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rd At The Playhouses TIiL.NE THE.ATRE. dancy order, and as tie three acts beautiful scenery, soul-stirring theme A Ceek of jollity is in store for take the audience from a beauty par- and extraordinary dramatic and me Tulane Theater patrons next week lor on Fifth Avenue. New York, to chanical effects, will be the lode hltern '"The Itauty Shop," that spark- Napoleon's native isle, there is ample star of the Tulae Theater for the line. tuneful musical comedy, for scope for the scenic artist, costumer necek conillmtcing JMonday, Novemn whi hI ('hanning Pollhwk and iten- and modiste to display their respect- her 11. nold \\014 are responsible for the ivo arts, each of which have been No play of American production a-. hook and lyrics and Charles .1 (;ebhst for the music, will bhe the at tract ion. The story has to do with one I)r. Arbutus Iludd. beauty specialist. who. deip in debt. grasph an olpporlunity to go to Corsica with his ward, whose supposedly wealthy uncIl has just died. A vendletta is threaten ing, but nothing phases l)r. ltudd, not even Corsican time tables. spa ghetti or the problem of making Corsica's fairest flower bloom more lovely The presenting company is said to be well balanced, numbering sixty well-known singers, dancers and far ceurs. and there is a corus of un usual beauty. There are at least twenty song hits of the whistly, IA)EW'S ('ltRE('ENT.Flli The world(.amous Ziegfeld Follies beauty, Anna Pennington. in *"The Atics of Ann," with a whirlwind of the most beautiful girls in the world. will be the photoplay attraction at Loew's Crescent the first half of the week, starting Sunday at 1 p. m. "The Phunphiends." a musical comedy creation with a east of eight people, including a beauty chorus of six girls, will head the bill. It is called a "prescription of melody and mnusic," and the action takes place in a drug store setting. lack Hallen, a clever musical funmaker, provides most of the laughs. lie conies into the drug store to apply for a posi tion as clerk, and gets it with dire results. lie is especially adept at mixing wild and wonderful drinks at the soda fountain and drenching his customers. in this case some very stunning girls, with the "fizz water." Songs and lively dances, with a corus of beautifully-gowned girls, round out the entertainment. The Randalls, offering "Fifteen Minutes in Arizona," will offer sharp shooting, singing, dancing and West ern sports. They are two people, with a man dresed as a cowpuncher and the girl as an Indian. It is one of the best sarpshooting acts ever devised. IHarry Holden, a rotund, jolly comedian, and Lucy llerron, offer a clever comedy skit with songs. Mil lie Olive, a French beauty, will pre sent a dainty novelty in juggling. "The Lash of Power." a sensational melodrama, full of thrills and sur prises, with Carmel Meyers and Ken neth Harlan. will be the photoplay attraction of the last half of the week. The play deals with a man's ambition to attain power through the acc(umulation of wealth, and once he attains his desires he finds that there is an essential of happiness in life that monty cannot buy THE SOUTH'S GREATEST SHOW That's what it's going to be; and that's why you \\ant to attend. Open to every state in the L'nion; $30,ooo in preminums for exhibits of Live Stock; Agricultural Products, etc. Hlorse Show at night. Racing; Trotting, Avia tion flights; Shows full of pep on the Great White Way; Foot Ball; Fire works: etc., etc. Something doing every minute-and(l 'everybody's going to be there." National Farm and Live Stock Show and Live Stock Buyers Convention New Orleans Nov. 10-19 By official invitation from Governor Pleasant and Mayor Behrman special delegations of buyers from Central and South America, the \Vest Indies and Mexico will be on hand to attend the great AUCTION SALES of thoroughbred cattle, hogs and sheep from representative herds; to be sold without reserve to the highest bidders. Greatest opportunity ever offered to the stock-raisers of the South. Special rates on all railroads and steamship lines. For full information write, wire or phone I. B. RENNYSON, Gen. Mgr. Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Orleans. taken advantage &tl in a prodigal llllnier. Amonir the east will It, found Frank Shea, Alic. Southern, Il inda !lains. ('laudia Roger.. lHelent he 'lentlte. Lillian Miller. Effie IDrake. P'aul Porter. Williamni Newkirk, Ar lhur Thalasso. Richard Sinlson and I., onard DIelmore, while the merry, merry. inclIdes Iniany of Ilroadway's 'aliouis fashiou plates. Paul Porter. the clever dancer with the company. i.9 a native son of New Orleans, haVillg graduatt d front Mcl)onogh School No. 14 of this city. lie will be glad of tlie opportunity to get home and greet his many friends again. "lien Illar." with its wealth of MiladI:'s G;owns," a big fashion Iovelty act that stands out as one of hlie greatest of modern vaudeville acts, will be the headliner. In this ,roduction Marcus dLIew will Vpro sent a wizard in the art of fashion display, displaying, in a new and ifas •inating way. the wonders of present day sartorialism. The production stands out. of course, as a distinctly reminino creation. Because of the nagnilicance of the gowns, and the novel way in which the display is made, however, there will be enough to amaze and to startle the masculine livision of audiences at Loew's C'res ent. Clarence Wilbur, the happy tramp. ,ill be another attraction on the bill. le is an entertainer of a rare type, une of the pioneers of this brand of fun, with a makeup that stands out as the only one of its kind. lie has a voice of exceptional volume and offers some of the latest song num hers. The I)unn Sisters, Maude and "Slivvy." because ot her extreme thinness, almost abnormally so, have a funny skit. in which they im personate "Lady Auburn and Queen ionylpart." Others will include Lou and Grace Ilarvey in new songs, dances and comedy, and Zeno, Jordan and Zeno in a coemdy acrobatic novelty. ORPHEUM THEATRE Program for next week, beginning November 12th: Maude Lambert and Ernest R. Ball. the popular composer. The celebrated prima ballerina as soluta Albertina Rasch. George Kelly. in his own one-act play, "Finders-Keepers." Ben Deely & Co.. in "The New Bell Boy." Ashi and his own company of nov elt; entertainers. I has found the same favor with the publi, at large that has honored alnd! I protited this stare version of (;Gen S.tral lew W\allace's religious ro imance('. It has beten a beacon light for busi ness in the theater ever sin 'e it startedl its career, almost ;t score of years ago. This power of attra ;tiolº to\ward the public was onver more strikingly shown than luring the present season, when few theaters hllere tlhe spoken drama is ;at home have been able to care for the crowds that have appeared for I entrah e. This is happily pleasant to record, because it proves the public still has a heart for the worthy things of the theater. Iludler, Stein & Phillips. in "-Steps of hlarmony." Slecinma & Eddie McLean. in their own original w\hirlwind dance crea tions. Orpheumn Travel Weekly. lhors.e Ibreeding in Perche in the valley of the Orne. France. A journey through the narrow passes of the Tarn river. France. There can be no peace made In many. Waste in the kitchen means a shaot bank account. A pacifist might be described as t denatured patriot. It's a wise Chinaman that knows who rules his country. A just and lasting peace will come !high, but we must have it. Seeing periscopes has supplanteu !the summer sea serpent phantasy. A regiment's war strength is that of the men who come forward to enlist in it. If the price of clothes is a bit high, Try a suit of khaki furnished free by. Uncle Sam. Food Is now the principal topic, both yin Washington and Berlin. But ob, what a difference! "Cantaloupes From Patch to Com ,sumer," is the way they used to taste best in boyhood days. It takes so many kinds of people te make a world that any kind of preach *rVau f el nanzncr ntnn. School Notes S... ROLL OF HONOR. .Mc1lkumogh No. "4 School S A-- Scholarship and I)eportmney - -eo. Itau. Scholarlship: Elmier liarichivic h. 5 II -Evans .lMalhoneiy. Iteany Aln £,ilo, (Gerald Cooper anllLi Jas. Staf lord. 7 A l Milton Acker, Philip Salee by and IEd \ Williams. 7 It -Don Dufty, Harold Oswahl, StIophlen ( rolnanii, Jas. P'eeler, John ('wtutt Iitverly Legendre, Ed New tli and EIugene I.ebotif. t . I ' elx Borne. ItRoland Ilriel, lLin lih Lilly anid Mat ('raw ford. 5 - rScholarship: T'hos. Little,. Alvin i I'l ilai,. John (Curran. l1er mlan t;eundi,-ch, Royal William.. Ity. IlingOe. Stanford WVillmniore, Jos. SusLlin. Leei 1Menge Land Albert New berry. 4 A - Scholarship and IDeportment .lyniel Ari .\ iedo and Jos. Suther land and (;eo. Zatarain. Scholar ship: ('ihs. (herret-. Leslio Kirkpat ri k. Julian Ilumnphrey. Elmo Voegt lin. (olli Mangiano. D)eportment: licihard Fernandez. ('has. Terre hitri,. .\lvin Leathen. Johni Ilunn and Sidney Andre. l411 -Scholarship and Deportment -Fred Kraemer. Jas. Hliggins, Vic tor ('irltat. Peter I)assinger. Aloy iiu Serpas. Marjoral .McNeely and WVilson liarrett. I)eportment: Wal ter IPerron. John B1unter. Emile Le Scndre. Jos. Perrin and Walter Weil d(ienfel. Scholarshipi: ('has. WVeil baecher. : .\ I lmer Davidson and Mau rice Davis. 3 II--Norman Whitney. Faler Ar mit iage and Thos. Ilenricks. 2 A- Leslie l)Duplan. Morris Bodl enioer. Vincent Trauth and Russell Gilder. 2 It- Tracy Lilly, Ferdie Boden ger. Walter Tolley. Preston I)elca zal. liennie W\einer, Vallery Jan Ireau. Karl Hlrodtiman and Harold O'Brien. IA.\--Scholarship and Deportment -lloward Evans. Dan Church, Le roy Cooper. Nougie Richard. Ben Ericksen and Jas. Ilenricks. Deport ment: Peter Provenza no, Philip Tranchina and Arnold Breath. I II Julius Messner, Elbert Ross. I('has. Soulant, Floyd Brune. Clayton Trantii. A!bert Brodtman and Ever ett lRamsey. Roll ,of Honor--Best S'ellers. Following is a list of the best spellers in MeDonogh No. 4: SA-Elmer Barichivich; SB. Rea ny Angelo; 7A. Philip Sale'by; 7B. Morris Laufer and John ('ieutat; 6A. Arthur Felsher and Frank O'Donnell; GB. Irvin Treadaway and Roy Ripp; 5A. Nole Richards, Joe' Brune. Wm. Weilbacher. Floyd I'm hach. Fred John. Jos. Calabrise. Wm. Kassmer and Malcolm Schwarzen-, bach: 5B. August Brune. Isadore Davis. Louis Broussard and Jos. Sutherland; 4A. Hlypolite ,Vezien and Stanford Wilmo'e; 4B. Freder ick Kraemer; 3A Elmer Davidson; 3B. Arthur MeuncLh: 2A. Morris Bod enger: 2B. Ferdie Bodenger and Bennie Weiner: 1A. Howard Evans. lB. Julius Messner. Mc1Donogh No. 4 Boys on Reg ular 63-in. Basketball Team: Elmer Barichivich. ]Harry Rau. Joseph Be van. Behrman French. Bernard. Grundmeyer and Alfred Peterson. Regular 59-in. Basketball Team: Geo. Rau. Robert Talbot. John Rob erts. Archie Sinclair and Irwin Treada way. .AI)OLPH MEYER SC'HOOL ACTIV ITIES. The regular monthly meeting of the ('o-operative ('lub was held on Wednesday. Nov. 7. 1917, at 3:15 p. m. There was an unusually large at tendance. Many topics of vital im portance to the school were dis cussed and plans for bettering the conditions within the school were laid. The work for the ensuing year was thoroughly defined and all pres ent offered to co-operate with both principal and teacher in every way possible. The banner for the best attend ance during the past week was awarded to the Fourth Grade, while a like honor fell to the Fifth Grade for having the greatest number of perfect spelling papers. Those who handed in perfect pa pers are as follows: Fifth A-Inez Bourgeois. Lucille Le Court. Julius Gillich, Grace Ca zaubon. Lavada Walker, Stello Cro nan. Fifth B-Irma Arsago, Ethel Rice. Fourth A-Vera Lusk. Thelma Wille. Lilllian Baudean. Fourth B - Marion Edgecomb, Charles Houston, Eliska Sullivan, Charles Taget. Third A-Eva Alonzo, Mathew Russo. Third B-Lucille Bahman, Thel ma Rice, Jennie Elise Scott. Second A-Edna Dill. Second B-Irmadene Simon. ILadies' I SSuits The assortment is I I here. Ladies' suits our specialty, No Scharge for altera Fit guaranteed. * Grand LeaderI I 1626-28 Dryade. St. Thk Dryle Car o er deer PERSONALS. I('ontinuied from page 1) Kings I anglhters, at tho Seamene l ethel la.-t Saturdlay night for th sailors. She assisted ill servini; A. lass in Spanish was organizer at EIveing School No. 5., corner HIer n d:t an d .Alix .treets .11onda: n'ight. There aere t wenty mellnber prlt<i.nt alld nmore are expected tl 0,in lays r. Miis. liaros e. fornmerly of I lon ulllrai , is inltril .tor. Miss Mvyra l'lly enitrt:ained a suppl'r T'ueilay night at the liorie o IMr. and lri . . t.ore Suth erland ii 'aifi," AVI n E, in honor ot Mr. ian Mrs. 'rank (Irliit. .:.. Fred \Wi.ik anil haby -penri the w\eeok- n rd \ witlh Mrs. It. I ; I:iker \1ri.s .Xlrta lakr sent Thursda} in Ilretna, i t,I glil ,t of Mr. and Mrs l'. Vicknair. IMr . It .1, Allen s.;, nt S. iniay a. Itl. ';St. Louis at . llenI Villa. lThe lmanyl fri,.nds iof Miss Mau. .\ a ill regret to learn that she f, I hi'i . i (Oini Z dol, the stairs ai I hli.vill Schlol Monday and s' ere ly sprained her arm. l'r. A. C King ai ttendeld hetr. Mlrs. M. '\Vlill' r and datci.hter, Mirs Ilarry T'olltpso i of ay St. laoluis . r'e .ll.sts (i i rs i . I'. Salathe ot. All Saints,' Ilay. They returned th( sa e lile Vl lting losS i o Snhou . spenit a fexw day vs at Pearl Rtiv, r. Miss. On hel ret urn she a as a, onieaieid by hel tao little sots. who had been visit in-, there for son11. tinme. Miss Florente Itorgis was thie at a I lalloa% 'enl daBi. e las week. It a ill he with regn "t that hir frinds ilearn that Mr. TiO har, Aller sprainlied is arim while at work in 1.,ereanville, L.a. uis. Alhie linras and little Fre ddie .Johnson spent Sunday on the Lower C (oast. A regular meeting of the Mar.a bees will te ie Id Saturday niiht a, i'ythian Hall. All members are re qiluested to tb, present. Mrs. Conrad Kraft celebrated the ning ty-first anniversary of her birtl Tu sday night at the home of her daughiter. Mrs. Id. T. Malone. Thos( present were Mr. and Mrs. II. T Malone and family. Mr. and Mrs. F (;oehel and f:lmily. I r. C'. V. Kraft and family. Mrs. C. Kraft, Miss Mary Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. D)ickey and son. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilurke. and Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Tansey and ( daugnrhter. Pearce's Theatres TRIANON 814 ('ANAl. ST. TUD I)OR lO ('ANAL ST. PORTOLA THEl ATRE CANAL AND DRYADES STS. High Class Motion Pictures Guaranteed Absolutely Pure STAR EMBROIDERY WORKS, NHatltlcingll While oit W ait Machine Embroidery of' .1 Kind Latet N. Y. Deleign. 1TTOSN COlEED. PLEATIIIG OF ALL KillS Nail Ordere Prtmnsey Attended To. Special Attentien Given to Dreenmakers. 220 BARONNE MTREET .n.m 301 Maiin 472 Take Elevator on Gravier or on Baronne Street. We have the Experience. We have Pure Drugs. We render Perfect Service. If such sup. rior service appeals to you, then let us fill your prescriptions. Accuracy first. Cyrus Broussard PHARMACIST Cor. Belleville and Pelican Ave. Phone Algiers 9120, We Denver "THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" Prescriptions Filled Day or Night. TULANE oo h t w. iv-htt . 20¢ t ''?:0 Prices 171% - O to Prices ,,,,,,,,U. 25c to 1.00 SIIO\V (><i i.5 I` The Beauty Shop LOEW'S CRIESC 10 - BIG VAUIDEHIIAI.E ACTS. 10 16- REELS FIRST RUN MOVIES.16 Pi,'ture begin P.M Vud- e .i M hw ! 7 - AFTERNltloo Except Saturdav and Sunday 59 10, P,.rices.,oN. ,10, IS NIGHTS Sat. and Sun. Afternoons 10, 152q COME AND GOAS YOU PLEASE Two Complete Changes, Sunday and Thursday P-602e M EST OF VAUDEVILLE lMATINEE EVFRY rA -iOc TO 50c. BOX SEATS 75c. EVERY NIGHTr H:15--10 TO 75c. IO Sti tl Foto's Folly Theatre ATTRACTIONS FOTOS FOLLY THEATRE, Week Ending Satarday, ISr , " \IAY. N, - ll -"I l 1I). er." Tr : - F:is. 5 parts "p i l r ,. I i 1 1"'.anay Mary Mink . -,2 - .";t "i',t:. .\<t,. - :o.. i\\ -.' lit i l I .\\ , \w. $I-"Broadsay Ay... 11 r:. h:.:I. lve Thi mas ,jr5 .' \l NIA\. \ r. 1 '"lire tca,," M itia , K edy. I p " .% , .M '.d ," w, ,, `ý' t r.'. , . med. I pa '" . . M . -I • .Id, '. I at .. . "" I . a:ty A :,.,:k'e 2 , 1:.1 \ . N,v. I--"Law of the le' f-t ' I ' " :' I n , ' C tl:ne. Petrv. S paetle f , , ,h 5 pa . t SAI IIl , , 17-"Shall We Fry.r l., I " "EI-i,.:l " *r.i . "'' 2 i-a* , \1 . S Ju:lne Elvidge, 5 parnl. "i \\V'DINE Sl A.\ , N. v. 14-"Thc Biarke-r," E-- ::lr ".I and "Reel Life." 2'pa . Where to Stop in New Orleans NAME Addres. Rate. a* 114 Royal St., 50c, 75c, 1.00Ut Henrietta Hotel Near Canal coutr% .anNeyT,.,w i Attention. New trai Scwertz ROOMING 311 Exchange Rooms 15cto5(cal HOUSE Place $1 to $2 We~d McEvoy's Hotel $2.00 ](d am, McEoy's Hotel 758 Camp week up Larr0que House 411 Bienville e . Cor. N. Peters toz m r t 50c to l1 The Albert House 735 Iberville St. Per Dayto'$ , _F n , 1 v.. . Weekl Rate Pra,,YId m Fred Buerkle's House Exchange Alley & R&ms 25eld lpel. Bienville St. $1.25, SI.50. $2.00 o Plaza Hotel Transients' Rooms 225 Dauphine 50c, 75c, $1.00 While in good Health, Provide against IlIne # i Dei by insuring in the CITIZENS' INDUSTRIAL LIFE INSURANCE AND SICK BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Premium. 10 - 25 cents per week. 121 CARONDELE2TY The "Oldeer" Shoe Stove in New Odese-ua with all the "Yonu/ Ide." W. L. Douglas Shoe IUnilr Madel . SOLD ONLY BY SSchumacher Shoe Store 228 Royal Street M. BLANCK Bakery and Confectionery All Kinds of Cakes and Candles. Speciall orders Receive Spe0i Att 10ce Loaf 8c-6c Loaf 5c--5c Loaf 4c-st stoe Phone Algiers 168 922924 TIle . New York Hat Cleaning Co For Expert Hat Cleaning and Blocklag, Ring Up Main 4989 Remember the number. Ladies' and Gents' Shoe ShiL P Suits Pressed, 40c. AidoralledIor 709-711 Common Stt and delivered B. G. NORTH, Agent American Laundry Zelon Dry Cleaning and DY*' Phone Algiers 250 626 Elmira Avenue PHONE-CALL OR WRITE