Newspaper Page Text
MAIN C A l-- from one ton to SCIIARFENSTEIN & SON Coal, Coke, Anthracite, " ci. Char. 26J57I a carload COAL 1121 Clara Street (See Pa e 3 Phone Book) COAL coal, Knots for trash burrlrs or grate BEFOF \O1A AFTER 4--- WRIAGE ANNIE. You GoTT1A NOT A -rr. CARRY THIS CoAT IrAS A 'WAP /D \ AWHILE_, ME ARM - T'LE7 'Er r / v 1 APEQSPIlN&G ME (ýiT O A SSuriE 1 Ai5 BLEoS eE 1 S T* SoMETHJG P"EO CL' o He A/ Sum SHIME W GtN lT KI W ALK UL H}IArfyk2 // I l\ý. U 5ER itL. HEAVY H EAO NoW EIZALLY TooT IEE oo LES / CELIL 9AW /Eo 1 KITJA ALL Cu'W UP EYES. /Y r[HESEE. ý SWEE~iT YJ m o "' e 0 / COPYRIGHT. )912, BY THE NEW YORK EVENING TELEGRAM (NEW TOOK NERAW COJ1 AI Ras aje.g Lor· one Olive, Palm, Forahey and P R I C E s Cement idewalk and well asurfaced $15 Cash and Edinburg Street., up above Carroll- From $280 to $425 streets. Filled to grade; highertha Carr011to Land Co., Ltd $ Per nth t Ave. Beat section for home or Writ or hon t Carrollton Ave. Electric light. Over invtetment.. Titles guaranteed. lots this w,.L so ,eventy-five homes built already. 1010 Hibernia Bldg. Main 4468 1$ .u s li usnmmmmn nin u msnnsn C1IAlTEiHRS. ,-F 1 RANK- J. AN;tIIAM, INC. t'ilted `t ': ,o'f A.\' ' rica, S: ' f e l.ouis: , , I'a 1 of 4 ric 1: , ('C y of New tOr leane. lie It knA n, .is .. .t this 2nid .lay of the , th f ·':c ..'er, In the yeI.: of our I. rd. S tal.- Ii, n::e ilndre.1 .ii"d sve v ttt e in. .ar I , tl e Inadhe ende 'te ,f the L f l:ei- 'n:I-, of Amerrca the ,Ic h tndi , I and f rty--c. .ont1, befo:e me. \\'c.ln . F . 1 Ung, a nut. y p e . , u l y c " - - .,m c d a n t q u a l . :1 d within a f, or t1 le a 't:r 4 , i : ae c -, 1:.its _.1 l..rt.U lt :: I. : ' 1re,"ce ,f t w: ' ,; ses here ', _itcr t: rcd antd'w. end. pi ts ,naily c cine : i ,pp0 ta:t ct the sp cv ral bed, who tve " , A< dc rcl tha.t, ava:l It:, them selvcs of the s: " : , at I pr t-ti tn ; of the (o.,n ttue,:': , t;:e :aite of 1 . ,u:· . ana and of the 1 ,. . -. :l S. tate r ra ':vc t Ice orgai n:zltIn ,t _i ,irp erttoi. , and ptr tic ul trly ft the : iC l .;- Act No. _t,7 o; !Ic tenerti A,-s-e ltly ,f the s ite of Lou s,:.ina for the year 114 they l'ave united t.1 f,,rm and da, 'y th:-e fpe':. t r:ni and organize them:n t'eve. , well :a all su, h other pers ,: a,1 : sty hcreafter ij n or Lccl-ne a~"oeated w.tI 5 thet or their sti sans:, into a stck a r aIrtn for the ob ects anld purpo -e 't t and under1 the Cvenau:s,'. ,tip:tlations and agrce::cnt , following to wit: Article I.-The name and title of this c ar pration shall e: "tFrank J. Mangham, Inc." and tind l y aid na e, :ic:', s n' :eraC ,h ,,i lved in a . .rl.. 'e w;th. law and this c t:er, it si '.:1 exlt and c-.n innle, and shall have and enjoy c ,rp,,ra.i:te ex:s:c ce and ,accession for a period of ninety-niu e "A I years front and after the da'e of this act. It may have, hold, receive, horrow, loan, exchange, acquire by grant, gift or purc!.seC dl wve or bequest, sel!, alienate. di.po-e of. convey, lease. pledge, awtiwn, lhypsithecate. encult:er or mortgage property of any kind, whether real, personal or mixed, corporeal or tincsrpoeal, movable or immovable, all subject to such limitations as may be pre scribed by law. It may make, issue and endorse bonds or notes and other evidences of debt. It may accept mortgages, pledges or other forms of security for money loaned or other debts. It may contract, sue and be sued, plead or be impleaded by its corporate tnane in ary court of competent jurisdictioa. It may make, adopt and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure. It may hold stock in other corporations, and its capital stock may be issued for capital stock in other corporations. It may name, appoint and employ such managers, directors, officers, agents and other employes as its said busi ness and convenience may require, and may fix their compensation, having due regard to the nature, character and value of their services. It may make and establish by laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with this charter or any existing law, fixing or altering the management of its property, the regulation and government of its affairs, and the manner of the cer:ification and reg istratic.r of its stock. It nlav wind upt and dissolve itself, or be wnstd up and dissalved in the manner prescribed ,by law. It may conduct business in this State, other States. the Federal I):str c's, the Territories and possessions of thle 'nited States, and anty foreign country. It shall have the power to invest its hbard of direct-irs with all of its corporate p wers st'iject to such restric tions as may he naned in this charter. And it generally shall possess all the powers, rights, privileges and immunities which cor porations are and may hereafter e attthor ized to possess under the Constitution and laws of this State, and particular tinder Act No. 267 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1i14. Article 11.-The domicile of this corpora tion shall be at the City of New Orleans, Parish of Orleans. State of Louisiana. Article III.-The objects and purposes for which this corporation is formed and the nature of the business to be carried on by it, are hereby declared to be: To d a general stock brokerage and conm mission business; to buy and sell stocks, bohands, mortgages, debentures, trust receipts. commercial paper, consols, and government securities, either for itself or as agent of any person, firm or corporation, butt not to engae in the banking or stock-jobbing bus iness: to act as the fiscal agent of any per son, firm or corporation; to buy, sell, let. lease, hire, own or demise or generally deal and trade in real estate, whether improved or unimproved: to borrow money and grant mortgages, bond mortgages or notes therefor; to lend money and to receive therefor mort ages, bonds or any other evidence of in debtedness; to carry on any other business which. under the law, it may he entitled to carry on which may seem to the corporation to le calculatei, directly or indirectly, to -Recnate the af-resaid objects or either of them, or to facilitate it in the transac tion of its aforesaid business or businesses, or any part thereof, or in the transaction of anv other lawful business that may be cal erlated, directly or indtrectly. to enhance the value of or to rendcr profitable any of the company's protpe-'ties and rights and generally t, hold and exercise all such inci dental powers and ptrvcehles as relate to the objects and pttrptsc hereinabove set forth or as omay let 'eeisarv, useful o.r convenient for effect-e sa d njes ai ti purposes. Article lV.-The a1th t'iel ca,,ital stock of this .n"oaati.I is h"-.'"v nlel'ared to be the siun of ten " u in 1.,1 (ldleleltm') d .liars, which caprt i1 -e l , tv 'e i",reased in the manner p'ov;-'l1 !,v 1 Iw to th,." stn of fif'v tho.tsand ($51.ntia.i di ilar. The presently atthorized capital in-k I-f ths c ,rnori tin shall be representedl -v one hn t"ed T:in shares of the pa- va1,t-, of iOCe hunt-ted io1. lars ($15iM.) each. The sa;.l capital stock shall be represented by ce-'iicates., and shall he personal property. It shall e paid for in esoh at nuct times and :n rich anittnts Ind - after sttch no'ices to the sutiscritiers . 0 may he fixed by the board of direct-s, and shall be fully paid and nn-asses-hite when is sued. No transfer of said capital stock shall be binding upon this corporation unless made in accordance with its char'er and by-laws and recorded on the books thereof. Article V.-The hssiness of this corporation shall be managed by and all of the eorpo rate powers thereof shall be vested in and exercised by a board of three directors to be elected from among its stockholders, and a majority of the directors, ellher present in person or represented by proxy, shall con stitute a quorum. The said board of direc tors shall have the right to nominate and appoint sutch agents, managers or sub-agrents as in their judgment they deem necessary in the management of the eorporaticTn or the conduct and carrying on of its busmess. Article VI.--The first board of directors of this corporation shall be composed of: Frank J. Mangham, whose post-office address is 2317 Cen Taylor street. New Orleans. La.: Jean S. Voorhies, whose post-office address is 3624 Berlin street, New Orleans La.. and Louis F. Leonhard whose post-office address is 4222 Painter street, New Orleans, La., with Frank J. Mangham as oresident and treasurer, Louis F. Leonhard as vice-president and Jean S. Voorhies as secretary. Said board of directors shall serve until the first meet ing of stockholders for the election of direc CH ARTERS. ir un t! t'?er suacce-s .rs are elected and .\. , . VII ()n t:ie first M ,n lday In Oct, : 1r. l . : I a uX a. !!y thv-:eafter on the : -: iM : t: y :i t)t ,er in each year, a : f the -t ckh ,i:ders of this erpra . ie h' , ll at t:s ,:::: : e f1r the pur " ' lirect i-s fir the ensu:ng : A t.tii:e "r ,ii mas y c.ia:i e .c hat-,)ever , .' l : e a .: ,in a :l : n e t ,: i a g , ,i . ku h hl d e r s , , . e .t dr " r there it, shall 1 -- .t tb .-p ,itilons. but the direc " ,: , t,.' ' , "h . in i n o thf i e s h a l l r e n i. i n S t e n:: i ther s t,'t -- ..)ri siall have et' -c'-; -v ,-i y ch,scn, elected, qual . 1 a: 1 i' rta.led. .\ .:,c't VIllI. - , i charter m ly be amend 1. . -I " l e c ' ".' A l . ', ,k o f t h , c nl - r a t i ·n " , ... : 1-c-t 1 or .h cre:t , e,t i or this car .A'I'M a1 t e I- .-'vd it the ime:th, and Sr p- ,y:, t by !a. . rt:cle i . - N hkiler of this ctrpo a;!" ' hall ever he held t:a'sie or re-d-onst , f ,r t h e c . : - " . ' ,r f a u l ,t , o f t hi s c k r p r - 'li n tr ihall any mere ini rmal:t in : i'ti at ")n 1 isve :'e effect of rendering this S tre - rill r fat es si-ing a st c:kh ler to Is ,: ~ rl : tv oth er ta in as a,'ove prvidled. .-r : : , r N X - -X , o ,c k h ' , l e ' '' v s e l l . a s - -: 1. ,r Id ti (eir h :il ' t :k in th i corpora !-,'2 w':'i 'ut giving it t e co'np iny thirough . ritry thirty daii p:ior noti ce in ,t '"1. ,,f -o h 1",1t''-te it o, i the other " h.'' d i h ' ill have the fi '-t priv'lege of Shn :trie ,aii s-:,ock at the '!a.k value "' t ,e , a per .nl if :h irtyv lay f-' at ', . ...t hich thirty dayv ' notice. : :d .st,'k n i y !ie sold in the open market. in the event that other sm 'kh-a!lers offer " : " y m r ., - ' ,c k th a ti i s o itf r e d f ,,r s . l e , . . ". )CL !,(e r otiering to hiiv shall he -::e-,t t !,y the otfered s.,ck in the rat:o f their then s' ckhalings in the eai:pany lThus d ire a'd p:-se.l, in my otlice at the ity 'f New Orleans. Lui'iana,. ct the day, ",nth and year he-ein first above written, in he presence of E. I. Szabary and G. M. V talace, competent wtnesses, who. hereunto -ign their names with said appearers and noe. notary, after due reading of the whole. (Or:ginal signed) Frank J. Mangham, 2317 Gen Taylor. New Orle.ns, ,, shares; J. S. V irh e. Newt Or!-'ans. I share: Louts F. l.einhard. New Orleans, I share, Witneses" E I.. Seaary. G. M. Wallace. W. F. MI.LLING, Notary Public. A true copy: W. F. MII.LING, Notary Public. c't 11 18 25 Nov 1 8 15 CHARTER OF TIHE DIETRICH & WILTZ, INCORPO RATED. ULnited States of America. State of Louisi ana, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. Be it known, that so this tirst (lat) day tf he month of October, in the year of our L..rd one thousand nine hundred and sev •nteen, and of the Independence of the 'ionted Stat of Ame-ica, the one hundred i-Id foarty-aecon I, hifc-re me, Felix Joseph I'a-., a ntrary putbic, duly commisissoned an~ qualitfied, in and f-r the Parish of Or. leans. State of l,it:siana. there:n re-iding. iiti in the preteuce of the witnesses here 'litter name! and undersigned, personally "a'ne and appeared: The perso-ns whose i':ates are here:inti sus;crilied. all residents .f this city. who severally d-clared that, svaling themselves of the provisions of the a ws of this State. relative to the organiza i-"ln f corlsratilos, they have covenanted ir'd agreed. and dio. y these presents, cove ;,ant and agree, bind and fsrm tCheminelves -'o a cirpi,rattoin for the obljects and pur -es and under the stlipulattins and agree lents herein.i:er set f rth which they here ',y adopt as their charter, to-wit: Article 1.--The name and style of this cor S'ratin hereb-y formed is declared to be l'-r:- ch and Wiltz., Inc., and its domicile -.iil he in the City of New Orleans. It -h ill c ,mmence bulsiness as soon as all of he reqsi renlents ,,f the law shall have been mupl ed with, and it shall enjoy succes tin r its corposrate n.ime for the term of ii`tt-nine searts from and after said date, tile-i soter d-i,:,lved, uii the manner di 'c:e I by law, during which time it shall isye the reght to sue and be sited in its I rtirate name; to acquire property by grant, itf:. purchase or bequest; to sell, lease, hold r dp-se of. and to mortgage and pledge ea., Ipersnal and mixed property; annd enjoy ill other powers, rights and privileges grant -l by law to corporation. Article II.-The objects and purposes for blich this cirlpoiation is organized, and the ttlrte of the ,itlslt"i' to be carried on by it, ire herehby declared to be to do a general ':iarehiiiise andl Storage business, to act as irwarding and distributing agents, and Cus ,iin-hou,e IBrakers, and to do and perform -:ah other things incidental to, connected with aind necessary to properly carry out the 1iavte buiness; to purchase from Dietrich & Viltz their business, stock in trade, and ,ther effects. as well as their good will, and 'nntinue the blusiness now carried on by :heln at No. 400 N. Peters street, in this city. Article Ill.-The capital stock of this cor pration is hereby fixed at five thousand ! llars ($5.00.(IO) represented bsy fifty (5S)) -'fares of the par value of one hundred dol irs ($10tg)i each, payable in cash at time ,f su!,scription, or property conveyed to the -rpnration. The capital stock of this corporation may 'e increased to an amount not to exceed swe-nty thousand dollars ($20,0' .(-); but in he event of such increase, the additional -'1 rtis to he issued as representing said •'ire;se, shall he divided pro rata amongst ' -'e oswning shares at that time if they A-'ice IV --The president. or in his ab -nce. the secretary-treasurer, is designated - tlre 0 er ttn apon whom all citations or ,:iir le:t process shall be served. Ar':ile V'.--All corporate powers of this Srp :ia-in shall be vested in, and exercised . a hIiard of directors, compased of not 'ess tlan three (3) nor rmore than five (5) i-dter, a majority of whom shall eon t tle a qiiirdun f-r the transaction of busi R. V. Dietrich, residing at No. 347 Bur-e gnvdy street. New Orleans, Edgar M. Rca. residing at No. 72 Esplanade street. New )rleans, Cuty Hopkins. residing at 730 Es planade street, New Orleans, shall constitute the first board of directors, who shall serve until the first Monday in April. 1919. with: R. W. Dietrich, as president, Edgar M. Rea, -is secretary-treasurer. and Guy Hopkins, as chairman of the board. On the first Monday in April, 1919, and annually thereafter, an election for direc tors shall be held at the office of the cor. toration. of which election due notice shall ie given by notice delivered personally, or tiy depositing same in post-ofllce addressed 'o last known address of each stockholder as t appears on books of corporation, at least Ifteen days before such meeting. Each di. shall have been duly elected, and the hoard -f directors shall at its first meeting after its electios, select one of its members as CHlAtRTERS. Pre-1 hent, an ather a, secretary-treasurer, and h, ". .: i:ln rn the , ,:rl, w':. sh il Il ll , t : ill sicces-r s'.tIll have tn c 'c:.l ,5 ti:e iuc eed:nr g blard. A t a, l el ' t Il ',r :i icet: .n , e ch st, ck ' 1, -e r , e t "' t .: - t ' , p t : - , r hy p v, . s h a l l I " a'e t :l ' l :o ot e v r"e f io r eo !h }hare of k .n d ',y v .: . a hnd thi e per' ,n receiv " :, v ts re;',e'tI::::i tt a :.lJ ,rity in t':; ,:: ' ,f !Ile c ,i ,t . t , ,k . sh . .1 ',e d e c la re d " t T e c ': : f th e l ,,. ld s h a ll S-,l . ll ,e !.-t , o f th e b,,o a rd o f h1 , ', " , - T h e p r -t'~ u "t -h a ll c In d u c t a n d :1 . e il I t : . t e r." r ::oin gen . In the .',:. c , r :na ;1:ty to act ti e ip r- e t. t ,he ,ar of < l :ec -" rs shall ; , : ',", . . , o. r [it o a c t i n h l s 't, ri f d rt:-e 0si-tl have the power S : ake a:d vl ': -::.' hy-iltw . rules and •I:.,:,-e A~ 7It rn,lvy the in 1roper f-r the " `' n ," t 't ! -:'tv . ,If this corpra •, r; t., ", n 'tt.r .t" l : ,tl the came, to . ,I v.. i - "' ' t y ! I V ' c it in the ,f ,L :cf r-. ,.d ge'e" illy to do and :11 :lan et th s v (`h " ,Il o s .ic: r airct s I A I :'1 "ty 'e eT t ,y :, trrv lo in 1 1'1 t' tbi¢e pI,"; ,- ' th l ' a- n .1 ':on Ii:n - ' ' . all ,c kc;" " .1. pi : cedlings of the \- : : VI. T'e 's to the capitol - ik , -it . o ,any i \V W. I):r h .for : t:l: -t!rt .c ( .t - are , ,: '"I to the " ': t! of 'enty-i " e , t :l,Tlr.d ,Ill (o. $2. r t '"n:y-thrt- ,2:1 -bare-. ".".i ,:1rting tO •'w -1:1 tI f :oe -::: ret e bhut: 1 d d llars ~. 2, o . n -: t in c: , * f I'" , icrty and • I .ln oi tw ,' pan d t n t ds o'rp n, e-r 1,t " n c l-h a':,l ." " ' . ' into, L} the ('oiwnmer ,., r (-ion ""f 1):c:r:c 'i & \W ' co-rpo,:cd of i V". :et:r:h'l andi I;:Iv ,prim~ln .: " ire fully IthCr:bed I. atn A," of Sal.' pa--ted beforei 'u' k end -e' , n ,'. y -l',:, ti;s day 1. hal e he. - inve ,.-,- , , '1"" I lasvt Ie a" :-e .::n ,f ":y-six hundred dol la-, 1 $4o0l.¢O). .\ t:,e VII.---T:, aci : t in'i rpnrati-n n`ai h e l ,e " d iat : - - i a ;r . t :: t. v be d.,> -vel ei -tiie 'he expiration of the term of i h.irl r l Iran attir:natv e v ite of two' ' -rd of the sn:: r 1.,... t : ca at a gen rr.l n:e - i c,";e i l fir the pi'. Ise, a I gi c'nrai " ,it ing de notice shall he . '": sly :'>c le se ve-ed personally or by depoilting -,-.e " : o: ec addressed to last n,,wn a ld-e.< of each sitck oler as ' t; a: e i'ii : 'h f,-Isk, ,it the corporation S .,,-c . "n d .iV ',.tf re such meeting. Article VIII- -At the eniraton of this ('itrter, or ote-. a provided for in Art cle VIIl the liq-,l".:o, , the at irs f this cor - itton s hall te made 'v three commission e. tj be chosen biy the stockholders from in. >ng themclve ,,, a mectinlg called for ha: ,'"r-ivene p'i r to the date ftied for the te-mination of this ('harter, of w'hich meieting lie rt :.c :fall ie given as provided for •n said Artcle VII. at 'habch :ieeting the term of office of said commissimsners. t*ei ,,l,.r: nsat:0n and the mule and duration of lcn hdatin, shall also be fixed by t:.e k"'tders. which liquadtors shall perform :,ni duties and have such powers as are Sinferred upo.i thema by law and by the Article IX-No stockholder shall be li'sh'e tl: tcontracts. debhts ,r faultt of this r ration. tn any further sum than the :nin, nt of the unpaid balance uie on their stock, nor shahl any mere intormality in o- e.:'lraton of the corporation mnake its it t vdunl membthers liable beyo.nd the ii- t asI-e set forth or render thius charter null and Thiis -,ne and passed in ny 'rice. in the ':tv of New Olrleans. on the day and in the • -n i:.l year tirs: a's-c ave ri:ten in the : of .lter G. \e !iWg 'ofid Frcde-ick h;,,re. c 'rreorteo t witnesses who here u ," t:ceir. 1 '1.ii e wh the said appear and :ne "ta-:-. af'cr d. sealinC of the i ,C.i, sltinedit WVait-r C, S-,d Sig:medl: It. W. Dietrich, 23 -e: u:t Il lkins, 2.3 h.k :i E. M. Rea, 4 hare ',. 1\itcr G. \\edlg. Fred Schaefer. FFLIX J. PUIG. Notary Public. I. the -nder;oined Recrdcr of Mortgages, -r the I'armh of Orleans. State of Louisi lia. do hereby certify that the above and f rigoing Charter if the Dietrich & Wiltz, Inc, was t i day dtuly recorded in my of :ire in Btok 1212. folio 5(19. New Orleans. I-a., October 2. 1917. (.gned) EMILE J. LEONARD, Dy. R. State of Louisiana. Parish of Orleans. I. felix J siph Puit, a notary public, in aid for the lParish of Orleans, State of Lou 'siana. duly commissioned and qualified, do here-hy certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the original char ter of the Dietrich & Wilt, ionc., on file andr of reco-d in m,v Notarial Archives. In faith whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal of oeffice, at New Orleans, La., this 2nid day of October. A. D 1917. FEI .IX J. PUIG, Notary Public. Oct !1 18 23 Nov 1 8 15 ACT OF INCORPORATION OF NI'TRO COMPANY, INCORPORATED. United States of America, State of Louisi ana, Parish of Orleans City of New Orleans. ile it known, That on this the 4th day of t'el"i'ler, in the year of our Lord one thou s.,n, and nine hundred and seventeen (19171, ',,1 of the Indlependence of the Unitd States .If America, the one hundred and forty-second i-efire me. Joseph Sinai, a notary public, dity commihsit red and sworn in and for :he Piaricsh of Orleans. State of Louisiana, and therein residing, personally came and appeared the persons sns whose names are here. into subscribed, who declared that availing hi Staes frela tive to .orate management and the General Assembly of this State approved ,Jiy 9 'th, 1914 they have covenanted and Article I--The name and style of this cor. Article Il.--The domicile of this corpora. CIIAtIFTErLS. ' :. 1 -' t , e in th e :ty o f N e w O rle a ns, {t.a e , " I. ,a: -:. :na, and all cita:',ns and :ih - c al Ir, ce --es sh.,,l !ie served on the irin-dent, r in his a',.ence, on the sec- : ret-ry. .\::,:e IIlI -The ,object, and pusp)ses for w^::, :1 t!:- c.;, .r.atin i o -ga nizc.l and the na.:u-e ,f the business to be carried on by :t. ire hereby declared : > be, as f,liowa, I' m : f rictire, buay. sell. im port. export ,; ."I ce":e ill) dial i:i a:l k:nds. iaj ses arid h-, r:;.n ,,f f,~d Iraducts; and generally ': d, ny : ', . n.att cr or th l:ig whatever that ::.tyv be r:ece-saty, incidental, useful or ad - - - :le cfur:terance of such objects a ld pure e-. .\-ti e IV --The capital stock of th:s car- t cti-, s !icld at :t'i- o-. at s:x thousand ':ar iS f..'(i .'s d:v'd,'d in:- sa; ty shares i "le ;-a- value of one h 'indred ($100.00) t 'ars each. " i santi capital ctck. $X"11t) or thirty :: . hall: e Pr: rre ,d l s'k. and S$3I .( r t':rty shares. -'tall he I mcit e n stock. The ' l'.,iers if the Preferred stock shall bel . t::: ' t t,, r +.·c -ve. a h e n ia n d a d ecla red :r ," t e i:urp!: .r net prc !its of the car u: ,; ,. early dividend, at the rate of six . : ,'r cnt per aOn:l:n and n-, nmore. The d.vitle:idt on the preferred stock shall ,e uintil:c:ve, and thall be lyable before }' : !. . lend o. - the conm -'- n stock shall ye 'c p:ai or cet apart; c, that if in any year ,n dc l , "ls a"·.iu:lir to s:x (s° ) per cent Fr - 1 h ire bren paid thereone the deficiency t :.l Ihe pay\able befire any dividend shall Ice ;a:d :i-,:1 ,i r set apart if ,r camnmman stock. Pr \\h- her cr all cumulative dividends on the | prieferred stck for all prevc-us years shall !Ive ,ceen decla-ed, and the co.mpanv shall o y.,ve ipal such cun:lriative dividends for pre v: I- year-, or shall have set aside from :1.,-ph',, ,or net pIrofits. a sum sufficient far the payment thereof. d:vidends on the comrn- in , ain stock. and p ivyale then or thereafter L, it:t of any remaining surplus or net profits, an may he declared. In the event of any liquidation or dissolu n or winding up (whether voluntary or in -,'c'untary) of the corporation, the holders of the preferred stck shall be entitled to be paril in full. both the par amount of their -h'res and the unpaid dividends accr-ted :hercon. before any .money shall be paid to :he hio!ers of the c.nmmnn stock: and after 1 ayment to the holders of the preferred stock of its par va'ue and the unpaid accrued div idends thereon. the remaining assets shall le divledc and paid to the holders of the , ,ni-.n stick according to the:r respective shares. A!! -hares of stock shall he full paid and ",-n assesable. IThe said stock shall be paid for in cash h:"e same may lie issued at not less than par. fcr lal.or done. or services rendered said corporantion or property or rights actually received byhv said corporation. ] No stockho lder shall have the right to -1: .. ce of his shares of stock until he shall have first offered the same to the board of .Irectors at its then hook valtue, who shall have fifteen days option within which time " Itrcha-e same. No transfer of stock shall Iie hci::ng upon the corporation unless trade Ipn :ts hooks. Thii corporation shall have the right to :~lncease its canital stock to the further sum tf one hundred thousand ($100Sl..00) dollars, ,r any -art thereof, .1 he divided into shares of $1,0ri each. provided said increase in the capital stock shall have heen authorized by the stockholders at a meeting held pursuant to the provisions of this charter. This corporation shall have and enjoy the right to purchase shares of stock in other c-rporations, partnerships or interest*, as - v's lie found necessary, exepdient or ad visable. This corporation shall he and become a eo:ne cancern when fifty (ier) per cent of -is ctack shall have heen subscribed and paid for. Aticle Vi.-All the corpo-aye lavers of this co-torat:-c shall he rested in, and exer ccisd htiv. a board of directors composed of •ltree t,ckhoiderc, and a majority of the nl,-a I of Iirectoro shall constitute a Onorum for the transaction of all husiness. The di shall lie elected annually bv ballot 'iv the stockh ,lders on the third Wednesday :n September of each year. The common stockholders alone siall have the voting power in all corporate affairs. Each stockholder of common stock shall ,ie entitled, hy person or by proxy, to one vote for every share of common stock owned by him: and all elections shall he held tinder sich rules and regulations as may he srecified by the hoard of directors, after fif'een days notice (of such election shall have heen sent to each of the stockholders at his last known address. No failure to elect directors shall be re carded as a forfeiture of this charter. Any vacancy occurring on this hoard shall he filled hv the remaining directors for the unexpired term. Said hoard of directors shall at its first mereting after its election, nominate out of 's own nrumber a nresident, and a secretary. treasurer. The offices of secretary-treasurer ,ayv lie separated and held by separate in. ,li v;-alts The office of secretary may be held byv one not a stockholder The said hoard of directors shall have the -;eht to appoint and dismiss such clerks and miaiarer and other employees of the corpn ration, as in its judgment may he deemed neceisary. The tenure of office of all the employees of the corporation shall he during the pleasure of the ioard of directors: any di-ector shall have uie riiht t-, appoint in writing any other director to act as-his proxy and In his fead ar t any and all meetings of the board Article VT.--Teon Frank. whose post office address is Third and Magarin, streets. New Orleans. L.ouisiana: Julius C'. Werner. whose nest office address is 917 C'. , ton Avenue New Orleans. Louisiana: \ illiam Hennr Ket. whose post office address is 5914 Pr' tania street. New Orleans. Louisiana, shall constitute the first board of directors of this cornorasi.n, with lon Frank as president and I'tillam Henrv Ker as seeretarv-treay . -fer to serve until the third o'ednesday of mi-ptimhe , leR. or until their successors hallR have been elected and qualified. Article VII.--This act tof incorporation mtay he chanred, modified or altered. or this cor poration mar he dissolved, with the assent of stockhnlders ownlng two-thirds of all the s'ork of the corporation, at a general meet ing convened for that purnose, and after at least fifteen (55) days' written no'lce of this meeting has been riven personallv or through the mail. addressed to each stockholder, at his last known place of address. To ease of dissolution, by the expiration of th:s char ter or o'hi,'eise, after connliance with law. she stockholders shall elect two livysidat,,.. from amus. their number to liqtsidate and settle the htisiness asd #aiees of the ee. ai"Oatinn. The sai liniauidstsr shall have full Isowr to settle the epenoration's dehts, an: divide the remaininl money and ,a CIHARTERS. rtev . ':..n g the s ':. kh : hrs, n acc(rdance S ; ::e p : : i Art:c:e IV of this 'r l c a ., , d a th o r ,h a b~i : y o f i:' ,.e of saihl l' i4 : ,rs, the renamning ' ' .la'.r - . :1 f. :1 1: t'is d:i::es of y : ! ,t s':a fu: ( l all the dut:es of ':Jlau "-. S a:l ]:qal. ni '. shilln have the' S;ocwr *' t the pr:ce and prescrlbe '',e :e::- of stce .of sail pr .perty and :'.c :t ,r t,- I:r w Ih: i !r '. 1 . s i , s s ial be : T s. , ht al ie vested w,::h full, final t:.l. " 'nptte .t t . :r-ce ary, prl per and x,'(Is:' l ' to Ji, a':' I:s r, :' anty and every i, l thi ng t wind u;, and liqu:date the ".:r : + ".1t .,tT,:.s .f the c rporation. A .r:s e VII --Ni c',ckholder shall ever he ..-: e ! res Ins, le for the contracts, faul:s r , t': s of sa:d c rp -ation, nor shall a .' r' e ~, r.: lity ' in s organi tatlon !.lve the efe of renldcr:ng this charter : or , f elxposing a s'otkhlder to any lia. !iry h.e 'i the unpal: , balance due on the lhars , ., -k twn.' l hv him. A- ::ce IX -The su'iscrlers hereunto have re- :.:vt y w'r:t':: opi"ps..te their names, the r';ta :ve!v wr::'en op:e their nanes, the .^i ':-'it tif ck - i in th c rporation sub - e! for blv cach ,f them so that this Act ,f ,c rprat n "trsy al-. serve as the orig ', :th- i:: n l:t tf the corporation. I i d i;e aI: pased, in try office at the ie'y of New ()'rl 's,. on the day, month and yer oitrt hereinatove written, in the pres ence of lessieurs Charles LeBlanc and Frank T. I) .le. c.,n petent witnesses, above the age otf imii ,rity and residents of this State and l,r :-h, wh , have signed these presents, together with sai:d apearers and nme. inri:.rv', after due reading of th1 whole. i'tra. 'a n Signed. Names of subscribers omitted. \\ :n:-es I'has Lefllanc. Frank T. Doyle. T)SEPHI SINAI, Notary Public. I. the ,sind,-rigned Rec 'rder of Mortgages. in ar I for the parish of Orleans, State of L ouis:ana, di hereby certify that the above and fo-eg ::rg Act of Incorporation of the Nutro ('onpany, Inc., was this day duly rec riled to my office, in Book 1212, folio -. New Orleans. (Signed) EMILE J LEONARD. Dy. R. A true copy. JOSEP1H SINAI, Notary Public. Oct 11 18 25 Nov 1 8 15 IT'S A PLEASURE TO TRAVEL With the Splendid Service Provided Via the Southern Railway System TWO TRAINS TO CINCINNATL Leavc New Orleans 8:15 a.. 7:30p. m. Arr:ve Ihtrnmingham 6:9) pm.m. 6:30 a. m. .\rre 4 hattan.iga. 111:55 p. m. 0:35 a.;nm. A:rv'e 'in:nnati 9:15a.m. 8:50p. m. THROUGH TRAIN TO THE EAST Leav New Orleans ......................... 7:30 p. m. Arrives (Chattanooga ................ ...10:35 a. m. Arrives Knoxville ... 2:20p. m. Arrives 'a-hington 7:30 a. m. Arrives Philadelphia .................. 11:12 a. m. Arrives New York ............... 1:38p m. We will be pleased to arrange the details of your trip CITY TICKET OFFICE 211 ST. CHARLES ST. Phones Main 3442 and Main 4172. J. R. WELLS, Division Passenger Agent, New Orleans, La. THE LOUISIANA CYPRESS LUMBER COMPANI Limited Manufacturers of LUMBER AND SHINGLES Large Stock of Dry Cypress Lumber HOUSE-BILLS A SPECIALTY HARVEY, LA. (Opposite New Orleans) Cable Address: "Cypress" TELEPHONE ALGIERS NO. 16 Smoke Portina Cigars We sell lota of 'er. U. KOEN & CO., Distributors NEW ORLEANS PRtI NTING BOOK_ BINDING •wep mptl. Celfln usu. EUGENE JOUBERT "IFr.e i Cas Were onl" 800 'Clerree 5.1. 6132 SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES SAFETY IE COMFORT "Sunset Limited" Solid Pullman All Steel Train--(f).ervation--Di1eh lor, Writing IN'-ks and Stationery. IRaves New Orleans Daily 11:30 .1. M. - No Eltra I Only Two Nights to California NEW OItLEAN.S-S.N ANT'oNIo-.-LOS ASGEJ., S.IN F'It.\('ISCO A Very Quick Long Distance Trip For Full Information. "Sunset Limited" and "Apcw f booklets, apply 227 St. Charles Street--TI('KET OFFICE--'Pho ne If you are a cadJthe position in busl.n t find a course at Stsh that will greatb si chances for suc 0a Soule College has ors. The Solicitr da schools cannot give yt :.-· information oa Sod Clp Moderate Moathby i L SIULE CILLEGE perior Busines, lht. r Is Tim Gateway English CourISu-Di Ta Success In Business Night. Because it is the Home of Thoroughness GEORGE SOUI, & and High-Grade Courses Immediately upon the declaration of the war, the whole Bell Systema as$st at the disposal of the Government. The Government's telephose Bebmse hmamd mount importance, to which every private requirement was necessarily rseiselegu Since the war the demands upon our service due to the ldulld da activities have been unpreedented and are constantly increasing. as oure litam the Government's need for telephone service will increase and will be met. We ask your co-operation with us by avoiding extravagant and wtldd ad_ so that with the other resources of the country, our reserve may be ceasnedia , the full measure of service to the Government and to the nation. T. BARTON BAIRD. District Manager. Cumberland Telephone Telegraph Co., Inc WM, LEIBE REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTI REFRIGERATING PLANTS MANUPACTURERS NP Refrigerators, Cold Storage Bo02 Display Refrigerators. Office and Salesree: 740 Peydras Street Factery: 1124-tii ldi NEW ORLEANS, LA. Save Time at SPENCER BUSINESS COLI1 By mastering the great Spen~cerian S' rtihand and practical Tw Bookkeeping and the most up-toi-,te rt ':hods of penmanship. office practice and business Engl:sh. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS INDIVIDUAL INISN1i. Main to. M o11 m CLEANERS DYERS, IL PHONE: ALGIERS 250 A CONSULTATIOJ with any of our officers will reveal many which we may be of service to you, and ilWtr ' to avail yourself of our facilities. Our U b conducted along lines that assure strength aid curity and a desire to serve our dep@ilt. W careful regard for their special needs We invite your business. Whitney-Central Natioa