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CHARTERS S IER & )., INC. S of A^e: ,-. S:at:e cf Luisi- I So States : ; - :y oi New Or e - that in this ko an d : e ae.s r S n e Yileyer qualtied, v11swn. , .a.e 0o Sthe a:. the w.t r and i e , cr.ign'ed: As Lere:'•a,: e t.e persons 55 y came a ., ined as :his ate :.c ,y of Pe0t or -rat .s. , Aw.o de: c :.h -s of the o f the AC-s year 1914, 'ate , c . . . , they Sand Ac: - . y taese enan'ed :a- them S d cove: .. 1 qgrs ti. the - ~d ,ther ' . ." n,::·t body .le i he , ses and un lt--" I T Therh"s Ci- shaj1t t ' d erjoy lader and per 1 Uf :_.yease.r "'e - n :. , rs rig ne Ybsea rs, l. su d e tol ease. .., :l ate or 1 re. n :x d, :re. ioroprt ; , .. ." ' aryng .ci n adentl - : ar .r pcta and proper e ad "i kle II -The i r st manager i, i Cs Cor et oy Of Oree ai sl citatdon a•d to e 0 r10 0d. e ra' , d' " '+. - : > d1., every Spierte d pr ep r Secr r p* C Article II.-Tih woeall be in ':c - a caonrr:' ' " -' nt . t ..1 -I " - { " , te eelsary or e, 'e a...- I.. , :-'s arid as and d a cS oat3 dent, to the Anicld share af the rf e ouf Cidred shares .. f + n dollars p :, r a , a :s t r a (raton ed rpora ,. " "; ' . ... . a"l three i been subscribe id. a .1 tir in. cash, . ibtsa eq orr:et ' d ac as tann ery, sha' e- r h. C lIable ia t lhe ts, C o da • th!e is ~iruo, ir a .y it.. sn'i. : tan thetr rSg balan c due to ie c ',ra ,in tn the Sof tock sn " r "e :o " a sh m, raeor 6ll ay mere Cn' I:-i'C;tS C In rie ..rgan za r e the effet r t r. ::g this char uall or exosp:g any tsar. , der to any Iaty whatsoever icle V-Al e c;:r irate powers of *acnreoration shait 'e vrrtel in in1d cxer by a board of d rucor~s t tIc comr of o is herebye at icolder: a tarity of Sshadoll carslt ""r a , ':Cl n escrs ct rs rarat in shall con e of a President. me rr silent and Sec WTeasdu er, ar l of hmt shall be mem i Of the board of drcpa- nars. 1e btllo-inrg named evers~ns shall conati be the first soard of dnreca: rso to-wft: Easy Wainer, President. 3116 Palmyra brat K. Lichtensteiln. Viice Prestdent 212 I lamport Street. and Bernard Bennett. Sasiontte Sirene, Sy ucret-:ar-:rsu rcr, and a direcaors aned i tiers hall ion on their Sa es until the second Tuesday in fr, 198 stor uknti their sc.cces-rs shall oe been duly elected and q:al:lte ed. ereafter the derecori shal:l be elected Val-ty on the second Tue-day in October deach year hein sninha g :h the in ar 191x: Selecta on r of d rrectors thal: be by ballot d each stockholder shall be ntmajorld to Am rte fo eaon share of s:r k standing Le is name on the ,rat of e corrall tion. the e to P e cast in -'rs5 or l by. and Se-rx sa~ t shall require al . y of tishalle stock posest it 'epresefited ti eect. Article I.board-The br f d:rectrs shall met and adopt such by-laws. roles and latons golverning na the maagement of onstis ao ftirn as the d irectors shall see tit. Atcle VII-The several restckhldent, 212rs e not to sell. trand sfer. donate or other ae dispose of any of the share or shares ad tofk held by them without offering the Sstrock to the crpo-al theirn. which shall se the right within ten days from date of shfter the id stock offere I far sale, in l or in part. at a price ti be agreed upon ems on the said oruordatin ay i the said eaehslder, provided that the said p1rce 6i not exceed the trexinmia value of the il stock so offered ctor salel whih value ea determined to shale tl be value of the il stock as it appears on the books of the a vote forin as c f that dofe. After such i should the corpora! ,kn decline to pur Ase said stock, the shareholder shall have o rghet of option to offer said stock for aleo t other person or persons, by rxms r arporations. Article VIII.-This charter may be rmosi it d atered, the capital stock thereof in eud or decr-eaed. or the corporation may atons goverd with the assnagement of -thirds Ste capital stock present or represented AU meetinl of the stockholders held for ilnot to se after pransfer notice n ritin to *Itseokholder or mailed to him at his Snw dispost office address. or in accord d wist the terms of Acwithout offer the *ticlke IX-At the cexpoation of this char Sthe earlier dithin oluton dayf ths corpdate of ps for any cause, its affairs shall be d ay one oir more the pquidators to be by the stockholders. all of whom bi theld stock in said compand and the eisoner, provi are herthat the sated rith U power and authority to liquidate the ill nof said company in accordance with b terms of Section 2Y) of Art 26; of 1914. rttele I-The off pearers herbf h declare Sthey have sdetermined to be o the folue of thing ~er of shares in the proart ion set oppo their names. arnd th e bsionursof thereto I enntitte their original asucrip tion to apital stock of said corporation in the oin set opposite their nar's. handied and forts-nine shares, Harry : Or share. Meyer Lrchtenstlein; blfid t and fifty shareo. It. Bennett. k os oand passed in my office in the AO Ifew Orleans on the 8th day of Octo , so the presence of Martin H. ad Allain C Andrt , competent who have sirgned these presents, with the said appea-ers and me, fIdr due readrng of the whole. S One hundred forrv-nine sha-es. winst One share. M ichtrenstein; One u t shares, R. Bennett. Allain C. Andry, Martin H. S. -REFI'S. Notary Public. r tderseilned Recrrder of Mortgages t eg the Parish of Orleans. State of do hereby certify that the above i acs t of incorpsrapion of the 1. u Co., Inc. was this day dsly ite lsmp offce in hoa 1212, folio 545. I ILE E .T LEONARD P. T. ean tify that the above and fore S5true sa d correct copy of the orig . eor-T and on file in my notarial mr s bRET i USh Notary Puplic. ·R IlOT!SIANA4 L.AAN & INVEST MKiEtr (og IN . tes o f Amersca. Starte of Lonuisi rish of Orleans, City of New Lsma, that on the 1lth day of Usneteen hund-ed and seventeen. E le thelred Mf ca-ilav Stafflord, a tic. dly emiminsioned and qualil for the Parish of O-leans, State t er. reidina. andid in the pres Sitses hec-inafter named and rae )Crsonally care and appeared use names are hereunto sub , , the full are of majority. who .wh availing themselves of the 5nd laws of the State of Louisi t the organizapion and forme g5 ions. and ma-c particularly ac ts of d the le-slaat re of the ana of 1914. they have cove a pned and do by these pres ,w agree arnd hind themselves ,b may hereafter become asso ,,te ,and their successors, to : ainto a corporation for the U.rigend R under articles of manse and title of this cor S- and is the lPonisions Loan Coeieany. Inc., and utnde its - e-aSt it shall have power and CHARTERS. authori:y to have and enjoy corporate ex :stence for a period of ninety-nine years I:J:n the date hereof. C Article II.-The domicile of this corpora ::.n shall be in the city of New Orleans. n:ate of Lou:slana. All citations and other -.-gal p'ocess shall be served upon the Pres l': : ,f said corporation, or, in case of his ur:,crce or inability to act or any vacancy a toe ,tnce. upon the Vice-President, and n te ac,,ence or inability or resignatirlun ,t O:h a'rsident and Vice-President, upon ' re S.'ectary. The president shall be the executive otficer of the corporation; he shall ;,:e,:de at all meetings of the Board of IUrectors and stockholders. Article Ill.--The objects and purposes for i*lJth this corporation is established, and a he nature of the business to be carr:ed on ,y it are hereby declared to be as ial.ows, sU-ait: 1 o engage in the business of lending rrrnrey, and to conduct a general loan busi ,.-r; to borrow mntuey, to make and issue .n ,l, payaSle to bearer or otherwise, or ,tcr or d:afts for the same or for any debts .r o:rgal:aons Incurred by it, or for any e:r puarIo.,es of the said corporat:on, an011 tJ are same by :nt,rtgage or deed of trust anry ao .:, pr perty, t, advance m:ro-:ey on S-;er', :h :.. ,va:le and it::n ovsa e, and S:. :e :, .i::garge , gc. cr a:.y otier se ': tl cf , ,r; , ssu, e .,i kind, o: S -. atd geoer,.iy to d , at the . s : 'c --. ,t , . I, , *iaysv t .iry anu S. : :~t ' i d uInu: , ,". A": .e IV.-Th.; ,ra:s,: nay sue an, rci .1 ad , 1- :,: '. .:r, p,:t'. ;e, t .1 - . ' s-.,.er use a-.d S0 \' rt',[ t -l. e an,] p-:, -.a: a:. ti ..xs d ,-'%, i a. , r ,r :-. wn : l":: \, a.nd r u,"la .on I to : ghts p w- n ." c0,, t i, ..,al e , ty,. any gae a ~ ,,: tie sea ,it :t powers : ,. n a loc.t:r t , tt" as. ts:ry i; n the ., Llcr. -~t. . -.1,:,. . , t,',, c- \ ,'t "., anti " .re !:cr-t .,!id c,:,ertry :tle .e : sh . 1 a t acqire rea1l ,e Jthr- f0c0i I-: u :: ort condcting theon .' " :.v a:1 ,t ,::d ra S- . T cian :al starek of thisa:r, car -..t. "' - 1 - r t! gh ' e r s Fl-, pacts a:,d S- I a' tbe sty o twenty gn ~ n ~n S:-k. o thec par value viI . r ., , a:i ,: ,.n ", p u. Said d ,lars *rl v: urioe uc la vatue of $2Ul.00 S,:, y vxer\ ", -e .:, s rall be powablers •, r. t":-! anhs 'ite oardcr of ry in the ' te r :t:gn th b a gntryg concernthat sha : -- a- n.s i may acquire real es,:eon as S.-er V.e o.T e id cii:al sitok of ths c hal S:1 in i -v ,yri .c I at the s:ny or ctent of i l. t 1 , 1 r: ad uv: a y i pai d ten i. ,and .r ta, r::rn n s: hal ,k of te par vale ofn S.- , .qt In a:r C. and ten thouasand d )liars St:t err1 -. .k oifr the a:ry vaurrere o f , r oa ae f D ory bhs dulyr -thu... rzsd age t in wroit rig r-.-s- t' - . e ded Pthca-asad dollars. brit : ,k r sta scall enioyr shall be p w-ayable ,i - t-sideI the i cree Iloard voted for at S eeg r called by to-thirds of allne. TIe (,-,r;,,mon Sock ised mayh. be a g ig concern, :re asd ta frn. trte irie dollars onb a vst rt 'he Hard of cirestorh ot the ctrporation. Ay cr re; I e rof id n str)ck shall hae: -. r nlet an ec'si ane cnf: -ol of thent of fairs of sari sroilr p -aI.n. n-ai the exclusive 'I :rt to -te atr al s :khler y paid in. gs. A! t-l V-r refe sre shtc all be madent : ho..n of `ne ,c rp.ra :.,u1 by o-ur'ender of ' "':e ,, ; : : .i . rtmcale propC er .v e 1 'n- r .el for .,t ei: l tr: ,efe -ece sta rakh rlnd n who s ilr that aecdnt shall ise ed may be in -I. ,d to ,the cnrird-ed st hc uad dollars, but A ,e ,rr. rre stck shall enjoy voting pdrw Srle af'rsdel the increase dr voted an aor- at ed etn dually called, byte two-th ards of all ' te ck. ,rr n s:.,ck. Th e (mm A theock issued e may bowers of cr to red or f:a shall ed dllars byin an exer-vte ed the b ard if Deetor of the crporae eletedon. re nac:e VI-deowers -. ttmmln stoc k stavd :he ompa quete an, for thexclusive transcton of thebsi tae airs of sd irectors of th e ratexclusiven sot' -r mtraet . Hart. WV. A. Itrsso. Fred 4 1 rh r' II. W. Robinson. D. A. Capdau, r:ht to v te at all te erall meetind suchgs. A t:-e of Vlo.--referred sck shall be ent ed toi of e:ght per ent, and any exces of prtmts er that for eachnt shall bre of said stock stie and r;, 1 thete to be cast kin ersn. or by pe ,le.t af.e shall require a jedriy of stockr ee oequalr ly between to elect.wo casse of urt:e to V .-lect tha oard on te frerst Mofm r I iv of Octorer. 1918, or at any other time hi coreaftert s, not work a forfeiture ofr red h, a Bt athe od Dreeo-ad. to be elrectors tinull reiy, tn fedfice until thir successorse. -r elected thand elssuen n. duties. hall ' .he officers of this corporationn sthalckl cn S: i g t alrr nament, ce-President and eunncum etary and Treasurer ad the boalrdl cnti r a qne the ofce of ecretaranscty and Treof basi-urer - that sante may tie held iry one and the 'nped the nt i the election cin Ir, t191he w ,lg ersons shall ca nstitste the officerstate the h.'ard of Ijiec'rors of tah; corporati,,n. C'll rt pr Samuel 1. Hart, . A. lsrto, Fres A E art. . sso. RbVice-Prnson ide. At. aF. . i i Necretary-Treasurer. Al electi-tck; sall be b' ball ot, and suchr Se vote f r each sh annually of ck members ,t ine biars may ihe ld woheneer ordereda ' the vote to be ctast in pern, eedor by - - - tr crshrnt of thre ostoa rding sti ck, cor - ,reand r pre rferred to et Scn of ich ctor etings shall le given ain - he reat er ri-iuredl by law try personale of c carte h th ckholder my det i osirting in raf the meitr g. also that cac sti tockhclder tarll hasec at least 15 days •ot cc t- reof. e koldcers may. hiaweer shall ae written - c-rc anf appear in perston or by pioxy.d i Artnle ad -This charer may be amended.y :I Ired ' alten ed witl the cosent of two- - ' nhirds of the amount of common stock pres Sit -r represented, at any general meetinge tree after ds e notice as hereinibefore pro ;- ' ck inderson whether for the purpose ofr - -I, iii-on or for any other purpose. may r held at any timh. e withou otc by mnan-. rtn s consent of all.- stockholders, in writinge le d srth the Secretary. Article XIf -This corporation n may ber dis -avenr and its affairs liquidated whenever ,n he t oar f he e of he ajority of the whole r oard of Directors it shall be deemed adyis ortle. if ratified by a two-thirds vote of all Sitckholderst or by the consent, ian writing. e - ll if the outstanding st ock, in whichn esent no meeting shall shle necestsrei' oti s cause, its affairs shall be liquidated uhnder the superentendence of threnae (3t stockholders to he chosen for that purpose r r maetr t of the outstandingt stock.h They shal remain in office until tie haffairs rf sal corporation are wound p and fullyre :in ,ated In case oft the death of tone of hi commiossoners. or of the refusal or in rint.r of one of them to act, the remaining f ritatd ors shall continue to act with full -eaer in the place and stead of the com r, fa.rltso thii of rporaton rn any furthe -tm than the unpaid aloance due the cm . any on the shares of stock owned or sub ,scribed for by him; nor shall any inf-rral tyin ai aniration have the effect of ren • psing the stockholders to any liability. Thus done aid passed at my office, in the Ssve of New t leanir on tire day. month and scn herein jd st above writeny in the ores ar reof T i. arter. ITr. and Daniel Wed ling. Sconpetent witnesses, residing in said city. l I who ha- heroreunt signed their names with I he sid appearers tand in . Notary, after den readi g of the whole. WeOrigvnal Signed: Fred. A. Eadhart. 25 n cares: e A. Capdau. 25 shares Samuel - dart. 4th shares; r e. A. Bso, f shares. - IIt , Rk o s on. 25 shares. H. Carter. Jr., ,FTaFaIREty M STAFFORu Notary Public I. the undesisred Rein oe of Mtelgages. n and for the Parish of Ot'eans. State of a csi s ar do neeb, certfv that the shoer - Oand ftoretine Act of Tneearrtsotion of tiie a 'r'iana Loan ha Tnvestment (o'a.. Inc.. was - this day duly recorded in my offlee, in Book New onrleohs. O stotiec 1r. 1Q17 f(Si.redi FMILE J; LErONsARD. -Dy. R. e- n the ('ischat. a iTHFLRthe M STAt P ORD. Notary Publi. 1 Oct ri 25 Nov 1 8 aS 22 CHARTERS. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ATLANTIC OIL COMPANY OF LOU ISIANA, INCORPORATED. State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans. lie it known. That on this, the seventeenth day of October, 1917, before me, Thos. E. lFu-:ow, a duly commissioned, qualified and acting notary public in and for the Parish nf :rleans St:ate of Louisiana, and in the ;,:c'nce of the hereinafter named and un ,lers:g,:ed witnesses, personally came and ap lae:ri the several persons ~hose names are .scrcu:.t: suscr:ied and severally declared that. avai!;t:g themselves of the general laws Af the Sta:c of Lovul:ara in such cases made and provided, they have fir:i:cd and o-gan .zCd and .! by these preserts f rm thie:n .e. cs and such others as :nay hereaf:er '- ,e . ,:.ated wi :h them in a corpora tiosn and body polit:c in law, for the ,ibe.t:s ::Id ;u':';- c.-, in the I,:i w:i g at:::e b t i tr: an ] expresse, which they ad ;rt as tt: "e I-'TIe name a^'I t:::e of c:r - ,.; "1 - ..- i c, A :t .an:: c :.: t ,:n: ,any ,f " :t 1, a- .: s_ a i ex st S.. .... y . ate na: .. .. .e n 0 i: l "Lt ats t - , ' '.1 , ., " s 1 ie -I-n- ST '. -a i e vr . • :: t- " , d . t I - o . .. . '\ l. : .. .. . 1 w" . ('ý: It .,- ,fi f' "- " - ::- . . a:'. tic - T ' c r at`:.. I r -,' 1 o, a" i . S.1. l" Itir .' . t. h. e rsy t .:1c.- t l.hcrr N 'tse '' -" • c11 V ,-I:',', c. "- -' t :, Prl eR, • T, '. - F . t "' , N-- :is. .P a'c T e . ! . : t i ;'"e t,",' .1 . : `e · t eT it ed e 07 , r t e IV. ,: e n 7;1 1- e . a 1, we-rs. a t'. , " " , 1", >. ?"r: , t sC'i . t .c naa s t '-e .it' T . : I , :-1-. 1.,l: 'i rne i f ldr an ,s a-l 1 i }] - - \ Par:; 1'" or:lans. S:atr of :,t ' I', ,"II" l i.r I F :. THIt,. ' a R-e TOn e .FtRTC . N.t,10 e -.':c-. iic 1 v Tt: 2 CHARTER Fl AIT.KER ShO"'V'-CASE HSOR"S. tINC. I \' .- Or;' ,. :etcy of New' 1I.,', :: -,- . that on thc 4h day of the " r" w.:, t e . . t' ,,; w ha -e r . u the," u no es' . i, 1, e I a:ld Seentearn. A, tnr i. the one hodred and fo-t" . . . , -- t-' 'te\ fi ,n MT 1:, eal" ", rter T -I pSuc c. duly F conir\isioned and P ui' i . i' anid r ahis ciev andt the Pa'-, ,i" ;,s Or: ",ns. herhin o er;:din. avd in theC -it-e -e . the wIier ,hrinadher n rme T-l la- i la thems of th\ N',te relatv e Ih . -t i ,-'.he a: of c ,rp they haiveo Syeua' n: 'I anI agreed. and do, by these e-" cots. C-vveni' and agree and find them Nf,,r be. " n e as oc-ated with them. to in a rstrtue a cnrporatio' and b-dv Ttc in a. fr the Oject.s and iurp's!ec Su - :dl e t caue s , m stip:lat Sais and ar:s : .s hre: a'it.r set forth and expres:ed, sht h the herefy adopt as their charter, A, trle I.-Ti" nne hu and style of the cner :it in sh I tfer f te Walker ShowrCase A k er, I'c. thed seal continue for a ter* <, nd 'crf- re ves. f ,in dare hereof: shall , dmicy pu''I , the City co f New Orlleans -'Te F -Lui-lana The president of the S, -ai on. d r, in his absy ence, the secretar: ' Ohcir oreain. shall be the proper officer Suin hesignn all citorsn and c:her legal p:o eares dii1 he sever pe-sond whoe name lArt tr I.-The bjects and psevurposes for 't!ihe t"hi' co- ::sraton is organifed and the navnire ,f the lawsnes to he artar:ed on rebat it ie declared to ie the following: To eny hgage ,vei tae manfd are f shoand dwcse, mirry thers. :eture and cabinetsa and all kinds and ire- i wellk icident other or identified a ma h'erewith: to hiiy and sell, in both whole -.le and retail, and to deal in show-caser ac1 nv.rrrs. fistttrCs and cahinrts. and all itn.- and chanc;tter oaf material and worb !anhip i enti a fr with or clats anified weth tie manclfactire of show-cases, mirrors, fix -s. c.ih:ne:ts and framework of any k:n' ,-i.I churn-er eh.FtsoCver in the Cxey of New (-leans c. elsewhere, and to carry or -b<'h other hisinres incident ti or connertel ¾ snil mtnufacturtr wholesale or retail. -lwe- aseo. m:rror, fixture and cahlinet bus Aricle IT.--The capital stlck of this cOr ,, .-,n is f-re at the suam of five thousand ,lollirs In$.dmm a,, divided into fifty a 5ii -,hires of the par value of one hundred dol is $l(SImMI each. and such stock may be '.'icd for cash, or in payment of properth -eceired by or service rendered to the cor -r, t " n. No stock shall be disposed a with 'sit firvt offering the same to the car :,-raonwn at its t.ook value. The corporat:ior lill have thirty days within which t. --crept or decline such offer. All stock trans Ars t' he valid must be made on the book f thel corpolration. This corporation shal ' re a n-ing concern when five thousand dol -s (SiOfnimi of its capital st-cik shall have 'ren clsrbcribed and paid for. The capita stock of this corporation may be increased fr ur time to tine, to an amount not ex crding fifty thousand dollars (nSO.boh.w0o) Article TV.-Al.41 corporate powers shall i srestel in a hoard of directors, to be com -sc-d of three stockholders, a majity ao who,' a efutrtrn. which board of di'ector 'itll hold ofrice until the fourth Monday it e,tr'ber of each and everw year. or unti c* cessors shall have been elected an< tetaMed. The first hoard of directors shal "e elected at a general meeting of stock ¾ .'drrs ti be he'd as soon as convenien -fr the recordation of this charter in the 1'-tgc-e OeFice. and the said meeting shal l-ws et elect a president, a vice pcesident secr tary and treasurer. which latter twi ffri~.s may he held byr one person: whic ',oard of directors and office-s. when s, e'ecrned. shall hold office until the fotrtf Monday in. September. 11. All meeting -f stockholders shall be subject to a ter i,.ys' notice mailed to each stockholder ay hs last known place of residence. In the event of death or resignation of one or mire ef said hboard or officers, the remaining mem hers of the hoard shall supply the racancyr Article V.-The corporation ma! buy, lease mortgage or sell real estate, as occasion mar -equire. during the course of its objects ant fthrsCcs. and all such transactions shall be earced by the board of directors then it Article \f.-This esrporation may i e vendedn altered or modified. or the corpo - ton dssotsled, by a vote of two-thirds o ,he stockholders, voting by shares at : -nre'inc convened for that purpose. after ff er ays previous notice of such mree'no iha" have been given as required by law to h' event of a liuidation, either by cx e**-ten of this cha-ter or otherwise. it a,,5~ shall be lion dated hv the hecd an -,rroers then in omfe. who are vested witl 'a" power to sell all the assets and p'oertv -'*r and pe-sonal, of this charpoation t -,nve-r a full and c'1nnte'e title the-eln. ia n e-eform all arts ressential to a full :ne -,?nntee liquidation oi 'he affairs of thi -"-eoration. ael to dicde the proceeds, i ; ay. in accordance with law. CHARTERS. Article VII.-No stockholder shall ever be held liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of the corporation in any fur:her sum than the unpaid balance due the c,, porat:on on the shares of stock subscribed by h:m; nor sha!! any nwrre Inforn:al:y it :rgan.zati n, or failure to elect diret is and *tiuers at any tonie, have he efeit f re: er:ng t:,;s charter null, or of cx;~o - ::g a :sckholder to any lia:,:lty beyond the u.:;loaid baitnce due on his st.sxk Iha i ," ,'e a:id pases., at mny ofirce, In the (iy .t New I irea:s. on the day', on, a`n year herren f'c t ab,' c wr:t::e , in :.,e pr - cnce o. lM-..uris A::,:': If. R4"ter a":' A . r" 8:: '. ;".,e: ": w ::Ce -e , w:. " rte - 1 a;,;,. ,·s .: i ::'e. : ,:.,-y. a"er e d ::: ,: . A id t i ;eart:s . . .-t" ." : '. L \., e . 4i ; ' a' . .'. , J V . ti e r. 4,,, t'. .":. , ' j ,'e, L \\a k "-, 4.0 " a:a I. e : 1. R -! - f it .\ . . . .. \\ • t , I , . \_ -, k, AMENDMENT TO CHARTER S'- . . ' '.aI: I. .i IA . : , l e A . 1 ,' " "" - 1..t : i:: .1 1 \ , . t t .," ,- i "i"A der ^,r . to. "" , I : 1 r , "\ .:,- : t-1 :'et: : A t ,'" ,: .t Ri -" " , " : - - " i Ii . . . . . " , , d : y :qr -h - - - - - - - -h j . - -f -:' e . -'i, '" . r : :s e i-. - , -. I ' : . ' P "' : . " : • . , ':' . t1: . ' . . ;· ,' ,,,i i'...:• i t. " < 1 ,t ~' S" " . . .:' .V Ia ir M S - ." .t , - . .. a < - - t" --. - r .1 C "- ' , t f' , ea l . "". : " e.'t- "'.. : i . -d i .tilf i V- -aC 11 t '." - , : ''e A ' . '. ' ' , "e, d a e a ,'1e :, T"cdop '. - - :. k ' :,e c l "-'le . a; e :I-i. .' .' t ' s ' re g 'e"r y ee V I-A -vte ru'r *p- 'f i colde ,·rd pTr"r.:`v " r y de- i * e h i e - : ,. 'e leet '" I; l jI , , "t! a"p re t" ,n,': ete]. S: '.. f.- ,, , .oinr ef s.'.k -anl! ng 1··: ·: b.we -b<:, : nrw sh€all thae t ri . erl, - V re, t ,e r- tr of the lI s-. t i ne: s :eil n"'t .,' ve the Car '" ., Velr,^"1'.be. -i-n o," t hall 'rnars in offite ui:t' The-'r 'ucci--ors are ¢. rr 1 an"r1 qu ii h1if" . e:r on ' t e'- a Prei'~ent. a Frat p-e I e '-:e it an' . a Se- nd i '-",r esident. Ther s!! elect ar i -se SeCreta s an! a Treasurer. - e per- .-n who '::':!1 ,he , ot, . either of '- n m" v r r ml noe h'e ie'nhCer of the o HrI. They shall have poHr and author •r, from 1tIe to tine. to nmre and appoint s ,uch " "trs. acE n ts or 'the:- employees " ;.Y .'e tdnieI nece: -ary for' the purpose "'1d tiuint''s 'f the tirooratein. They shall is c p 'wcr to iix crtpensat:on and define "in alI:'es of ers~v offi:er and e-np:. ee, and -I 'tie'rs an d em.ilvers shall hold office i"l em'plolien It at th:e plea:'e of the hiard. T e Voaril tras mue:ake:, anil estab'llsh, as Swel'l as al'er and am.end, any and all hy el r.les .Iand regtlations necessary and iSr i its jlcrkfentet far the c<-nduct, sup -'. and minageren of the ',usiness and Siairse of said Corporation. At all meetings i:he Board of Direct'.rs each director shall 'have the r:cht to a~ppoint a proxy to act in his place and s'nad. 1The teard shall have full power and au i''iir-' to iirr--w m nesv. to exetute m'-rt caes an" d .' eret'e lien.: to issue bnds. ·i'tle an! other olligations and generally to * S1 things reasona e"e, converitnt and nec •ssry for the proper carrying on of the I -r. -r ' of the co*-.- ation T'e tioatrd av o et full paid shares of -to-k for cash or in payment of lahor done or property actually received by said car 1I-in and passed at my affite. at New i .-.tans. the day. month o.d year f rt above n-s-tren. in presence of Messrs. Delvaille H. T'ien d and Gustave Boun.y, competent wit "re-ses. who have signed with the parties and re. notary, after dile reading, crlignal Signell 10S. F. PE'RONNIN. i:nees: Gu, s , nn'. ,Delvaille H Theard. 1 lCI'S. A. T.LAMBIAS. Not Pub. T. the ,ndesrigned Reorder of M:tprages. in, and for the Parich of Orleans. State of I o. ,s'n"a. do heebvy certif' that the ahore i cd foreoing Act of Amendment of tncor no ation of the M. C. Sins & Cotnpan'. Inc.. was thi eda'" di'- recorded in my ,,,e r e in Book 1212. Folio 5,0., ,New Oere. October 15. 1"17 ,",re.d EMILE J. .LEONARD, Dy. Ia. s A true copy G- e A LLAMBlIAS, Noil Pub. 1 0et '1 NO 1 8 15 2Ž Y CHARTER OF 4LT.TFI) C ,HEMrIC 4r. eORKS. INFORPO IUnited S'ates of Amrica. Srate of Louaisi ant, City of SNew Orleans. a Be i . known. that on this. the seventeenth a ,lv of the ram'th of October. in the year a if our Lard. T re thoasar h . nire hndted r and ,'veneenr l bleee 'e. John Marshatl appin :e- .. a notery pi! ic. in and for 'he State a f Louinan. . Parth of Orleans. duly c~m It n sine) and qualfh'ed and in the presence ef the wit:n ees hereinafter named and un Sle sined. personally came and appeared the F several persons whose names ae hereunto o tscribed, ui ho declared that. avaling henm 'elves of the pmvisions of the C-nstitution r and lams of the State of Louisiana relative f the organizatin of corporations, they do s- y'hese presents covenant a"d agree and a hind and constitute and organize and form :athe'seles their successors and assigns and c -ocr o'her pe-snns as '-ty he hereafter be ---"e asaociaed with them. in a coporation dti hly poltic 1 law for the bhiects and Tuno-e' and subject to the followring riles -,' d t:pulatio rs, ehich they adopt as their Atcle T -The name and style of this nsr - naton shall bhe Allied Chenmical 1'o-ks. t T"-* n-orted. tit-ed ad by which name it f *hall exist and einy sucCesson for the full Sneriod of noretv-nine ycvea fronm and after th:s d *e ttnter snorer dissolved. o Ar*C 'e Ti -The domicile of this corpora l ';on is herehb fied in the City of New Otr d 'e'*s. S's'e of T.nuisioa, and all citation' T an ecal ',arvq direoed to it shall he served f on its President. or in the event of his ab sence or inability to aret, upon the Vicea CHARTERS. r .na2.l: y to a tt c" bt to o . ad .ots c ers ' t. .Cen . por -. s .,'e.:e~a''. Art.e III- c , . J ;.i:;,",sr s o:' - , : . . - ¾ \ 1 • : ' v ' t t' . . " i' t -I..I ' :1 . " , ` -'I .t it .. t' ; , 1t, :,. '.5 it .1 rig - r v. ': i-e shr Sr ... , " . ..' . and . . , r . ',. - r.n ' -. ,: - . .! , " • " . . . ie r n , l i i' e 1 " ',' II ' ?l . In ;' .. . ' ! i I.n j. I ' . - -' 's .r'. tase- .l'e , d ' v l Ac tit., coI " 7a'1 n f tr cl .it e or in :I Any t '. n tC r rra . : ;, t -: s-ha b t ie t.r t,, t•u he : e c the • . I 'I t l)I :, t a" r\ 't" e' l " :' / th •.;1, n"'t tir .ed e!r L ,Th sad " lor s': a , : i. nft , . n ' :" ' -r t .ra ·: I "11t h air. '- '. v, a:.-: ther . it a fter. . tt: -n, as r e t r- - r . r .I. t. h' iti . -.. 1',- .. .. s ef ¾":- rty an T re u ;,-- b o' It". h:el ; It r . t . . . r'e." I: ,c 'r -t e t : hi' so', a' : any 'an a' rt.!, - he d1rc': 'Irs . i t . ",.:' . 0 t " . . . I r ." ,it Srti l ~e' a:' N s: or " n 'r t'a - ::r s e ,e - or L et of s tc ertlort :.01, r'r sha-:llo 'i mere t al E tii have . "' n' .i . t ' u t " .a t .: "Oa 'ic dir on .tt Ir:es ," " k i e : ', !tan' :t " , r t ,": 'P t e tt ' e tt c (a .. trno I-d a '" . '-erel ort ti at ," t ,-f te ' c"r 'i' . i f ar a' -en rar cne'poi d " t'-',r" fc tc1r t e h t cr r' at nI -. ven an" ..ik i r"Id e shall a" t at-r w "t. hall l ,'"al'n tnle" rint t el ect" iby a j ri y re' of ' 'c e ..f t e ir rit" : ilIe to f "i" T dt ad seton l h'" t' ne a nd afair , s :c ti C rtday, at l . :' itc re :' tir e dla th ,nt' . er ds :ahi tv 1 hrt en ''n f. tan one or two oe e ader icn pessn rrs " - }fr l l 'td to. ti r , cre ofr, nr. n stock h ar ' i6 - , ,n t , : n,* n c . " e .k" at the" - t: .rr"t h, ,o' .tet .r m .rc, ,' ohr tce cast Ir slit ,,- ter, n:, e a'1 - r- :.,n- ," qu, ti 'rI.e I ' '; -si i t all rot shall r em n in office l " the t- tin e - n . have b or . the 'lrcted .1 qu't ar If.l and failure to elect directors ' -tlat . th e ve ths S ch rp ral p n. t mnye r :.a-,rt in th e B ar .id l of irec shall be 1' 'e and 'er'no of n sale, tie h' o telri and T' :!"e une., " tire'n c-torto: n - lt ort eht" 0re toe rhande taken an' collect n1 to, chins.k v l.e- : at his ,.r kl rm w:n: p tu, fi. e " a', t ]ress - to : 'ns'" a rrnte ndnr fore thn toays e hr p'i'op her' ad of s eso allkttnd. If setsg. a to 'he' coth oocat.n , and to pelartlld dhee ,., -t, andtor ma o alnt ot' e', ac:t or '"'O ing the -name of: the' oer ora tioe whnic ex'i' e- "erm an p't it' i n th e'a pr em aise t A'1y.r at theiir fift o!'oing shalr eopolsta 'e t f's', "o:'de r aof i re ss. o 'hisco : -o .. .tl am1 Dhrets Dot'elsoe asffentr ; . '. . .T and Tre , -,ere L. , Do -m o, h. fd' .y"th Tames V Dor mon, shl , eto .- 'sint.d a"'ll D'e s t ie Prh e sitdepn't . y wrin a T. '.i s a , cer ant- D 'o- e s at t ,' e s'. i' e a. , ,.rary. - t a 1n f t ,,e a nd ..-t: cs t hl r e" n r-e t-" ,, ic'l~' r e t : ": t "he er te'',annual ee, ln o ,-,t'd-, f •s' bs''tl ,:s ,'rho o e n~ thri' "arc- as ' ". are ds- l "' eec, ' d ", and th e said S~ ,"hid shal l hae at'h-b t o 'r e or ne r add' t ,'ioa dheir'e o for th .te tin p i nd s:' ln:o r', .. e tinr mantd it r p re ".videdtion a. 'n rehi of s t charter.n,! e iitr t ~rr n , At f e T Tnhn fo ,llo i are c tirel' n amtc andr 1 the s uincare ado aer"r, of the lre lred " ' u.U awelan d Fcomnren h tsi led o hire ion a-rlporator of .this ct o ir,'reraon in. ' t y S ilalia Dress Msa ra n ir ,l re , 3or d tharoe of r,'nmt In stthe 3 shar es of peerthe sateo . e fl'learth, l. al the a sharltt hoyi f ctmonsonb r anNe , rle ns, of sale of phe rtfne- '" ok t ,Ir - ,ha T ra e tien Dormon. t14nlch t Mtay 'e .t N! - d- h taltr ,La .ore than s resn t dfys Irn t, the tmeetindaesT. Dr man is p id a oe'r -- 'he th'ra es e yn to to tis e cted e tia e o 'he ta',c In and.r a a'af'us pcr ocet s gorodin, il, e t' c of the h caht 'Cai d n ter a ctr r e ring ets s yire eofsr e T oh d' said od hallm annets. tlr hout attr2 T Strt eetvn, thi ere , as pee itsn ina ' tFhe b thei r n d afer of r h, co·pdn o-e re-t are ad' arsnra ienealn ereetoa aend olqeud s reaoire ner. 'p i and harpes I th Ne Voaner, n, and | 1uc Treasure shall he b'taibelheld -! "e a e ter ,, of a y ' ofithe pr e cer y n 'tar"] hr: the tode raned t y notacry l i 't for det ratione her-ewtnh, rk r i a the ee e 'he eFr s? Ita of irfec torring t o wi t:a enH V:'. 'lrlnm T.: n any Jam.nL-.nmer of ,t ay amty Sera-n,,!a nt ; . barance hanl blte arent. ,K cn. S me, r anmd d Dowh'e ref. nr es t . ,r ,f v,,thalr ofhe a u the-iy nrta cctrnadn' ,nv*l d rect s f t t hrw,¢e unf'¢ire ,tase g ent xn t*l ta'e nannIer n aher p-rovided for -, ,-,rmRirden!e hand amt pr f the YN re a r d •nd cm'e , theitr c nu'n scr i t, for a d ettei r, ,n are uf pettfe e and l k CHARTERS. :-;e s.t:d ap;'r.:e'' rt re::"vey s' be S " -- :3u:'m ,e: a" o" sw. l s w -." \ . , i . -- !.. . I i ' I , . hI - CHARTER '.. . ."' i"" a;t'x t i... 11 .,:'".. t . . - '' ; . ' , . ' " e r" • ., . . . t -. s - • ': 'I ,l S-t i the .r v n of · : r . , . wel . t , alr . ,an a r d at : : 1 c' - ! of New Orlea- . . m ,r; - er legal process hiall ' : n :h p' • '- ent of the c -rp -a : , 'O e, upo n the vice A 111 The i.: !c an.1 r 1 , s f -and . a'!,' - aet . arrd 'n' ' l de ,la d a't s 1. a N e\ o , e I*, . . ." .l a j f or oth rw O: . a n ":I . t r c1: I-, .,r ot heC wc e, (i.!, has, s:3;-1 . . . . ' . :fr n, - t... h v a" d s.':1 t:!'" , . .. ,rc r :ht ,c purp <rc t 1, . .. n .d i:~c ."d-. at. i : r :n. . r.s:, e : . ,. ''. , - - t..t :: t: : l l, , . , a• . - . 1 t e . a .... al in real ', .. .-. ; t. : - :tn. - :. - :' , c:. " + lev-:: :--:I '*4 · m to ccr t t . -.: l t , , "i . :.r. e and tI,,d . oi e.t ": . ,1 il .,:, .' `:r " ,c CI . - . tJ n r: r . , . l' ,r ad . t.rI. wa.c. tele a . 1 ' " ;h .; ; -,.1 :r < c:i1" . !o .1 . w ater in p!0r' ' }. c of the rs p atr on'itI: t o construct n, "'' ' - .' I .- , o'- t s a:d hyp "th .",-cint recscosa-y er 1pr11o1 't a q"uire and hld. c ell. '.n1 - '-r' e of 'a t ks and lands of i" i' - r"': Iv to the extent perm tred by .c cnee its ent:re capital stock, or Iat t p h r f. fri p rt y. which it :s l,, :"., l. t, ,::n 'r . ',r t.: : ' chan ,e its ..."!.c., .. u cIi t ,iC Ior anly part S'r.,c"':v r"- *.ck or h-aIlds or .' r, - !::, of oIther caompa nies: to hllo h r cor; '.t t. ns; to pedfect and S-t, r:uhts. itmprovements or t I an !1 lran'cll't all business cd< e a1thi. ins tcntt- or coIn , i t .n y 'it t:e satd t! -, cict and pur A r:ce IV -T he cap'al stck of this cor pra:; ~n herc tired i at two liunredi n i , and represenli d by twen.v thousand I. i.*j sihiCe ,'f a tafr valuo on ten dillars tAo ri, cIh. Ie ,i,'ly '.e -ried fr property .i , 1 t e ' c,'. I~I4 byr thie ri'lporation, or fora u rlJndt Ci tIt re!. The ca trlta! stack may e increa-e ! i upI ttee suIl of one million At-- c. V - All the p-owerst of this c orpo ar:r ,a shall be vese:d in and exercised by a lardd af not sle than three nor oretre than ne dI- rectors, the ntmb'er to be ixed by .he 5t. ] khllldr' at, taIT annual rieeting. Iel'l: ": : , "- l :,:l ,' ':- a .Sl- ret anry a ::e u- thi n av'i'k preC ianr'd co,' e. ''nt tI the lirelligr Ili on ofthe colmaryis "r lr. dal ! tre hai t h'eI t , 1une" "w or. re i au t"- ,ii af , e' , sam e ti confer I 'in lCe IeI CIl, or thel 4- p e ,with any It II i l' . l , ,.rel.t fi''dtt, the sala re of a.ll et r'ies,!. is e ti ad :r, e ny . A i', oa'r d o' f ; Irec.- irs . e- rte elected an- •0, :i- n the sc,, c'.,d M ,nday of : ly of each, Y'ri- t lC n r - e, e it 'I,.rt. l be held or tie ' .,T I- : . All - "'- eli t- anls sha e:ll ,.y f," e.t, at the oa',i of the c ,rpOrtin, r, tNo t ,e '. ,-*' , r nor w'iv g s well as s;'er" nl| water, i o lae cmaled t n aCIdes tn advance iil hdr apperng i-s uie ornhe o'.ks f the .a yi:ii-.i ,.a. ahi I t ,r esir nated aF -ess, ora at the Ineril lid S )r at' New Iri e antr -i, : -:.;: i. : i e ,'ti . n i, e'isl nat'e an T ,I -l Each , ha-. , h'lter shae ll e ie entitledr t'" e- fr t'e ris sthare- f stock sa ond g ' , ,ver r,'t l', t eltent per o.nC i y r'I y -the niajo-aty 'If the ve.te cast shill eler t:I t·ll . t ic:ce all , wllb ne ry occar or it t5 ..i.or--' ar-c o- ne created on the board " dire ta', es oi'atg h no qciarut" reniahn 1 t: - t ,,c 'enr cor,, r'l ; the day above 'p:cntled 'faiill ot aI! l"le the cornrat~on. '"i he ,reV tr.n then ran rAte shui e et air in lffi e unr!l *het r tliTmetO rs are elected "he "i ar- of- d ,eclors shall have power ts nake and es"a' ish, as well as atore and ·ce -av - ,':r,:'v , e fr the s pd Irtc andnr '',anageient lfr the affar' ard b:sess ofe o.u, c- a' . 'n and io " ah ei sitet wr;h ll irs 'ietic. T·Phc fr I shill phave twer, wth fir Ee 'crro l:,st !,dt'irleTdS,,rl orert varter.V 'L dy Ah *e o.rp-rati ore .* fdrer 1, Co. 'Ie nreoge. , and sart n tes, a -,:tr-n i crnt e th a hr a' n their jhdgn n*ie d rera, tahne n i and t ei fral e.y to e te c'p'at',or't ; and they are gatians o, 'he company in payment of Fr";. S i ' , i r'el - a *.I1 c.'.ri.ra1 eon, and cape' S-il~y wr tn whI- or any pa-t if the. ,f.,., a- p) .v :n wa heid by the I - a: ,t",: - the tirry,----I n of thes neni Tne ,oar'! of i. ec'ars shall have the powee, Ly etv, mr vle and im'.dva1-e. lieang:cr to the, o o' 'ey- or stocks or bonds or other fer ing t, ,he darehodes for power to dii so. A any deetng of the l.oard of direc may he ccese".ted by any other director, who -o aer" the ,f te of said absent dnrec tI,'e ,fainl: n > the wewtten ins-aSrteons of sod -'t-et d,, o oe, nti the anntial nien? ing of 1910, tt'e hniced of directors shall con sior of the following' Claude J. Campbell, phto atoce ad-ess Lake Charles, La.; Cahe ece y. Herd h.n post ofeice adr'ess Lake 514 Hibernia Bldg y New Orleans. La.: -. C. ]R. Al;gever. host office address. 514 Hibern a Bldg., New Orleans. La.; Hh Tate. post of lice address, Lake Charle, La. Of the fore CIIARTERS. .I;" \. \ - . L. a:." ,:c ', ":c. . " . , : !.! by .- d d. I. . y \ c of i of \.,- " . l a r v. "! ' -T 1. 1 .. S."e I, , , !.1 I r r " : '.o . 1 i . . . t .il . I :. I S . R . . K. I -.\F If. i . Not. Pub. , 1 1 N v I . Y .. like the way we dc ite 0. DORSEY Phone . g 127 711 Tech. S. FOR RENT A Electric Vaccum Sweeper Get all the dirt out of Carpets and. , Ma.tting Frank Braai, Phone Algiers 3 319 INEWTO ST. COUGH AND WHOOPING COUGH SYRLP Mo C- oughle., Col-., Br ech. 13 e Dr. RIcHaRD'A. T GE LL s:t ,I l., Cap V.l.enc S. . NS ewe S r. M n.:L. re hve atger bStbreetsbe '~.a,--Dal er: s I, . r e, al or Alw, os,- . , La,. Phon e a stg.13 VSTLTIESR K p t e ' lyte ii a Healthe way Ce do iti. . Oa. DORSEYz FOR RENT og al the dirt koute of Cdrpets tnd M.tting Theor Coal, Cedm, BincaCito, lcoroo hsill. Coal Go, b cyte hnd rinlle r Sthruat aleaon5hvellob ea. LhonAge Aso. r LIVER MOVERS MOVES ALL LIVERS The Alco Chemical Co. Phroe Alla 9100