SWAINER & C! O.- i. aou
of Amer ca, Sta'e of Louisi- .ru
ge s of r:rcar, ::y of New A
1d pare¢ne':e ! . at on this eg
1e th mont o .-" .n t e year de
; anc d ,: : .'e.d S:ates lsC
A n h Para. r f t,)r:ea t. Sthe- of
f tle ae cr.:. of the wit
niftecr e Udersgn ed:1
er a;,4c. t : 3e personst
are hriru:.'`: s h tb d as
h -full- dage r.:S who do
of V41.0,4 t"" e" es of the
s itt a -:; "iae d body r,
obje re r - s - and n" - :bh
hn ati t a : rsfA tslly of -
ý Acts of re t anl Assembly '"'
sf make an , a,,I te year 1914
asd Act 4'ý- " . Vage 393, they no
break and ag:ir , and by these
venanln :.i .;;ee ror them-i or
s t tinSe a nd body a r
S objec:ts a:i yrposes and un- ko
ai ltlonS hr :;.' rr set forth
re n ame a" ' of this cor
suc pr "e a st ad ohesy
n a etx:sd - o r on- e '
1 f' n :ne da the ^r , ity ai
, h ears ':.trac she t
S and a d: h r. Y , ircessa
akters ba and a. . :I,: a:re seal,
Sbrea and share ani ti: atu-e, pon
esear , ootar:gig " . i p r:cate ori
Opr real, pe:' n. ,di-. a eu
bacidcng a
ras bsnes , and ..,, d'e n cain
a lger |, d 'r ' . . cs . . c ,t nk s o r
feoces to i-r. ,y ai a acor
n*5 en inom 1an t :.+ i-ti o u-aw
tne yr te. a-f a ren d i ethds :nec
,i1I• . ,artrsnent 11
.. earbslanie y f hr: t holte b osne co
c ,atiaseln r a d gt' r . d, ev ery
Smatter or :'"."h T,. c-g.v a g r the
adnOd nroper ietr:.e ii sp:d aus-
gM e V n the c ' "rwti· lrexr
su.-a to the a ore- .
peol ns, .1:ate ,: 1. .:.s: ana where
iofen sah oiscrata rti , of shs csnsi et
a uhere r-i.d. i the Vi e
ins t oa f both, ulon
t, nr -, the pa d.t, 3i6 onemhun
t.re. SeyTreasr.
bI -Tr e s rc: and purcposes of
l stn shal of t tir ccri.ct a bull 0
e e asend and d dcy d a din l actas
'g incidental t, the ca-r g out
*ach sqtckl shall be helialed
· oteyac of the ha tiresa.d of tcs tandis
psosa ai to e oin ts business of
ae oe ct iron, steel and onher
Soldhll eghinery. To engage tn the
ini no or mehltng of such mate
Sadoe sny and all things necessary
ge rinf i the gbone.
ls-The capital t o frsendrin this coar
a e io erebyl, xtrd at the sum of sixty
i dollars ($60.UW (,). dividrd into six
disres of the par vaohe o: one hun- n
js VS spet the corporateo powrs ofa
s a going concern when three
share of s of sad c orporation ck shall
bssbscribed and paid for in cash, n
presadet ll ever e held liable
al fcss. contracts or debtl of this
is ai. further sum than the 'm -
e db e to fe c.,'ipor:tn on the :h
e subscribed for by him, nor
o meinformaty rson the orgaiza- th
the effect of rendering this char
sit r esapig any shareholder to anya
f Lchtevet eor. f
SV. th-L S ee corporate poers ofnn a
SIsetie shaltl be vested tn and eaer
T beard of directors to be com
d thre stockholders, a majority ofn
mm constitute a quorum. pa
aes of this thororaton shall con
Siesidnt, Vice-Presddent and Sec
bn merte all of rwhom shall be melm- o
alsue bard of directors. l lot
llswi o named persons shall consti- o
I ut -board of direotors, to-wit: of
i to aer, resident, o3116 Palmyr
L Liehnte aste ait e-President, 212
c sd Street, and Bernard Bennett, of
4te Street, Secretary-Treasurer, and
E he st and officers shall hold their
1 sa tile the second Tuesday in t
111$, or until their successors shall
ta duly elected and qualifiesed ad
Sthe directors shall be elected
E a the second Tuesday in October
Seal, begainnin with the year 1918;
dtm of directors shall be by ballot
sash stockholder shall be entitled to
M fI each share om stock stanfing t
)i at n the boors of the corporation,
'0 5 b cast in person or by proxy,
t ad rlls re a majority of the stock -
VI.-The hoard of directors shall
tee adot such by-laws, rules and
a serning the management of this
Sthe direct fors shall see fit.
.--The several stockholders
ts t tsell, transfer, donate or other
1e· _ Uay of the share or shares
h b cthem without offerine the
sk , the sarporation. which shall
Sa within ten days from date of
s thad serie by the president to
dI said stock offered for sale, in
-I. pac, at a price to be agreed upon
de said cororation and tie said
provwded that the said price
it tehd the maximum of tlue of the
MLk to laved for sale, whoch vplue
to 1N[etised tO be the value of the
Sit appears on the books ofel the
u of thar date. After suOe
- i erC oration dec ine to pur
Dill ,e shareholder shall have
t tomaer o id toc foris
peson or prsouns, fftA2s
j , tire cpital e tfCk thereof m
wiat the arseation of two-hs hards
. esler dsunt or rtphsrpntod
d dm ocklioldiars h.l toe
th*e notice in .whtl of to
i or sailed to hm at adth
aId du address, or in a ccordn w
ad trsn as c f Act 367 of 1914.
40LanA the prprtion of this char
ue rw re liqoidauors tho be
- le r inalsubscripti of whomto
uth ad hs id company and the
share, y herey iested wits;
nd It slhoart s to liBuidate tt
s Id pss in aordance withES
:f Amer i of A.t t of 1914.
't--TI aparers hereba y decarew
tha turihd to the h day ofolloi
d m the prnoportion seat H.
.ub the signetures th sto,
- he oirinaof ubcrle ptio to
CI id corporation in the
•hereafte their names.
0ure forty-nine shiress Hares
dsare. eyer Lichtenstein;On
dy sale sares, .. nnnnett.
Ismed in my he in ti sub
themu o the a h day of ma to-i w
Alis C. Andry, aompetent
dev ilg the sepresenthe
to~*r the orga tonand fe,
icde r odio n of the whofe.
ay aBdred fan bknine fhl4res.
Ou shere a fe ihtenstein; One
a d tres, c. LOnett.A o,
herb t certify that the a e oe
sat e incorporation of the H.
unod4 unede rr t, lcs.
h" Ue and cormet ciepy of the orig
etadsad on file in my notaril
i DIEI.S, Notary Public
MITr 0o., INC.
ad America, State of LZoisi
ad Orleans. Ci(ty of New
that on the nfth day of
hundred and seventeen
S Macaulay Stafford. a
&t commissioned and quail
Sta Parish of Orleans. State
Wtnsse hereinafter nases' and
I Iy ae and appeed
names are hereunto sb
ad the fll age of majority, who
, asstiliug themselves of the
Md lows of the State of Louisi
he th orqnieation and fomna
and more particularly
- t5 of the legislature of the
of 1914. they have save
gnee and bind themselves
My hereafter become aso-'
1 and their successors, to
_i.and under artices a
S' and title af this eo-i
al is the Luii Loa
a , Inc., and ns its
ItC daf hea pa an
authority to have and enjoy corporate ex
istence for a period of ninety-nine years
trom the date hereof. OF
Article 1I.--The domicile of this corpora
tion shall be in the city of New Orleans.
State of Louisiana. All citations and otherStat
,egal process shall be served upon the Pres- Be
,dent of said corporation, or, in case of his day
absence or inability to act or any vacancy Furl
in the office, upon the Vice-President, and actir
in the absence or inability or resignation of
of both President and Vice-President, upon pre.
:he Secretary. The president shall be the ders
executive officer of the corporation; he shall
preside at all meetings of the Board of e
Directors and stockholders. that
Article III.--The objects and purposes for if t
which this corporation is established, and and
the nature of the business to be carried on red
ay it are hereby declared to be as follows, sely
to-wit: cr
To engage in the business of lending tion
noney, and to conduct a general loan bust- 'oI
,css; to borrow money, to make and issue fort
toids, payable to bearer or otherwise, or the.
.otes or drafts for the same or for any debts A
,r obliga:lons incurred by it. or for any port
,he.r purposes of the said corporation, and l.ou
.o secure same by mortgage or deed of trus: .,d
.r any of its property; to advance money un
:uperty, both movable and immovable, and Lt
take mortgages, pledges or any other se- l'
a ity the:efir; also to issue all kinds o: ;n
crtntcate- of Indebtedness, the same a- f
..ural persons; to issue time cert,;cates,
,::h or without Interes:; to :-sue and se:.
..vestment certificates a ith or w.:hou: itn
-es:, and generally to do all th:ng, ntc
-,ary or convetnient to properly carry ou A
cJiec's and purpii.s of this cor:pvat,aii
d conduct its sa.d buiness.
.\r:icle IV.--Th: cop;,rationi may sue and
sued :n its corpirate name, h .:1, h~.se.
p i:.wo..tc. pedge, lea-C and sutle.ser and
o.;Jy re-. esta:;e arod peisrnala a-,d mixed
r perty, ais hrrw :nre), make and in-ui"
"C d a ed ...d,, ttake .k ctiralt. re e.ct
.i: ot and or e)rsi:lal jr jety, anid tn:aii
,ý ..se a cJ, pra:e Ca !. te s :Ie ", a ,'
i.siaS at ., cau-one; lia:,c and aL1, ;.: f: Osaci -1
:!~g. , d.re. tori, )niceri, cicrks and or
t i the :::crest a:,d c , r.s:,rence of
.. -i,,ratiitt. :nla rrin uie: a:c.l, thr i ugi
S:,.Jd of di:rec: rs. take and e-laWsti
, . .w' a:.d rol, and re--a:: "., 'r r
it Ir ;',er management and regulation
t:ie , -,sr+ ar:d otlairs of said ,rjora
: u :,ay Lbe n!:ce-ary and exped:en:, and "
e.. ir a:er a:d chan:ge at picasu:re, andl
..:. ,si-', s a:1 tine r.-hbsr , p er sis and
".vleg-s t, wi.si' corpoiratiors cire gow,
cy ex' :ig lais. or nay he by any gen
".1i law,. author:zed t , possess Said c.,r
ira::on may exercise its c ,Irprate ,o eer,
..hin a' other State or Territory in the
n':rd :ates or foreign country that sh.,l:
erm:: the saole, and may acqu:re real e-ta:c
,id othtes for the Ipurpose of conduc:ting the
usiless of saidl corororation.
Article \'.-The cap:tal stock of this cor- nt
,oration is hereiby tixed at the sum of twenty
itusand dol:ars, div:ded into ten thousand
I -liars of common s:,ck, of the par value of h
Ifini per share. and ten thousand d 'liars :"
f preferred stock of the par value of $20.00 :ce
per share.
All stock subscribed for shall be payable .ni
in such terms as the Board of Directors
nay determine.
This corporation shall be a going concern.
,nd may commence business, as soon as
fifty per cent of said capital stock shall
have been subscribed, and fifty per cent of Ia
the amount thereof actually paid in.
All transfers of stock shall be made on :
the books of the corporation by surrender of pm
:he original certificate properly endorsed for nal
cancellation by the stockholder in whose in
favor said stock is issued, or by his duly ac
authorized agent tn writing.
The preferred stock issued may be in- scr
creased to one hundred thousand dollars, but
no preferred stock shall enjoy voting pow- set
ers, pro,-ided the increase is voted for, at
a meeting duly called, by two-thirds of all I
of the commnon stock. In
The Common Stock issued may be in.
creased to fifty thousand dollars by a vote an
of the Board of Directors of the corporation.
Article VI.-The common stock shall have 1'f
1 the complete and exclusive control of the
affairs of said corporation, and the exclusive
right to vote at all stockholders meetings.
Article VII.-Preferred stock shall be enti
tied by preference to a dividend on stock Or
of eight per cent, and any excess of profits
over that amount shall be apportioned and -
-aid to the common stock up to eight per
-ent. Any excess, after apportioning divi
lends aforesaid, shall be divided and appor- 01
it oned equally between the two classes of -t
0 ock.
Article VIII.-All the corporate powers of
this corporation shall be vested in and exer
k -ised by, a Board of Directors, to be elected nl
annually, composed of not less than three. on
II nor more than eleven members, who shall ar
d se bona fide owners of common stock stand- of
,s ng in their names, unpledged and unincum- se
5 A majority of the said board shall consti- f
r- tute a quorum for the transaction of busi- r
s nests.
e Until the first Monday in October, 1918, a
II *he following named persons shall constitute he
the Board of Directors of this corporation. c1
O o-wit: Samuel J. Hart, W. A. Bisso, Fred vi
4. Earhart. H. W. Robinson, D. A. Capdau, th
all of New Orleans. ca
All elections shall be by ballot, and such pr
a holder of common stock shall be entitled to se
e mne vote for each share of said stock stand- he
i ng in his name on the books of the corpora- fo
Sion, the vote to be cast in person, or by pc
b roy; it shall require a majority of stock a
rresent or represented to elect. cl
SFailure to elect a board on the first Mon- w
r day of October. 1918, or at any other time to
i thereafter, shall not work a forfeiture of
this charter, but the old Board of Directors
- shall remain in office until their successors
- are elected and assurme duties.
y The officers of this copoaration shall con- S
s sist of a President. Vice-President and Sec
retary and Treasurer. and the board may f
I combine the office of Secretary and Treasurer
O o that same may be held by one oand the
issame person. Until the election in 1918, the
- following persons shall constitute the officers ,
of said corporation: Samuel J. Hart, Pren
r- idont. W. A. Bilso, Vice-President, F. 3.
Earhart, Sec.etary-Treasurer.
SArticle IX.-Stockholders' meetings, other fi
than that for elections anmuslly of members ci
Sof the board. may be held whenever ordered ti
Sby the Board of Directors, or reques:ed by si
3 per cent of the outstanding stock, com- as
th man and preferred. k
Notice of such meetings shall be given ia
r the manner required by law by personal no t
g tice to each stockholder ny depositing sn t
Sthe mails, properly addressed, written notice a
o of the meeting, also that each stockholder N
to shall have at least 15 days notice thereof. l
e Stockholders may, however, waive written~
notice and appear in person or by proxy.
7 Article X.-This charter may be amended,
n; modified or altered with the consent of two
thirds of the amount of common stock pres
le Cent or represented, at any general meeting
So- of said corporation convened for such pur
I. pose after due notice as herebefore pro
Ot vided for. Any and all meetings of the
s,. stockholders, whether for the purpose of
ie, liquidation or for any other purpose, may
be held at any time without notice by unan
S5, imous consent of all stockholders, in writing s
Oel filed with the Secretary.
Article XI.--This corporation may be dis-f
Ssolved and its affairs liquidated whenever r
in the judgment of the wnajority of the whole .
Be board of Directors it shall be deemed advis
es able, if ratified by a two-thirds vote of all
of stockholders; or by the consent, in writing.
of all of the outstanding stock, in which
Sevent no meeting shall be necessary.
nWhenever this corporation is dissalved for
any cause. its affairs shall be liquidated I
under the superintendence of three (3)
stockholders to be chosen for that purpose
s- by a majority of the outstanding stock.
j They shall remain in office until the affairs
a of said corporation are wound up and fully i
liquidated. In case of the death of one ofl,
i. said commissioners. or of the refusal or sin-i
ability of one of them to act, the remaining
liquidators shall continue to act with fullt
power in the place and stead of the com-n
missioner who ceased to act. l
Article XII.--No stockholder shall ever be
iT. held liable or resmponsille for the contracts
r faults of this corporation in any further 1
sum than the unpaid balance due the com-rn
si. nany on the shares of stock owned or sub- I
w scribed for by him: nor shall any inaformal
ity in organization have the effect of ren-|
dering this charter null and void. or of ex-]
of posing the stockholders to any liability.
e, Thus done sad passed at my office, in the
a city of New Orleans. on the day, month andl
ll- year herein first above written. in the tires
sts ence of H. Carter, Jr.. and Daniel Wedlin
es- competent witnesses, residing in said city, .
md who have hereunto signed their names with 1
ed the said appearers and me, Notary, after,
Dis tue reading of the hoe;.
rho Original Signed: Frred. A. Earhart. 25
he shares: D. A. Capdau 25 shares; Samuel J.
si- Hart, 410" shares; W. A. Bisso. 25 shares,
na- H. W. Robinson, 2S shares. H. Carter, Jr.,
-ny Daniel Wedling.
the THELRED n. STAFFORD. Notary Public
re- I, the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages.
s- ;n and for the Parish of Orleans, State of
res Lonusisna do hereby certify that the above
o- and foregoing Act of Incorporation of the
to Tnaisiana Loan & Investment Co., Inc.. was
the bis day duly reorded in my offce, in Book
of 1312. Folio S.I
Nrew Orleans. Oct)ber 12. 1917.
or- (Signed) EMILE J. LEONARD, Dy. I.
ICs rIELED . STAFFORD, Notary Publi,
dOct e 3 MSNew I 8 IS U
State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans. by
Be it known, That on this, the seventeenth Rc
day of Octuber, 1917. before me. Thos. E. f
Farlow, a duly commishoned, qualltied and Ing
acting notary pubic in and for th Parish In
of Orleans State of Louistana, and n the 77
presence of the hereinaiter named and un- '
dersigned witnesses, personally came and ap- yea
peared the several persons whose names a re
:sereunto subscr;bed and severally declared
that, availing thenmselves of the general laws ran
if the State of Louisiana in such cases made he
and provided, they have formed and organ- eat
zed and do by these presents f,r:n them- av
selves and such others as may hereatic: e
,ec ,:::e soc:ated w:thi them in a co.r;ora
tion and body politic in law, for the ,li;ec:s
I p;ac- In the foil.wing artices se:
forth and expressed, which they adipt as
the.r ( harter.
Article I.-The name and t:tle of th:s cor
pora:ion shall be. Atlantic tUii Ito:4,any of I,
Liu .sl:ana. Iro.rprated, and x' sha.i ex st "
.rd en;'.) su..e :,,n .,y ::s c. rp{nrate r:ai e
.,r a ;,rld .i .n:" -,- :le *i gO ye, ,s i'oii : d
d t.e here,,, w.:.h a": t.. e rg"ats a: d p,,w. s \\
aow ~r herea:er i::i'erred upo s,.::ar s. r
f New (5eans. iaus ana, and a.. c t .
.ns 0,r o:her iegar I ,ceC., shaIl be 'sevid
p: n the r':cs.,c:::, and :n the eve:: : A
-.1 p r ,, :: w1 "h ,, g rd'r n c l 'r i I c'
A:: ":e II -T a; I: si nik ofi '1 s c r
he-'n . ,v ;. i srcat r :~ . rs' e ti lU
-a: , 75." , d a, 1 d : gdv'de ll :,I' a, t;
,cr ' :"I ! -,Srnsin i d:e tl f:v t i7 , s'va.- It
n the p.r s.:.e oif on hu"nlrcd d , l.r
e!" ' eu. :. .": .c k o .u Ie , , l f r in 11 ,.ev.
,-,oir:i ai'd K ; w:ll regu. r y t'ane ered ,
:r ,.uc nld e lip'ioes of th:s cr r.,- 1
"n are. t e:g.ge genera i.e, as l-rnica w "a
wr nria',ti: "r , i l.stp::ng. -el: . Ine.,s' g
l ,:he'- -e t-ailinig in la-id- , e s . '
Jr ':'l K.nt mi ;he ir. salt a nd . o erof I.
ren.ra.l d:l;.rg in a e and er l ,s r! ansd , -
perattinR sers anr- nre. re',.n. s 'I t- I
:tg. imaufa ou'- le. e and o:herw:sae -huig !e :n i
,r.d Iucts an d l ti sdijl have al 0a': l-;
,-":,:rur':ti, ,wring. ',casing and nie'n c
-anlriadls t-a"is ;, p ne lines, canal, wa
ter cr.t .f se:iavy lesrp n. r ld herein kor
ind C ehe- t"a,- -:,t t-.inliar:atiln nece-ia' y
*Ar :ric let I the rpo er c pnduct of tis
.usrness pr ut : it fs:l , ' ves: ed i n ''e; b:yir n
'.t scil::te, at wh lerale and rew a 1. a:,! t
:eneray deraling in all rant:er of r- il an.!
per- Theal p: t e arid oft shaI l have a-z
thirity to awn, lease and otierate bu :ding,
,rid macf nery and. equ-pment t r an:ker
and Lu. lr use h. and it shall have at:her to
Ie-ne rally I. do alv th:gs necesca-y or tn
Treaurt to the pricpier c-and dct saffa:r~.
.erve unrl steir irc sssrl s are d:rd hecrein or
Article IV-The crpAnnual me tnwers of this
rldirt shall e h vesed o the secon a ard o
hree Dretrs tw Januay wof ach yar.ha c t:
Thue a q nd:trltl for the Iransactan of u:-of
ness The ti-sgt :ard of ):rec-sid shall hee
compised if llenv (G. Yoiung. MC. Baker
and L. NeS tarhes. withe daenry and . Younge
President. M C. aker. as V ce-Pre-i
lent, and I.. .ev hughes as Secreta! .
Treasurer which offof cers and damouects suha
-erve until their Ysccessors are dl electedph Ro
tn qualfied. Annual meetings of psock-. t
L thers shal he held on the second Toes- n
di and foin ar of each year. f a
Thuand forin actd sofed in the preence of
Warren V. Miler and of Lsehui Rseanar, corn
petent witnesses. da dulhave signed theirn mya
names hereto. together with said appearers
al tre. Notary on the day and dae first an
a,F ve wrtten. E WORKS I.
Names of SaesofAcribers ad amounts of sub- '
scrlptions omrted
Be itnesss: Warren V. Miller, Joseph Ro
oth of S. E. Ft RLOW. Notav of our Lordc.
I. the undersigned Recorder of Morsvntgages.
i and for the Parish of Oreans. itdState of
Louisan derica thereby oertify that the above
aeond foregoing act of incorporation of the
Atlantic Oil Company of Louisiana. Incr- th
rated was his day. duly uly recorded in myha
office, in Book 1212. folio -.
New Orleans. Octherein residin 17. 101and in the7.
Signed) ErsiILE J. LEONARD. Dy. Rec.
A true copy.
hereinaftOS. r . FRsubsri . Notarally Public.
vsUnited States of America. State of relative toisi
ana. Parish of Orleans, City of New 19
Orleans. and do, by these
Be it known, that on this 24th day of the at
-month of Septe assocr, in the year of our Lord,
one thousand, nine hundred and seventeen, ]
Iand of the Independence of the United States
of America. the one hundred and forty
second, before me. John Marshall Quintero.
a notary publ~c, duly commissioned and qual. Ci
fled in and for this cithy and the Parish ofsed
New Orleans they hereby asiding, and in thetheir chrter
presence of the witnesses herinafter named I
and undersigned, personally came and ap-t
Speared the several persor.s whose names are
e hereinafter subscribed, who, severally de
Woared that. availing themselves ofor a term
visions of the laws of this State relative toshall
the formation of orporations they haves.
covenanted and agreed, and do, by these el
Scopresents, covenant and agree his absend bind them-cretary
o selves, as well as such other properson as may i
I- hereafter become associated with them, to
for upo and constitute a corporation and bodyal pro
SArpolitic in law, for the objects and purposes aI
and under theis clausesrpora stipulations and artihe
whichnure of they hereby adopt as their charter, t
Arti declared to be nathe foloand style of the norae
poratin the manufacturll e ofthe Walker .how-Case
otrs and cabinets, and shall inontinue for a term
Stcharacter of Louisiana. cident to r identifed
of thereith corpora to buy and sell ben both pr officer
upo sale and retaili and to deal in shoeg-casesl pro
cess shall be served. nd cabinets and all
ind and character objecf material andnd purp or- a
whmanship identifs corporat ith or classifzed iand th a
in the manufacture of show-cases, mirrors. fi
in xtures an d c abinets, and all kinds aind
Scchr other of workbusiness incident to or idconnectified
Sthewith said manufacture, holesale or retail,
shoand-ca mirror, fixture and cabinets, and all
kind and character of material and work
Asthe manufacture ofcapital stocase, of thirr or, fix
uporation is aixedts and framework of anye thousakind
and chlaracter whatsoever, into f(ity of(50)
r (1Orleans or) ealsewhere, and to c marry eon
Sissuched fother cabusinessh or incid payment to of propertyed
show-as reid, mirrbor, fixture andered to the cor
Arof ticle 1.-The apishall be disposed oft
- poration tis ixed at the sum of fivThe thcorporatond
Sdoshall have thirty) daysivided ithinto fifty (o)
accept or decline sueach ofder. Allsuch stock trmay bens
3fers to be valid must be made on the books
er of the corporation. This corporation shall
Ic he a gling concern when five thousand dol
is- lars (15.000.00) of its capital stock shall have
ll been subscribed and paid for. The capital 1
ig. stock of this corporation may be increased,
ch from time to time. to an amount not ex
ceeding fifty thousand dollars (O$50,000.00.)
o Article IV.-AII corporate powers shall be
ed vested in a board of directors, to be com.
3) posed of three stockholders, a majority of
se whom a quorums which board of directors
shall hold ofMce until the fourth Monday in
e September of each and every year, or until
ly its successors shall have been elected and
of qualified. The first board of directors shall
n- bhe elected at a teneral meeting of stock
ng holders to be held as soon as convenient
all after the recordation of this charter in the
m- Mortgage Office. and the said meeting shall
likewise elect a president, a vice president.
be secretary and treasurer, which latter two
ItO oaese may be held by one person: which
er hoard of directors and officers, when so
m- elected, shall hold office until the fourth
ib Monday in September. 191. All meetings
5l- of stockholders shall be subject to a ten
in- days' notice mailed to each stockholder at
mx- his last known place of residence. In the
event of death or resignation of one or more
he I of said boasd or officers, the remaining mem
nd bers of the board shall supply the vacancy.
-s Article V.-The corporation may buy, lease.
rtgage or sell real estate, as occasion may
ty,. require, during the course of its objects and
ith purposes, and all such transactions shall be
ter effected by the board of directors then in
251 Article VI.-This corporation may be
J. amended, altered or modified, or the corpo
es, ration dissolved, by a vote of two-thirds of
r., the stockholders, voting by shares at a
meeting convened for that purpose, after if.
ic teen days previous notice of such meeting
e,. shall have been iven as required by law.
of In the event of a liquidation, either by ex
ve piration of this charter or otherwise, its
the afairs shall be liquidated by the heard of
ras directors then in omfce, who are vested with
alk full power to sell all the assets and property,
real asd personal, of this corporation, to
convey a full sad complete title thereto, and
L to perform all acts essential to a full and
ceomplete liquidation of the afairs of the
lic cporation, and to divide the )rsceoe, if
say, is aecordase with law.
Article VII.-No stockholder shall ever be Ire'
held liable or responsible for the contracts or i
or faults of the corporation in any further then
sum than the unpaid balance due the cor- A
poration on the shares of stock subscribed
by ham; nor shall any mere informaltity inl
organization, or failure to elect directors and
antcers at any required time, have the effect i
if rendering this charter null, or of expo-
:ng a stockholder to any liability beyond the
unpaid balance due on his stock.
Thus done and passed. at my office, in the rt'a
i':ty of New 4rlea:is. on the day. mon:h and
year herein first above writ:en, in the pre,
n ice of -Mess.c--s August II R::ter a:d id ';
li'ier: R::ter. c.ompete:st w.:nesses, whose t
names are hereunto sb'-,sr;bed, together w th
he sad ap;,eaters ,c .tn me. n.,tary, after
reading of :he wh.-:e. And the appearers t'""`
lave set op is:te their na- es a-d addre,-e,
he nuime- ,. share- subcr:ied by tih'm.
()r:-:nal S:gned, C. L hVa ke-, 436 Claraic:
:.r'-e.g. : shares. J V. W alker. 4. t
.a-a St one share; L \a: ke-. 436 C:ara
o . ne share.
\\ .:ntc-e- A H. R.te*, AClbert Ru:t'r.
J M. QIN'\TE.k4L. N\.tay l a:c
I. the i hl- ,gred. le, :ri" .f M -r,'age-.'
n• ari f r the Pa .<s .,f (trleats. State of
: .ara. d, her-y ce: .v that tiue a:s ,ve
:'d i "nc g Ac (f I:. -atain .f the ",'
A ai.-- ho, ( ac ,% l-cr , was t. 's
v i.:'v e,",rded i: n y offce, it Bok
g'Cel FlMILE J. LF iNARI, D. R.
A l-ie ( ;v
.M. 1I"INIERI,., Notary I'a'b:i:. "
c: 4 1li IS 5 N v 1 8
it T!E 11 \ -IN\ & (,i1'ANY. I\'
I '.,. -h f ot ., - ( ,t . e
It . to ' -5 ' s t'::r:ren:.h da "
vi r .:.1 .. ·'th r /li " .'"- .t . . ,, w s I t \
,:: . a :i .f the l:', ie"f .c e :.: c e
L..' as, a n ,'a-v t, ; , ,t l'y P ,,- , ,''-t n(?isd-- .
'" l r "e a n f te n . f ,
C,-i w I* -:e- ec 'i 'c '. , r . .1 .,, " .le
m lc- y'. a '' s,: e an :,;i I t','e 1
or·.:· !1-~p:~- ir : 'v that ae r he ah v o
" .,- p ,' h F" · ,- :'"t 1 i :- a- . V :c -
' "t-'dhe:: ," Ac A n e-.. t tMer1' ty
'i c., 'A, .ý ! e "I t Vt . lf ,f C:ar" - trs " e 1
, M ve ." ref " ,e -a .l
r -d1 s :hat now they are to r.-sd as a
pl w' & v. a,
-t ^ ,l" ge-e . ", 7e1 i" I r- t- ,. l 'e. i
.. .e . --tne Nea . ksc o'f ris \1,c -
p.ratlon s hredy :n heM a the :. of ru
S tv, 'v Ia , k f,: , 544. ir'st tn- .
:s t·vd (n t an ', e . lrrsent . It was hlnad -.
t ,n."'%-V "r--!v,- tit t. las, satid M. ie
r & (',s l'c is'r .t', ~I ", npei ^,g an,'li
val~lr nr ofne huns.rea '-- allere ($15 ) a ac. i
SCd -at: : tk a lt ice latn or s sn ca. it is nec-i
t n:. In . ba. tmun: and aft" : tah n i d l
A-Cr-.a d :hit Cht sut,,l- ,tf oc h-efcirs le
tor 'a,:d sice-'-e'yIer t is t,) he cf aed v thal '
Ta-.1 -ui -er ct-rs. or the csame mayt b(f. t)
r per caClrt rest c ,py ofs than par fr or e a s
I pe,rt a et :uflly . reeived herey the and it rpr
SThis Crpora~ine shall n c mv a snd, ca s'-h
S hern and ie auhi Acsd to do uslinent w then re
tlhe At:.I! aI aunt of its Sp itl s'haer shall
y ,av ! een s :hari n, thand pard ftoread ac
ATh e aount to h ch the capktal socf thi cr
pmay e in hereby fihalled at the m of trn
"f'tve "atsh-ne . h ,lars l!ars (S1.0.m. .0
corp:tied n shall -e reseted vsn and hxirndced
and ten ard lof share tors cmo se of four par
sole khodf r. a mahuntred it oar sta$ l schO
!dute at ok shatl hie Spad ircn ca sh all sue
o ecte ainnully on the mayon d Tuesda tv the
Rune, in each tear, except thme mayfirst bear
:peinted n. this Charten par f shall hold
erty actually reffice unl the scnd Tuesday in June
All such rp ct:onan shall bee held hvgoing con
sern and he au thoe n ied tof the said corpwe I
the fu!! aunder the of its capital Tuck shallm
lave been suto be appintd pa for.the oard
The amount to which the capytal siock un
Article V-All he orprate powers of saidrt.
orporatic ofn such electn shall hed given sy ed
thekhnder a majority of whthe Co sllmpan crn
Snot:tute a u deliv Saerd directonal or by dea
ecned annuame n the ptof S econd Tuesday inad
S&Tune. in each tyear except the fireast arfifteend
d( d's:r ice until thedin such elec tions. hune
1 All such elcto:ns and at all b coroprate '
e ao one vodute for each share ofice of stockhe staidin :hP
-n his nname on the uperviooksn of thee Coroa
a of Directors.
the to ecretary of the Company hi written
reice thereof delivered pesof the vnallotes castby shall
of poasiting same in the p',,,-office, properly ad
sti-essed, tC each st.-ckholde- a' least fifteen
1(15t ds precedin such elections. st
. At all such electrrons and at al cdirprateors
v meetings eve na stockholder shall e entitled
•to -ne vote for each share of stack starding
,n his name on the books of the CorpoTa
to lion, to be cast in person or by his written t
re proxy, and a majority of the votes cast shall 1
se elect. `t
Any vacancy occurring amnng the directors i
nbv death, resignation or otherwise shall be <h
to filled hy election fr the remander of the TI
I te-m by the remaining directors. Cit
A failure to elect directors on the date a,
s above specified shall not dissolve the Cor- c
p-ration or impair its corporate manage- v
ment. but the directors then in office shall CI
remai'l, in office until their successors are fo
' elected and qualified. h
The Board of Directors shall elect fromI
jtheir own number a President. a First Vice- 'i
Pgesident and a Second Vice-President. They n
shall elect also a Secretary and a Treasurer. Pt
sor one person who shall be both. either of 0
whom may or may not be members of the '
ry Board. They shall have power and author- es
er ity, from time to time, to name and appoint eC
all such officers, agenss or other employees il
as may be deemed necessary for the purpose el
and business of the Corporation. They shall '
it have power to fix compensation and define a
the duties of every officer and employee, and 4
Sall officers and employees shall hold office s
and employment at the pleasure of the board. sl
The board may make and establish, as i
Swell as alter and amnend. any and all by
e laws. rules and regulations necessary and t
Sproper in its judgment for the conduct, sup
k- port and management of the business and h
th affairs of said Corporation. At all meetings f~
Sof the Board of Directors each director shall a
have the right to appoint a proxy4 act in
his place and stead. o
of The board shall have full power and au
Sthority to borrow money, to execute mort- of
Srages and to create liens; to issue bonds.
a notes and other obligations and generally to
s do all things reasonable, convenient and nec- P
essary for the proper carrying on of the
d business of the corporation. s
SThe board may issue full paid shares of
stock for cash or in payment of labor done
or property actually received by said cor- 1
poration. 1
y Done and passed at my office, at New '
or- Orleans, the day, month and year first above '
of written, in presence of Messrs. Delvaille H.
cc Theard and Gustave RBouny. competent wit- t
1o nesses, who have signed with the parties and I
me,. notary, after due reading t
Original Signed) JOS. F. PEYRONNIN.
Witrnesses: Gs Bonny. Delvarille HI. Theard.
all GU'S. A. LT, AMBIAS. Not Pub.
Io- I, the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages.
re ;n and for the Parish of Orleans, State tdof
taLouisiana,. do hereby certify that the above
e and foregoing Act of Aanmendment of Incor
eX ration of the M. C. Sins & Company.
Inc., was this day duly recorded in my
be offie, in Book 1212. Polio 590.
S New Orleans. OCt~ber 15. 1917.
of (Signed) BMILE J. LEONARD, Dy. R.
o? A true copy.
til Oct 25 Nov 1 8 15 22 29
tall CWARTKR o0
ent RATED.
all United States of America. State of Louisi
ntt, ana. City of New Orleans.
two Be it known. that on this. the seventeenth
rich day of the month of October, in the year
go of our Lord. one thousand, nine hundred and
rth seventeen. before me, John Marshall Ouin
ngs tero. a notary public, in and for the State
ten -f Louisiana. Parish of Orleans. duly com
at missioned and qualified and in the pre.ence
the of the witnesses hereinafter named and un
ore dersigned, personally came and appeared the
es- several persons whose names are hereunto
icy. subschribed, who declared that. availing them
ac, selves of the previsions of the Cnnstitution
nay and laws of the State of Louisiana relative
and so the organization of corporations, they do
be by these presents covenant and agree and
in bind and constitute and organize and form
themselves, their successors and assigrns and
be such other persons as may be hereafter he
rpo- come associated with them, in a corporation
of and body politic in law for the nobjects and
a purposes and subject to the following rules
fI. and stipulations, which they adopt as their
ting charter, ta-wit:
law. Article I.-The name and style of this cor
ex- ioration shall be Allied Chemicral Works.
its Tneorporated. under and by which name it
I of shall exist and enjoy saccession for the full
with period of ninety-nine years from and after
rty, this date unless sooner dissolved.
to Article II.-The domicile of this corpora
and tion is hereby fixed in the City of New Or
and leans,. State of Lou:siana. and all citations
the or legal process directed to it shall be served
if on its President. or in the event of his ab
se mear inadbility to act, poI the Vice
Pres.dent. ,r in the even: vi the a,-ence T
ir ianb.uJ, :o act of boti osaid aA tter, to t
hcen iti, o the Secretary
A"t:.i 111.-he .jects and purpuses cf i1
. ,ý , . '\ . - cd :: ;t' ate d.,,.:r T : t n T .
,> .1 ..:.: i `. " ' '::u:a,:u eC t_ :'. d r1 u a r
"C:. -y .,Ir t a.,y .'.t ".... .t. . ra- o
: l a , .. ( t- t ) t:.e I"a t Np
e , ,... '. r . :t tt ' ..c .t at r . ..sa :" t t
; • - . ..' .:-t , r . ' vr' 1:. a. , e. .-Le , r:, ,
l.. "" . :c l a:"r . l .1 " : ~', .at., I"
7i.. u
vid i~ ~ ' p i whi Il i "rO ptt Ot, v
i i I. . . ' ,' . . . " ! ni "r. 'y.
t-. do' 'tw n wev 1 : :: an an
.: .. l".. . , .::p ,
*1 0 , i - . t i, t ip-r ,i, r i ; ' ." "
of this corpoanon ar any cause or any h
e. ,.>k t1.. 1. -na y
:v... ; n,..1 e ... ,' -... ' . 'e t e. f ..,.
,A p nieterce a' 01 I he ' nneil or.It
, ti: t It- t- . t k "r t il i:. . part" c ' te Ie
,: .
1, "t" . ,. r ;" ` , . ,d ' ha
S" i vi: the d ist- ', : erof m'- on" "· . l'
'he,, d.:,te ret~re'e . .... : u- " . ''. I ' l
v·i· i dsie t 'a p e panien : in ful .1j
Stl e ut of net' prio its prope- applical ae ap
... . r:., rr! , k .,o,' !,.,. , t ... . l- ..
.dici:t t.. authorize " such pay . ment pro as
ts d that the - -Itan .. f D re.. ctor s ll. have . . s
Suth rty to set aside portions of t he " net an, '
ar-: s the p,'e e"stai h sht . nt of separate ~v t
fu-t ts i or aort:zat ::. extesi ons a -d such ou
rt per purposes and in stcho parepir auloue ts po
as shall be to: the est nterest of the Ap
erdi i:ton' . At all meetings of the n stalck- t
holders of th:s cnropran on e ach holder of St
c,:rmlt stactlk shall h ,e entitled t cast one f op
s tc jyr each sh.tret of "common stock satding cv
,!n his nae :v:on the o tha of the cporation, oth
r-ed may : ote by proxy. Except as otherl preh
t:capt' a :dnk of th he c noroation stockha onbe v
" .,ch q.art', rlv d:vwdend /pr:r.d a',.ve men- of
t ,1-ed. it oftener if the . ii-p1s earn ings be a
d at sch t athore and in such payment pro-s
:sd that the lBo ard of ircrcto rs may drect.ll have
ed stock whichrty to set asid been prton of the net a
ear'ltniS for the estabhish: ent of separate act
fu:nds fir amort:zattin,. extensions and such out
praan rer pssrosues and in sueverh prp ler amoun its
ar shall e to the apital stock of thc
"pratlron. At all meetings of the stok-anner
hiolders y tha tropr a:on ech holder ofeed St
mmoa stofck shall he entitled to cast one to
voate L_,r each share of common stock standing vt
'n his name on the books of the corporation, oti
and may vote by proxy. Except as othetherwie p r-vided
Saw pror vded hy lawcharter, ubsall corp to the p of
capital of this crp ration shal l bee ested in and vi
Ipa:d at such times and in such ins'alwtrrnts
ees the Board of D irectors composed. re
rockhd strsk whoch has been retired may bea
again re-issued but never for less than its It
tsar valote. The capalommon stockh of lderths or
hraln nav the infoureased n the mannery of
prvidhen ony aw to an amount not exceeday, at b
a toal of meetingve hundred tholderusan dollars. be en to
Atitcle V.to caExcst onept as otherw ine providedn or th
by paw or fr thes charter, all corporate pow-ck th
ers of ths corporation shall he vested in andt b
exercTsed by a Board of Directors compd offcesed
if no" less than three nor more than seven se
untickhol ther succe wh shalle belected bly a ma
shallty vote of the common orpratkhoders atny
the general or annual meeting which shall be
Sheld on he fmaiurthning dayirect of anuary ofelection
each year, or if that date fall on a d:es non of
then on the next succeeding legal day, at
iche of said annual m eeting each stockholder shall be n b
titled to cast one vote either in person or th
hy proxy fshallr each share f common stock- m
htanding in his namest known the ooks of the
c not less thand ten maor m of the votes cast
hall determine all elections or questions. so
The direct-rs shall in all cases hold offce
numbernt thn -uccessrs have been duly elected the fu
and qualified, and failure to elect directors
shall nat d;ssolve this corpafration. Any
elevacancy ine of their nuaber as PDiretors shallone c
ld yas Vice President. one as Sdirectreta by and electione
forby the samunexpired termson. Any director or officer
proxy, at any and annual meeting of the direck
holders shall VIe given-No stockholder shall to everach stock
ntheld liabless than ten nor mornsible for than ten days
rifaults or th debte of saidthe mcore.poration. nor shall
number than forhe mality in organielection have ti
the effect of Directondering this chart others nll ort
of exeedposing any stockholder to any liabilityun
expireyond term. eunpaid alance due on the sares
ofally at t heir first meeting after election.m.
elect iclne VIIof theirs act of incorporation may
ase changed, modified or altered or this co
prationreasurer may be dissolved with bthe assent
ofshall have the rihof at theo appoutstint by wcommotn a
nstock of rument, anotherporation at a general meetings
Stheproxy, at nnual meetings. In caseof the dissoreclu
Ar stockholders shall at the same oever ean a
three of their rsponumber to liquidate and settle
the business and affairs of the corporation.
faultsion or danehts of said racommissionershall I
orany mere infdatormalis, the survivorn organ survivors shavell
the effect of renderin this charter null ccessor
beyond the unpaid iquidators shall remai on inthe shares
Aunticl the VI.-Thiness actnd afairs of ration may.
Sporation are fully ane dissolved with the and liqssent
e dated; theyirds of shall thave outstanding commeetn
stoact under khe by-laws of the corporation at -nrl meeting
t in anthe suchame mannerrules as shall be proestablished for
oithe annuald terms of sale of thcase propthe dissolu-and
all assetsion of the corporation, to collect debtshe
due to it and takell and collect notes, or an ds.
thr*e. to institute and defend suitse andto settlel
the usinproperty and asseffairs of allthe corporatikinds belong
Sing to the corporf the deation, disabilito pay allor resigna-bts
-tin of any itone orand twdoof any other act or
thingor liqnidto, thname survivor or survation whichall
Smayoint his orht and prser in theor srccesors.
Tie said liqVTidators shfollowing remain in officese
unti the business and affaioard of Directors of theis corpora
Sration are fuWilly and finall s.ettled and liCauerv.
iliact under the by-lawmes L.of the corn ofr
h wh Jandmes L. Dorman all be Peeshlihde t.
d Kinghv a majority of their number: t fixv. thes
nrice and terms officers odf the prectors shall nde
od shall assets of thave tcorporationv to ellect dedits
due to it and take and olect noired tes bonds.ot
- ec.d to ins tituhe aximum number provided fornd defend suit; to se
he propertysidence and amounssets of allthe preferredlon
inm corporators of thisthe corporation, and o pa all desto-wit
thid Wiliam Drews, Moran ity, ororation whichares
the of common stock. 31 shaDiretors of thiprefered stock.
ion: Willam Dr.onson Caffery. 122 Race Seet,
es W William T. King, and Jamena L Dankmn. ofde.
$1wh, James L. Dormin onll e4 St Mary.
I Steliam Drews Orleans, La.. shares of comT
. min stock. 1rv , and Dnlnwhich subscriptionras
r of the sad James and directorn is shall re
-ll -Ne transfer by this artr or unrationl thiof
rc the stock on hand. apaelerated and the s, a;d
will. etc.hall of the chemical nu tfa electr nng
t. usinessnal diheretors for the unexpired terby him nos.
r. int23-132 Jula Seet this city, as per r-er.
ans ventor aidence ad ppraisememount of heret preferred
ed as rcommonired by law, crid for he thNe Vain
b. tcorpora" by the undersigned notary for identifi
: cation he on afery. Rae reetw
The sa:d appeare'" res;:.:.ve:y :' ,- r .
to t.e .nu:ol er a: d k ',d - r 1 d re,
I\ [ t . . \ I , "s
). ! T c .. • .- • . A l.. !
I 'A\ 1. IN I . R : , A
- t , ' . .^ . l . " . ;
• .
I \ -r !h r: 5. i
Id t 'a . then CHa.RTER \ .
aI. , e S.i: va S; :-.e- -d. P ·. : n a- ". "."'
nd : a k-.dv ':, : ti: . - t aw, :h " -,' . i., cf
. "e 'ri-e .....an bn s . a: ,r' e's an-! ,
te. ',Ii d ,, • r fw !, w. , g c t --- t"e y :' n
I- -.
.t" p i . r :.., " . 1 r" , , e: ' -e: ' '. t , c, •
acd,, r-as thei tare hol - fr.
Artiecd le-T e nam od tv th sorry-e a. u ^ben
shael be- "'ah e-a S.o- d '. es.. : - , •as }. S " t
.nr.. as , .a : w :.- -n-- , co-.l
:--- sor te, and h . h ar p tt -a.te , x. . th
u .pre ofr. .e. pnr:d I of o ,-nn e -, a -n e- ('e. an
yts mfrtoate da t hereof, aon shil Lanoe
ande asd otheir chep-p-oe. a the but:rest unp
Ao tie c orrti on naye .t all . th . co,, rsc- i "ha
tc rp:s h t -dlawc, e h, s he -a cr.atior,:: :- t
ra-rsay and . :he d aeer , a , l l an h:e
,o -ee caro d o" n b ] it.al l . the ,, s ..... eco, a
'ad ng the power to make and ris a c r A:
porate seal and the same to break or ater or
at pleiasre; to c r.tract, sue ard be sue in a
its corporate name; to hold. own, r :eceive, 3
purchase, aloena:e, lease, convey. mortgage. ,Iasi
Article a:-The pledge or otherwise encurpier ser:
Iproperty, b'th real and personal: to is-ue adCli
llo-do. notes and other o:l;enatw Os. for tlhe
purposte of borrowing money, and to secure
eey m fortgage or therwise, to name andor
rappoit snibh officers, managers, d:recors, o t
gyenrs and other employees as the interest Usa '
of said corporation may require, and to es
ahl:sh such by-laws, rules and regulations :
as may he necessary and proper, and the
sate to alter, amend, or abolish at pleasure; la
and generally to do arnd perform all such L
acts as may he necessary at d proper to carey ma
rpsurchease, prpne, ese, conde, mocrrtg .y l
out and execute the purposes of this cor- T
poratio. C and t
Article I.n-The domicile of this corpora. the
lion shall be in the Ciety of ew Orleans. mNe
State of Louisiana, but it may establish and an
operate factories offices and agpencies wher the
ever it may deem advisable. All citations or i
other legal processes shall le served on the a nd
president of this crporaion, or in the eventor
of his absence or inability to act, upon the l
vice-presidkent. p
Ar::cle III.-The objects and purposes for at
which this corporation is organized and the Ne.
nature of the tiusiness to be carried on by p
it. are hereby declared to be: To own, lease
er ublease, bouy and sell lands, rtimer, rosin.e
urpentine. turpentine stills and deal in and dreor
manufacture all the by-products of tim' er; pe
to operate, establish and lease turpentine h te.
Stills or anything connected therewith: to La
business, both wholesale and retail, at any Ma
point or points desired, and to operate, buy. h i
sell or lease same; to manufacture macbin. erS
ery or any kind of i plements; to operate.
t own or lease any kind of manufactureing
plant or business, not specially prohibited by
'f law; and buy and sell on coimmission or in
Sotherwise, and conduct a general comrnission L
t business; and generally to do and perform
any and all acts of business not contrary to
the laws of the State of Louisiana; and all Do
k the rigts herein grantee may be exercised. ofti
e and business conducted, at any place or
places that the said company may see fit
so to do, without any restrictions whatever I
t as to States and Countries, in conformity a
d with law. of
s Article IV.-The captal stock of this cor me
y oration is hereby fixed at the sum of eighty the
C thousand dollars ($80,000.00) divided into th
s eiht hundred fsdo shares of one hundred ofi
dollars (100.(0) each. which said stock shshall
be paid for in cash or its equivalent in such Se
Smanner and amounts as the board of dnrec
toers may determine or it may be issued at
par in payment of property actually orir
chased and such stock so issued, shall be
full paid and non-assessable. All in con. 41
formity and under the restrictions of the
presently existing corporate laws.
This corporation shall be authorized to hi
commence business and be a going concernd
Sas soon as Forty Tolusand Dollars ($40,000.00)
eof its capital stock is subscribed for and
d fifty per cent (50%) thereof paid in. The
shares of stack shall he transferred only on
Sthe books of the corporation and no transfer
i of stock shall be ginding or have any t
effect upon this corporation unnless and until
mtade upon its books and a prior lien on all
shares of stock shall be retained by this
Scompany on the stock of any shareholder
i for any indebtedness. secured or unsecured.
however evidenced or created due at any
time to the cotnpany by the holder of said
Sstock and all transfers of stock shall be
made subject to these conditions.
The capital stock of this corporation mTsay p
be increased tip to an amount of two hundred
Sfifty thousand dollars (O$250000.00) by a vote
Sof theehfotrihs of the outstanding stock at h
n a meeting of stockholders called for thatd
ig purpose, in the same maner as provided for
in the meeting ton elect directors, after giving
Sto the stockholders thirty (U)d days notice
. prior to sad meeting, and said capital stock
I may be reduced to an amount not less than 'I
d- twenty-five thousand dollars (t.O.fll00) inr.
I the sant manner as ebove provided for the r
e increase of stock.
a- corporation shall be vested in and exercised I
-i Iby a board of eight () directors, who shall
ll each be a srokholder in this corporation.
irs four (4) of whom shall constitute a quorum
cefor the transaction of all business and a
as majority vote at any meeting shall decide
s- all questions voted upon.
etl Said directors shall be elected annually C
Sfrom the stockholders on the third Tuesday
d of January in each year. after due notice of
he said meeting shall have been given to each o
rd s'ockholder sent ,v mail to hir last known
Ots address at least f'feen (L5) days prior to
s. the holding of said election. And all other
e meetilys of stockholders, the stockholders
ag mustt be notified in the maner atiove de
t scribed at least ten r10) days prior to the
n holding of such meeting. All other stok.
ich holders meretings, other than to elct drirec
Stors may be held when ordered by the board
e of directors or the hotders of twen'v-fve per
r rent. of the outstanding stock. The pro d
r dent shall call said meeting and upon his
of inabiilitv or failure to do so, same will be
m. called by a vice-president.
T At said election. and at all other meetings
of the stockholders the vote shall be by
b-n ballot, and each share of stock outstard:ng
n* shall be entitled to one (h ) vote to be cast
sd by the owner in person or bv written proxy
i- The majority of stock voted at any stock
holders' meeting shall decide all questtons
fr voted upon except as otherwise provded.
Within one (I) week from their electiorp
ie. as above provided for. the board of d rectors
rd shall elect frn among their numbers, a
in president and two (2) vice-presidenus, and
said board shall also elect a treasurer and
a secretary, the last two (2) named officers
irk, may or may not be meni.hers of the board of
directors and the two offices may be com
ret. bined in one person as the board may de
ick. All of the said officers and directors a
ary above provided for shall hold their respect
Sm- tve offices for a period of one year from the
lsn date of their election or until their succes
by sors are duly elected; except the first board
of herein provided for whose terms will ewpire
-,d on the third Tuesday of January, 1918, or
-·nr until their successors have been duly elected;
sos. but the failure to hold an anual election or
i,- to elect ofcers as above provided f-r, shall
ted, not result in the diseolution of this corps
rie ration, but the then board of directors and
tifi. oficers shall hold their respective ofce
until their sccessors are duly elected.
A . v r. . . .. our -.ng on . .t i,.ard of
d re *rrs sna1 he tnied hr the rera:ning
.',ers ~o: said hard for t'. na:.ex;ired
e:rn: a' a me :: .g ca..ed fr : i.,r ' r;Pose.
a e' " , !ay v ;' . not4e :n '-::. g ofnt
. • o . , , re;,' a: .the" a- w
S a- the a.d hard .. ' e.ret
S•,, : d' : g -. .t 'c-b
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S. : - . - : t a '- a
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1 re - a a.r.c rC-re: rg of
S" .- - a :., ee then
:he :..! "".:- " - . , " , 1 e'-. . , by the
! s "s l I tie
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,N-- " :.- . , : , r. 'es and
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S . - . - r .. , . -e ao
.f .w . r , v ' w c .'.r
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S ! º , . 1 1' ;.r. A .l
Cr , in e, tC. -," a't ," i, le t an
i :i e i. , -I -, r . i t" ! ., , we i',d t
ica e'. g "f'i - .k"l "u r o" af o : shall ei-e
J.ae pr:0r I.c In r'lrin havin, beenr
,ni:na arri sacr'ki oflr at his Srrerar non
Stre. all ar hal eve. r I. e held l iable
thi : Sae .i :r c r. c ilci <, f ati ,. r wsigna
.orher ten! l f.r te ,onrtr s he liquidatis of
At:s Irr Vl "ln I, atte ~arihr sum thanged
uor .d ,r la I vc da it e t , t·rn l of the
ha*re of a' .k ovined ay ha n'ir shall an
:a pr7 r rIn 1 It i (n writh g ntaion hbeen
sof hve the effc t of rndrt ;ns last nwcharter
n: tor of der srhn an ever ne held liablen
laor eii ,nst e h fyon the rtrad baltanr thatof
mat e du on a ftok.her than
Thur: d ne a',d passd. Ine cmy ace ion the
Cshres of st, k owned ns. hte ofr shall an o
the dar, frmnh and er t herein a iart eaore
of haved the if resence of Tthis chartero
netses, herein refsIia an rho hereunto sitn
their a nams toesher irth aid balance that
Thusand me nar. afssr redin my of the
(Ori: of New Sileand A. State of LouisianaA. onB.
the day. month and year haern ferat amove
mentoned thone phare.ence of Theodore R ie
anOrlns Edward Powers. compTrustent. aale wit.
nesson hrue re. sharin we hP. ereunto sin
their rleas, togetha:er th. F. Mad ppe hares,
P. (OriginAddel Sgned Orlan. Vard. La.er N. J.
Iarsto:. one share. . O . Address e Or-New
Orleans. la: A). t.zard, Tr sharee. 1. O Adre
Idress Biloii M s.; n L. Va Printle. 10 sharen
P. O. Address Neili Mss : e . La.; H. Favou
Masoni:e. 0Tr sthare. 1O Addres. P. OrlAddrans,
New A Rt. M a:ft 5o shares P o. s Addrest.
p. Orldress New . . lean. Lodn a.: Na. B.
arsron. 5 shares. P. e Address New Or
leans. si: Th . dora Ro share Errd Po Ad
dress Bilohi M'ss.; r . V Prinwle. 10 htoares
.e unAddresdrs il.ned Recorder of . Favourr
Sie.n and foshar the P. Address New Orleans
La: A B. Marston, o S shares. p. O. Address.
r Louisiana. do herey Trsteifs that the abore
P."Nal Stores Equipmwnt Compana Incora
offce In Took No. 1212. Folio Ao. -
I New Orleans. La; uisia. . Sepon. 22, 1917.A. .
P.Marstn. 0 shares. N ake Charles, La.
Writnesses: Theodore Roehl. Edward Pow
r I certify the rsigned Recorder of orto be
ina true and orrecthe Parish of thleans. State of
of Incd foreroing Act of Incorporation of thei
mnta Stores Incorporatednt Company. nether
Sthered"to appended, and on file in my tril
New Orleans. Louisiana. Sept. r 1917.o
(Signed) EMILE 5 . LEONARD. Dy. La .
I certify the above and foregoing to be
of Incorporation of the "Naval Stres Equil
discovered that the fur of rats makes
effective trimming on garments. Peo
Shamp we had better retain otr cavts
;aor follow Paris we must l
The eEnglish -get Amerien ina
Smuch more easily and quickly now.
o The London Express explalns thN.
1 "Can the Kaiser" means to hbeetl
Sally seal the German ruler to prevent
d The spectacle of a detachmaet t
American soldiers celebrating IndE
pendence day In Paris la only lwei
e epochal than the spectacle of said gals
Sdlers celebrating oaid day a year late
it n Berlin.
This American embargo on exports
most make Germany feet like the man
Swho dropped his meal ticket, whleh
e then was stepped on by a rode person
oIn hobnalled boots which punched
d every agnre on it
R eaven save us! 'lhe French calt
him Monsieur le Generale Peurchlae.
What will the bacon and greens eatersl
ly of old Mizzoorabh say hen they see old
T Black Jack's monniker rigged up Ia
that kind of shape?
We have the best bread be
r cause we pay the highest prices
for the best flour. No order too
large or too small.
S Cakes-all kinds at retail or
ins by the hundred or thousand.
Always the best. large assort
nd We Are Headquarters for
l H. Martinez,