Newspaper Page Text
_b~]a x e!l Dress , L WM Last Word in Winter Millinery. l::'illy in o' ifopler. frml lhe trmmrllr. I * ables in igreat t'ashion centers, come h;'I- final t ilEss,'s Cl 'enc'rningl witel' dilii,ery. After that those wh,o create - t.lvs ilm.ust beginl to think of hats for -uIthernl toI urist a and hats for spring; •ir onace lthe l'lihii: s are over, there Is t .t denmllll for lut"-lztaear to be worn un- t ,i,,r southern .kiies. The lale Septem- i her and early 4 t,,ber offerings in I hats for winter u% ar sumn up the suc- t .'ssts in Imat.rtials and shapes and triimings offerted for the senson. shapes and others in whicth velvet Joins hands with heaver. t mletl broatide or satin, to malllnke the btody of the hat. are all equally gEut :a style. Metal laces and small, brilliant 1 dowers in metal and satin, or in co!u- :1 position that suggests iporcelaln-and c tlways fur; these. are everywhere in 1 the rich and dressy hats which fash- f lirt approves for winter. Ribbons. : some of themr with gold or silver cord- c ed edges, and metallic ribbons in naur row widths, ndd their Indispensable , tart to the very beautiful millinery r which we are privileged to choose just I uow. t A great variety of shapes promises one at least that is becoming to every i f rtee. They are nearly all of mediuh ize or small. There are no extremes 'rlo way or the tother. One of the *maller hats appears at the left of the :roup aboive. It ihas iia narrow, droop nig brimt and a draped crown. Itibon aged with chenille sewedl in r\vs over Ihe sha:pe is extendIled intl at long point hat folds over and is sewed to the :se of the crown at the right stlde. \fter so mucih elahonation in maiuking. his hait must content itself with a sim le sash (of velvet ribbon about the rown. A wifle-brimmed hbat at the center of he group combines two colors lu the hiope. The brim Is of :a dark velvet nid the crown of light Iatters' plush. "hie crown Is not smmloothly covered end Is soft at the top-characteristle if the seatson's modes. A very large iow finishes the end of a velvet snsh ',r trlnming. The brim Is extended it the hleft side and turned back to the rown. A very full and carefully nmanaged 11play of velvet rovers : shalpe with a :arrow brim. sh own at the right of the ni ture. The, brim lifts to a point at he front. So much Is madem of the vel ret in this hat that it ,,eeds only a 'nnov nin to flni.h It. Representative of Today's Coat Styles. There are a melaier of soft, heavy cloths mande for o,:(tings this season andi used for coats and suits as well. They vary in thickness. but all convey one impression-that oif comfort and warmth. The sel.'ctlon includes boli via. kersey, wool %tilour, broadcloth, pompom, velvet :1and plush, with boll via and wool velour. or weaves much like them. in the I :ad. Rich brocades and satins for evening wraps are an other story. But whatever th,. outer wrap Is made of. and whatever its mlnio,in. there are at least ninety-nine chunllc's in I a l'm dred that it is flr-llritalliedl. We won der just ,hbere all the fur comes'llll from and are collilncd that fur-hearing an intals will beco'le extilnct, hbult flr we must thave. ,nlctinltes it is lused lav Is.hly andial solllet'illlts sl,:aringly. Iut its plrtselnce saves the tlay for the cout or stilt. no matter if it is ot:ly inl nalrrow bandtlins on collar and culls. A smllart long celat of lolivia cloth shown in the picture is typical of the season's coat styles. It is l:ong and stralght-hanging. with a sectionl of a belt across the front and hick and an unbelted portion at the sides. At the ends of the belt, back and front, there are small cloth-covered buttons set in a row. Within ten inches of the bot. Boutonnieres. Long pins in the form of Jeweled 1butterflies or insects are worn with tailor suits and sports coats in place of the once popular buttonhole bouquets. says the Dry Goods Economist. These are pinned either to the revers of sport coat or jacket or to the side of the cast at the usual line of a breast pock et. The butterfly pins are generall, in life size, while the dragon-fly pins noted are often twice the length of the natural fy. --a~ Iw tom of the coat, at the sides, very wide hands of Hudson seal are set on. Wide cuffs' and a big muffler collar of this fur add to the beauty and warmth of the garment. At the middle of the belt across the front a buckle, covered with the same, finishes the adornment of this very smart and up-to-date mod. el and It may be taken as a represent ative and first-class example of today's coat styles. Novel Use for Handkerchief. mne way to make u:(" of an embrol. der.d handkerchief for other than its ,r: ginal purpose is to cut a circular piec': away in the center so the hand kirhlief uay he slippled about the neck and serve as a collar. One sidel should Ihe 'lp'ned and then fastened on the ~dhoulder. Should thl handkerchief he too smn:ll for this treatment then three quarter" of it may be used to make a sort of yoke for the dress front. Thik ,\ill give a sqluare outline, the .ontour of which may be varied by lengthening the blh with a berthe of lace, preferably filet or venise. Evening Dress Trimmings. The opening up of the season for evening dresses is having a strong in fluence on the demand for beads and spangles says the Dry Goods Econo mist, particularly in the more delicate shades. Spangled bands in plain row effect In such shades as Chinese blue, opal, coral wisteria and green are all in high regard, being used in conjune ftle, with tassels and small sized or nIaments to match. Perseverance in love is more of a nuisance than a vlrtue KIDNAPED YEARS AGO, FINDS MOTHER 3ov Now Nineteen Years Old, I Was Taken by Father When Infant. I',,rti r l. l O ro. It:allh , t,-:-, "rr . , .I, - te .no > e "r ' c h o f th i , * it.\ , k"u % , . , 'y t i. ful l ,: "`,I1.'1: ,h!w. ;n0l, . h. ha:d li-t :'I trat e, 'f hi, :, ah.r liner thant ltilhe, 11%; I . ",n re.ý.lre ' to hi. a r lthr r .1 r t- a fter yea: of, na rchhinrg. Youw- St."ewrt wa.s taken frnm his rn ,ll . slhortl ait.-r he w ns b , I t a l, plhitcld in :a publi,' hono Ihy hi, father. Hi, iotlr wn.s Ill tt the tiu .., nold wIl.n li -h" recvereld sh.Le coldilil tho o traee of ther hal.. As the bohy grew lder he learned Ithe story of his early "hildhtrrl and started a search for his rlmother. Thae 't-rel wa;i c-onlucatedl from the fl' he af the Juvenile court here urnder the 'ilrertion ,of William Spetncer r St nnart brought his story to'tr 'l i I I Kidnapped by His Father. everal year. ago an at that tim a p-leture of the baay and his*Mtury werf published In a Portland paper. Thji `brought the first clue to the long-h~lt parent. i. t'. ('rson of eattle. who read the story, remembered the facts an'! commnuniezatad with l'artlan,, an' throiuh his frienda. who hI bi'en :i Kiduint pped with the s o F ather. beforought, the fioman ws traced to t ln little town of t. Rckport Wash. The nmother's name is now Mrs. F' J. Melville. CAUGHT AFTER ELEVEN YEARS Man Charged With Murder in Carrol County, Va.. Long Eluded Arrest. Pendletnn, Ore.-Sherlff Bud Ed words of Carroll county. Va., who was a figure In the famoes Allen tragedy which was a nation-wide sensation t few years ago, has arrived In Pendle ton to take into custody Logan Vernon alias J. R. Rash. wanted 4n Virginil for a murder committed 11 years ago tash had successfully eluded pursul sine' the crime was committed anti he was arrested here. Edwards bears a bullet scar front the memorable courtroom battle it which a judge, sheriff and prosecutind attorney and two jurors were killed b3 Floyd and Sidney Allen and foul friends after Alien had been sentence< to the penitentlary for interfering witi an officert.Edwards Is said to be the one who killed Floyd Allean. LITTLE BOY SAVES CHILD Pulled the Youngster Out of Ar I Old Well Wher He Had Fallen. s Depere, Wis.-Lawrence Kidney, the faor-year-old son of William Kidney, a West Depere boat builder, rescued Robert Van Oemert, two years old from drowning. The two boys, togeth er with Lawrence's younger brother were playing when Robert fell into at old deep well. When he screamed the younger Kid ney boy said, "Let's run home and tel mamma he's drowsing," but Lawrence reproved by saying that "he'll be al drowned then." He caught the drown lag child by the hand, after hangins down the seitppery sides of the well and pulled him to safety-just muddj end wet, that's all. UKULELE WINS HEART WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS New York. - Many swains wooed Rosle O'Brten in vain; her heart was not to be had for the asking. That is, until Jo Sseph (;,,ns:ilves came out of the .VWest with a ukulele from which he extrtncted music that would :luhayve melted any heart. The strains of the ukulele *llred IRosle fromnt home and she wais not to Ibe found until her mlltilhlr remembeotred Golnsalvs with his "lik(." l'alice traced htil two to uan apa:rtment h]ouse., Iult it was too() late. The pair were married. Women Overworked. London.-A cumpalgn has beer started against overworking women munition workers. Some women, ii was said, work from 10 to 12 hour a day. Test for Hoover. She--Mr. Hloover says that it's muct healthier to eat fruit with the skins or instead of peeling It. He-Huh: I'd like to put him on s diet of pineapple for about a week, ane then hear what he'd have to say.--Oas t I -a ne. ON TII SID . ri4,iaI I 1 NOT THAT KIND OF CASE. t Ai a rile there- I. tlmre than on." wany of over, aiiall a dlitdl .:lty. Not ll of , t*'. hol e'v.e r, alre i ini.nlduns in ,olu- t tion asi an- erorntl of ai fatm. us Irish t rigilmni-:t ,lo riecoetly ttent to the front. W'hiiIle on a nar'h in a teary remote part thel. ioionseer erpi.,ral to the qli'rterlinsl:.ter to borrow a horses to narry provisions to anotlmher telnt. The qualrterattslter riefused!. suaying: "I have only the cart and this spare hir.el I u: keilping for a ease of tieeTr gency." "Well." rfle'cted the corporal. ",enn't you put the case of emergenc'y on the cart, sir. :andl let mie have the hore'" Housecleaning Weapon. lie Whiz - ie's a:wfully clhv-r with a g'un Ie Q:ltz A go4 II shot. eli? I e Whiz -No. I don't meatn that l Quiz Whi lo vi yont n:i:ln then? lie W\hlz - ihy. he, m i0lll't find the h:nnlturnr yvmte rdaiy an.d ho drove the t:ik , ilm. the e,:rlpent' xtith hi: now re %olv,,t+. UNEXPECTED. ,,_ - . vtt "I hear your ri'lh old uncle is dead." "Yes. he is." "What did he lenave?" "A widow we1.'d never heard of." Summer Travel. A man one' took a holiday. IIe worked like matl to get away; And then was kept upon the rack In terror of the journey back. He Knew. She i-- The 'poet says "i.Las that are flie.d arem fair." ieh - Nix. Any awmaiker who is fixed can't hie fair. - Fashion Whirl. "How lIona; ih, we. stay at the Jupi ter Junctilmn. William?" "Twmenlty nlintitis, tny denr. You don't need iover two gllwns." The Worm Turned. "I want a man with a higher call ing." "Then you'dt better marry a chlimnney sweep." Now-a-Days. "Don't you think every one ought to look for the good in the world?" "Yes. hut Instead of looking for the gool, they seem to be looking for the good thinly." Shopped for Repairs. Full-I presume Rlchlelgh is getting a lot of pleasure out of his new car. Fuller--Must be out of It. He's s-. I lom in It. To Be Sure. "They say ('narolne Simpleton Is larried at Inst." "Who's the happy man?" "Her father, of course." Permlsolble. "I hate that expression, 'Drop me a line.' " "Still. It's permlsslbhle if you happem to be drowning." Goes Farther. "Have you given much thought to this new charity scheme?" "Didn't know they wanted any. It's mnoney they've been hitting me up for." A Mountain of Flesh. -Very Stout tlGentlenmln---llut I ell yIou this rmnd Is private t and you shall not ea~ss i.xc'ept over my prostralte bhody. Motorit- -In that eni-,e I'll go hbck. My m cr Isn't very gHid at niountalln -linmbing. The Feminine. S'holtelacher--A firt is a place where they keep sohlier;. Now what S1Is a fortr.ess? 'uommy-A place where they keep soldier-' wives. Daughter and Mother. "Will you marry nme?" "If mother says so. all right." "lHumn. Is mother going to decide all our questions for us in ease this mar rlnage takes place?"-Kansas City Jour nal. Incurable Ill. "So you say you no longer sleep of nlghtas? Why don't you consult a doe tor?" "It would do no good. It's not in somnia that keeps me awake; It's the behl." ROMANCE FOLLOWS IN WAKE OF WAR One Red Rose Made World of Uifference to Cana dian Soldier. MUST FIND THE GIVER Crimson Flower Farting Gift of Un known Maid Who is Waiting Some where-Task May Not Be So Difficult. Ionitioun. I nt.-War is not ill horror. It is often beautiful. The'refore It is titting that you should know tlhe story of the IRed Ros'e Girt. l'an:il fla ned with war. iltcruits :were hurrying through the street. to ,t:lifinr. (cIliips. 4(' .al the departure to frr-Vwy -France. Sonie woael iomeiii bark, :l~nbhe. And Well, war would bring manly sorrows to the shores ofi ('mnda--and dig many a grave in France'- fair valleys. The troops were passing in last re view through the streets of London. Ontario. Visitors flocked to the city to giv' them godslpeed. And the khuki clad soldiers trumped through the streets 'midst tears and cheers. Privote Stanley Snelllng. Eighteenth Western ()ntarie, battalion, swung along in the ranks. There hadi been ionerlie to say goiodliy to him. Ell. well. It was i.nsier---or Iest, maybe, he Thlen a girl leaned from the tonnonit of ai big blac:k touring ear. She brushe.ed i rose. against her lip-.- -a bl;. rld rioe-- art: tessed It tI lrivate' Se'llinig. "ingl it Ih -k- to me." she mur flurevl. "'inil-" Ili- hat carnme ofT. and in hIer deep .ray e*... lie read the una'-pk rn Ues "1 111.'" e uanswered siplily. At the Front Finr-away F'rance'. It was at St. liio. e':unl lll Io mel l ai prelude. Shr::p'nl -rea ru-eid. .Mines le.,sed dean:ht ulnder the' frt .f the. iinemiy. Andl tlihe in of h"' gullant ]:Eihltenth O)ntario stam!ped t.l:p tientl. and wti l.,erae d diitily if a :li i would tintr the' e'arlth from under hia ne xt. Then riles Ibat a dleath attio anl the ciree r cualue to movei for "'hat night, lying in his treunh-a ',nqiluererd G;lerman trenc'h - P'riv:ate .<li- lin:g loekeil at his f:uled Irose ane d 'heught of the,;'1 wa crld back u'rsls ilhe 'auters. "I wondiiler if I ever will live tilhrcuglh this hell to find the Rted IRose (;irl?" tie asked himself. The 'innadian tro(eps moved on :owardi Ypres. The shrill cries of battle. the sereharlns of dying menl, hoarse coll I "I Wonder if I Ever Will Live Through This Hell." mands barked by smnoke-begrlmed of fleers--and the gallant Elghteenth went Into action again. Three weeks later a transport brought Private Snelllng back to Can" ada. sorely wounded. For weeks he aIny on a hospital cot at London. Ont.. hut he never complained of the pains. He was far more concerned at the lIngth of time before he would be on his feet again. "I've Got to Find Her." "I've got to get out of here and get to work." he explained to a newspaper reporter one day. "You see. I've got to find that ledl Rose Girl, even if I have to search the world for her." It made a nice Ittle newspaper story, and evidently It was widely reoad. For n week later there came to Private Snelling on his hospital rot a package. "from Miss Carolyn D. S. P.. New Paltz. N. Y.. U. S. A.." accordinr to the fine handwriting in one corner. Puzzled, the wouliided l n:In remnovedl the wriipler. It \:,s a ihI,,oeicrnaph. IIe turned back the cover. andl g:ze-d intn, the e'yese of the, I Red Ihs (;irl. 1.'I fifteen mninutes. his nivetIr Iehft hIe: fl'ee. then shyly atte-mpatinu. to hIidl cihllud lit' t ahoteigrijll le-r . Stnitallm , hle limnd the,'s three sliple wrdis: "I min waiting." Boy Confessed to Eight Burglaries. Vinehlnd. N. .1. .aani I hdt. 13 years li. i'ellf eie'e. t,, 'Iu ht h rllt:iri' s I'Oilllllittl u nllulilu the In -t hlet' nlontlhs. after hlie had been icalught on one of the jobls. Hunt Between Battles. Paris.--l)eslite th,' rlur if artillery anti rlule fire great lh('Iks ef wild dulk, continue te I aluke tlhtir iiilli*s in tli lakes alnd dikes lIbet ec, tll le'r i;mrniil anid ullied niinies on tile nirthern end if the western front. Itwlweeln ealttle the soldiers go lhutting. Would Not Draft Giant ('hurle..ton. W.. Vr.--.lJhn Anson of New Rockford, N. I).. eight feet tall traveling as a circus giant, failed ti pass the physical test of the city e. emption board here. )4 . r I. teg Ou. e T C Laylng Out the Tr IT' training ground for the New York Nationnal i;tard Is Sp.:r tanbury. S. (.. in the very heart of th-e Anmerifenn S[4jnctn. How Spartanhurg camen teo receiK.e its name recaclls the story of 'hit Thernmopylae which modelrn l.i"r.:.n - revcgnize as having had much to .-t In hrinlineg heoultt the eff!ctive turrni!: point of the' Ie.velutio ll%%hich ga"ve freee ,ntc to th" Unite'l Staltes. woýrit+e John Walke'r lHarrington in the New York Sun. What is now the county of S;nlrtnn htlr;r was part of District aGu. a re"-ion whic'h in 17.3, was purehasedI frlm !he I 'herokee Indlinne. It. inh bltitants wtere. niotli S-cotch and Se',tclh-iri-h famllilie< who h11:cl coeeI down froml I'ennst yl i'::ti nal Vircinin. l'et en'e'le the IBroad antIlller Sn.i1: riv ers. In tupper S th Ic ':arolin.:t il the region eof tihe 1:;1 Il,,e. th y: haI: ,,i tnhlihie.i tli- thr " , settlitlr i t' (if r',ler i':c:ir I" ere,.t. Lawc on's .',irk and Tyi-nrs. i their view~ ,if al. d urel en lineft thie-, p|ionelers bher. unIacy re ,'sentehilncee'.- to tlhe ome'n of anclient Spa:rtai. Thiey were self-re'llirnt anod IIggressi.dve. and endnnre toll, hardshlip sad pain withoult compctnilnt. When Souith c'::rroblian ca st her lot with the other coloeinie she had mnch nppei'tt;ion from the Teries anel Loysil Sluts witlllln her own hbrders. To cver c'ome this opposi.etion delenates were sent out yv lite SeouIth Carnolina ('ounell of S:afe'ty to explain to the people the siltution ouit of which had grown the first Continental congress. The repre sentativesc of the councll who went to Distrlict 9'( were William Henry Dray ton and Rev. William Tennant. On their way they stopped at the house of Col. Thomas Fletchnil. com mander of a regiment consistling s tensihly of colonial militia hut in reality of Tories. They had negotin tlns with him in the hope of inducing him to join the popular cnuse. Find Ing him chllurate. they proceeded tur ther towrard the Blue Ridge. Mr. Drayton later reported that the peeople of Distrect 96 were canpabhle of resisting the Indlan.s and also of put ting it check on Fletchall and that therefore he had taken the liberty of .ppleying them with nmmunition from Fort Cllharlotte. which was just across the line hbcetween the Carolinas as now delinellted. Through his Influence the rezlon wan mannde into new divisions and he reeferred to the part whe're the frontiers-len were strongest rand most devoted to the cnuse of liberty as he "Upper or Sparten district." Organization of The Spartans. Mr. Dr:ayton belonrged to ai race of scholars, and to him the organization of the settlerments :and the fearlessneess of the inhabitants suggested very stromnly the people who withstood the Persian migcht in Greece. When n regiment was organized In the dis trict it was called the Spartan regi ment. Its comamnder was Col. John Thomas. Sr. "The Spartans" were attached to the command of Col. Rich ardson and took an active part in the snow campalign in which the Tory forces were much harried. The name Spartans was applied in time to all of those in northwest South Carolina., and although it is difficult to trace the history of the regiment Itself, the people of the region were continnally active in the canuse of liberty. Although Seoth Carolina was for three yvears without a regularly or ganized patriot army. the enlise was kept alivel iby such men as (:en. Fran cirs :Marin. .Generalt Sumner and Colon el Thoerll:l of thee' "Spartan.." On one occasion TIhomas andl several of hlis associates surre-nrerld and entered !nto an acreemtnetnt thitt they would not take tip arnms for th- hnala:lne of the war. It wns undersctnol that if they retirod to the'Ir hirnee t'h,,y would receive tec',et, o ee'," ;,, ' tC e ! ' . tllritl-n comncnlne!r.. 4 "' "'"rn'i- hIeeeveveer. h h t ith 'homrl h'dt been vloliteld, thley retiurn. tlee ie' i cause' :ntl fnicrht :c< tice rnn:illsts of Butler Got Away With It. Conti.' foilk| :,1tow\N11 hir.1d unto, th ni selves a new hutle r 1:i.t month. lie to l th r"111 h .' k n i"\ " :I :ll ,:,11i n t b I,'; ' andl that hIe had d1iiin' the' J,, for thi' rilfiei"t pl,-ih In t I , w ,ril.. I * . Wta c ,leere',,. lj.eittlp tt, ": l IUril r'.-ic' . ; e.' mlch'll s", tihat, ;lth"ou h1,; 0.'. ":-!.." , f,,r siL lantic \%% .>"'s. h." .',t it ri-_,ht off it *, On the tatte'rnl,,ln hl"e -t:arteil in ht nilt tre's i'lent iout riiliin . \\hi'n n h'h re'turntie.l 'le' /t.k l liil h If ;iny nei, h:ld etilledl. "*u'ni," refipnded llthe ttl".r. "n', h." ilv n' znckly etllltel. lint two ',ll folks ceone 'roundl in t hii'k ia c t : hwn I nt.l ' em yeilt 4ttt they j-<' \ i'n' away and i 'f' ,ia. w li'1 \\hit,, ... l an' I lot ee' etlcaire'tt, i:.:til".'" ('Thllnk tht< i ,ve'r. It' hliettt.r ,in lle, it utien.)-- \V'tshlingto i i tt'r'. Rubber Plants. To keep rubber plillnts in filne " , Gon. once a week wipe each 1': :. e i -"l arately with a cloth llipi,!ei in - " t oil. Then pour a tnble"l.poirful I : among the root.. This aldds str.i'ith to each lent and life to the plaint. 't tln ,. "nIth haltsm, , ,'kg . t;n, of+ them C.t w a I.ture. and after a :rt! u:rtlal was hangld ,t t h thle rders of Tar M. jr Ferguson was ~ - t li to South ('arollana t -a f w!hom fte-."sths wM I., tck. Ills Instrnruflns ""! iint to the rebels and to " ;,: ronrt:its as he pne~il Battle of King'as Wg sThe ",""u (if his nP14rona ru At;,.rl, n io Sp:artain ,, do o. di. !en th'ir farmns nm' ranm O . ,t of the psaise of t l ihalts. Sure'f(otted qufr !':., lly in their inm as m3arkoa ,'i t I t,. l t,) 'd at"U.y tt h,.,,:l.- In tights with bkt t, :,:t: ha:r k. they ronstitttedme I:c ,-t ec1tlv-l.e. fighting foicR e+r <er:bhIl on this contlinert. The n:-i htld1i kin. They 'ane tib f o l.i*run,iln in hunting sohir, th, Ir eaps were sprigs of hetas lIerhn of their rugged land. They ca n- 1.300 stou alt, urge of a mnighty Impulse. silt not until they were actually to en'ai)g the enemy at hlat fain, l,,t forty miles fras t ,art ,ely of Spartanbor. at cho, n, their leader Wlllham hell. 11, was one of thel~ wh-, h:It comnmandled tropd regularl light cnvnalry and like hadI suffered much for the uas lltirty. The result of the ahi King's Mountain depebed airs tlrely on the personal latlsd mern of this Sparta of le world. The American Spartans Cm tmed to climbing moantal alli the steep sides of the aIt went with incredible aills0. from under cover of ~rbest when they could. The Britl dlown the hillside with lpsy pressPed hack the Amerla i pioneers formed again aid wai atteck with renewed ihlt. The cry war raied that was coming in from the retri tack. Sevier rode like Shlef l the patriots. assured them _b port was false and agalan 0tl line. The mountain wamrs ill Americans In their fir ll The' sharpshooting of the pilgs 4I:idlly execution. Major Ferguson refused der and although cue of hils raised a flag of trace Lhe down with his sword. Heauil tempt to get through the lines and was shot lve thand dlead upon the field. MAft hi. iommannd surremdeti. 40.1 British dead ope I1kh of the survivors age lwal ,a n wounded. Only 6 dlf can fighters were killed. Back to Tha MIk The hattle over the Im 1 Into the strongholds la th b which they had ol sor giae the words of Elson: "At IDl tnin they turned the 1d16 and insured the ultmhate of America." After the war these their attention to the their fertile lands. Th l "Spartanhurgh" was 0rmt1 "h" was dropped early i - teenth century and the Po Ing was adopted. The development of Spartnnhnrr was not spll in 1Vf0 there was onaslha of settlers tMere. '1 dt 1.0",º inhabitants In 181 I as many In 1880 sad I h At present It has 20,0 It has only been 'IttI that the place has eL inence Inulstrially. 1W s largest cotton mills oi ,ltuated In the citdy. ad , grent lucrease Ia 1 nithin the last tee ylaI Mrs. Russell list's he~~~I Icr cerrht)44 tb y Sit 'r I.:tT~rmfla L. L'0 1 in :rl rluEt comfpletC n lII fl\. ýý ,+f tin many rie %%ItIi hlrthleh"Y conijal dl . 1 her. hrTM Lb . hc dt ret' .p"4t41 ,r prt''le'YMe fi I ~ft tinir 4 :ard' with I faujr,'d. ofr congnftulsthI? or. re FC~irnlfm sao o t n". AI seIdolm Igm frg-)u q surroundingbefr t.~. r1:%-; ' h,. LIld s l C * . r th. carrialZeN i fo fr v.iars after s CopyrglMh l ",,1, ,) i . jr. ibt h j ,W ) f,,,.l ," r l t to :or II term of 29 7 for II renewfal fo £ Syeflars.