Newspaper Page Text
Smart Modes in Millinery \th it. - gi\ve a \1,i1an oai much pleasure a- making a ,hop: ing tour thro ugh our .lillinerv Salon---except it he the s eijlteiint Ileasure of wearing. a hat purchased here. If you are lent on thep iurcha'"e Of a hat for morning and knckabout use, here you will finll the goal of sour ldesire in a 'Tailored Hlat in the -ize and -hape you prefer or perchance vou want a et'- severe .-haple--then choote" from the variety of simll anl me(liuilm size lhalpe, in soft dlralpe and pleatel1 effect-: then omlllitimlle n(1i1 surely want a st li- h -"un t!a-bet bounet." gay or slmllre in c·lolr antl ta til\ trimlieI. Well. nu can revel in finery to your Iheirt content. It may lhe that velvet i the material cmllo\s Il--in taupe. line. gray. purple, beetroot and .l her fascin;ting .had('. Many mwlel, are charmingly triul:nel ithi lrnt o-tric, t1ler are -marrteln( with jaulnty \cliet w.h,. vhile -till ,tier- -i w ,la leaullx or brimi- of co,,:e'.: feather-. .ailrs w\ith -,ft rolling e lge are tin ilhel \\ iti (lillS. fanc( mllou'nt- or ur i lr p(n tr l s. luit how \our heart mi:o gw ot to a little fairy-like creation of gold metal lace. hr ,caIe(t Iatin anl -ft furry trimming: (or a (darling little FrI n ch 1 , e, u t \ ill certainlyv attract \(nt t il the little bhlack mu-hronn r it . (, I a(lrt-. while the facing oi 1ink -atin \il! gile c olor t(1 the wea\\ rer's click. T hen the heavenly Ilue of a et .!\t hapqe .hirrc 1l all over will surely aroulle tlenvy for the o\wner D. H. Ho Imes Co. rNli .L... .; r b,.... LIMITED Aa h, 2` MILLINERY §" OF "CLASS" TRIMMED HATS which breathe the air of individuality, at V. 5.00 to 25.00 Be the price the lowest or the highest which we name in the headline, the values are the very best to be had in New Orleans. We make this announcement as short as pos sible, because elaboration of statement is en tirely unnecessary. The Millinery itself tells its own value tale. FERD. S. KAUFMAN 707-709 Canal Street Second Floor Take Elevator "Goodness knows they are good." That is the kind of groceries we sell to our customers at the Fair and Square Place Our auto deliv ery truck gets your goods there in a hurry. MRS. DAISY J. KRAMME Th. Fair end Sqae Grocer. Elmira Ave. and Evelina St. h ___ Phone Algiers 378 OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH I. WEINER, The Algiers Furniture Man He gives you plenty time to pay for it at cash prices. 137-141 Delaronde Street We are sole agents for the genuine INNER PLAYERS $475 AND UP THE MASON & HAMIAN Highest priced and best piano in the world, The CONOVER, ESTEY, CABLE, KINGSBURY, KOHLER & CAMPBELL WEILLINGTON, ELGIN and other Pianos and Player-Pianos. CALL OR WRfrE is , 912-914 - . e CANAL Successors to Cable Piano Go.ST rT 000000000000000000C00000 O YES, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH O O EVERYTHING NEW O O In High-Grade Ken's Fizin's at O O Moderate Prices 0 o Arrow Shirts, Silk and Madras, 0 U Soft and Stiff Cuffs. O O Silk and Knit Neckwear-Exclasiye O Patterns. O O Phoenix and Suite Silk Sae. 8 O Gloves, Fancy Vests, Pajamas ad a O Underwear. a O Handkerchiefs, Raincoats, Umbrellas, O Ivory Garters. O The Latest Arro Collars, Falcon and o Clsridyn. ( he Arista CIo. O ALBERT DE BEN. Pre. and . 0 O 20 CareS.det S.--Ben.nes 1d. O 000 Phone Main 234 000 R. D. Pitard Hardware Co., (Ine.) 222 DAUPHINE STREET PhoeS Main 2425-248e PROMPT DELIVERIES ICE CREAM FREEZERS PAINT AND BERRY BROS. VARNISHES COURTEOUS TREATMENT . IRR WOMEN WEAVE STRAW HATS All People of island Depend Upon Earnings of Few Cents a Day Each for Their Living. Next to the transshipment activities of Mount Pleasant, the weaving ot straw hats is the chief source of in come of the people, says Commerce Re ports. The hats woven are of a cheap quality, the standard selling in 1910 for from $1.30 to $1.43 per dozen. The straw for these hats is at present Im ported from Venezuela and Colombia, but the Dutch government is attempt, ing to raise It in Dutch Guiana. The hats are woven by the women and children in their homes, and by moderate Industry a wonan can com plete a hat in one day. All over the island from early morning until after sunset the weaving goes on. The Sy rian purchasers, who collect the hats from house to house, pay about ten or eleven cents each. Although the straw for a hat costs the weaver from five to seven cents and the amount. realized from a day's work is very small, many of the people depend en tirely upon their meager earnings from this Industry. In the government school hat weav ing is taught and some of the natives attain a high degree of skill, producing hats said to equal the best made In Colombia. The better grades do not enter into the export statistics of the colony, as they are bought by tourists; the quality of the standard hat does not tmuge.. ... _ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATISTICAL NOTES . Chicago hopes to reduce pub lic lighting bill by $180,000 a Syear. - Philadelphia spent $3.486.625 {. on new buildings in one month. United States in 1915 pro duced 2,447,611 tons of crude 4 gypsum. - Pennsylvania is establishing a state game preserve of 60,000 acres. More than 500 new ocean-go-. ing ships are under construct!on * in the United States yards. Fifty-three United States rail. ways last year burned 42,126.417 barrels of oil In locomotives, a gain of 477,951 barrels over the preceding year. M'CLARYGRAMS The best appetiser is the one we nev er try-a fast. A contest is something that some body else always wins. There is no other flavor equal to the knowledge of absolute kitchen cleanliness. Troubles are life's spring showers for bringing out the blossoms of our friends' kindliness. It's an easy matter to please one's palate; the hard thing Is to please that and his purse too. Anyone can find fault with pie, pud din' or pemmican; the pinch is that it takes such a smart man to cook bet ter I The man who keeps on until he gets what he goes after is a wonder; so many start out after the bacon, and come back with the rinds.-McClary's Magazine. INKLINGS AND THINKLINGS Daylight is an easy thing to save, but who saves it? Can't blame a "conscientions ob jector" to cranberry sauce. If the potatoes don't volunteer, we'll have to draft them. Price of coffins advancing. That's one commodity the people can't be ac cased of hoarding. Backyard farmer is so patriotic that he planted his foot on the sidewalk. Proposed woman's war gowns are to have fewer buttons, but they'll prob ably even up by being put In more In accessible places. Some musician says that It would be foolish to write a cradle song for trom bones. Might not be a bad way to -rown the baby's racket, at that-Wag fesa in Chicago Examiner. CISTERNS CHANCE TO DISPOSE OF The Samuel House-Wrecking Cornm any, of 827 Toulouse St., New Or leans, is buying a quantity of cisterns and old buildings in Aldgiers. It is said they pay the highest cash prices for this kind of material. Their telephone number is Hemlock 181. Adv. tI ILadies' I DressesI In silk and serge.- I You must see this new stock. Fit guaranteed. S Alterations free. I Grand Leader 1626-28 Dryades St. Tub Dryss Cesrterdeo Algerines at Law. II S'itil Ililtrict ('ourt. Tutor'lhip of Michael Faith.-A. Guilbaiult. Succession of M1ary A. Matthews, oppo-it on of P'. I(aust'hkolb to ae 'ouunt.-- (Geo. nitgoniery. II. L.. McLean vs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ilbert. rule to disuii-s suit ab sol ute. A ('. Tufts v-. his w\ife. judgmnint dec,!aring marriage null and void. .%cc(elptance of Contracts. 'nsn-,r \'vatiVe Ilonestead Assn., o\ nor fronm Martin G. ;Guind, con tractor, property Nelson, I)eArma-. Socrates andi line of Olivier land. liiu thmsann. IReal Estate Transnfers. Edlwin 11. Seymour ot als to andt front Warren it. Seymour et als, 2 lots Ile:arondtle. Olivier. I'e! and Va!lette; portion lHelloville. Vallette, Alix and I'elican Ave.; lot Val:ette. HIIelleviice. Patterson and Pelican av enue: 2 lots Vallette. l'elican Ave., lllevillo and Patterson ( Partition) -Ilennessey. ('ommn erciial Security ('o.. Ltd.. to Mrs. Thos. E. ILyncth, lot Evelina, FEW REAL BOOK STORES HERE Count Tolstoy Struck by Lack of Op., portunities for Obtaining Good Literature in United States. In my country, as In the other parts of Europe. nobody need have any diffi culty in finding book stores in small towns or in large cities, Count Ilya Tolstoy writes In the Century maga sine. Here one can find a cigar store, a drug store, all kinds of shops where luxuries can be purchased, but the seeking of a bookshop is often a very hard quest. Even In New York it is hard to find a real book store, where the attendants know their authors and can help one select the books that one needs on any subject. There are some, but none too many. They can be counted on the fingers of one's 'hands. In smaller cities the task of finding books is a hopeless one. There are a !few stores where books are sold; but !what books? Novels mostly, the aver age ephemeral romance; magazines with too many P'-conceived articles containing little upbullding criticism of public life, much ill-digested infor mation, and newspapers which afford little of intellectual value, being most ly mediums ofkadvertising. American literature is yet poor. The good mag azines are few compared with Euro pean reviews. The inheritance of man kind, the universal literature, is hard ly known here. There are translations in sets, richly bound, but cheaply pro duced, and too often done by hack writers, who do not even understand what they translate. They are bad translations, as a rule, but costly. Poor people are not able to buy them. Even In Russia, In the .country which Americans thlnkgncivilized, we have translations of all the world's great writers. These editions are ap propriate to the means of the people. They can be bought for prices from 1 to 5 cents. It is the same in England. The result here is that the people read only newspapers and magazines. In Russia for the same price we can build 'a library of great books. The best works of Pushkin, Dickens, Shake speare, Dante, Cervantes, Goethe, Tol stoy, Heine, Victor Hugo and count less others are at the disposal of the poorest ECONOMY WITH GAS STOVE Woman Tells How 8he Saved Money by Making Plans Ahead for Her Baking Day. A woman has written In to the Wom an's Home Companion about her gas stove and she'says: "The idea of telling other women how to economize time and money Ia the use of my gas stove came to me on hearing a young housekeeper tell about baking a padding, or just one thing, in a gas oven as large as my own, which struck me as amazingly ex travagant," writes a woman In the Woman's Home Companion. "When planning to have a baking day with the oven, I sit down the day before and think out just what Is need ed for several meals ahead which must be cooked. For instance, I place a roast in a pan just barely large enough to hold it, thus economizing on space as welL Then, if possible, I cover the roast with a pan which can be made to sit quite level, into which I put several potatoes; or, if this ar .rangement isn't practicable, I put the potatoes on the grate. Beside the roast I place a small padding dish con taining a bread padding, on a small asbestos mat beside tke pudding dish a small pan of blscunits. A vegetable my sometimes be baked In a napple with all these things as well "The following, all of which I have tested, will be found good combinations for any baking day: "A meat loaf, covered, in a bread pan; escalloped tomatoes in a pudding dish; a pan of corn gems. Time about an hour. Baked potatoes may be crowded iln almost always. "Roast chicken in small cake tin; sweet potatoes pealed and sliced, sea soned and covered with mlk In pad ding dish; mearoni and cheese in a bread tin. Time about one and eme alt hours, oven moderate." If anyone can really tell what Is go iag on In Germany this is the time for him to speak out. The slacker's idea of the best pre tection against shrapnel I, a distamea of about 82 miles. Somehow it's hard to be as enthd astle about hoeing potatoes as we wie hboat patl tihm I:,-iir -vi:e. , I:lniir a and l'liza $::5.5i eah.-Iuchlnialn. Joh n V. ('lenient et als to 'Peter ('. (':cle e:it. lot .\:ix, Eliza. Iaaifti. and Elminra $1,0 cah.----OConnor. c'has. Iau=k hkolb to lure-ka IIo , :estea,, ,i , . y. 6 h ,'s W et -b ter. tpe.uo-u.. S:idiell and Wagner $1615 c.ash.---1Henedii.t. I'urcha-i r to John It. Olsen. san;e pr.)perty $1 S u), ter s.;.--Itel neldit. Peter T. ('lemient to Mrs. .Mar. ('lenient, lot A:ix. Eliza. I'atfihc and EI::i ra, $1 oil. cash.--.4f'C'onn.r. Building Pe'rmits. It. itrow n. owner and bulihder; one story briI k hoi~ise. Joseph Lane :id l.aa t 1n Sh:)il, $'_,I . F t)o I,.- ity Co.. o neor and buill *r. on, -try framet buiiling cenm ;p) iioii roi:. (Optelo -a- . Nunez. Sli ,lill an I Verret. $1.Si. ";ETS .1 II):MENT FOR $.Too.oo In the suit filedl by IRobt. O''Con nor against the Grand United Order ,f Odd Flolows to collect a death benefit on the life of Jno. Dyer, Judge Skinner rendered a judgment in favor of the plaintiff, Patsey Dyer. for $50o0.u0. WEDDING BELLS Peterson-Lindross. A very quiet wedding of the past week was that of \Mis Flo Peterson of our town to Mr. Carl K. Lindrobs. The ceremony took place on Wed ihe-day at 7 o'clock at the Church - of the Holy Name of Mary, Rev. J. 1'. Cassagne otticiating. The at tendants were Mr. and Mrs. N. B. A ayne Only the immediate family were present. The bride, who is the daughter of Mrs. J. Peterson of Pelican avenue. is a most charming young lady and has a host of friends who wish the young couple a happy and prosper ous life. The groom is the vice president of the Motor Car Inn, Inc. The young couple are at home to their friends at 8400 Pritchard Place. DlE PHILLIPS4-C'ONNOR. A pretty wedding last week was that of Miss Mamie DePhillips, of MecDonoghville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. DePhillips, and James O'Connor. of Marshall, Tex., the cer emony being performed by Rev. Al bert Koenig. Little Flora Grace - Meyers and Helen Rouprich served as flower girls, while Miss Violet Strassel of Algiers was bridesmaid and Wendel DePhillips, brother of the bride, was best man. GAHN-WENDLING. An October wedding was that of Miss Ethelreda Gahn to Mr. Milton W. Wendling. The ceremony was performed by Judge Nunez in St. Bernard Parish. The young couple are residing at the home of the bride's mother in Teche street. ST. TITE-TREADAWAY. The marriage of Miss Lucille St. Tite of Slidell avenue, and Mr. Syl vester Treadaway was quietly cele brated by Judge Trauth Saturday night. They are residing at Potash, La FOUND IN RIVER On November 3rd. Fd Burmaster, of 527 Atlantic avenue found a fetus. tied in a sack, floating in the river. The unborn infant was a female. It was taken to the police station where Sergt. Bengert had it transferred to - the city morgue. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS W'e can promptly fill orders for any Flowers We Carry in our Salesroom a Choice Supply of Cut Flowers FUNERAL DESIGNS OUR SPECIALTY The Flower Shop, Hery, Sch'Jerman. Prop. 5.1 221 IN BAMONNE6 ST. Louisiana Embroidery and Pleating Works Hemstitching, Picot-Edge, Chain-Stitch Buttons Covered 730 Canal Street. New Orleans Telephone Maim 2609 A. J. Treviae. lgr. CARPETS AND RUGSr VACUUM CLEANED - Floor )by ED. McLEOD, 311 Belleville St, SetlMactiea Ouarnteed ALOIERS IEW ORLEANS' MOST UP-TS-DATE Florist THE GIFT OF 828 Can Street PShoes U. 0S and . 6363 WHY PAY RENT WHEN $25 cash arnd $5 p'r mr : I ,.. a a:nywhere in the a 3 roo ('ITY -- I.'dI ( ETI l Y' ) I s t ! . t t h e i ,t o r , . .-\:n+ bui;: 1ýr y ,u a-t : ' . I'.\Y IT 1 , L; MU ii t. i an ther. i:i 'r" - to '- p - .,''.,. :" .. : . the b, 'k paId' "4ra- n '-tii e I t m ~.t k , n ), , fl- :; . . . . , t ' r a p)ll f, ) r r" , . ow k PRIt: OF" ANY ' . ... on Y -t, on- yoU hatrh Cottage Construction Co., 33 Main ýpa .11r . Ilinll'li 1all. I h)r rtitW Special Sale of Gossard Prices have been c it on .t4: -.-arelr t'rh a ne+ ,,:-t fa!l mnhel: i ,:: " ". , -- n eiPelld l II. new models, regularly .elling at- eepc 2.511 . ,pio ' 11 and 10.00 Sale P'res " .2.00 3.00 4.00 7.50 A m odel uit, I e, _ v'r - figure type. NElil ARIV".ll ROBERTA Cor LATET .11 ()IFl Laced-in-Front Core Ct APPROI(VED I TYI LADYs andER For Monday Only-- 250 PaIrs Ladies' cloth top leather buttons and lace, Sizes 3, 31/ and 4 only. Worth $5 ; For $1.83 Monday IJ RA VAIN the Shoe Al 1407 Decatur St., next to Rougelot Deprbnt R. C. ROO Painless Dentist BEST LAS WORK gI g $4 $4 Teeth, Full Sets, $4.00 We make this great offer to introduce our Pallessu Sys .t into every home. Be sure you are in the right place. Payml satisfactory. Gold crown, porcelain crown, bridge work, fSlp, 95 per cent of the teeth. We give a written guarantee for teryA DR. R. C. ROOT Maia 266 635 CANAL ST.,m Catch Step With Progreld The man who saves is the man who is always ready to advance. A Say ings Account with us is the right step in your march to success. AUTOMOBILE DIRECT Call up te Herald, Alers 503o, andl demenatrt *l*Id will b arranged to suit lour 00,0 Name of Car Distributor HoWU4A% Sherousse-Steele o l Reo Motor Car Co.c Prem ier Sherousse-Steele HWl Chas I W. P Parkhouse Chalmers Auto Co. Franklin W. P. Parkhouse Cole 8 ~F. J. Weinberge? F. J. Weinberger Buick Bernstein-Glenay Stearns Bernstein'Gleno.