Newspaper Page Text
10 THE HERALD, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. MAIN COAL-- frocm one ton to SCHARFENSTEIN & SON Coal, Coke. Anthracite. 'lbOd (, Cha 2657 carload COAL 1121 Clara Street (See Page 3 Phone Hook) CO1A. coal. Knots for trash hurrct:r. wr grates Iq PEFOrE M4FTEP Y'LIKE rr ErH I'M GONNA NAKE lr A iEORY. u - AMs'rAH - I Po'- VE o 1 0 M KA1 c E CIR CMSTANCES fx EVE;; CHIrS¶TAJ I" N _ _ _ __ __ _ C CUN, rANcE AB" EE SOLUt\ PI .. . I I L ýý h CQ~irnrIG - DA ))A r'T l FMV TID/ `t Xe I% 9 r\ O 1 ; 15 C h d Lot,, on Olive, Padlm, ForCement sidewalkand wellrfaced $15 Cash an Edinbrg:Streets, up above Carrotl- From $280 to $425 ereete. Filled to grade; higher th Carro1100 Land Co., Li $ 5PhSCement idewlk and wellC s Oer $5 Per M onth n Ave. Beet ection for home or Write or phone f r a map and Carrllton Ave. Electric light.. Over mnve.tment. Title guaranteed.s slot thi w . seventy-fiv home, built aleody. 1010 Hibernia Bldg. Main 4468 " Il 'AIi I' . , . f l :: ·~~ . , , . " , " ,. , " , 1 , . , 1 iit' 1- i · it iana . : t . , t , . ' form .nd i,, "r , n organize them 1 oither person- ." : ti i f r j un o tbecom- e as -::- i : t I .t :1".|.: :n:. i Article I.,-The r' n ,' tt i t 'Is pration s itall ',r - . i ni" I. \ '. hhn",: In: ":i disolved in ac;,n t. w aw and t is charter, it s :': ex:- :- in i .\'c n n tc ,i shall have aitd iijs " "t. oe 'e triunc-e itnl iuccesn ion for a t . r t : i t't n:nety- rti t t, years frim and itt r :he dar of t'i ac:. It may have, h 1 r, c iv-. ' -I: ",', h ou, exchange. acqu:re 'y'. g:f: 'r p-Irchit, devise itr hertc :. -'!l, a':e:.ite, itpon. i f, convey, leas-. i-pledge. pawn, . .l'irc t It encumber or motrtsoci pr perty of a::n kind whether real, per.-·nal or mixed.,cal or incarptsoeal. n, --o" ble or i t:n ovatle. all subject to such l1nta it ' s as may be pre - scrtied by law. It may make, tn' ie and endorse bonds or notes and other evidences of debit, It nay accept mortgages, pledges or other forinms of secur:ty for money loaned or other debts. It may contract, sue and be sued, plead or he inmpleaded by its c rporat:e name in any court of competent jurisdiction. It may make, adopt and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure. I: may hold stock in other corporirtions., and its capital stock may be issued for capital stock in other corporations. It may name, appoint and employ such manager., directors. officers,. agents and other emplciyes as it, saidl bui ness and convenience may require, at.nd ii' fix their compensation, hiving ldue regard ti the nature, character and value if their services. It may make and establish by laws, rules and regulationi not iinconsistet with this charter or any existing law, ixing or altering the management if ir : pripert , the regulation and government iof its affair. and the manner of the certiticati in and reg istration of its stock. It may wind itl and dissolve itself, or he wound tip and do,: lved in the manner prescribed ,v law. It mayo conduct business in this State. other Stited. the Federal I)istrsts. the Territories anid possessions of the !inited States. and any foreign country. It shall have the power to invest its hoard of directors with all of its corporate powers, silject to such restriic tions as may hie naned in this charter. And it generally shall possess all the powers. rights. privileges and inmlnunitirs which cor porations are and may hereafter he author ized to possess tnder the (tonstcatiion and laws of this State, and particular under Act N'o. 267 of the Acts of the eneral Assdembly of the State of nouisiana for the year 1014. Article II.-The domirile of this corpora tion shall be at the (ity of New O(rleans, Parish of Orleans. State of Louisiana. Article III.-The objrects and plrpses for which this corporation is formedj t and the nature of the hi innesn to lie carrited n by it, are hereby declared to he To do a general stock "brokerage ani- com mission business; to litv andl ell stocks, bonds, mortgages. dehentires, trust receipts. commercial paper, consols. antd govern tent securities, either for itself or as agent iof any person, firm or rcrporation. hut n it to engage in the banking or nstckt-i ing hras iness; to act as the fiscal agent of anv per son, firm or corporation: ito aiv. sell. let. lease, hire, own or demise or generalpv deal and trade in real estate, whether improved or unimproved: to horrow money and grant mortgages, bond mortgages or notes therefor: to lend money andl to receive therefor mart gages. hbonds or any other evidetnce of in debtedlness: to carry on any other ibusiness which, under the law, it may be entitled to carry on which may seem to the corporation to be calculated, directly nr indirectly. ti effectuate the aforo~ait oljects or either I of them, or to facilitate it in the transac- t Linn of its aforesaii business oir hlriuinesecs, or any part thereof or in thi' trian-acti-iti of any other lawful tihintcas thaet mar le cal culated. directly or initrectl . I. i n utce the value of or toer- ptai ieitahle air of the cnipanvs spriopertires al righta and generally ti hold arill c i-i at stcii mt dental powers and p -ivree ele there t aobjects, anndt pirt n theti ', r evidnS f nrth or as ma y lie ne-.-in tie orntittve.,endt p for effectin . . of this c.rnsrit;.t. iets.1e' ie which capntal C nay ti 'ir t,, op, a .i inner prose alr'v i tsan d ($rt i ,ii 'i a I t in e dr T. htried cap it a 11 he repre ,ren i' h ares of trio par- - - - i' vaI· " I -.1 tars foel awful hitai t t-Ia e n l shall he re rer, r ,,e I ti a - t he nersonal r inerr I vl t- after stuctitn , an1;Ist' :,us hetind ll rIoi. e ti t , tt , f in accordance i ts tti l 'aia e' v la and recortnel o.' the ,',i tI, l,, , Article V.-The ,i t' .t. shall be manared 'i ai .e oi t.he c.,p o rate tibs-cs thereof n trleset itt -tn exercised ha a h"iaril tf tth-e it-.rt tri t '" elected from a.,mng its t.tkltL-rs. an" a. majority of the directors. either present in person or represented hy e-i v. 1ill con-, stitute oa qutorulm. The sai' d h*" ar of irec tors shall have the right te niminate and appoint such agents. managers or sab-age!"ts as in their judgment they deem necessary i in the manrgnt of the cor poration or the~ andter 1t and carrying on of its fitisines,, Article VI -The first hoard of directors of this corporaton shall be cmposed of: Frank ia J. Mangham, whose p",st-ofce address isl7 t2 , Gen Ta-lor street. New Orleans. l.a.: Jean1i a. Voorbiet, whose pist-office address is 3624 Inerlin srtrct. new Orleans La.. and Louis ti -F. Leonhard .hse post.-office address is ,ntr . ?llaneham as nresident and treasurer. t ouis F. heofshard s e vice-president and e Jean S. Voorhies as secre tary. Said hoard s lg of stockholders for the election of direc. it CI \ ., :, "III I -vi .,` • , , : :,:t, l ' i:t I "j . i ,: ' .. . - I , .i " · 1 '` ,. · '.; • " . "! :·` :, . , n ... , .. ,. : '1' l, " , '1 t ,V d . : n is ,ther I lue ei"· ,.. t , ' 5',-, . l I'. \ . , . r ,1 :, ,h , : S ,'e t ', e , ' 1 l" ia 1iy '' i 'c { I ll ,i 1,1 i .I t'..- t: Ile y I , l : t , w'Ie k :l l it" ' i .t " i l, " , . ' tk 'i" i tT t'h "i ", t , -'." , h It'l:: 'in' .: t\ t hit' r l e-I'd . I 1 '1 :the r, T li t ueir l:i ed ,ka' l' I- i t' . ," t : Tlihu, ,t;e f i 1 p.ait d. i^ "n ,dti ce a" I.i 1 I iTy , \ 1 lt ':e, i'7 I.. si :. t i. 0.7 Ol e dTi . I iontlIlt ar .d year h i-t th is 'Ie writ e . tn, the prelren'e Of E. 1. Sia'a3ry anl ; 1., 1,:gn t leiTr ni.Ii'I, wn ' t a' d iappe aTier i al,1! d me. ,1 ary. aftler du1 e readI:'g -t t.he' 'elth I-. e t r- ,an.,l - ,I g I :t and . t. %I 1,t,.tml. 2. '17 S;e ln. T'1a s! . N w 1 -'r ,: .. R of t ,'tb ' ; L. e1. . \ \ " T \I, 1-'aet Irt ,hare .*t .1 . lt1 . IIrta. New rira t,., Ic T h dI t . iir" ll.le 1a -v.t; t ' 1 c II I F. 1 I 1)rie .. 1' X n A tile c p : it \\ F.1 Il:IN ;. N stary Pu'i,. ()lF TILE I)IE TRItHI & \II.TZ. INI ,' RPI-. r R. 1TE. S n te, . St ttIel +f Ame iric. CI. i'Ie t . - .i~c a. l',ir l .-i tI, t tIr l trl ..rI ) liv gC.ill t i i le( Irleant l lie rt known, l ,at on tIi l -I I ' . Itl dlit v f the ml o l nth ý If lctll're . in the .e ,rI ,)f lt I'. d ,- e i th .t ind nine hIn!-'ed .,Iet itl r I e lteren., and f tlhe Itndepen ence .,f :he I neted States ,f Ameic-a. th!- .Ine hundred . , f1 rt1.,-' ec,, . tefoire tnii. illh i,,-iph I r.l', a nll' irv Pu'ltlclt'. lilly crr eln: ,nlrd iand quaIied. in andl fr t'ie 'al .h o.f Or Ilen .It State if I.eti'- l. a, lherein ei. i n, and in the pre-elnce o 'if ute l:In - , lie - i after' named anti undersigned. pe's-nally ciie and appeaied Thie personiil walse tIn of cr.r:t',, the have clive"aned n a m e s' ~ a h e r e n t , e , a / n ~r r and alrreed, and d.,S v these presentn, or ve andi agree, h id and form the :ii elvi Int a irp" ritu f r tIile• eieta t .i'ld I ie ietnt; here after set fI.rti wh i they here I ItItil the iIr~t M-nIav sl~vt ApI~rI. 1Q10. lith'e Iv ad lt as their c allertr, t l-ear R Article I.--The J ate and t1 le Iof ti t as ,r , p oratlion h h e fir:ned aI tlecltred ,. he Iet1-ich .endI o\i Inc.. and it, dom191 anle hall 'lie in the ( he ofc New o(rf the a. shall cln intence huiyre. a , son all orf tie reltnremlents ,f the law -hall have beci: .i ,ph.titl hsame n pan tof cll enj addresse 't pearf on i htoks of rorate nanlr for the term ,f tIlrlt t'-nli ot. %t'r, fresi'i a ch after s ,lic h ,late, rfiteen daby l.iew,re such meting Each "di- ms shave thae nht tduly electe and the boarded t <a,-a a 'linte' Its acquire p-"pert by grant., sits pir;-hase or !)tqh lest; to se11. lei1-e. !I.,i a tlricle Il.-The rght,c and purpli.e fr t .\ l i.h:c t hi;' rrporait m t, torganised, and the its ele ction, select one of its members as itr anrdn a ecl re d T, t. r l r ca m' o, t thv I "A vilte i the -i r -. .ln : ,, s ot ck antra dei nd \\l~nt it \ " N. - piro tpert y tr.eet , I ti the } \rticle 1 l.--The capital t,,ck ,f tilh r ',t o r- I 1.':3 r, .,fil~l l Cs ' I ntre- enteI hv 11fty (ill -hares ,f the par vaise ,f one, r tin glreI d -Ii 1:- 1$lllllilll e.iC!7, pl t thalt. in, eash at t lile l; en? ..f s tuch increase, the :ilehyi ena! .i • - . - 1 i ' ," .l h d , ita i t' , i " ` 1 N . , , K at at " t i e lI tN lev it , 0 .1, ' " • , ;-. ' ' . " , " .I S- , - i , L i ti"-. " 7 t ' "r : .\r : "ier.i- I'.t i . U1' " ' "I :1 A ' '' . . . '.t " . r' ii "\" Tt . e a t of iiei •rp'.rat:lK m ,, • h I'- i' , : pt. -' ra n ma it'c he :. ~' " I ...t. " ,- rpt, t & \ t of the ter., i, -,'" h!a t 1," ,' at : Vt o L o N, to, 7 ''"t" , :, ' " cap il' i c-k at a gri S no ig c . d for the purpnt e, , s N ' Krne .,: K dir bi ice 'Shall , v'r , h . - n , ',." v ere Pe' an- d I y , . ; d'' , hwlo ' /:n ';' ,t ,thcr | :a ire-."d a: n't l " , . f\ ,ry - nh * . ',l ., d - \" 1. e V I T , t , e iI -. ,rlt:l If e"h I ' r '". :hi r r' e 1i. 71te ltf t'; h I , i ti-t ' t, !,r :u st,-.,1 6't- ,d ere : .' ,,i t" - . 'e it , 1 -I e t:I' catiled f -r " tc pur et I," t: I !'it- dI te fI i or t'i he' i: hyat ou of :',,. " haere -. Of wt:h ie ting ,n .-",1 A-:,, . \ ,l. it , t a : ,e -: g the , "1of '. i ,e f ... .t.l e wh -',,c ,,er.. At r n.\"' "e a"1 ..\ m d,, , n r oi the ' t e r .) ,r iie r ia , !i ,ha llr perf11111 d A l-nt N lc ' i i l-re " r'tl' e i lit tile : Te - , r e-e:N a ther il'"'- .'i ,) , i i- ' H .t . h ch ".tle , i lt- , "- - , ar l t.pki. d e2 " •tar If Ret fI, :V:-i .4 ini II Sf ,:e Ipaid ' ,line diue on thel r i• ; me, er- Ia .,r er n tithe i t V. , 4n h I ili.h n, l ,r i tlg f, the l t on t il and t ti-i n-t a, DIe iii tn thi le 2-il l en If Walter 1 aI FredF -aerc ,I-i F\cf F l ita, r P ttelie- % u" NIto tI ' Il Ih,' :ie' Ny i a the all aTea. I 'itt -i iti a di eventeen (1h17e. -1c t,}: , hr - i ei r: nl ca nn- , , lit- h er , ti li j t1r: KT" ¢.11 I' I- I. e . r t ra . r.h tR I " , , . I 1. ' 'in1t. ry It n Public. nh' I I,- 1'e l .t 11 if', , . S tate of Lf ,(1' ,. d.. ' ,i" l i 1 c. cll It]\0 .1 i t le a pill thaei I , 1i 1 a! r vfn"alei )tl r lt i & n%"I t,1-i and it-idi P bl~lic i \I Ta > r7) ( r.1l , 1 n tl /of R ite . i Te" R 'N ' a mlean., h i k. T i- u ni e that na e it sah oi' tl ,e a'l , ct I ait - t he ain d q adivnt igr e o S .te 'il en-' fr the lie in if cninery nIne earst I, " l frm t liin , l t e; ie t hall have In thlle )in-e.r t ii r-t i, st ad be 'ted in irth pw m cie-r'ir e ,na-.1 ItI make andl use a chri r .h e ate Ze'rl and thetame li, ireie '-intl alter i Sat pleDasure; Iat hold. heCeivr, putirche o ln ve iltgage hpo:hecate or ler prop- Ic nStu:e and t:er o iai gati-ns , r negtiable in- th itrunient; to have eand emplant uch mana. hi I, i Va nterest and V , nhl, reA n.,eof e c aid corporation may re. 1i Xo demand: to ih r eulatiohs for th r a--rporate mana5 rle and sf control of theI aairs of the corporation as i Ari'cle I t-The d mricil.te of t is orpora- In CIIALt l'RIS. ;,,~·~~ - , ! .ut , · 1 ,: :: ': - .,' , , ' . : i. 1 . h 1 . ! p, " t , i.', b. t, . , ," .:'I I- . I , I ... . , ', -1, I I t I , -I II I h ; \'. i iV iT , , l . I : .' I, . : , k ' } "i " ' r . i,-\L: 11 a; t . - : :, 1 i - ,lt i,,ea , i ' rei " - '- . " .r " l. . t h e r e .. " 't . i d r le iir t pi e -, a'.r tt l. any d les i'. . iI - " " : "" tp.It c-. o-" f h k. ' " t .1 . .": "" L .{' : - " , 11 , i" ;v "i ,l " !n.!: ', r " " , .. . ' ' a i l pr. t; .. ,t r 7, ,, o k "have (,1 tn dc : arei.t ah re a:ii l ic-nrp n h ill , ' it. ," . I . t.l", ' - r t igwir a..v e' '.-,l , I nail ve *I ie ri th Sy . ',~ h" ic Ivntl p:le fndl • lar "' - ~: " I")tT n-r plf,,ir c ',h t e: p anr -.ti :tighn ' nt fully \.,,r t ,'ere t . ,:v le-nw r .n .the ico - t i. tIt l ty.i ''le lthein twhe-after S i e . : N -i lr tr lti i- net shallt; t\ " r dec are ,. lI:i . eve.. ,f any lTiqu d:, i: n or d11 .s su w , .{.., up t iw',nh r- v 'untar e- r in ' .i f lt- i f p ce cirpr iat n. the h.lde-n ,f t ih ic, k sha h entithe leight to he ScPital full . l: hae pcci a:uthri d of thtiv -to " the PrI tie :i' t t ,th d .,cchartet ' his c rpr .i i . n a ' ll ,hna. atll e njol the rig t t: l p arch- '." le C -lr'. : - ,tock: an d aft er crntio..t. i'" a ,terhi'. 4 or inte-restd .t a'k t li fia. a un neceloar'.+, exepiient or adt "Thi a aie .,n thell iunru accruvmed a •,hong cli ri-e . tile reina. ,:ni pe cent ;haof .,l h: ; t. :. r ' re -pec',ve it. \t ,,icr. hll hak 'iar i fulcr paid and pad l le pal, for in cash ,," l - i-'t' li r :.- cian led a t not leof than It. ,r :t ,r di ne. c or aervice- rendlered said fir t'i.l 'tn. aci p-- all iur inrght' actually rNo i , er h ana l l have the right to have -t 1 iffie'ed the ae ton the board ofay Tae':-s at its the, okl o.k valoe, who shall ihae :if'ern d.iy in allon within which time E" a ,'lse l e. No tranfer fomm stock shall h. ir1,{., 1,.ip'..] the corporation unlessg made Tiei corporat; in oshal have the right to ncre t· it r f c ommonatal stck ownhefurther um r ,' hundred thou. in,l i$101).flon.O0i dollars i anv art thereof. to le divided into are held nthe r tockh rlder anda meelating held puruany to the i rc isioni th thi- charter. This carp noration hall have and enjoy the riht t purchase t to eachare of theock in lther' ic.rporatin., partnership or interestsre a r..y he found, exepdient or ad Thi crpora election shall e nd become are inl c. nce-n when tuifv pcharter cent of n arl sct hall have bee. whi'ribed and Articde '.- Al the cmrporate iretrs ofr this 'aed h. .t hard of director. composed of fr the tran-acti,,n of all husine,. The di Srectn-. ;fhall ie elected annualiv av hallot '," the tckhl'lleral an the third eparatednesday Il ultie:l The offi e of secretary may .ie Thel c iminmn tockhoder alone shall have the vting power in all corporate affairs. eEach stckholder of common stock shall vote for every share of common stock owned i him: and all elirectorns shall t e l the rirht ter tichprn and gudismi stch clerk anil peciari. ai the toard emplo eer of the coafter tin aeen en ts judgment may he deemed '. failre to elect directors shall be re ncc iare. rfeiture f this charter Anit vacancy oc lrr onf allthi the eplo a of the eilled a tn rhall lie direin the for theur unexpired t er ctrm. '. a rlitectar all of r ar.d of drector hall at it fir A:eetiln after it.-- electri, .nrlminate pout offi ' wn nt and gr i nd al streetars, e Streanoier. The offices f17 C arrvlton Avnsureri. Newt be seprated iand held y epilliam lin ,h.whove. Thet office anf dlecretary may ePr an sret. ew rlens. i na. shalltockhder c e ns atite the f ir oard of lirtorall have thei cigl-ht ta with Leand diFrank as clerks and mand eri alli t Iler emit .o . e Ce ota rtra rpo. The te 're fntil thfice tn!f all the eiplneday of the e ,ratin sact of during corporation mpleare .fe hareld mloifie rlectr a di ered. octr th allo h':atr "e right to dip'.in. wt n. an if orwning two-third'. of all the Ara'k of the o'--pration at. ha genral meet ing cli-ened foT r that Pitpo'.e and after at lea'.. fifteeni ,n d'l.V-. wtitten notice of thi' the mail. addressed to each toVhahen hier last knon place of address In case of disolutiont ay the expiration of thi'. char ter or otherwise after cFrpllance with law. the stockmolders shall elect two liquidatr'. feam among their nttmber to liqridate and '.etlle the hnssinc'' and aftairs of the cor poration. The said liquidator'. shalr hare full power to settle the crPorationa . der t., and divide the remainitn money and frop "- . A- t., `1;. ,: - .', l ~l"- la" .t:e IlI N t . v eIVt il r . he i e wr, - e . i th. A:, .r :"):' " ' " ']" "r ", " ": " .. . .. " ":.t " 'l, c a t: t :"y ' ,N' . . .,ew 1. le 1 P T., - ::i - , .I . . , , .r. .:t.: 1.i . ,. , a'Sn e iec g :. y , and re-:t :a, of th:es S: ", ^.! " I", ," . ,' .'-, have :geed thee k 'r n, ,V: w ' r :.t' c 1:- pyre,rrtr ant - S r.iT _:,. : . tr, -:ltlr l- e wr te:Cn l I the whpre. 1A " e-- -i (ia Let "i'r. Frink T. Doyle. J SE:H I'l SINAI, No:ary Public. A Troe t io y. I, he undterigned Rec ,rd.r of M.irtgages. :t and fI r the parish otf 4 )rlean., St:a:e of l .u:is a'a. I,j here',y cer:ify that the abo-)ve n , forei,.. ng Act of Inc,rlpr.ottin of the Nutr) (C tipany, Inc.. was this day duly re,rdel in my oflce,. in Rook 1212, folio - New (Orlean , (S:gnw) EMILE J I.EONARD. Dy. R. 1 JOiSEPlI SINAI, Notary Publ:c. r ict II 1 25 N )y 1 8 15 k IT'S A PLEASURE TO TRAVEL With the Splendid Service Provided Si Via the Southern Railway System e TWO TRAINS TO CINCINNATL Seave New 4Orlean 8:1 a. m. 7.30p. m. Arrive Ji:rn:ntan ,x:35 p. 6:2 a. m. 1 Arrive (lha:tannga 10:30 p. m. 10:35 a. m. Arrive Ct cin nati 8:50 a. m. 9:15 p. m. THROUGH TRAIN TO THE EAST e l .eave New ()riran, 7:30 p. n. Arr:ves 4 hattantouga 10:35 a. m. t e Arrive Knoxville 2:20 a. nm. Arrives Washington 7:30 p. m. Arr:ve. P'hdladelphta 11:12 a. m. n Arrlvee Nea York 1:38p m. We will be pleased to arrange the details of your trip CITY TICKET OFFICE S 211 ST. CHARLES ST. Phones Main 3442 and Main 4792. J. R. WELLS, Division Passenger Agent, e New Orleans, La. THE LOUISIANA CYPRESS LUMBER COMPANH Limited Manufacturers of LUMBER AND SHINGLES Larpe Stock of Dry Cypress Lumber HOUSE-BILLS A SPECIALTY HARVEY, LA. (Opposite New Orleans) Cable Address: "Cypress" TELEPHONE ALGIERS NO. 10 Smoke Portina Cigars We sell lots of e'em. U. KOEN & CO., Distributors NEW ORLEANS PRINTING BOOK BINDING Algite., Coue end viciniy order n .iprtict/r eatrention and de Everesdmrn"st. Coil oe op. EUGENE JOUBERT "HFeire C0. Wrk OE y" 300 Clhetre Mael 6132 Tenants and Owner Of Houses Are all benefited by having elecri light in their premises. South New Orleans Light & TractionG 222 Elmira Ave., Algiers, La. Phom All4%J If you area candidaklt4 position in busilnel t find a course at Se1. r that will greatly adq chances for success Soule College has au& Ors. The 0Solicitors schools cannot give y a information o_ Sony Moderate Mgonthly -Ai SIULE COLLEGE prior Busle., e th s , is The Gateway English Courh.-D I In Business Night. Because it is the Home of Thoroughness GEORGE SOUI, i and High-Grade Courses EIAT WEE'S APWl Fine Wines, Liquors dal ,". CORNER OF ALIX and CH B VALLETTE STREETS ____ Ask I_ EXTRA L t for 4X FINE OLD ILA BEI New Orleans Brewing Ca Immediately upon the declaration of the war, the whole Bell System wuinm at the disposal of the Government. The Government's telephone naeds beImdd mount importance, to which every private requirement was necessarily ambardId. Since the war the demands upon our service due to the ndsml ad ws activities have been unprecdented and are constantly increasing, as oar alitary-~s.ita the Gouernment's need for telephone service will increase and will be net. We ask your co-operation with us by avoiding extravagant sabdwsed a dta so that with the other resources of the country, our reserve may be cemsedawll the full measure of service to the Government and to the nation. T. BARTON BAIRD. District Manager. " Cumberland Telephone a , . 0 Telegraph Co., Inc. WM, LEIBE REFRIGERATOR MANUFACII REFRIGERATING PLANTS MANUPACTURERS OP Refrigerators, Cold Storage Boxe Display Refrigerators. Office and Salesren: 740 Peydras Street Factory: 1024.12l6 iPlo NEW ORLEANS, LA. Save Time at SPENCER BUSINESS COLDIG By nmastering the great n Spencrin Sh ,-t'ainI and practical Twsd BR ,kkeeping and the m .t up ,-:-, t , i r i : perrnanship. iaud ,rtice practice and busirne+ E:n i:-. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS INDIVIDUAL IltUCntg Maln 108. 711 CO3N!o DYERS, IHONE: ALGIERS JOHN P. VrZIEN, Pre Carstens & Vezien Co.,U Speel Atteatleo to Rallroad Order. 31 441o MORAN STREET, PHONe tAeSlle , e, Css.. ee as a e... 6.eew *,... t