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CHA(R'TERS. ,)F "E I F liN, I}' rate of L ..-.a: a. : 0 e ui New 1i Be .: :. w day f ..c ..- u ,: l.orl :.. . - :.: and ut :he "' nl:td State. oit A:n " : ' rr: :, r: and q9 ia. tuO . .s , :: is h, : . . ' '!.' :· ,' : thi e l ' r ,.:: , . t rh. . c Ic r'.- - , . a11 under , . - ,lpora:e a t-. : . ., dine , car', tr : ' .1 . "1 1 i, , I it . tale p :,l, "I' , .. " .. . . r : Unl t¢. ·: " ... it. Artwi for A h. .[t are he *and n".1o:: r1 al i a: I t : b . ' . denta l ,t " A rt', I : . s ilr ,at ,.l- . - M i..- . b ly , ,a" ,1 ,Ar"le i^th1 T' Iie a\. r i:'e.e C ' ti, Co- .ri d '" . i l ' l l M " :with law. the Il l Th.. I .I... . . . t , ~ .:r ,r t... , 1 ... all, at ie vaco , i,, ,i ir :: tI e iadIrats .tl d . , f.i ." Art.. le S":thi b . . ' . h h a. . n-is' serve as the an..' , gi u" l n' , :tt- a e Slsubscri at " ..ers herei .ic .a\e :t1 dresses",tIoR, ", . :, a' t. W erner lee, 'i , l . 1' ..,1u l t T. .lt , , 1Orlean , 4 ,1l-h ret 1- . l .lchl. g .l t,' " Plut St .,, N , r , ' S1t, .w "" 11 r lt'.) ISopha, ltehin, we f.. Th-.. "i J. l1r ,, flit al.m -t., ..w . :1 , .t a'. , :1i Iia\ Marguerite Iit' .. t :s e h ..',t ie :ige A a:.d Roadr, "New "I":-,rleats. 4r ,. be a:h1' my offc the rlat New ra:i,:1 d c" .srn .", ,:nle , g Sauthe and Eizw. aet IlrelC. co le witnesses, who sign with aisl ia-tiea re's andli Oaffair, ,higinall S d .: il i Nt 'e Iex 40 shares; Marguerite , l, ", 1. icie, 4t shares, to asuthrize IllS , , -ge A . an che; Sphie hloeht, Hillh'. 4.: s,.I 'T I F, L. tcllARltIiNNEr, It Pualic. I, the undersigtted Rell I r ,: Mv .rtgage in and for the PtAishio r State of Stal f apLouisianatnt of aery ce-tIf.. thir of t-he.c ce rand foregoing act f tico.prati of tle "Article S:xon, I a , r this da duly rect.ay bcr t mry office, ir Itok 1lve : to th "":t July 39 .:6 ang 2 9 1i. 23. Be it known, that lnot ths this thirteenth day of their mon the of July,: in th.e yea r one thiti' ceribed by eat~h anld tar-.r p.,t ut4Ce ad. sand nine hutored antd ceveltee. A. LI before me, Charles ose ato notary pub. Werly comlsslned atil i'alt., :;let n., Newr the above parish and State, ihere t residlnIu Roadafter named Orlean, uhdersige, pers'aly caThus m done and pappeared cd tll::r , in Thove severalt tilers s cf the full age : F majoritynesses, whose names are hipereuto sabr scribed, who afteclareding that availing the-. Sselves of the laws ,if this State in such4 signs, into a corporalize uler the follow.San Articles and stipulat' i . wli:h they hierety adopt as their chaeth r, to-wt: . F. ae. Article .-ndhe na Re orf thIs corpration shall be Interntatiantal Scrip Matecril tom pany. Inc. Its period of diirtiain shall lie ninety-nine years from thIis date. Said cor. poration sall have fo r th e purposes ofs, the of business to be carried on by it, all the powers onferred acy law ui~,l crprationsf t and shall generally exercise all the pcorded necessary to carry on said bu iness. Said corpration shall have frleanll pswer to contract, ue and be sgnedi i It cIrr I.Oe nam; ti make and use a corlporate seal, atid the same to break or alter at phleourrr; t. hhld, re purchase, retit, or otherwIse acquire, convey, mortKager. hyl, ate leases. plelpge, or thoruy. we il ose if, . real, pers inal atl.h n11x1.-; ti icsue noteF, .or (IAer Il ET,:; to Puave. J employ such 2 9 1na ge -. :: rs, tcrs. t (s a 'd other emoi..' l :le Iteest and convenience of tire i ,fr - uit ll iay , re quire or demand; :nt.lLke o N ew - lesh such by-laws. rules ,nI reg:is thi t-r the management snd cofutrl y the ' ouiness antd; afairs of the corlsratIsll as t. ay be deemed necessary or expedient. Article II.-The domicile .f the crorporat.on shall be in the City of New ilearis, Stile of Louisiana; and all cpatiot ani u:her legal process shall be served inl the frei dent. and in case of his absence or dt abinu:V uapon the secretary-treasurer. Article I11.-The objects and pcrposes far which this corporation is organized aflni the nature of the business to be carrted on by it are hereby declared to be: To buy and sell scrap iron, metals, rags. rbber, and other scrap materials stf all kinds, and other articles of merchandise and personal property. Article IV.-The amount of the capital tock of this corporation is hereby declared to be ten thousand ($10,0(t)i.l dollars. con sisting of one hundred slaes of the par ales of $100o per share. One-half of said swndt shall be suacrlhed before the filingr of the Articles of Incorporation, of which ifty per cent shall hbe paid in cash fore I the eoreatson engages Ian business, and the remainder within twelve mtonths. I The remainder of the authrized capital stock may he issued at any time by the hoard of directors for money or property ac- I tally received or labor done for the corpo tion, upon such erms and conditions as Seboad of sdirectors shalt deem proper. The amount to which -the capital stock may a increased shall be fifty thousand '($50, N.00) dollars. No lstocklholder shall have the right to sell,e pedge, or otherwise dispose of his stock ithout first offering it to the other stock. rldera in ro rtion to their repective hold a throung te board of directors for thirty is at its hook value, for cash; and all a e pek shall be held subject to this proviston., d every sale, pledge, encumbrance, or othery Isposition of said stock shall be made sub- g .et to this provision of the charter. rte beard of directors shall have power to eeive ts bcriptions for and to issue all ti tack hoserfter subscribed for but all ch b ok andb any incrase thereo most arst he tl ered to the existing holders ad owners t Snstock at the tiame of such issuance in pre ortion to their repective holdina . Article V.-Al the powers of ths capert aow Ial be westd in sand the busin es he orlrto the eusli mesgd y CI IA RI TE S. , 1 ] : t:.-ee . r. , wvh sha;l 'e ele--ted :. \ . a i--' :.g v re ders :: ::r .1 , ,:.. ., f Ju.l ,\ f i a. h yea:. L: ::.' - all' be h.eld un 'Ce i I n ,, . > . 1j y, u n tl1 w h .ch .- ' : - ,.P a! I d :r t ,:. n am ed in t:l s :td :'.. -:1. li:,. r , · .: ' . t",.: s:liceCS or, : ,d The st. :khders e e a::y d:rer and i : L u .. 1. -d .1 , .-, .' i . .. a ne A e., N t•;w M. . 1` .... - R . - 5 t, \t"-, , \ , \ c\ t - : t .- :.. . . .. , 1" , -. , - . a :, T , " 1,- . e v t I<. T:i !, .,. , ,. , 1 1 . ,: I .., L ', . : : , . "! : I ' , u , : -! ! • , " . h '. `, " :11. 1 . .. •. . . l , :.- .· ."1 , . . . . ,i . \ \ ." ( " · . : .. 'f 1 , ,:.. : in 'h , s. ,i l- ,' ne N ..! ., ,, 3c 'sl , . to ta .. 1: .. . ,f . 1 5 ., C ' d . .t w' hl I- ' I . . . ... , ... . . ' it s-: ,.. .\\c n'. ,. . 1, c I.., 1 3 'e . , 11. 11. . ' I.EO," , .NR . li-v . R': . in I, ,- t····1' .... , '•', " ;,"- ,'ca, .t . , -. . : ',r :. t --A ' '- I " " i ,I A:t f. - a .,-k R H S, N N-tiny PuPl! i. -- • .: ,. .'I T .. ,- s' 5 . , . - : .'11 ;, , I , e ,, ,i ':T ) , " I f-ll- lik< I " - , -EEl) & •, 1 LTRY C' )M . f l h . Ri t~e eear Sitf ar Lord one. 'is'nl tune hail,,Ie.I an "- seventeen., ane S " " the I tependence ,ef the U, 2Ae States of, It-trei m, Ar.ithr A. I ire,-, a n:t' tary 'a u. ,:t anl fir the Parish of Orleans, - -uat ie. , an. in the presen. e . if the - .. d er- -rally came an! appeared the frllowing , .getIer with the A.t ta:. s -f their respect.l r:e sitsintotn 'Th t o the capital at yck of the . lmre tha. av-aiing theisei es of the provi ns f the gIene.el laws f thet v State of Ari pirati ets. they have cavenadfted ad. Sagree,'. alt, d bhy ttese resents covenantr d l'agree, at,! hiit-dl and ohlhgate thenr.serves, ,.their s-dcessr,. to for:n and constitute theni law; atd tir te object. and purpises and Artile I1.-The namtte an. title of tis c1r-: -t , tratit shall ie lrice Seei atd Poultry -(impati, inriorated, atd by that Itame .' rIie a 20riirate seal; to titchase and re. 'i'te!,r ated ;Aget r.s as the interest of said corp-ira ton nmay require; and to niake an,. le i s :iswis , Tu h alaws .tsn d regulations fo e lie Jianagement and regulation of its :eaie t.n changie anh alter andt pleasure. an A'rt:elea. thle e hundricle and ,corpora-t tii p hh nh anI in the city aif New Orleans. State if L.ustana, and all citations and itthe: leg. al pricess shall be servednc i the : ipres :ally aof and acirp eareatIn te fanl, uin ale , I i' ls habsence, pnes arthe vice-president ubsriand, S: cs ,'rllf tite tas tene ofital both k of these t i'ers, up.,n the secretary thereidf. S.!are this cr. pvaiing hnls estalis of the, anrovi he ,,natre of the rl lawtness of the State on .uiv :iare dec rel!ive to ie the operatiiian of a age ed aiid , n y these husinessn , conan buy - n! chickene, n sd eid and o phieltry and tolv, . well ae such oterany an all acts sually doie Sereaiter -r-one t connectiona with them orn Sselves Ito a general seeration and poultry busolitic n I Art-:ie I.--Tlhe nace anpital title of this cor - p irar.n shall blie ten thsaecd dllars ($10,u .(onay. Incdrpto one hundred y thares ofan whn c e ,r, :a cash, or ither property, and Ie ti ,r: te iieased tenjoy succm of twentythe d ull ri iars n sety-nine dyvrs from the datew I he:e; tI otrasict. tue and e salued; to m$L. sdue shre a - r porathe sealr ton IIChs and re a ang errte when all e hyothalf of te capitrty real, .stick has '-e aeas cr the interest of fraid. r.rat:h shi reay ru stck hall be entitled to one ani' C.iable or resPionshle frnd regulatioedness fo faults, ioer defaults f thand rrpoulatioun of r shallT an nIy ere Infirmality inC. they and te' rendering thange harter nn alte or atf exposing the z.I Art;cle II.--The drtnl hale of 2aid corpora stockhin alders n theo any lcaitty f ewynd the uni-; Si l d any stockholder desire to ellatins and tickr legal prs shall it otTer the same to the a r st*kholdersn of saithe company thanrugh in tace' r i d-f r eodncrt rs, at bookhe vcalue-pr idn. and, the n stockole i the adesire of oth of these oishall have thcle right to purchase tend pursae, sn pro e portioh t their hcorl,,rding s esin the company, d andthe :tre ofn case there business to she carrie of stockn to ::le sir diseclarosed of, Its shall be dprawtln of a sane. Shou!d and .pstockholders in seventy buy far sale, su: ch stock may be sold tor and tone h .No tran sfer of stock shnall b e made or held :to be valid and bin connection with the on-he books of the Company, seed and pounless made ins. the pursuance of the capital stocksions of this char 'Article VL-Thi corporation shall undd have all o ;power granlted to such corporations by law, tle !and oh:s! have the power to contract, sand and be sed in i ts corporate sm of twentyo , bogd, cner. when ,es.-hale of the capital CHARTERS. rd and nnvey Jr n.::qage any and all of its :s effect., r to 1.yp,;th ate :ti praperty. and 1:. t, do a, and al a 's and thrings ot any :L ):er k:l.J. ure t r le crpmnl . , a. may Ibe ch er: e ,.V. y -: "he c and pu-11 1: p <es ," a it -, s .e-- .t, intere-s: a:.d S.vcnxen- .::ay reMa :c. d A:. e Vr II 1:te . : - :ci si. c "-p S I. : , -I'- It 1) 1 1 ,. , . . , 1 r " . I S1 ' . .. 1 " , t i ;1 " 1. -i -. \, S A . t \ ! ll,:':,,ii.1 ) - U: 'I 1 I 1 I t I t l ': i " e mt I ,. .: ,.`. S- . Ii "-I uist.-. . .n}, i. iC -I - - -L- t i " ,: " I - t 1'. ,e.- n -'' d I'din 1 I"i; : c: - :td r . i, " •I , d o n I r - -. rt ti any pti ges - , .A -u. • ' . l ;, ,:' a , t" .: ',, e o - 7 .: ,: r 1' . n .t" , l it t ll 1, itsp li tt re II .:c' ,I l t k :i -tri.s nN (,I ri-i i K \i r ii. .R .ll ti iitadn a Iti.Li' t te .t r i , o1 i tie Ji 71 ll t tlr rif t:he o[ut tand nhe A nIAC Tlire cai: al stick as presentlye " ' i'r , . 'i i.tic " v , t ri r e ,,nr iln. , u r : - t , '.. t r' , nt; e a:.t : o l:.l.'," bus 'e s S l i.i n 'i- i r i paid f ,r in iitP . i c Ot i r ., y-, c tra rtn "i r "d t.o thnr I .... ,. -,,n ,tie s: i . t ii tw si c e pc et net, :rrl I.-All tThe .iiiate io-ecs .efit i eiiti ait st-t iifnitis ia rtid i or in : ti. n erin il-tyi wh r shatl lie elected j ce-r !iha: ll i b e -i the nicnth i Jprre ni, IN tnt s, i l : it" t : "e t ., sh , e a .lte cico a :" ,h , tr: ' the a:u. t,,r 't directors to , pout I if tame faU --awing ramtrsd tiers-ins who : I::ll servs" intil tIe :rst Tu'erds d n oi Ju ,,' I aui-ed, t - - " 1:-.s .. J. t:ies C. leni tls-, ne pI unitric aildr n es is 44 St. ( t hiaclr I I i'n. h, in pot , t tice a-es Icres'ls 4I I St. ' I':ie treet. New (ir:at.,c La.; Hal -on S. t',, w " I+ [- t s-f '-n adireno i- O 4,F St. . ,( iht" n Avenumi New i: cans, La.; an, MJrs. iR i - ' t (. ile, al:. hiiai Irist yflice address is n 4,4) S't. I. ranrls As en. New ,leasl, La ; c ,, , ' -e<c :r y,, and R aL-i- in S. Cole, I, trdas cit :le ' II -This - rm iraiin shall have ll ti.n-ists s .nmtii rate'; aird scairne tie i i s , r ,li o, in A ct N i. 6tV a rf the .eneral Srn 'iy if tIhre State of Louisiana fuor the - itie. AIII -Thi.s act osf ,nchirpratibrn :nar ie ain:eild orii the c-iorirton i t aiiy ie ]'.i, a it-,I its affairs liziirmit:ed. mn thei nril Asn ery of the lStt.e -if Lurseana for .-rt:,e 111 The siscrli, c ea s thetetsi chave -r:::en -nPljs ste their signatures themir post e:tu , .il-isr aui- Im a-ei-ul-,t oif stick they ecii iine s-ii-hed f-ic, and :n payment - iheic -i ciniitians Ss. Leslie Fay cli. S:i: a li. e Kle:, wife of A lilatn T. C(fats; $ atrin A- Mart (- lotrllle Keller, a.i' of Pal li 5I. c lcei.erern -IaOY aurlh.ilized l y their A-r is ]o.-y these presents grant, y .at:n. soil, henve. tr -e r, assign u set over,. a r~a a aideler, l with all legal warran- It :- rd n a iregatin r to al t her rgh and, -acincs or warran:y whih they may have u agline all r-ced:tig onero Ic posse-ors.- I all mnd a:ngular their respective undivided r t,:atl , npr interest in ansed to the real estane an a-cimiate detailed and itemized de- I rt oVn 01 ch as to f amount, location, e-en . hhalraster and state of improvement,n I tigether with a statenient of its value as appraised by the dmrnctors of this corpora- a In, a r alitnr"l hereto t, he read as part hereof. The aid M1rs. Menefee, Mrs. (oats, arid Mlrs. crle -:ng the sole owners in indi vlsi-in of said described property as they t hereby declare. s iltus done and passed. at my office in this : city. the day, month and year first aoive t! written, ian the presence of Annie Weisen- I berger and Charles A. Casse, competent wit- " nesses residing in this city, whbo have here- t unto signed their names together writh the P subscribers and me, notary, after due read. s inaol the thole : a Go Kerr"A Atnna Weisenberger, Chat A. ! Ra ** ,i CHARTERS. S11A J t H.\.F. . .', II \i 1 I<IVI- I \ 1'P. CHARTER - i ll , lil:i:\ I \ ' l a I 1\ t'\\ V . . d c: •t -, . its.'; .a te , •e . , i ' , , , rr , . i. , . r : t." cit 4 ! l A : 1, - '.: " i t' " - . . , ,. i" t- i' n'" i, t" h . u il' ' ;he S . !: c . . , :. I s rtt- ' I an i it ell •ns W e a r . u. h er ie a ti t i , , . i !c crnp .:le, ')" o t os the 'i,..", . . i. n,• , , t i ..ei - c . ý ,. e, Ia r l "- ifty t i. u and : : ,'r '" lT e l f directors shall t cc ilir...r l. 'h'i' ' .,,ee nir f 'oi . . ~. . h e -, - d, i a t y .: In I . . t i ., h e e .t.cei a . T.. I !.r gi v :. tho e ,l ec pec. s ve ! :s at the n ir meeting . ancd at . . n :l . . 'i tu " . i ,ll elect frotm their Ieicr i ti'clidt. a v'c'iret-dent an.! a 1 - - r the eh tr ii -it ei t"i • shall- t ake1 ie tie , i ,! T"edi of May of each."" I ." :'e f,: i. "ll :erve as directors - ..!an. I.;: . ies Tli out. New Orleans. , La.; . . Me'e, ew Orleans. , La. '. " " it is pit - I tern, by tile Y ii, t llng At i N VII.--The stscri'.ers hereto have ..ect i In iten , ite e• their s...gna S... . t- payment t",ail! stock, the. , 'nil'. g tc! itnes 'I hin.t, dies Iterel , , : ,-. i. la d i, set o:ver an" '. ' ins ',, s ' t',,s cirpi, ratliin all attd sitnt g i " ,. ri ,i' , t !-c ani -iterest nt atiti t ' s .f-r .e s iartier it the c:h..-part.tership ' .:titi . ! " .'t n l'& T:it" :'-itt, which aid V , t I thils las was engageIl in ""e ".h 4 , e , :arrting.n , f ,r the sale of .. ', , c .r - -u , · c -: '. ',, . t:.. , . t . ! , m <pin . A i! ''.:"d ite:ni ei' d scritp':tiin a f " anti,'sed a. mrt l'ere.if, tigeliher with tie I in' i "t sail triteety as naie by tte .... of - rect" rs if t:is ca r rlitlatlirn T',Ih s silt"e at-' pliased at ti aottice in thIns Si i N " ei s O trlea-ts, i n the dai- , I. nttit an. d if Si-ir t h'-rei:it.Ir r .e writtet in the pres-1 ti'c. if ihrnlet A. ('asse -and Matlltel Saizan, F :'• wit w, tiesses. 'ii hereunto sige t ttheir .tis n tial tinettehr) Nanies of suisiicriiers N . tse se ('as A. a -,, Manuel Salean. S".1 ' 11 1AM. 3 IV ET, Not. Pub. t c t, y .t ', 7 , )' 1 .2 A Jt:r' , -lh uet Rht'c - :Il-.1 t 2- ., Ati'g , 2 , 9 6 hI2nET ,:n:nit. b nite. r States f: sAerica.ll have of i voutinga, eI, n f:.'. new tln. s eleca frstm their -re ria' anIt ,a k 'r'lhI"'ti shich 'ist twoa y ,- of the a ,,nahdI:.iu. in the iear 'fet i ver'i l- f he lc:,na ,f dr thetnp ehall takee \iy \taa nte I occurS lllg In rca t hoardne :tril-el at-i! frtv.vst t; tefore e, Chharleres , i I!let a:le i ar t rii:,. dLy tiie i -lais lonei :::h \II.--leeses herernafter nameto havend under.getl ! personallty cae an aplared: ilb I'i'e-. 4 !'.-'Irt:er, the pre-Ident of the a dr',l oan' In under the laws ofs, the State I f I itti ian. ''y act bee tirerite undersigned n - n ;try, dateld Apriul e, 1917t, who decla red: "That ae,:InA y virtue a ilf andll in pruans a rd c nrpiratnon adtipted on June 29, 1917, at i:!r the purlie i.f iropistilng amendme nts and thle charter of said co'ration, a-l of the rh sail st-.ckh-'ilders iteing present and all no* ' tnces it every kind - iing waived-he does byat these presents, tn order to carry into effect I I the said resolution (a certified copy of which is hereto annexed for reference) declare that f Ithe charter of th e said Thibau Motor Co pany, Inc., has heen asended and altered f :so as toI harn Article I rand Artice IV of aid chaarter read as follows, to-wit:t "Article 1,-The name and itlie Iof this: cr ftio new shall e sean. Wotrl Maot ,t..- p .\ \ t I . \ r1 1 t I I 1 S11\s I Il\I I \ 1' ! I · I . 1 " I. 1\ \t X 11 . IN. , " 1i 1 I', ,l.\l 1 .1) .\. 1 ,- , , , -. , . . , J'.. i) -. t = · N.. ,t . t a ,. " . 1 ,' S . .t , . . .. i . ' - , 1rT . t ..I. 1 1 . " . ' ` .r t, 11 1 ,i , i .nI ··· '.\ :'·':· w ·t I e, i:n , . ". • , , : , - . i ., " 1 :. , , ' , . , , , n .1 . i: i ' , :r- ; , . .. m a n "f ) " ý ": ." . ", ,. "1 ip : itan . ý i .li . •, . " . I.l . : , . . t l e st 11 a .i t - . .1 . "i . ti.'1 . ' . a t '1.1" r1! i. . , - } -. , . ..e:. .i ,s i - I. n t h ' ;.: hn .:U i t ed 1,: .. d. dli i , i: .-", ., .i: t i:: !t C :t , Ii -I ci in it cirli: ir.dt i dlu; ; th 1 ,p 7: .1'. ' u i ,'1 . . ' i. ' · - i. ~ti - a ., a .n cr p ae ,ea:l, thde s:am ti, i i it e at i.i e " : . ,r e i b. ,,c o w. i C r iv, CiiieY and i stg e liv " ."1 ,c " : , ' k :;: I t ,:1 : 1 : v t : n :,r n; 11:1 t ' ld .rer > i ith rea pe I ;:" ' ..- . I .'i n ,r.i . : ..h s, : en :g e and e1 - i: pi . . t tiiiidgers and enpliyes l'i, -I-i.-. ,,, .i:ti-, . r aeuir l t ai t , apilr c liv a s rules an d r no - i" s g .I ' ,i.itn I, r iati, in.l ., r a therlaws " "r . " " . Ra-" :I and w nt'U, 1 "1 , hu , s "- ie t ~ l,.igae! ire . 'athr s In ther :. r f Ur -,- e' t,,.; ~ ,. t Ia n l d, t r , •or f t i . c , u:tr t"r t ' l,,i pw nl:i thle --.v:-t - t" yr w ted : Iy lawn t, sutc, norpnra - t :.. ,III -Ihl, i:, ,art the ITa: I ,i I todent I h Al. le .ze, rere hvi ll c' vy,, m ertga te, hy. i1 l,, : d . )r, dircto:r:s Ina i de na esy andtr 1i" "r .I1il : ', -. te , have. engage an I eto i tI tists-ll ilie th)rleea , ru nd ei iftnd rtgu-/ u >: n i t i,' . l tillred ao d ;),, c, acli *.Se aI si - th..s ri'rpo fr au iam c. s nh t rti pl atn an : be ' I ha tr ft" this t ry',r t in or the laws S t',e ."ste of ,l ss and: .n:: or, other States TI " .i: ise :L ,i r p `lpety ,t l the y rited ,t e ti i r , ri gn coi trtst tll sllich it shalle th. corp·mationi ' atin s, as tihe sta ciiioldn i Iii ril hi ll diret iirs hiay deem necessary Ar:ile ,i' -Th li c,, ital St ,ck of thiars cor lmt olll e. ,hall b ,e ~s h ,aeundr e n fifty hou -c:I led i tl -lre the i cira rIae ihundred oS f t -!l.rr : ~,,le Wui(ilntre a!nd w, heU $O' Ti-u s-ic stiir- shall le vetie d r in cash c ,i :l i , , " ' s, d er s , to ti e 'otp e w ec ,) srshedllf atnl thatll ner at any i:ne ie I 'u . itr less have all the right s ane i.ay Ie su . e- fii r i r erty actuallf re h c ivye. d AIl sch| Tlel ati(nIUall rlendrble usll t, he idl anl rtIeld a le t said stcure l at; t iot o e i:Ct i tr l ieyge thre boad orea - p """1 aa t ,) one , , nwo ellundred a i't ieoal e':l it. shall s have been su byraned Arthele ra o-All thie corluratie n wyrs of i. tlier etri rtk sl ,nira e vni tsa er an d eii i er- i ,gh lhe language- iiIy teruty each year. Altll such su ch y-wtion s a nd rl t -all oral na.hl ort zths t drlre nha e na t orepurena Niec of s:ch er l ctihlsor shall hie given thy a t i tiie r itary of ts c nrtor ther cyrprate "rncltti lar,-iuae ri the (sty oif t ew Or-f nciltns every sthkll olde sct. in Ie cnitsld l -la- :e Sfr each sharliel e iy nack stiinitng lrhe t iat l in y the rans ai th:s s lrctlor ser. Ain , tbire er ect yy him t ir er te dar y 4 rlsitt r.--Th at a s tal e i al s it y of suchr it the ii est-ia 1 threen y ithnerd si iat aotn or ad ahie iitld / heir Si$le s syt sallla r the [ -ne:triedl s thre e th, e raa alihe.g directors. Air shill hve the rc t d etos be rthe dated itr, an ,feetien shall not liarl v i tlie corp1o-. dut the dirtrs then in oftice shall reemahn raTtin, Ily an atthrniy bollidig said di rec ticr wriltetrr prsxy. t The i~r d i if dlretors shall at its first n 'lyeeting antid annually thereafter, elect from a a'nty its nuseicer a president, a vice-presi It -t anul a treasurer. The hoard of directors shll also elect: a secretary, who may or f rlIay n-,t lie a. ~4ickhlulder. ,The ofaice of sec retlry and treastirer imay ie filled by one h and tile saie pers-n at the discrete n of the r1, bi oard if directors from time to time V ',t na ae anl appoint all such other officers ai agents as at may deem necessary for the r Ilurtiose arnd hiusiness of thts corporation. v lThe said boarl shall have power to tix and - letine the duties of every officer and em. pVlyee. and all ofticers and employees shall d hald ofce and hhply mee at the pleasure - establish. as well as alter an amend, all such by-laws, rules and regulations neces- 1' "ary and proper in its judgment for the con. ) duet and management of the business and 0o affairs of such eeaporatian. The - oard e o dsnck r shall have full p Power and ryantorty to dai, .orey, mft. u t Is t \ \ t ,1 T il t V . , . , .. ,, . . t.. . . . . a t \ . A ' . .u. I, SI : '. rut N , !1 1 .11 .1 : a - It r a r r;/ : t I4I . e . I 1 L A. Ifc'c' e-t, F ti \ -r W , .. 1 . FA N• t P' ¾-a ' ,. . 'A . a'O I' I I d i r :F I I 1'i ' ' .'ae ,l e if tse R . h of l .ae. s, .I . It a '1 . If t., - ja tit-"cii .l -el i. iii. n e' 1 1 , 1 ai. r -La, ' ve 17. 1 17 \S Mg I . EMIL F. Ni oEPNARD, . the ur er n t.r p:' . t a. IANX, ,L • >, A i "'Elr i.r the States of : n eian, ta here-y ct rtif aIs the abtve Iand foyreg g 14 a true and !e i. i v of the o g inal act of incorpora n " . . t " i .e Ien.' er Sat (' ! ':npan . nc r ,er *f m .t.uis " f aa the i ·e-.r:. ..thernto i'piticre, the : [J w-vca c i-sn s " .. :i' ' na 'e arc lie r iit: l l r: "cl wi i seve rl pa ti. : . o Ii. i sia, n . . i s cae • P' aru ,t . .. as, t , y " f N w,1" r l." ni' . ',· agre " it, aiil , til-s t the s t hrese" ,tenthe ait a \iil gee ani "d nod tti-."tii sele a , w , vas tl n .:s" • er s-ri 1 . as i :dac i-I. "-ter i.c a I n otcr t wtl:, thlem i"i for , m acirn aiit Art 'i-li' f'tThe nra ite e ,f s h ere :ntc r • hrere-uif; cntract,' i- su. e ai le s, iera ly I-i i-s -cye,.lease, tint have ad c .ve, ased aed an ,i Igage a -nil, I. pthecte r.let" tN., ri-at real; t an mie ;arri e a .li-irt such tri ar ,',rr ageit-, iirectir ain ~- E rs a I . v E .. . , I i' .air reua r i-tr sl ier, th tri . c',i'v rri i [ifr the a' tcl, - and ir'r u car all nl n y to:l , l i ·Le ,7 I .,lr.-a:!. iI -ie' i nil yI.rI· , per.11,i .Arti " e Il-The d.. uiie of this Ce -p r-i, sie I iisa -a, tinie palller ian it ar. s, t egal jr 1O2, stIi II l s l e r tt fvi, i E! l'CiporatEiiR ir t e ent iA - Ir',s e i- le e 'Ili l te sl' nt * io;1- a o .I le itn lte ience i t, t ho ln ad ther l ceu die theefr-clar)-- tra surer of si d t r ol et. Ill, -Te l, tenir t In l apn' e tri fe -i i-rht a Iid the na ithe- Iat t o ,f - , ri- rat. ii-l- ir rci e art n'i areat here'} anI . It r li i,r car-v a I the liiciiriae ,if hen -nr et g. ra -p- irner ir itoC e I hI re uic. ,' an itL m se oa ss engeb r s l fir lure Ult a er 5a l otnad fr o tfii ,a u sat tait such e n lan i urtli tnla Ir, f7lt. f t he 'rruoe erd t re-l f thv aoan. the MiA Ssrspr . .Thei ''u Jrting re II -The rfu ih e 2 i 'lnt o f rae t orparaerigo, f-ir in t a ient - rim an) 1, uwnh thpit tliry:! ih en-ut 'it y 'h I.:,| the er etr,)ur e aan u n er onrv-d anr uer - eArtlee ,IeII T,:i e do irbe ts d p. e rp ues. fr aiclus otih tcor iy band i~ , oans:ed, a se r I ice iabinhed anild thid n air e of th u (rrles atol l elies t e rn tai -hre inre d fc'ared ci' thie ls;et cary on the u ta neistes tiep r itnas f Ise , rai l nas r i" mu era, nI', lv le r r-i tiieun re til e nger] e ,n h.r e na ey -are the ar aihnl theeailwa n , ii i e -aw itipr lof the ae i ruint arhe i'i-I mpe tate laIv { arF ae th e r , e ,l an eti:eai . vr iar l'v owersng Tonl gha v ther, .ee n v f i ti- hi r ;Iean aidnl ver goas anduch mervichn; tis e arudtocat It cone racting b n r arra ygig for the arrs-opur arim ,ng rCand te dolig o r:nevery at or clltr honii s hv any fle:d. ar the ,y 1u or:l ove.r the vtsalnd. ral nsd or crr/ v vn c a , A OefOi Atheri. T l con iisruc t. urh" . t op,,rate v-als oif ary ctharace!r"r.i andl , n ,lly a.ily {n the ul, slre s of stu ami ship it r , t-ai ' orate Tiwners. To sather, receive. di{,ue and delaver goods and myr,,handist e asuhl Su c - on a en e ara l freight trailportat:-n athe |a " shnger bustnssn to r arry on the a us tres. tof :turage, whanrfre. warehoulrng and lorwarnd ina, and the doingl of every act or ac'e. or connected tith rid bustness. Article IV.--The capital atockt of thir cor. poration ir hecrbcy | ed at- the sum ofi twentla6e thodsahd ,nd as/0l, (aS ater.01', " ":enterd - t - , o " b ,t ~ 1 r, .. I·..t: ' ' e Jher a, " , v u `se f tr a11. ' , ', ., the e w pr.: ' e en; A t " r ae .ltecr' -ed b s :arc oif all dha ,crae thef :der t he . e , a t ,' dreetoc e fo te :- trerdent; A. Fi . : :he ir t m r ' ' o third M As.y S i., lr a tende ord ' I i'" e d O cf "* . r hall the h.: ti. . ea.s f o teem n pa titnfor e ýx ": " , ,tn t he ofi l -ty th t he rdi rab l d ls f tby to the ckt lerf !rpo ae. ''" ' referred to it al ,' - i::tonn th e sofe i "ti'.v g of t one ng5 tr of this c 'rter my l hv witr ees S dator to sharll ts I 1 - i lduptheb Smtea P' r sitde.nt; Ah Fns, ,a I ul F. r"m eosern o le to rothe boadr h t ,7, irh efire he- lIs "i it+,: h ' Ar rt"ies. debts of this M "ar, ........... . i t etrens, omaitry wis i i effectr of adlr fI \ atl F s ennd , arpose " " . " : . iel dos. by tray ... R r dat" e"ar e o e .':i crer of lar es er v .er ahunt realt," T -o u i corpowhtit ·o lie uComptan, sagep 1 " + tl e disolred imy : ! !:e sr. oc o 1454 ole _ . : l n e same maIseD I :re. l'iv7, of the aPI it + e e her bA li.ttaa I ti.:i' ;rs of this orpoal i, t' 10 dator shall bIeEN · I.,, .. .. ~ -" ':,l :,1 ......d up the bts'r '. ! , :" 1 e . '.i ie. not tary, R, . a I : the tiRei.,id. Jr. fd S"".. 1.: .l'cI:.r l or other dA. ut. . SII, . . ., : o bfo:eteI. recorder o e S ' certify thaihe d prc' f . r n por ti uid to y ak n mere in .y 17 117. ,' ,t the a et of adm if '',. Drrect O sy d. . c d . v blotorial a. I go ck held byhint Jy I'"i 2t a l thi s2 t 16 .ar Sprh ing Hat dit ion. havewritten s si W y pay thcr of shireg prices for your Spr. when you can tsae orpoaM 50% to 6ot % 202 STRT AND LSt., We Wit Fll Put Yor Teeoth In Goodr b," o:nl :'Ie ~ tileciei l, et G d F-. ti i t and e . A," , :k done by t , tal I'x;t . It" 1.o la ryd-.- a r 'e, , I t r e.-: n.. s t.u1de4nt 4r ft OUn pDeaml u araseteed to 1 it, friS-.---.'-"" t16 Seat Gold Fllling, 1-7 p beet material, from . -- - best workmaip fll1Bi.~ mSd. Extracting Paalelt, J_ W. ma pry 111 81r laW n arind Qld_ Filli Orloans DontalS''"