Newspaper Page Text
Classified Ad vertising 0 THE PL,.r P E OF THIS DEPARTMENT is to put the reader in touch immediately with the newest needfuls D Sfor the home, cn::e. farm or person; to offer, or seek, an unusual business opportunity, or to suggest a service that may be performed , satisfactOrl h~r ,h correspondence. It will pay a housewife or business man equally well to read these advertisements careftully. dL1ýDD.:DOODDDIILIILIDIýýD:DODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIII ODDDODDDDDOODOOIQ III7I I lSSPELLED WORD. Sre- .. ' in the ad of 1_ "a lat.,,: piration was Sidui r. sls,n ' : our last is pThse ro e.'". he Jacobs' 0 re. "r iss 1i \ :l.a:vaso, 538 Aglrnue: An. '" ' rk, 410 El .A.U.e. and \ tm . I Serpas, 529 psroede Street. I Not ce. ,raely no candy will be deliv oS-erater unless the party sends Lten note or c;.llb fr same in Llg TO GOVERN CONTEST A . . 'rj O 'E T TF? SENT IN NOr) . . FRI i\ 9. YOUR --PER lT 1Y T \ A ( ARI) OR SOF PAER' \ I 1 "iF R THAN jRITE N T iF CAKD AS s OLyOUW * MF 0.\ ADDRESS. ST ) I EORI. 0 THE NA1!L ' I' A I!IE ADVER Dftllr.T IN A1llla'l IT APPEARED. SISSPELL F \\ RD) CONTEST pUF-S ONLY T n. R CLASSIFIED wAr.i S ATP 1 " 'N N PAGE 14 f -E %IE . 11 " i- 1 ', A I IhEDI) EACH TO THREE SL ti FI.-'t L CON Local Wants SALESLADY WANTED .Sab~ s:iv f I ,wear de Wasttd A o Sal I ;':. In your pi rot also h,r }[,, :c" SOts. d.' fport e ,sy r \ l'.:r>, Saleslady.e e I Herald Ofctf WANT TO BL f !Af Algiers 161 for highest prices on ateCr filters. copper, brass, lead, zinc, m robber, scrap Iron. ALGIERS SCRAP MATERIAL CO. 921 Patterson St. For Sale sGas G Range with yen. Just ike .co 0t $.5 0. \ 1,1 sell fr $1,, (U. Apply a1enmsda St. it On cypress mantle and grate complete. OW for Cash. Oat Man's Bone Cutter for cutting green r fr chickens. ae large counter table covered with mute suitable for store. Size 10 ft. I Apply 500 V'erret St. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. As *id established drug store in Algiers b sle. For .articulars address Drug Store, -t HERALD office Lost Special Notice SPECIAL NOTICE 10O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" TL Peter Gallagher Auction and Real Es to Company has been duly dissolved ac ndiq to law, and D)antel Wendling, ad kms 21 Hennen Bldg.. New Orleans, La., tsmted Judicial Liqurdat ir DANIEL W ENDLING, Judicial Liquidator. on IS Nov 1 8 1, TEE UNDERSIGNED, CONVICTED OF TEERIO IN THE NIGHT TIME AND lRCINY 0O JAN. 4, 1915, AM APPLY U 101 A PAROLE. TIM HAWEINS. 11-8-15 M. CHAS. L'HOSTE SHIRTS TO ORDER t lasger Wear Better 118 UNIVERSITY PLACE mrewld Hotel New Orleans. La. AWNINGS, SAIlP ETI. IWIIG & COMPANI, (Establiabed 1817) .YAL]L$ Awnings, Flags, Tarpau sila Tests. Theatrical Work a Specialty buihsd Phane, Main 3891. Corner Ca Sa s TChmpitoalas Sts. New Orleans. WENIm PERSONAL h ll ansy make of scales or hLave done on any nsed ones until Sfmren . There is a reason. Get M W5 Magazine St. Telephone Up flTIAINMIETS FURNISNED ltIIOS attend your wants. L furnished. Tables. Chairs, Lits Silverware. Glassware, Crock AILES HIRSCH, 501 Frenchmen ig JL APhone Hemlock 775. 3-28-18 IonDrm CLEAIEIRS I TRIADAWAY. Pro. vOllp Ae. Phone A 27 J ·urrMtime only. DENTISTS Phone Main 53... M.- D C. ROOT D. D. S. I CANAL STREET Cor. ROYAL nEW ORLEANS. GU&S BETAT & SON h am elIusive Bicycle dealers it the South. CROWN. INDIAN AND 3 JOHNSON BICYCLES. .SIL3 BICYCLES $17.00 up. h Claiborne, corner St. Peter. Phone Hem. 870 IRUTE VIGETALS. rea, Fish, Game, Groceies, ETER TALu.TO a Ramada st. Phene Aglgess 4 FISH. GRIMALDI & Cu., dessers In fish, game. turtles etc.. orders received day and night. - French Fish Mkt. 13. 1 ELECTRIC WIRING. SOUTHERN LIGHTNING " ROD CO. 1f Lightning Rods and Ornaments We contract to construct Lightning Rods subject to rules of Louisiana Fare Prevention Bureau. H. J. CONRAD, 819 Iberville St. i, GROCERIEs WM. P. SALATHE. DEALER IN FAMILY a-d acyv (;raoe- es. F: re \\1 es and Liquors Corner Bouny and Evelina Streets. Algiers. SILVER CITY GROCERY. PI' ILIP IIAAG. Proprietor. COR HOMER AND PAC'FIC AVENUE. . HARDWARE. - . o FELIX BORNE. JR.. Mill, Plantation and Engineer's Supplies. Paints and Oils. 611 t613 l'atterson Street. Phone Alg:ers 3'5. - JEWELERl. My Motto Quick Service Best of Skill F. E. BOUE MANUFACTURING JEWELER - Platinum Worker Diamond Setting and Repairing 310 MACHECA BLDG. New Orleans, La. EXPERT IN DIAMOND SETTING AND IN PLATINUM WORK A. CALt)NJE F MAN UFACTURING JEWELER Repairing A Specialty Main 5383 211 GODCHAUX NEW ORLEANS BUILDING LOUISIANA MATTRESSES. FURNITURE. J. L WALLACE, Mattress Maker, uphol RI sterer, old mirrors resilvered, responsible fur* nature packer and mover: wagon to hire. 713 Teche street. Phone. Algiers 9127. E MISCELLANEOUS. SHORTHAND TAUGHT. Shorthand and typewriting taught. Night d RaId dictation. M.-, Mary Redlly, 115 a, ':e::e s:. 121 ELOCUTION. New Orleans Elocution teacher is teaching a branch class of her College of Elocution C and (Oratory at the residence of Capt. and " Mrs. Sam S. McNeely. 319 Opelousas avenue, on every Thursd.y evening at 4 p. m. ALICE F. PALANQUE. 2818 Cleveland Ave. New Orleans. La. PLOWERS New Orleans Florist R. GEORGER Successor to Schindler & .... Floral Artist. i Residence Phone Galves 1807--.; Store Phone. Ni Hemlock 786-1940. 911 Decatur Street. Orr specialties: Wedding bouquets, funeral de signs, foral work, house and church decora tions. 91317 SCHINDLER & KNAPP Florists. Wedding Bouquet. Funeral De- F signs & Floral Decorations Our Specialty. 314 Royal St., Phone llemlock 2472. 9-. !7 A. A. McNALLY Shorthand and Typewriting School Day and Night Classes. Copying and Mul tigraph Work Solicited. 215 Hennen Bldg. Phone M. 530. JEWELRY AND REPAIRING. F. A. BRUNET Established 1878 J EWELRY 313 Royal St. Expert Repairing Done 10-18-17 REPAIRING. ALL kinds of repairing. Bicycles, Watches. Clocks. Umbrellas. Guns. Locks and Keys. Anything else that is broken. Algiets Print ing House, 813 Teche St. of TILE AND MARBLE WORL TILE BATHS. porches, mantels, floors and walls. Marble work of all kinds Roger de Roode. 08 Perdido St. Main 3250 7.36.17 Turn Empty Sacks Into Money Ship to Louisiana Bag Corporation. New Orleans and receive highest market price. Phone M. 1390. MISCELLANEOUS-FOR SALE. DON'T READ THIS And Lose Money. Unbreakable Glass Lamp Chimneys. You can stand on them, throw them on the floor -they won't break. Sample mailed 25 cents. STANDARD ELECTRIC CONST. CO, INC. 33M Camp Street Plhae M Il* New Orleans. ISAAC LEVY FURNITURE DEALER NEW AND SECOND HAND 20 years in same place. We pay highest N cash prices for used furniture. WE SELL at SMALL profit. For we have volume of bus .ness. Can save you money. SEE US for your furniture. Our prices will suit you. 1304 CANAL ST. re Phone M 1341 New Orleans. La. bi st PLATING. o BRASS BEDS REFINISHED NICKEL PLATING BRASS PLATING COPPER PLATING NEW ORLEANS PLATING & POLISHING WORKS 519 Carondelet Stree Main 3498. sHIP CrANMas J. Alsina Co.. Ltd., Ship Chandler and Fancy Groceries. Wines and Liuor. Tele phone Hemlock 104 10 Uo 1o17 Dentur St. TRUNKS. RELIABLE TRUNK FACTORY TRUNKS AND mSAPLE CASES MADE ArD REPAIREDD Al We r et etp Dee. 888 MOeVAL STEtUT L lhsm WeHte S WANTED TO PUCLASE. 4111P Y1L R BONES. ROPE, METAL AND IRON TO M. GLASER, 2733 TCHIIOPITOULLAS STREET. FL I.I. PIRlt F PAID F'IR DIAMONDlS, i'1..\i1 \. I'l) 4 ;1'D AND SILVER. AI'I'I.Y I. 1 R.\VF.- E. \INL 1'AL"TLRING II \\ F IL R, 121 I. CtHIARLES ST., 1.I' STA IRS .'LI) Il. I LDIN';S 1! ,IIEST (.ASH I'RICES PAID FOR ''LD II ILIDIN',S. WILL DELMOLISIH AND I FEAR A\\ AY ['I(CKILY. 1> ID1 RE tRISOLI, N :._ ST PEI ER STREET. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR I'PL.\TINLM AND) FA.LSE OWIN, 309 Bourbon St. Main 5106 tf WAL.IL PAPER-PAINT HAVE YOLUR N\ALL PAPERING DONE BY A PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER. Ht LCK INS. 324 AI IX ST. Phone. Algiers 213 WOOD AND COAL JOHN KAPPLER, Dealer in Coal. Firewood and I.e F.x;,.ess to h:re. 447 Elmira Avenue. Phone Algiers 414-W. AUTOMOBILE REPA IRS. AUTO TIRES REPAIRED AND VULCANIZING. Best and Prompt Work and Reasonable Prices. A. ROSER, S13 Baronne Street. Main 1573 REASONABLE PROMPT ATTENTION PRICES TO ALL WORK BELLIPANNI BROS. FIRST CLASS MACHINISTS AUTO REPAIRING Gas & Gasoline Engine Work 1201 Decatur St. New Orleans, La. S. CAUSLAND VULCAN IZING CO. Expert steam vulcanizing the factory way. We sell new and second hand tires. Re built two-in-one Allow on your old tires on purchase of new. We pay highest price for old tires. I save you 50 per cent on tires of any descriptio.. Auto repairing. 1548 CANAL STREET MAIN New Orleans. La. 1296 SMALL INVESTMENT IN VAPOR AND OIL TIGHT PISTON RINGS WILL SAVE 10 PER CENT IN GASOLINE ANDINCREASE POWER OF ENGINE. Chas. Gruneberg, 421 ORAVIER STREET MAIN 5050 FOR HIRE BY DAY NIGHT OR TRIP. SEVEN PASSENGER Stearns Eight, $2.00 Cadillac Eight, Per Willys-Kaght. Hear Jefery ESTOPINAL AUTO SERVICE GARAGE 114 BASIN ST. Used Cars MOMtSLER AUTO EXCHANGE 481 ARONNII STREET 1"4-17 M. LASKA CO. AUTOOWLES, CYCLCE, SUPPIES, MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BOUOHT AND SOLD. VILgUIZIH. EIEIAL IEPAlilllS 1 SPECIALTY TEXACO GASOUNI AND OIL STATION L. S. BOULMAY, Mgr. MAIN 4055 2t0 N RAMPART STREET CENTRAL GARAGE Your favorite car here. We have at a reasonable price any car you desire. We buy your car or sell on consignment; no storage charge on cars left with us for sale. Whether you wish to oy a car or have one for sale See RAGS CENTRAL GARAGE 1000 Caiadelet St. Plhme M - 122.50 Up 822.50 Up Complete ULn o Bleyl. and 0. F. SAUER & CO. IMaim 1184 88 ST. CnARLES ST. *u" " LV £tAua. v b. V iuZ Lt al IkSi DIEETUUU RIN WI mA N2 I" A TRLT PLANT Now . ..: .. -.. : rd g n ra ,ne of p.,: p.a:ars ABEILE BROS., ILO <R I SFS. ;* 3. , lEIl sl. RELT. FAI.t L.INl. FOR SALE SMALL FARMS 5. 1. 2u A(R0-S NO BETTER F\R.\1 LAND IN llt KENNER VEGETABLEI DISTRICT REAIDY 1"' 1,' 'L'LIVATFION $161i) PER ACRE LA.S \" "1 EIt M-. ji. v. SIIELDON 4 CARNI .l.tT ST. MAIN 4'7Q I 11.17 P1i' 1ii.iEI) AND EXI-CHANG I. , BROOK'S FURNITURE CO., Dealer in SEt'ND IAND FURNITURE Shipping and Packing a Specialty WE SAVE YOU MONEY Ojr t i. 0 : , ¾: ": a:: sa:me adnvan ce as ,nv ij t 'r r7l h.and dealer and we are ou: of :the ,u-.est Easiness dis:r:c:. Give 1 a: st,,,k 'he tince-",ver. 2400 DRYADES ST. Royal Furniture Exchange M. tHOCHIFELLER, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail Dealer in New and Second Hand Furniture Nos. 537 to 541 Royal St. and 700 to 708 Toulouse Street 11-1-17 ,k ; - t, A:: rart of the B. G. HAGSTETTE CO. N I ha . t f,'e an:d Bu-l:ar S1'- . \-'.,.:- .:n Ba.nk L ,k.. Al Sied. ;a 1~; . Rcpa:red, Exchanged and R'n wed. In- , " I ('.,':'r't-tr- .f Fire anI IlI:rg:ar I'ra-,f S.,. .^, V at::. Ih lrHa'ack 141v c21 ('arre- New Orleans, La TAKE OVER BUSINESS I have taken over the INSI'R ANCE I'SINESS of Mr. GEO. HERBERT, JR., including all of the policies now in force, toge th er with his goon will. All of these Policies will now be looked after by L. J. PETERSON, !get LIVERPOOL. LONIDO & GLOBE INSUIAICE CS. AIM IEFESEUTIKE MANY IT El COMPArIES GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, BONDS, ACCIDENT .ln VEIRET STHEET Residence Phone Algiers 298-L Phone Main 541 913 GIROD STREET SIAKESPEARE IRON WORKS JULIAN M. SWOOP, Proprietor NEW ORLEANS, LA. I Machinery Repairs Given Prompt Attention Gray Iron Castings Brass Castings Blacksmith Work of All Kind Pa:tern .Making Grate Bars-Ord:nary or Circular WE WELD ANY PARTS OF BROKEN MACHINERY PHONE MAIN 541 9-6-17 The Signist Everything in SIGNS 713 Union Street Phone M-3510 11-.4-17 WE SELL ONLY Choice Western Meat From Inspected Cattel of the Western Prairie Lands JOHN COUGET, St. John Market "Are You a Slave STo Your CAR? Stop Riding on Wind. Noblo in your tires Is a Guarantee against Punctures, Blowouts and Tire Trou ble. Lasts for years. Standard Roller and Filler Co, 745 St.8 Charles St. Dress Making Dress Modeling-See us before having your new fall dresses made. Special attention to fancy dress making. Prices are reasonable. Remodeling, embroidering, hematitching. But tons covered. Out-of-torwn trade solicited. Ideal Dress Makinl Parlor, 221 BOURBON ST. Phb.e " " " T .. . .. HORSE AND MULE EXCHANGE. DR. V. Li ROCCHI, H1l rses ,eer': ' ated . . . ...$$1.00 .:uaJ C -a. c :ara.e,> .... . . 5.00 11 -se A':. :- Strv ces ........ $5.00 Hemlock 174 Office 615 Toulouse St. Clyde H. Hodges Dealer in HORSES AND MULES Always a fu!: chouc- lot of at ::ials HORSES MARE MULE Crescent City Stock lards AR~4BI Po.T OF illi Phone: Office Hem. 10.0 Residence tiptow n 1074 SCHIRO HORSE EXCHANGE 419 Penn Street. Main 2608. S-- .- - . A. C. MARO)UEZ MANL F 4)ATL RFER of harnes. sadAler, and otl lars. horne hats. b,,nriets. pa.:s and ,(oots A I kinds of strap work fi ul ule of o' eretaws, auto and stable suppr,' s itrt lass wo;knmanshtp Prompt attention to all orders 24:31 Iberville St. Galvez Near Rcheblave. 1251 MULES. MARES ANI) IIURSES M. GLASER'S lHORSE ANDI MULE EXCH;ANGE 921 t, 92 I'er1dido E S. Ct Auctimeer Phone H.ain i! i 'hone Marin 4!t31 MU I.LES4-MULES FO(R SALE ANIl Fttk II:RE Wie at all time carry a tgoil suptply of -toik to select from 1'rotatet- '.t |1:etry 1l.y, Auction Salts Lvery \\tdnetsday at.d i s.atturd . If you have any stock- to dopo.e of let ut handle thtm for you or If you wmrt to buy, see us before pur chaswng elicmbere SCHMIDT'S HORSE and MULE EXCHANGE Choice Iot of Animals Al aysOn Hand Honerses Mares Mules 214 Davia a.eo.t dOg9 JOHN C. DAVEY HARNESS AND SADDLERY COMPANY, Ltd. Manufacturers of Collars, Harress, Saddles and Automobile Straps All Leather Goods Repairing Promptly Attended To. Harness Made to Order and Carefully Pitted at the Lowest Prices. 843-845 MAGAZINE STIEET Male 3631 ALBERT BOLLINGER Dealer In Horses and Mules P Phone 11em. 9114 P. O. Address ARABI, LA. Fresh Conrslignments Recived Weekly ROOFERS AND SLATE DEALERS DONT BE FOOLED. DEMAND THE FULL NAME. YOU WILL HAVE THE ORIGINAL ILIERT BRIIDII SLAITE ROOFIl6 CO., Ic, 201-211 N. Rnmpert Street MAIN 1212 NO BRANCH YARDS ANTS Houlsekeepers and Neme Gardeners Ask Your Oroer or Druggist for the ROOSTER BRAND ANT EXTERMINATOR If your dealer doe not handle it, get it froen 417 Eliza St. or 313 Seguin St. Phone Algiers 301-J Sild Under QGuarantee. REASER SCHOOL Shorthand tany system), Bookkeeping, Touch Typewriting. Mechanical and Architec tural Drawing. English Penmanship (by an expert), Arithmetic. Spelling. TELEGRAPHY. Day and night sessions. easy terms end positions secured. 613 CANAL STREET. Special rate to students from Altgiers and Oretna. 8-24-17 EVENING SCHOOL THIE SCHOOL WHERE YOU CAN GET INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN SHORT HAND (PITMAN SYSTEM). TOUCH SYS TEM TYPEWRITING AND OTHER COL RSES. ALSO DICTATIONS FOR SPEED. CALL AT 1416 ELYSIAN FIELDS AVE. TERMS MODERATE. Permanent Wave Nse w method lasts a year, will not WASI[ out. non :njurious. Marcel WVaving Elecrol. ysts. MARCEL SHOP 603-4 Macheca Bldg Main 2797 UR BUY DIOCT PROM MANUIIUACTURIR Grfieamen & S6delon SflrrwueA ?1srmPs B. A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND All \VMakes; All Sizes ' ron't \W'aste Time and Mone, (,etinr \, Bearing, Timken Baring Dessert ;')8: va!ue> .S8.;,; our p ie 2.71 6,49) Musa; pnicc S(.03; our price - - - - .i. Save \our mone' ad me iii e ! .: WRECKING A1 10 CO. Remember Uncle Jake's your friend Place Diamonds. Watches and Jewelry Clothing. Shotguns, Silverware, Optical Goods. l.eathcr Goods. Trunks, Valises and Thousands of Other Articles Phone Main 5007 231 South Rampart MONEY TO LOAN. NEED MONEY? --S E - REINERS Loan Office and Jewelry Store Business Strictly Confidential. MVY SPE(IIALTY HI(GHEST G(RADE IRAILROAD WAT('IIHES BHargains in Unredeemed Pledges This Store Noted for Honest Dealings. EXPERT W I~1'HMAKER AND JEWElRY Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry 134 S. RAMPART STREET FULL PRICE I'\I11 IFOR DI1.\MAONlS, ANY SIZI" (iR 'IIAUl: EXI' ERT AP I'PRA s IýR RE -CIT -1'AIR A. COOPER 127 Camp Street. 3rd floor. New Orleans All kinds of repairing done NEED MONEY See MICHAELIS at STANDARD LOAN OFFICE STRAND BUILDING MONEY TO LOAN Largest and most up-to-date PAWN BROKER in the South Will Lend 11, ncv t the L we, t Pate of Interest in the City. I:ar,:rins in UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS HEN'S LOAN AND JEWELRY CO.,LTo 507-513 S. RAMPART ST. Established 1583 L. PAILETS LOAN OFFICE and JEWELRY STORE 521 Canal Street, Nest to Godchaux The hearest to the People of Algiers. Highest Leans at the Lewest Rates. Old kll d Silver hleght. ROYAL HAT CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP Have Your Old Hat Made New We clean all kinds of hats. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hats made to order. $2.oo. We call and deliver. 128 Royal St. Main 5195 1(. MR. DEALER: \WHiEN TIIE P'ILTRY RAISER READS TIllS AD AND TIIHEN CALLS ON Yi': F(R CIIF KERBSALRDL FEEDIS-PURINA --~EE TIIAT TlLEY ARE SUPPLIED OUR GUARANTEE. MORE EGGS OR MONEY BACKE. DON'T overlook Purima. Some say it's hgh. So it is, and so are Eggs. High ,dality feeds, high qualty poultry and eggs. Enoug. said. Scrat2,:. (hck, Pigen and Chowder. V. P. STOKES, S .u:hern S1ales Office 610 Canal Bask Amner, M. 327 New Orleas. U. S. A; Reduce tie Cot of Living 1 L" SIMPLEX Flour Call Waa 1342 1 Bargain-On ale for One ark Only W orld s latest Pla'cr roll music hits 20c Each or 4 for $1.00 With four copies of sheet music free s'1 t -1 ýA VII I. I t \I k Iit M 111IlIRk' S 1 l Ic k S Ill . tin '\\ ~ 1 I)O lt I .I 1f I "\ ~ ,I I l,' I \51. IIItE ' ltintl t 1111.1 l I ikI i i I l t our mu.. athtnc: not um{lIt, e i th u,t thiem Artist Model Piano House ll I 1t %.tLt .1 I. f ,' i'l 10 I. 4 A PHILIPPINE LOYALTY. It i' %%..o: tet til 1 1,1 -41s.n s,,s has no tdi., t'ltdi sujllt .i' ;'. The alllanc',, '::luinkt P'rut ianiin is an ill liait'e in Ith half oif na:ti,n< nd rncet' that are hold in thrubluhm. It is a war in bltalf if Germanytl's Al"atiatu and Poles. in ,behalf of Austrin's Ital innts and thbenians and S .rbs and Slovtiks, in lbehalf of Turkey's Arme aius" antd ilani:,nlt's. It is well that the one peoplet' which ha in the past priotestted Iagiitnst Ani'ri'cn rule Is now loyal anli conritt' edlt .. O(f Illh present liiyalty of the P'hilippines thit re can he not dlIoubt. It Is the Atimerican custom to think of thet lPhilippines as repre sented by the intelligent and edlucated classes of Luzon. These melln have hbeen the only intelligible proteisters against Arnmrician rule. Now tlis elinient is siltisfi'"d that the United States is con scientiously working out the l'hillip pine proilmin, aind that Philiplpine in deptendente is assurtd, lays Cleveland Plain Deailer. The other Philippine peoples, the half-civilized Moihamme dans of Mindanao and Sulu and the quite savage races of some of the In terlors. are not usually considered when Philippine wishes and aspira tions are under discussion. The loy alty demonstration in Manila recently was a pleasing mark of gratitude. It Indicated the Filipino appreciation of the American efforts for Philippine betterment. The boy emperor of C'hna probably ,would rather he out in the street with the other kids playing marbles. If you have a boy in the army or navy it is pretty hard to get your mind on vacation frivollties, Isan't it? Statistics of areas In Europe Indicate 'that there's enough land for the peed ple If the people could only get It. Soon many city gardeners will bq singing with a sort of sad surprise: "I 'didn't raise my peas to be a parsnlp14 French is a good deal more of an In ternatlonal language than it was threq years ago and German is considerabl less. There are many men who are afraid the recruiting officer will no turn them down, they won't give ia chance. An examination of the record of pat ,performance will also show that wbeq the Russian army comes back It geS4 erally arrives. "Pity" and "humanity" having blotted from the dictionary by many, it is clearly up to clvilizationo remove the blots. The people who have been predl all along that the war would soon over are partly responsible for it ha tag lasted slnas. HARRIS' Ice Cream The Cream Quality Made from the Finest Products Obtainable. 1300 Dryades St. Phone Jackson 1000-10i1