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STOCK AWARDS WILL TOTAL $12.000 i Lt of Premiums Offered By Natio.'ml shw in the Cresce::. City. premiums f . u:l ef cattle1 i cattle :' . d alteeia *i te a .nlm . . .. r: , d i ,ve Sock bu. .,NOV 10 19"c .ta. "This .i, of :he best -eib!tsa uf .i e cr , , l d i al t . ' • d ozen d.:" ah uady been elnt1r' Inthe 1. ' " . s . . be paid .:..A :;us and borne. , tal of $,a, =312..0 etnf al T is offered ':' i. d " , . thel - ti ri- ". 1 entered L. : . . - w e d b ) E i " ý.- ,r . ia r gt.' t d a 'r y - panI in th ' 1: whl, 11 are bc onn'. sta r . . . " . . . b y i t "':, ouisiana.1 norte breeders. General ,. ny n ei ,ts to !a '' o show in t n toed on li . , lon d Iruo ersevi and o tt P and plney ir -in f : lns Orlen " Hampshire .;` , ri º. , ,'.at.,.It 10 of the I , i- ,.r "n !, the Am eri a : l!Iii . - , --e}. Blr,,odo r, Assciation" '. .;o offers a $, silver tro1 l , i - .o i::r n c r of t::-: greatest nfl ,' to ' i t Nupw Or leans. The " t:' :..: Durer ll,"cc' , Association o f, rs a ;1..i.r trophy for the beRst ir of f,,ur pigs shown at New Orle',nfl Over T'.' is n`' nod .n she-p. Sheer ire greatly n to build tip t :u souths lie st. , .r,, tih n and ill New Orhle:r f." .f " more en .'!.e, than any othr s : rn fair. In the !cr e- r~i on. $1.222"50 i the total an ^;:.t (of preliiulns on horses. mul'., j:u ks. jennets and Shet land ponies. Judges pill !,. for befr cattle. John C. Burns, of Texas; for dairy catt'e Hugh G. Van !'.'1: .f I)wa: for hois W. A. William- of Oklahoma: for horses. mules. et". R' M. Kirby of Kentucky: for she-p. E. L. Jordan of louisiana. NIGHT HORSE SHOWS RECALL OLD SOUTH The horse de;,artment and the night horse shows will bring back the a!. most departed equine g;l-y of the Old South. That is not all the unique dis tinction attaching to this part of the National Farm and Live Stock Show, at New Orleans, Nov. Ii to 19. It will have the only woman superintendent to the I'ni.ed States Mrs. W. J. O'IDonntll, a social, suf frage and intellectual leader, whose time Is in great demand. accepted the honor and undertook the task as a lai bor of love. as a daughter of the Old South, and as a citizen appreciating the Importance of the fair. She has interested not only Ieuisiana and Mis sisslppi, but Kentutky and other states, where fine horses are still be. t1U bred and where graceful riding sad skilful driving are not yet lost arts. She has gathered a staff of aids, young and old, gentlemen and ladies, from Captatn James Dinkins, se of Forrest's dashing cavalry offi cers, who still sits his horse as erect as the bonniest boy going to the front, to the newest leaders on the polo teams. Herbert 3. Krum of Lexington. Ky., b rallying many of the winners at the big horse shows to participate. so uas to give the king of sports a boost Ii this section, and Manager Renny sonma has engaged gome profess:onal performers of national prominence to add to the attractiveness of the pro grammes. hNUSEMENTS FREE AT NATIONAL FAIR A thoroughly attractive array of amusement features, for which no ex. ts charge will be made to the visit ag public, has been ¶rovided for the National Farm and Lise Stock Show at New Orleans. Nov. 10 to 19. Chief of these free attractions is IBtU Law, world famous aviatrix, who ill make day and night flights, not nly looping the loop, but performing some of the aerial tactics which are br more thrilling and which have beea developed by the reckless cour ae of the flyers sern ing under all the flags clashing in the war. Miss Law it probably the highest salaried womn 55 in the world A few prima donnas Say receive more foe a single appear ase, but they do not perform so often. Steam fireworks will be seen at Net Orleans for the first time. Fink's Conedy Mul Ci:r('u ~ ill have an ar thy of clever does. monkeys and men S addition to the mules. The Four Roeaders do an equilibrium act d'e.rt., heralded as a marvel Enf.)rd's \Vhirl i ig Sensation has been:: the thriller at most of the biz fairs Olympia de Vail and com;an.y, with exceptional riders, horses ant dogs., have been en gaged as a sp,' ial feature for the Night Horse .<sow. anti aiio will ap Pear every lv The Nicht lorse Show on Frilday 4d Saturday N-v 1 and 17. will be rOne of the '; ,- ,,., tts of the fair. and tll attr"% t , .. fr, un th' ranks sf .o-:,.. ,-"' . Nw O ijtLeans, et thrua" - u:h Luckily. the f.l! ,f kla:ki clothes for romen is I:-inur. Khaki is for sol re and thl governmenlt needs it alL Bit if the silk hat is abolished. as aSU ded ly ec',,tmic experts, how SIt be possible to pull off paradeast !t a mighty small and Incense Seattal community that hasn't a Oe -a spyD of some sort within its make 4 Wi_ the British taking so many *i". ehem here lately, It would see ".the, could lend us a few to M_ :._ t at_ . , ,a#-.---=--= * - A Furniture Style Show \Vith our alterations completed and newly-arrived consignments of furniture adequately and artistically displa\ ed, we are sltagiin what i vir tually at Furniture Style Show for the New Orleans public. It is such an exhibit as will have worlds of interest for persons who incline to better things in furniture-persons who value Iurniturc for its artistic worth as well as for its more practical service value. The new patterns are dainty and full of real beauty. They are well worth seeing. We welcome visitors, and no one who calls to see our ,.ispla, need feel an obligation to buy. The customary Grand Rapids low prices are in effect. Solid Mahogany Queen Anne Li i" WiW ~~ brary Suite, $595.00 SManufactured by the ctehrated S. Karpen & Iros. Constructed 1- *throughout of dull mathogany, has cane back and sides, includes 72 , inch da'enport settce. which is fitted with bolster roll and two round pilt.ns. 72-inch dav\.n port table, fireside rocker, day bed, fireside chair. suite is uphoAstere, in silk damask. Only the finest materials and workmanship used in making this 595.00 Charming Louis XV Boudoir Suite,Twin Beds, $295.00 nli '' ite ..................o ... n ...c L Asi V17C. afl mhongany' library suite. is made with cane panel back and sides. includes settee, larce lounging arm chair. 1 side rocker. 1 Old Ivory Finish side chair, full length davenport table in mahogany, upholstered Hres the newes t bedroom suite offered in New Orleans. Includes twin beds anity case, three-mirror in silk daes imask,. Karpenneg.e cushions; 395 00 Gate -Leg Table tresses. Dlesigned in the Adam style, lacquered in old ivory; a wortawhile suite ...... 3-piece solid walnut library suite, cane panel back. includes sette, $9 "95 Adam period bedroom suite, finished in old ivory; includes vanity case. three-mirrow dressing table, c'if" arm chair, and arm rocker, uph,,l-tered in fine 169.00 tounier, lull width bed, coil spring, mattress, rocker, bedroom chair andl dressing table 1 5Otapestry: loose cushions .................. .Constre of solid mahogny chair ........................................................................ 9 . 5-piece solid mahogany iving room suite in W illiam and Mary and inished dull, very new; allmhogn William and Mary period, constructed throughout of genuine solid American walnut; suite includes period. has automobile seats, upholstered in tapestry or velour, styles d twin beds. high-base dresser. desk, three-mirror dressing table, chiffonier, dressing table bench. bed- includes 2 arim chairs. 2 arm rockers and large settee; t79.00 room chair and bedroom rocker, two springs, and two mattresses. One of the finest and 3 a value at most exclusive bedroom suites on sale in New Orleans ......................... . ......35U"* Adam period. dainty and attractive, done in the new stylish Adam brown mahogany. includes vanity case dresser, bed. chiffonier, wardrobe, three-mirror dressing table. rocker, bedroom chair, and dressing table hair. also a night table, spring and mattress. A rich looking suite and a 243.00 value at .................................... ......................... ..........0 Colonial destgn,. constructed of genuine quarter sawed oak. includes princess dresser, three-mirror dress ing table, chiffonier, bed. wardrobe, brass canopy, rocker, bedroom chair and dressing table 129.00 chair, center cable, spring and mattress, and two pillows............................ Colonial design, constructed and finished in mahogany, includes princess dresser, three-mirror dressing table, chiffonier, wardrobe, bed, brass canopy, center table, dressing table chair, rocker. 139. 00 and bedroom chair, spring and mattress. and two pillows........................... . Style Lamp Colonial design, constructed and finished in genuine Circassian walnut, includes princess dresser, triple- Ever Sty le Lamp mirror dressing table, wardrobe, bed, brass canopy, chiffonier, center table, rocker, dressing table chair let+.i"-+ and bed room chair, spring, mattress and two pillows. A dependable 225.00 i here for your selection; complete suite and a beauty at ............................................................ stock and assortment of shades. t Mahogany standing lamp and silk shade .............. .... 16.75 Old gold base and post with old gold sAilk shade ................27.50 Mahogany Fire-Side SChair, $14.95 1Made of solid mahogany, has cane 1 very attractive and new. iI I[ 6-piece living room suite. constructedi of quartersawed oak. and fin ished a rbincthued, fitted aith automobile cushions upholstered in tapestry, consists of 2 arm chairs, 2 arm rockers, largeH settee, andi a library table to match; E / special at this price .............. ................... . 9 . 5-piece living room suite in 3-piece duofold living room Early English. upholstered in suite, can be had in either fumed moleskin, fitted with automobile oak, mahogany, Early English cushions, 2 arm rockers, 2 arm or golden oak, includes arm William and Mary Period, Solid Mahogany, 395.00 chairs and a rockr erand1 . We want to call your attention to this particular dining suite because it is unusually well constructed of ] [ table . 2 arm chairs and four side chairs, the seats are cushioned ad upholstered in genuine 9 0 Mahogany Tea .Spanish leather. This suite is fine enoug re the dining room of at king .............. 0 0 n Queen Anne period, constructed and finished in American walnut; the very latest word in style and wood" .a ge in Includes 10 pieces buffet, chirna closet, serving table, extension table, 2 arm chairs and 197.50 W on four side chairs; genuine Spanish leather seats.....................................a5a n ., - - William and Mary period. Constructed od finished inr American walnut, includes 10 pie ces, bu ffet, serving table, extenaion table. china closet, 2 arm chairs, and4sideh cair, cushione se 79 O0 6 9 in genuine leather; a snap at ......................................................... Wililam and Mary period; constructed of quarter-sawed oak, and richly finished in a nut brown Jacobean;e includes 10 pieces. 60-inch buffet. extension table, ehin a le t serving table, 2 arm 1 White Beauty Kitchen chairs, and 4 side chairs, leather seats.......................................... . D contrute and.0 f Colonial design; constructed of ewhite solid oak; includes 10 pieces, and finished in either fumed oak, ished in rich mahogany has re or Early English; includes 6oinch buffet 54-inch extension table, china closet, serving 119.50 niovable glass tray lined with The int ire e xterior is in table. 2 arm chairs and 4 side chairs; special at................................... cretonne, military wheels; very an white enamdl slgpr Queen Anne period; constructed throughout of solid oak, and finished in Jacobean; includes stylish and special at this prie. flour bin. sanitary bread and bake buffet. serving table, china closet, extension table. 2 arms chairs, and 4 . . 93. 00da,'er n ath abinet r side chairs drawer in. fact.... thi. cabinet.... ...Englhas·ln olonial design, constructed of solid oak, finished in either fumed oak or Early English; in-vice t hlp yu in lightening cludes buffet, extension table, china closet, serving table. 2 arm chairs 79.00 your kitchen duties. Sand 4 side chairs ...................................................... L In ordering by Mail please aSe habla espanol mention finish desired On parle francais so as to avoid delay ,s Se parh tlin n shipping. italiano