Newspaper Page Text
g pr more for Ferriage than 1ne pay for taxes. Help remove Sra tax. HERALD.ssue Deveted to the Upbuilding of the Weoot Sde of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newspaper."-MANUFACTURERI' RECORD. yOL. XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBttR 8, 1917. No. 27. .....~~~~~~~-~- -- - ---_. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . --II I PERSONALS I ILND OTHERWISE . Fire destroyud a .ram:e structure jo unez r:. i ilr- d. afternoon " u'. l ,o ,k , s,,:ng a loss of t The yiI .a~s owned by M$0 T"h,\rat amn occupied by Mrs. .ou. a a n -ro. The fire Madison (.. and Algiers depart,', t i . io"e by alarms tred re in t of erret rsd Diana :. ertained the rsa" A' rnon :uciire Club Th"ursda . - ' : ful players last cee:. " " r were Mrs. Mr. A. ra, and Mr-. "t .. .. . . T. Malone re, .e " t., i )ns- lation. At oe next m Ir-r C. lioffstetter whil be hast e', , Mr. Max lisa . ro is employed la Mobile..\'a. -i't'i a few days here the pa, ... r:eurning to: Mobile Mond:. Mr. and Mrs. \i o'r i-,cousse. Jr.. spent a few d.; .iat Ironton last week. Mr. Rtaymnll R.ichards gas one of the two st:ldlint of Jesuits Col ege who was ch ': t, aIv a ditsla motion on ".l)efian ," of (I'ataline.'" The many friend,- ,f Mrs. A. ,ourgeois of \'vrr.t Str, et will be glad to kow s: 1- ,, ' Ik1 ely. after successfully unde: gU -lan' operation t Hotel I lieu la t Saturi:' . Mr. and Mrs. A. R,,me have re turned from lafa ,tte and are re siding with the latt'r's mother in T-heh Street 7. j1. HinLt, oif 'r., Nunez Street was robbed of tlie , i, k, ns valued at $4 early Sunday nmirnins . giss Alida \\'h .ln was the guest Mf Mrs. F. .1. Horn' and family last Miss Florence Kinkaid ,eft Friday for Houston. T,',a.. to spend two weeks with her sister, VW. Frisch. Mr. and Mrs .1 Attenhofer and daughter left Monday for tloumna. where they will ble gone dior the winter. Mrs. Drone of Hlouma. la.. was the guest of Mrs. Kinkaid last week. Mr. and Mirs. L. G. Matthews and (rughter of Midland were visitors to l Mrs. Kinkaid last week. Mlrs G. Bried and daughter of hIton Rouge spent a few days with Mrs. Kikaid last week Mrs. A. Graf entertained the Ma trons' Club this week. The success ful players were Mrs. F. Goebel, Mrs. A Graf ad Mrs. R. J. Williams. The booby was won by Miss Clairia _chalrds. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Goebel. Misses Marvel Walter and Emma George spet last Thursday at Morgan City, La The contract has been closed for ; 4dimeUlition and removal dt the grnd stand and all buildings and stables etc., of the old Suburban race trea sla McDonoghville. Mr. and Mrs. William Faecher of T1 Pelican Avenue are receiving esgratalations on the arrival of a baby girl at their home. Mrsn. W. A. Nelson. who has been visIting relatives in Morgan City. left Tuesday for Marshall. Texas, to spend awhile with her son. Willis Nelson. Messrs. F. J. Borne, r.. and John Laskey were visitors to Pointe-a-la iache Sunday. Mr. George Seymour and wife have returned from a visit to North Point, Miss. Mrs. I. Gopgenheim and son Ralph are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Roome of Vallette street. Little Ralph underwent an operation on Tuesday. Mr. Warren Seymour of Baton Rouge. La.. was a visitor here on Al Saints Day. Mr. 'Harry Tompson has returned from a trip to France. Little Rowena Duffy spent the weekensd with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barlow. Mrs. Chas. Frank and family and isses Estelle and Lury Vitgnes were visitors to Mr and Mrs. J. A. San tem. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cleutat and Idahter Myrtle left Sunday night ar Beumont, 'llexas, where they Will reside. The many friends of Mrs. J. Thornalng will be glad to know she has rmovered after a spell of sick It The Colonials will entertain at a dscet Saturday night at the French Aldtorium. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bloom of Thayre street are receiving congratulations S the arrival of a fine baby girl iet week. Mir. M. Roblictraux and daughter. Laura, left yesterday for a ISet trip to California. he Girls Scouts. Magnolia Troop . 1 will hold their regular meet at the home of Miss Endora h in McDonroghville. Any one dall to become a member is re sasted to meet at the home of Miss Blhded Thorning. r. Paul Borne. Sr.. is spending thile in St. John the Baptist Par Little Cecelta Hymel spent the tak4ad the guest of her cousin, l alse Rllev. M. Brown (formerly Miss S Clark) and baby of Grand aetou. Colo., are visiting her par ,Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Clark, for l atter. The Hawaiian Dreamers gave a 1 Saturday night at Lee's Hall. l following committee was in _ le: Charles Humber, chairman; Dietrich. ex-offclo. Joe , J. L. Walter and A. Castro Snli the other members. Js .a. Ayer returned last week t Rouston. Tex.. where she had i for several months the guest hr daughter Mrs. Ferd Nelson. W5a accompanied home by Mrs. w, who has been seriously ill, s lowly improving. C atholle Knights of America, I No. 30. will hold their reg 4 to-night at Mechanics relna All members are re to attend. SREliambeth Higgins took part program at the entertain ea by the Earnest Workers, .attnued on page 2) I HALLOW '[E PARTIES I i)ELIGHTFUL EVENING. A delightful Halloween party was given by Misses Mamie Fath and Inez Wagner at the home of Mrs. J. Henley in Pelican avenue. I The house was decorated with American flags and Jack o' lanterns and red, white and blue crepe pa !per. Appropriate games were played and refreshments were served. Those present wre Misses Flor en c .Mc ('ord. Gertrude and Elsie Hansen. Helen James. Itosie Weiner, Hannah Glucksman. Norma Wagner. Odi ile Benoit. Alita Sutherland, Mamie Iath and Inez Wagner; I Mers. Raymond S.hefftl. , I.o l:ich arls. August l.i'chlit. ('harlie Ilenly. Sam Hlarding. Geo. tlambac(her. John' Talli'o. lHaro'd Steng,r. Jules ler-' ry. inm. anl Ornion,! ()-.. Emnimnett IDye,.r. ('liftord l.aumnan. Jim TranI china. Itobt. Smith and Clarence Mc-i ('loskey. IPARTY AT ('HRISTY H()OME. Miss Lucille 'hristy entertained a joly crowd at her parentr home in Billev.ille street on Hlallo'"en. Appropriate games were played and lduicking apples" was indeed en joyed. Those present were Blanche Vainderlindlen. Esther ('abinol. IDora Hlancen. Vera and Icy Smith. Elea nor lilly. Lucille and Alfred ('hristy and Senator and Mrs. W. T. Christy. I)N't'KING APPLE PARTY. A ducking apple party was given by little Myrtle Oxman at the home of Mrs. H. Fallon in Delaronde St. The house was decorated a Ith Amer ican tlags and apples. Games were played ,ndl dancing was indulged in. Refreshments were served. Those present were Katie and Louisc, Dennis. Lillian Sea ard. Juanita Hlotto. Alba ('rombie and Miss Mary Riley. Masters Audley Ilotto. Pat Fallon. Joe Seaward. Nelson Fallon and Nolan Robbi chaux. Mrs. Mary Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. II. Fallon. Mrs. Seaward and Mrs. Alonzo ('rombie. I)ANC'E AT STANSBURY HOME. A delightful HIallowe'en event was the subscription dance given by a jolly crowd of young folks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stans bury in Pelican avenue. The parlors were beautifully dec orated with small incandescent lights of all descriptions and other decorations appropriate to the day. Hallow~en games were enjoyed and dancing was indulged until a late hour. Messrs. Seldon Talbot and Hugh Humphrey captured the sou venirs in the apple game. Dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Mlsss Maggie Garland. Frederica Stansbury. Ma r mie Morrison. Dorothy Kraft, Ada a Malone. Maty Collins, Claire Cae. sidy. May Leary. Emelda Niklaus. e Gertrude Finley and Owens; Messrs. E. Finley. H. Humphrey. P. N. Gra f vols. Cerf Gravois. Raymond Rich 9 ards. M. Lolsel. Royal Amuedo. B. a Fleury. S. Talbot. F. Riordan and J. Beck. Mrs. W. Adams. Mr. and a Mrs. H. J. Stansbury and Mr. and t Mrs. Geo. Gravois. HALLOWE'EN SUPPER. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Vallette enter tained at a supper on Hallowe'en in honor of Capt. and Mrs. Mims. A most enjoyable time was spent e in dancing. Those present were Capt. h and Mrs. Mims. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Neel}. Miss Ruth Vallette. Mr. h and Mrs. Hy. Vallette. Messrs. Lo brano, Thos Kennair. Dave and Jack e Lewis and Dr. Dodson. n MISS BURMASTER ENTERTAINS. A Hallowe'en party was given by Miss Mira Burmaster at her home in d Teche street. There was "ducking apples" and other games. Dancing e was also indulged in and refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Norma d Fredericks, Tillie Mutz. Daisy Frost, e lsaphene Clasen. Esther Lecourt. Hen. I- rietta Miller. Isabella Feist. Adele. Myra. Lillian. and Thelma Burmas d ter and Rosalie Lala; Messrs. Wal it lace Owens. Emile Fredericks. Mari Son Short, Earl Cayard, Rene Olivler, Mike Heuer. Warren Spitzfaden. Ed I. gar Schroth. Melford Pitre. Stewart eGahn. Joe Wilson. George Jones and e- Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Burmaster. a ENJOYABLE EVENT. h A most enjoyable evening was spent Hallowe'en at the home of Capt. Cla e sen. 434 Opelousas avenue. when i Misses Thelma Clasen and Sophie rI Benolt entertained their friends. Dancing was indulged in and games r. appropriate to the evening were a played. Those present were Misses Irene and Ivy Sterling. M. Keogh. J. .ala. G. Butcher. S. Schroth. J. Hoffstetter. M. Belcher. S. Benoit. T. and M. ('la e sen. E. Kennedy and H. Barichivich: e- Messrs. L. and A. Ernst. S. Crawford. asH Powers. J. Sinclair. W. Erickson. L. Hawkins, V. Barras, V. Lowe, B. SArthur and W. Hoffstetter. Miss. Barichivlch presided at the e piano. ' MISS FOSTER HOSTESS AT DANCE as One of the most enjoyable dances id given on Hallowe'en was that given r- by Miss Ethel Foster at the Electric r Park. A fine band of music was in attend a ance and dancing was indulged in un til a late hour. Those present were Misses Bertha z Baker. Irma Schroder. Carrie Hilde D brand. Hazel Cayard. Leah Kirby. Al ma and Ethel Gerretts. V. and H. k Brodtman. Hazel and Lilllian Nelson. id Inez Clement. Alma Martin. F·lossle st Burlett. Edilth and Ruth Munsterman. SEdna Siebrandth. Anna and Carmen . Vanderlinden. Ethel Foster. Goldie L Dubuese, Julia Dumenslle. Florentine Bourgeois. Irene Mahoney, May Lan . dry, May Donnelly. Rosle and Maggie Musstacchia. Lydia Lang. Ruth Held s er. Annie Lounn, Ursula Kelly. Claire . and Nirma Keenan. Alice Dilzell. Al ice Langford. Merlin McKee. Mildred rt Vezien. Katie Spence. Dot Labit, Leah *. Schroder, Mary Spellman, Florine .,, Grimes, Mildred Himmelricht, Eola Mitchell, Thelma Moffett. Hettie Mof fett, Janet Comurtney, Irma Ttufts and Somewhere in the U. S. A. 0$ BENNIL COo (HURRV VP! SbCOM E N 3 as I JA. ,I ~~1Ii)R1 REMEMBER BLIND SUO DAY, OYV. 11 November 11. "Blind Sunday" there nxill be taken up in every church, a special collection for funds to carry on the work of the "Louis iana ('ommission for the Blind." Every person who attends any of the services will be asked to con tribute. The Commission. which was or-1 ganized about two years ago, has' done splendid work during the short period of its existence It conducted for over a year the "Workshop for the Blind" in Camp street. where brooms. mops, mattresses. rugs. hammocks, etc. were made and sold, thus giving employment to many blind persons who would otherwise have been forced to accept charity. At the Fair in this city last Novem ber one of the most interesting and widely commended exhibhlts was the one showing the various occupations open to those who go through life sigh:less. The Commission has also encouraged the work of home teach ing of the blind, and many who would otherwise be a care and prob ably a burden to the home circle. now busily ply the needle, guide nimble fingers over the raised let ters of the "blind" books. and in many other ways occupy their time usefully. Besides the wonderful work al ready accomplished, the wholeheart ed members of the Commission plan great things for the future. Lou isiana is one of the very few states which does not provide a home for the homeless blind and it is the hope of the Commission to have at an early date a modern, thoroughly equipped place for the housing and teaching of these afflicted. Caring for the soldiers returning blinded from the battlefields and teaching them useful occupations, is another project in view. It is plain that this important work requires funds, and the Com mission now comes before the public for the very first time to ask every individual-white and black-Cath olic, Protestant and Jew-the mem hers of every denomination and sect -and those who profess no relig ious belief-to contribute. Every I one who thinks for a moment of what it would be to be deprived even for a short time of the sense of seeing, must feel that there could not be a more urgent reason for putting the hand into the purse and giving generously. It is the sincere hope of the Com mission that every one will answer this appeal and help this cause in the substantial way which will guar antee its continuation in the future. Let every one why attends divine service on that day give freely. Those who cannot go to the churches should send their offerings either to the churches or to any of the mem bers of the Commission. Miss Edna Kleinkemper is an en thusiastic worker for this very worthy charity and she will be' pleased to accept any contributions sent to her. Annie Grundmeyer: Messrs. Alvin McGirney. Mervin Umbach. Fred Cay ard, Herbert Quinn, Geo. Courtney. Albert Weilbacher, Ben Arthur. Rob ert Williams. Honey Meyers. Jim Charbonnet. John Braai. Ralph Breaux. Thos. Buchholz. Jos. Lamana. John Statzkowski. Gus Gaspard. Sel don Talbot. Robt. Gallinghouse. Mag nus Harper. Roy Niklaus. Roland Horn. Melvin Keenan. Raymond Cur ren, Bruce Barrett, Mike and George Donnelly. Thos and Alvin Duplus. Abbie Ryan, Edw. Burns. Alvin Sen ner, Edw. and Chas. Stacey. Nick Burke. Albert Langford. Clayton Lau man. Ollie Platt. Jos. Orlesch. John and Teddy Spellman, Bill Donner, and Ed. Harding. WEEKLY SERVICE AT NAVAL STATION. The New Orleans Christian Endear or Union will hold meetings every Tuesday in the Y. M. C. A. building of the Algiers Naval Station. The meetings started Tuesday, 8 p.m. un der the auspices of the St. Charles Arenue Christian Church Eadeavor Society. The meetings are open to the pemh.U ENSINH KOPPFL 'S CASE CLEARED Ensign G. H. Koppel. I'. S. N. It.. arrived at an Atlantic port recently. 1 aftter several months' strenuous ex periene on one of the navy ships in European waters, and as or dered on duty at the Brooklyn navy yard. until his health, which was impaired, is better. Not having received any letters or papers while abroad he (lid not know of the publicity given the trouble he had with the commander of his vessel until his arrival in this country, and he now makes a state ment that the trouble was due to a misunderstanding which caused his suspension from duty aboard ship. The accusation made was a misuse of city funds which the New Orleans authorities explained was an impos sibility, as he had never handled any public funds and this clear'ed up the matter. Mr. Koppel also states that he did, not try to get out of the navy. al though ae offered to resign when he found that he could not satisfy his captain. He says his enlistment was patriotic, and that he volun teered for service on active sea duty, but was not familiar with the du ties of an ensign at sea, not having had sufficient training for this ser vice. This caused dissatisfaction to his commanding officer, and caused him to apply for a transfer to naval reserve duty or to some other vessel. the commander of which would bear with his inexperience. This transfer was recomended by 1 his captain, but disapproved by the department as it desired him to stay on board for instruction and train ing. DILZELL BUYS PROPERTY. W. A. Dilzell. city electrician, is buying the property at 817-19 Iber ville street, between Bourbon and Dauphine, for $11.000 with a view to making extensive improvements on it. Mr. Dilzell declined Saturday to make further announcement of his plans pending final examination of the title. The first floor of the property is occupied by the restau rant of J. Nicolas and the electrical supply store of Henry J. Conrad. IThere are apartments on the second floor. MISS STANSBURY ADDRESSES CLASS. The students of the Nicholls school i are depriving themselves of dainties - and fancies to contribute to the Lib erty Loan fund. Miss Frederica Stansburg called an assembly and spoke to the girls con cerning the Liberty Loan fund. The girls responded immediately and $411 has been raised so far. The conrti butions are purely voluntary and come from the students' own pin-money. i Girls walk to school, and deprive themselves of many things so they can contribute to this fund. TO MAKE A MERRY CHRISTMAS. No. $2.00 that you can spend in Christmas-present giving will go further than a subscription for The Youth's Companion. Look over your 1 long list and see how few things on it are certain to be as eagerly treas ured during every one of the fifty two weeks of 1918. Acquaintance I with it soon ripens into lasting friendship, for it has that rare and e priceless quality among periodicals. --character.--and the character of The Youth's Companion has made t fast friends for it all round the I- world. 1 The Companion alone is $2.00. but i the publishers make an Extraordin ary Double Offer-The Youth's Com panion and McCall's Magazine to gether for $2.25. Our two-at-one-price offer in cludes: 1. The Youth's Companion-52 is sues of 1918. 7 2. All the remaining issues of 1917. 5 3. The Companion Home Calendar e for 1918. 4. McCall's Magazlne--12 fashion anumbers of 1918. r All for only $2.25. o THE YOUTHW COMOPA.ON, Commonwealth Ave., Moston, Ear. LIGHT LAW 10TO BE ENFORCED Suiperintenlent of Police Money Thursday sent a message to all pre- t cinct stations calling attention to t Section ,of Traffic Ordinance No. 1:1I2 wahich reads as follows: "All vehicles not motor propelled are re quireld. between dusk and sunrise. to have on the left side a light which shall show a white light "i0O feet to the front, and red '0,, feet to the rear. In addition to this, all spring vehicles must carry a rear end light." In calling attention to this the superintendent said that the law has not been observed as it should be and all patrolmen have been in structed to be on the alert for vio lators of the ordinance. THREE FINGERS CRUSHED OFF. Albert h,.:ard )f 2,.5 Iavergue 3t.. a student in the freshman civil engin eering class at Tulane University. while 'dressing up' a piece of lumber for his ciass work Monday evening caught his left hand in machinery and 1 three of his fingers were crushed off. lie immediately sought medical at-l tention at the hands of the medical faculty. in the Richardson Memorial i building. ENTERTAINS "YOUNGERI SET." i Miss Zita Giepert entertained the "Younger Set" at a Card Party on Saturday night. November 3. EachI lady and gentleman as they entered was presented with a favor. Re freshments were served and dancing indulged In until midnight. Among those present were Misses I Alice Malain. Eola Mitchell. Herbert Malain. Hazel. Zita and Victoria Giepert; Messrs. Herstlet. Henry Boutte. Jno. Turner. J. Miller. R. Shipp and J. Young. A'TO STOLEN. One of the most daring automo bile robberies of the past year was reported to the police Saturday night when Mrs. W. T. King. formerly of our town, complained that her 5 passenger Chevrolet car, bearing license plate No. 25732. was stolen from in front of the Strand between 8 and 10 o'clock. Mrs. King said she entered the theater about 8 p. m., leaving the automobile unlocked. When she came out at 10 o'clock the car was gone. There is a patrolman detailed at the Strand. The car was found Sunday. TYPEWRITEILR, TENOGRA PHERS AND FIREMEN NEEDED The United States Civil Service Commission announces that an ex amination for stenographers and typewriters, for local employment. will be held in New Orleans and ! other Louisiana cities on Nov. 27. The number of male eligibles for filling these positions in New Or leans is not sufficient to meet the de mands, and women are being em k ployed in increasing number. Applications will be accepted un til Nov. 24 for the position of fire man in the New Orleans postoffice. e $60 per month, and for the position i r of carpenter. quarantine station. o Quarantine. La.. $6; per month with - quarters and subsistence, by the Sec - retary, Tenth Civil Service District. e Room 330, Customhouse, this city. R from whom information and neces-. I sary blanks concerning any examin , ation may be obtained. S NEG;ROFES IN TROUBLE. Herbert Wingfield, alias Candy, t 19-year-old negro. of Algiers, was arrested by Sergeant Bengert and lodged in jail on the charge of shooting at with intent to kill. the complaint being made by Edward Davis. who alleges that he was at "tacked and fired upon by Wingfield without cause on the night of Octo - ber 14. Joseph Santiago and his wife. . Rosa. negroes. living at 1022 Nunez r street, had a dilculty Thursday night and the woman alleges that B the man assaulted her with a shot run. He was arrested by Patrolman Weintraub. againet whom he deliv ered a tirade and he was also . charged with reilWg the poll.ce. JAMES HUBERT BLENK, S. M., MEMORIAL CIRCLE OF ST. MARGARET'S DAUGHTIERS T .:a' I,,- i. , y 1r . f ,.1 ;;I'' Ar. i ,,.h ;u I:!. l .- d in t .! : l, : t iu 1 ..I 1l ," r.t '( .1' , h -it , I. It . I'; .l' i:h:al : .~I ll :it, i .nl i' ti t T . 'I ,l t he ! I 'tkli t. i -ll. i i 11id, , t. , ri- itl.a iit i l t It. ' .t:if stork ,. , hirld .i ' • i' :l'l 'r lt. " ol illt a i.d ,a Ilt t-- all tti- tit(Il. ,,|i 1 , l1'..i hl/ It nri . t h tit t, lhe r elo,':,t iI ' ic - .h Iil ,' 1 t 11, " i + '. I ii' i.,-lt,)ll: ! : of . i It, l .i h. v. "Iathtle I..i kin, ;6i,, is ,,c r . oltº:nl t 'lil t" li l ihl fo.h:ý:f lot 'v,', Ic iii Atuers m itf oft l 111 it i, a1 \as . a''d o th ,o \ ,t ki - wahi 'h t .. bet ter'l' lo nt of .,, .l, 1 11 1 all i tl iout, i ,tttt l'djio Ri.l dit ' tllt. hd Al t l, t h. t rib t t id of it t all :ll it Kitnnied!y and o(P Mlon dtii tr \t . ti t im:' I il1 " id e , ~ . . a til t' ai re a l it .t th.e in .Aetiin i is Kntni'-t lt. al d a ess' thed: lar.Ts iand, O tI tim : the orknlle s of the orili. . I' . i A.xprli d to. r ll. l n Hitl at tile iprei ,nt alh at .\s.i .nlo lanyll ladler tthi erd i e L "eItletr fior tihe caen .'. rt, swoft,, , halrry. tat told telii n A sr, l r, Il at hern \antink t ougahizt A Flir Sale inl Aliars forii oin tinl and e Stleni Fath'nrn" Larkin invited li.i ovtc t, the na of t e c ini .i . Ken- ll - nlet dy said . t grat many were il. nr Inl to lha . a Fit ', it i .n:uollly of i Ar e, lblishop lil, nk. tlut a the iar, o - t ,isholip was so near and dear to I nlather Larkin. and is he spent manyI oif hisi halitst years here in AlI-'.aers rsid Father M.nk, . thought Alsiers Irasl the logical point for the .Alae, t f. lllenk .eremorial M'ircl e. The election of ofdiers followed Miss Kennedy s eloquent address atnd the following nwere unanimously ,.le.ted: RB ev. T. .I. Larkin. S. M.. spiritual director: Mrs t. F. .Whit more presidet: Miss Marie L. PointsiI and Mrs. Martin Hehrman, honoraory presi,:nts; Mrs. Ella Mills,. first vice president: .rs. V. Olivier, so and vice president: Miom Einuma r ees, reacording secretary; .teis.s Myns lai.augerty. oresponding secretary Miss Susi .e Murphy, financial secr tary; Mrs. .e. 'e Nolan, treasurer: rs. Richardson and Miss eMarguerite Tlah gery, delegates; Mrs. eMorrison, entertainho'nt comemittee; Mrs. Ya lets and icrs. Vallette, membership The a irtle tchos pre e l for ts acolor, in memnory f their beloved arch bishop. The sp, ial work to be carried ons will to the maintenance of a sum-o mer rest home +for poor girls and w omen. It is a broad field of labor and one that will appeal to the Catholic laity at large. Thi e metines arge to nbe hbly onM the second Thursday of eaoh month at 7i::h p. r. It is tro bn hoped that the attendance will in<reaF~r at eaich meeting as the ladies of Algiers are up and doing and enter into things with a spirit that ians sucthessra One of the most prominent social events of the opast wreek was the dinner dance given Monday by Mrs. rJohn T. Koestler in honor of her nephew. bearl Brown. who on thatnr day reached .the agen of majority. The Koester home in Bouny street was beautifully decorated for the tions. The table was set nfor twenty one andc was elaborately deoratd and was filled with all the dellcanie from the handilers to eaich aend of the tabie and tied to the was a large bunch of pink grapes.i In tht caentor f the table was a and with twenty-one pink res andie. Ea1 h giuet was presented Mith a I Sfruit baS ke.t filled with pink an SdieJ. Atnr the dinntr which wa Sren.atly enjoyed. Mnaiss Thlma John I son toa.ted tha young ho t. The met-ne an rloerin er ndI wh o. .- opied setatlat the table werean Mir .ma Johneton. EMri.e and Irma tc-hro dr. eah Kirby. Maud and y l l(p anti - Itrpp. leah houdrtMux. n.!i, liur ran. RLnette Kennair. Mary Traub. )nOma Hbbgo t and RodriMrs. nen anid • Jim Glan e't. Harr. Pfluge.. 'urren and lgtin of the city. Otherl prev ' snt an th, dinner Mr. and Mri. I J. T. Kohano. Mre and Mrt .k P Mr and Mrs. J. bandry. Mapt. anr eMr. and Mrs. Jno. Feain. Mrs. D. Ma. Malcolm Manent. SdlEV. in and a most dAliThtful eve .ning .pent . D n Bros n re<aired many handsomr presents. f Punch wav a drved by Mtst Mary t net. n This is a. part of a "'prepare to live' r- movement that has been launched a among army and navy men by the Y. M. C. A. LETTERS FROM TIE SPEOPLE : rI I . II: I -I 1 r i ii u \ i- " ." ' ' !he :If T h, ,:: ; I , t r 1 .t , : .r r fr;+ :ch fi .I; 1. ' .1 A r 4¼s e - .r h ' 1 .1,I I ! Ii. r . .i, II I V .I '. - 1r ' . ,,: 't4,¼ 1 1 1" , ;, ' fi . 111.' t t hll. I r 1 r4t., f " t.t1 1 ii . 'l ; dist ricth Sth i i n .'.ti11 a L. lh t t' t . ,1.ra- i:1 ,, : t h, (: i nl. 1 r i-' I f,.rrv r fri nt h -.111. the r, , ,t , t . ' . the tferryl Ini? ¼! it. p'opa; ih- Thi frainvt ise' .. ' t ptt l for -. I ' 1 h . 1r I r"i, liev1et I - I . 4 M .ir .4.1'1 i 4 s: pth:tlr.t with i our i14 infirmniatjin t t the Algiers pre-'aril"g t4) t r 14n41 have all ne,. e' .I rlf ' gislat1 ( t1 , .l-l I' in time.1' et'I' rt. lt i ml'e tr' 1 i' in c onls thon that . . fi m tilY'. tr1, l- in' t"*his is in all civic matters affecting the telfare 44! the sectin. whie'h has' ft" I cait se1.i me to ci r a.l on theti ll 11ayor. Mr. Lafaye and 'ommislion Tr Glennv. I hav1e ofuSnrifr all three goir li lsteners complaints made by nmi as to what I thought were errors - ieing niaelt b.y one of the nimportant departments of the city were always pro mptly caused to be inbvestigatedi by the Mayor and Mr. Ilafave and in some instances the thrrors remedied. In other instances ~il i nl 'h A('All vl.n -' '<T l egl attltl pased in- tme.i r that . yr mylit entray ceinI thi dis The Jackies TI'rpsicfhorean Club gave their dance on Ialloween in stead of Friday night last week, but will give their dance as usial Fr t lday. Nov. . The evening was much l'njoyedi by all present. The young ladile looked fine tin their costumes, Iwhich was mruch appreiated by the sailor -boys. who oaly hald the op ortunity of e aski nga their Ifaces. Two prizes were t iven to the young lat ies. one to the most original cos ltthler weiiinii nas won by Miss A. Vaatrh-s. haI r'apresaintet y an Indiati nlilorln, the pther bty Miss A. M. Tieriine for t!4e prettiest costume. The young ladies are to call for 1oeir cards at iMr. . J. Ilotard's. I npoi b ill be adtn itte without their cards. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. emlaitnlng at Station A. New Or leans. nLa., Postoffie. Thourday. No g vember d, 1917: sMen 0. Ardam. Augunst wernard. ilaster E ward iutl er. S. .. Johnson t nonzales lae. Jose Lampry. T. Mor rih. c. M. Mcauley. .lohen OConnor, po.ucus oleman. Master .ohn George. Jr. 'wopni Mrs. Liezzive Iuras. Miss i Icesla ('atl.. Mrs. (ralcy Charles. Mrs. ('oriielia h. rdericks (oral, Mrs. k aveline Jackson. Miss Alice Ordogne. t1ers. Roosrna l'ier. Mrs P. HIskie, i Mrs. Phielomena Roman. ims . Marie r Teol adie s hMir lcelianeo us - "!t errc t St. Al a ior. Lad th." g ('Tharles Janl'er, .iin t . t anlpy hIotmlia, er st ogal o. a -- --- - I'iunn -On iil-rdn4dlalun at 6 o'clock ia. ni. rs. Eilward IM lunn, nee Tirii.y Ifor thn e-. tii el at the aRt of fi1 11nin11 y(r'- lwci ced was born 1i4 oilr thuown :41.,I was one of our The '41n4ral taiiik place Thaursdlay 44 vi es a ro c4(n4c041ut-l h, ltev. 4'. C. il + ir .arn it v I. M. Iriwn. Inter 11 n1 lt, w- is ill (;recnioo1d 'cemetery. SImith 4)n Fridiy night at 6:5a li-niink. William Smith. one of the Soliest r(--bii-tjluts anl 4.n11 (¼! 1f the gild ll ea.i marine engpinersi in the local I. harbor. d1-ii at the arce of seventy vebars I,-e1asel wa4 1 naive of i .t. Louis. but had residedi here for M IAiXty-.+iX years. lze ia survivei Jov hl -piry-. who s. al'. MIss Martha lt-ru.on of 'pring \'fiell. Ill.. anid ry t hrIze uons and by ii on" daughter, the wi f4 of Octave Lacoste. Fifteen gra.!i;hldrren' also y survive. . The funeral took place Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clork from his late resiileni . Farragut and TeArmas L stree's. Interment benrg in .Mclon oghvil!u nemetary. Funeral servicese wer.e -!onl"ucted by Rev. S. L. Vail , of Mt. O"lvet Episcopal church. At k the grave. hurile taps were sounded., 0 u teceased having been d lrummer boy ein the lst Iwuls!ana Volunteers, C. .ompany I. during the Civil War. i Mr. Smith was a member of Cres d cent Lodge No. 3, K. of P., of the le(Marine Engineers Dirvslon No. s15, ant of the Heer Grove, U.I . A.a harb r, d+.,!at te a+. f een'