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IN PD5PLZDOUk, . .. . .l ,.- . :.. . . . ,. • .~ C. o , fr r ... . . aai tr e . In a atv Sret ' : ! \ 41. !;t :I1111 TI I': 11,',. b gr' ea t: 11rn. r in tL.. :a:: l:, t yl Time,:. ' i t ,i"i t ,d ,o-: ~n l il ti ,',ii t!r:-`- K t .': l itll .t I ', ' T d i tion ' t rh e ri e r i'i i t rt'li ::liir th. oi twe'e. of *h u,' nehr ili'.a, t * .rint h r is- 'u liIf i l 'y th'r . t~,, t('u1la' -t. The t.,d.,nts. He r re "ntl, < hi mselr o'en "' , : t the p:!: l. frt , : tile r ,indow e: ,'.- ,' ' : f 'i: , iru:a - in I':r I .-t. ul II,)o ab. e his iTh, llitlh lery yi< k nd all rt whit, i 'd to do \o h'.avI' thle righ t to ii,'! itir himA fr redress of . ro:ngs. And h t hli ,nt. The "ni ,'ts :,Ii d nonei"u ii,'.,, 1- il uta tn, 41 satl :t haivil sata d City of Winding Bywayhs i' r nc':ies h lhl' thai t jl t ld' uni der h a iieti''Vl*'nt pi' rt iectoar: ' to. lii o' evr''r. T'utui- .till has Iths b y. rv. in'. s .rvly ias lni', but still kee'lr. lhp Ire lth panoply fit rule, nder thel . lirfla t super-nt vision of the Frent, governel n rlt. The rbot has his court. hisi guardst and at tendants. He pre.ents himself open ly to the people from the window hove s is dwensellin every day. and all wi , wisfh to do so haive the right to et.'itin him for redrits of wrongs.tle .lits he has all the njoymlntsr :nd none df the. responsiilitie ors of high ef vt,'ce'n. the rctnot he bt to lave arit sor rowful lot in life . City of Winding Byways. A.lot thre ulth tive tewly into ts lrthyr cit, ithe brad A levttnrds or th," cafes ald the joie de vivre have swhal.ed. erippi tariny tcu of tnarrow 'ihlng lTurkne wih beverage srved apor sltt< for eshly yars. Tey are linsumer. v, ithl natitve houses. flat ruofed and r nrroy whi str ieet lor, thrllged with hu intii.s- terers, Arahs. thiors, welasl .rln donks, nd havi black tribeght of frTo the desetourt. The nostive city acil ways is itensely alive. and derustling and ull oe of life as itro origh- onstrung Frenoplnc. T'ihloer outside tihe gte. The motley lisplay oif colors adond ulon t he squre ere:lny hurnouse., scarfs of rich bro udes., the full white trousers of the w l, the rtod zzewith goods and varegated turiln, the by owing ro ofprieto, sts, all colebine to nak, a brilliant and fA inaing pich Linture. About the naive codistri hffee house rioswrthy flin ed Ileren are sitting or squatting, sipping tiny cups of the zteanting Turkish beverage, each por thion freshly made for the consumer.adder The narrow streets are filled with hu it, makes te peddof the ewelers with thell Inden donkeys having the right of way. To the tourist oe not most attra chative arud of old Tunis is the bazaar di-enjoyment of trict. These souks, or bazanrs, are almost as picturesque and divers lfde as those of Cur airio or Constantinople. The hines here are roofed over, and the light filters down upon the square cuhicles, each stocked with goods and guarded by its proprietor, sitting cross legged at the entrance. A Street for Each Line. In the souk distrlit there is a sep arate street for the dealers in the va rious lines. Ihere are the streets of the perfumers, of the saddlers and slipper makers, of the Jewelers, of the cloth merchants, and so on. One may pause and examine and buy; but the w Ise tourist does not buy without chat fertug, else the seller would feel de frauded of much of the enjoyment of the transaction. If he becomes really Interested In you. or if you have made a good purchase, the merchant will In. Red Dragon of Wales. Henry VII. the first of the Tudor monarchs. Introduced the Red Dragon of Wales into the Royal Standard, af ter the battle of Bosworth. Queen Mary had it removed, and Queen Elizabeth replaced It; but It was finally displaced as one of the quarterings by James I in favor of the unicorn, and has never since been accorded a place on the monarch's personal flag. King George. however, when the Welsh Guards were added to the army a few years ago, approved of the Red Dragon being emblazoned on the king's color of that regiment.-London 'hronicle. S8parating the Votes. JIust after a recent election a large crow(d had gathered at a courthouse In North Carolina to see the official vite counted. To facilitate the work an adding machine was used. Among the attendants there were largb numbers of people from the rural districts who had never seen one of these complicated machines. They viewed it with open distrust. And i1' y,,u to pa:rt:.ile' ,f ctTe a:itnl Turk i.. %eem, ttn,, :It pith hill,. M1alvy of the 1:tzaatr -hp r art fie t,,rh.s a.; 11)-,ll. \he' the' spei 'iali.ts I .it in fu!l ie,,y weatin | lba.skets. f:tah itiin., roI antt! i',ell -lijiers or mnak it'n , r.:ire ornalel'nt. andi tiny icui -s Stu:! ,ithers of hluticlle'tt br:ass. All "f the m'nr'chits iant Jual ntla:r and o,, irl ,,rt:tu li'. The.y lon:;.: ag he':trn ,il 1h1.t t .e t'lhri-tian : 11, h:1' it I1lon 'It-e. utrl the"y Iretnt him , a'ue ,-f th i ' ui l e i-;irt th'e lChri-t'ilitt3. 'l r* htori - at Tu in Tll-i se' e e'1i li- . eIf Ipr- 'r:tl. The , po 1le. are' h! 1, :;i'1l , ,lt`,.'ll. h!,'h - ii-,-:, v ol ". f '1', '!." b ":l l e' .u r ' , n t I i - flDlb l t ',.,dl 1 ',, r th," "r t it,'U l i rot.c= ODD GALLERY OF THE DEAD Catacombs of Guanajuato, Mexico, Where Mummified Bodies Are Placed in Long Rows. One of the sights frequently visited by tourists in Mexico is the gaillery of the deadl at (tGuanajulato (pronounced Whan-a-wha-to). The town of that name, where the cataomtblis are sit unted. Is one of the most quaint and fascinating in that grotelsque coun try. It lies within a day's journey of the City of Mexico. with railroad com-t ittnicattion. iThe 'hlur'hes and paint ings, of this city have :mde it wirtli fatntous. but the most peculiar of its attractions Is found in its ctatombths, or nurinly chatmbers. iOn the hillside overinoki ng the city is the IHlontr of the read, which an swers the pulrpose of a graveyardl andt yet is not the srlnin aS tine in the cii-ll tllmon a lceptance of that terni. It is a veritable Pi'nnthitin, or Houset of Bur la!. In its thick walls the tombs are arranier" I. tier upo n tier, of identi 'al size. like si tanlly numlberedl plgeon holes. 11rnlpepl up Ilke mutlmils the bodies of the dead are here placed, each in its little recess, and they are registered In a hook according to the ntumer thereon. To insure care of tlhe dead II certain fee is expected year ly. and if it should not be forthcom ing after a period of five years. the bones are taken from their pigeon holes and thrown in a heap in the cttent comb below with countless other flesh less bones and skulls. Another body is then placed in the recess and the process of eviction is in time reseated. This treatment of the dead would, of course, be impossible in n moist cli mate. In Mexico at that high eleva tion the air is as dry as an oven, and as it has rare aseptic qualities, the flesh of the dead dries up and ultimate ly crumbles to dust, giving out no odor of decay or taint to the air. Not al ways, however, tbr now and then a ten ant does not dissolve into his original elements. The dryness of the atmos phere simply mummifies him, and his perishable clay puts on the appearance of Immortal age. In such a case the body is saved from the pile of hones and taken through a trap door down a spirftl staircase to the grim corridor beneath, where it is placed with a gris ly army of other mummies, there to lean up against the wall while awaiting the blowing of the last trum pet call. It is a ghoulish company, yet many visitors go up the hill to have a look at a scene so strange and unusual. Natural Inheritance. June-"Does he get his mechanical ingenuity from his father's side or his mother's?" Bess-"From his mother's; she was a poetess !"-Life. when the votes were finally counted one of the defeated candidates re muarfed to a friend as he turned away: "I know I was elected to that of tice., but that blame separator cheated Inm out of it." Shameful Libel. The first man to use a bathtub as a coal bin was not an untutored Immi grant, as many persons suppose, but a conservative old New Englander1 who regarded the new-fangled tub a. a sinful folly and remained loyal to the Saturday night washtub In the kitchen. The new bathroom, being off the living room, was found to be convenient for storage, and they used the tub for keeping the coal for the Franklin stove.-Exchange. The Return. A young recruit was on sentry neat a home depot one dark night when he observed a shadowy form approaching. He immediately gave the challenge, "Halt! Who goes there." Out of the darkness came the hoarse whisper at one of his comrades, "Shut up I aln't going; Ft comlng back I" TALE OF HORROR RIVALS FICTION Only Eleven of Colony of One Hundred Survive on Bar renl Island. SUPPLIES NEVER CAME Starvation. Ocean and Murder Clanrr Most of Colony on Clipperton Is land, Off the Mexican Coast. L,; 1 : , "t :1,I ! ;li . i . 'l :" Story of Gove. nor's V: w. iI ':11 ! '. I\ 'te u, I' j'l i illll ', \ _tl II l''l !jl: * lc . . . t tli 111 s c .!. i 111,j - . \.* " t r;1I "I'\t .. il.l, l i1i1 n tl. h r ' . i" n t t w!I'> r '. res"athel s Il ' .he r,'. \' lit h re i hey '.ii:ltii' *I fIr sll v\c l:11i l nlil h< I \hil. :- i le'w cf tile -uiellecr. rtc).el itb ck Ilt .Ad pilurl ~. IIt : ,rie' it tie l eee.ef Llli 1 I e r.el f i ) t. , "o s l i ln 1 h1 i-in dlst :111 . m 'l'l,';t:li m - 1..b ;1 \\.1T th .ls't. ;il1d tonok oi T mlh ' . 111"r it':ili , bitt nl l t f r th h:\It Ill:t , r i : lly d i m li li-n h . tI , ft i ,l, sIt l , D . i the eel. ists.i-t. al-s 1tT,'1-, I tlt I t: e' -!I :1!.' \ , 3 1, .ilia.t i s d -'llli,',l it,.' lf' r. ,.\1" in th1 :1 :1 I,,,:it \1ith -Ait !,ii. itetild cirijve :lily iav. Tlhe ii i., nlee, r . " 1i '. Attempt Rescue; Drown. 1l` l'i liertl r ll t d Iist ' e \ :!, i : - *! t. *, .'ii 1 ih ' i. : ii e i . , I I." l-. with three Ion 11 .11 it a Ic-ni ~ t t. , ii i it tl.l:e ; 'iii ' i tr ili lir i inteii l l :1 lý titl it 1: .1 ci,, sii hl,-. it:t I elt c,: ,-h/cdl :i 11 it : ee' :i1':lll \\t'cre rlis\\e I ,l. T h ,' lI Ir t 3 til hi ,I i .l: t olI t h . n n'ii l rl o, h1 o\ l c\ o n t in u a .ll . thr t nII ' hill l theim.I - He murdered one of the woueln. but another woman beat out his bratinc. with a Ilinlllmer. TWO SISTERS ELOPE TO WED And One Takes With Her Her Chum -All Three Philadelphia Girls Now Brides. Philacldollhln.-Two new male mom hers we-re a:lellhd to the family of Mrs. Charles HI. Schofstall. 2722 North Myrtlrewood street, within the last few days by the elopement of her tw,, tdanuglhters to Elktonr, Mdl., where they were married. Miss lMary Schofstall became the wilfe of ('harles A. ltrowne of 2423 North Corlies street, and a member of Company E, Nineteenth regiment of engineers. Emma Scholstall, another daughter, also went to Elkton with Hlernia Lip part of 1818 West Venango street, and became his wife. With the latter couple went Locke Lippard antid May Allenlaugh of 3014 West I)auphin street, who were also united in mat rimony. The brides of the last two men had been chums for a leng time. JAIL GROUCH WRECKS HOME Wife of Inventor of Wireless Tel phone Says Cell Has Made Him Misanthrope. New York.-After serving a term in the federal penitentiary for using the malls to defraud. Archie Frederick Collins. Inventor of the Collins wire less telephone, has come back to free dom. according to his wife, with his disposition ruined. Mrs. Evelyn B. Collins, formeriy of 54l Riverside drive, says that she can no longer live with him and has filed a suit for separation. Collins returned a thorough, blood cold misanthrope, she alleges, soured againsf the worldl, soured even agalnst his benefactors. and soured against her. Hlie has often since coming hornme made long harangues and tirades of invectives against the world in gen eral and the United States government in particular, she asserts ?CRAPS NO MERE FRACTION. 4 h i I I':r- t . r I ,' a 1,,, ,,I part Wise Words. No Harm Dcne. ! !,. r,: . .. .. a ,!.,\,. " .i ,.:- ;,I:. ~ 1',", v'. r, . ... "t: . - . , '.\ .1 1 ',. I ",, 1'"t ., t - : irll., i,', trutia.t , I ,pr.--'iii, thr,, \:., ' he di. t.Ii- ",f a r,,\." N o . T h . , 1 , ,t t , r s w\ ,r ," : I l l : , ; ,!r , , , . d to \1:'.. I hltitw ,." The Optician's Little Joke. "What la'lused the sioul'n i('collnes he; t. ve.i yv.i. ail .Mr. G;uth,,rly?" a.ked'l the. l optr tii'., wife. "W hy. h ,- \\u- tt'llin; mt ' that in his liar ii.%If. lh .,:w tit. ill.iSt i"roiiTi - plish..l, the 111,.1 I,." be tit'nl \,om n In th ,' \vw rb,. un , L mI .r ,,ly as- .ed hitit to .."iln " .,\."r ath,! I'd tit himu up w ith a l:ir ,,f 1la. Disastrous. I '1 ( h " i, .. : ,i u , . ,u . ," ) - -.1 n ' I k e 11: h.': I .-.t ":,'1h '1- :.':t m inut,.- '"ill .1; : .i;i- '.'. i hu,, :,," mgit A t the pri, thi i; :Ir,-? Good Grounds. l ai! - 0, w hat gr ,,u: -i, ,lil l~linkle'y Nit I . It 'l:uit:r,l hIr. wif°, made -ich poor ',IfflT,.- hie (."iu lni't idrink it. ;l; it- -- ,C ,r, , g ro ur, il< , . 'h ? Not Much of a Show. "DiI . nj,! oiiy the ila3y?" "\.it vliuich. Th"- 1I,'.1i1 li l ti: ly only Ch:an .lll I i-;"r -.,unii i hr-i- tuIlllti-." There Are Others. "That fIllow is liii, a tuck." "Sharp, eh'" "N,; got a l bllnt hiald." A BIRD-LIKE FEELING. "'I t"Il Ike a biri.'" "Ilow'. that?" "'Lh laly's hultdog muade rue quail." Der Spieler. He played biy games with reckless seal,. New rules to ianiqillier fate lie planned. lie got a "mailed Iltu" In the deal. And then he overplayed his hand. Mean of Him. "You w,-re foioli'ih to quairrel with Fr-l. He's a m-au man. What has he dloni now ?" "I telephonel himu today to send back tuy lo'k of hair, and he asked me if it was red, yellow or black." Secrecy Assured. "I fountl that our .srenograplher can't read his notes after they are a day old " "What dlil you do? Discharge him?" "No. Italtled his salary and put him under contracet." A Proverb Gone to Smash. "Two wrongs don't make a right." "I'm not sure about that," mused MIr. Chuggins. "If I travel faster than the law allows and a luotor cop travels fast enough to overtake me, It's per tectly right for him to arrest me." Not Thorough. "Bligglans affects to be a regular cave man." "Yes," replied M!ss Cayenne. "But he doesn't carry out the Idea; hba clothes are sufmclenUtly out of style to be ammnoyin without beltg prelbams * FORCED TO CRIME BY FATHER'S SINS Sixteen-Year-Old Girl Joins Band of Robbers and Lands in Jail. Ir I l,' i I : ,I' -,r *' -o i" ' " Saw He. Mother on the Floor. S :.' , , . ot,"t ~ ,i; r', t l ., . l,, I , u r ',, ,:, . t hI,, t t \ :,I, 1 lay. ; i , .: I , ,u" r ' , . T, u tr. yi ht 11 i T '" Itn r fathltr ].i.' in arnc to/ th{ hIuse. t All Saw Her Mother on thc Floor. t , ti ttn . it, . h e l itht ' e.irl lad in h ,e] v lIs b1ilt,l ." trie. ,et s a t an lit. :t lulPadlock, Chain, N iý.tails and Hookstiel Amongthr th icles. Swat' llowedk until uidyliglt :at theit h,,r titnhr camie in t to her relI tinl llrcs-wl her lr'," srhuel. hef 'tl. lked hint thrle frnit on-h andl t ie itr in i th l ller oxne the ilscr. The fa ther had slainn tlts aunt, to,. when she 'allle t the . t he' In the drays that fr llwed sheton wa shifted ablout frlne hoitl. In home. All love was glne frones the girl'.s heart with her mother rtlad anl her found ther n tismall ~palock with al th-ln both. how she Is being tried, tns a bandit. HIS STOMACH IS A MUSEUM Padlock, Chain, Nails and Hooks Among Articles Swallowed by Philadelphian. I'hil;,lelphla.--.Mire, than 4.e1) rleces af nmertal. welghintr thrin and one-half i'eetell allel and includit. nails. screws. trac-ks ani1h safe-cfl it. we're- foeund In .Josepth Quinlin's stomnacih. xwhen-t he' was eleeratetel upon fo",r gaelstone's at Dr. the . Ehilalhhn f t ho spital. In adi tion. .'et) gall stones were' removed. hAn onr the other artuinls fosaid were w small padlock with n t.ree-Inch mhama. a cigar eutk'r, tenpe-nny nails. :34 spoon handles, one dozen safety lnest req40 pieces of type and the sameo Mayon-r of lead slugs twrom "Chr. C-. nc.. hooks"C. O. S." Is ten yeaors anold. so.everal in a way, she doeins not need badges Dr. mother. L. EasoBut her hrospital staff. writh oer's wayte of thinln, said he oulplht to have at least a .uple of parent. Here is her letter:md et requert Plcomes byconfer on meal to a Tucsonavvr. I am a little girl tenrz "C.ers ol. going teno schoyea ol. soI've gotin a way, brothe doese years old. a motheappa works soBut her brother has only nefihbve. so accr to look ater uhim throu thave at least a Please, Mayor itparencs hel, get some goodletter: "Demama. WSir I read your adpp. inHe thI a goodper. Pleas conf per on mday. hegot a brother five years old. Mamppa woIrish-American. My ma ma only neighbors to look after ah through the day. Please, Mayon't like tchell getull nasome gooand ".mama. Wright my PappaO. He." is a good Pappe. $5.51 per day. Man'she 35 Years old. I like goodasket Mama Irish-AmTerican. wire stMy ma maple weres driven throung.h FrI ould liken son's arm an cliel full name wasd "Yoursoperating a Res mctfully. The Matin'l naler and tUp Like BPcsrke to take the mL-chTwne apart to releas wire thea plOne-Legged Men Seek e.throuh Fe Wlk Denn's arm ad O.-lincTwo one-. whle hgged cas dmdaten's arm was caughtit t ot forn the auto bentic nailer anatd It wby the Democrats,ry to nominated mac thne apart to reubllcn, alsoe th Dehas but one leg.-Two oe-gged c d dates will ft out for hot Wtemayor. Toledo, O.-While dreaming that there were burglars In the house, Frank Leroux walked in his sleep, pro ctred a gun and shot his wife. She died nJust as he awa. ~s L, eg F - s~is~i_:·,.~~;~',~;~~;;~~~.2~ tillll 1I O il. ! Ii!i li I.:I!I. ..._ t, Illi. \l 1'\ 1t 'I i, "till- tT ' i I I '.l," ý'. lu--IT xx ' Iz:x j xi t . \,'w 1 x iIxI r",1 1 t, :. . it l. 1:.2 tug ' II x In , IL x' l'1 ; it:, l , .x I :111u1 II:I' hi`:" nur. k."t - .. _ ili..u, ~ ! ,ýrir r l. 1.- 1"I . A 'ý t:l~ " .,"ý . It Is a Velvet Season " "Z V·ia I't i :ta velvet easoll'" say the rail IItrs. :lai the elielays of new mill!i nery foer fal! l" t Iýv no eltia in tihe lii. ! t r d itl a\nm L this :!'-se'rtioe n. 'lain an li paite v~le'it d rmiintte, all the' it,,nin.ý-. lintterts llut-h. with a .ul face late: lii' 1 :cpnn" velvet, is re'I resente'd. :l: hueavy elocr-. andl eluve tynl--ll)th \l !\ety inll aler''antle-arel in the' lrutltin.. In plain velvet and in Velours :tnil delluiyn the quiet. rich tcolor' approve'd by fac.hitonalles are at their eist. l 'anne v lvet :,alt i Init ter's jlludae tath lootk thst in 1l:'k and white and in the darkest shades of seulate colors, to which they add bril lianee. Trinaninas arr very simple and ne.: permitted to interfere with the lines of the shapes in iany way. Fatny fea tures, illudiing ostrich. ribbons anl ornamenlts. ire relied upon for deco rative fe'atures. Small ostrich tip4, used in groups, are returning after an exile of several season,. along with draped turhans of velvet, and thay lo0k so well together that there is a sort of kinship between them. It is hard to think of velvet without being reminded of ostrich. Wile-brlitnned hats with a frinie of ostrich lahid upon the ulpper brims have already made an assured success. (oque feathers and furs In pomplns IS SUBSTITUTE FOR LINEN Handpainted Oilcloth Utilized to Make Attractive Runners and Luncheon Sets. There is a sal ing that in these days of war prices. only the millionaire's wife can afford to use real linen in he r dining room. A great mlany women are sulbltituting handpainted oilcloth for the accustomed lace and linen lunche6n sets, says the Philadelphia North American. Stunning sets In black enameled oil cloth for thgout-of-door English break fast or porch luncheon are decorated with bunches of brilliantly col ored fruit. A large center dolly Is used, with four each of the medium and small sizes. An or dinary enameled kitchen pie plate painted black and decorated with the same design makes a unique bread or sandwleh plate, and a papler mache bowl stained black and decorated with the fruit motif on the outside. filled with luscious grapes and oranges, is the most stunning kind of a center piece. The square luncheon set Is rather new, developed In tan oilcloth stenciled with field flowers in brilliant blues and reds and yellows. Delft blue with sprays of small pink flowers or pale green wIth bla'ck and white will make very pleasing binations. Small Breaks in Lace. Where there are only a few threnl broken in Irish or Swiss Ince they ,aen easily he repaired with a needle and thread the same size as thaet used in the manufacture of the lace. Place a tiny knot at the end of the" thread on the needle and draw this through the place where the broken thread joins the body of the lace. IHaving dine this, draw a succession of loobp knots over the floating thread very tightly close to the base. Now follow with thei sew, thread the course that the old ,,, I i ~I fie plan. ' 'hlc for ti. r ..II :.y'! tlni,·ands oIf th ni 1 .: . I *. * p IO for I jnt r ~" .I t~i n d f ýt re ', ure to iºe found oa .k hat:. shalrilng honors w~ithi tl.wer' moadse of fur. Sal hat tare :ade of velvett if trinmu!iier Is exerdel toh sqi'verin in the shape' lI I waoy', as may be ptheri zgrupl of chic velvet hats The coamºlination of two aM or two fatrire, as midlk winte-eilhred velvet, or bid with beige velour, Is th slaltes, is a feature wrth new millinery. It agMam slartest littert'l ISoft. draped aonU I ,crowns have already selves ,on the styles fir wIi the latter the "hag" trua importation, r.ade like d . used in France, aDd l Sous brims. The buly best on women with faces. One of them I halt at the left of Ik draped crown, whibh U hr :ny tingle becomlalgM I pears in the center W T. at the right atteltl to i the fittest with the lU rolling brim of the 1 Insteand of the CSa-i and Individual plate Ui row runners crossalt dI the center coveri~lg particularly good a table. In this cam US of the runners, the CWI hlps a narrow berdt 1 all the decoratio 00"0 The practical valed as a subshtitute for parent. Abfter the , cloth, and your wt b1 . and tear on the I bill to pay. New tulyN7 s The new tallorsd MI with front and bact 1 hox plaits are laid t." :economist. as 5there i o' plaits In the ei either sRle of the ftSL91 lar is not fguringl ored models, theY reaches far down the vored. arrow fluting fl s n 0 wal.sts. It is used to op0 and front. Line VY Line your wintte if you haven't new ' will never wear oiL . than liik, and one constantly relni*hl t " silk. thread had take4 with the other 04 10 se..urely close t zwai the loose no longer Per Farrw *10 sequayah. -s alphatct. gets J , the Indian rca e ~hose EnEd fI " IGuess. His and his womana.