, 5 ' y aof New ewt lHe it knoiitn '142? 'i ih a twenti-secand 'lvy i tite tiinttt of bitt', in ':se ye ir Ine in ) uc John H. Ipt it. ian tiry tia ::i. In in "'r thUi city an! 'he Pa,,' i.'i ,) rI leans',t Stie 'it'i , . i; .are . 'ac ':. : cc ngre e , Jtta iont Th: d c ,l,,r t t.,n a." l i tha e pr te n.e f the witnessa 44ere. i ,ifte nae I andof! 'ii. er-tyne.!, I cin:ia'la frhe yn! app'-ar'' Te seve'a!I ieca "Fi'4 n act e ' it' , ieei-i ' -'iaty e amen ed, all of*ef : ge ,roatf ,ispt.y:,. and[I S:ff e h aw-.e, i- ' ,,ite crc aiv" 1t he2 ' o'4i':'a' in ',f t h a i a a" lire t \pr .yo ct 2.7: 'if iii!. c ec r a I .-iana , , e :t Iia i n theia's at a ~caii..ti r an'! ,.,ceti''i. ir' the tiJe '' .mI ' ' ir . ; E., in I i'nt al e tic * p'i a . .ns hereina'tec set f rth Arwe The nine atdtI:: Ii t4 r i t' en : it ll' i ei ' ', 24! v et-. t i,4 tor an .1.. Ict-. and und ier soh e'' in t I h.n l thver itif. unte 4'.t'q '14'te'! it 'iiil hav ' e, t"lein! aii' a nd ve, a, after : I; to i 'e -nl m o ; ac e a .the I 'inie'a'ireak a..! a ir itt'peive; ato ae, lea--:"ii', : ethinpo ne'a'. r' Ii le ine ni rty, rea, t ;e's of il ':ax, i,! neceV-r'e .R'peeoE. 'n'i ele,' i ''e ci reyv '"g on ni i's nmine-- ., Ie is ' ii'e S.D4 se. li ce! P.LE. AN ige' a bi cke an. tihie t er atin 'ritc, er 'f ''er' aes n ic, ele ,and apr I't ,, 4t--i., n ..ic le k i or ii ,lce emr ''rye a '. ' hit ier cc" ,.,,et ry nc, aste illia ne,, in! ' t -, i "k s eh a iv-w s. i r - et -n eu a as nay Ii" ne,. tarcfra fun d deci, ia", the nian aee"' no the bain"'ce at I i,,'s .1.7 f t -tn' ' n. an!i g-ee-'i:' t' di eve'vn'h- act, ra er icath~ng nece-,ov no lenin.b -tie .'n"letc an' p2 'iertovig in' at said bit es Antice II- The tienore if th . ca 'ian shall he in the c'' ' lt New , erlmn. I arish of (b-cans. S~ate .f 1.144' ma. whe-e all ci'atiF ins or other lea.l riracev shall be served upon the pr1lider', or in h:s a2sence o'n the vie,-,pesident. or in the asence of,. both upon the 'ecretary. Article 111.-The iijects and pn'paes of this corporation are hereby declared and h stated to bet 1st. To deal in, and to have, hold, receive, T purchase, sell, lease, convey, mortgage, by- o pothecate and pledge property, real, personal I1 sa sired: to acqnire, hold, lease, purchase ii ,ad ind may mnmd all mnet aa lands is the | 6 - h , I a 1 B.iSh , * ulicito n ( rs 0, Because t Rrs the SOULE COLLEGE Mt°chy ith e Is t he (lates av 1ct~ Shor Because it is the Home of Thoroughness and High-Grade Courses S DENINATE'S CAFE AND UP-O-DAT Fi ines, Liquors of all CORNER OF ALIX and cHA VALLETTE STREETS H.,,,t SAND LIME BRICK SANITARY, DURABLE, ECONOMICAL GRAVEL, SAND, CEMENT, LIME, Etc OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Our Sand Lime Brick has Great Strength, 10 per cent Absorption, It Resists Heat and Cold, and lek Uniform in Size. Shape and Color. Costs . More Than Good Clay Brick. 24 Hourst from Raw Material to Finished Product WRITE POR BOOKLET OF TESTIMONIALS New Orleans Silica Brick Co,, I JAMES H. DYETT, Pres. and Mkr. Phone Main 1786 812 Common Street, New Oricam 4 FOR SALE AT Felix Borne, Jr., Al 1ers 41 Ask __ EXTRA NI LAhrBDor for FINE New Orleans Brewing Cl Established in 1903 1216-18.-0Opl New Orleans. PhoAIe el. U Southern Cabinet and Refrigerat0or LIMITED ('O)LD STORAGE)I( ANI) REFRIGERATOIRS SHOW CA.SES-STOliE ANDi) I)IL'G LVT - -11.1:, -. . :- . ...' . ,r c!-e,whe.-c; t develop S: ':,1"' p:,e, as we ! a., t tra: ,ft'r, c.onvey', ; ,.i te. .r:gage i pledge :he same, , :' : :r:n l,: ik ,,: ',,y p: l uf ,,r ,ther subd vi I :. lay lt 1 , V at, or u-bdvidle any and l 1i:!- c.tu:red !Iy sald ,lt:en; t,. 1:: . C)*, ". ,ruct anid t i entract fi r , : :" n an1 s.,or tru ::, :,, of I,.bu :i lother li :roveeineint tic-ton of w" ats - evv : ti.ltur', all I t , o r :,t tt, t'lease " r S. ' :IV;e 'n; cut d itches, drain , adsI canis -:-, iu:i tra:nways, and railroads fir the i ni" ntie ts and explo tat:on of suc.h lands. S 1' . 1, rate, dcai in and buy and st-ll all mal.ner and k:n:ls f fru:ts and v'egea e: ngage in ie geineral truck faruiing , - . t- lt:v.l e ..:. st-., or ml tnufac .::,1 e th ra, se an:t a,-cre-: -, s of -'h lan,; act as thi agent of other .or. - at: : 'i , . dt.v.duals or 'i'r:ns f r the sale S - , . :.,:I c, ren:st . and In thl s ca , "Y to, charge a:nd c lc ct com: nisions and t hne .' atiit is paytltic't fir erch services re:t le:ed c rl-ira.itions. individuals or lirni; gt d :-re Li,; birrow and lend money se tcuret I by n:lrtiage or otherwise; to operate r a-. re , : ,e ; ti, ow t, operate and la: n t,:i ol wer plalnt, ice- plants, saw-mills, fac :e, dock-, wa iires and terninals;t to lay ppe l re-, t:a:n iI vs and railroads; to build . ,a-es or other conveyances; to build. .*ereate and construct docks, wharves and te::nuna., .and oi lease or sublease all or any part the' f t: o ,y other ptersons or corpora. :--ns fir the like purpose; and in order to fuIly c.lrry out said otijects and purposes, t. p|ra-c". leaie or othearw:e acquire pipe ine, trinamway railroads, docks, wharves, e terminals. boats. barges, tank cars, locotno :tlvc and car:, pUl nll -.tatilns, steasit Silan:, air planti , and all other machinery, .;1 pirattiu adll piraphernalia rreces-ary or in ,l : al therel '. 3r 1. To t1uilt, construet. lease, purchase ir otherw:sre auire buildings, machinery or ,ther aplarat:us tlhait is or nugiht he nece-sary t ir A-rkivg up the prodnec:s of said landl. iether in the raw or natural state or changed s :niuf. ture. e:ier pr.l duced by this c'r .*i ir:n ior other persins or cirporations, and e t a 'rket the products to the best advantage. 4"'1. To carry ion such other btlsi ness or ii' 'U-e' applertaining toi the plurp'.cs here i-naltve set firth, or such as are generally r englged it lby corpl.ratio;s of this kind. r Artice IV.-The caipi stock of this cor i ,i- i' ,i - heley txtaed at the sun of one unrlked ainl hfty thlou,.,nd | i$15w0.i l0 d,,l i,,-. avolt:ld i: ii ,ice th sinid live hindlred t5ial 51 !tares of the par vdillie of ione htnd:ed (IOMI.Itii dollars each, provided that the nu:nt ti a which the capital stock of this ipratiln nliV lie incre;ised shall be two hundreI and fifty ($250,!tt).O0I dollar;. E'ght hun i dci and sixth-four f<iI siha-es, i eighty--ix th iu-and f-ur hundred ($,t. -.Sf.0h diolars of the capital stock of this c rporat ilon must lhe subscribed before the il:ig of the articles of ilicirpirrataon. The i'icrtilhed capital stick of this corlpiration shall be payabile in cash. priperty (real or tie:.itll, or for liabir and services rcndetred aiI perfirated. N i s:ickh-iler shall ever ie held :able or restp- llihle for the faitls, coniitrac's or delts If th:s ci-rpiirati n toI any further sum thani hlie ttnpaidl balance Aie the c'' l.iithin on he shares of stick subscribel lyv htin. nor -hill atev mere ifI riiiiL ity in rh.lain:zat in the effect oif rendering tb-u charter nlli.r of ex;i'.:ng any sihareholiler to any lhil:t y whatsoever. This cilrpiritiini shall notl e'ctage 11 Luli - nt-il I'ltv'-,lx th,-,.nd four rnlhd:ed i¢i h.- iitI l tor e i4::t hund-ed a dl - 's -- irl: (Ni,i t.ires if 't lie;:al s', k ,,ll h ve, hen. :- I. I1 a'l t a t all iiv , d i, I'her in cash, property 'tr cvice-s ice- ll d iof ,resail. If any of the Sr k f th; ,i-i"a'. ""1 is et ch iulg id e.:'.wr' 111 1 01' . ,1 in part fir pr .perty oir g"i,", w:1!" I1 t1.t S-'* t th, " v -; ," ¢f i , c. i t I f A 't 2f,- of Article V -All the i arli.rate I'ns of ". o -." shall -e ves-'d in a: ,-I : . i ! . 'k ,.l..b rs ea h of w .:.nn 'l" , .' : , t n;,., m!,, 1 h .t r' i a ' •:c," - f 1:- p 1: .1 si .t .-, .f I T'"e . .e-s ot f : C -i: -f a presidcnt. v.e i:-.. le .. I - i r-" hers of the thrard of lre - The f,'sing : f., ir p, " , N I-w 1:!.a ., I.a.; Eari it ,e t ,a,, N-. M I I v:er ,'rd ve, .. New , i -.r I . . 11"" I'. hi -' 0.' N . 41. - hi d ie " \",'A" - . I. , . t.; rt'- l ' ,I i f tI- ' ' ' 1 - "F 1 ] iT - . v i,- i. c 1 is--,i ! i e l a ' , t , ."1 1 • r- l i - t , ai . , - . ' . . t all be v '.. :. 4 " ." "-1 re ,ff ' ,- - k ,,, f1 '- - - , - Sf" : ,.n ; . ,i r `, " .K . ..' 1." p ,Ct :I.. : e tw ,-"' I f the - k r':" .r reY'-t..'u- | ti eCf,' . :" ti '- - M1 n ty ,f 1"'I:v- 1',18,l . ithe'e ef'er sh i: t - i.-k a rf,"t:1 - , f t , L ,ut the .,hi Lo trd of ty re.' ,r s'. . -e:n::tI I, of-ice untl 'h-.r 'h re i ';, ,rs are ,'dily elected and! quili:tied. Artic:e VI.--The liiard of d:rec:rt sha'5 hold regular meetings at such times .,s sha. ie fixed in the by-laws of this cirpiration. These meetings shall be held at the domicile of the corporation, but the president may call special meetinigs of the board of directors at such times as he may deem advisable, and he shall be required to call such special IJ r' <.:. t c: q request of ' d: ectors. Three dtay i. i. :I e pecua meeting _hallti d• unless waiver of roL "d ,:ga'ed by the directors. A 'r ,=i.+ -' ;he bard of di1, re.n.. t.., or ina.''o , r c ,,- y the board a of a. urred. The hrat u, t " thIis'crporaion shall b by-laws for the i...n... d or haned hi mthe u,i ,case :11,y require ath A 1 :rx' .ll-..Te stock of this sayl lie tlransferred, Prided so . f e crd upon the bookseld r . t' ,ire it shall be reqelei ...L. rlie ,,ta arouni of the 'ir ,;-, r eight hudrm ad tf ar ItI St thre, which ics r his hereby Sd - I red fully paid ad soa, S-. ca n or m exchange for psastoe 111g t. law., IIi, rie event of any stcokhol d OseI his stock, or any pa n r Sfirst o'fer same to the relar ssu It .S w t th e rems' ern : proplorton to their tomsti y ligs. at its hark or market .vals lt o addressed to ea tc r kst e aeos apper s 9letter t : re e t es giving hi thinty S... .,,tth expiration of which .. s auckholder t desiring to sell sihall re at liberty to do sot rie and it wh,.m he shall plare. Article V .-This charter my f:1'1 or altered, the capital stohk lh trr;iirl oir decreased, or the ecpfea s e lslvd with the assent of :" t;e c., Ital stock present or at any meeting of the stockbh t' y t'a. 'ur. ,ie aiter prior noticel is mwt eaceh st".,, older, or mailed t ii ki w i pyt ofhice aodres, all i arise 'itl the terms of Act a Efl Art:ie \IX.-At the expiration ofthi ter or the earlier dissolution of t atsion f r any cause, its affairs llshe d, "l ,y t, e or more liquidate sI I , !'y t, e st*,ckholders. all of s i' I ;t,, k ll in this Corporation, ,f ltd.dit., are hereby vested wii a dl .utti~rn:y t) liquidate the alisa a,: : h fall r to e a tir., i-f Section 30 Of Act6 NS ;t X. The appearers bee e subscribed to the rinimoer ,f shares of the capltal ae r R,energ, No. i - w i rlelt;,. I.a., two hundred lit ,ir ' ,.lo n h ,re,; Earl Bruce oft' ' r,'r .:., n New Orleam, I I 0ti u'K. r! iety-ePght (23) siars; fll p ,ini: . S, " 41 (lrod St, New Orlsi "', i n',on ed atnd eighty-elight 1Nd :,'1 :, sai. d sabscriptio o f Iih. n h'.!i !hiogether total tki t t-~1,~1- t ,isand four hssad :.i,.sr·, .,r ,'hi hundred and liityll c"., ý:. shall be folly paid kfa - s'r':,, the transfer by btst dm1 ,'p,,t ,nrd effcts originally i h . ,zlb I !b::.,:n Rosenbergl by f sei i ',: I .ae gne, per act yis e ,..":`: ,,I , n.. lrv public, on e _d !}i S' I'.,:] lrce Rown aa 0 ! .t.. ,,,1 in undivided one-tiitdt .: : s of k r p55It " ',' i:.:, .t e,1 ary public a Att "t ,. '+r wth the impovOm5nl S Is: hse by the, 19 .: ,i . rriatin th mnel. , s''" s 1 ýý?2/cla 1366.) acrWe , . I' , 1 ll evier, n ta l Jl1 1.' 'in, aoal two Mtusded t - .... "., a, res sold to the ., r under )prieak " . ',v thl e. on the21 S ..'. I,', ' d rngirtered is the C , I,, Jhe Psr2rh of *5. I. ll ,lI: .S.. f. / ,,- efor the the " t , " n lne . th, La 0, 1 :. o) et seq.; r , I", ': I~ ' : , ,d s t a te m e n t l a 1d "1 2ty being he"9 r "-.tion herO'i. , . :1!y a ,ppraised , , •49 l.ln. , .State of J .. ea-.r of yarr '1 1",".... P. Pporta. up.eft, .', , a . :'i r naret tR'" S . . . . . . , . . th e n - b lt . . . , i~i e · c ¢h, shrhe - it lI ,wan, two " R .t I 'P -I. , ,- 4... recordI reor d -. : , : )ye.' certify 5 i I 9 . : ° ." 1A.t If.f Inc __.. ..v 11 ...!,I : i my o0tfc. . |--ird, EMIIIE J. A i-iner Coy New Orlean'. La.. un June 28 July 5 1 19 • K