EVERYTHING FROM A TO Z A UGUcITIN BUSINESS COLLEGE offers to brys sr g:rls t'he opportunity long s ,ught. Indlyv lial instruction, day or night. Open the year round. 345 Carondelet Street. A TO BATTERY cta Ist, f. rever. A permanent a-:d crnsant battery service for !:eh: t and starting a.:tos-iast ';g fo-eer ibecause of the J'erma life `stem of Battery Exchanges. Lea ed at neuts nati wi:t ex c t t e r -, f the- -c - :all ever Ie hia fr any eoe rl- r fdr .l' - cl. ra, a or faults the- -c ,r: :in m " v t:' : a:r n t : -he ud pa:i b.- a - A--e d tCl .e t h e n.: c it. ` ,, :' tice haIre :'-areI by h.:i, t:.r -h.l any e icrec rtnflorna s:v in t',e vgean:,a:w-n hrve the effect of ,r'i der:n ti- ch arter a er expen ::g t a stoct k :- er t" a ..l ::t r1 whas :  ever. S:i eetings oar elet directors . r oatiero - !i re:i prV-vC, . t 11 ' N a rk a f t. rfe. t ,,, f th -: ll. er' ,e :: l :V. tie c ,rp ar. , e : 'exr t :g ac- ",f d t:e s t h, and' e :n.cers shall c: ni 'ne office un ,l b.-: acsit, n otheec' heve been Celetd . wheh 1 elCctin shall take place ai --.in a O.ss:e. rt cle I\- At tie exp:-i:'n of this char . il::nle- y , : ,in r -:. a.' y e i -t affairs sha i t:dated -y oi-c: : r re c-ilom:l 5 r. c e app--t:ed - the stockl. ders in meet` a a aei ,iedr f., i hat purph,se, ant wtho ave ' .tveled Vwith f fa piuer to cell all the hee anrd pr e-ty. real anrd personal, of I-: crpeirati"vn. t ,cn c ,v a full and c-m- c i'l e ,ttle there -. and, : do- and perf"orm:. ael acts cshent:ak la a full and complete . l\rqidatt-n of the affairs of this corporation. e a.... to d:v de the pr,-eels, if any, is ac 3 - ance w-::h law. ,T es .1-ne a-Id p-e 1. at my office. in thee. :ny of New 4trlearf. on the day and date a ahive writtcr. ti the pre-erice of Mes. n- e :edt wVtTeries. whiwe tnamet are here- C pearers and ie. N- -yre. after reading of the :hale. And the apcarers hat-c set oppsie their nattes ant e ad-rees the numd er of. s hares sebscriaed by thea. Da riginal S:gnedt H a beirs M. Shilst one. rti12 'Ca-p St.. -s, shares; F. e . C otton, 2n a Tu rlane Ave. shares; T. . Rycma. N" Tune As-e. I share y o i - -: ie: sen : A 11. Ritter and Albert Ritter. , , . M. Olt INTeRO. Natary Puhere :.the un lesled te Re-order of Mone sage. er aund fr the .'arish of Orleans. State of 1 L-:I::ana. dii herel certif e that the abote inI foreg Ad Act ef re caperation oof the :h e prces s Ca., In.. heas this dat f _-ul rec-rded-r in- office. in Book 1212. New Orlens.6 Seat. ep . .:nt7 p.t (Signed) EMILE . LEONARD, Dh R. * A tr'ie copy. R r r 3. M. QUINTERO. Notary Pubic. n -ept 27 O lt S2S 11 18 2Nov I l nited States of America, State of Lo-agsi ana, Parish oaf Orleans, City aofe Now Ie it known, that on this day, the cnine teenth of the trimth of .Septer -aer in the year of our Lard one theiouan nIne hrindire -nd seventeen, aid i-if the Tndependence ,i the nited States f Aoi.e r:ca, the one hto dyre , and ferti-secon . b'ifere rie Bus cre Rouen. a n-tary puilhe in ai] far the Par sh of Orleans. State -f Louisiana. duly . -minivoni. sworr an d ualie. ld atndti inE ramed and undErsignel. pEronally ane an- r the perst-ins VT e names are herount--i siiiScribed. all of the full age of naajority who denlae re that. ave.ing thense:veo .o he privitions of the laws of the State o -torporat Iions. Nanu rite particully Pof Ac: - N Oi. e7 if the Geeral Assem d"v of thi-T S ate. approved JMAN 9 t1 the! have Ico- RT ets.ed c'enant arid agaee and bind them elt-es ta frm, arid there hereby coftittUte I themelves as well as such persons as ma - hereafter become assojated weith them. into - ea corporation and body poltic in law, for - the sojects and purposes, and under the tare nentds and stipulations following ton orticle First-The namea : and style of th r orpo ration shall he: "Brew, oier's Lagoon "coanut Company. In corporatied. and und'r . thet name it shall have and enjoy all rights. 4 advantages and privilegn es granted by laa lto orporatons; it shall exist for the period C of ninety-nine years from the daof te hea-cof:r sued in its corporate name; to make and *a use a corporate sea and to break or alter t he same at pleasure; to hold, receive pur- i chase. convey, leasel mortgage. hvpothecatev or pledge pronerty, both real and persrnal:rs to issue bands. notes and other obligaions or negotiable instamentsa to have and em- L ploy such managers. directors, officers, agent' a and other empl, yes as the interest and o corrnvenience of said corporation may require or demand: to make and estanlish such by- 12 lawsent rules and regulations for the copor te Ar nc!ement and contrl of the affa Trs -f the corporation as may Be deemed neces sary and expedientand Article Second-The domicile of the said ro-o -ration shal e established in the city if New O rleans. Louisiana, and all chato-S -I ot her leal processes shall he sevead b, s u ed in te rphisat absence o *he vice e se-elaro-treate ter or any orthe- or a-er h ameet datiznted by law for ttl t pur pose. n Art cle Thrd-The objects and pierois to which tis d--noation is fta tre- ain the ratne of the tuminets : to he care ed on be ployre her-h, derlared to :e: The development and cultivation of a en- N canat plantation of oe thousand hec-tares. situated in the jurisdiction of Iriona, de- St S "; .. n e pah j S,, • .. . " '::'tcaI wh o y :"' ( f the .. of It --," "ra.y to o sec a qt ' ""'+ ;lst o f cash or sId 's - ta:: e ae ' k -' :.tY , lat h , ' t' net ' a, ." -": "e'ce. t ii of said by ° S'e'' r++' '? ane eachcep : tao " " ed b ty 'e dess 5 e tave th .... " nsazd b e-h - an. erg at pe+sotan ro . "e be darlII ask bOe begat hs f n:h a&etes ,maweas "" e op ta ; . • .no tnt.yi , or a a . n" ! " e b t ltl o T ' • e c t ed t r a_ ^l - atI ý ( e S t `. r poers aid S -..r.. . :e p Sttrn 5 a .I. . . "or ancers" IIi s ,c... In t , nb a iarn t ofof hde. , hl lnd .has ,. :f , ,c a . ,. " ' .,, m y b derted M, a -: r " of te owim :." -s a, . oth rsee e n l t hb , hi . s t. shall e ,:e , frb at te- tiea so ^. I ~c tu wdcttrn onsaid;err 1 ' ne " ~r r n alqunidt tors w a b g r it:.+ lve beet ac"t U hi s" , . isu.ceszr- t- aet n yh e sad all i s S aonentV  n ron, i rligc it sa ti "r ::,iel !sy t':e thr a:r eince le dl~ s h "rd o dlrectorl Date ... .., "'."1 " reetors sh all bae S : " n t e e"onf the oie r o I h."f " ; P .,r any td at l t '.. to - -point a n difira ity ta an d sth e e mpl mcst of r ae i . e +, , ,os f al . . Sait. rr ty sa- A" "ta' . :e " ' ted ; oltt.emard o r ltetr- e -, e t, y betea, a o emploe es i flh r "t- o dt P-c t)k of ri t Te pl san i 'rat .I t' rg . cvene or thoat ba q u Kf' at est wenty a day' bne eses f "te , s at d 'rteeirtg shall base ac as St~ n r hers t no ple ofr iI ".tn ca t , d.a: .,si;ngs ou t i f t the i&4d .o. ts ý'ar. t r er ote, , ws fe the e apio e - whtch shall eoe,: foaf theirhend i ar r 'as inatvi.af:re altf thre e pafor am l Ral cle tt av t : h- effect of rebdaled ri , ait r nu ce r o a xp, sn. Th sad w ild arel "ae r f :,ai ayer to sbalct si u ha ve lse.rn to C mt an a aa-ct s Ise sr t 'Ac th - aeso . .. a d h: AIlre p , etda t ay I, dissolved, w It i .'rt ' the stocI tholder or e tmis eof a tI the sack of the cor ondatn St i " ":- s '.l', is, ra toa',: a t oe • thd iin. . p uan caeth e e rie fot al e. 'tare ot " ed po eth ; peside •al "t:'e .ng -onvenhd for ta onf e s I  T t ii tranyi beo dfied. or asttd, is' el at e a t " khere sas o o sani oaH tke s 'ce of ths orat o Tear id I ' erl ' ee ng- . ctt vene fo thai t t ad after at least twenty dsays' wro ttet waf he said .leetin g shall the bea ' at n oaet d;t ssoluton ta of this rarter, or otheriby tL delS es hall .e> ee: from sha ene tlAdld - ea suc',r t,, h rm. The pid - h we7 r to sa ttle (c s1s 1Ss_. , Ie'l:-, and dv:,le h he remani5 s : ' have Iper to meet and o -r - A't-a'. .,Nt the lrp ra thon iar 6hJl5 0 L '.ns , e made by a erti y d -'" l'uidalr c; rt ai' the Ijice strdr She 'r'a ,fv Dta e Af ard ptoly anl.re 1 arl r ', si the sale shl Is .ell In 1 o),iv~ te'I same 'nd htaL rl l ''r ;,art ,,f ah purchrse prias fo5 lcIn -, part of the Ca:d prolorty; lpr~a --r* d.'' e a ndid.,s ciuy' •, . :R. I ):y ot the *hrree rll ,a! rcl f e 4Lrp tia n. f .id ~fta" ,-s ,ha;! h.ave authior st to ye , re t ,vor t':e rd')'s and proiprty ihe wll ··i .f "we r;*.rtaent and man obtat7l. (I'E t n; See. and Dhey hlall e whaltah sh'a ll ea,) to tha r hands orCg 4',n ai hquidatoo and for the p r. D. :Fare I:r-, tre~t and seven th m L 'er-t- d 1 'lar havce . n strbs p I D I" btare: V +,a,'on. ( 2a15toil 4 CNa ll ('eas1. . 1"--4". r, hreS: A25 ha s 'a.'ia ''., Newl e!.- ·at, 25 hs;h a Wa Irr-c. ! H? e a,,'.ean Aven ue, 5 -. " Ar' - 't"· : .+!-T'gi:l the ete t 5 riI - "'-<:" ae- r~es:o e Ater tif yht i "-i f' .. aa . ' ('A.l,:. AdlipheY5 ('aenafn. lUt C fl -w ,ew ) aca..," iaemail, •\ea', €n th+:r nam- s tncp etht r i i' L ";I C cc ,f a,,'e presenl t. ho - <--.ens. 25 .thare; G·. A+ L.il' "awia ;" S'e Orleal eats lllg