0 "u!IR-Tnar-m!
That IS
It's got the smell and the smack that
make you say, "Set 'em up again."
For it's always fair weather when
good folks get together over a cup of
steaming, staving-good Luzianne. You
don't buy a pig in a poke when you
buy Luzianne Coffee. No, Ma'am. It
clearly states that if it doesn't meet
%Reh Ta Vot@ your idea of a better coffee, you're
"aso,"nO,, entitied to your money back and get
it. Buy a can of Luzianne and re.
The Lziane Guarantee adjust your ideas of what good coffee
Th Luza imne uaartee: must be. Luzianne is roasted in a
If. after using the contents
of a can, you are not satisfied clean, sanitary, well-lighted factory.
in every respect, your gro. Your own kitchen could not be cleaner.
cer will refund your money. Ask for profit-sharing catalog.
'The Reily-Taylor Company, New Orleans
(Conltinuted fromu P'ae 1)
routte to hi. !ton . aft- . t a fet- lIaysi
spent in Alexandr:a. Lat. 11t ret urn' I
Tho mlany fro nits io l.m Al .lint
Martin will ula r ,t it I.l ar tua: slh.
was te plpt l]ail to aani, t , an ol e"
ation for a ,;p ndtll li is.
Mlis.- la,:I : lIallay ot lia,, e l'La,,-.
La.. is sjpt d alla-'; th w1 l ith a . I - \ai1
died Use.
.Iiss :.1111.ria l ,:lu ll. 'titl. a 1,a
brok, her e,l.oultr-,-blad.. %%us o," tir
atedl on last wa ek.
.'l's. Stt.v¢ G llen. and a aldl ret:.
M1ary and lak.,. returneld l t:n Iilt\l
Sunday niiht.
M it ss Josie \\+ieg u1ta n left H il ,xi .- ' -,
day night for lIa: St. Louis. a a,.rc
she ail .,avn i a loutd a itt th i Ford
M rs. P . \\'i ,::ua an nx I ,1 da.u h t ," ,
Anna. returned from Itilo\ai Sunday.
Mrs. Kern"r is holmi tra ltl Iiloxi,
where she spenlIt a%hile.
The W\onlit.n's lIenuftit Assoctiation of
the Ma-a'abl,.es. A\l.i rs Review No.
22, will give a pillic Sat urday hight,
August I1. at Electric Park. Admnis
sion will be "-, cents
Miss I'hinae I.anasing \was a week-end
visitor to Mliss Victoria ;iepo'rt.
11r. William IGieptrt, Jr., returned
home Sulday flInll (;alveston, after a
most delightful stay, the guest of his
brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Sc hunaider.
Miss A. Krogh has returned from
Amite City, where she stayed two
The Matrons' Club met Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. Ay
cock. The successful players were
Mrs. E. Manent. Mrs. C. V. Kraft and
Miss Blanche Senner (playing for
Mrs. A. Short). Mrs. It. T. Malone
received the consolation. The next
meeting will *Je held at the home of
Mrs. R. Engler.
Mrs. C. V. Kraft left this morning
for Alexandria. La.
-Senator and Mrs. W. T. Christy and
son. Alfred, and daughter. Lucille, are
spending the week at Itay Adam
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ridge of 2:23
Nunez Street are receiving congratu
lations on the arrival of a baby girl
at their home.
The many friends of .lames Ting
strom will be pleased to learn that
he is improving, after a spell of sick
A most enjoyable timie was spent
Saturday and Sunday at Milneburg
by the following young folks: Misses
T. and E. Dudley, M. Tingstrom, It.
Durkes and Mrs. Mary, Messrs. John
Durkes, Manuel Perez, Charles Ting
strom and Alvin Verdoodt.
Mrs. P. Allingham and three child
ren left Wednesday for flay St. Louis
to spend the remainder of the sum
Mrs. J. V. ('lement and family are
spending a month at Long Beach.
Miss.. I
Mrs. S. A. Eross and children left i
Wednesday for Long Beach, M.iss.
Miss lone Peterson tie-ompanied a
Miss Katie Spence came in from l
,Bay St. Louis Wednesday to spend
two weeks here, the guest of Miss 3
Mamle Nichols. -
Little Ethel Frost has recovered t
after a spell of sickneess.
Miss Anita Itowers left yesterday
for Mandeville, to spend two weeks. d
The Red Rose Social Club met at
e home of Miss M. Erdhardt on Fri- v
night. IDancing was indulged a
refreshments were served. The
t meeting will be held on Friday, d
August 9. 1917. at the home of l. vv
Nash of Mcl)onoghville. Members are IH
cordially invited to attend.
Miss Alice F. Palanque, New Orleans S
elocution teacher. is teaching a branch o
school of her College of Elocution andl T
Oratory at the residence of Captain
and Mrs. Sam S. MliNeely, : )1 Ope- T
lonsas Avenue, on every Thursday e,1
evening at 4 o'cloc'k. V
Miss M1. Mekofsky is visiting Mrs.
F. Berthelot.
Mr. Robert Yent is visiting friends
in Algiers. stoppling at the home of
Mrs. F. Berthelot.
Messrs. R. M. ,MIEathern and F. D. ir
Berthelot and Misses .Mlagge Rooney
and Thelma Yent spent a very pleas
ant day at Mlilneburg last Thursday. a
Mr. R. M. McEathern has accepted s
a position as chief engineer on the
tugboat W. A. Bisso. da
Mrs. W. E. Schabel and daughter,
Barbara. spent Wednesday at Bay St. ti
louis. They were accompanied home
by Miss Katherine Schabel, a student Li
at St. Joseph'e Academy. who will
spend a few weeks with her mother.
Misses Hazel and Zita Greperi re- 01
turned home from Galveston. Texas, of
after a two-week's stay with their th
brother-in-law and sister. Mair. and Mrs.
A. E. &Schneider. While there, many
social functions were given in their ho
Miss lone Lampton is spending her dif
vacatlon with Miss Daisy Daniele at Gn
the Seashore Camp Grounds. Br
Captain and Mrs. H. J. Thompson mu
and daughter. Marion, were the guests met
of Mr. ,B. L. Anderson for several days 'I
this vweL d
M.rs.I. .1. Tlhoimpson t.nd daughter.
Marion, are spending several we,.ks
at thi, M1argo lerrace. Asheville,
iseo.; Dorothyl and I'arlotta Kraft,
dia)s . ' ho ;ir- spending sole tine in Alex
rIo"l, andiria. ,ee visitors to lhoyce, L.41..
\\''di 'sda '.
\mIt.t 1Mrs. .1. E. Hu. Iukins and daughter,
,l" Zt"I la, hi, art. visitinig in toby e. la.,
opte plnt thi,. wat-,k-end! at Alexanidria.
Mli-s liucy Landry spent a mliost de
ta,.r llhttul aeek-end in .\lI.iers. the guest
\11 1 ,f \lr. and Mrs. .1. A. t;uillot.
1Miss .\Manlie V. Middleton. aicToiii
a 1 tii d by hor sister-, lh ulah, 1,.ft for
;,. r M, ti'o b ('ity. Miss.. aftr a most tde
lihthiil a\eek spetnt here, thl, gue'sts
iroe:, of Miss lV!mnia line, ky.
ioti The 'Tlu,.day Night Fut lire Club
mettt at the hole of .Mrs. t)livior, tile
,u i- if, ,' 'ifl liaers b.ing Miss C'aimille
nre N l.on plaiyini.g for liher nioth,,I- and
I'nrl( Mr's. (:al innit,. Tae ltw t meeting ill
i,, hIld at the hui nl-i of M.iss Clairtia
I ,1 . Itii ha r ls.
y. M.l rs. ,Toni G(ralham and ihiMriet
loxi, left for l lr houte in ltras. La.. after
l,lendinri a wiek with Mrs. -'. Yura
n of tilh.
Noi. .l-r. and Mrs. Ian lIarrett anld son
ght, are spndtling awhile with the latter's
mlis- mltther.
tMrs. .I. IHourg aiI children are
end splendling tt w,-eks in M\ilneburg.
Ili. and .MIrs. .1. O. Carey sipent
tied Wetdnesday at W\aveland. Miss.
r a MrI. II. M51l'herson spent Wednesday
his at \\aveland. Miss.. \\iti his faily. t
drs. Miss E. Gahn has returnetd fromn
lilneburg, after spn'lding a few days I
oin theri. f
two hMrs. Thate3 and children left Sun
day for Milnieburg. where they will "
day remiain two weeks. c
Ay- Dot Toledano left Thursday forI
ere liarahan. la.
anl Ilernadette Wagner is the guest of F
for Mrs. That.es for a few days. d
ane' Mr. E. .I. Mothe returned from Hot t
ext Springs Sunday night. o
of .\Ir. S. Gillen spent the week-end at r
Biloxi with his family. M
ing Mr. W. Martinez returned from Hot
Springs last week. a
nid; Mrs. E. J. Mothe and family and It
are Mrs. S. Gillen and famnily will leave
shortly for Milnteburg, where they B
S":! will spend a few weeks.
itu- Misses flazel and Doris Aycock left
;irl for Hlomer. La.. where they will re
main awhile.
ng-' Mr. and Mrs. R. Staples and baby
hat spent Sunday in Biloxi at the Floyd tl
ek- Hotel. it
Mr. W. Kennair was thte guest of \\
ent his brother Sunday, Mr. P. Kennair, h)
trg of Opelousas Avenue. w
ses On Sunday Mr. A. \\'ill Roberts paid h'
It. a visit to his daughter, who is sum- si
thn mering at .Magnolia. Miss. ci
Mg- Master Ashton Roberts left Sunday tl
for Magnolia, Miss.. to spend a few (e
ild- weeks with his gradparents. 1
uis .Mrs. F. lJIcourt and daughter,
Im- Esther, returned from Bay St. Louis at
for a week's stay st
ire Mrs. F. Lecourt, Sr.. Misses Alva th
cih. Salathe anti Olga McNeely have re- G1
turned from Covington. La., after th
eft I spending some time there. w
ss. 'Mr. Tom Graham of Buras, La.. was A(
ed a visitor here Sunday. th
Mr. Connell Hardy was a visitor to Ni
illn his parents last week. nE
nd Mrs. Wiliant Burke and children ch
iss are spending a few days here. They M
will return to Bayou Boeuf Saturday of
ed to spend the remainder of the sum- si:
nier with her mother. ed
My Miss May Hlafkesbring leaves Satur- th
day for North Carolina. wE
at Mrs. II. Hlafkesbring leaves next an
ri- week for lafayette, to spent awhile Wi
ei ! tith her sister. oft
le A .Jolly crowd spent a very pleasant wi
y, day at City Park last Monday, among of
L. whom werte Mrs. A. J.1. Amuedo, Mrs. la
re! Henry Deluc.ky and Mrs. W. J. Burke. se:
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown of Alix :!r
Is Street are receiving congratulations ed
-h on the arrival of a bouncing baby boy on
dI Tuesday. po
in The home of Mr. and Mirs. Hlenry ,un
e- Tapie of Powder Street was bright- tai
LY ened by the arrival of a baby girl
\Wednesday nlorning.
Masters George and Matthew Hein
idel are spending a week at Mlilneburg
if with their grandnlother, Mrs. lang. an
Mr. Ed (lischl. after spentding several t'
m. ,nths here on business, returned to
Ensign Ed Pettigrove will leave in hi
a few days on the U. S. S. Bath for be
service at thi front. .ot
e Mrs. tlhnry IRencky and grand. sit
daughter. -Marguerite, left for Amite pla
City on Sunday to spend a short vaca- Sat
r, tion. pet
The Woman's Auxilliary of Mt. a
Olivet church entertained a number
' of boys from the naval station at a
rtheir monthly meeting on last Wed- Be
nesdayv . Miss Sallie Pearson was
hostess and was assisted in enter
taining by the Auxilliary members, fr
and a number of young ladies of the of
different churches. Misses Adrieland be
Grace Lennox and Mr. Norman fol
Brownlee entertained with vocal and sina
musical selections. Delicious refresh- Skli
ments were served. a i
The Auxilliary will entertain with Fou
a dance nl Augulst. by
FOLLY SUNDAY NIGHT. for a fraction of a secondt. also take:
How would you like to be a star in a plunge.
the movies? Here is what William To le able to doi all this Willian
DIesmond is called upon to do in the I)riinonl keels himself in physica
trim all the time. IHis work in pii
new Triangle play, "Paws of the turres demands It. Some more that
Bear." In an exciting part of the pit- others. hut nearly all call for somei
}' "
'iks ture he is seen dragging ('lara \Vil
ill-, liams along with the soldiers in hot
raftpursuit. They arrive at the top of a
tex- hiih cliff with a rivewr running be
1 \.\ tween them and safety. All seems
lost. when Desmond. pullling himself
ter, ttomether. takes a terriffic dive into
a. the eaters below. It is a full forty
feet. Then M.iss Williams.. hesitating
or The IlHst in M\,tion Ic'itures.
\e- We have :gone into the filmt market
t of the world and have seciured for
'lub soul entertainment. the followin,
the Stars. Mary i'ickiord. Marguerite
ille ('lark, W illw lu k. Il.-ie F-er-u on.
and Mladam Petrov. Pauline 'reder:wk.
will \1iian Martin. Geraldine Farrar. L.ena
iria ('avalieri. Ann 'Pennington. Enid
ltennett. I irothy D)alton. \Villiam S.
roil lIart. Iou las Fairbanks. (Co. W.
ter (t'on n. Ge. Iteblan, W\\allace Ileid.
ra- ('has. l;,a. Sessue tlayakawa and
Mary Pickford in t:roducttions prodtluc
son ed by Griffith, icloe. I eMill and Blas
rs ton. What motre coluld we say. except
that the show starts prouptl\ at ::;o
are with mio'isic secontid to none.
On Friday the mlananlllouent of the
II. N. (. ('.. will offer the celebrated
charat'ter actIor (eorge tBtlehn, in his
lay \aonderful protrayl of the Italian
truck farmer the priciipal part in the
elually wonderful '\oIrasco-l'ara!nount
1ps photo play. "The Marcellini Millions" .
from the story Iby Edith Kennedy and t
n- produced by that well known director t
ill of the silent art Donall t'risp. The
cast is a splendid one which includes
'or elen Eddy Pietro Lasso. Ilenry V
Woodward. Eugene Pallette. and Adele t
of Fairington. and there c(an not te an t
doubt that every one wl!l he enter- p
ot tained. as Mr. Behan, impersonations a
of the Italian is not of the coarse, but t;
at rather of the gentle nature of that it
wonderful race. e
ot Sunday August ."th. Blanche Sweet o
and Thomas Meighan in "The Silent Ii
id Partner." o
ve n
'y Big Welcome to Manager White of The
Orpheum, and Mr. Walter Katt
ft mann Who Will Also Make
e"- Popular Manager.
y The hundreds of Algiers patrons of ti
-d the Orpheum Theatre will be exceed- 1
in-ly pleased to know that Manager
of White of the Orpheum Theatre will
r, he here again this season. Mr. \White el
was :greatly missed last season for `s
id he had made many friends on this h'
a. side of the river as well as in the 81
city and we may rest assured that'
ty the same good treatment will be ac
w corded the Algiers peolle during Mr.
White's regime.
r, Mr. \\'alter Kattman. who will man- a
is age the new theatre under the owner- al
ship of the Orpheum circuit namely an
'a the Palace Theatre formerly the Is
e- (;reenwall is also very popular with a
tr the Algiers Theatre goers, and it goes of
without saying that he will draw some.
ls 'ery .ood partonage from our side of
the river. Mr. White. after leaving
.o New Orleans, was transferred to Min
neapolis Minnesota where he had we
n charee of the Orpheum theatre there. th
y Mr. Kattman was press representative pa
y of the Orpheum Theatre for the past he
1- six years. lie was formerly on the or
editorial staff of the Item. Both of be
-- these gentleman have received a
warm welcome both from the press
t and the public in general, and it goes
e without saying that they are starting
off with the good will of the people fet
t which is a big boost for an enterprise"
g of anykind. The Orpheum and the c
P. Palace Theatres will begin their
seasons on Labor Day September ye
: 3rd Both houses are being renovat- no
s ed and will be ready for the curtain Col
on that day. The Palace will be a
popular priced theatre while it is pre
sumed that the old prices will main
_ tain at the Orpheum.
An entire change of Vaudeville hu
and the Iusual daily change of plc- go
tuires which will include a two-reel vel
('harlie ('haplin subject Sunday will
be offered at the Empire. New faces.,
costumes, novel lighting effects, and
high class vaudeville acts that would
be a credit to any theatre. Clever dis
comedians. good dancers, good mu-so
Ssic and carefully selected photo- liti
plays make up the program. Mr. an
SSam Fellman, who has had wide ex- aw
perietnce in staging vaudeville and
Musical Comedy shows, declares the
program he will present at the Em
pire Sunday to be the best he has
ever offered. The show opens with
a medley opening chorus, a monkey A
song New York's latest hit. "I Lost
My Wife and I cannot find her. She '
Ran Away with an Organ Grinder." Su:
Believe me, some song! A show for
mothers, fathers, sisters and broth
ers. we lead and others follow. The I
first program number is "Sunshine
of Your Smile,"' second number n:ill MO
be a trio, "Down Honolulu Way,"
followed by Miss Edna Rowland 5
singing "It Takes a Long Lean
Skinny Brown 6klinned Gal to Make TUl
a Preacher ILy His Bible Down." C
Fourth naruber, medley clog dance WE
by Collis Butler and Flo Roembud.
l'il- thing in the acrobatic line. While in
lOt 'tdolleue i)esonond participated in ath
fa l'tics. and to this he undoubtedly
towets a great deal to hi,; splendid
be- physique. Ih. is naturally fond of out
mns door sports and spends rmost of his
elf timo, in horseback riding. .swimming.
Ito Iboatine and autonlobilin.. l it- is also
'ty a ri markalble shot with the rifle and
ug is an enthusiastic huntsmroan.
E. Tile two famous lHebrew comedians.
anlt Serpas and (I hick ('onnors,
a thl their Ilebrew monologue and
their fallous song entitled. "('ou
Spoln." Somlle monolog it and somero
or- . a srea !from start to finish.
n Zehnller and Z'ehner will recite some
it Vry lpopular lr numbers of the season
nd ;ld the show will cioe with a pa
k. triotic tinale by the entire company
na iinging (Old Glory." as hich was
I olll potseild rby one of New Orleans
8. ,li t promlllilent ilertchan;lts and is
\'. rh, olling one of the biggest song
d. !tits of tit year and is pretsented by
id the i-mpire as a comrplinrrit to its
c- i Dr.er. It* su re ti hear thr Em
E- pire, rag, dedlicatel to the Empire
It TFheatre. played by Sam F'ellman's
:i Jazz )Orrhestra at tile Empire. Sormie
thing doirig every Ilmirrute all the
oe tell. .\n entire change of pictures
,I 'yery day.
n Scare Pests White Lying in Bed.
e During the mango seuson in India
It much injury is done to the fruit by
night-birds, particularly the so-called
d flying foxes, and to keep these off with
, tihe Ininimurn of inconvenietnce to
themselves, the natives have invented
an interesting contrivance. First of all i
they bedeck a long bamboo pole plea
tifully with tin cans and other noise
producing utensils and fix this up
s among the branches of one of tL. fruit
t trees. To this, they tie a cord reach- I
t ing down to the ground and the other i
end of this cord they tie around their
t own ankle. By this means, they can
t lie in bed and, while resting the rest
of their body, can work the noise
maker with their legs.
Looking Ahead.
Little Mary, aged ten. gazed admir
ingly at the diamond rings glittering on
the fingers of her grandmother. "When
I marry." said the child, "I suppose I
will get these rings as a wedding pres
ent." Up spoke her brother Bob, aged
seven. "Not on your sweet life." said
he. "You get one of them; the other
goes to my wife."
Them There Wimmin.
Why is it that a woman will pick up
a rabbit skin with her middle finger
and thumb and hold it gingerly at
arm's length from herself when she
is wearing around her neck a fur with
a skunk's head on one end and its tail
on the other?-Milwaukee Sentinel.
Patriotism of Americans.
"Malign us (Americans) as you will.
we are a home-loving people and the
things of the home we understand. Our
patriotism centers itself about our
homes, and our reverence for the past '
around the hearthstones of our fore
bears."-Walter A. Dyer.
Quite a Shock.
"You say that Miss Oldstyle ss-tif:
fering from severe mental shock?
What causedl it?" "Why, she's been
claiming that she's only twenty-eight
years old and then somebody found her
name in one of those '30-Years Ago'
columns in the newslpapers."
Nose for Business.
"Mrs. SaarIpe is a woman of wonder- I -
fully kern intuition. isn't she?" said
Mrs. Gatbby. "Oh, remarkably so," re
sponded Mrs. Gabbett. "Why, her
husband rays she can scent a bar
gain sale three days before it is ad
vertised In the paper."
Unkindest Cut of All.
"I shall now give out the effect of
distance," he said to her. and he sang
so low as to bie scarcely heard. "A
little further. please," she said cruelly,
and he picked up his voice and went
away with It into the chilly night
Foto's Folly Theatre
Week Ending Saturday, Aug. 11.
SUNDAY, Aug. 5-"Paws of the
Bear," Triangle. Wm. Desmond.
5 parts. "Her Torpedoed Love,"
"Pathe News of the War."
MONDAY, Aug. 6-"Her Soul In
spiration," Blue Bird, Ella Hall.
5 parts. "Neglected Wife," No. 4.
Pathe. Ruth. Roland. 2 parts.
TUESDAY, Aug. 7-"Pearl Stock
Co." Selected pictures.
WEIDNESDAY, Aug. 8-'Wary Law.
soa's Secret." Pathe, Charlotte
º The young ladies of A.\liiers. par
ticularlyv those who tretquent the
Kni hts of i'ollumils horle on Friday
nights are giving a IIataaiian dance
tkes and eluchre for the h'nefit of the
Soldiors Recreation amps to be
a erect.ed all o ewr tne battlefielts of
ical E:urope. It % ill take place -'riday
.\ugost ::rd at Ip. in. sharp at the
han Knights of t'olumhus hall.
tie- A fla 1,iian (teddino . native danctes
and nmusic' are to lie the special
feattllures the evnn'llill. iRetfresh
lmel(1 ts will ie' er'\ td and "lei"
garlandS are to( he given away as
Thie Naval Statio4n (Orclhestra will
furnish the lusic for tile dtl;Ianinzf
Those aho do not care to tdalnce will
find amusement ill the club rouit i.
or on the groulnd floor in the foruml of
card gaimes. Se'.'eral fine prizes are
i The admissioln will ),e twetntv-fiveI
cents for ladies and fifty cernts for
This Is a patriotic Ilndetrtaking.
given for the hineflit of the soldiers
;anll sailors. anld iniidiontly for their
entertainmlent. andi we 'oxpe.tt limany
of the boys frilomt the Naval Station
to come.
\Il :irls desiring to take part in
the wedding and dance w'ill call at
they honie of .Mi .- Ertinie Itlopper.
521 Pacific avenue any night this
week for the further particulars, as
to costumes etc. .\ number of the
girls are to mllake theiir costumles
'Thursday afternoon at 521 Pacific
The reheatsal for the wedding will
in take place Thursday night at S p. m.
th- sharp. Bring your quarters. E\ery
llv body 'omle. Show your patriotism.
lid Any donations of refreshments will
ut. he gratefully received by the ladies
his in chare. IDonations shoutld be sent
,g, to 521 Pacific avenue.
Iso -
The g;irl Scouts of Ma1> nilia troop
No. 1. who missed the meeting Tues
s., day evening missed a real treat. In
rs, -:idiition to the regular work Mr
nld loyd gave solim Sw..edish movements.
ou- The next meeting will be Thursday.
te luit_ 2. at 6:3 p4. ln. Scouts he sture
h. to come out. .\ny young lady thirteen
le or over a ho is interested will have
on the ;,rkt explained to her on request
5a- You will find the Scouts at the
ny .\\enue .\cademy on Tuesdays. Thurs
as datls and Satturdlays. Scouts he sure
ns to c,)mIe out Thursday.
s ('ontractors for the New Orleans
L.ovee Board will start work on the
SI 'lper Stanton levee, seven mitles he
I low ('anal street on the .lgiers side
1I of the ricer. in about a week. The
P Stantotn jib hats abouit 2, -si feet of
M iork andl will take about five weeks.
For Mental Digestion.
a "Lady. let mnle siell youi a package of
y Cerebellumbiskits," said the grocer.
| "You will lind thenl unsurpassed as a
b brain nourisher. In fact, I can truth
o fully recommIied them as food for
d thought."
l i
Souinds All Right.
Myrtle. who was in the fifth grade.
P asked hen''"-ounger sister if she knew
t what a r dtangle wa,. "Why, certain
- ly." she answered. "A rectangle is a
r man tangled up In a wreck."
t Too Numerous.
The seven ages of man have been er
pertly defined by Shakespeare. but even
he. In all his wisdom. would never take -
such liberties with the ages of woman.
Reading on the Farm.
Upon most modern farms may he
foundl Interesting books,. magazines
and the dnily paper, where in the past
the nncient almanac and a few other
more or less uninteresting books were
at hand.
1010 CANAL RT.
High Closs Vaudeville Act.
Motion Picture.
Empire Jazz Orcheetra
Entire Chante of Vaudeville Sunday
Pictures Changed Every Day
Admission - - - IOc
Marguerite Clark
SaturdaylI, Suanday and Monday
Pearce's Theatres
Walker. 5 parts. "Secret of the
Double Cross." No. 6. Mollie
King. 2 parts.
THURSDAY. Aug. 9-"M adcap
Madge," Triangle. Olive Thomas.
5 parts. "His Bitter Fate," Tri
angle Komedy. "Pathe News of
the War."
FRIDAY, Aug. 10--"The Danger
Trail." K. E. S. E. H. B. Warner.
5 parts. "Musty Suffer Comedy."
Hary Watson.
SATURDAY, Aug. ll-".Brand of
8atl', IBrady.,ade. Montagu
Love., parts. 1Mntt and Jef
'omedy (Cartoon).
the The only thing selling cheaper than
ELECTRICITY, for Light, Heat and
S222 Elmira Ave., Algiers, La. Phone AI
in Bring Them to You By Tele h
. You can open an - er -r ", y" b"g
r enlarged trade--by hav::g a Ben! Teleit one s. i o i
It will a trct: trade ar:t suo ,tr s :t . v !,y rI ; .. .
The te!'p.!one way is the crern of- : .," Y best cUStoSit.
most conyve en::: ertra.r:ce. They"I c e to y . t .: Te.ephone tmeA
come personal y. q
kCumberland Teleph
SE and Telegraph Co
In Summer Excursim
Galveston, Texas $16.10
u#- Kingsland, Tex.. $23.30 Alpine, Tex....... S3$4
Comfort, Tex.... $25.60 Marfa, Tex....... ..
On Sale Daily to September 30th, laocl.
lay Limit 90 Days, not to exceed October 31st, 1917.
e Plan Your Vacation Now
5--Trains Daily to Texas:-5
the Fer full information, tickets, reservations and "Apache Trail" a*
irs Southern Pacific Lines
227 St. Charles St.---City icket Office---'Ph*ne Maim 40
the JOHN P. VUZIEN. Pres
Carstens & Vezien Co., Ltd.
Ship Chandlers and Grocers
of Spee Attentlon toe alIread Orders. Prmm qs
or . Cerp, Seas 3a,.rewIrw, gS em0re Sn Wstm Mm
e. While in good Health, Provide against Ilnese aJ DA
by insuring in the
S Premium. 10 - 25 cent* per week.
21 CARONDELst lt ra
YOU "can get the kind of goods "o
YOU that will satisfy.
e SEE the large assortment we always have au
in eur delicatessen department.
LA LA sets the prices and starts tkm
re down hill.
-TlEO. J. LALA, The Teche St. Groc6
Phoa yoer erie Phemes Algie1 MS
with any of our officers will reveal many ways In
which we may be of service to you, and invite you
to avail yourself of our facilities. Our businemss le
conducted along lines that assure strength and se
curity and a desire to serve our depositiers with
careful regard for their special needs.
We invite your business.
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are due andl
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For Policies that will secure V
against Loss, see
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