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P1y more for Ferriage than Pages This talarY for taxes. Help remove SwDeved to the Upbulildlng of the Wet Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newepapr."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. vo0, XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1917. No. 28. . . ..~ -~--~- " ,m = . .. ... =m ,;• , ... ° , , , PERSONALS AND OTHERWISE i I a "Y frien!s ",. Leonard will learn ', . ' ,, ,, r, gret o:. ,sltortune s.h i . aining D h- kie and Ir . 1, td v \'es- Sa her right if" ,- .I. E. Pol- St is in kttenda" - St, n F k I . lPacific int presented ' i and with th , Sboyenh little, on th go gehg .:n 1 -retrned hou . l : .;,ending w Reeks ithl ., t r, Mrs. H1 in Vallette , . rh E. Eddna Schlrui,' , r '"tring be an attack of h .. . h E E tienette ar' .I zard, La., he 0 Gershi.i I ' , v iljitll th SaJ Algbert Gui "t i i \ i-s iti tla • iama. 1ý C :tl : ,il. h 1:- t agdhter of or .L n avthy of EgL, rl. ' . . , e visited the ii .... :u , " eo ry . T e ." t ' " ' 1 friends of t" .. .. . ,. at the b, , ,tl :tation We and tO f Ht ugh l'-C il returnd .. ' iit "a. son in th -- ai Florei '" ", . r' t irted (' he Houston. T, - : -' n'l:nr J with 1h ' : . . \W. ( , re. Frank Kinh.l~ d i Luis b dtning hber a " 1rI. WV. f: cap Jake iit il Itn am Fla, las: iw aftir spend "' i a few day.s ",i '. . i. amil), of ,. John I. 1\-1oi, licltihout e I p reper of Southi\, '.i-. i- \v'ti ii i li Mr.J. Hansen of ;,: S et. l the Dolly A:n".d , io:luy cut ,i I foot, n('"'' at il s.\veral r, aim- Dr. A. C. li- in at "r. Frank SiLiuri ned home .ight and is the guest of her .e many fri,,nds of Frank C. will regret to learn that he - een ill at his honme in Verret for the past iet k. Friday Night Euchre Club b at the home of Miss Maggie last week. The successful were Miss Maggie Neffe, Nelson and Mrs. Murtagh. The f ton fell to the lot of Mrs. ler. The next meeting will m at the home of Mrs. Lagarde. P ,Ileville Kindergarten Mothers' held a very interesting meet- Si • hat Friday night and several w .M mares were added 'o the roll. n t i Verna Amuedo has accepted a y psilios as bookkeeper for the is Piano Co. leallle Kindergarten chiluren e at a very pleasant day at Audu- n eIn Park last Mtonday. They were n b charge of the Kindergarten A ;hachers. There will be a euchre and mu- li *mie given Saturday night at *4uil's Hall in McDonoghville for pu)pose of raising funds to a sew Catholic school. The S Brothers and Emmett Har 1wi1 ftardh the music. n Joe. A. Brauner. who is em- E at Galveston. is spending aE with his parents in Pacific C r. Geo0: Munsterman returned to it .bme inBuras. La.. after spend- r a few days here with his par- f MhI Yr. Vivian Oulliber. formerly a d Ar at C. L. Stumpf's Pharmacy, o la from Patterson. La., Satur- t to report at the U. S. Naval as pharmacist mate. Jos. Roberts of Brooklyn r and Diana street, presented hkaband with a baby boy on "" and Mrs. Chas. Diket are re - ongratulations on the arri of a baby boy at their home last B. Wattigney III will be' -ame bestowed on the little bey who made his arrival at heme of Mr. and Mrs. Francis 1 .attigny of Sumner street. Mrs. H. Goodwyne is home again I "leading two months with her S h.ome of Mr. and Mrs. Louis of 532 Pacifle avenue, was 1 by the arrival of a baby , - et eek. t' Glrl Scouts Magnolia Troop I will hold their regular meet ~lnlay at the home of Miss 'Thorning. amy friends of Mr. and Mrs. of 208 Monroe street. sym SWith them in the loss of mfat son whose death oc , last week. ' Ilv Will be a nov ysout penny lIrie on Frilday. Nov. 16. at Cui street. Admisslon one e. and re. J. C. Yoakum are eongrat~autions on the ar * a baby boy at their home. -'I Will be a rrand dance given USEde c Park. Thnrsday. Nov. 22. 1 nefit of a most worthy Msle will he furnlshed by l Die Jazz lRand. There - mornin pictures and dancing. Will be twenty-five cents. ueay frfends of Miss Irene will be pleased to learn that Stm hproving after an attack of tehrman Tent No. 18 has a Ma-abee band with members under the leader - Prof. Kuhn. Everv Macca - eardially invited to become of the hanri. They will th- meetlngs every Monday Ursadav at the sttdlo of Prof. 137 Vallette rtret. A. Barrett was elected treas the Nown Orleans Funeral Ausociatlon at a meeting 7 nIght. Iailus Messncr of 244 Pa *, presented her husband Sthby boy. rbHlic schools were closed Mt soon to allow the puptls teechers to attend the Na and Live Stock Show. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Of 828 Belleville street, by the arrival of a l rke enatrtaed the bF31ar AITTEMPI TO STEAL $119 DAHLIA OA ' RECEIPTS FOILtE An attempt to steal part of the "Dahlia Day" receipts was frustrated Saturday afternoon by Miss Fay Stumpf, daughter of Mrs. Chris. StumpfL who had charge of the sell ing of the flowers for the benefit of the American soldiers in France. Three stands were used to sell the dahlias-in front of the Grune wald Hotel, D. If. Holmes and alaison Blanche. Miss Fay Stumpf was in charge of the Holmes statnd. Shortly before 4 o'clock a woman - walked hurriedly up to Miss Stumpf and told her that her mother reouested that the box coltaining the money he sent to her at the Grunewald lio tel at once. "I do not believe my mother sent you for the money-- she would have riven you a note." «as Miss StumlUf's oaniswer to the woman. .At tlihie words the w llhoman tulrned away fromt Miss Shtiminpf and soon was lost in the Canal stret throngs. Thi- "iname" was worked succ 's fIlyly h a woman last year durinm th.e ,lIe tions for tlie benefit of the ('hild \ Welfare Association. DI)ahlin I)a '" was a complete sui (' ras. Mrr. Stlumpf announcing Satur day nia-h' that bele.2. h:;il been -iven by generous Orleanians in exchange for the 1,I (,i. riven to Mrs. Stnumnpf ito dipose of as she pleased by George tiiks. Algiers florist. Deciding that she would sell them for the Ilenefit of the S,4nmies in France. Mayor I ehrman proclaimed Saturday '"Dah lia Day." Those assisting Mrs. Stumpf in dispo~inz of the dahlias were Mrs. Gordon Riddle. Mrs. George W. Mc Duff. and Misses Marcuerite Kirwin. Alma Gerrets. Albertine McKee. Rosa Chifici. \1\a Salathe. Leah Schroe Stumpf. The Thursday Night Euchre Club ' met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Car- t; bett last week. The' successful s players were Mrs. Chas. Carbett, and h Mrs. P. Cognevich. The consolation I fell to the lot of Mrs. Goodlet. J. C. Root Camp No. 579. Wood men of the World, will give a com- t plimentary euchre and lotto party at 1 Clark's Hall. Elmira avenue and Alix t street. next Friday night. Dancing will follow the games. The com mittee anticipate the attendance of a large crowd and a delightful time t is promised. The Girls' Naval Aid very cleverly entertained all of Uncle Sam's boys now at the Naval Station Friday night, November 9, in the Y. M. C. A. building. Employes of the South New Or leans Light and Traction Cimpany will give a fancy and dress masquerade ball at Lee Hall. Gretna. Saturday. Nov. 24. with music by Laine's band and the following com- I mittee in charge: A. P. Soulant., chairman: Herbert Fink. ex-officio: Ed. Miester. S. Erris. V. Macaluso. O. Lacoste. L. Cantin. Lieutenant Wallace H. Herbert. Jr.. I Is visiting his parents at 204 Dela- 1 ronde Street during a ten-day furloumh t from Camp Pike. Corporal George Hoffman was on duty in Algiers during the absence of Corporal Hyde who enjoyed a three-day leave. At a recent meeting of the Story I Tellers League, Miss Lois Gravols I narrated a folk tale "Uncle Wind and , 1 Brother Drouth" which was greatly enjoyed. On Friday. at 12:30 p. m.. Miss Sarah E. Pearson will present the t following "European Lands At War" at the series of meetings given this e week by the Young Women's Chris e tian Association. t The Junior Circle, King Daughters. s held their regular meeting last week at the home of Miss Elizabeth n Higgins. The winter work for the r circle was outlined and routine busi ness transacted. The Juniors ask a that the public kindly assist them a by sending any old or outgrown y clothes to their leader, Mrs. Jas. I,. Higgins, 537 Bermuda Street. who D will forward them to the needy. t Mr. J. Ehlers, who was seriously injured in the eye while at work at the Naval Station some time ago. is out again. James H. Blenk Memorial Circle of St. Margaret's Daughters will give a euchre and lotto on next Saturday, November 17. at the home of Mrs. T. PF. Richardson, 712 Pelican Avenue. The following committee is in charge: Mrs, R. Whitmore, president; Mrs. .. Morrison, chairlady, assisted by r Mrs. Robert Whitmore and Mrs. Ella Mills. Mrs. W. F. Short is chairlady n of the lotto committee. Mr. McEckrog is enjoying awhile y here with his family at "DI)elaronde v and Bermuda Streets. after a trip to 'e France and England. g. It has been discovered that the in s. fant born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Good te w-ne a few weeks ao' came to this it world with a perfectly formed tooth f of which the parents are very proud. The Tuesday Night Euchre Club as met at the home of Mrs. Mills last th week. Trhe successful players were r- Mrs. Alice Corbett and Mrs. Blag a- gini. The consolation fell to the lot r of Mrs. J. Owens. The next meeting/ Ill will be held at the home of Mrp. IY Alice Cowbett. tf. Merton Sadler. who enlisted some time ago. has been called into ser 15- vice and is stationed at the local al Naval Station as hospital apprentice. ig The many friends of Mrs. Theodore Conaway will regret to learn that she a- was compelled to undergo an oper Id ation Monday at Hotel Dieu. Tickets are out for an entertain ad meat to be given for the benefit of Is Miss Alma Quinn. who is having an a- operation performed on her hand. w. Miss Quinn was burned nearly two ik years ago. Everyone come out and at, help the good cause. The benefit will a be given at Electric Park Thursday, November 22. Music by Schlling's b te Jass 'Bad. Admiaem 25 . , . II Reason Enough U BJ -8WIS5 Wrs iv" \ \ M AMERICA , ,\\\\\ , \, w - PRENT p o o p a 'THAT Aon G ouR ALLIES ' I ARREST AOTHIER S WOULD-BE OFFIC[R ..rnothr plan to o:;tainl moncV by nosing ~s an aIrmiy oIiOr was lip|ijed Monday %hen WV. It. M\illkj. alias W\il lii n Evavs. was arrested by Patrol wen \Weitraub and ltoffman at At 1an3tic and l'atterlon stret s. lie was tal:e.n to the Algiers police station. , sayviog he was a clerk and had noof home in this city and giving his name is W. H. Miller. He admitted. the police s-y, that he registered at the St. Charles Ho tel Sunday under the name of Wil liam Evans. Sergeant Bengert got in touch with 'he hotel manacement and a learned a man by the name of E. H. E Evans registered at the hotel and at of 10 o'clock Monday went to the cloth- T ing store and ordered an army lieu tenant's uniform, for a hich he was to pay $7 2.ot telling the clerk who wait ed on him to send the uniform with tl the bill to the hotel. A toy was sent to the hotel with the uniform. where Miller took the b bunllo containing it. then dlisappeared out another door with the uniform in P his possession. lea\inc the boy stand inc in the room without the money. fi The police were notified and a des erintion of Miller was sent to all po- 3 lice stations. When Miller was ar- 3 r-steed he was in civilian dress, but F carried with him the bundle contain- ! ine the uniform. t A clerk from the store who sold I the uniform went to the police sta- t tion and identified the accused as the , man. BLUE JACKET TERPSICHOREAN CLUB. The Blue Jacket Terpsichoreant Club gave their usual dance Friday 1 nieht. Nov. 9, which was well attend ed and much enjoyed by all present. d The feature of the evening was the d giving of the prizes won by the young a ladies of Algiers. First rize was giv- a en to Miss G. Legendre. a beautiful l1 middy blouse, an admission prize: I second prize to Miss B. Fahares. a I $?.50 gold piece: third prize to Miss I A. M. Tierney. a $2.50 gold piece won 1 at the Hallowe'en dance for the most 1 orizinal and prettiest maskers. An r admission prize will be given at our rextt dance. Friday, Nov. 2?. a beau- I tiful swagger stick. RUIZ-UMBACH. A quiet but pretty wedding ot the past week was that of Miss Louise -mbach to Mr. Arthur Ruiz, a well known merchant of our town. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents in Patterson St., the Rev. S. L. Vail officiating. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winm. Umbach, and - a sister of our esteemed assessor, . Henry U-mbach. She looked lovely in a coat suit of Burgundy with shoes and hat to match. She carried a beau r tiful boquet of bride's roses and ferns. L Miss Monica Escousse was brides maid and Mr. Charles Marxen was boat man. After the ceremony the bridal party attended the theatre and afterwards ) enjoyed a supper at the Grunewald C( ave. The newly married couple have a hc-st of friends here who wish them s much happiness and success in their 1 married life. t ELECTRIC SIGNS TO BE RESTRICTED NOVEMBER 15. t The fuel administration has set No e vember 15 as the effective date of the . -estrictions on the use of coal for electric display advertising. e ,egulations will be issued limiting - to three and a quarter hours. from I 7:4. to 11 p. m. the time in which at -ank UM e ihm md erlep. ST. MARGARET'S C DAUGHTERS James Hubert Blenk Memorial Circle. On Thursday, November S. the see and meeting of St. .Margaret's Daughters was Jheld at the Kniahts !ul of Columbus Hall. Quite a number v, of new members were enrolled. IAi Mrs. Behrman sent her greetings' ha to St. Margaret's Daughters togethert with a donation of $10. 1 The Circle hopes to realize quite ,v a large amount from the Lotto and fe Euchre party which will take place a on November 17, at the home of Mrs. at Thos. Richardson. in Pelican Avenue. su There will be no charge for admis- lu sion but tallies will be 25c. Several beautiful prizes will be offered among them a piece of fancy work from Mrs. Short. The second prize will be donated by Mrs. Whitmore. while Miss Ella Rees has promised the entrance prize. The following is a list of the of ficers elected: Mrs. R. F. Whitmore. President: Mrs. E. Mills. first Vice-President: Mrs. A. B. Clark, second Vice President: Miss Emma Rees, third Vice President: Miss Mamie Hagger ty. Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. El la Crane Andrews. Recording Secre tary: Miss S. Murphy. Financial Sec retary: Mrs. J. P. Nolan. Treasurer. ENJOYABLE EVENING. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Haley. when their popular daughter. .Miss Grace Haley. entertained a few of her friends. The parlors were decorated with cut flowers and ferns and a large American flag draped the i arch. Dancing was kept up until late. Those present were: Misses Rachel Perrin. Gladys and Lillian Burmaster, Mamle Frost. Rita Damns. Verna Hausknecht, Winnie Tillotson. , Emelda Hlindelang. Myrtle Ehrhardt. Emma Gegenhelmer, Edna Zatarain d Mamie Nichols, Grace Haley. Messrs. n A. T. Higgins. James Owens, Stanley Diket. Earl Tillotson. James Coney. ( Raymond Daly. Thomas Noonan. Mal- j colm Ehrhardt. William Anderson. J. Miller, C. T. Williams,. H. E. Rol- i ler. John Gegenhelmer and Mrs. L. c A. Haley. c ALGIERS BOY PROMOTED. Mr. Harold C. Malone. who was company clerk of Company H. Thirty second Tnfantry. stationed at Seho field Barracks. Honolulu. Hawaiian I Islands. has been promoted to the position of custodian in the ordnance department at Schofield Barracks. Mr. Malone has been in the regular army fur three years. sjFIRE FIGHTERS ASK MORE PAY.I' SI There was placed before the Fire s Board at its meeting Wednesday in I the mayor's parlor a petition signed by every member of the department I from assistant engineers down. ask a ing for an increase in pay of $10 per r month. The petition asked that if this cannot be granted permanently. that the city at least make this al lowance temporarily, or while the war and the inflated prices of food I. and other commodities exist. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Remaining at Station A. New Or ; leans. La. Postoffice, Thursday, Nov. n 15. 1917. 'I Men---Collin, L. B.: Hunter, Prof. I. Julian: Ivory, Prof. W. M.: Jensen. s Christian A.; Lewis, M.; Powell. C. D.; Women-Barnes. Miss Billie: Bell. Mrs. Kitty: Chearlene, Miss Emma; Gestellian. Mrs' Rose: Hughes, Miss Susie: Killebrew. Miss Emma; Pir . ree, Matilda; Reed, Miss Everlener: Romero, Mrs. Philomene; Wain wright, Miss Espie; Williams, Mrs. Nolle. SMisceilaneou--"The Seven Daugh e ters, Algiers, Ia." a Charles Jauver Postmaster. 3.s . n. eaets IwS. ISti A. CHICAGO MAN MANAGER OF 'ARGENT & CO.'S L, O, OFFICE t Fol Fo Any financial writer or others act- Ila ive in investment matt-ers know that the until very recently the small In- in re.-tor has r,-ceived a raw deal in the Amierica. The man N ith millions wit has been fully protected or can pro- thr tect himself and enter into a minute eff, and detailed investigation of any in vestment offered hint, but the little chl fellow. with his funds at interest in ter a savings bank, who has neither the wo ability nor non,.y necessary to make in such investigations, has been abso- wh lutely at the mercy of every glib- Ito SIT Dil .. T . . Ki bho an K i S. 'ci" tri he tongued indiividual with a pretty sounding scheme. New Orleans has had ample cvi dence of this during the past several months, and recent developments ~ should prove to the small investor the wisdom of knowing fully as much concerning the house offering him - le security as the isisue itself. And d it Is in this hasonnection that we take occasion of bringing to the attentionveral of our readers what is without doubt one of the most remarkable successes ( inuth prove thent world-the Sar- P I gent plan of servh e, originated and I practiced by Sargent & Co.. Inc., e swhich is the largest and best known concern of its kgid in the attord to Sday. The success of Sargent & Co., Inc.. h may well be described as the growth i C of an idea. Three years or so ago. tl SLa Roy Sargent. now president of : r the company which bears his name. r, con -eived the idea that an organiza- 1 tion which would offer to the small I investor something of the service ohb tained by the large, and whch would l make safety and service its key notes. ti \nwould succeed. Ils faith in the idea d resulted in the opening of the oriei- 'i nal office of Sargent & Co., in Minne t apolis. The idea was to offer only h safe seurities, which had been care- e .r fully investigatedl in detail and which a contLined little of the speculative. and to offer them in a manner within I the reach of the small investor. e The big company has offices in the 1 d Whitney Central building, with Mr. Wayman in charge. t SON BORN TO COLONEL AND MRS. I COLLINS. r The friends of Col. and Mrs. J.Tames v. Lawton Collins will be interested to know a son was born to them Novem ber 5. Since tLe departure of Colonel SCollins to France as General Persh inc's aide, six months ago. Mrs. 1 "Collins. who was formerly Miss Vir ginia Stewart, has made her hoine ' With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'. ;' S. Stewart, of El Paso, Tex. 1 ir- PERSONALS. r: The many friends of Mr. Rudolph in- Engler will regret to learn that he *w'Ias painfully hurt about the back last week when his train was in a h-I wreck at Addis. Mr. George Munsterman, who has been attUandin achol hLre left yes terd tor hi. .es la ... CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR OUR SOLDIElS Mayor Behrman Heads Movement In Algiers To Send Soldier Kit To Each Man At The Front. ALL OTHER WARDS IN THE MOVEMENT. : ii .I''F'H 1," !'.\ ," ''.I . . .l ' .1 th i '.hrl- . , . ( I,, 1 1., - fi" . . ,- "'r. l. ' ] ,ih , , . .. th, i wll rr .. it a~-, ' l ri ' i ir.: , :: '!" . . Ir. it. ! n l 11 11" ! t. i ' , I, h , . ' "- 1 '- , i I- '1 . i. ,1" i , , n" C"rL re, ,V .'on.-t",r. f "n h .I h' ,1' a.:h. fifth. Tlu' ,l ' T . 1'. , t 1 th , "'. - _, . n t l , , n , n w i l l ' rh ." t h \1 ,,1nr I hi r i Ei' :,li utric · :i ll , .Ia p' l, d ,.o w r f itil:zi in th,.:r 1),,w ,.'r I , - Itn' 'i r al: I-te li-t lfh"' 1f i h twc wh} ha .- bleen 1ia ft ei a',,I t thl oe l '", h;ve oenlisteol, inchlidin.2 white in, Ii aitd n ari,.. , t hatI nto one might hb. !.1. ¢,lniftted It is d,,ir,.,I that th ' pulh lit. ,o-o1 .r'te with , the' ..omln itteent, T) t" to this and th A fnot'n*telmenlt w -a tniide th:t Philip tr, Poto of the Folly Th,.ater and .Tatn' . I Fo-ter of the Electric Park hal placed their places of anusement at b'h the disposal of the committee for uis" Iii in connection with the campaign and1 F' the organization accepted the ll' with thanks. The meeting was en- .W thusiastic and all pledged their hest efforts In behalf of the movement. Mike Roonley who was named chairman of the committee on en tertainments, stated that the clubs would also give other entertainments in the Electric Park. the dates of which have not been fixed. Mr. in HIoonevy's committee is as follows: nr Henry T'mhach. George Ilahn. W. Dilzell. George Foster. J. .Moynagh T. Goff and August Ga .pard. ni The Gift-A Soldiers Kit. With the funds raised, a Soldier's Kit will be purchased for each of the i boys. This Kit is put up in leather and contains a razor. brush, soal. tooth brush. needle. thread, comlb mirror, and the necessary toilet 1 articles these are so essential to h health and comfort. Each of these or Kits will cost about $5.00. each h, With this Kit will alsQ go randy. cigarettes. and tobacco. Lists are being circulated by the ,r different precinct leaders for con or tributions. Mayor Behrman heads S. list with $.n,0. 0 The following is a text of the ap peal: We the undersigned do subhscribe or the amount set opposite our name. to the Christmas Fund, for the pur pose of sending a Christmas offer- at ints to the boys of the fiftenth ward who are now in the service of the r United States Army and Navy in recognition of the partiotic response y to the call of our country. Thouih absent from home they will always T he remembered by their friends. Judge Sam Levy Lends a Hand. In order to help along the hie I movement for sentling ('hristmas r presents to both the rolord and 11 white soldiers at the front. .tudte (' Snam Levy is now busily eneated in 1 I disposing of a beautiful modeled * yacht aliQut $IWe feet lr4g9. 'ahich F wais manufactured in Paris and sent her, a few months ago. This model cruiser is valued at $100. .Judt. r BIRTHDAY PARTY. . On last Saturday. November 11th. . Mr. and Mrs. II. Pallon enterained a jolly crowd of children at their home In Delarondo Street. the o- i h casion heing the fifth annivyPrary of Sthe birth of their son Pat. The hoite Swasr prettily decorated anid daiinty I e refreshments were served. Many a ame x were played antong which was I illtehn's Nnuahty Bably. The first prize 1 . which was a Rled C'ross pin eu-hion. Id was won ly little. Anna (Ixmtn:, andi Sthe Se otlid, a J.apansCs dll, wa. won a. hv l anlitta Botlo l)ancina was ih- . i" dulged in until a nlato hour. . The little hoxtess received many lv boautiful and usefull presents. Each, e child received a hand painted plate h as a sonvenir. i . Those present were: Katice and n Iolots Dennlis. Lilllan Seawarid. Mvrtle. Anna and Rosalie Oxman. b .Tiuaita and Evelina Iotto. Alha and Ir. Grace Crombhie and Betty Guy. M. tors: Kenneth Guy. Audley BPotto George Dennis. Nelson and Pit F:Pl S. Ion. Miss Mary Riley. Mi-, Mary Meyers. Mrs. Geo. Botto anid Mr and s Mrs. IH. Fallon. to S ENJOYABLE EVENING. .h AIls Henrietta Miller entertained rs. her friendts at a party last Thursday Ir- nieht. Refreshmnnts were served anti ne dancing was Indulged in. I'. Pop-corn balls were much enjoyed by the young folks. Those present were Mixse Myra Burmasser. Tillie .tutz. Norma Fred ph erlcks, Adele Burmastfr, Rosalie Ila. I he Sadie Brias and Henrietta Miller k Messars. (eorge Jones. Earl Cayard. a Marion Short. Claude Hauer. Nell' Wilson, Emile Fredericks, Irving s. Felst. Melford Pitre, Edgley Schroth. 5- Rene Oivier, Warrean Spitrtdden and others. t. •h b'. 1 .t .1 ý "' t City. 1' * " t F T , (! (' . '. ! .I; . .. I h i I . .i i I i. h. I' T h ' i T .. 'L, V. '+ i , ' i-' 1 . !,, . l ti ia t i t f,.ll-i i- h " 1t mitt :it te in Elhetrie: John MSatnhrd hNiriaht '1 in Miiitin liehrminan. i'. fli-o; .lnai. P ,tr. MIvin T. t e' i-in. Pat Mi I t " h ," , nf, , t. i h i .t It ,' . ]i, . h ,, ,i . ,, or tr l in (, Ladies of I iSecond Precinclt to Give Academy. (in 'Mat1 ly n3iht a nnibier of la milt l tl h :1 f ilhnc. of Mra . P. F. \lintz nflld S ,oir i i l to nsiFt in aliR inT flsmf fhiir the s i, iolr s aniil, Sail IDor ( Fhristl i Nl i it AFinei. They decidi-ii to rive a dance at the Avene Dancinhg Academy on Frliday ninht. Nov. n1i The admieit ol will be ?"i ents . If is oepected that there wDill e a lanre Nittindance. ans the The ila tie extenie thof ir hearty thanks to thre .Tackie Tlorpichor and Th'li for deine so kivie a dance at them hven the Dan lin for thadet niht. Ev help t.e wo rthy dission wil Thwill f alloire will sernd e on the cotOntitttl: Misses I. anil A. Path. F. imont E. on7. tMnd a tokrniernn. Fhlor inc thet erv is. . li ,onler. Stanh plry. Th cin. . eTdlin. th. lrke. heartylv ilankth Ton e .TIckitn. 7Terla ihork ins. Al ic .uin. K. o ;ihon-y. I. M rr hirne the A. Slhol. 't f cr Sha nich. .v Ir itO crt is 'x, iiitiecd to con l ic oii t and an M. followsin. Nlelason . on lCe I. nnirl,.: P.i nd IF. advell, IT. and L. elnF. MI.i. 'Miary. .\ictorIa. Hazel. and hitar Gi,.rt. T. .ann d . F narthet. i. Z-ar-in. C. .tanley. K. and F. .r.ilah. C. ~n lner. antd . 7rodtman: 1in. Al~ce P. F. hfuntz.. e. Ma. M:C. letz. T. er orri oii. d. .a. Stanhd ury. i r.nolltr. . ho. .T lin. . .T. Mothe, S. lnoldnt M. F. Short. A. Short. . P.asey, . Kirthey. F.M cndor niack. M. . an LM \h'nor. J . IMcGakin. VC. hrnricak. A. a. .mita tlpo . T. lnien. . .Berthe . Zatr. ai. F. Sence. C Vint. .Tno A. I rtpp. C(. .T. Peterion. Lx and Scoot. Sc. t;errtts S. Keunntir. Ayrock, C. i Boltnick. . lont. i r, A.F orrcEter. F'. Ialerthot. IK. Mcornac. M. lln Ma-illot Iho Prak J .inson akin . .lihnso. an. A. 1. .Irai eod ..t. 1, llieeinsl , P'. Rorthe-. s Mainys. .. F.Spene. C \'inet..inn A. I \ilprril. C JarrPis. Sahnriau and ReSo l ney. CHAUFFEUR LICENSE BUREAU e AT CITY HALL. i Th licknse linron u Ir the re-l. . ir tratinn of chaiffeurs will lie located i·- in iommn ircianr'i nr Stone's icifie or In it lthe orlic ha .f Ti rk of t heI o (uilloti P in ichn orn a in to ohnnounc, e v t mi aie y the M. ould. M. Ptlsirsoner. No Sipositpln. which Jiwill . I $t100 i per le month. av The iT phli lt- f-it i. .-li t.c.-'i -will ni t il bi i1jm lt -it to their lri-int- g nhriil in -it. Jut ri-fe - ' --- - ii t -haraitior i r torril. (' ll tarrsr- Sabarliu and Rea t owifi n irit-.' i-ira whti~' are inot Susied fr himr, to i.bjtain liir.nses anti i. e . COMMERCIAL GIRLS' CLUB. The menlobr of tllr. Comnh rn-r :t tr en Tsln ay of last u rwilk in the I tn ryi v('n i iarlors and' a r n i. .aunini l - ad tinr- was hatl. The tlits Tp ho anJ-u i-hr anf ti , wi. lssfil lar. rt wiT-Nre , S--s Anrri.n E ussh-, .This i -ub is for,.. ,d of th os hlr ioten illil/ di 1arlrho ; ie gra1lnatie y from thI al cote nor i our o of the Praor hial nt lsn Lol ite io l r ilhint nion of the hlUt to fl',n't onle R month. anir thi ed os'' mertitn witll ie held on th" r!t fr ronl ay of ,lie l .mer.l .n Si YEAR. rd. t 'iuh Herald will not hold the rotn ell , a o Thanksgiving races thi year as n I heretofore on a.hount of the war ha.. thI ing taken from our d.strint tany of ad the h oung men who formerly partic "l ated i. these raees.