OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, October 18, 1917, Image 9

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1917-10-18/ed-1/seq-9/

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It, e:' lr'' )f " . -
,r n '.ii • " s.
So tIta! e '
- o nt ::, at a .d ..n' e
Q.:A1 l
AW 11"I it I' _ "
f lnlti a i' ] ,' . " ti ,, f our
.t, th*. 1
,1 'm . ,,iii4l* i t'c of'h II I
1 "'- r :1 corn
S. v f prv
it., , :. : 11:. 1 i 1-: l
, ,yll * lV*'
Pail the ears. :1ul, -lk ;lnd drop
int Imiling unttOr ,Ir ti\, ti ut-s, re
some fnro th. 1,. E1 i;. \w:tt.r 'ilt i d(ip
into cotli wnter, d:iiii L l pull from a
let' ob liand l!i"" Thi l. "rling pans.
s place in jir. :, hoi i ;salt lbriii,.
dilg a teasiu"'rfuil f-;t t.. a Dint of
builing water. I"' t'! th. iJars I' over
flowing. Seal tic. j:r' tightt, then turn
lack half an irl0. phI 'c oI"n a rac-k in a
boiler or ether r" .tl,!i,'l. cove, r ti lih ie
,doih oUf an inch ,'.\ r Ith- tolp of the'
tulh.t Jar and c-i, th * 'll hI',llrs for a
quart three houir- lu1il it half for a
tw usfiat jar. .:al ,I1I bl'ing tuken
tria the builer.
Can or dry all %egetalhl," or fruits as
g(qkll as possi)hle ua'ter pitcking. The
iapa today is "An h,,ur from the gar
ad to the can." If prime foods are
tis eared for they will be superior
tis opened in the winter.
Tmstts Canning.- Sele'ct firm, ripe,
lforal red tomatoes ftor canning, of
ealb ise to suilp wholt into the jar.
oleyr with boiling water until the
rld crack. dip quickly into cold wa
-, drsa and peel. using cure to re
a-e the hard green stem end and not
s break Into the seed sacks and lose
t juoce. Park into sterilized jars
sl fill with tomato juice. without a
dnrp of water: add It little salt. half n
asponful ti echii' quiart. and seal as
for other vegetabIllet-.. ('over In the
boilhr with Ileilinl \a:ltr :andl cook ai
alf-hour. Reli'nve' adl seal tightly lit
wee. Good rncllhlers, if lit. jlnr< tire not
lut l too tight. will 1,:.y tirough the
thre bhours' coeking of cornu with
out stretching or loopIing out froim un
derthecover. If this shculd occur. re
ma the rubber, r.epl:re \ ith another,
dipped in hot water, and put back to
bdll agala for a few minutes to be sure
the vegetable has beee-n well sterilized.
We are asked not to allow anything
to g to waste; if wcs do not need it,
It may be placed in reserve for those
who do, as there surely will be many
As plaint convert the minerals Into
froe for animals. so each man conve-ts
me raw material in nature to human
Oedewaed milk is a great convenl
a and a supply may he kept for any
Banana Ice Cream.
Take two pint cans of
condensed in I I k. o:I
quart of water. ione liand
one-h alt culpfuls of
lsugar. six !iannilot ancd
the strained juice of hllf
a lenton. l'el ainl wash
the banneas. ndd the
sugar nrll Illcon juice
and heat to a smooth
pate. Dilute the milk with the water
sld combine with the other ingredi
ais Preee as usual.
Las lherbet.-Strnin the juice of
t large lemons, add onre and one
hfit lepfuls of sugar, one can of con- I
w-d milk diluted with water, stir
Mia the sugar is dissolved and fold
I the heaten wh!tes of two eggs.
iu Ired.--Take four tables.poon
hfls of condensed milk. one cupful of
ig water, one cupful cf cornmeal.
hte tablespoonfuls of butter, one thable
,MIfl of sugar :ind one t:blespeon
Mdel ~ our. three tenspoecnfuls of hak
dL powder. a half cniaspcotuful oif sullt
dil two e n ix tlie cornmeal. flour.
it and baking powder toeether. sift
I well. Dilute the :nlik with the I
·rta and add the melted buhtter. Beat
8ie separating the yclks naind
i Add the ylks to the liquid
Sand comhlbine the dry ingredl
l astly fold in the benten whites.
Ia a ase pan ") minutes.
C' Lim Ua keana.---4'ok the
lill tender in salted water.
u M.w ater as possible. When
S two tablespoonfuls of con
Oml two tablespoonfuls of wa
heICdLih afjliwia and a tablespoon.
--- mer . Aerwe hot.
,. i milk with water may with
gytable seasoningl be con
i-rr his eream of anythlng, soup
U Somne of the condensed
Ueh will whip and may thus
as whipped cream for gar
h t Pudding sauces. If the
hL I1 at all objectionable it may be
ei by addjng a strong flavor of
i other flavrs of strength.
,, dd5 m1ilk may he combined
r.ateiom fruit julrcei and pulps,
acolt dellcoucs frozen dishes.
4 Spl from cnaned fruit are espe
a Use d with this milk as they
hate Woul h, tlollowed to
1 ltimatl kn hlnct 1 edge than
I ioto ,lisfay,,r. A slmatter
hhrtation is :1 trc:ich-rous pll
A. ll it require- ti, effect
Meations between nations as
- ~Iadl dl1als Is knowledge, and
S'The First Garment
t* think of it. Ele mnust lha:e i
- Sbt Of tan evcn before ithe
--lh -New Haven Register.
TIe w-, 1. :ll t, rni at. ' t . . aI y
pes , wt ' ":W, wb 'i" " (.e is ,. :4
- I vid StaIr J'rdain.
The'e arte 7alw ;ys in -,a:In and a
Sarl'ry Ito ciho -o fri, v.hiwn ent[trtain
in' i' :in ild:inttagi.
Laureate Mint Punch.
- Put it,!, a puni h ti,,,
twlo ;lful.< f -eair. the
.jlir'P of :a , , :n nlb mon..
tii, fii s ix 'I . i:oisi, . Srt
are' :-ite t~o chill. Whi n
als te , .ne r. , icl,! dfour
,ut frls . ,of n,c hil.,l ine
aitsn ct sl,tful of hutint
ar":ti,"h it c -s ral of lrltnint.
whtl, four lothea of gintger a le, tir wnpl
th crveam.
Chiffonolatde Tea Punch.-M:tt fur
Suepuls f trong rateda. lt it Ch ol, thin
told to It the juice of 'ix lenmon,; antl
one ,ineIpl. rut in tin Pl.',-s, tine
I ,ntin of .her the fkred. :ond to cupful
anf cstir : intl sugir. Stir until the
atluar is dlisslvid. Athdd a ,urt of r r
hi inated r atettr. ottr into, I gllass t it'h
r'". puit at sprig of fr:esh mintt onhe tle top
and pour into, gail:. half filled with
chiIntl flee. Serve with soft rikiis.
Iced Turkish Coffee.-- Prepare a
quart of cletr blr.k cut,t I,, tni while
stilI hot stir int three yolks of eggs
well beaten into two s upfuilu..f hiling
hot lilk. ("ooik over hot water until
thek, using radre not to eurle the egr.
sweeten ton tastae and when crs add
the stiffly hbeaten whites and otine tcup
ful of firmly whipped cream. Serve
with straws in chilled glasses, adding
a teaspoonful of cracked fee to each.
garnish with a small pyraoid of
whipped cream with a cherry on top of
the cream.
Chocolate SiFrrup.-Put six heaping
tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate into
n su.epan over the fire. :dd two cup
fls of hoiling lwater; simmer '.twly
and stir oesionallly until the ehn.
late is disholv,. then iadd four krp
falls of grt nnnlt ted seg al r ;,ld .stir l:il
fite minutes. Straiti andi :Adl two, t,
Pinftacho Creamnill and Peches.-r nto hot
tolethsr a snt. Whet re.ly to sterve al
]lwi three-qu.rt Ilrof ne cful of cmld
milk antl two talespnl on lms of thend
sirup for each glass required. |"It
the Ingredients into a large' mason jar,
well covered and hat.ke well for thrnd
intesv pour into h-chilled ttlcetlrs ahend
gJunket sh with whipped cra m. rt o
It is the best ign lk f a gcul t nature
that it phalf rens a foreground and like
heithe breath of morning landso ales, ln
vites onward.-Emers ntn.
The following are a few rci'pes of
Ice creams which will be a little out
out of the ordinary.
r-Take two quarts
ofquart o pint eaches, one
quart (if water and
threels o fc fr. l, add
"il{ {r. fare, stone
to the cool and florh th ay
palahkberr. AhStr six
uice m a quart rken pedh ker
es to the sughal and watrmuch. water il
iveee nito a ms. trhen add whe whteel
add two the pbeatchen sti d f reeze.
Pistachio Cream and Peaches.-Cook
together it pint of milk. on,- tal,he
ohrd ranf pel of lr and one cupful of
sugar in are not be oi tr fifteen
minutes, then add a hiatuts egg and
cook until it is set. ('owl, add a pint
of cream. one tablesponful of vanilla
"Snd one thespoanful of almond andp
gren colJumoring tRope that. Freeze r.
seAllrve with fresh-chilll d liced peaches.
tuke-w out lk. the lcupful iof a rtite of
one and n e quartwir ,ulfls nf suigiv re
iatrsd a half rennert tiablets it is turnved in
In the order giwns. chr intl rn dish and ju
t Astronomica llry Sperine t set
Fig Icn't dnce e Cream.-Sak two ieund ofan
efigs ovll er deght. Put throde h a e.At
lng to Consthe !tutlin point. Take a
Her Job
By George Haskell ,r.
(Copyrigt. by i'.. G;. tt:apman.)
".. \0,h11 1 o l* iin_. . -:: ! Alin li,1t ..b i.
I nl : h; k; ;iit ",r i'irti i not
i1n a-u111 r \ i -i'. :l b,-ll tffr l '. Dily.
,r, : . t . I,1t h . .ly :1t .i \\i., e tr,,lie.
-r i.tan hp h -t ',,\h hlr. l'., ,, .,,I
%h . _ni'":ttr\l a.un: "I 1uplt.. ` e.
t.. 1týr'. It lwihen! 't I, tcau: Ih ..i it to
:hil . :azal h .. i .ll(:. Ite s bi'" l i'a: i I t
.\I1t1 had huilili;:!. \, u l! w hen h, ,i .lI
!: ,. hked i1, thr.,,w al! th, ,-- , ,uti
, lh , wnu., , :matl t:,. :1 ,:X it. filh ,
i" !i k ma.ll'hlli ', ir ,*.il,1 .iithji.r tl ofn
t'h h:tl t, h 'tl h a 'Iln'l l. "ithu t.i htur
:Cif tUttn Itand ltl, t kept nce rept Ans
I - h,. in 'liritii fjr 1", )year . P'ar
lialll :'rkid lh .Aun do .alr:alt ton.
11'rs. Sttwt [tllt, i.- ' ba ut in: fit,
-tithIes in hir kniitini ::rld lo ked up
In a surprised, bewildered way.
an: "there are lots oif w-ty in that ln
"lidh-whn. u!n;:"" wits the trite, ratular
"Yt." sased Ann. "that' "I sut It An
hite tlt'rs-L. It isn't es mone I wato nt to
hih'k -nitl he idle. It's bee'usl, I want
to dr so thi can elarn nythn. Then.g of
Mrs. Sweet lo.kei, wiitll. :i mixture
of i'nlriosity and intolerance at Ann
:11i11 .iked : "Whut do yoeu want to
"to d l'ke lto pi, unt ed t tln ifbel ol
"My land !" broke in the other wom
an: "there ain't any money in that!"
"No," said Ann, "that's just it: And
'worse luck, it takes money to learn,
before you can earn anything. Then,
too, I've always wanted to plan beau
Paused Before a Florist's Window.
tiful romns with beautiful furniture.
andl lovely colors in the walls and
"I \wltlrin't have thol-te heavy cur
tain anid 'ptircl'herS'' inl my hiuile. Just
e:,hiii di-.t'" Mrs. \vtet broke in
too0, flail of her siuject to h:alt ihthrt'.
"I've grit to Iluik at the iawful things
in this hlit'.e, and gC on 'tnidinz it.
hirou':auli I ci-an't :ifford til buy anything
elta. I'ive gt i mlnake o\-rall.s randil
chililrt-n'i ronmpors heemlulsa' tlir li's just
e-inloiIh In it to buy mnay ftll!l and slhel
ter. Now. what's the use of spenlding
your !ife ldoing somnething you hbate,
just to kee'p your lift' giing?"
This lquit-tion bel-i.g to, fur beyond
Mrs. Sweet's colllprthnllilsonl that an
extr:t stitchl was of vasitly Imoire ill
port:ine. slhe' gave all her atPcation to
her knitting., ndl Ann. txilodlling her
plnt-up mnental gahs's. went on:
"I tell you. I'\e got to the pil!nt
where I'ml sick of it all. Why ciln't I
do sionIeitlIinL that will .arn entugh to
I :ity p'eople to do the thilngs I hate to
" ill,. Just as I sny. there ain't nny
molne ti laintinig plictures." answered
Mrs. Sw\\ett. \lith thie virtuous mnitivi'
of Iputting any such frivolous intentitons
out of the other wonliln's hlead.
"Oh. there isn't any money in dloing
anllytlling you walnt to do!" re-tirtei
Ainn desperately.
"Oh, I don't know. Tlhere's old
Flack. the hlacksmlth. 1Ie says he
ain't happy unless he's hammering
Iron or putting on n horseshoe. And
he told Joe his folks were set on his
being a doctor, and he just broke away,
and found his job."
After Mrs. Sweet went away her
Layer of Hard Lava, Still Warnm,
Found at Base of Ragang Moun
tains, Philippine Islands.
The Philippine Isl:lnds still aren un
explored land to the white man. On a
march some time ago. a lieutenant of
the eonitstabulary found a Inava flow
and other evidenes of volennIc activ
Ity at the base of the Rlcalng t mlaun
t:ling. Recently an exrllorintg party
climlbed the montainst :landl ow no -
other volcnno is being tadd,.I to the
Th'I -ol:clno whch the alirty folundl
coni.sts of three large pc:k s, be,,t\ween
wht-h extenlds the crat:lte:.. -~*w quiet.
A foturth Ipenk iI thatlgh oilne nto hnave
ntoodl at ,ne corner it the eratir. fori
thr'r is ,\ltlence tla:it a great exllo
sion sh:ittered It.
V1get:atioin in the forma of huckle
berry hushes, scruily trees. srtll
tufts of short tcrass and Ca:lnndi:ln
thistle extends to near the top of the
peaks. Covering the peaks Is a thin
crust of hardened !ava, which is easi
lI kicked up by the shoe. and the rock
I+" .' it'lj I i Ot r' t ',a ::.'.n 1s:
:t: - I r. ,." t. . 1 1 .h r t If. It .a '< . .. 1 i
it* I. t., : ll , i , :r1" ;:1. i il l r-t i i
aof, . :. o,! ,1 ' t - , i. s hr t ian 1: :.
* I, . Is h ' 1,, ! t d: ,, a I,, r
l I , : : ! t
I• , !, . . , .,' l .-!l: L. 11,,, : v l 1 t,, t,,. '., -,
,,t" , . ;Ut( _,,l~ :,I ,Zr '. , or t ~ :. , il i
SI , i l I t . i
i. , tl : .t ' ' I *, !t ir :,'-, ,
i' n tls.il' - l.t:,_ 's *1c r ; i . it l ill' i e I
t',k . "lt ai i rfit t a s, i,. r. I i,
uII ri tli, t t .u hut d' 1. o in tU! li- b t
z"ill, bri 1ny; l l il u 'tl alrle lys . ihey ee
lout h in lrlijilt. ... t 15 h .- "i ºiinl to1
.iier I er tar s t t f I l. r\ du. :n1 cii
liiiil'hillr 515 fiar l i' t . litS lhisac l lt '
t*air nlount ai !t jriiul i thf c nt. lli' ll
ofa vi{oletds tal ll, ap ogly in e-ili.n 71.
hre wnti ful when thiri wl h . si( f ather
of bout the n-r diull to hk uti ome
COInlC ove r to tuy. oA th. r1 glth 'in rn
ore. aitIy the tl0,rit era1ni hmt hl d1id.I
"orlll :t i hfae it, y thi e ctls \ .hiel
ahe itsle to leao tuhe f green. tsei
of ' v rlets b n itth It cosll y tl Iiin c ilompa
itheli b.infdo te el tegu a tu ey e rt le
itll .tl, tlihe p list l.l . o l ,ek lnill oim
tame in tl o rbuy.n Ann iIngered't. arto ned
ot ,r a 'r i  o iwtch th iefe. AS 1 .he
ri e t sia rite l yto i lSe ir ie i ,,i xperi
Iher-I snhe ould no Slist r1.1('R thieiitda
indit it tre ili t.1'. I i Ilr gav e h i cmt.
* sin1 !,r t o l l.lit l Iii hl i 't r wi, t ll tis' slrsist
rsult. s .<tanw that -h.e liosnly. take
Am1r.' n f. ntyt to Ne:s . :lI
against n te d irkruli lr of reiu . l ain ,lie
wil the glh1 then- ellow of t 'rIovI'r '-cuil,
awl har on.cly lwrouh eIht whll. his n rt it.
tlil:. tii leve ila ke tilt th. t dr.'w :iii -
lithe wiond, to tele began tio grathe
utrut .thll+ di.play hl e }lt1k. and . ome
cim in to buy. Annll Iglngfrele arclsrngl
for r tnim to waitich o frif the f rt1'hc
Inr if she ~c irol l it (,tli t nit iei t el
ttying is. nrow 1v il w-dr4lk wse outad h
anI , set tc e dtoihe winpdo. fe nv hran
tlirol n r<in. l.ls t - ti hll rs allsl Ilkt
tlishe tiaet if p thed nl0 hlroed of th i.
Than ml i al . ridi n": rivaly -,taill. i
lients wf re it '. hi- n f n ofr htr ,i ii . ri
n ti -sl e could 'istI' lf ore for d 
htrk. Tl hie " tn it r thiili .,t ' 11:.d i re'.
andl si nrihl 'easl I r. hil v s-itVr d lii'
st iill .'in-.sl mt kl thhe , 'ri S 'iisio
tiis he t i l v lin ifltr v.losnt s timite
t. exle Atrilnt. , .
'The i s r Inrni Lr ;Iid tihi hi d hiiiu
ryi~ a Bnew neitto w-uriness.r. inl hi
w'iF lot exa it·ly lan..iiu d witi h hii. w.gerk.
Ab ln clhitvttd l r osu it thnt dri w sad-t
iltriln irowd~ it the w rnow.w rnk
iin Itudd, h i r. t r prii t rh ' h ieinu.Ild etlr
alnslvelit when Ann phelrlsd the nehxt
dThe and ther oed hsir uifs win.how-driiss
ei tt i stiilrry quite heyond her lxlle
sha ws dri hlad tho wilnl ,r lis to thre
differint sel ,psa ier i htns were nitw
Al viri 'lil. n nil h olnl rivil o c ttabt.ilishi
rtviv.s w ore hiddng fr hir ti tervi.tite
iionii shli isel t h trhe lorei for her
wofork. T t, t, itn rl Inhi, i h:igl rest.
aihient. lF"iig Thuir l hut , ' ,t i ti-in is- .n
to+ llo + A-n F-eve ? r P tieint. in o
erlel n sarl ii, slln sl' i ri nfk. fl e ve
patl ien ut,' witi lter war',. two l trieg
od light of h11 iv'iit a ntt- e or e, i thai
Benefit to Bunsmess.
eThe in:rtheint phou Inth 're pintst
boin  ling y at 1r theett aod<, ind it
ndhe reath oisso f th, 5'hplltI. Here,
n tnln, ldn rtisiInil helpns tan po lie.
The l ollher or minof tirr. rhienpitan
fi hiltir quiu titihn tol thie ither apy
pre redto i tai'i is i reny prmtii ls ofn
sior ,het an hsutil dr hlei the ii v :ios
wiys, il lid th s,!n, for lthe to the
buaneit.s ln It h' Iii ys in hdiv qlntiid
Atvherti wi'liiSinin kn, i, - of cotr-. that
if 'atiS\- sini' n S. l - t ai Iit'-lic t n.r
lit th & ai, rtrliiili'' - itre. 51 sld not line
sur'ive. f'I In I u T dvi-'tais in 1. st-rsi
w.ut soon rii . o, n th, l.u y 5''iri(.trs
tiverltsinf stvrz,, out n f i'rins".
For Fever Patient.
patientso : a lut of little gi,. two r priinw t
of hyih nd an ittle sorrel int ui
lwll yield a fine wrlting fluid.
Garden Cities Show What Can Be Ac
complished by Carefully Laying
Out Site Before Building.
Ir he c:arl, n itii,- of I.uInh:.,! -uch
a' l.?, ht'.torth a:td Ii:iIn " ,''.l the
.it " it.,' tow l . was lur,'ha:t'.l bI :y
c('no:.,:i? V ;Iy ' , the town '.\:- laid ou't :)."
n ~\hh. .* with res.rvi.tlin- for ,Luh!ie
; Iwl -v m i-ln li, h lil.Inlt .. park pliy
gr.,in!d, :tinil f.ivnie c.it.-r.. Th.* lota
ntilo if f:wth ri,' . |u, intsll' ,l ," :hlh l
Sttiti 4nn Nia 1i1i"1t. d n t th' "1t."
.f the ra"leunrews \fr. .it. 1
Ti.w r,~ul!t la:r' hin hlly i .i !f l
fra'i .very .tint ,of vie-. Th... a.in
vIntla n,, Int eao'imf,,rt of tIh. it i:,.u
t::v,' h,.,,n lrontoted, a high deg.ree
..f talautly ht '= h t,..atl obhtaineil :tiln the
hu'th ,of the contnrtuuati.- h:a- lecmTte
'far funi.d.
VWht.i theor ctnrlien clti.'e are ,e.,at
ptrot with the tows 1 that have r o\iwn
uIp witih,:t l ItnIn ti h vI lu, ,,f ti,,\\n
Slanninbe beomles ,evihent. In ,n,- the
ti .,,< of tllnllllllunity life are retco nisze.d
and pr,, vid.,11 for: in the* other the. enm
nunlity is isnored ainl eoaih Indl\liual
14 . left to, follow his o,\\n inrtiative,. In
on0 .I high 11l4l5r' n r ,4 f c,,Iifart 1is u
-ured the. indlvidunl by hi- takilng the
jlrlj.'r Tiee' inl the c(.onnlunlt: In tith
other the Indivihduals cla-ah In their
1ef.-arts to, promote self-inter.art. with
r4."lllt 'hat the few s\,,cur.4 the d,-lirel
.comforts at the expense- and disad
vanIt:Iage oif the many.
Alhambra, Cal., Adopts Exclusive De.
sign in Which City's Emblem Is
Used Effectively.
Artistlc lamp-posts of concrete and
iron have been erected In Alhambra,
Cal., which were made especially for
the city according to a design that
has been copyrighted, so that posts
of this type cannot be used elsewhere.
The insignia of the city Is a cres
cent and star. which Is suggestive of
the Moorish palneae in Spain bearing
.. .
the sm111i'e namIe1 as this ('llifr nia town.
The ernlhlbit htts he.n tused very ft'('
tively in dignilag tho artns< whlic.lh slIp
lart two 'f tIhi t!hree light , n a.lc(h
I-,'t. It a!0na uapptars .n tlthe sides o,,
the haae. A'.ove ,:a.lh of the lattar
ortntn:4-nts is a mission Ihell. (One ,of
thease, he1ll4 .,serves :Is a do!,,r to the
fus4, box situattd within.
Playgrounds in Parks.
That city cou;:ll well hoIu't of bilng
nerurly ideal for resilential purposes
,.,h1. it he said thart it prviJed a well
SInill.'d pI:nygro u n e within easy reach
,,f every h ,nue. s:tys a playcround ,x
twrt. Primuarily and fundamneatall"y
the w riter !lclieves in a complete ,lt l Pla
r'ti,,n ,f park nod .hlaygr4.un:I. but thid
iindl. thrugh hin'k .,f slhtable ante for
lany n.l titis is m re t,, I' ,hleirad
th::l i:iarks for tiere breathing sp:t'e.
T I ;a' , ,n ly r I, -on,:1,4l 4' so hl ti ,n th .en Is
Sto ':iVe 5i)ll4 t lti i e"t1hnt II'! 4-' atv nlt
-:.('l+ for Ihlay in evelry lalrk tltih.<.s
clo,s !:y i:n ,ffic'i:l jlayli'rourd. Yt the'
history of -ma:ill parks whe-re, s.l,,ehl:
Tpr'vi-ion f ,r juvenile-s has l.er.n ar:l,he
jpininly sh,,w that it has usually
ibrouglilt splllatlon and geineradl untidl
jllS. ihrllm.asle t) eeve-remnil. e.xce.pt
when c4nlfinel! to well-deftined areas
within protection of hed!ge. fence or
wall. Andl this should he provided In
the original plan of every park, or
ilater the park design will have to un
dergo changes to admit of this very
necessary provision for childhood's
happy play.
Simple Plants About House.
Have planting close about the house
of a quiet and simple nature except
you iplant palms and other stately
Sarchitectural subjects to accentuate
and hanrmnnlie architecture. Bolder
effects in gar:lden should be farthest
away. says :a gardening expert
Creating an Anxiety.
"I have to:ld you several times that
yo' i 'ill injure your health ii you
"Yes. And now you've got rm, wor
ried half t,, '!eath for fear I'11 worry."
What One Most Needs.
If we fln! ul-t one to whom we can
Sspeak .ut our heart freely, with whom
we can waik in love and simplicity
without dissimulation, we have no
rau:nd tor, quarrel with the world or
,God.-R. L. Stevenson.
Had Seen the Statues.
"Mother. ' sail little Bobby. "do you
know what they do with presidents
when they get through with them?"
"No I don't" replied his mother. "They
freeze them stiff and put them up in
parks," replied he
"Lt" =:.z a real iut,,:i l,!,ii.," said
Fairy l'rijL.' ss J y.
"Wha'lt aiut an :iirl,;ip?" ask. I
Fairy 'Yb:+b.
"An uuto,,li.!,l,. V.-!1 !w, the thil:_
for the sort .f trip I nto thli:nkcn of."
sail Fairy 'rlnc.e.~s .Jvy.
"Oh. yiu'r th!.!~i: if a: tri. h?"
asked YXnah. "`'l., if I Lii t knlmn
that. I wxultd c,.r':nl..vy rt'\,.r have'
tlought of ue 11. " aytI., for I
know full w'. il tha:t ~ , ti t:\ a gre.:at i
rauny ileics and miiT Of th. futrn ~f the,
air:ty all thought out."
Fairy l'nri e, ..- Joy laugh,.,I. "I h:ive
an ide.: ." 'h, sai,.
Ju-t at that in,,ment Prince.s T%%1
lig!ht l, II , n: , a n, . "'1lh h,:" .'-h,'
caul d. In h.r ',ean lt:ful hll-like v-ii''.
"Gand d crntine, Fairy Twilight- 'll,"
beaid Yto th
"'Ah. i re are you t.i  ftrn n. l'rin
Cegs TW ilightlocin.l?" asked Princess
Joy. SoVmt "times Twilight-lhl nal
WPrince .hy were calt ld "Princess you
justd slinitirec. s "Fairy." oth names
belonged to them.
"A. It's a merry joki to htar one
ainy ' t aft he rnoon' nd ter of ther
"'Good evening,' " laughed Twilight-Bell.
"We knew that would make you d
laugh." sai." YT ah, "and your laugh is I'
tust like music, so I always want to
hear it."
Fairy ftenoab is the leader of the
fairies' orchstra, you know, and loTwve t
music above all things. She nakes
wondrous mush. for the little creatures
of Faryevernd, and thany help her, too.
twiightOf cour" she said Twilight-ll, "youn s
are both right. It is quite as correct t,
tovely. Get us always say ItGo eening as it s to say
'Gd aftenoon,' at this time of theday in a t
light-Bell laughed againl th mmbrs
"I've never heard anyone say 'Good- t
very lovely. Let us always say t arivd.
this time of day nt Fairyland."
So all the fairies jobile." ined Twilight
Be"If ll's club in which all the members
said "Good-twilight" every afterh noon
after the sun had gone to bed and be- 1
tore the night had quite arrived.
"Princess Joy wants to get an auto
mobile." said 1,hab to the other fairies.
"If she wants it she shall have it."
said the Fairy Queen, and with a wale
of the silvryv-purple wand :he w as
carrying shli- said:
".lt,luta, le. c01me' here !" Now, of
course,. Fairyland is thel only place
where an autotmolbile will cont' in just
that w:a., biut no so'ne'r had the Fairy
, . fit, , `
"Automobile, Come Here." t
Queen s; oken than a big red untomo
bile was sudde.nly seen at the' entrantce'
of the w\,oded rlItn where thel fairies
were t:lkling.
"Ah ." sa:id Fairy l'rlnce-s Joy. "New
for a d(ri'.-r, or ('clhallitrcilr, I helieve' the'
grownups call the persn ~,\ho drives
an auteo hil eile,."
"Driver." said the Fairy Queen, way
ing her nl and ag:ain. "Chauffeur or
driver, we bid thee ,ome." e
And In another moment In the front
seat of the automobile the fairies saw
a little rounel man dressed in green,
wearing a flowing green cape and a1
tall hut of gre'en, with silver hells.
"Comte sn, fairies :" shouted i'rincess
Joy. "Thiis s glorious ." They all
climbed Itto the autottcobileo5.Srme sat "
on the sides and some on the seats anti i
one fairy perched herself on the,
shoulder of the little man, who did not
seem to mind in the least.
"We are to have a twilight supper In
honor of Twilight-lhell," said 1'rincess;
Joy. "He must not start on our trip
just yet."
So l'rince'ss Jey ibrought out two big
baskets she had hIiddeln away undehr
two bushes ail g:tvoe c-rch fairy a little
napkin macide cut of feirns.
They had the most delicious supper,
hut soon it was clark and P'rincess Joy
told the little old man to drive the car
along a country road she wished to
They were Instantly followed by a
band of Katydles. "I had been told
that they would follow an auto light
and there Is one at the back of this
and all other automobiles," said Prin
css Joy. To be sure, she was right
The Katydids flew along after the a
tomobile, and as they flopped their
wings up and down they sang. Such
a concert as they gave, and all the
fairies were so surprised and delight
ed, for they had not been able to guess
what sort of a trip they were going to
have with Princess Joy. So once again
she was true to her name and gave
joy, but this time she said it was owing
to the kindly little Katydids!
Greatest Art in Life.
The greatest things in the world are
pleasant thoughts, and the. greatest
art In life is to have as many of them
as possible.--Bovee.
Essence of Good Manners.
Good manners are made up of sacrli
See. When you stand back to let an
other precede, or offer someone else
the best chair, or pass the plate of
_fruit before you help yourself. ycu are
putting self second. And that is the
essence of good breeding, In little
things and great.--Girl's Companion.
Country Trips Cure Blues.
Don't mis- trips to the country. A
five-mile walk or a ten-mile sptin will
ore a case of blues and clear the brain
ef cobwebs.
1 - .\r ," ..
I , ; . I' , ! I . " ¼.. . . 
t.1 '- l .' . , .. "i,
l, i 1 i1 ,:I . . " '
th ': n ",' I • ar or ,. ,r .
c .ý t r' I..' n , , ' ."l, r ,l . f,. , :t' ,,,
N s :.r," t:. t''1 " "t e al,,, L} 5.om I-p
• ,t ht b, h;.i:i,.,l < eh l.ulr ,'. !b1i Ito
ec il: :te'l tit aIl in tith rat lt: t:.,- ,,
e tiu ' ' c!" f. tit aI , t r ,it ' : ;tt fi t , i
.r N: ,t ire. T'lh' ,-ril.re i h3.'\ ," , I
A!,. 1","1r t11.ils so,,llit- till ai f-".
,f ill. .lt ,--t ,,f u e '. ll flit. , f .,:'3 ,
l itcl t !'' a C , ,e hI t rtec li i ne tier hI. ,
lt -t. i a fire wl th s'ie-ks ir i::l , a
l.ltittia ' c ir l l, itl I I-': t ite' k itl I," :
tI" c ,ti h 'y wihli gr.w.
TI'hl, i,.' SP ou:trll ` Peltl iiPe i."c!i,
t(il'lcrc"ltry .tr c'k litlt, inil.,
I -' cis-ra ti ,i<. I',rt . ilh i'", also, ti ii -r":,l
military trininlng may be-Ili. All lloa
emrn e'eltll tla ll t i l,'a"ef' till the litl i*e
that letuat l e",nlt:ail a ith the hilurdl f.
.f lifte is Itemeli lel.et'tt.,3ied 1111 isl le.h
intlreitsting :land iu"ful. A little Ir:e.' -
tih'it traitiin its hlw to wrestle atilt
the world with ia're hands. woutld I"
tequailly go.ed ftir icth ilhands and mitits.
Following alt address by H. W.
VeIster, the new excutlve at lirmtine
ha,:3, Alat.. of the Boy Scouts of Aireer
I:a,. the I 'ntiteld Mine \Vorkers of .A:h
hutmsl e;i.¼a 3id tihe fill w.'intg res.elutic•n
"'Ite it re- lw\i'l. Thailt the e.'tl"n eitite
tf I'nitdtl MiCtint, W.'rk,,rs unltib.-, d,,i,
r.''., i c, ei r.Ie iec',rtily lill, r''e. i .
i-. hlite of the lily S, ,Its - f A, iiert' .
:It- L etiI 1~'" 11n bhy th l:ill'tiltal h ;:.'ltu:,ir
"'rs ,,f th'e 'rg:tliiZ:ltinll, a e t1 1 1'.e iha:it
:ur itll-lilettere et cur:. 'e tlheir I.y' tie
.14"in 1 hi: iii ,,V enl i t. w itish ha. lt 'r it<
l -urt ie s t.e thii tI tl k i l if l !lu i "::e1 l , le '
cre,'.'d lic lt'ietutilllitt elf gL'eecI e':i ''i
"hiitp. > ,ctll-fllhc.¼-. n 1i l3 to ii p t's . tlc l t., -
r ta '-..
All of the ihulinredst of thilstilltnds Ili
teres'ed in thie Ilc ,y U cv ' Sct will ihe' ',
to kni. that the' e.1 ilie 'Woerkterst 1c:t,.
roeme to realize' that the're is and ea33
ie 133 ulltltugcni, beli lt l -weten the identele
.of organized lieetr land those of tile
Scout mtn 'veetlllnt.
This chanllge of attitlude Is reveal ll.
in a letter which wasi sent to the elti
cers and memcerrs of the orgiltuizlticin
from the he:ladquarte'rs in IndiunUap,is.
The Boy Sr'cutst of America has ino
tih13 lnlcr dlesire to inte'r'fe're witlh aty
.r ':'l-:izatioen chiih Ii h1lipinit bicy<.
All tih t , - ce.< in iall th' le ','' ecrgatti':t
I c't,- in tl,, 3i333"try f rict wt "ly ' i " nteill
pert'ntaglti. eft the hcy O'. nlice.l di
re i on,,. i,,i th .ir e 1 i ti'. il, :i',,I rh: r:0 -
ter ilde''el' l,';i¼ lit. -ty'; cOut'lll . "Ti r
i c tiY.i cef rel0i fcc.' e''.-cr\r !c'kt'lilillltt
:33 lc-Iet tlcic'. chc l e9tomk
5(31311ll cllhe'h~tlt *'iictlcl hit-lie ice 313;t,e'+
1t cletr Ice lit'' jiellliI' tiiit lhii t't it-I
t rI w i eo we't rive i l i rertmniiz:tile I1
ti ll liltcttllj t to lerccte'et litey' freeio t ic'
I ing mlh'cd title! cc oterelecet 'cfrllirlt i ' '
, lil.!:il t thic pc ,- hic lity ef hai viling ftlti'0<
ilntetndlied fcr the sullIecort tof the' ge.ll
Il ni ri itc,, S tcullt lllioVe mtIll ntlt uctetd fcr
it-toml' other plurpleee.
Tite' ('cetlr.eI cc ite 1 l1Oy S'cutt ef
Anl trilIl t i fc f-intllt'r .1it'tit I'hit rlce t'.
Hltlhlte3,. Thlt' lle y Sc'c'llti4 elf Amue'rle'a
1t:3s :i fc-de,'t'al t'il:tl'l,-r. i:ieul it.< Illf.e.,tii
i'i ":lf,3et:trel e i the 11y rt'corgalli
zittitiUn lw.
WVlin the fi:fty-iir-t ::tminll stata
e'otc:t:n -ine'ttl cf t ile 4 :rtlId .Aittll 3" ti c'
it*,ut ilell. Itt i:.crlteit f flcic Irei lU.
w.:*s bli,l in K*I ns.u,-li, W\'1s., no~t iit l ini
e.nte'rc, thlt city, t. t a 333 itiUip.et It i -¼a
thhl It'oc tell e'litcrtlilin nl t gec li wh -
Cit 11,,y Si 34t' ie*'ing on tilitile to renll
der lilly tl.'3'se""lry .tcerh'Ve.
The sohlhtrs teho are gtluar3ingl the
tereidges and othe'r puthie litlltie.s
threeughout the colintry wochl unlfiultI
edly be glad to r'ce'iv'e through Se'eeut
troops mflllaziesll whol.ee' first re'edlers
have no further use for them.
Omaha (Neb.) Bity Bc,,uts villte4
40tpt hoeliuse'3 and collected $8,0tx ise
Red ('rcs3 camulaign.
('etef,,r'n f leregs to the number of 11±
were matde icy the P'rovelen'.e (It. I)
B1y Sc,,uts for the members of the
t'311st artillery.
In tile' ree.,,nt Liberty loan bond cam
p lig It ]ey S ,c ut T r ,-cej N ,c..'c; cf ('tv ,' -
landi<, e),, visitett ov,.r 15,000 h,,ml,. and
(',,lli'3'te'd $1.tI.,I!!.J In t-ehe-'ri tieelto s.
Titre lire 48i Secute in tile tr ,e, atld
43I0 teeck jetirt in the e'im1il+tp tl.
li,,v Sc-,,utl we\ere thic tir-' te' dli '.ee,.r
a p :c i ls t . 'r \ \h it . i n S cr c i : ',,e l . I .. f , ,i
41 feet to theiti' gi.n',e : e u it.' l. 'y tIll:" n*; -
cet'.,lW fc *r 3.e0,11.c, lIlita.
3I*,,) 8 ,uitt - l0'! + ll IIi )"t he h l . '! .*..
thir n.- I i' t , :c f. c t' :rc 3 t lt r '.\ l
tip tic'I ' '1:itci j':! up tic'e cle j3'.c
'eite- th '-. eIi' .ele s 'o1 llve' II r.,st
"tj.r ' I:' !,, Ir ", : l l.''t', i I, ! c li 333,cic. .' fr
c-lth,. t- "-tc:. ei :itei.' iet ei I u t ifih in eltl '",,,
yeeu tire' th for the winter. Lecok tibout
iou: don', lobut

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