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THIING FROM A To Z UTO TOPS AND PAINTING A . - " I ' I:1l-1015 Poeyfarre Street Phone Main 668. i.- A UTOS FOR HIRE UTO -"" A 2304 06 Tulane Avenue UTO BODIES \}",\ 5136 Tchoupitoulas St. New Orleans, La. RISTO COMPANY A .. ,. ALBERT DE BEN. Pres. & Mgr. 209 Carondelet Hennen Bldg. A UTOMOBILE SERVICE CO. 807 Howard Ave. UTOS REBUILT A . ", .. . J. W. O'CONNOR 824 Ursuline, bet. Bourbon and Dauphine UTO SCHOOL F.- $25 we : , . t you in dri ving Sr . O'CONNOR e se c1 Urulne, bet . Bourbon anteed Dtaupfine feur's lrense. ORLEANS AUTO SCHOOL 636 Julia Street 11( UTOS the biggest 1:ne of ulelI cars in the A oth, hr s4 t) 7i ,if New :lean:s. Auto dealer'' ch,:cest p:, kups. Every car s:tbject :) t-:t and w.l be demonstratedi. From $125 up. NEW ORLEANS AlTo 'LEARING IIOUSE 1)ryales and I..Lfayette 2nd Floor Crescent City Garage Main 1686 UTO PARTS OF ALL KINDS ing. liedi rehin:.'ieI S lver plat ing, . Oxy,: g ll-r. -ze plating. Copper andi ,ra's s gns made to order. CENTRAL MFG. t(' 634 No. Rampart Street. A UTO JITNEY EXCHANGE Ford cars $1.00 per hour. Careful, exper:enced. courteous drivers. Prompt etficient service guaranteed. Main 5121. A UTOS BOUGHT Old cars any condition. Highest - spot cash prices paid. Save 3/4 price on parts. WRECKING AUTO CO. 1308 Freest St. Jackson 217 ARBERS lIhgh Grade Misage iream 5ic lb. Highly l'e:f:i d 10;.a T,'a.n rI, 5 lbs. lshly 'Pe-funied Ital:h. Tac,°, . Jc 2 lbs. Best Bay Rum West Inldes Oil of Bay Good Quinine Hair TF,: . 75c it. i Best Quinine HIlair Tonic (57o Cologne In Spirits . c Ot. Shaving Soap 8 to hlb. 35e to45c lb.. ROYAL. I'ERFIIME STORE 221 Royal Street I' SII.VANO CI1AVEZ I413 Dauphin St. Experto barer, y especialista en 1 cortes de pelo ofrece is servicis a d to la colonia L.atina y tambien a domilio, Masaje ele'trio-i-Agu ia y ca. liente. De del Telef.,ni Mein 1635, Expert Isa-her specializing in all style haircuts--Foreign, American. .SCi.entiric mas-. 5253.1 sage. Moderate; 3 blicks ('anal St. I SILVANO CIIAVEZ 413 Dauphine St. Main 1635 00I AND CURIO STORE 321 Ral Stret N.we Orlean. F. - )ld Books, Aitiographs, Magazines, Prints. lric-a-llac. Paintings. An ti ques, etc., bought, sold and ex. (ve changed. ALEXANDER fHAY. Proprietor. --New and used. Puncture Proof Tires-Repairs. Wrk called for and delivered. JOHN P. SHORT The Tire L:fe Man M1 I. CarreHlltes Ave. Galves 3 - OAL C Coke- Wood - Anthracite-Charsenal d $1.00 worth of coal delivered inside free. 400 sticks of Oak, Ash. Pane it delivered inside free. $1.00. Coal by a ton or carload lot at market price. In thi SCIIARFENSTEIN & SON ' tentlo 1121 Clara St. Pheas Mala 9-57-2uS OWEN'S LOAN OFFICE C We lend mnes on anything of val. ue. Bargains in ur;redee:ned pledges -atches. dzamnonds. jewelry. shot .ns. revolvers. leather gods, etc. 'atch and jewelry repairng. The Place where ye are treated right 6 Se. Rampart St, Cor. GCirod - DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry. and silver ware, I at the right prices. You will be sueprised to find how ntaich .ewelry you can buy here fir very little money. Let Us prve Isc tit you and stI D. R. MILI.ER ANT) BRo)S. i;.rd DrJyales corner Terleclhore disease, One block from Kaufman's Big Store. cnvn RHSSMAKING.-.. D The lastest fashions exclusively by New York teacher. Exclusive de. 0 desirns. Gowns remodeled. Khaki U esUts a speciakty. Prompt work. llSausfaction and style guaranteed. - .geial summer prices. Over the river pat rern desired. r THE VOGUE SHOP 1I Melpemeae St Jacksoa Ii-Wt TIlE J Highest cash prices paid for all kinds se.ond hand gods. Paper st. o , nss n.s metal. building 1 mater al, iron beds, springs, mat -. a tresses, plloss anil bedding. Stoves apecialty; coo king, heating and gasoline ui 'loves; stave jsrkiI DUTHU <O# uia 1(1 OUIxy 9G XPERT WATCHMAKER 312 Daphlne Street Main 1635 Al AT MACKS 510 St Charles Streeet E ONOMY SHOE REPAIRING. MODERATE PRICES. 2343 Magazine St. LECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS. Have your fan cleaned and repaired by ins, La. Shop 2,4 Pelican Ave. Residence 116 Verret Algiers, La. F ELT MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY Sr' 2 I \\- p r.ldg 2509-2515 So. Rampart St. Jackson 1645. ORDI AUXILLIARIES Auxillary Springs for Fords. I" S 611 Julia Street Main 651 URNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD lEVI\ I i RN III RE Fi'\ IIANi;E 1059 Camp Street hine F IVE MINUTE SAFETY VULCANI . ZER ! I ': r .ve , IF . i l : / ,.,r - N . " N :. . . . e ; ., : . ; j' . I " "'uf" r. r" ...., .4 r., .' Ayegt i; 1 : r en :t 'i . e·· i , Irt- e : -c " % ...I :e ~I IItR\ ,IAIERL" ,I.NlE SI.ES i 1106 Camp Street New Orleans. n the F URNITURE k:ups. *,II. & GILLY w.:! Kp. .: : :.::ec s JUSE ¢ , ,g:. S.,d, Exa.i::ged a:d Stored 441 Camp St. Main 2465 1686 REGG SHORTHAND G cl " A "' .' A.,"., 1, '. s gns 'giv Ati,s"STIN'S 124 St. Charles Requct c.:.:, lce reful, ROCERIES ef cu-.,'e , ',: :', w whe-e to gn f, I e ie.: In q i:tlity, lowest in teed. 1" r,. a r - .::;. : -crv:ce. Tie cinvenient Co,-ner 132 Aliz and Verret Sts. J'I llN KLEINKEMPER CO., LTD. ghest ooD - ! - 3/4 1 .":"u e :l ."n e- rý:' tg'.c-e rtew AI ER KIA.\ T. SPARE RiBS. \\EI NER H\\'RST. Sf" i e '.:I k":i w where to get *he."" I' llN KLEINKE1MIER CO.. LTI. c lb. Alix and Verret Streets lbs.. UARANTEED VULCANIZING mn, SERVICE. lbs. Our f atto c Ot. ', 11:::t- Service" Lt. G, lcDON TRIAN4S;LE TREAD TIRES 405 eOt. In:nerr Tl' es~ c,a,. Au:o . O2il. Slb. St I' TlIX1ILL.), JR., MIanager. 5b St! Charles St. Malt a335' 'ho,ne ir the Red Serv:ce Car. i I H IDES BOUGHT & SOLD. n 2109 S a He pIy highet price. for hides, na wool. metal, od rubber, ripe, bags, I ca- anlt otil er art:cles. ias- 52-. 33 Decatur St. Hemlock 2482 S H EMSTITCHING, 633 . E ,rI oilery. l'!aiting. - luttois m.,de ti order. All work;15 uaranteed. Mail orders gIven- I promlp: ' atelnti..n. a. F. RAGAN IIEMSTI'TcI'ING EMBROID-. es, . ERY I'ARIO)R n- 124 St. Charles Street ex. Over Porkrnry's She Store, 2nd floor. - ORSES AND MULES 716.71 f.r sa:e and to hire. Reasonable' of ,rices. nd S(IIMIDT JIORSE & MULE EXCHIIANGE. 210 David ,ear Iberille. Galver 1069 C a pretty twelcome proposition thee de ne.ore and prompt delivere is a Re; such r dealer and an . in ths space ult surely attract their at - 'tentisn. Pho Algierl 531 for Rates. I "------- --~ - - UNK J ,Sral, ir., metals, bones, old rubber, s Estate of t- (IARLES I.ANGE c. 1229 South Peters M S1O-.Phone--Hemalock 457 = PREVENTS RIG(;'S DISEASE. SKeep i ~1 Ilounr o ,e a o:tle of n OSEPHINE'S CITRONIZED COM . 2 e' f POUND 621 Na A p.,wcrful teeth-blearher and anti sedptic. (;ern s destroyer. Will prevent and s:op the Rigt's Disease oBd fare C'omp!exIon, sunburn, eruptive diceases and poisonous bites. A tril will i cotvince you. , OSEPHINE-'S DOMLESRIC L INIENT400 Ca for allP nervous and musculaor pains icr :e.t For Human and Animals. ~for each ..ind. S.oid by every leading DruRgist; distributed by the L Parker-Blake C., Inc., New Orleatts, La. TIIE JOSEPISTNF FI.ASPOLLER CO., INC. \ew Orleans, La. We pay highest cash prices for old - autos and a.l kinds of junk. Fair :rarn.ent and prompt acItice. Call , Imal DrageS St. UsaM I ENNELS Agent for Kennel Food Supply Co. New Country Club Kennels i f Ri 1 . . "1'" lain 1635 4319 Hamilton St. Galvez 1740-J EY CHECK & LOCK WORK I 11 : IU K: .. :, 324 Bourbon St. Main 5300 PG. K NOCK OUT HEADACHE. .•T........... .'...." . 2101 So Carrollton Ave. AND ARROQUE HOUSE repaired ~L .'- . ".. ii ! " - . ,1 , ,n Ave.I . , '- , .::::, rs. La. 411 Bienville St., corner N. Peters. IALTY UCIEN'S MEAT MARKET. .Ce .3 .1 0 ,. 215 Pelican Ave. Algiers 427-W \ A NICtURING . I , , . . lik 1 : 6I 15 M checa Bild. Main 6795 - e • ý. in 651' OTOR PARTS COMPANY SOLD 1i'. " ::. ".," Main 4591 831 Perdido St. ULLER SERVICE STATION. S Berlin & St. Chas Phone Upt. 1854 - • . I I. e r ., ATTRESSES 72 rleans rl1 MATTRESS J. J. Reed, Prop. 2510 Bell St. . Hemlock 1186 tored 321 2465 N OVELTY MACHINE WORKS -. I Oxy. Acetylene Welding and *,- ," Cutting 532-534 Julia St. Phone Main 4562 161 PEN ALL DAY "The all Day Market" \\e 1.11 ve \ u .,::,"y by payrig F v ".r ..5 .. (t I: :cc. are ali)y,, /o cENTRAI. MEAT MARKET 1320 Canal St. Phone M. 4698 1\. i:, l -i Spe,':.l every ".i:urdiy. LD CLOTHING BOUGHT AND SOLD Vie ;'i" li ' i-i t pri'es. CHICAGO TAILORING CO. 1020 Common St. LD GOLD 126 , I ver warte,! Il:ghest cash S ies M.,ney laned ii dia. p. " , , , tois. shot guns, l n:rinents and all kinds 1":. n Ia ll p: typ _et AMERICAN TiAN OFFICE J. FINK, Prop. S 405-407 S. Rampart. Maln 5134 I). p3 LAITING-HEMSTITCHING 401 ("untry <,rders Slicited. Send fI r price list. ROYAI, I'I..\PLAITER (CO., LTD. I 109 Bourbon St. New Orleans, La. nr 1es, i _ _ _ ______ ,_ _ LUMBING Sld;nger says not .,, worry if you not have anyth:ig in the line of plum.b- far :nae or galvanied irnn work. The c. des not affect Ii.m, as he - his a !ug s:ock of material on hand. mos J. BODI.NGER Ity. rk 157 Delaronde Algiers 48 tin D/(---- Genera hcknthn, t t l eais tg Q UICK SERVICE .1lmi D" (;e:eral I/,Iack "t~hmg, auto repairs, titih s ,r;ng wrk anI rulbber tire!ng a sold \WAI.TER E. PILIE. plan S Successor to Babst & Pille ed '716.718-720 Girod St. Main 3164 e. ' Olc I. .Owth S mnI:,t a't n'n.. care'fl work. mor r 1tent charge grOu Vc an how vui many a roof in -- Alg e li: tip "y Uas and let the all p A. CASTAING, "- l'ractical Slater. In Oflice: 708 Interstate Bank Bldg. Main 4321. ter tShop: 2525 Laharpe Street. Hemlock 31. 1foilo e REBOUL, THEO. Writ S Tea and (-,fee Store. have 531 Frenchmena St. Hemlock 450. ture iigarn at nos., o get your patronage. It hi pounds (Granulated Sugar 40c. Ruis S brand Roasted Coffee. e 20c-25c.-3 per pound. nolte salll: TANDARD MATTRESSES poor ~el'. h, coi'n exce'.,r and misf) roPe in t 'tarrse m ole ta order and i n coul , A!-, re'ovatet and rIepaired. CIreW All wurk guaranteed. oe Ii Wie cail fur and delsern ,TT\IARI) MATIRESS IFG. (70 1hind 621 No. Rampart St. Hemlock 873 _ AFES, Oft \rs ane nd old, ',,i ght and o!·|. ex- e1iOx B ciianged, rern.v-Ct and re'a:red .1 n.. ker. I.,ck experts .sen inywhire table e ,,r write t, pUt U I)AIERON.IIERSON (CO. LTD pot t 400 Campt Street Phone Main 400 that EV (RIEANS. tracti S EED POTATOES cannil Sgarde I r.s'i (C',ler-, Tri:tmphs. of livi V'egetaule Seed. BRUCE POI.TRY & SEED CO. Now ACKS, SCRAP IRON baby's Rope, Scrap Rubber. Scrap Metal, sIon. . Newspapers, Magazines, bought and nnd h solLd fairy 1 JOSEPH L, WALLE pinch 3ll6. st. Peer st*. Hemleck 1 iPlain i CHIRO HORSE EXCHANGE S , I . Ill j SCo. 419 Penn Street. Main 26G8. er 1740-J S TORAGE 490 Camp Street lain 5300 . ! !:I1 S E .1 1 R x IRE-LIFE ": " t " . .:, 7 :J. 210 Carrollton Ave. Galvez 393 PHOLSTERING 1328 Tulane Avenue s:t:: NITED VULCANIZING WORKS :427 .... .' , \F 724 Julia Street Main 2217 U SED CARS in 6795 \ i"+ : 1. :; I" c . tIA E 421 Baronne Street X11F ACHER BALM it. 1854 - HPI R D Pp.O ULCA NIZINGa SIt Vd V t 1'. 1R l 1.). 726 St. Charles St Main 5203 P7 A -- -- -- -- Ih INDOW CLEANING. t. . C a S16 N\ \AI \I\Ils CLEANING CO to 322 Royal St. Main 2662 ci1 W ICKER CHAIRSb dPr iup: a:e: .n triven orders ir~rt : _\.¢:,":. (.rtna & vlliluty. SAUCIER BROS. 1614 Port Street Hemlock 2974 St PRESS SERVICE Sa. . a" n' " e " !;r e. Careful, . ing . t a . i .feursts. New, e e-.P" t r \X1 tell and Cadil T .. 4698 EýT4 p F'i\.\I, "i.I1·. FI'FlTY" AU TO - Phone Main "'5050" Main Phone Y ACHTS AND BOATS Y- T.., . .i... .c:. I an I e .c'a.nged. .:n i l-. I and kept tR or iR. a , it :a ordir nIs If.:. up. 0. 0. II,ET 126 N. Lopez Galvez 1268 cash IP -and back comes your work. -3 " : r • It'i . . . We deliv. r to A. :er:. (et ,a anid other lwcnts. 5134 )L N IIAI.' VIN.tVRAPH LETTER SIIOP 12Title Guarantee Bldg. Phone Main 537 Blossoms for Dead Soldiers, One of the most prosperous agricul. L ural districts in France St the pres- aRE - int time is in the near neighborhood of Toulon. the Mediterranean seaport for ou not far from Marseilles and thereforean v. far distant from the scene of war. I, n Sh Bt the war is to this disatrict the tir d. most important source of its prosper- " ity For its. chlef product I. those 4A ! tiny, long-lasting flowers known llnhmortell" They go, in vast qua- o r titles, to decorate the graves of French DrUI asoldiers. In early spring the fields th. planted with them are densely carpet ed with the blosso, m -associated i, gt Sever3ybody' . mind not with life, but - with death-which are picked In early ag morning, before the dew is odff the oe. Sground, and shilpped, via Tonlon, to W be all parts of France. ean War in Y. Olden Tilmes. In Gen. Sir George Higginson's In- A!] " :terestlng book on the Crimean war, the -. :following passage in which Higginson a po writes home from Malta occurs: "You have heard, I dare say, of the adven-t I tre of the Fury steam vessel which their e. It had In the Black sea. She took aN Russian prize while on a cruise recon nolterilng Sebastopol. The Russians Ssallied out with three frigates, and the poor Fury was obliged to cut her tow-d rope and leave her prize, which sher I could not sink, for after taking the teb. crew onut as prisoners she found that i one unfortunate man had been left be and t Shind in her. train The lSaving Home Gardlen surplue fs e lOften in the home garden there are Jnet enough vegetables wasted to keepn the BSndl table supplied all winter if they were ot Je put up in glass jars. It is possible to put up vegetables In such a manner withat they will lose little of their atr tractive color mad flavor, and through dis mf canning the surplus from the home feels garden will do much to reduce the cost 'rovid of living nexrt winter. an' t can yr The Modern Baby. de doe Now an ocnlist has discovered that ibaby's white raiment injures his vi sion. They've taken away his cradle "Bra and his old-time remedies and his "That fairy stories, and now they want to lookina pinch his snowy Pinaore.--Cleveland to a Plain Dealer. r EING LIFE with JOHN HENRY N& GeorjeVfIoblrt John Henry and the Troupers J F YOU'LL look real close you'll find Splashb:brg on a map of the niiddle - West. It's a railroad Junction where care less travelers chang,. cars and wait for the other train, which is always late. A week ago I happened to be one of those careless travelers, marooned in Splashburg, and a wicked hour or two to kill I strolled over to the Commercial House. Steb Stephens is the name of the head clerk at the Commercial House in Splashburg. Steb has been throw 3 ing keys at the wall for a long time and he knows how to burn the beef ers. He played the Big Time once. Yes. years ago he was a b:ll hop at the old Willard in Washington and after that he jumped to Chicago as night porter at the old Sherman House; so - what Step doesn't know about the ho tel business isn't worth whimpering over. Steb gave me a brief outline of his life's history and was just starting in to tell me about the battle of the shot and who shot him when a fever ish old party with Persian rug trim mings on the end of his chin squeezed up and began to let a peep out of him about the pie he had eaten for din ner. "Calm yourself." said Smiling Steb, "and tell me where it bit you." "Bit me' Bit me!" snarled the Old Party with the tapestry chinpiece. "Nothing of the kind. sir! I want you to know, sir, that your pie wasn't fit to eat, sir!" "Cut it out!" suggested Steb. "Cut it out, sir' How can I cut It out when I've eaten it, sir? It's an outrage, and I shall leave this hotel tomorrow," said Omar Khayyam. "With the exception of $31.72, bal- c ance due, that will be about all from you," said Steb. "I'll see the proprietor," said the Old b Party. moving away with a face on him like four dollars in bad money. 1 "We get it good and plenty every Ii day." said Steb, and Just then some. thing about six feet tall, wearing a a slouch hat and a gilt mustache, fell against the counter, grabbed the regis ter and buried a stub pen in its pages. tl After looking over the result, I de- al cided the stranger's first name must w be Spider, because it loked like one on the register. bi "Bath?" queried Steb. st "Only during a hot wave," said he Spider. si "Going to be with uas long?" inquired tv Steb. "Say, Bub, you're wearing medals or Remember Those Nice White Doorknobe We Ate for Breakfast Next Morn. Ing?" ort for asking questions, now ain't you?" answered Spider. "You just push me into a stall and lock the gate. I'm the tired." er- "Front! Show this gentleman to we 49!" said Steb, sidestepping to avoid as punishment. "-' Then Sweet William, the Boy ch Drummer, hopped into the ring for ds the next round. Willie peddles pickles for the fun he n gets out of it. ut It is Willie's joy and delight to get ly a ginger-ale bun on and recite "Ostler e Joe." to When trained down to 96 flat, Willie can get up and beat the clapper off "Curfew Shall Not Ring To-night." "Any mail?" inquired Willie. All the mall that Willie ever gets is , a postal card from the pickle factory n every two weeks asking him if the pU eople along his route have all lost Stheir appetites. "No literature for you," Steb an-I swered. "Strange," said Willie, "my lady friends are very remiss, aren't they?" "Yes; it looks like they were out to i drop you behind the piano," said a e Steb. s SWillie tore oR short rabbit laugh, and then inquired what time the next t train left for New York. a The pickle factory expects Willie to b make Pocomoke City, Squaahtown r Junction and Nubbinsville before next t: : Sunday, so he tossed the train gags out just to show Steb that he knows I' there's a place called New York. g The Only Chance. Mrs. Johnson-"low does yo' feel dis mawnin', Joe?" Mr. J",hnson-"l t feels bad-mighty bad! I wish dat S Providence would have mussy on tile an' take me." Mrs. Johnson--'l,,w can you expee' It to ,f you won't take ti de doctor's medicine?"--Puck t Harder to Find. "Brains are a common commodity." "That so?" "Yes. What I'm always of looking for is a man who knows how th to use his brains."-Detroit Free wl Pressph findi "At 7.4- over the 1) L. & c Id..' s4b dle S!tb. 'What's next? it :qure'! \'i, re- "At S: 1') over the 11. 1 , & N." Steb ait arns ere.d sys "\Which g.ts there first?" \'; ilie asked tne "The engineer." sighed St, b. led "'(Oh., you d ,ll hap." said sa i .c p.kle .ed pusher; "give re'( sron tootrh( . to Then Sw,..t Willian v.ent toner tr the big wirdow. burro,,ed into a he chair, stuck his feet up on thei brass so rail, ate toothpicks and thouugt he w- was IT. ne When I got back to Steb he wa's ef- dealing out the cards to a lady froru Reading, Pa. s. lier husband had been up in the air he with a bum autlmcobileh. and hen he er came down he was several sefe tons ht shy. so She was traveling for his health. .0- "My room is immediately over the ig kitchen," she informed Steb "The cook hasn't made a kick up to is now," Steb went back at her. ig She started a get-back, but her in ie dignation choked her so she gate Steb is the Society sting with both eyes and r- flounced out. n- Steb bit the end off a penholder and d said the rest internally. ii Just then a couple of troupers z- trailed in. They were with the "Bandit's Bride 3, Co.," and the way had been long and weary. d "What have you got-double?" asked the villain of the piece. u "Two dollars and up:" said Steb. t "Nothing better?" inquired Low Comedy. He was making a crack, but nobody caught him. t "Four dollars, with bath." Steb sug i gested. I "Beard?" asked the villain. "Nothing but the sleeps and a fresh cake of soap." said Steb. I "Ring down!" Low Comedy put in. "Why, we lived a whole week in Pitts I burg for less than that." "You can turn the same trick here if you carry your own cake and sleep , In the Park," said Steb. "What's the name of this mint?" asked the villain. , Steb told him. t I followed the two troupers out to t' the dinky barroom, because it looked b about eight to one they'd pull a few wheezes and I'd get a few guffs. c "The woods for ours! Isn't this a ti bird of a place for a show to get' stranded?" groaned the Low Comic, as a he gave the Reub bartender the high ', sign, and the latter pushed forward, s two glasses and a black bottle. tl "I tell you, Mike," the Juvenile went JI on, "I'm too delicate for this one-night w *"I ?" stand gag. I'm going to New York to •e build a theater." m "What with?" sneered Low Com edy. to "With a reporter I know on one of Id the papers," the Juvenile chuckled. "Say, what was the name of that town 7 we played night before last?" )r "Murphy's landing, wasn't it?" Mike answered. e "Stranded here in this Jay town!" The Juvenile grabbed the black bottle ,t and upset it again. "Say, Mike, what rr we need is a guardian. And while we're at it let's pick out one with e money so we can wire him for a little I price to help us out on occasions like this. The next manager that wins me away from the stockyards will have to a wear a gold-plated overcoat and stand I in the wings every night where he * can throw ten-dollar bills at me when t I make my exit. No more slob impre sarlos for mine, with nothing in their inside pockets but a date book and a hearty appetite." r "Same herm!" Low Comedy nodded. '"The next manager that picks me out will have to drag me down to his bank I and let me pick his coupons off the shelf before I'11 sign." "Bumped good and hard, here in the tall grass," the Juvenile complained again, "and not a cookie in the lunch basket. Say! It has me winging, all right, and that's no idle hoot! This Is the third troupe that blew out its mainspring for us this season, and I'm beginning to believe we ought to 4 get vaccinated. How am I going to do I A Lost Range of Mountains. A great range of rinallltlliln I ole ex tcnded from the ,eaterrn end of Lake Superior southwest to heyb,nd the' Mis souri river. In pl:les they were' a mile hich. W n:ither an; l vo"lleani a. tion wore thetn di,\i'n. thea se' l en'vtlered them and today they, are prairi'e. Bible Silent on Eclipses. t No historical ancc,unt of an eclipse y of the sun occurs in the Bibl,. but II there are passages in the prophets a which contain manifest allusion to this N Dhenomemm S - , , owY rk t, - YAr s ht h V ;. t a ye , bit1 I :,' w' s:, o. b4"tl It . ".." b : ...F... ro td. r ike. I, , : ipers n, thCb " " ' , it vloui I all o A r ckle " '. -'. til .if...t 3 t bure n t I'; !: a"t W i. prr s. 'r e Z ., ,. .u pa11Is the It ;1t h et sp a , h, . " t o , o tra ne Awds w8fedo up to T ray' n ;, t ao , • - 1¢., t .t ..• . lo lit air . fr. a i r' "Youve got the game tflt, rride eR' :.: "o t r In.tYour e hereY th eep "Let a Peep Out of Him all ons Mike a nd butted in with: "tve on "Y to trou e got the Op'ry Hou It a keg been't you?" rewand "Nto Ia m the skeleton ma it circus." Mike answered, tnd t c a tender roared with delightt upers At tht," Jabe nformed, the RUl igh mostndr, poiaughted a freckled to Brident Jabe looked at the Juvel fand eb.cuss ha, ha, ha! ow ood steady listener," wh mug. tin. ine town this, Mike with grass, and the t-iver here oueep "Let Peep last of Him Ale[, twent onPi. "Same stylHad or e tecturike and butted in wally th: "a,tow the hotel there wass that cut upt*h it t was troupe at the Op'ry Houselag aik ked beentce beaou?" few "No, I'm the skeleton ma wInl circus," be revengike answered, and the is a tender roared with delight. get' "I was at the Op'ry Horn he as night," Jahine informed them, "aw I oighI go[t laughed myself sick to b ard hestomach at this yere faet cum tkih'a that Dutch policenan-haahek:' rent Jabe looked at the Jandvenile Ighamendment was putty good, too," he shtat "tmadekin' offme eat that newhpaper re and rescu;n' the girl from the bus structyure, but you didn't damo to all and bust your lewll."uses like cuss-ha, ha, ha, ha!9 "Get him to unhook the lah; Hs a good steady listener," whispenib, Juvenile, and Mike stharted I. "Fine town this," Mike bea I b the modern improvement, sh eow withron grass, and put down thats wain Ruther."ford B. Hayes, "acoln. Frontha , hat's all that mreltL "RJa m es Buchanan? Here, te run a sofaut in issto James A. Gntlr. went on. "Same style of"puhlie teture, especially the town tal uFk Mike had worn finger marth hit lU Spenden of the black bottle prand Jal marrsigned an Erba contract to goand stagered as the Juvend thle's dromer. All of weather hich goes to prewt P? a I Splashburg isnup t so adbad provmeds trDeclaration ou Independe L put the boots to Be Mind evmiiU "If amendmeu wnt with brulser ableI o two weeks I elt like at preople f and I used to slam n vy. b The Bonehead Cotw.". iJabe's laugh shooi h th' "The proprieu tor oi that forh ptrllin." s\,t tigs icontno tued "hL le ordinary ihotel. lEvery I r are standing near the desk, a - I New York E alcovenin Thomas "1L w Yorkr Evening Mnil.L