Ii --,, "1 . l- i .'-,,:IIth, h.e 'th if France where the hMtld li,. no. ,. the . ', tu.rn frot. -Argnth.e tatl r. t nd p ir "th rille ail Incil tleld pih 'dP . 3-tvron It. ,Newon. nIi tltit secretary of ti= trea.usur f r lie an hi a le.' ur..ointid ,lleet" r of cutoZls of the port of New York. PROVIDENCE MEN OFF FOR NATIONAL ARMY CAMP Dtafted mnel, from Providence, it. I.. marching on the city parade ground before leaving for the National army emp. This Is the second quota of men sent to the camp. WHAT THE GERMANS DO TO HOSPITALS . . - Smoking mass of ruins of the IFrench holpital of V:delnleinourt after it had been destroyed by Gernimzn avintors with incendiary bombs. A numnber ,fI helpless wounded soldiers and attendants were killed. POST OFFICE BUILDING IN TRIESTE 'ii The handsome post offlre building in Trieste. the Austrian city towart which the Italian armies are slowly forcing their way. Would Be a Money Maker. 'Everything he touches turns to "If I were troubled In that way. I'd keep my hands on something all the It's Often So. "Tom has a regular hatchet face." "He may be sharp in the face, but hs dull in the head." False Alarm. 'A man came In the omffe who at mpted to take my life." "Good heavens, John! Was he an S eartest T" "No: a solicdtor who wanted amy Pa Py for a complimentary write Quite Contrary. - 'bee is one odd thing about VWhat's tha:?' "When "r.ter Is in the stocks money tightt." "A Train of Thought" F "I like to imagine myself in various y places." "Travel around the world on a train t of thought. so to speak." The Modern Way. f She--Hle stole the livery of heaven to serve the devil In. Ie--Livery nothing: He made his t getaway in a six-cylinder.-Judge. Obtrusione. . "There is nobody the world ctnneot go on very comfortably without." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "but there are men of such aggressive ego Stilmn that they won't permit the world to do so." Her Vow. "Did she take the usual marriage i vow?" "Not quite. She promised to love her favorite motion picture hero. hon-i or her hu!hand and obey her physt clan."--Lie. i GERMAN WHO IS PESSIMISTIC then. c:tket she I up hi rath' \ ha ". .. .ui . roW . baza ,  "11 " ." Ti! C1" CI, I it u In I' h hif th tr Sr;:1 .rn!Y u thi- 4 tnzl zarlky. 1h 4 i'- an1 tlal 1f sithitin f t r irk et ntvey in favrhif f the' s lie t allry that en ;t-rmanny's ..slilers "ill be defrn,:ald to of the. fruits of her vitiIiris. g;eneral t loringhovwen b.liewv.es tren'h warfare i a gr,::t mistake' :and thinks that only :"n n re..sie it tack wouild have ibrought sut'less. Hle ; .is, howevr,. W " Sthat the rerlnma l!n riitT 'lve wta: notl stronll enolghl to oe-rtlhrow the allties. Ilk He I chis oii. at left in liphotor:iiph, le talking ilth :a intnhber of his statt. uri But One Ideal. w," Ideals of hiuaty diffTer Vaihre the a hIoly Si cui'llrr.' l. IOne! person prefers blttue eye.s andl aniother brown. "Whiit dit :t pretty girl It.essi' is." oine will say. :an anothr will an.''er: "Why. I n- eer thnt:llht :I .stie ps rtilcul lltalrly ,rt- ' ty. th1t her sister Mary -" :1i spi n. t. Btlt wlin be.luity of character ls cn •! 1, . there is no such is re me t n t.. r Iv..ryone renalizes that unseltish tess i= 'ullu I.f n st tishne s uglyl . th+gt klt.dne"s Is i harltling andll hat hideo .s. i ;', r, is- n, ,tan'h r of }our becoming is but ,ie dlbal for the beauty of the spirit.-Girl's Cinipanion. and i . His Age. Allan. on his sec, nd bilrthday. was h, told by his mother that he was two al sousi yenrs old. That same, day his mnether h + weighed hiltr. and as she lifted him off rain the ~enle. xs'e said: ti " You weigh just thirty pounds." r That evening. when the little boy's p father came home. he said: tren "Well. Allan. how old are youtr i Allan hesitated a few seconds and j his then replied : S"Two years and thirty pounds." t Comforting. .nnet "I'm dreadfully srened. A dog bit me and as soon as they got him off "but ime he head a fit." "ego- "Don't worry. If they think any aorld thing at all of the dog. they'll get a good vererlnairan for him." Little Pitche3. riage "Oh, Mr. Smith. did you go away at the bl steanmer?" love "No. Tommy. What makes you ask he- that?" thysl- "I heard pa tell Mr. Jones you were h:alf-seas over:' b {ý ' before I j':/ýýýý*'*"**ýýýýý % nr: alt, %kyers do Old Sandy "I ,Helps Cause % By Osborn Jones 0 ::: t .. . 1: . 1 i . " II #i II i:'I I.:".I i-i r" 11ii t 1 '.."t. ! 111 t.. , . ! Th minl ly tir- to it fl t r.. ht ' tiny lt.. • rival In her att.':i" ,!. as t.he- old ni, tn-'If-:Iil- Vitr. S' tIer.I knowln re iti,' :tti hu'. , that th a t : '. n tir .i "iice r have . Ith,. t,, I :lri-tii ri it h r let it th di " i-t. lt.. :  !lh h:,l I1. ar hi Ir - wi ' ," ' .wIt: - nell flit t v"'ry I ,i, irirtlih dt rivl. 1ut tin . thl ,' i t rtii t . ,a o hl. aht'zi  ,Itrs(|i, Ijib en, t ,'r I ,i'-rI,: i itzli, , lith til o.f pl',r,.,-es I:t npI nl':1bh h,'h" ,":t, ily havel dr, n" tha. r, , : t Itl h Ipth ',t t' didh . raliz, h,; ti[-y thl i " 1, 1 , , haDl been till he Itt- nhl h1a," ilt e" th rt. t a ll al, ll'ter ithe ,li c'ti u onhl. The The Saturdi'y lfter n',on after he i hli n TI ditinit.ly deehlde. to r pr h unfor- ita nl ftnately ita not find oel n ariette alone. It'a 1i: riv .l n her atthention s -i the old aundt man-of-all-w,,rk. ` ,Indter,-, known more his i1 oII famrailay u ts anly- thtuh tany trefer- m ence that that name mignht once have te r thrne to hia hair am camnlhexion had tl thif ceonase] to Ie apparent for Sanmly ,n aIm toothlehsI aini hlr sparse tol r was- ,inW white-surely not a very frhileda dle lh ri val. But any third persn i. i rival dor h, wshen .a T an lwants to, i-ro.on pc l an nil iwhtny Is:llitledlph entered her Iti.butil- ,iot . rtiving root h lhrilt w re l knellingo ,eo Sanly all the pul srit, baAnr. oh fan c "S , s,,rry. a lnolhll" s ,ldl with Th tnhis te. th Th. n .re thlnha for tihe suf- lpem frntce blazar. It's to ire In a week and Musi Ive hal t take the chairmanship the thatn last thing." "i During all thel call that afternoon mare Randolph never once found a turn in utmpI the road from which he t l hr t a d l-et if rected his own remarks toward a pro- thin] posal. The case was soon packet and l ac Sandy shuftled away with it, but Hen- hot - • rlette'si thoughts were still engTolssed Iv skipping from remarks on the tish T ny pond at a suffrage bazaar or fancy sell tables and lemonade bMeths to propoes- l.m Is !. w a ts uPerhaps it was not to be wondlered. it" githen, that when I lentriette suddenly tam 1asked Rn.ilolph to promise to "do a the cerItan favor" aind t promiise before thin she had l t him wht the it wa. he held ri up his larI g mscut lne he and and swore and rather folishly to "do anoithing ' n o ft s (hit's wort.,l that she wanted him to." wa 1hat hI want, hl to waer to got th o Ie t Mr. Tilden to let the suffragiktý bur- tht. row what day, kna wn a s I the "Tilden ratti ebazaar. ti I 'll do whpl ait I enn, l enrietteo" Ran- tll ulolph I;t.tl ý Ih apnnly. "hut it may be very ohrtr se asinl fog me nrd fpor him.'- i t u site. hei i n client o.f nlne"-Itlan - 1 . 1 ,!l h h :l i l n.", t b ei- 'n lp r ct ht i in ' I tw s o lo.e that ihe di he0 i ntf t pott lt i thrl 1,, I `tith ,rt::t .o S re o l i t--al: f:th,'t! n- ' "'V l t :lih r, - :1 a :. :it nolew n oinu on i . ,r 'hat h isfl-. i w e. a ye ar s t , rio .'r Th, T:1,# n<- had been ,,llt of the -at h n f: lf year. I i t 1.,, to:.i I Mr. ih liteII lot. 'r. h1e brtwer . p I.opai' tof lt :1t well tiv. phi thei rent even tha ough .: , dI d 'nlde nott to linv, In the houie. I Now T , iit . tl In lenmberelter for al hilei tin t h huithe had could ever he wrds hted. twe rhed t settle it out o in court, blt we cnel,tn'l. You wouhln't ull autdartnd tht e echnnalite;.o I. no -han't b nre you with them. But the as . oth e Is g ohing up and Ie m particularly sI ianm otl notr to lme out." f Ifs t I I a cussed the case in i way tllt waos not th it', house was nll wrongf and you sm how e , nI a r ln town were to go there on ae nice have er day, as it is quite m ikel: to be in a h, j weak's time . and find out what a barn-lo blles h workpnl aex set my i.nterestt if you t r urge It Still,. I have promted."te o et But't o uph se allnv those eve peopledso wof ent there and roaste f almost to e h went tito 80 r 90 and aille the win . ,ows hd to he opOent,-wouhl that tl i Ila onclolph'si enyes showed ken int r- s l l est and for re flein g mar me nt o he fr t e- t that his sole Int:rest tn l, f-r ay the tine heallr n wafs tI p ropose to ten , h- r uledte. kp hy csertetinly, hlt would nes .il ,Ill. whi the r ,se for m,. Bult--" their r " 'l Itn't .piutsI n o-i have taen ai Shlat glod loo k ait the fulrn,, or thalt Mr. 'm onig "I cam say that we hmae, little gir.." I There Itundolph had never usId those words ' : of the The two great oblstacles to the o t. w i heal thy developent of persdonality of ms two arb jealousy and fear. and they are as mot her hlgh and errible in husiness as llgi hIm off any other department of life's activl f-." for any oeof his fellows, more e. Iso long wtll hi, lhe devoid of that ellll. ndh and jealous of some other man does not harm the other man; I t only Injures s." the jealous one. And if the jealousy damage lTheressell,, whilst the object doi blt of the envy receives an addition of Mislhed by decl-aring har%'.d zones of bhefore in :a"lr.--'ii II:uI . rte,. or Han n:)t altolgether . :t-y. "'Yi1u .,e. «," law yvers don't : , asoi t thLng - in. j;tt that tin ay.' lenri.t ." . n,,rt,. ai n ,.x" ,st{ b ri.n that In li';:t., e, , ",.,tnpr f'r inwy,,r., tt . "inm ral., nld t::n t.!',, h' : !!inii ll t:.t iatck to Ith+" m: n ii- ti r""- ttll i. " I 'f v,, ' r t t,"y , ;lth . 1.t'. ;' , .t *!: . ! t T'I . n - , . r S t, t r't ; xt. . I t t t'' h. I -" ] n.1' s . h !". : - t" tlr .,n hi u.0 l. u'i., '1 l- , l. " . , r ti be- th', thirdl Th. e trip ",. t ak. . to, th.e T"iltin ,rnti'i'n th: t nit ht in Iinrt tte's liturtl roadster, with rlenriette ati: i:. had fhl. t I" tlt"'il:'l at h.'r lil ' anltt the wel." .lztnt ,Snir sitthttiig at I .an, llllh5 f tht i Ith . *his own r'eitih-shid feet protrulilng to i thie rnln!, h1iard, and in the athium iart thilley r.turnt. The hr spent at tht nripn w as tan in i. tcth Sit ln- la v:i-t, tiaster ofi cnremtitelhnr tt' l l Rl tn r adti. lilteh tl.nrlett, forat the oltiv mn Randollnht,d at hr shde all,! the \z,.nze1 d or holsting his light anlt aglfeh hfdy th S'her artt pin'i and tlraftsnd in the ruaty. it ii.e t-chvey rtlretned. h hattlr spent Saiti thver il gootd sharse of the cellar of thd o uld h oulnise. lThe pI1'.' that condlveye f the oldt air Sfronm the furnace to the upper r,-ziiotn5 Sth hoit use wrehi rlusty. but not b o t ul'hr it tllsat drafts in the thru. ty. h lanil for t lho ht air i'of the not he that t usk. Theow h'll thwork" Snve ny t h:td re h markeld lth way of announcitn hup trt inm th. "If yous'll order a couple t ,' ton of- o chestnut coal and a bit of kindlin' I '0 think I can have enough heat in the old liace to m. ake your tce cream sell like ',hot n fk for in Feh'rary." ed * Th dn a wh me, and the ice crthem dsturdy sell like ht akhumes and even after the lmo e ha been so dilutedtask. that it wa almot innocn w t ork." Sany had re with the citrus andt r h it of kndl Ias tnaued. It c old in such abundance that Splathe pro mceeds o that tcreame ere five hot cakes what one would have expected Ed frm letonaile. Windows were opened and those who came to uy made ream dins e of sheets of paper they coul fnafter. It was almost Innceolnt of anyy for nutun andy with there wacitrus no very rat irrittin in Sthe proicesed of complat taint tht were five lme. lwhaint the wxld haive expect. At r itnd thoee tne ho ame atteld to buy the az:a:r was strongly Inmpres'ied with tn- the fact that the Tillen house was en ohe iIwe l witih a phentitomenaiil healting uilp i. r Il'tt. and sarcre a per'on in town IRI. mi- f:tie,, to hieir something ntitlliut the ."C '4 <,,- \live he, t that lhid prey:tiled in the .,1,i lilel-in durinn th., tw, l:'y.s and - two l 21,t- of the suf'fr:ie bhT.za:!r. 1 A ftx day :after ti:- bia:tz r ll.n r ,T ri ett- HIi. lurcl ::tmp ill ntllnllllcdl' *l her ,n th," _.:; emi nt to lIn~t olIh Yardley, nn. Mr. 'h : v who :new wlenri-t,'tte . il x'l " tf tl,.' wh' l.knetit her nly ft tlthe repu efly *'ition s!,- lhore , s an up- moI- -c.naitan uh outing sllfrtl:st exptlineid the fact use,., that the enigagemifnt occurredl just for when it dlid In this wise: the IeInrriette had set her cap for Ran he d1,llh; yet.. that Is just whatt they .sald. of indl no doubttt allndolllh had taken a idn't fancy to Hlenriette. hut Rn:ndtllh wnas o I tnot the khitd of young man hIoto would the ask a girl to marry him unless he had arly siome idea of how hi' wais going to sup Iplrt her. Ilenriette knew this. andt. if dis- thle truth itust ite toli. Ihentlrie.tt hadl not tii- making of the better lawyi\ver iof the etis tiwo. She knew thnt Mr. Tilden hltl the put a Ilttle work in thi' "votiig ltiwy.r's how way and shite knew about that calse nome against the brewer. Hamherg'r. So •om- -hli worked out the \\hllle scheme. nice ilhtnned the suffrage hazaar :and every Itn a thiing ind got that nman Stlndy to ma:ke barn- tile re that could prove the house nwill tcold hle heated. And. of course, lam yyou tergetr's lawyer saw there was no use continuing the suit. and the affair was ople settled :iat once. Nol one cured. for no t to onet hadl any great love for the brewer. there The result was that Tilden gave the win- young lawyer a fee amounting ti, hilf that the year's rent thirt he had recoverel. and for that mansion the rtent VaIS ntr- nnoruitiiS. More than that. Tlultn put e fr- :ill his legal work into the hands. of ' fir th. youig lawvyer. lls future was ls I.t- tir- d eilaid-w\ell. itfti-r that. how cuuli viould Mr. YTrdlhy dii ilthterwise tluin he did? ken a Complimenting Father. t itr. ('h:rl.s reexle'ivl a wagon oin his llded. birthdlny lind iroillptly broke a wh!s-l. girl.." I Hlis father soon nienlled it. "l'la." he words said, "you are smarter than you look." considerable extent. Everyone knows n the that somewhere in these zones the nallty deadtlly explosives are hidden and traft are as fic is limnited to certain hours. Thus. as In for example. the approach to the capl ,ctivi- tal by way of the Potomnac is defended 5 envy by a barred zone which Includes the re es- government proving grounds, where slness. the big guns are tested. Milxlr Reing Fuel Value of Woods. es not Hickory, oak. beech, birch. hard ma njures pie, ash. elm. locust, long-leaf pine and -alousy cherry have fairly high heat values. of the and only one cord of seasoned wood oobJect of those species is required to equal ton of one ton of coal. Hickory. of the non :roougdh resinous woods, has the hIghest fuel A man value per unilt volume of wood,. and m using has other advantages. It hurns evenly r apply and. as housewives say. holds the heat hange. The oak comes next. followed by beech, blrch and maple. ttectlon So There Now. s neces- "People could live on half the food Idea of they eat at pre--." " -:i a Ith.i~scitn. void ac- .lso. perh:pa gE-.t itlong with half the acomn- medical nadvice they :ire in the habit ones of of takiag.-Toronto T'legrau r ES MA i Sup 2rme ni urº, ;". -Whit * s a .I t·- .f Ad 5,i:: ¢v e'. l r - 6 c 1 t::o:.:le J j the ". " , DRUG STORE Caaal Street Agents I T. A. POLLOCK, Jr. Contractor and Builder Ste me for an est.mat on that buldmnM p1.. e Alger F' 4, t ,ls tt. rt A KiLads-Place Year Order 00 9 With Us-Can Make Immediate Skipments Rubbcr---V Crimp Corrugated B. V. REDMOND & SON 309-311-313 Decatur Street. FOR TORNADO, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE SEE R. A. TANSEY 157 Deluonde St. Phone Algiers 9126 Rents Collected The Johnson Iron Worki, Ltd. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Macbias, Ferge sad Patter Sheps and F.oudry, SbUards er aul4. sad Repair t. Steel sad Weode Vesl Boller, Tank and Pipe Sbops. MORGAN, PATIBRSON AND SEUUIN STREETS P. O. Drawer 241 ALOIERS, STA. Telepho.e Algiers 491 Make, Repair and Paint Anything on Yerr Automobile O'CONNOR & CO, Ltd. 616 JULIA STREIT DUNBAR-DUKATE CO. New Oehsem La l. ...S Peh. L- w.. rd ighb-Grad. C as Ged Geds. Oytd Shrimp. Okra ed Figs. M. Abascal & Bros., Ltd. GROCERIES And WESTERN PRODUCE. Imported Speaala Sherry Wine, tb bottles and Ia balk; 754 a quart In bulk. PELICAN AVE. Cr., VereSt St. ALoiERS LA. Model Sheet Metal Works FRANK BRAAI, Prop. Repair Work. Gutter Spouting, Steam and Gas Fitting, Sheet Metal Work of All Description. Gas Stove Repairing Our Specialty. PHONE ALGIERS 377 319 NEWTON STREET BENINATE'S Cafe and Up-To-Date GROCERY FINE WINES, LIQUORS OF ALL VARIETIES CORNER OF ALIX AND VALLETTE STS. CHAS. SENINATE. Peep. THE OLD FAMOUS BATH HOUSE Latest Sanitary Improvements New Management Turkish, Russian and Sulphur Haths, 50 Cents Plain Baths, 25 Cents Masseur and Chiropodist in Attendance Ladies' Day Every Day CHAS. MANTEL, Prep. 836 Centl Street New Orleans, La. Home Cleaning and Pressing Club Phone Main 3942 THE MURRAY HILL BUFFET J. l. VESIERN. PSoruPSrTO WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ETC. ON DRAUONT Jackson Beer r , : ... .. . SUBSCRIBE FORTHE HERALD SWe U 1 OuAmericanutomes * S S Launderr *tn 6nd d1 O t --A I S Our Cmercaorn Launddry, B Jo~. NORH and -S AeI Hom0e-Made Cakes and German Coffee Cake kce Cream, Ice Cream Cone. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Condiee, Breed, Milk K T1u m M =0 m T111 i f m Vn ams m Mrs. F. Goebel Mi. 1W1 EI aU LUI STL