Newspaper Page Text
____m___. THE HERALD 14P::h Dovetd to the Upbuilding of the Wert Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newepaper."-MANUFACTURERI' RECORD. I)PL XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. No. 14. ~- ~ ~~-~-------- -------------_----- OWN A RELIABLE WATCH Buy It on Our NEW EASY PAYMENT PLAN Grasp This Wonderful Opportunity HIGH PRICES SMASHED S"endenf\ Thn . Settn Model 3Perfect Self-lockin* d -t i Sett,ng Device W- heel t r. SSafet vI oent ALittle Reccoiln& * Screw A SCIck Rete"tor SCitt enn DouleEach iBalnce With Rolleta ...T;g Screws scapement Deposit p e Week Four Steel g Bride scope o- -- odel Wheel 7 Ruby 6 Sapphre Jewels M deD by the Femouc Illnos Wetch Company 17-JEWEL FAMOUS ILLINOIS WATCH IPay for t Your Word as r Is Your You Get Paid Bond E l wonderful. high-Lradle Watch i= made by the,,-i \'\,d ' .1 ',i. h ,n ., mUn pl i ,,:" ofm, ' auorl'. mo0 renowned \xperts to suipervl-e their aath makitng. It i ti oll'.l' n , u. rs ~ - intii' ully S sad experience. Th," stritly high-grade materia - a::d - ,'l I' .ni::' .r -i-n - .r, ... - ,n:yv i in the1 hi gh1ie" p' red railroad grald,' are to be had in this \atch. Th.'y i:li, - t ' lh ra;:ilr l : irmient- a- IoublIe 3Bev Ecapemnlelt, tee!l I Calj ' Wheel, .lild (told I enter WhetIl, .ilju-titilent to Temperature, II ouri - idoans and lnllhronilll, Ilreguet Hair Splrilng, .licrometwtric lieigulatihr. (nu'lline. Iul)y aIllld .Salpplii're i Aw etc., whlchi a-sure excellent running qualities and nimik. thil \\Watch oe tihat ian al'.ays he reiel IoOn. The handsome thint model. gold filled 'a-P. ,arrantetl :or r.I) Lear'. ,ill nmeet tahe approval of ite most critical. Take it all in all. this Wat h is on, that any man in ill b1 e proutl to carry. S1IMMEDIATE POSSESSIONi S WE (IVE YOU . I)IA.MOND) OiR WATCH AT TiHE TIME IOU SELEtT IT We don't ask y-du to pay a little each week and IeaTve it here until it is paid for. We have absolute con jale In your honesty, and we know that )ou will he greatly pleast~e witll whate..ver )u buy frontl us. SItt's why we se , ladly trust you. NO LTVESTIGATION NO REI) TAPE NO DELAVS 624 Canal Street *it r si. QL1L New Orleans, La. "See White to Buy Right" "Greatest Watch and Diamond House South" xsxx"_ýtx lllllll IIII Ix I [1[ IN III il III II PERSONALS AI OTHERWISE Does and Miss Hazel Aycocks hat Sunday for Donaldsonville. sad Patterson. a. Johnson returned from New 8sturday, after spending three With Mrs. ('lark. Ni Carmen and Blanche Van returned from Port Arthur. .Iday night after spending a with their sister, Mrs. If. L. hIeo. McDuff, Jr.. of New Iberia, a week with her parents, Mr. C. L. Stumpf. A. C. Delaume. clerk of Drug Store left for his home to spend his vacation. OaMld is in receipt of a postal M W. Langly Jennings one of residents. Mr. Jennings is .lcilnty of Thousand Islands -here he is engaged in the s. Arnold and little son. re spending a vacation at Teen. W. T. Christy, wife and ant a week at the camp at They has as their guest - Mr. and Mrs. Wallace l Mrs. Raleigh J. Williams t bi Adams spending a ten mes >lquerre. niece of Mrs. is Visiting in Brooklyn I fr iends of Mrs. Chivaralo -1a Avenue will be pleased fhet lsh Is convalescent, after at Hotel Dieu. .i. Renecky of 407 Pacific "he has been fighting a siege vewr for the past four or is on a good road to re Lh Muller, a former resi Er city. is visiting Mrs. J. 3G. hMOST UP-TO-DATE lorist ml Street Smd N. 5283 1lr. J. Barrios of S*cuin Stj , ;t ,. ut the wet:k-end at Jesuit I, r. 1. l.a.. ,ith his parents. lMessrs. Satm and Sidney Oswaldl. (P. and ii. Blourgeois return. d from Lake Katherine Sunday night, afte.r enjoy ing a two-day's fishing trip. A fine catcih was Ilmale. Mr. and Mrs. Il. Hiiminntrlr-, h and daugihter. .Miildred. a- cotmpanied hy .(ohn Mlevers, spent the .,e.ek-end at Milnelur,. la. Mrs. .J. Meyers and family spent Sunday at Mlilneburg. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. llintmelreht. Mr. ('. (Olivier of Quarantine. La.. was the guest o, his family last we.k. Mrs. Anthony Kennair was a v\isitor to her mother-in-law. .Mrs. S. Kennair. last week. Mrs. Bougan and daughter. The.lma. spent the week-end with Mrs. Biaigini. Mrs. G. Lynch of Morgan City i" spending some timn- with her mother. Captain and Mrs. Charles Zatarain -;.ent Sunday in Morgan City. the ,iuest of Mrs. G. Lynch. Mlisses Ora and Claire Keenan and Sidonia and Katie Sutherland have re turned from Texas, after spending some time there. Misses Emma George and Marvel Walters were visitors to Morgan City, the guests of .Mrs. G. Lynth. Mrs. .1. Tackaberry and two nieces. Mary and Emma Collins. returned from llcuma. after spending two weeks the-re. Mrs. G. Berneaur is spending awhile with Mrs. J. P. Walter. ,Misses Claire and Ora Keenan spent the week-end at Houma. Ia. Messrs. Wilie Sutherland and Milton Nelson returned from Heartsease Park. S5Miss Margaret Dilzell is spending a few days here. She wil return to HIeartsease Park shortly. Miss I. Brooks spent the week-end at Heartsease Park with the Misses French. Mr. N. Parmentel was a visitor to lleartsease Park last week. the guest of Miss Hlazel French. Missee Irma and Alma Tufts and Alma Gerrets spent the week-end at Milneburg. the guests of Mrs. Bevan. Miss Winnie Hebert was the guest of Miss Ethel Gahn Sunday. Misses Katie Spence and Ethel Lauff left Sunday for Ocean Springs. Miss. Mrs. Bevan and family returned from Milneburg Sunday. Mr. Allen Sandborn spent Sunday at Empire with his mother. Miss Gertrude Robichaux left for Houma to spend some time. Mr. Stanley Oser of San Francisco. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Oser of our town, is visiting Mrs. J. H. Owens of Bermuda Street. Mrs. L. Muntz and daughters. Eunice and Inez, and Master Floyd Crane left Sunday for Covington. Mrs. M. Q. Kearns and daughter. Helen. left for Abita Springs yester day to spend some time. Mr. 'nd Mrs. Ralph Davis returned from their honeymoon Sunday night. Mise Falva R. Homes. supervisor of the Intermediate Training School of the Southern Illinois Normal School. was the guest of Mrs. C. C. Wier last Saturday and Sunday. Stuart Wier. son of Dr. Wier of Beaumont. Texas. is the guest of his uncle. Rev. C. C. Wier. Miss Thelma Cayard returned home. after a visit to various points in Louisiana. (Continued on pate 2) ALGIERS BOYS IN.NEW YORK. (By G. HERBERT). .lhn Schroeder is running between Galveston. Tex. and New York. for the summer. .lames I.eddy of Algiers has so, tillred his license and is now :.rd en gin'-er on the El Paso. ,ixy I onrad has returned to N. Y. V. .Judlin. J. Yunder and J. Mahoney and B. Ford have arrived safe in N. Y. Joe Thorning has taken up his residence in N. Y. ob ('urren has returned from Prance.. J. Mouney a popular jockey of our town has been called to the colors, he is now in the cavalry owingi to his riding ability. Tom McQlillen of New York. is with the S. P. S. S. Co. Henry Frazier of Algiers is now junior engineer on the S. S. Momus. running to France. M. Clark of Algiers is engineer on R. 'V. Wilmot. he leaves for France the latter part of the month. Joseph Euper of N. Y.. is sepnding a few days in Maine. Cleveland Laskey is 1st assistant engineer on the S. S. Creole. Mr. Laskey is well known in our town and his many friends wish him success. Submarine lfantell is back in the Morgan Line. it is to be remembered Mr. Hantell started on a trip around the world when his ship encountered a few submarines in which his ship was sunk. Lee Schroeder expects to leave' New York soon for his home. Willie Daly of our town was a visitor to Albany. N.Y.. last week. Mr. Leonard Rue. well known to quite a number of young ladies of our town has just returned from France. Arthur Lauman has returned to New York. from South America. Mr. George iRaz- Cassidy, will leave for France soon. Cassidy is 2nd as sistant engineer on the Harry Lucken back. Joe Dunn is now visiting New York. he arrived Thursday from Mexico. Mr. Dixon formerly of our town is now connected with Con Dwyer & Co. of New York. Baby Dobson is now on the An tillies. Joe Herbert is back in the Morgan Line. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Remaing at Sta. A. New Orleans. La.. P. O.. Aug 9. 1917. Men-Bob Haviem. Women-Miss Lutisa Brown. Mrs S. Beck. Mrs. Katie Jackson. ,54 Newton street. Charles Janvier. P. M. Joseph W. Daniels. Supt. Sta. A. CONGRESSMAN COMING TO NEW! ORLEANS. The House Commite on Naval AN fairs. which is on an inspection tour of the Atlantic and Gulf naval stations, will reach New Orleans Fri day morning. They will inspect the Algiers yards and then go aboard the naval yacht Dolphin for Panama. where they will inspect the Panama Canal and its properties. Congress man Albert Estoptnal. member of the committee, will be unable to make the Journey, because of illness. EAHLY APPOIllMENI OF MOONEY STOPS BOOSIIN ROONEY FOR CHIEF Judge Thos. F. Maher Headed Movement. ýLitny ",i .i. us \ r . re thi,, : t. :v a S'a In t!et" ;, sttin ~ i t" od+ at;,,;'tti t '" ,," ,- r r" ,ur district, ani a ^n, al !,! t!:, p ' u.'2n;1i;,12 n that an A!l_,."r n:,:n ht . II I~ supprtt.d by th*, Mayr. Jlud,. Thue,: I-F. \la1 r ani I nlant ftl; I'!.s of M . .1. It,)n, t'y at ,:1,. took 'ip ti i ' .matt,.r thirotth a p. ':tln IT t.) Iti. v1, for lh, ir s nite . l:"'e T : t"I . ti :. ,' . llt II* fo 11:Mr. Itn, . a;p I-,tinlh" ' t"- 'k ':ke . hi hfr and hIUl ",. I I t'" a , I' , 'ta . : i i t - ! . r , I '\r 1 ni '" h, , , .. ,r 1 :_1 l ',) s .,-,t \!n,, al tl t II : :'i 11.e I , , *i',i I. ,f . I it ,,,-,i, ti t . w r !\tlr i: .I t, i , I. i t , i t O . i l. . t ,' I r!. 1. - , ntry ;lt y dulth 1l ,I " , ;tlt l 1i.- -.ll a" ; a ll 't ar ii ll t! '. ! Iir i'.t at... Nila )l. 1i in 1,""..' \",.d Itr.. e itars. I r:i t ,ri wtar ri - i.,,,iti \\i" .. 111 i i tn i alt l th," ,,i 0 tl , Jil . I, 1 1!tll , e , st..l ' .1 -.1_ ý'la '. .r ai-,) ;' ih',' 1 I ti +. ita. t ia:t. f rien e ta ilitary tia;l s ind kin ,' in- ti, n t ti, " ,-of ,i, ip i::,. , r ,.llh. at' c 'li"- ' ii , .12th1." Il t i. I.! ,1 . 1!"Tit + l, i i - " t: : -n w as 1: T1 !1t,' ! i l nli ,* .l .l a I.. %, t ,fr.i " h.'.l ,3 ', hi'lltir,. ,ai " lii ,i n t Jai l , ti l ',ii. trart*i'e :s. ar of itiliiy. -ie· ari. -ai-. !I- t, l ,or ti kil;r thl jln in And li r.i . 'h" :," t:.,". tht nk ,t b,.,n ,eed. This ip " thii .I1 <.as rvy l] r;.. y Lah , 2 , litil tayor it if a -.,ra t h ti'nl'- Tit, '. \t ,.i the"u, titian, \ui, h is a high 4 111n 10l1nwnt to 'r Roon""y. 11 , is f.t liIln Mar'in il .i-rnlani. Miator of the ( ity of Ntol, I)rleans: " .l Sir- 1V,.. the on , rliIned teadfast friends ,nd po, sup partltrs. having in mind. How.,ver. sut. : 'stiv e, ly a native l -n ritclalti(in of Witr diear old Al aiers. . . a ti, hali .1. Ito )oney. faithful anI Iyal to , 1 1. h lnest , Ill+;,+'t nlt, il i c+.lli enllt atnit .,!l'aou:.. are ,.c lviiln (, -w ld, .ati. f i tril'y to y our Hionor and he in hah:tants of the a hole r ity, till the opieion mnade vai ant liy th, ,.ath of th. at. very nlu h lamilente .I Suptler intend-nrt otf the N w Of rlean i 'olite i ie piart:il-Int, as .,o a ,lt knots that ia r. Reynolds etas a nativ. ."on. and hils passinl attay has bh-en a staa'.'.rinz blow i us and the good p.eople of th,. t!,,.r rank of the riv .r. All ithe pioi*le prolat I thl at h i made thod. and. tii" rfor. r do not h' uitiate in Sr,, tet ig O ., th i t i lleat ,Iof the i'ulleo, rati t part-y f i th parish. to ie l" pin rful infl,, 1 li' in s,.l+ tina a po hits .n.r (.sor Mr. Mi hael .1. ItOium, . iito hitas at the iat l rial in hi : iak.p ir .all poli e f:', .r. Mr. Ra ooe(y has a tin, ritorions r"'enoI d for _allant s1r1 r in tsie pt iited St.late. Navy. havin; .rvei 'u , oanrv fir thr.e. y.ars. r.. a mat'r f fa . fr viewing t'rll i I.sition if ronl a 1i aliz.dl politi' al point, andI as n. al.ays look upon our honor as th(+ ale, ,hampion of th e .pl.f A eirs. W caroe .ertain lthat isu uil not saurrendtyr any of our ari-ltsh pr atr onae. polilial or otpier 'Mr. Ml)yr. yo ir 11atthivord has al aos beeni Tki) i Il) TilE FIRST I.NE ()F TItEN.N'I"ES Flit I'S' v. .r truly o rs. t. CISTERNS. any. of 27 Toulouse St.A New Or. said they pay the highest cash pricee iAdv. tI i NER.' 'ROTE TIVE ALLIANCE,i 14:1 'AR.N'iEL'T ST.9 PH4 NE MAIN I'-i STORIE P GRADE 90.EN'S . :: \AL- E T De ..r BEN ar o nee 1.00 H eu e T d - fr 209 or 5 ft 1.-0 "Velvet Ice Cream" BRICKS Pints . . . 25c Larger Ones 35c Juat Phone Peter Rupp's Drug Store He will deliver promptly New Orleans Ice Cream Co. REV. W. S. SLACK ACCEPTS CALL (;OtC- to Alexandria, Ia. Frotm Culumbus. Mi s. lut V . - . t'. i . to .t .' I ,, ,,l a ll , ::r !- t ".. , , a: her, :. at .\l.xar lr:a. .Ia. Annoiun t::'I i: t i Mr. S-a, ks d,! i.;IIn aa, i.. n o i t iat . hi r' ; i,a. oir -:n_ ,t At \.1." ',tlr:' l. 11r. Sla k's math-y f!'n, w ,i :, Tha 'I t" knot :.t1 is L ttI : ti aI :arir lh ac",. \ htr,. h ,i ti.-ld it a,,rk \i, ne h ia .r an:d i h .r i , : ..i t, .1 i a a., to d111, 11 ' .; : Ior. o . i 'it " uts- '"; -.t ':lii .t a at r . "111 1'"-',T t t. \IEIN ENEMY UNDER INDICT MENT ASK THAT CHARGES BE SET FORTH. l.ouii it Ir-ili v.t. a' I . L· u i- - itr-. I"".. at all n "h n" ,.. tmin -,r :, ' -r:. 1:. of furniii:+ Th eir +i" .,tll- ti (;'rf iu; fit. I a bill ,t parti tlar- in the t 'nit edl St t.- l ai-trit ('art l-' tr ay. prayi iln that the I iti,-d Stat--- atur:.,v be ordered to fully 1sir i,rth thi ' harg e- crnitainiteI in thI: in-liit min e: t ri turned a;t in-t himt The tr ial of Hith at-c d o;t- -"v ill watth.d aith it.t rit t a- it i- 'he I:r-t of its ki'nI in thi. hi-tory of th '. l, al court- Th" pi-": altI. if c,,hvit t#-,l -unl er the ait. is death oi" it a lit,.- -rui in the federal ;)i-it,..tiary. AFFIDAVITS ORDERED CHARGING DELIVERIES MADE OTHER THAN IN BOTTLES. Dr Riobin. of the 'itr. oard of lealth. \Vedne.sday oirderi- d affida,it made aiait st it number of nmilk deal ers for lilatintg the now mtlk urdi nancet- The orditanie requires that all milk sold be denlivered- itn hottles. except here it is sold in qulantities iof more than five izallon-. in hich case -ealebd icontainer. may be used .Man: iI the dairynmen to be prose cut eld have been iii business for many years. Some -were foundl do 'ivering milk in the old manner from a can. with a faucet into open con tain rs. TO ORL.ANIZE HOME GUARD. Santa Maria Council Knights of ('o lumlus. has taken initial steps in the oreanization of a home zuard for Al-' Biers. Jatmnes L. iHig-ins has been a;" ;.ointed chariman of a committee to arrane details and this htd' will mteet hurtly. .Although the move ment has been started by the Knichts of Co)lunmbus. meimbership in the honmt tcard will not be (onfined to that or ianization. as the committee invites a11 men to join HOUSE PAINTING Raise [ vegetables and help feed your self. Then more food can go abroad to feed the men who are tighting our Wai| helo. They are tested and -- make :ne cr' . Sall for new .klet. "'1w ti Irow a War Garden" - ut's FRE. CHRIS. REUTER. / 103\ D ecatur-Oppisite French Market. Hen. 3488-8 Alse 83 SCanal St. I a ': here fr--n New York with the Newe 't ':ves :n sk.~ s ard suat. F ,r a Ch ,t ::'. e we w:I g:ve free w:th eauh :k . rt a bag to match sk:rt. \Ve so :-t v' ar charge account. W -'.rck and fit guara,:ee ,. p-: ei sa "r.e as cash. JI'L P. FRIED. Guaranteed Gardeu Hose 8c per Ft, All Iron Hose Reels $1,75 to $2.50 R, O. Pitard Hardware Co.,, Rep i-41a41 m swln II. Exceptional Values in Summer Rugs Porch Rugs at 33/2, Off ,l;il,;" li'-I 15,,r, Iu ,_.. : .. -. . ,,.• . , ... , . . .. "." t hrI I)l';iidq1 Iu -Ii I- i|L. r\ .. ... , ,'. ". " .. . . :. , Heavy Fibre Rugs | li.. ,l " I I il , , . ()I u r 1r I"C N 1..tý. 1 bhr".e 1:u_'. In on it1 I t ,o f i hili t I-Iu l i.r.? - I11u . . ( if th ,. ", - I, ' . -, i I i - " 4 . . "I'.. , I t: , ". D. H. Holmes Co. Sar. Now Yrk.,... LIMITED EAt d .ervif, Linden nd Flence. April 2 1842 THE ONE PRICE NO-COMMISSION PIANO HOUSEF OF NEW ORLEANS. More New Hits in Sheet Music 15c loc \ I - 15c 35c 11S 1 15c30c \ - 15 I: . 15c \!5e 1 I lic 1 ' . 35cli i I1i I: a 1 Ilc Mailed Anywhere Postage Prepaid Order by Phone We Dehlier Free Successow foCbe wno C S912R-EE914 LYm CANAL Successors to Ceble Piano Co. STREET HARRIS' Ice Cream The Cream of Quality Made from the Finest Products Obtainable. 1300 Dryades St. Phone Jackson 1080-1081 If you're SEARCHING for refreshment, For a healthful, soothing sort, Turn your SPOT LIGHT on Our Fountain - Algiers' safest, coolest PORT. EFFELJJUPP, Drugijst Ber maudy Eeris e r ret t : it Pays to Advertise in The Herald Solari's Come and See Us \Vh, I: 1 ,ý .<an° - ,"u, thing to i t or I::rk n- , tu 'o"r what if :- -, , t" .n:., !, y vi-iting our S, "r. - \V," a ,. h: illris of can i;r .li - , ,tl d :i 't know r , : th t" o, r,': iy w.\ouald ik,. t, ;e ," i0 ki i II ablt out th, :o .Se Ink, it a ruitn to vi-i ior 1Miu St r' i. n in T A. n ()Ur ,- lrk= il! talke 1p " I , rn ,!to .ý a i tl tr.! yo' 11 .t i ut ilt hA T oA h'l. , . ian i youii w ii ti'll uiir pr!, t" a tid treat n l i nt j-Irt indi fair. I"ainily thi ine our tieiial ty .A a t" nno isot ioe ia prited iata,:ui lieia eTi, of ,existing mrark°. coilithons just write for prices., giving us li-t of your reqiiremolets land le will qjuotu figur,rs by returnf mail. MAIN STORE Royal and Iberville Streets PHONE MAIN 2590