Newspaper Page Text
Classified Advertising - - - - -:Z,~fC_"r~lZ-------_--- -----.---.-1-----.-... : ---L - ---: THE pL1Pi ,E (_F THIS DEPARTMENT is to put the reader in touch immediately with the newest ncCdftiul for the hom n:~ e t! rm. or person; to offer, or seek, an unusual business opportunit), or to >uggest a <ervice that may be performed l f liv ~ '1 h correspondence. It will pay a housewife or business man equally well to read these advertiements carefuilf. L 11ca_'~nnnnnnnnn nn nnae=aaana an na aco m naco mmarnna~r Coca I M lSSPELLED WORD. C, The word, .1 PVr. - dite Royal . " , _ d.-,. d '" 1 Shop u t 'ir Sour last .En .1:". 613 ...613 fil Hanna , RULE5 TO GOVERN cONTEST t LS 1rRý E '-' f'' FNT iN No A TI AN Mi. O-" 'El -,' '." I,. "A'.i 7; Y01 's TE I! ARD AS wATHENrTE 'OD -iET .I I I ,sa , lEST THE nSI'E1 : t A" r.I)FiED ?IE.' AT Pki ,F A IA) A14. tE RITLES I1 , iL' CON Local WantsB WANTED TO RENT. ea o three roo Nant to Re a - n i*i Irth a s, thomas, J tart ): o!t:.Sce nit "Tel WANT TO BUY rbooe A:giers ,u for h';h.`st prices on •ao e ": " , e ,.; er , .,0 ,i lead, zinc, S rber, scrap irau. _ ALGIERS SCRAP MATERIAL CO. 921 Pattersan S. 419 4-19-18 F For Sale cNchd ('r. Tar:'r. r .. sh See i rt-ie2 c. .\ : , 5: t. g0e cypress mantre and grate complete. Su OWa for Cash. Re Ont Mans Bone Cut:er for cutting green lie km for chickens.s, O large coun:er table c-vered with s sosawe suitable for stare. Size 10 ft. x d Sft. Cheap. t App y 50) Verret St. Lost Lt or straye1i" Black anl Tan hund di,g. J. scar on right fron::t h,,acdrr and rnght D; ad leg. Please return t, \W . Salathe, i louny St., and receive reward. 2It Vaisable jet bar pin. Reward if returned Y Its. Lous Sterra. tipel.,una, and Belle vier teetrs. Special Notice, SPECIAL NOTICE y resolution adopted by the stockhld- A ts of the Welding Apparatus Supply ('m- in ny, 140 Tchoupitoulas St , New Orleans, L.the affairs of the aiol company have - Su dissolved Signed. E. ). TRELLUS, Secretary. a; at .l Nov 1 R AWIrOS, sAH, ES E. 1 IEARING & COMPANI, (Established 1817)1 SAIL MAKERS Awnings, Flags, Tarpau- - ha sad Tents. Theatrical Work & Specialty k CerLIaad Phone, Marn 3891. Corner Ca al sad T6ospitoolas Sta. New Orleans. CHINIMSB PERBSONAL D mst buy any make of scales or have OF usirig done on any used ones until rie smlt Ferrer. There is a reason. Get c. LPstal 25 Magazine St. Telephone Up am 7 S ITERITAIINMETS FURNISIED K lnt KIRSCH attend your wants. Iartasinment furnished. Tables, Chairs, Tole Linen, Silverware, Glassware, Crock 1. CHARLES HIRSCH. 501 Frenchmen - i. DqR. A. Phone Hemlock 775. 3-2-18 F MODERN CLEANERS 3. TREADAWAY. Prop. Opelssas Ave. Phone A 307 J - S deaned ana pressed, 50c. Siuits o steam cleaned and pressed, 75c. r limited time only. DENTISTS Phone Main 52.J. (IIARD C. ROOT, D. D. S 6f7 CANAL STREET Cor. ROYAL. NEW ORLEANS 4-19-18 OYAL, HAT CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP &Y Your Old Hat Made New We clean all kinds of hats. Satisfaction guaranteed. hats made to order, $2.00. We call and deliver. 2SRoyal St. Main 5195 T VTGOETABLIS. , Fruit, F.-h, Game, Groceries, PETER TALLUTO _ ' Bermsuda St. Phone Algierm 431 M Phone Algiers 431 crer Sierada streets. Choice Beef, 3 a an d Mutton. Fresh meat any time: a . CATANESE, Prop. SFISH. LDf. I &u.. alers in Ish, gae, Srrs received day and night. rac'rIc WIRING. t_l~ AaULISEED tm IODS AND ORNAMENTS ' j,. J. CONRAD, 5'FuCL SUPPLIES ANID CON STRUCTION Custorhouse Street Shop) .. . t ell Basserll p5ple SPine Wl esr and inrs ,. **-iu * *** @*- SILVER CITY GROCERY. PHIILIP IIAAG. Propr:etor. - COR HOMER AND PACIFIC AVENUE. HARDWARE. FELIX BiORNE, JR.. M:11, Plantation and Engineer's Supplies. Paints and Olls. 611 613 Patterson Street. Phone Aia:ers 395. J EWlELEI;. My Motto Quick Service Best of Skill F. E. BoUEE MANUFACTURING JEWELER Platinum Worker Diamond Setting and Repairing 310 MACHECA BLDG. New Orleans, La. RE EXPERT IN DIAMOND SETTING AND IN PLATINUM WORK B A. CAI A)N.J E M1.N I"A4 T Ilt"ING JE EWIERl lep'iairing A Sipeialty Main ;.38 211 GODCHAUX NEW ORLEANS 12C BUILDING LOUISIANA S. MALTTRESSES. FURNITURE. J. L. WALLACE, Mattress Maker. uphol sterer, old mirrors resilvred, responsible fur niture packer and mover: wagon to hire. 713 Teche street. Phone. Algiers 9127. MISCELLANEOUS. Ne ELOCUTION. New Or.eans E .:::::, .n te. her is teaching . I ir.,: -v .,: "ie te-: I co or at':, and Ma,. San S. M, Nee.y. :/i; e:." oas avenue, t n every Th'ursday ee ::g at 4 p. mn. - AI.IE F. AI.l.ANiUE, .iP8 ('eve'and Ave. Nov Ur:eans. La. FLOWERS New Orleans Florist R. GEORGER Successor to Schindler & co.. Floral Artist. Residence Phone Gavez 1807-L; Store Phone. Ilem;eak 78o--1940. 911 Decatur Street. Our - specialties: Wedding bouquets. funeral de signs, floral work, house and church decors tons. 9-13-17 SCHINDLER & KNAPP ( Florists. Wedding Bouquet. Funeral De .:gta & F i >ra! h rai: :" (Fa-r Specialty. 314 Royal St., Phone lHemlock 2472. 9-4.17 A. A. McNALLY Shorthand and Typewriting School Day and N:cht Classes. Copying and Mul ticraph WVrk Shfc;ted. 215 lennen Bldg. Phone M. 530. Al JEWELRY AND REPAIRING. F. A. BRUNET Established 1878 jEWELR$ 313 Royal t. M Expert Repairing Done 10-18-17 REPAIRING. W ALL kinds of repairing. Bicycles, Watches, Clocks, Umbrellas. Gun,. Locks and Keys. Anything else that is broken. Algiers Print ing House, 813 Teche St. tf TILE AND MARBLE WORL TILE BATHIS, porches, mantels, floors, and walls. Marble work of all kinds. Roger de Roode, 808 Perdido St. Main 325L Turn Empty Sacks Into Money Ship to Louisiana Bag Corporation. - New Orleans, and receive highest mar- - y ket price. Phone M. 1390. 14 -- ------- SMISCELLANEOUS-FOR SALE. DON'T READ THIS A And Lose Money. il Unbreakable Glass Lamp Chimneys. You ( t can stand on them. throw them on the floor' --they won't break. Sample mailed 25 cents. SSTANDARD ELECTRIC CONST. CO., INC. 336 Camp Street Phone M 1169 New Orleans. --SHIP CHANDLEMB. J. Alsina Co., Ltd.. Ship Chandler and Fancy Groceries. Wines and Liquors. Tele. phone Hemlock 1045. 1013 to 1017 Decatur St. TRUNKS. RELIABLE TRUNK FACTORY Jos. Lorent, rrTop. TRUNKS AND SAMPLE CASES MADE AND REPAIRED All Work Neatly Done. 0 ROYAL STIIREET Phone Hemlock 8S WANTED TO PU1lMASE. Sl1IP YOUR BO()NES. R(OP'E. METTLE AND IRON TO M. GLASER, 2733 TCHlOUPIOULAS STREET. FL'I.L I'RICE PAID FOR DIAMONDS. pIATINI M, )oI.D G;OL) AND SILVER. AI'P'I.Y J. TRAVERSE. MANUEFACTURING IEW.ELER, 131 ST. CHARLES ST., UIP STAIRS. SOLD BUILDINGS tHGIIEST CASIH PRICES PAID FOR :OLD BUILDINGS. WILL DEMOLISII AND CLEAR AWAY QUICKLY. ISIDORE GRISOLI, es, No. 3012 ST. PETER STREET. HIGHEST PRICES PAID reR 431 OLD GOLD, SILVER, SPLATINUM AND FALSE TEETH -I ef -* WUALL PAPER-PAINT ht. HAVE YOUR WALL PAPERING DONE **BY A PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER. HUCKINS. 334 ALIX ST. SPhone. Aloiere 1. rr -K _____________________ ,. Dress Making k Dress Modeling-See us before having your new fall dresses made. Special attention to 0 fancy dress making. Prices are reasonable. - Remodeling. embroidering, hemstitching. But tons covered. Out-of-town trade solicited. -r idjul Dress Maklg Parlor, Im us nsei n. . WOOD AND COAL T, IIN KAI'I'LER. D e:er in r`al. F rewood S I - .- : .". a; 1:-:..ra Avenue. Ihone Aihpers 414-W. Permanent Wave . ,' .TO I.' i • ,.11RIN ,, 12.1 Decatur St. "ew Orleans, La. S'T(.. I )ºl( bILE I{EPAIICL. REASONABLE PROMPT ATTENTION PRICES TO ALL WORK BELLIPANNI BROS. (;as & (;.Loolinie Engine Work 1201 Decatur St. Few Orleans. La. S. CAUSLAND VULCAN IZING CO. Ai Expert steam vulcanirzng the factory way. 'e sell new and second hand tires Re- De built two-in-one. Allow on your old tires on purchase of new. Ue pa. highest prle for old tire,. I save you 50 per cent on tires of any description. Auto repairing. I 1548 CANAL STREET MAIN New Orleans. La. 12% 71 SMALL INVESTMENT IN VAPOR - AND OIL TIGHT PISTON RINGS R WILL SAVE 10 PER CENT IN GASOLINE AND INCREASE POWER OF ENGINE. Chas. Gruneberg, Ni 421 GRAVIER STREET Nc eCars MIOSMLER AUTO EXCIIAN(; E 421 BARONNE STREET Et4-17 M. LASKA CO. AUTOMOBILES, BICYCLES, SUPPLIES, MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BOUGHT AND SOLD. VULCANIZIN. GENERAL REPAIRI A SPECIALTY TEXACO OASOLINE AND OIL STATION L. Si. OULMAY, Mgr. MAIN 4055 210 N RAMPART STREET - $22.50 Up $22.50 Up p, WithCoaster WithCoaster SBrake Brake I Complete Lino of Blleycl and Motoreycle Supplies. Y C. F. SAUER & CO. * Main 115 $635 ST. CHARLES ST. ROOFERS AND SLATE DEALERS DON'T BE FOOLED. DEMAND THE FULL NAME YOU WILL HAVE THE ORIGINAL ALBERT BRAIDIN SLATE ROOFING CO., lNe. 201-211 N. Rampart Street )u MAIN 1212 NO BRANCH YARDS M.CHAS.L'HOSTE SHIRTS TO MEASURE S-IIIRTING MOL) dA. LMILE FREE ;t IS UNIVERSITY PLACE, Near Caul, New Orleans. La. i JOHN C. DAVEY HARNESS AND SAIDLERY COMPANY, Ltd,. Manufacturers of Collars, Hanes:, Saddles and Aitamobile Straps All Leather Geeds Repalring Promptly Attended To. Harness Moad to rder naA Carefully Fitted at the Lewest Pricea. 843-145 IMALAZlE STREET Bain 3638 ANTS HNeuie6**pre and Homoe ardeners Ask Your Orgo*r or Druggist for the ROOSTER BRAND ANT EXTERMINATOR . If your dealer doee mat handle it, R ge it it from 417 Eliza It or 313 SeguIn St. I Pheoeo AIiers 3l1-J Seld Under a Ouarantoo. SREASER SCHOOL Shorthand tny system), Bookkeeping, Touch Typewriting. Mechanical sand Architec- ! tural Driwing, English, Penmanship (by in e- crt). Arithmetic, Spllig TELE-GRAPHY.i Day and night sessions. emy terms and' positons secured. 613 CANAL STREET. Special rate to stadents from * Algiers and Gretna. 8-14-17' SEVENING SCHOOL TIlE SCHOOL WHERE YOU CAN GET INDI)IVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN SHORT 'n IIAND 4PITMAN SYSTEM), TOUCH SYS-' TE:M TYPEWRITING AND OTHER' COURSES. ALSO DICTATIONS FOR SPEED. CALL AT 1416 ELYSIAN FIELDS AVE. TERMS MODERATE. S i UTO ACCESSOIE. VULCANZIG TWSnn d KWrUu AIN W2 239 BARAE- STRKET FOR SALE SMIALL FARMIS Z. , Ai!Pi NS BETT'EIR F.\kR I,.\AND I IN ill!. KlINNER VIGETA l: LE I)ISTR ICT 810() PER ACRE ;i. \V. SIIELIDU\N 4: '\l, l:Xi. . I. M \"\ 4'7. fl Its i :1 I ..D 11 EXt'II.IN F.I; BROOK'S FURNITURE CO,, Dealer in \ 1' i I.\ 1I RNII l RII . Shipping and Packing a Specialty WE SAVE YOU MONEY .. t 1. . . t :... .. '. . . : .... . 2400 DRYADES ST. American Furniture Store SEE US WE SAVE YOU MONEY Dealer in FINE AND MEDIUM FURNITURE Contents of Reeidences Purchaeed for Caeh. Hrghest Cash Prices Paid for Furniture. Mattresses Made to Order and Made Over: M. S. RAU, Prop., 719 ROYAL ST. Phone H-1184 Royal Furniture Exchange M. HOCIIFELI)ER, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail Dealer In New and Second Hand Furniture Nos. 537 to 541 Royal St. and 700 to 708 Toulouse Street 11.1.17 TAKE OVER BUSINESS I have taken over the INSUR ANCE BUSINESS of Mr. GEO. HERBERT, JR., including all of the policies now in force. toge th er with his goocr will. All of these Policies will now be looked after by L. J. PETERSON, #pgt LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE IlSUIANCE CS. , ALS IEPMESENTING MA? SI1TRI CIMPAUIE GENERAL INSURANCE PINE, TORNADO. BONDS, ACCIDENT - 51M VERRET MTITEET T Residence Phone Algiers 298-L P Phone Main 541 913 GIROD STREET SHAKESPEARE IRON WORKS JULIAN M. SWOOP, Preprleter NEW ORLEANS, LA. SMachinery Repairs Given Prompt Attention Gray Iron Castings Brass Castings Blacksmith Work of All Kind Pa:tern Making Grate Bars-Ordinary or Circular WE WELD ANY PARTS OF BROKEN MACHINERY PHONE MAIN 541 9-6.17 The Signist Everything In LUSK 71" SIGNS W713 Unolen treet C. Phone M-3610 1- 4-17 ']- WE SELL ONLY Choice Western Mieat From Inspected Cattle of the Western Prairie Lands i" JOHN COUGET, *' St. John Market sR Tulane .............. $20.00 UI Indian Bicycle, 35.00 UI IDver Johnson, 35.00 UI Gus. Betat & Soi ' 010-12-14-16 olrth Clalerln Ave., .7 Phoi. Nemek ITl Cer. St. P uter iAre You a Slave o To Your CAR Stop Riding on Wind. Noblo LT your tires Is a Guarantee again RT PUBCtures, Blowouts and Tire Trc YS- ble. Lasts for years. O Standard Roller and Filler C0 745 St. Charles St. HORSE AND MULE EXCHANGE. )R. V. L.i R(CCIII, ,-.. .. " $ c (,, $ ! . . 15 $. , He n*ock 174 O'.e 6:5 Toulouse St. Clyde H. Hodges Dealer in HORSES AND MULES - HORSES MARE MULE Crescent City Stock lards AR4.II PI).T OFFICE Phone: ()Otfce Mcm. 10 kr.idcni e t ptow n 1o,74 SCHIRO HORSE EXCHANGE \? · " . . .. : " ' · · .. . ' 1 . 419 Penn Street. Main 2608. - 1. C. M.ARiUEZ 1-\LTACTt RiER of harne". ahdd!ery and tol lars, horse hut.. 6qtnnet. pa !s an, t,.ot \ I kinds of strap work I-ull ine of t, ll. zrra.e. auto and -tutF;e u.p.',rs FI:r-t ,! as. work llanshp Prompt .ttrt.ton to al! orders 2431 Iberv\ille St. ( alvez Near Rl chebla\e. 1251 . MUIIES. 'MARES ANI) II iRSI.S M. GLASER'S IOi)R .Nl) MII, LE EXt'II.N(IGE 921 t ,ý2')lPel I E '> ,hi Au't n,,feer Phone 1a n FIR 'L\ .\NilN FIR HIRE i\" , a' .! tinm . crry .r , I -t|,vly of tok to c,! ,,t f' "t'. I'rlrt.,t I.%,r%.I .,%' . '. lhty .n ,:n t r~ >. I rt .,dry '-,~ s a\ . "-.tet- . If * foir Iu or if ou w ,nt t. buy, .'e u. tciorc par t .l ;li t- t he rc SCHMIDT'S HORSE and MULE EXCHANGE " Choice Let of Animals AilaysOn tlNand Horses orares Mulls at"M 214 David Street Galvez 1069 ALBERT BOLLINGER Dealer lIn Horses and Mules Phone Hem. 9114 P. O. Address I ARABI, LA. Fresh Consignments Received Weekly MONEY TO LOAN. NEED MONEY? -REINERS Loan Office and Jewelry Store Business Strictly Confidential. MY SPECIALTY t HIGHEST GRADE RAILROAD WATCHES Bargaint in Unredeemed Pledge. This Store Noted for Honest Dealings. EXPERT WATCILMALKER AND JEWELRY Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry 134 S. RAMPART STREET NEED MONEY See MICHAELIS at STANDAID LOAN OFFICE STEAIl BUILDISN MONEY TO LOAN K Largest and moest up-to-date PAWN BROKER in the South WIll Lend MVInfl at the Lowest Pate of Interest in the City. Bargain' in UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS 'S U)LO AND JEWElRY CO.,LTa S 507-513 0. nAMUPAT ST. Etabilished 1603 P L. PAILETS LOAN OFFICE and I l JEWELRY STORE 521 Canal Street, S Neo to Gedo*uMx The Inearest tI the People of Algiers. SHighelist Lin t the Lowest Rates. Old 6*11 eed Silver eleght. o. Latest Player Roll Music 30c Each or 4 for $1.00 "AMERICA WILL FOREVER BE" "MOTHER'S ALL I CARE FOR NOW" "WHY DO YOU LEAVE ME SWEETHEART" "THEBRE'S SOMETHINO I LIKE ABOUT YOU" Awnded Diploams Be Worda and MAic La. Soue Feir Yuear mdsc lt net ncomplte withrt them Artist Model Piano House Oe~P RUNHMUN ST., IW OSI.LBAUS. LA A FI LL STOCK L\LL\V \ (I Ut\.) All \lake . aIL.': ." .I \ k :j > Y \W iF !CKIN( \1 I,) O. EBLE'S FLOWERS For All Saints' Day 0 I I --. .\I1i- \ l ý \M i.. \\ .!' CHAS. EBLE Iki IE 1. pI k, \1p " " 1, \ (I1 I L nier Grun a : H : , _. Pigs' Feet Large and tender 2 for 15c Spare Ribs and Sour Kraut Salt and Smoked Meats Ham and Bacon All these good things at fair and square & prices. MRS. DAISY J. KRAMME The Fair and Square Stere 549 Elmira Avenue CHARTER OF "MUTUAL SCRAP IRON COMPANY, INC". I-,, > .\". -',a. 1. ' 1' ,- .11 , ,1 - " . I'. , 1 r. -I.. 1 ty I fNew U r it :' k' ,1 " . , 1 C .' the 1°:t1 ,i %_ i. :. tile .ear -f t " -1 > . -"t , : 1 " :" :e. r A ,"' .. ,!'a I' :". , 1"r'- ' , e .'- . i . i .- t"11 ,I':7,? '..., .' . " ... .. . i% -r I - [i- i Ie t t. , - • ,," : ',e" w l'""e . h ot..I !e" : ra' : ;, n t n e , : ie ail i a:i i - i t ·r:.te 1 iif 'li - I tv f " e'. re' :ve t, c"c '-1:1':.... ..n I c [ p "aa 2,7. r, ;r I"' 1. ... :. A " - 1. .'1' 1" . 1-!."K e year -1, ta ee S' " t I " -,' r nv . 11 i I. a i i nx a,-. .t 1,r. oI n .. - nr, a. 4 te Cc -ina hand t - -tir n::' tC e sa ci atI t * Iwt~'y. " -' . a t o, a-I .t-! e -i a: or i le S , .. v , 1 a agree, anm lb i.I t htirh as ' 1. . .. ,1 ," .- t e', 1":. t" Les" Ill!. anlt ., !o "n:. it 3-wt 1: fA - e .,''r,: an' i r e , e - l Ari1 n .--e le namne and title nof hie o- l,,- ... " "Mtfal Sralp I ,n 'omx - pr Ic ani. tler ·the Qa.t" t c . -i rai e , . 1'11' have all the pwer. ant n't • -i r:y y-an y the laws of "'1s -ta a", r :1 " e -d' vi wii:! el. fri : corpo rat: it ' A e 1I.-The f,' ect and puirp es of th I ",a 1-e deI irel. gene- al ly, tý ae • v: - : - ·I ,f m -achirnery of a'l ," '" . n w a^l cr ,ml han, ai well as a!: -.- f mie'.,%A new and secinl ha-l-; a l . 'her 'uinesi c I e te t heeath. - , a " , t of, and r ree--iary, or de j:ncil l I f" T'r Irr the said onje,'tc and purp,, ec: .,e .1g, the sa"I .rp, rat in shatll .1.,\c 'ue p ,we t- . ! a-e real, per-onn "' ; a:; t,:, Me ,l p-,per:y, andI the same tr c ,- d 'l ,a. tr l .m , 11+ : r . ,hv: r, i-t, , c '-,r.,Ire l 1 pa'' - e.. ,,f l!." a" 'e .r'--irc ' r e- t:- w. e or frarti, , :a'ji t , i rr T i :;,. ," , "l "l.lie pre : t * t ll t 1 .v 1" 1" - t u 1-, ..i#- ,wi I) :arc. t-) I'e re;-e i. , v . , t.i. i , k - f -it e p i 1" 1" la ae,' l'., , jI 'l lo 1 lar- efch y '. ',.: " I. " ,Ira'.rre ch': "1'.i , , , ct " Ii - ,r 1 .. - : . N ... ". , w pr v i:,'l by :w. [E - '- , - k :,' entr:e ^h" h , er S .he t, r ,It ",,e ; , '·-r *-. h etLr p-r .. v , ,--I " lv ar t each f 'a, . " - " e !, I' r . -" f .r ,c1 . !, " , Iv '' -r, ':.': lia-e - f , kr ,sI -Tn.'i -e n" a , ,,k - i c' -er" " . - ', ! , cr't. , . .ii e,'o e n 1,", a 1 ti "n-, ." "'t n - i ": r 'l, e 'h i'.: ,1" ir ., h h , . . .r !-, ...... o r ,1. " ,r .I £10 we tr e: et "fa1c.E a* a KIy 1 , . 't r f- " r 1:,t .m .":" r. " e -ai c-. p t ion !h: "a., ! - i, , u-- c n lt LA their c ,ces-or , are elected and have quali ,. . I) i. id ! \ ., . . I t" . I\ r li. " " .. " k,-I e " ' . . . i, . , is. , , i I,,.. , ! - - . " - , d- I :I :s 'A .,ft i t·. e Ii ti. y A LA - : . i hve ! I: t - .1- :i r t,: c, :h an I r > iw c si AI .... - , ,'.t " f , .: ' t l " : "'I : , art of aud . A.5 r. A1"t No.f e I i " in the ta At o1 I1 ' : " e , : R ai . R. s -1 .1 ,- . u. t h .r the.' a, J dp - I . 'I I -f ! . "t te Act o f :1 I' I-:I i t I 1 I',"-! . Iron o n h - ." 1: - , , n, :h a L. par this 1a.,:',t ', .U','r , ' I:i r ",t. iiu ,f ,!r e of :t. ,lir,:,:.i -,11ra, 11. A. IA-. , Dy. . T. R.b - A l.. K .MMIr ,'1 N,,. L ihere B \.t i Remodel. No. APb f. ,' o 11 on meat r C rn n .ndt Ic nReam , thel f <. ors there I in f.". i -, ,, e h, ,, **-lsm a set on r 1 1 , t Ii . , n lIr , thllo Ce it a;, de ftr: o II Fi S sv t oU P aroduct Obainable. SI lit oor aLi