Newspaper Page Text
(e . 1 ..10 OIL= NEA AL'I. Ors "n . . . .. .... 1a 0 rG . kRtA Elh:or and l'rnp:leto ., - i,tr . V. KRAI T, \J, 5j Verret S:reet, New O::ear.s, tl one, o A'.g.: " iHE kA; , ..· ·I paWe, TE HE \AL . " " . Str' :. t ' - _ • : ( : delet Street. Bi1' Bd :i, - !iiERALD regularly, wi. pr.ea e nfotify the busines, ,e "::, .i. .t,ln as early as pa ss:h'j.e, a , n it later tr, an Tue s -r ° - ." - f:. m ".e pep'i e ani new. ..:e f ba',:s. lawn part:cs. Al Icfsml . "i .,r'.-sci :rc r. l ie HERAL.D ",'e of ,lerg.h No toh -iv &0 an res :.c l . . rsWe do n.," .:i y.un ntnhe n eon otr Wn the >t T º[ ' .ri si. s:.:e, b: o we in a: n..,: ;.-n. hvl ing y.ut VrL XXV OCTOBER 18. 1917 No. 24 OIL NEAR ALGIERS cThe resld, nr,- ,1 r ) . ,'' iln and euspecially th- properly holders are at present int' .r 'i- .. pr,,lpect5 of the disco very of oil in the nvear viriity of Aiglit r- +t , I. - iilf Ites elpme:t (om any is drilling a well. rom gxtl als . ,r::_ u , ,iii the news that the indications are splendid. tht one of ta thr. iutitl products will ie ftotind there in a dlaytin antltY and sh,,ua l , th il ipany Ie so fortunate as to tind either oil or t in this Vicini rs t .i11 m n the ri-atest bIoom that the West side of tile river has ever This well is ,,'' i ,.ly .i shirt h ditance behinl, .\l'iors, and it means that if oil is fuil 'h, r, i' \1 tri rin the prove: thielts right to the very dr of New Orlh.iin-. %,h:, It \ill relan further des elolient of the oil in d-trm in the inouth "l',. Irinin.t in (if oil wells has been slowly. but .rely extendil'g fr,1:i I .-,til!ii, int. Texias. eastward ulntil our nearest pro dective well is at Iluii. L.,. only about thirty-iv-e miles from New Or lns on the air Itnre. but if it shIould be t roscn that this local well is a failure, it does n,t m nt,. ,-a rily mean that oil or gas is not to be found in this vicinity. It n:.t e- remembered that near New Iberia as many as twenty wells were sunk h,ifore oil or gas was found in paying quantity. Ti section is a thrit:ni oil country. which is paying handsomely upon the o.vestment made in this industry rp to the iresent time the geological survey is very favorable to tinil -g oil so much so. that we have the assurance that other wells will be blad. should the present one prove a failure. The men behind this project should be encouraged in their work. NEW CITY ELECTRICIAN The appointment of \V. . I)llzell to succeed the late Foster Olroyd. as d~ electrician, meets with general approval and especially. on our side of S river, where Mr. Idil:rell is so well and favorably known. Mr. Dllzell's various experiences in the electrical line, and his long years d contact with men high up in this profession, qualifies him to hold the rstion. notwithstanding a protest coming from an organization, which has a means of determinini, whether or not Mr. Dilzell is suited or not for thei Mar0n. His many friends, who know him well, and know his ability, are satfi M that he will handle the office of city electrician with credit to himself, Drwill maintain the same efficiency, as was had during the term of Foster WHY AND WHY NOT. The freight cost In the United States for hauling a suit of clothes one Sthe distance round the world i only 19 cents. Sauthern railroads recently signed an agreement that will cost themt 1USW1 a year, but that averted a railway strike involving 45,000 men. i haary, (Cona.), hat manufacturers, whose employees have been on S seveteen weeks, have resumed work on the "open shop" plan. The Socialist ticket was recently elected at Dayton. Ohio, defeating the -,utlan, Democratic and Independent tickets in a four-cornered fight. The pork packers of Chicago propose that the Government appoint "a us, experienced in business," to act as dictator of the live stock In The death penalty in the Russian army abolished at the time of the Imhtloa has been restored because of the demoralization which followed Srepeal. Dr. Eliot of Harvard makes a plea that a stop be put to the disgraceful L> that goes on every time there is a disagreement between an em *lr ad his workmen. A mix-up in babies at a children's hospital In New York has brought deat md Jury action urging a new system of tagging all infants born in IouLht to New 'aork institutions. A man arrested in Cleveland lately on a charge of using the malls to - anfessed that he made love to women all over the country to get to keep 'tthe one woman" in luxury. PERSONAL. w C asagne is expected to re Shurday or Friday. In his _b- he met Rev. Father Delalre. ., formerly assitant in Algiers So, Leutenant D)elaire of Uncle * army. Father DeLaire has mepted as a regular chaplain. the rank of lieutenant. His of French helped him to the position, because inter are in great demand at the time on the French front. elaire is happy over his new t and is very anxious to - o war zone. . nther Quinn. S. M.. of Jef Oslee, passed through the - ay on his way to Philadel 1 the sad purpose of burying ShLr, who died last Saturday. P. Daigneau. professor of aid higher mathematics UUQe, Came down last Satur _ hlp out in the absence of . He made a very Seal to the patriotism of -~&br of the parish to encour tLe members to buy Liberty ALL SAINTS. SOWers in our remetery are t9 have an understanding r genlal and efficient sexton to co-operate H ith himn in the resting place of the dead as Il years cone by. LIBERTY BONIS. -- and clear appeal was ety Rev. Fath,r. Larkin to -i ioners to buy Liberty 1 M thereby help the country great confli,'t that is now d lhich awaits the strong; - ci ountry to bring to an lY NAME SO'CIFETY -imit7 will have its usual an - lt snext week or. Wednes " e ' and Friday. The ex 1 Oasst of mass at ; a. m. Sad benediction at 7:30 S ef the sern:ton will be Very Rev. P. Wynhoven , Gretna, and the fathers of the larish. a saked to help to make m the sccese it should be. will meet on Thursday - dsw to Visit the am.m bers and notify them of this great event for every true Holy Name man. 'Saturday will be for confessions, and the whole society will receive communion in a body at the 5 o'clock mass Sunday. The closing exercises for all so cietiea will take place at St. Stephen's Church at 5 p. m. The services will consist of a sermon by some eminent preacher, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Fsacrament. There will be no publi, parade this year on .account of the war, so many men having been drafted that it would Have thinned out the ranks of the society. and, besides, it was thought wise to save the expenses necessary for such a demonstration. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CONFER ENCE. Again this noble organization comes before the people of Algiers to remind them the cold weather will soon be here and that there will be many families in need of fuel for the dismal wintry days. The high cost of everything this present year will make it harder for the poor to live, .and hence there will rbe a need for greater charity. Several substan tial donations have come in already, but nm,any more are needed. both large and small. This is, indeed, a most worthy cause and it is hoped that, as in years gone by, the Algiers people will respond. A special col lection will be taken up at all the masses Sunday. All are earnestly bey ged to come well provided, for the needs of the poor are indeed great. Iet your doration be not only from your superfluous. but from your necessary cash, for sacrifice consti tutes true charity. OCTOBER DEVOTIONS This is to remind the parents and the children of the special devotions every Wednesday and Frid.ay -of the convenient hour of 3:13. The church ought to be filled to overflowing. is not the case. Just a little thought will increase the attendance. SERVICES. Sunday-Masses at 5. 6. 9 and 10 a. m.. benediction at 4:3N1. baptisms from 4 to 3 p. m. SICK OF TIlE PARISH. Peter MMcGivney. Mrs. Ely, Mrs. Adeline Otis and Robt Teal. BAPTISMS. Sidney Augustine. son of Arthur Fields and Olga Powers of 340 Pacific Avenue. Sponsors, Sidney Powers and Miriam Gauthreaux. Joseph George, son of George Troullet .and Lathe Ely of 818 Slldell Avenue. Sponsors. Louis J. Sordelet and Itairhara Sordelet. .losephine. daudlter of Vitter Las ' ito and Annie c('rniglia of ILow(-r ('oast. Sionsors. ~,aml laango and Antonia (;iovingo. The A.\liers branch of the A. R. C'. turned out 17; pajama suits last , month. Since then 44 tlajama suits and 1., bed shirts have been returtned to the N. O. chapter. A new lot of one hundred garments is now on hand, and we urge that otlr Inleli ber, rai!y to the cause and put in - snle time on their specified lays. The knitting class. under the di rection ot Mrs. \Whit more and Miss Albert. i dtoing very eIll: the ladlies have "c'augcht on" remarkably fast. and are hb'comling very adept with their needles. .\t first fnizers and niiolles got hoipelessly mixed and learnling to knit '(s'eemed a very dliffitcult tak. inle,-id But with such patiient and painstakingi in.tructirs. order was soon birouht out (t chaos, and now each is tryini, 4 tt out-ldo the other in the ieven..-t s ,it her work and the spieid of h,.r :net dles. .\ o(,dly nllllber of our lleLtim ers flp not se,- at all. and 11 ,o hate nit . yit 'ilent actual service to the r 1,(-lh \ Woulld n11t these ladies be I. illin- to join the knittnc cla,.-s and thus a 1sit us in turnin;g out our quo 1. ta of -.eatr.? g There' , work for everytbody at our r 1iranch head-lquarters, anid it theire orei', tru st this appeal will be thli lmeans of addlini to theI list of wtork Tho e wishing to volunteer tr t (,r lice can call on the cihairman. Mlis . Ella M.. Itees. ::4 V\altitte stri(tir . , ring u;, the secretary. Miss G. iter t bert. \ ,~2.\\ '. The r'i-tor t isited the lower C'oast missions at linlme alnd laisy last week. The s.-r\i e at Ilime was well attended. but at I)aisy the nm,siqii toes drov4. the egood re,-tor hack hollle before lie ii uld arrange for a servi-e, On Thursday of this w\eek you will find hiill trying again. A new altar will be pla:-ed in the M1ission Chapel of tht. Good Shtepherd at Dime. la. Th is altar is the work of Mr. Imestir L unn and is hi.; introduction to "i-le ias tical iood \work. It is simile but very dienitiedl in design. On Saturday the rector called on the Rev. Alexander Gordon Hake el.l, priest in charge of Trinity Chapel for the past thirty-wo years. 'The Rev. Mr. Bakewell was rector of Mount Olivet from 1x65 to 1'71. And "lDaddy" Bakewell" is dearly loved 'by Mount Olivet to this day. On Sunday. at 2 p. m.. Myrtle Elizabeth Jeanette Cieutat receivtd holy 'baptism in Mount Olivet Church. Parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Cieutat: sponsors. Mr. Charles .1. Cieutat and Mrs. Sussannah Thorn ing. Rev. S. L. Vail officiated. Bt'RIALS. John Bass died Thursday. Octo ber 11. Service at house, church and grave. Interment Friday. October 12. at ::30 p. m., in St. Bartholomew's Cemetery. "Father. in Thy gracious keeping. Leave we now Thy servant sleep ing." Mrs. Christine Thayer died in Hammond. La.. Friday. October 12. Interment in Greenwood Sunday at 4 p. m. The rector of Mount Olivet officiated at the cemetery. Mrs. Thayer was born in Glasgow, Scot land, seventy-four years ago, and has been a resident of New Orleans for the greater part of her life. During the rectorship of the Rev. Alexander Gordon Bakewell she was confirmed in Mount Oivet Church in the class of 1'66. She was a faithful attendant upon the services of the church and always took part in the various activities of the parish so cieties. Her bsence will be long felt and her helpful assistance missed by a our people. "May light perpetual shine upon her." The Ladies' Guild of Mount Olivet Church held a business meeting on Tuesday night at which suitablI resolutions were drawn up and adopted relative to the death of Mrs. Christine Anderson Thayer. a copy of which is to be sent to the press. Serv'ices on neot Sunday at the usual hours, 7 and 9:.1) a. m. Also at 7:.30 p. mn. The early service will consist of the Holy Communion and sermon, at which time the Woman's Auxiliary will attend in a body. The "'Thank Offering" will also be received at this service. Now is the time for the Second Liberty Loan. Church people do your duty. Show your patriotism. Buy a bond! Resolutions of the Ladies' Guild of Mount Olivet Church. New Or leans. La., adopted Tuesday, October 16. 1917: Whereas. it has pleased Almighty God in His wise Providence to re move from this world our friend and co-worker, Mrs. Christine Thayer and Whereas. by her long association and faithful service in this parish and church she has endeared herself to our people: therefore Be it resolved. That it is the sense of this Guild that in the death of Mrs. Thayer this congregation has lost a most loyal, valuable and de voted member, whose presence will be most seriously missed by us. Resolved further. That we tender our sympathy to her relatives and also to her dear and lifelong friend. Mrs. Anna Conway,. and that these resolutions 'be spread upon the minutes of this Guild and a copy sent to the Heald. (Signed) ELI7ABIBTH TI'FTS. ADA RICHARDS. ANTOINE'IE BABIN. Rev. C. C. W'ier. Phone Algiers 13.s. Residence. 2"8 Vallette street. Services were well attended at both morning and evening hours. The "Four Minute Man." who had been promised to explain the Liberty Bond did not come. The pastor made prop er explanation. Miss Roberta Hat kesbriin made proper announcement Get Your GCrocer's Opinion l A H He knows coffees-has mixed them and sold them for years. He knows Luzianne. Ask him what he thinks of it. Ask him what most of his 1i customers think of it. Luzianne will • stand or fall by this test. If the re port is favorable, take home a can and r,,,u . try it yourself. Make up a pot, ac lhsRelV-Thelr cording to directions. You have ""~OnEsr.oASfPsI nothing to lose, for the guarantee assures your money back if you don't The Lzianne Guarantee: like Luzianne. Buy a can today. If, after using the contents Luzianne is roasted in a clean, sani ofa can. you are not satisfied tary, well-lighted factory. Your own in every respect, your gro- kitchen could not be cleaner. Ask cer will refund your money. for profit-sharing catalog. L ZIANEcoffee he Reily-Taylor Company. New Orleans land explanation of lte2istration I tay. at both Iiliorining anl eveninel sr \ices and urged the (o-tiperationi (if all the mmIli11brers The junicor chair sang t wo special -elections: Loa e's L.1-ht livi*.i, ald The Mlan of G;alilee. The pastor's text was II Samn 'I. 21. "And the king saidi unto .\rannah. 'Nay: but I will surely buy it ofat thee at a price: neither ~\ill I offer hurnt offtrings unto the L.ord my (;oid o: that which cist me i nothin' At night the choir anllg an appro I priate anthemn. Mrs lllakertian sang a beautiful solo. The pa tor's te\t was. 1Matthew 5.4 '"llessed are they that mourn: for they shall be com for'ed." All collections at both services and Sunday Schoiol were for the M.Mthod ist Orphana.-; at Rusti(n. Mrs Joel Lilly mpresented her church certificate fromnt ;allnman ('h irch. Miss.. and becatme a illmember of thei local con(crication. She is to mitake her honie amonll her former .Aliers friends, who gladly weltconne her. Elizabeth ('aroline l.eoine. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Lau man was baptized October 14, 1:17. Mr. W. R. Lilly and Miss Leoine Larre were sponsors. Tonight 'the congregation is urged to attend prayer meeting at 7::i11 in stead of 7:30), to give an opportunity to everybody to attend the big platri otic meeting at the Athenaeum at X. This will be one of the greatest meet ings In behalf of the second Liberty Bond issue. Senator John Sharp Wil liams is expected to speak. The pastor urges every member to make next Sunday a great Sunday School occasion. Services next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The text at night will be Matthew 7:5. The Boy Scouts had a big meeting Monday night. After a business ses sion. 1Mr. E. L. Bordelon gave the boys their usual drill. Several new names were added. EPWORTH LEAGUE. The Leaguers were sorry to hear last Sunday that Miss Etta Petti grove uwas ill, and hope that she will find her way to the League next Sun day. Sunday evening's lesson was to have been led by Miss Etta, 'but Miss Roberta Hafkesbring led in her stead. Among the announcements the one remembered best was that two of our Lague boys. Messrs. Carl and Paul Malone, who are now in the United States Navy, are well and still remem er the Leaguers. The regular monrtihly business meeting was held on Tuesday, Octo ber 16, at the home of Misses Flor ence and Kate Green. Seversal mat-' trs of importance were discussed, as follows: First department, .Mliss Rober',t Hafkesbring. superintend ent: Irva Daniels. Mary Harvey., Lester Dunn. Captain Zatarain ,and Le Roy Parker. Second department. Miss Emma George, superintendent; Ruth Hafkesbring, Fiate Green, Etta Pettigrove. Inez i)aniels. Florence Green and Sanford Hebert. Third department, Miss Thelma Cayard, superintendent: Mrs. L. T. I)unn. Mr. R. Whalin. Walter Wells. Edgar Cayard., Streuby Drumm and Mrs. Zatarain. Fourth department. Mr. Claude Entwistle, superintendent; Mr. Wiltox. Mr. Schroepple, Miss Anr,abelle Kirkpatrick and Hehbert Hingle. Several games were played, and afterward refreshments were served, which were enjoyed 'by all present., Among those present were: Misses Florence Green. Inez Daniels. Roberta l-tafkesbring. Hattie May Armstrong. Thelma Cayard. Kate Green, Luella )Dunn. Irva Daniels, Emma George. Messrs. Wilcox. Les ter Dunn, Streuby Drumm, Walter Wells. Edward Daniels. Sanford He bert. Frank Schroepple, Whalin. Moore. Hazelrig, Chester Green. Ed gar Cayard. Mrs. L. T. Dunn, Mrs. 7,atarain. Mrs. Green and the Rev. C. C. Wier. SUNDAY SCHOOL. My. but the race is close. Even again. Yes. the Reds and the Blues are again even. but Sunday is the last day. and the winners will be an nounced on Sundlay. So be out and hear if your side won. Be-sides. Sun day is Rally DI)ay. and w,- are anx ious to have ia large nunimber present. WIe want the mothers and fathers and thle rest of the famnily to come. We are to have a very good program for your 'benefit, so come and hear your children. or your friends. or your future friends. Then comes the so cial or Halloween Party for the con testants on the .lst. which we are working hard for in order to have a rood one for you. Going back to: Sunday, we took up the \'rk Day Offering for the Orphanage. and everyone was pleased at the results. I)on't forget to come out Sunday morning at 9:'30 o'clock to Sunday Shool. Remember it is Rally Day. NO NEWS RECEIVED THIS JEEK O:i :a.-I T!Lnt -*iay ni itr. th,. \It ,.hini- andI Ii,.li-rs of N,. 1 \\'.it h at the Na.iv: Station satVi' a lhanuitI' at liw a r'tes ' a.,. After k .li, kinti oft tronif work att 12 p. In. they iros , u,.led to thie spread and all enjIy aiile. tinti' a'as -pnt. Mr. II. Kurtz was tilastir of ce-remotinies ani Mtr. J. I'i-niergaat anilou tio.r. The en tiattining was ldlne bt .,e1-.r . A. i lbfrt. W. Jone-. . . iiauldin, tle lirt and ('haudin relirintig the ]a' S1 ballad-, and Mr. Jones hanlid out the rag tiulm. .A qtlarlette lomi posed of .l--rs. 'ehlerua.-t. Jonea., Hiebert. ('hauln was the. feature-. Those present a ere 1 M-ssrs. J. Hilliiard. A.. t'haudin. Geo. MaePi'her .on. A. Hobert. J. P'endiergast, J. Mc-Nall y. Ily. O(rmond. W. Jones. J. Laporyerolier. F. Ta tnhe. J. Thomp son. J. IHauter. lHy. Kurtz andi L. Artigue. Statement of the Owner hip, Man agement, Ete.. Iteluired by the .(et of ('ongrte of August 24, 1912, Of The Herald. published weekly at New Orleans. La.. for October, 11.417. State of Louisiana. 'o'unty of Orleans Before me. Robert E. O'C('onnor. in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Dr. C. V. Kraft. who. having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the owner of the Herald and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief. a true statement of the ownership, management of the aforesaid publi cation for the date shown in the above caption. required by the Act of August 24. 1i412. embodied in section 443. Postal Laws and Regu lations. That he is the Publisher, Editor, Managing Editor and Business Man ager of The Herald. That he is the sole owner of The Herald and that there are no bond holders. mortgagees. or other secu rity holders, holding any interest in The Herald. DR. C. V. KRAFT. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1917. ROBT. E. O'CONNOR, Notary Public. CHARTER i' THlE PREVOST INSI'RANi'E AGENCY CO., INC. September 18, 1917. United State, of America, State of Louii ana. a3riTsh of I reran . ( ty of New (Orleans. Be :t known, that on this eighteenth Ilthi day of the mo.ath of September, in the yea o-f our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of Amer:ca, the ein hundred and forty-second, bef ire me, Felix Joseph P'uig, a notary pubte;c, duly comr.issi ,ned and qualified in and fr the Parish of Or leans. State of Louisiana, therein restling, and iu the presence of the witnesses herein after named and undersigned, personally came and appeared: The persons whoie name. are hereunto c blip cribed, all residents of this city, who -everally declared that, availing themneivec of the provi,,nsl of the laws of this State relative to the organization of corporations. they have covenanted and agreed. and I, liby tnene tpresent., coivenant and agree bind and .1lgate themselves int i a corpliration under te tiipulati .,nv s ar-i agreement, hereinafter set fi-th, which they herebty adapt an their i arter, t",-wit' .\rt~t;le I.-The nam-e and style of thos c , ra'nn he.rev frm:ed is declared t !,e the "I'revst In.urance Agency Company. Ico-npirated, its t nmicile sha!l be in the I sty -f New Orleans It hall eminmmence b~ isne as oon, as all of the requt rem ents .,f the law hall have been cornplied with. and t -shl eny succes;,mn by its cirporate namne f,- the term of ninety-nine years from and after sail date, unime ws ner d:.olved, "" the manner d:rected by law. during which rre it hall have the right to ute and he -ned ;in ',- corp-ate name; to acquire prop -ty by grant, gift. purchase or bequtest: to 'e!e. learc, hold or I;poe of and to mort gage andi pd-ge real. personal and mixed property: and enjoy all other powers, r;gh:s a ti, p-vi!eges granted by law to crrplra Art~c'e II -The president. or in his a' -ence., the secretary-t o'Reaisurer, is de-ignrated a: the pers-ni ulo n sh -'in all ci'at: is or ther legal proess.. shall he served. A tcle III -The ,',jecs ard purposes of this c,,r;,ira, in and the of the ,s -Iteo to ie carried -in by it are hereby de tcartd to e t, c-ntuct a general Insurane Agency R aine , t, S,'it-it In-uran-e ,f all kind., either ,ion a Salary or (omm:ni-,. to act as Ar-c t f .r re:,len' and non-re-;len: In-uarce (ompanries of all kinds; to mn-pect n-vrance rik-., t i adji st inisurane I t5eC ant genera' ave-age, and generally wh f:l 1 ptier I, ,I a d perf-rm any and all acts Ines e al and nece ary : acco'mrhi the *LET US CLEAN AlU PIESS TOUR CLOTHES Yeo'll ilke the way we d. it 0. DORSEY Phas ule . g127 711 Teche St. STAR EMBROIDERY WORKS, Humutitchiug While V.o Wait Mackin. Embtoldery of all Kind. LItest N. Y. Design. EUTTOOS COVERED. PLEATING OF ALL KINOS Nell Ordero Promptly Attended To. Special Attention Given to Dreesseekere. 220 IJARONNE MTREET een, SeOI MaIl 6472 Take Elevator on Gravier or on Baronne Street. -, . - , I . t . , .. ' . . . I I S .:., , t. . 1 . . i . - ' ' , ': . l I t ' r'" e t t. f: wh 1 " :,,i ' , ":! r . n , . ,. ., , !, A ! :I:r v ArI I t rli'ir:e ': 'l . tt ' t' e N .- " ti ..Ie i le f . t'Ic . , , . e - , ' , " i:, o.: , Sar ta:: , : r t an'y fti :e' n t n tha ti he '. :,l:nt . , thle une, a:. 1 haince a g nr' tw.e : ,t ck, tHall A.ny nt'mtre " :n .e ,'na I a hrg ate: 7. e,:: an l ri t' e, .ltor:, a:!. r aite rt.a I rig if thaLa e wha ' tic lin' ai ,ve et f r:h or render t - a : c artr r 3. I'r l Thur itt!e and p ed, er 3. ofare e, at N \-w I r :, Lrtein a. St ~t:he day, m, n:i at, h 't t c 'r-t a v'l, writ:rler i" theI ig e, ene anf .r the I.ri. \ ' 1:g and Jeanne. Iitre , the ann dia rer, an me, notary, after due are I aring of the (wh r,:r . f the !'re rinar Alert de ite 2 ,'nianey ; Wli . J. Preva- t i laly re irded in my altire art I"''A 1212. 'gare. Waiter G. H.E NARD J. lyarel. I. the undf I.l ,ne. a ra, ,rei er of i f (r e agne. in andr f r t f te a ri rlen S tate . I a ean . fi Lier'aya detifhe reiv cert:'y that the in r I e a true and ci,rrct c.p uif tile 4 rrinat ('-ar. e and foregoing Charter of th ra e Autnc (Iur n, Agen tile and om recir'!, aIter:y tu lriay nchilerr. In fatth whereo. I bereunt ret ny ! atn e af L.f ni2eaa Nare. wi (Irteanv,), t StgVtrii !"E!AX J. Ii'hI. N'a-y lruadt'y. September 24. 9lte. ant, Par:eanh of l, rles, .n .tate e Lui day 'if:etani dhee'ry:i t Seiemter, in the year a tr afn , ('hrit tey of the 'ar-an n ine l h ar air eser te y (,o andif the Inr r" AtierlIenc 'ify It"c, 'reoret an! fy re re t he fitkr., h' a i) can- Sate 'f I..'ii-'ana, l ily, "n f-"tcinh t'n,| qtaitieriu t a ten m, :h! inga an of r tle pre, ene Of the ,: here afy te if te an uter.A.eri ftre. )7 e' e nt a tier -Jh e I la-i'raraces aey h',, t S' gne i ) "EnI'In J. l 1ri at N,'tty aubliv. a Septemter 24i 11a IX'E DITLie ISaIINt a..)MPANY, IN " ted .gtate, ,f America, Stare i ,f L, i - and , h e ar;h of .)rlans, L:ty yf Nea' ef ur lf rd, oe th tiand. nne hu ,It: ai :n'l - e.en:tee·,) and ,)f the Indlepcn lenre ,,f 'ae nited 'rtates f Amerca, "he one h'en Ire| a 'l frty-sea al. me. W. aM,,gan ta:ey, a tary pa:t,~ ' n aa- f. r the par ' '' of ' r'geang , S'at e~e , La t' ana, , aly ''-n' n:i-:,onet ,n q a ":"e, thereo re a":,-' ng, and t the pre"en ,e "f the ' tnesse here:nafter na ed andt ul':,te r stgnte,|, per ,'iax ly Iame and a.' eare,; The '.everal ne'- ,n who-e ren are here ao s' cri'ae . h, everally declarn'! that mvaici ' them.e: ve. f af an:, anuar the he av gan: at ,n ,r c , p ,.it : i., ta l y -ave Sant and agree , a a.m ahe:ia'ive " as well' ,s nte', er.. as 2: a y here.:ftre belt)'o e ga ca',iaed w it ,h e' r su. e e | :hI n l a aen It;t':e a r r;, n , : or h,,a y pl:t d1,' te c? 'p• :a , f >i: . ,; ng, .wy:.i_' they pd a'pt ar "hea r char' cr , : - v.,t Artne a ale ' T n na:rr of :v s it r;, ra'' i n rehall e it'h ' .t e in all :- it a ,:a ;,any, hn orapine of" al: t'.er ':he ,.r'e r,.,:,. and etc:. o f te "Dixie Demo tty : Con anr d l erate in a; kind r e.nd ihand buildi mey, real, etc., a , d i, ac hand building materials, etc., said Dixie i-I .- r -- . 1 'v •f4 1 ". r_ t I `u thi , 'C. '. ''.. 1, 1l Ae .4 r1 "1 inner 4 1- - .'y 'nli .1 rly :. ':1 ihJ:"aI \ 1 tit. s> ,rw . I , t !, e l.. a 'I :l1 .f t " ,; 1 all bis. tie's I e :- dr.: J le a1ll ues S : * dI I dlrec tor , tiay 1 rK ti f tr the g.4 ':1! ent ::'e t: 'n ' I I .4:l 1 1. itof ::1 . af. to a. .1r ,nd an I han- ge S ra .lt al I :rs '.y r tay not use a re 1', at !'le 1s , e:. " of the biard. v. 'pa-. 're '1 .: . : u.. ny -.h ll be con : lerr. as cn'.. i *v the year unless so .pr la ni y<ntrae:rd with in writing. Said :1 1hacl have the r:ght t delegate any i 14, wers t . a ny tflicer hffcers or agents rt 1,prir artd. generally ti dr any ,4l all igt :4 "i','avary ~r rrqaii:e fir the ran.. a. Itn i " ithe bus:ness andl affairi of the Ar: il . \ :. Th. act 'of tii"'rpora.tir . may lie e ltered or atien,!el, or tills corpo ratslo d:, :ed by a v . itt of three-fourthes n . f, I ! " the cap al ' " k i ,u,.d at a gren ,., ntreting if !te st. kh tiders cntvened fr t''at tourpte. ThI rty .il) days pievlous . 't 1r if re i eeting , hall have been pub. hib:e one of : daily:: newspapers of the (ity .'f New tirleant, and copy of said no tu.e iiaile. by r-gi-terd letter to each s!tarh: '.der at hle lst ktnown residence. Article V'II -Whenever this companyll may ,ie di.s lved by expiration of the s charter or erherwi.e, two ilruid ating comrnisiloners shall 'e elected by the shareholders at a general icer ttg of the sto\kholders held as herein pr.'voled. 'Lb se liquilators shall cn:tnr in othe unt!il the full iqguidation if thle c rparatin, .ry in rate of the death .f either if them, the retmaitrn ng liquidator rhall c- int ,ite sail lt'.n lilatnin until the 'hareh .iders see tit ta eleit a successor to fIll itch vacaic y. Art cle VIll -No t'bk il .er of this cae L)ra'r itsi ill ever lie hell hIatIe or CC , altered for the faults or contracts of d in or e atsin in any further seum. than . ri uit. I . aanie dise the irlyniaeion on te , hate it -tir-k owned by him. nor shall AIy nit e i fi i::ulaty ini oiranleation have of Cxp.- -tg a s' ckhililer to any liability in t'ie a'icu in: 'f his atick. Tihl lin ,e an! ,aseil a:t my office in the ('ity ,f New ()rlae in. L.'sanda. ',n the day., :nn: arenl year he rri knrt above written,. n thle pectnce of the-lre RHerhl and hee .v ,t " rC .,pe t tmale witnesses ,,fi therrrp, r:gn their namesr with the said afe-:aer a'f tie, turary, aftier due reading 'if the wtiie. (fr guinl gtnedi: Jos. E. Jh·tnson 24 2,hl 0 i:i're, said. L.a iati p: intg the tir i of Ii xe I e. o s'ikng , ,,lr Jo hn II. , uhite i .,r tera rs New orle ni sr, I .., Iw 4 Itoat'' . n i re New 4ftrlarns, La. it le r Ii,,ll ne S M. ron - a . ,fl, AN (.w HI.Ey Nit. Pub. Ste ie, .1 re ! Rde~rdler if i.Mrtgages, et a ,:, fr ah: 'c f . rleai, Stae. of LouThan, di aieren y certify that the Oinve lti ferr'igAe 4i 'If ilnrpir.anton of the out e lDena yetir I he tlpa'iy. lncirttorated, was thie. day dly rei'ie in my office \ew iirlearci L'ui-ata. S.'. 24, 1917. I I, r If ''C alcive and fiaterdteg ti be a S d rret. copy of the ru l act of "4'o o 'of the '. ixe lie-r shing. I -t 'r. ,In 'pttied, toge' 'r with the. ao :,e oI the Her 't. . f Mrtgages S I d. an. in I.>. niy n'ataial ,'. MoRG.AN o' L.EY, N-it. Pub. . n e27 " t 4 11 or r N ,v t on t all the dirt out of e Carpets and Matting Frank Braal, Phone Algier 311 319 NEWTON iT. ANGELL'SIM. N Lng and Thrat Treouble,. 2S and sO Cents All Erh gista t