Newspaper Page Text
EVERYTHING FROM A TO Z UGUSTIN BUSINESS COLLEGE offers to hbry's .r giris the opportunity lo:ng s,:ught. Indvldual instruction, day or nig:t. Open the year round. 345 Carondelet Street. AUTO BATTERY tlt l...t fo'rever. A perm.anert id c:nmt:,nt battery service for g:li'.g a :.l sa rting .aito -last i::g o'ever be:-;use of tie Perma ;tfr Sv,'rm of Battery Exchanges. leased at nonrri- , pal swn wit, ex change :-e of $1 '5. er bat' te-v a.wa y? new --100 ff c etic .t L q IDEAL At'T(O RKPAIR SHOP N. L. BIRD. Pn,,. Main 4745 630 Julia St. UTO TOPS AND PAINTING M tures of M.ror 'TrJck Bod • , *.. . ;-'t: . .s etc. Rebuild , ,,, t uw "s. Get our ek . re ree Ietore placing order. A: wJ'k guaranteed. M 5AUlEiE AND ARGUS 1011-1015 Poeyfarre Street 1 l.'. k a'., 1r I1 ard Ave. near Magazine Phone Main 66$. l.ta'b:..hd 187. UTOS FOR HIRE 1I _ " I. mA ý UTO t,A s to order $y0.00 up. General Aeto re;;a:ri:.g. D)etachs ',se :;hi!stery covers is A Ine: and ai: fa'.,ncs. See s:r and get our esti mate on your work. VEGA 2304-06 Tulane Avenue UTO BODIES A for F,:d ('hassis. I can save you n,,ney. Role's No. I body mounted on chassis. painted and lettered $58. B:av nw, bef,re prices advance. Write for our Catalogue. ROLLE 5136 Tchoupitoulas St. New Orleans, La. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CO. 807 Howard Ave. Expert mechanics always ready to serve you. night and day. Accessories, supplies. Ford parts. RAYFIELD CARBURETOR SERVICE STATION UTOS REBUILT SBting your car to me and I will make it like rew. First class re pairs, painting, etc. Tops made. Iam an expert of many years expe rience and supervise and test all work. Charges less than elsewhere. GEO. COLEMAN 1011-1015 Pseyfarre, near Magaziae. Main 668 UTO DELIVERY BODIES A Made to order. Repairing and painting done promptly and at low er prices than elsewhere. Wagon manufacturers. J. W. O'CONNOR 824 Ursullne, bet. Bourbon and Dauphine UTO SCHOOL For $25 we instruct you in driving and repairing automobiles. We se. cure positions. Guarantee chauf feur's license. ORLEANS AUTO SCHOOL 636 Julia Street UTOS the biggest line of used cars in the South, from 50 to 75 of New Orleans Auto dealers' choicest pickups. . Every car subject to test and will be demonstrated. From $125 up. NEW ORLEANS AUTO CLEARING HOUSE Dryades and Lafayette 2nd Floor Crescent City Garage Main 166 Made to order. All kinds of weld ing. Beds refinished. Silver plat ing. Nickeling. Oxydizing, Bronze plating. Copper and brass signa made to order. CENTRAL MFG. CO. 634 No. Rampart Street AUTO JITNEY EXCHANGE Ford cars $1.00 per hour. Careful, experienced, courteous drivers. Prompt efficient service guaranteed. Mal 5121. A UTOS BOUGHT Old cars any condition. Highest spot cash prices paid. Save 3/4 price on parts. WRECKING AUTO CO. 138 Freret St Jackson 217 ICYCLE REPAIRING is our specialty. We have a well equipped shop and turn out only absolutely guaranteed work. We also buy and sell. LOPEZ BROS. B ARBDERIA SILVANO CHAVEZ 413 Dauphin St Experto barbero y especialista en cortes de pelo ofrece sus servicios a to la colonia Latina y tambien a doaicilio, Masaje electrico-Agua fria c. eisnte. De del Tolefono Mei 1615. Expert Barber specializing in all style haircuts--Foreign, American. Scientific mas sage. Moderate; 3 blocks Canal St SILVANO CHAVEZ 413 Dauphine St Mail 1635 _ 00K Vlmu Care" ANx D CURIO STORE Old Books. Autographs, Magazines, Prints, Bric-a-Bae. Paintings. An. tiques, etc., bought, s,.ld and ex. ALEXANDER HAY, Proprietor. B ICYCLES-._ New and used. Puncture Proof Tires-Repairs. Work called for and delivered. JOHN P. SHORT The Tire Life Man UW I. Carrnllto Ave. Galvs 53 We lend money on anything of val ee. Bargains an unredeemed pledges --matches, diamnonds, jewelry, shot aus, revolvers, leather goods, etc. Sjarch dwry repairing. 65 So. Rampart St., Cer. Girod watches, jewelry, and silver ware, at the rtlht prices. You will be mmprised to Snd how mach jewelry pou can buy here for very little money. Let us prove it to you, D. B. EldlER AND BROS. BDtsyad crur Ters€lteeo Oue block from Kaufman' Bi Sre. The lastest fashion exclasively by New York teacher. Exclusive d designs. Gowns remodeled. Khaki skeu a speciaky. Psrmpt work. . atihsc.t on and style gusmsteed.p ---- u momer Inies. Over the river Pat -a deaired. TNK VOUKE NO? -M N -a umI* 3tee- a VERYTH'ING BOUGH AND SOLD SlHIghest cash prices paid for all kinds second hand goods. Papesl 7 stock, nmss, iron, metal, building material, irtn beds, springs, mat-. tresses, pillows and bedding. Stoves a specialty; cooking, heating and gasoline stoves; stove pape. JOSEPlH DUTHU North Robertson and Careadelet Walk (Old Basin) iPERT WATCHMAKER Special:st in Swiss and all grade foreign nmve:neents. Jewelry de signed and manufactured to order. If yu have d:tficult work, bring it to me. Diamond setting-engraving. Irn 'ig this and get to per cent reduction. Gold & S:iver bought and sold. E. ESCOBAR (Se habla Espanol) 312 Daphine Street '2 Blocks from Canal. Mair 1635 AT AT MACES The . C. of L. has not raised the p::ce nor lowered the quality of food he:e. More for your money than 1n:vw'Here else. r Men -you can get GOOD coffee and rolls for Sc at M 4CK'S 510 St. Charles Streeet lus' say you're frrn over the river and see h~w we will treat you. CONOMY SHOE REPAIRING. Every j.,b gets0 mV piersonial atten. 'a:n and is guaranteed to give sat i-'action. Only best oak leather utd. MODERATE PRICES. Special nuduce:nents to people of Algiers ard ihre:rna. FRANK BIANCO 2043 Magazine St. ORD A EIXLIARIES OWEN A. LAZENBY CO., INC. Distributors. Auxiliary Springs for Fords. Increased capacity. Price. 0 l'is. ... -........ -......0.. O applied 250 lbs .. . ..... 4.k)5 applied '5si lbs. ............. ...... - . --..- 45.00 applied : lbs. .. - 50.00 applied Ex-ension fir increasing Ford wheel-base :o 124 inches or 130 inches fir $t7.50. 611 Julia Street Mala 651 LECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS. Have your fan cleaned and repaired by GUS KROGH Ilouse Wiring a Specialty-All Work guaran teed. Shop 261 Pelican Ave. Residence 116 Verret Algiers, La. ELT MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY All kind Mattresses made, repaired, and steam cleaned. JULIUS EVANS. Prop. 2509.-2515 So. Rampart St. Jackson 1645. URNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD We pay highest cash prices for all kinds of furniture in large or small lots. We have one of the largest stocks in the state, all marked at sacritice prices, in good condition. Save from 50 per cent to 75 per cent. Men's Clothing bought. LEVIN'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE 1059 Camp Street SURNITURE GILLY & GILLY Auctioneers Bought. Sold, Exchanged and Stored 441 Camp St. Maln 2465 GODS IN BULK: Be patriotic and help your gov ernment save the tin and other containers, thereby reducing the I igh cost of living t, yourself, by using the following articles in bulk, just received: Delicious Sweet Pickles ......... 20 per lb. Pure Fig Jam . ................ 20c per lb. Fresh Cranberries ......... 1c.......... per lb. John Eleinkemper Co., Ltd. Alit & Vemt GUARANTEED VULCANIZING SERVICE. Our Motto "10 Minute Service" Distributors GORDON TRIANGLE TREAD TIRES Inner Tubes. (as, Auto Oils. J. D. TRUXILLO, JR., Manager. 859 St. Charles St. Main 335 Phone for the Red Service Car. H IDES BOUGHT & SOLD. We pay highest prices for hides, wool, metal, old rubber, rope, bags, and other articles. STEINBERG & CO., INC. 525-33 Decatur St. Heamlock 2482 HEMSTITCHING, Embroidery, Plaiting. Buttons made to order. All work guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt attention. F. RAGAN IIEMSTITCHING EMBROID ERY PARLOR 124 St. Charles Street Over Porkorny's Shoe Store, 2nd Bfloor. UNK SScrap iron, metals, benes, old rubber, and paper stock. Estate of CHARLES LANCE 1229 Sooth Peters M Sl00-Phenes-Hemlock 41 JUNK- We pay highest cash prices for old autos and all kinds of junk. Fair treatment and prompt service. Call us up. Spark plugs. the dollar kind. We sell them for 25 cents. THE EASTERN SCRAP MATERIAL CO. 357 S. Rampart St Main Mn JUNK WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for Scrap Iron, Metals, Rubber, Rope, Rags, Cotton, Moss, Bottles and Bones. No order too small or too large. Country orders so licited. Give us a trial shipment. Dixie Scrap Material Co., 727-31 ST. MARY STREET JACKSON 1976 New Orleas La. I Any cylinder key duplicated from original, or combination changed Secure house-fastenings. Master key ing cylinders a specialty. Novelty and mechanical repair work. Door checks repaired and put up. R. J. BROU 324 Bearborn St. Mai t ENNELS K Handling Conditioning, and boarding of dos a speoialty. Trainer of bird dogs. Ageat for euel FeeLd Sapply Co. Ask for booklets. New Country Club neols J. L HUBERT, Prop. 4319 HIamlts St. Gatlvres t4J Take St. Charles or Napoleon Belt cars, transfer to Napoleon Ave. Royal Blue cam, first streeet near side of Country Club. Highest grades meats only at lower p primces than elsewhere for oimilar a qtality. If you want to eat the hish oat of living eeme and leekL Sevr. AhiLe 4-W a Vnat ass i A N. . hlines aS ! i , mw oassaaw. aA I'rivate dining rooms fir weddings birth days and conferences. Open night and day. See us for your next banquet. ARROQUE HOUSE R1,n~»s ,y the ,e-k. also accommo dation for light housekeeping. Strict t diet iind ihl;iiv respectable. S11 a:ndl cl h,:hs Men only and familhs. Cafe and restaurant in c..'r.ectv,::. I',, ular price meals. Country trade solCcited. 411 Bienville St.. corner N. Peters. A. AUTO WRECKING CO. L lli1hrt prices for junk, a.'omn liles, sf.rant iron. metal:, rubber. Call Main 5071. 357 South Rampart ARINE GAS ENGINE WORK. 1 ..: .'s i Eng:.ies suitable for E.xpert marine repairs, welding, c c. MO R(fl, PARTS CO. 831 Perdido St. Main 459 ANICURING I ,I LAiull.S AND (;ENTLEIMEN .:nr: .:,:., t: ry soan :arv xerv:ce It mde a:e rates. Itie.utiful hands .::1 r -c. I l a:l ad:l:irat...n every wh06e:t, let r:e :m,ke our, beauti f" I.I'TIE S~'III l1MER 615 Macheca Bldg. Main 6795 An altl:,intllent by phone may save you Somne tlme. ULLER SERVICE STATION. Berlin & St. Chas. Phone Upt. 1854 ()pen 7 tiil 9 daily and Sun day. Lxpe-: auto and bicycle re pa- rng 15 minute guaranteed vulcar:::ng. Auto accessories, tires and bicycle supplies, gasoline and oils. Ford parts. ATTRESSES repaired. 15 years experience. All work guarantied. BR ADWWAY MATTRESS WORKS J. J. Reed, Prep. 2510 Bell St. Hemlock 1186 NOVELTY MACHINE WORKS MACIIINERY Oxy. Acetylene Welding and Cutting 532-534 Julia St. Phone Main 4562 NATIONAL CANNERS Cans everything. Fruits, vegetabl's, meats, game, fish, shrimp, oysters etc. All sizes from the little family canner up to the biggest size hotel community and factory plants. Prices six dollars up to one thousand and more. Get our literature. Its free for the asking. NATIONAL CANNER COMPANY. 332 (Chartres Street. New Orleans, La. PEN ALL DAY "The all Day Market" Open from:n 5 a. :.. until 7:30 p. m. We will save you money by paying us a visit. Our prices are always right. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET 1320 Canal St. Phone M. 40M Watch Our Special every Saturday. LD GOLD and S:lver wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Money loaned on dia no:nds, watches, pistols, shot guns, muiscal instruments and all kinds of personal property. AMERICAN LOAN OFFICE J. FINK, Prop. 405.407 S. Rampart. Main 5134 ERFUMERY FRENCH PERFUMERY MFRS. Sell at retail orly. Perfi rres and Face Powder. Don't fail to try our Louisiana Magnolia Perfume, very sweet and very last ire. Also our Peau Despogne Face Powder. made of the finest Powder Material and highly perfumed. All Perfume ........................ __._..... 75 oz. All Face Powder ...... .. . 25 Box ROYAL PERFUME STORE French Perfumers. 221-23 Royal Street. PEOPLE'S HOUSE WRECKING CO. Dealers in bricks slate , lumber, sash doors, etc. Highest prices paid fur old buildings. Junk and old cis terns bought. 834 Julia Street, Phone M-5148 New Orleans.s La. P LAITING-HEMSTITCHING Pinking, Buttons Covered. Country orders Solicited. Se:nd for price list. ROYAL PLAITER CO., LTD. 139 Bourbon St. New Orleans, La. Phone Main 373. Bodinger says not to worry if you have anything in the line of plumb ing or galvanized iron work. The high cost does not affect him, as he has a big mstock of material on hand. J. BODINGER 11 Delaronde Algar 48 General blacksmithing, auto repairs, spring work and rubber tireing a specialty. WALTER E. PILIE, Succesr to Babst & Pille 716.718-720 Girod St. a Mai 116 SEPAIRS During these times of high cost of leather, repairing of shoes is a big item in your favor. Bring your shoes here. Let us save you money. CABIBI 712 Teche St. 430 Elmra Ave. R OOIING, THE KIND THAT never leaks, composition. Pre pared and AsphaLt shingles. 1, 2 and 3 ply Rubber Roofing $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Wall Board, $29.50 per 1000 sq. ft. Estisaaes Furnished. Work Guaranteed. EDWARD CHASSANIOL 421 Baronne St. New Orleans, La. M. 3312. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Bicycle Clocks and Watches, Um brella, Guns, LIcks and Keys. Made to order. Tune Pianos, Or gans, Printing and Signs. Painting. ALGIERS PRINTING HOUSE. 313 Techo Street. R REBOUL, THEO. Tea and Coffee Store. 531 Freichmes St. H emlock 45. Sugar at cost, to get your patronage. 5 pounds Granulated Sugar 45c Choice brand Roasted Cafee. Me-25te-3-l per naL Pmont attention, Careful work, Consistent char. sa. 'We can roofs in Algiers put up by us and let the owner you A. CASITAING, Practical Slater. : - Lakupo t irees, TANDARD MATTRESSES Felt. hair, cotton excelsior and moss mattresses made to order and in stock. Also renovated and repaired. All work guaranteed. We call fý,r and deliver. STANDARD MATTRESS MFG. CO. 621 No. Rampart St. Hemlock 73 AFES, New anrd old. ti-,ght and sold. ex h inged, removed and repaired, all :n.ike.. lck experts sent anywhere. Vwoe .r wr:te to DAMIIERIN l' IERISON (CO., LTD. 400 Campt Street Phone Mala 400 _ NEW ORI.EANS. EED POTATOES Irish CA!,Mers. Triumphs. Vegetable Seed. BRUCE I'OLI.TRY & SEED 00. ACKS, SCRAP IRON RlIpe, Scrap Rubber. Scrap Metal, New-pa;,ers, Magaz.:es, bought and JOSEPH L, WAI.E 13'.3-1320 St. Peter St. Hemlock 1187 S.I' tire pr-f srage. Superior ser \ a ii ,.! raes. (all us up - ..:i e"':l go .iitl se your furniture e:~, give an es:timate. I)ERllIES AI' TIOiN ANt) FURITURE . -f )RA(;E, INC. 409 Came Street RUNK AND BAGS. Tr:nk a:d Leather goods made to order and repaired. \i\ rk c.illed for and delivered. NEW ORLEANS BAG & TRUNK New Orleans. 414 Carondelet St. Main 4628 TANISO TABLETS fire :hIP ee!.ef of Iteadache and Neuralgia. 10c Box 10c If iour dr:ugg:st cannot supply you Srite "TA NISO" 2101 Carrollton Ave. New Orleans, La. I.n,k for the N. C. R. on each Taniso Tablet. IRE-LIFE Sa'.,ls'ures automatically in autos, motorrcycles and bicycles and ,:ecsrves the :tires. For sale at most s::plply houses or from JOHN P. SHORT The Tire Life Man 210 Carrollton Ave. Galves 393 PHOLSTERING and funishing in all Branches. 1. e ( overs cut and made to order. (uih:-, ns repaired. .Splec:al Prices on Auto Washable ('vers. Fords and Dodge Machines $7,). T, iring Cars. $1200 up. 11. MARTINY 1321 Tulane Avenue Tires repaired promptly and satis factorldy. Call us up and will call f,r and delver and guarantee satis faction. Agents Firestone tires and tubes, and Firestone aocessories. R. J. MURPHY, Prop. 724 Julia Street Main 2217 U SED CARS the choicest bargains always. We can make the best offer because we are an independent concern. See cur line before you buy any car. MOSSLER ALTO EXCHANGE 421 Baronne Street ACHER BALM V : 3pt, inflammation, that is why it relieves all kinds of pain and sore ness so quickly. Try it for Catarrh. Coughs, Croup. Sore Throat, and Neuralgia. Nothing gives quicker relief. Avoid imi tat itis. 25 at all Druggists. ULCANIZING "while you wait" service. Tires re paired by the most efficient and economical methods. Distributors Mohawk Tires SAFETY TIRE REPAIR CO. B. P. BRAUD, Prop. 726 St. Charles St. Mlia S03 INDOW CLEANING. W T Done by experts. Algiers and I vicinity orders solicited and handled promptly and effiei S ently. Make arrangements with us over the telephone to come over. NAT"IONAL WINDOW CLEANING CO. 322 Reyal St. Maain 2662 W ICKER CHAIRS repaired and cleaned. Promp: attention given orders S from Algiers, Grotna & vicinity. SAUCIER BROS. 1614 Port Street emmlock 394 YACHTS AND BOATS built, repaired, sold and exchanged. Engines installed and kept in order. Get our price on a built to order launch from 16 ft. up. G. O. HUET 126 N. Lopes Galvezs lZ Multigraphed letters that defy detec tion-addressing, filling in, machine folding, Shorthand and Typewriting. Copying a specialty. We deliver to Algiers, Gretna and other points. DUNLAP'S MULTIGRAPH LETTER SHOP 41 Title Ouarant Bldg. Phoneo Ma I3 AMENDMENT OIF CHARTER OF LEVERT-MORVANT PLANTING CO. 'United States of America, State of Louisi ana, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. Be it known. That, on this 24th day of the month of October, in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen, before me, Henry G. Bloch, notary public, duly commissioned and sworn, in and for the Parish of Or leans, City of New Orleans, therein resid ing, personally came and appeared John B. Lcvert, and Herman G. von Borries, both of age and residents of the city of New Or leans, chairman and secretary respectively of a meeting of the stockholders of the Levert-Morvant Planting Co., held October llth. 1917, herein acting as a committee ap pointed at said meeting of the stockholders, to appear before a notary and put the amend mnent to the charter of the Levert-Morvant Planting Co., adopted at said meeting of the stockholders in the form required by law And the said appearers declared that whereas, the Levert-Morvant Planting Co., a corporation organized under the laws of this State, domiciled in the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, by act passed before Frederick C. Marx, Notary Public, on March 6th, 1907, held a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation on the lth day of October 1917, that 1428 12-14ths shares of capital stock were present either in per son or by proxy, out of a total of stock issued and outstanding of 2000 shares; that it was resolved to amend Article V of the charter so as to increase the number of members of the Board of Directors from six (6) to seven (7). The said appearers further declared that said amendment of article S of said charter was made and adopted by a vote of all stock present, which was 1428 12-14ths, as will ap pear from the annexed certified extracts from the minutes of said corporation, setting forth the proceedings had and the actions taken at said meeting. CHARTERS. And the said appearer further declared, as will appear from the annexed certtiid ex tracts fr,m the minutes of s.d corpl,rat:, n, Article 5 ,f the chaiter of the l.rvert-Mor vant la.nt nig ' o.pany was atnenildedl so as :, real as frllows: 'A'ti Vt - '.- All the co:p,) ate pl ,wers of I thi , :;:.p iatiln .sii all , e v1 sted in and ex S er -,d biy a lI,.td " , :,,s t,:nI, , cl of seven (i7 sharch ,.,i e'rs It ,-: } ei' v e'l an t .1 t' t h 1 .1in of A ; ' i ., a r. th e ti -- i' , i h e h ei .l in : i, ,r '.t, A! si un vc i Hall Le ',, ut :c l g t ulr u b ii 55 'i al ret e , It .ttil ., tilt- of l rD, i :nay- :l y pre.,r, i t , I,,' d , ten dt , ,: n i h -t ,l K ern in e'lr '.v t r ,'retarv , h . i,-t kr,.n . i d i I . It.-- of hiat- -- .1v r -1 e. r ," r.t." v 1t.', )ti ;her : , , 1.,... , tiy C r,r x\.t . 't - ' :,i . -t i', t'. t :r' 1 '. 1).', ·t,. ,.- e :,.l : e i* f the i.i t, . d - :T r- i ,i i ,. : "'ie H u c . V', n , , ,c: -t .., in s.aid It , 1- I of 7 . I rr" .t : i " .c :'".er . , - . "-'I ''. 1) ' E tf Ir I 'I rvm'os : -" l-r t. J:tIi II T.vert. .~ \·r P bnt :. 1 T'-cn'-r .ini! Jiohn 1, t',,',-~ ".iih,' , ,v . ', ' - ,,t the I I 1i a- , - et i ,tv. -halý l I e- and ccI ' irs e I I t' f ftrst Ioard if u -e "'fl,'y e . d h., ,' '1 ,r •i, . f ties 'antl : `"n. ir "nc. e -io :n mti e~in i,the ,v t, • I:. ,, ) ,- t e at i tten. and in the I' i.I apperes an.! ne nit r,. after reading I - if the whi i .% . •e "i J .. t. . vi, n a-t ri es. n d .: ne --es ;e : rt- ,e C.r. J Ma Lor.evert IIENKY ( BIOXII, Notary Public. u I. 'he u ndersignedt RecI rder T f Mort ages, in .ind , fir the Pcarnth f Orleas t . State of I) 'na. aii her i certify that the aboveuntil I. Thiiire lg act of all o .I,e:it of incor ' a'tin: . hale lierrrt- Movand chanting C o. o -' t: danV dulY recitdd in ceok 1212, 'v irlef ane . (: ',er '6, 191. h ad v , g-ned) EMLL J. written, ARD. in , D.,.")y. Rec May order. Sf the ph-,le. IIE NRY G. BIO('l. Notary Public. a. 1 1f Mortgages. c CHARTER i.t ad ir the Par h of Orleans, State ofC l:ti n now a . Thereby certify that the aboveh .tl fi ,rct" :i, actn te amer ne :t of incir e an ed aend sevetteen, bePantingre me,'o. - Villit:n o .aller Young. a nitary public. an I i:1 fjr the Parish oi I rleains, State of Lou* " anth dlay dulyc riined and qualin Bokied, and1212, I: tie pirIeusc of the witines..i' hereinafter -name! aid under1mgtei: )y. Recorder.m I and appea rel. The several persotls whase names are here it i nauibeiied, all above the full age of Ing 'hemselvess of the liws of the State of ' L. E iainai and p(. Bciall t.e laws relaitve ' 1a the organization of carporations, they have . ioveiiantedi anit agreed to bind, form and i lit-it Iite themselves as well as all such 1' ,:) ,her 'ers,ins as lay hereafter join or be-an c--ne ams-suiated with them. into a corpora : in and rdy poantic in law, for the objects " ,d r thes and under thrle articles, agree-tate o :iiciitm atid stipulaitins fall-awing, to-wit: L Artca Iduly-The name, stned le and title and i corporation sall be Edwards Moor ereinafter t nm.. Ic., and. under that n:r. it shall have , .an1 ena y all the righ , advantages and lee ral persons by lawh to corporationsre here uant shalrl exilt for the full term and per od Fi nliety-n wle (99) years from this day. Itl -ll- hlave vwer the cltract, sue and be of Sted: organize ationd use a crporpate seal, andve he nanc tod alter and break at pleasur; toand hold, receive, lease, purchase, sell and con- , .ttt as well as themselvortgagees, as hypothecae and such othledge rperty. real, personal and mixed, e arel anted in thcorporeal; to name an a ap-ora i a:n t such maitagers, directors, officers. agents aniu other em ployees as its interet t:nd convenience may require. and to make-t and establish, as well as alter and amend. s, frn tinte .-to time such by-laws rules and hrgulati corporns as may llbe necessary and expe- p andt fo:- the plthe r management and gov. .d ernment of the affairs of said corporations c, Article II.-The domicile from this corpora-y. It timn is here'iy tixed in the City of New Or leani. State of Louisiana, and all citation or a .thar legal procwes shall be served upon the L'resident of maid corporation, or in hise ab- u sence,. upon its Secretary-Trasrea rer Arthiy c Irp-aTil objects and puorposes of this crpration and the nature of the bus-r iness to be carried on by it are hereby de dared to be: To but, sell, repair, and generally deal in t artmtoliles, automobile tlrucks, and other mtortilriven vehicles and bicycles and au- e tomoliile and bicycle supplies, and all other -, insiness incidental to the retail and whole sale automobile, automobile truck, and bi cpcle business; to promote and assist fin ancially any person, firm or corporation en- t taged in the business of selling automo- Ia bles, automolile trucks and other motor driven vehicles at retail or wholesale; to accept in pledge automobiles, automobile ai trucks, or other motor-driven vehicles for m any noney lent on the security thereof. and ai to keep and store said automobiles, automo- si bile trucrks. and other motor-driven vehecile pending their redemption; with the right and , power to do any and all things necessary or connected with, or in any manner incidental i or complementary to the objects and pur- , poses therein set forth. Article IV.-The capital stack of this cor- id poration is hereby fixed at the sum of ten if thousand dollars ($t10,000.00), to be divIded P into and represented by one hundred (100' st shares, in the sum of one hundred (a100.00) ir dollars, each. The capital stock of this cor- of poration may be increased to the sum of one h hundred thousand ($100.000.00) dollars. Article V.-All the corporate powers of said ie corporation shall be exercised by a Board li of Directors, consisting of not less than at Three, and not more than Five stockholders. h i a majority of whom shall constitute a quo- am rum for the transaction of business. The st Board of Directors shall elect annually from Io their number a President, Vice-President andlm a Secretary-Treasurer. uI The first Board of Directors shall consist m of three stockholders, and shall be composed ii of Johsn K. Edwards, George H. Edwards and $c Edwrin W. Edwards, with John K. Edwards, te as President. Edwin W. Edwards, as Vice- n: President. and George II Edwards, as Sec retary.Treasurer. The post office addresses of said directors ti are as follows: eIe John K. Edrwards, 3t1 Canal Street. New rn Orleans, a.: George II. Edwards. P. oc. Box II 117, Bay St Louis. Miss; Edwin W Edwards, P. 0. Box 277. Gulfport, Miss. it These directors and officers shall serve fi utntil the second Wednesday of September. a 1918, or until their successors have been duly d elected and qualified. The annual meeting r of stockholders for the election of directors shall he held on the second Wednesday in pi September of each year, unless said day he S a legal holiday, and then on the next bank S day thereafter. Each subscriber hereto sets m after his name his post office address and a er statement of the number of shares of stock a which he awrees to take in the corporation. Article VT -Tn the event of the liuidation Is Tor disslttion of this norporation, the sck- rv , ehollers shall elect two liquidators fromn annng their bnumber, at a meeting convened for vi that purpose. after ten days' written notice p: sent to each stockholder by mail, to his ' last known address: said lionidators shalld a have the authoriev to wind ip the business a. and affairs of this corpora·iin. . p1 In case of death of either of said linti- re rdtors, the sutrvivor shall appoint a stock- ht I holner as snereshr to him. iln SArticle VIT.-This charter may be modi- te Sfled, chaned orat altered, or said orsorartion may be dissolved, with the assent of stock. hi (IIAIITEILS. h ~l i c er , . , w i i n g t w o - : !i . · ', "r f t i hre .. t : , " '. I ' Vi , , ',-,r r ; , . - a , r " , t .., ..,, t i . .t , r nl. : i,1 i i iI s El',k ,: .. , . - ' A . I\ 1 1: a'" " . a- II T " c r I z.e I." ' ,F:,,l I" '. R , .\ " 0 . , i 7 \.,: Pub 'n ai e.f ',ind ,, : a i' h i" . ", ' i e , il:, 'v' it t' - in. o " t id. ," n, i v 'iilu in It.' I :' tis a: c'. . ,tar, h 1 . . ".. Al ge an - ; , ,.-, , i :i , . .d: e natl. .. an t day- : a. !' fe: ,rth in the on hc4 . .\ Org, nal Sig , ed: ,. n K. Ed.,ar Is, thirt% ; I , " ,- ,St , New - i. ,: LI; Edwin W. Ewars. thirtythe . 1I "dward MENhtr -,hr ,, Tsh :1 .O I l 1 : B .i St 1 :.:: , 1 s. , : , f 4)itn e - ". (;r I h T rr:h e rr v, F ra z e r t L S . W. YOUNG Not. Pu . ., the nde, :g:e l . R , e' ". r of M1:r.t ga : . in ard fi.i r :he . a. - ..":,d iO an State t f S in- t, d h -rt y : cel.if that the a', -v and f; re. e ) ,,t ae f L:n ,rprat:n of thed I":ari h I.. R',e, c the .;wc'<: wit:;sesher ei !:nfe E wardl g'dre: J"rn I K. E.cwa l : day du! I.i.; Edred \V. E'l'ar~ t thlr: -:-ee i,,r,,. !', ilia-nI l-r, , t7. (eup,,rsdit, f adr. : here - ,ri arled in my adl i in Ir k 1212. foiiu 637. iNe -s rictna. \; 'Le. Ile r 'e. 1i17. e WCIAT YON, Nt. Pu IS tate of i: eana, Parish of AOrleans, -City Re ht fkn, wn That on this twenty-sixth i ar.t :Oci',Ter in the year one thousand nine her:iNdred and seventeen, before me. Frulrichek daengel, an-tart public, duly c ew ei n:oneI and qualti ed, in and far the . Parish .f E State of LouEsiana, .and to the presence of the witnesses hereinafter by - u::dera:gced, perstar, lly a came and m itillt m Frantz, the President of and here tn repreentting the Third District Build:::g trciati in, a duly ancorporated c tenetutdon Sthis State, dotnieiled in the City of Sew Orleans, Areated by act passed before ine, nitarhy, on the 2 tn dayi of Apis, 1897, re ciderd in the Mortgage Othee of this Pariah, Il B'er e 53, F.. 37, who declared: That after thirty days notice by publica reen n the New Orleans Item, a newst paper ipu ,lshed daily in the srud city of sNewv erleans,n and al after thirty days notice by mail to each -ta,ckholder, a general meet Ill of the stdckholtders of said Third Das trict Building As-ociatton was convened and held at its do:nitlle and office, corner of L..fayette Avenue and Royal street in said city, ,n the 20th day of August, 1917, for the il,u:pose of decidlng and voting upon the prposed amended charter of said Associa toln. and that at s.ud meeting a total of three hundred an. a seventy-six stockholders. it:ding and owning three thousand seven lnlrtnd and seventy-one shares of stock. were present and v e ed thereat, and voted unanimously in favor of the adoption of sald proposed amendedu charter, as the whole wthIl mree fully appear by reference to the lduly cernttied coipy of the proces verbal of caid nieetirg annexed hereto and made part hereof. And the said P'resident further declared that in order to carry into effect the deih erations ~ of said meeting, and of causing the t aidtl amended charter to be duly recorded :is provwdal~ for by law. he does. by these presents, publicly and formally proclaim the itol wing to be thete amended charter of said corlpratton, voted upon and adopted at said g'dneral meeting aforesaid. to -wit: Article I.-Name and Powers. The name and title ofit said corsation shall be the "Third District Building Association." and under its said corporate namle at shall have power and authority to have and enjoy suc cesion for the iperiodl of ninety-nrne years 0 mrom the date hereof: to cntract, sue and be sued; to, make and use a corporate seal; to hrld, receive, lease, purchasn, convey and pledge, under Itsi corprate oname, prerty. oth real and pierisonal; to lend money on hecurity; to lborrow money, and to issue Its evidences of indebtedness therefor; to name lnd appoint such officers, directors andl .gtenti as the interests and conveniences of wrid corporation may require; to make and establish such by-laws, rules and regula nras for the proper manasgemnt and regu lation of its affas a as may be necessary, ind the same to change and alter at will; ind generally to do all such acts and things. and to exercise all such powers as are ot may be necessary to carry out its objects and purposes, and conferred by law upon such corporations. Article II.-Domicile. The domicile of said t eorporation shall be in the ('ity iof New )rleans, in the State of Louisiana, and all I :itations or other legal process shall be aerved upon the President of said corpora :tinn. or in his absence upon the Vice-Prrs adent, or in the absence of both of these ,feers, upon the Secretary. And the said a President, or VicePresident, acting in his stead shall have power and authority, t a institnte and defend all suits in the name of sa;. corporation, and stand in judgment ' !herein. Article iTT.--Objects. Section I. The ob. i ects and purposes of this Association shall be the accumulation of a fund front the mounts received in full payment of paidt tp shares, and ;rom installments paid on account of running shares of the capital tock of the corporation, rentals, interest on ' oans, and other sources; said fund to e acct - mulated to be used in the puchase, buildttm upon. improving and repairingt of real-est.te. making loans to mrmbers of the Arsociationn ,on mortgage security, and on stock of thi. orporation, all in such manner and on suchr erms and conditions as may be pnrovided ry the mby-lawo. Section 2. All loans shall be under the eontrol and direction of the Board of Direc- I tors, who shall have power to fix the ratei 7f interest and make such rules, reg!aation,. ar by-laws regulating the same, as it may deem necessary or expedient. Article IV.Capital. Section I. The can ital stock of said corporatin ib her"'Iv fixend at Five Million Dollars ( r$5-0-.,_0., and shall he isoed in shares of )ne w e .. hred ($1ro.n) dollars each, and this worp, ration shall heif n business at once. Section 2. The shares of stock in this r r ,oration may the of two kinds. "Runn'nn Shares" and "Paid nu Shares." "hrensinsl Shares" shall he paid for in weekly o- i monthly installments of at least Twenty Fv ·ents per week per share, or in suich ,,h ,r amounts or at such tiher timer as m iay r detirlined hv the Roard of Directors. "ayi de .tp Shares" shall he paid up in full at the atei of their issue. I Section 3. "Runninr Shares" mav he co verted into "Paid up Shares" by the hdaler pavinp the ,difference hbtw een the pr ,.-. ., and face value of such sh ares, or w hlen ,',,-h shares reach their face value, or w h -- "h ,mount of installments paid on such chare. ,lus dividends declared thereon. shal blv ,' reached their face value. All shares chall be issued at such times and under surh ,n?. ditions as the Board of Directors may de termine. Section 4. Each share of stock which has been in force for sixty days preceding any . 7HAR7 N ',, ,o one'A'?' i tolt e of piedae a as , . , Iut o 3th , ,n t" o . L:aw ' " vied g4j i 7e t~ea al " '-' or the 's S": P v , :" at t, .. e of tlhe last o thel dean :des a nldets a l t:,:' , the Ai ý \ her l, .l re p . t the 1 ' ":-1 t.,he b oy l' a S her e sht' dko whi:cs h be in at ': cat, tl ay e ' h : ,i r oate 4L r " . 'h1 Le a s I " ' dI ave , ' "ta . for .~ds eo r :n , s::ia :ce "; l de a ,. t i :.r u i e r.,n a . a; c - e tlun'- w fi c e Li " • ; ',' '+" t' e redeemed .' ' :r, the.... ......... and at their -n., . ,,tc ad tle last a kli e::' last d+,,nde 6 , ,n the death o tr 1a t" , ' nad .. a are eot pled ; • 1 . r her lea dviemcrla ., : ' , - " v'-en made b f ,ol c d ' t h r eceiv , i , " "" ; a d' ' aid representatves e: ' ' : : etransfer said ' :- . ,dr , ,h:ure th e s a m e , tl i ' :' Sha:es shall be , : e, certoshcates raute d ' :. ,ach taner as t hm S : thein dy-laws. de tn : i s Mak y l; t ande, dh f . y Sh~ ar the Board of DeasI o : A ," e earnin gs of the a sso re " ; t S c ag id.x n:,nths, and O0: o " o :-;Sy sha; l (1) deduct all the I:1 ...i. :+ " , assctlo n for cuch i -. h- ter bah ance l iat r th catingent laosf hmembe :· .t :" ,.i ,. two and one hhalf pe t '" .... .' n d:g lorans; y hieh fan d Y t diretd by tre Sd tif r1 e ':"", :.I- utngt of the net e iesar p , h e...i.d , .1 . ;,eod for a reere f*si " . 'its t niwo and ot fal e ,t e ,andneg bloans; and 4)(lt t S - a.t ::l w l:g a thus ascerlaia dt t,,rd asn h aC d:vtdend to ths ntatl er,, nIp ir ,;,r: in t n th oe halue of spm ::r~:;.he ,: the tihme the preeedin dn a .... :h.,crd; and all payments s . ma.,lde bIetween such dh d yl I - Ieg.n tIo earn dividends be a th 1:n!:!t o of the next seml-annnal u te ', ::"n 12. "rlaid up stoct" hki IE. :call :,) lhv;dends thirty days f1 this, uan:ce. haut no greatr rate dal :d,+.-A - l be paid on fall pad e4 d e ',a- -f t han e stI declart d sat e s "i:rn' :.:;g r..tck; d and proviC se t hLt a ri ". or Irier shall be tlaes to pns t1.. As,-,satlon from paying a les ne d:vldc.::dl on "'Paid up Stock" thrs ise rn "uinnhng dStodk." .Sect:n 13. The dividuead dfila, u"tnh: a, i s stpsck" shall he ie 0 ps- '",,.,k: off the members .a . 's .:,,t ohvidcndls on "paid up stoAa" dd dlay of May and November o f1"pe mporae ,werts of the atiams aMt k -xe.rc td by the Board of Disaeldt a ,:,t of not more than tweatry. and l hdhlveridr wht, shall be elected 1 tsi h,Idcrh on the first onday is Ialn waIa!:r, cmmencing with the frt 1Y in March, 1918. Setsn . Notice of said dea dl ,o gsvcn f sr at least one week bdl ;t , i, , of the newspapers e ps blie5dis -t, ,f SNew Orleans. Said s sh d i he ni balllt and shall be held It b Ale cf this corporation, S der tLe sir n of three stockholder alp ntiie tBaerd of Directors at the last biis :::tr::no thereof. 1the stowholdt I a rlt y Of the Votey e-s t re g #' claere o elected a lce 'ciadn r . Tnhe sfailure to dny de in the clay specinied shall edtt trFrai ... but the diret19 1. ,e t'Ce.s . Notice of sthe dei. v t-ie f. The dwapetors pLid hth "!ityr nifnlewr a president eldal a hen, nd seve on shall co el tue 1e inr tfh i transaction of She . sictnn 5. The dirttoen appo mltd - trficar. aoretors and etheloas tit : i ai A, and shall a their dar,ev:dh•l that the oet ced of .t ,f thei ,,ar. The Board In r l Spartrl. tr, select a plnts, Plus ted specl i dn ofl shler age d or di •r v tvt , J ot h e L irectoe is lvs'lit ,s f ciuty or mlsOian n . heb ,ti.vrLtsvo ticarry out the time and ta-: i 4.f The assochatos shlld i Ar-: tce VI.--Sction n. ction 5.k heirs retr shsll b omein utI, i rctrs under, thes -a _ f - hit'e, It.e. Suthon , Fed n , ,. lh'rv o.Frantre po ilip n t E- . Sio Io, Gvorga Ve co.bin , in* if chi hItsar.T heo Bor ,a 3 viwer o: enaclty byla nto t eep r-r',fer, t, see t lae, e' t le of A eker, John G. WobTrt tii.<, ,n 2 Thty ohrll isc dc d S .,. .:s ,rs nshl hare setIene I ifheir t uneteru may s isn he nerxt rehtlar eletion c.,Ckhs.I,'ldr shall be Adm Aluet, in writinL t oftt te l ip i. th. me tiend obGeot V. F htt'pAk ordored y the G hr. in t:i 2Tlare oy shalliesId II hr:-n tr her to the asroch..iao vices :n rmalitv havep kendrlit: '."lv'ci. a any vt a k aerI ~, .,' r, tF, a Ended aml I ..tei , disso'v ed bn ar d h,.e,.,, ,,i the shares ictio .t.v. ,-ter shall be WeDt t in wreais, of sso U ' v .th i and ometing of s 0ie ." ' or ere latihe Boa d r t ' e ,,hl ,miveionrrenl S, s o. r. . f. .t o wf, this ft .: ... u er tha " hare o ares t! 'ha., i ev sharee prei .' , v e.r-a.l ctOetNV l . t a. w.'l a. ,f the e ,: M ,stp ar s h for t h r'ae t Orleans, Ln t I ptI ,Va 1 8 r a22nid W 1u el.-C