Newspaper Page Text
. . . . .or........ ... r .. . m l ld Boost for o AtuL. D .lp r\- ;-·.. -'" M• to t"e UpNhiu Mh oUws o 4 td dte d O ieRbe "A vry nli ad orWlnMi m1 wNeMly m~ewr."-MANUPACTURER RECOORD. XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1917. No. 30. . . -::;f"T j- E ... Ii MI In lil 11 lI I i lim i= II . e.F 5 . I n I .i 'E ;; -. I "- ;;''= -- -. -- . "" ";." -- - "- . ....-. . ,,, . .,, -- . .' . .. ---- - - . -- - .- . . . . , , ,, . . ... , ,.. n. . ... I OTHERWISE Valetine I. Nelson, wife of t of the Naval 8tatlon is organizing an auxiliar v1 Relief Society. The work gseity is such as to appeal to rested in the navy and in - k. The purpose is to bring to those famlies of the u gh through the death oh father or son, fnd them II used of financial help. 4 Iak Galvin rendered an aria gL Matthew's Passion" (Bach) week at the recital given by the Chotal Club. g_ lay friends of John A. Stassi sisa Avenue, who joined the - els at Harvard University, Mass., in October, will be t blarn that he is making peess In his studies. S, 3. DOckey entertained the - 1,, elg Club last week. esbyterian Minister' Alli New Orleans has.appointed a askugilving Service, to be Mggtminster Presbyterian M, Charles Avenue and Sreet. this morning at 11 Algiers church will be rep --1pbe A. Brauner, after spend week with his parents Avenue, left for Galveston Torres. After-oon Euchre to-morrow afternoon at Mir. A. Burke, on ac being Thanksgiving returned nfrom after spending a jsr anmt and uncle, Mr. Munsterman. of Mrs. Nd Mo. be glad to hear she is out por a spell of Ia Grippe. *gt Vieknair spent Sunday La., the guest of Mr. and sslp Munsterman. ,L tockfleth and daughter, gest Sunday at Doullut's te g est ef her father-In-law. B. O. Baker and daughter, aent the deekead at Buras, grset of her brother, Mr. -IM , Jr., spent the week i4 La., with his parents. de , Biosssartm and son, Svisiting her father, Gerge rtermed from Ler spending awhilt , Ms. Lynch. Baker returned to his days with hi e prsent. lt, gran wnd 'rsb a Oreleh just Ie a twenty day trip alngs elies ea the aSethern Mrs. amlth repsme amoen the im Orles threoughout the states that the membe. Isoreslasg. 7 4 " and ehlren V Ia., are spendiang the terme's parents, P. J. Barns ksr left yesterday foa Af"M the manaal em breekes recelved the weanplaetiag a sweate the "KCalting Be' Auxilary o the ,the Ohrbstiu Wemea's t Gowe"a s4". JaeM e weekendesn I-. _ e ar. r s ktri bula l Vt ane a irl Owe r otf Lh ette is S hol e a Gk et MlaVe the b il bane LrI~k~ s3d k 1 h*t I ha 1~1\4 Vr L."' A request for "fasr play" was made Tuatday afternoon when the wives of men drafted into the National Army, and-so being trained at variem me tomeats met t 2:30 In 1olmus' HalL They will meet again Friday morn ing at 10 a. m and It in urged that all Interested In tho movement please ast tend. An cort will be made to have the new draft regulations concerning de pendents put Into effect to apply to men already In imp. This, the lead ers of the movement declare, Is merely a question of fair play to all. The wives in charge of the meeting assert that they are as ready as any others to serve their country, but be lieve that no discrimination between the first and other groups of select men should be shown. LOCAL BOYS MISSING. The American steamship Actaeon was torpedoed on Sunday, a dispatch from C',runna, Spain reports. Twenty one survivors have arrived at Port Camartns. Three boats with the re mainder of the crew are missing. Camarinas Is a small Spanish town forty-three miles southeast of Corun. na in Northwestern Spain on the At lantic. Among those on the missing boats are Raymond Healy and B. '. Ford. James Raymond Healy, third assist ant engineer of the Amerlean steamer Actaeon, Is the son of late Joe Healy of Delaronde St. and is Just 21 years old. He worked for the Morgan Line between New Orleans and New York until war was declared, when he went to New York and took out his papers as third assistant engineer. He form rly was a member of the crew of the Antllle., the 'Morgdp Line st3amer which recently sank aMe serving as a transport, but left her shortly be fore her last voyage. He had been on the Actaeon for Just a month. "he list of survivors and missing has not been announced. P.ealy has one brother who is a wireless opera tor In the nwvy and another brother studying for the preisthood. The other local man on the Actaeon is Beunet F. Ford. of 7O Belleville St., cadet engineer e the boat. He is the son of J. W. Ford, an engineer on the Public elt railroad. JOHN YOUNGtR ARRIVES IN NEW YORK. A telegram was received by Mrs. n era of Opelousas Ave. Monday ight saying that her son John Young e has arrived safely n New York and wil most probably be hoam soon. JON N4A APTER, O. L S. S 4 No. U, 0. 9, isles oan Monday, Ws. Liluy Goodlet et. w-rthy watrou. the reguslar mantba, Mrs. edtth Schabel, betas absent on aecount of the death of her brfther-ln-law, Mr. Lea Burle. Mmr A. Amuedo icted as assoete matron in the absence of Mr. A. tnanktry. Two applications were aeogptd and mee received. The meeting was well attended by beth the nemers ot Sts. John and visit ings bpters. After regular besi m was Igoe through with the aet ig matron invited an down stairs to partae of a mrepst. It was alled "Pet Lack" and everyone enjoyed It very mech. The idea originated with Mrs. Udith Schael and she had take a gret deal of patins to msae It a success. ThVe -esen of ulster Sebabel was nstieed t each and every menher present, as e .Itr sias persen asy enears her to the heart of when wr7oe has estabon to the rpat th wIee lou di n their urae oa o l eaSntar of this ae ..e many f** of Mrs. U. len. sa win s to kmr of her IUlne st Hotel DI-. Mr. ad Mrs. Thesere lim'l stu rensedll s *.gsetsioes on the u" rval o a n baby boy at their hsom Mr.· airp Usthhel* rrnre trea New ork sanl s setedsi awhile wit he pets. o bems a aOret. kr. end r Jraes. Attabee r un d o_ y at Mr. and Mis A. Lria are receive hoenebtg heir he art t hei hom eare -ih w o hmar wo her hep.l Ye e pfnle Ab I n q a b a me+ t at Seredl Mrs. W. we rnes thei The New Broom ,=:- - -..J THE BLUE JACKETS TER PSICHOREAI CLUB A most enjoyable dance was given last Friday night by the Blue Jackets Terpsichorean Club. The entrance prise, a swagger stiek, was won by Miss kerns et New Orleans. The ecuttive committee was de lighted to kow that there were a number it guests present who were being entertained by them for the rist time, also that many new naines were added to the club's membership list. A score of man who have been atteaing the School of Navigation were welcomed bak Friday night, having sucessfilly completed their various courses. The ldub regrets to announes that there will be no dance on the evening at Ilrday, November 30, but takes pieas re la a nelng a dance for December th fl. T he -%dijn a seript danes far t o . ot f December and each trl, who has been so de lightirlly entertained, is eager to do her Mt towards making this dance as great a success as thWo given by the baos. MEMPHIS ROMANCE HAS CLIMAX HERE. A rmeanse etending from Mem phis to New Orleans had its eulmla satio hare PFV nsight, when Miss lory Re sand Charles P. Welting journeyed to Judoge Mahoney of the Second City Court to have the nup tl knot tie. Victor Iueuet, B. Ummet Mahomery and Leeassrd . G11Iah, etr, were the NAVAL STATION MACHINST TO SE INTERNED. Herbert M. Holde, machlst, who it is said, gained a wi kowedg *hlr.g at the aval station, was ar reste by lseat aents of the depat mot oi isue en advices from Weaaon. Agent Peadiston mid Thursday that the publense of Hdo senes momt wma preat ad un sathbried. oMden seemred a position as machinist at the naval station on his m. Be is heldla i the Hoo et Ddatlm. Distriet At terom enelslesry said the mn weoud be la5med. MISS SWEENY WiNS SCHOLAR SHIP. Mih IWasel SIwnr, one at em meet taslented ysngs ladles has ir --,.,-r 1JPI~ - cael aree year sahesaulhp in a ash tl ae. Miss weany mang in e.ssa with several others and her "aelW vonb wan her the shbot th t was given by the a ths e Calue We eonestiate tida le sesb - sad last Uaits amt Miss -weeny teo past i she coneert sives by the IN . o 6ao. nnty carms a thea was e aS at the G rnew asd Miss Rath Harrison was th ,ass asý who asg rls a $ S reins5 NMI 1 'Aem THOIIBURY IS LEAYIIG IAY! STATION IM. C. A. Will Resume Secretaryship of Kinge bury, N. Y., AssoelatUon. < F. L. Thornbury, secretary of the Naval Station Young Men's Christian Association in Algiers, has tendered his resignation, to take effect the first of December. He will returS'to Kings bury, N. Y., and resume his dutiet as secretary of the Young Men's Christ ian Association at that place. Mr. Thornbury came to New Or leans on a leave of absence in order to do his bit where the Y. M. C. A. needed the most help. Under his management the building was placed at the Naval Station and he has set in operation every branch of work that aids the soldiers and sailors who are in the Stab . His successor has already been apelrmr and it is ex Thoran ur leam w Tw York. FIND MILK ONE-FOURTH WATER. Showing idded water to the amount of more than one-fourth of the milk sold, a sample taken from B. Careuso Delaronde Street, will be the brass of prosecution on an aSdavit ordered Friday by the City Board of Health. The sample analyzed showed 29.1 per cent added water. Another adavit was ordered by Dr. Robin against Ca ruma for havnlg I half gallon of water on the wagon. Another sample was taken by the milk inspector tree the same wagon which did not show added water and was above the legal standard. POLICE IN NEW UNIFORMS. The pee receive their winter uniforms anday. The new aluniforms have short coats of about the same length as an e civillan's coa. The old coats dippe halfway to the knees. The egwdm of a double breasted style, 'hic protects the cheast well. the dr side os the gar ment reaching entirely across the treat of the body. The solar is high emough to com pltely cover the small standing ol lar which meay ot the mea on the fores wear. No ditlmaetlo between the patrodeem and the -rprals ad captains te ma in the buttons of the new asilerms as was deano a the if es The new have two rows of but me eateedlas downm eah of the e . The ad had two reo er oe-e erals and -pt and a e ew for Thet b and baton fr holding an .eBer' isuk whieh was a feature it O tL O Mnitorm, is abotished i this season's entg The trme polce 's at bhs a 1mall "" on the .le T me a the fore eay the garments are warm and comfortable HERMAN AND WEERS IOX Pete Hermas aathe heaiUaer O a uig showw l ay ight at the si 8trven hr the ete It the sainer Wie ab Mayor de an. assisted by Pipk Joret, who ated as mshmammer and mster Of earesenases Hwermd baoned four lvely reu es with Youag George ;'Che and bot ea ily fiile enpeltisa s et a oas es iemer. T Tk-s:amon was gives a ged hbad c a_ the -Human d mas In e1M bamed . weeredso e Tue b lamt Woas Tes.ams I Irj -m ;.we w i MATIOR VISITS SOI AT CAMP PIIE Mayor Behrman, who attended the H Corpus Christi Waterways Conven- n tion and who delivered an address, A returned a portion of the way with L the party, but left them at Little Rock to visit his son, Captain Stan ley Behrman, at Camp Pike. The 1l Mayor returned home Monday. EXCURSION TO SOGALUSA A PROMINENT EVENT OF WEEK. On Saturday, November 24, the New Orleans Educational Association gave an excursion to Bogalusa. The mem hers of this association and their friends were the guests of the Great Southern Lumber Company through out the day. There were visits to the lumber and paper mills, lunch at the Pine Tree Inn (the teachers again as ests of the empany) sad visits also to the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations. Everything was perfectly carried out and the teachers returned home most favorably impressed with the wonder-. fat resources of Bogalusa, both in dustrially and otherwise. In a party from McDouogh School No. 4 were Mrs. Margaret Hopper, Miss I Murphy, Mrs. George O'Reilly, L Lul Averill, Corinne Hughes, Marguerite and Anise Walsh, L. Tetberne, Marie Rateau, Alice O'Shaughnessy, Alfreda Voegtlin and Myrtle Kennedy. DID NOT KNOW PISTOL WAS LOADED. Mike Duggan. aged twenty-one years, of mira Avenue, as clean ing a revolver while seated by a stove I in the kitchen of his home at 11 o'clock Friday nlht. Sddenaly the weapon was discharged. DuaLn was taken to the Charity Ioepltal. His injury is not arlous. The bullet en tered the Iesy part of the left haad and made its exit in the back of the wrist. Dgga did not know the weapon was loaded EXEMPT ALL MARRIED MEN OVER MS A MONTH. The Federal District Appeal Boarded her has decided to exempt all man red nme with dependent whose sal ary i in eacess to the allowance pro vided by the goverament, and riday eversed Local Division Board No. z in practically all ealses reviewed, re turned and certifld under the govern ment allowance clause. The Appeal Bmrd held that it would work a bird ship on the families of men earning amounts in excess of $75 to draft them into the army and compel the dependents to live on amounts vary lug between 20 and 50 a month. CHANGES MADE IN NEW 1UCENT PIECEL Washitsteo. Nov. 24.-New quart ters in clrelatle snace August have eaused such a multitude of queries as to their gsenulneness that Director eof the Mine Baker has xplained that a slight ehes in the design had been made to taeeve the beaut and stacking qualities of the sine. Dmmpery of the Goddes of Liberty es the face of the quarters have been ewanaged and the Sp* eagle en the r rse sid* e has b!Ied high or on the el, wit stats be neath. * SLIGHT LAZ. Driftwood that ad been set sire and seatdoewuthedveti tted agat the re1ment at ata d eM Dian trent Wibey aefsuatl. a iess that the services of muemet ato 1*dd The !Saws e da 0 the 4 -1l bone s p mens i3 ~Y IHE FINISHED LIST OF I SOLDIERS - More Than 250 To Be Re- I membered By Citizens Of Algiers. More than 250 men of our district, who are now in the service of our country, will have forwarded to them in a few days the gifts of our citi zens, which was made possible through the auspices of the Fifteenth Ward Democratic Club, headed by Mayor Behrman. We print the names of the soldiers and sailors, so that if there are any omissions or errors, corrections may be sent to the secretary, Mr. Peter E. Muntz, 430 Seguin Street, or Phone Algiers 418-J. MEN ENLISTED AT THE ALGIERS NAVAL STATION. A. Kirk Henry Abbott. B. Jules Biday, Sidney L. Brodtman. C. John S. Clark, August Peter Claus. D. Stanley Dikert, Rena B. Duplessis, t Manuel Joseph De Rocha. G. James William Gerrets, Amada I Joseph Green. H H. i George William Harper, Wesley W. Hicks, William J. Hintz. J. Edward Jones, Warren Lewis Jones, Fred Joseph. I Adam August Lauman, Emmet D. I iLauman, George I Lawson, 'Theo- I dore John Lawson, Napoleon H. La poser, Harry J. Lecourt. M. Joseph C. Mahoney, Pierre Marel, I Henry Arthur Marie, Philip Marti nez, Albert G. Menott, Ellis Molaslon, Alfred Moors. James Joseph Murphy, Lewis Andrew MeCormack. N. William M. Neyland, John M. No lan, John L. North. O. Sam Charles Oswald, Henry Owens (colored). P. Emile J., Parmentel, Noel B. Par. mentel, Octav James Perrin (col ored), Fleming Payne, Or., William Peeler, Lewis PerdresaVille, George W. Peters, Grover C. Phillips, George 8. Pollock, John Henry Pollock. Gerald Valley Price, Henry A. Pujol. R. John Peter Rice. S. Merton R. Saddler, Charles Leo Scheffel, Charles Edward Smith, Peter Paul 81rey, Arthur Smith, John Peter 8pellman, Alfred Stovall, Royal John Strassel, George Henry tras ser, Harry V. Sutherland. T. Robert A. Thompson, J. B. Towner, William G. Thompson, Albert W. Twickler. U. Warren M. E. Umbach. V. Eugene M. Victor. W. Edward M. Wattigay, Francis A. Wettigny, George H. Watts, Robert J. Williams, Frank J. Willie, Ross Wilson. Y. Fred Young. ENLISTED MEN AWAY PROM HOME. B. Ben Brurey, 141st Field Artlery, Battery A. Camp Beauregar, La.; N. BennerSeld. Comg any 2, Section 2, First Reistment, Trainaing OCamp, Charlestor, 8. C.; C. W. W. Browa, Divisen B2, U. 8. Connectiecut, ears petmaster, New Yrk. C. Roger Canton, U. 6 6 Yantas, OGret lakes, Illinoi; Joseph Ca soe, 141st Fild Artillery, Battary A. Camp Buregard, La.; PFelix Chi pegne, 141st Field Artillery, Battery B, Camp Beauregard, 1. D. David Durkee, Media Depart meat, l1tl United States Infantry, Camp Besauregard. Aleaarla, Is. Prank 8. Edward, U. 8 8. New Jersey, care postmaster, New York.; W. N. Eastwood, Navy Yard, Com pony 9, Sectin 10, Charlesten, 8. C. William ord, Company 1, Naval Reserve. Radlo choo Harvard Un vrsity, Cmusbride. Ma.; Dua I. Ford, No. 110 Repair Squadra, Camp Kelly, South Bunderson, Te.; •d D. lPord, U. 8. S. N~ Caro~ie Iare postmastear, New ~s; Jamw ,0. Ford, eadqbnMteMs Divao, Camp Beauregast, Alesadria 14. 0. Nicholas Gould, 1_6 Sand Street (N. Y. M. C. A.), Breklym, N. .; H. H. Gilson. 59 Howlad Avene, Toronto, amLad; Curtis rn, Wire less epaator, agship Pms vualra, aimgton, eD. C.; Cheste Grees, Navy ard. Newot New, a, H. R J. Hweley, Radie SattAm, Puma oee, Va.; H. J3. Hemriet U. 8. . CPoluma e oe pitm tE, N'W Yeor Charles A. Hughes, Baking Compery No. 41, metisan Uxped tiomery tirem in rsame ar pest emaster,r New Yok. C. Jeria, Divialen B 2, U. 8. . Caemestint, eams pm r , New I Yos:t; :tr Jebses, . . S. New SIa.; . A. r v8. U.. 8& ress, I/ase p~stiss, New York; art , V. Keary. emro TeStr Di m -y, HeaM A g·rYt, Cup James Mahoney. Regiment M. 326 th Infantry, Camp Gordon. Atlanta. Ga.; Alfrd Marshall, Battery 1), 141-st 'ield Artillery, ('amp Beauregard, Alexandria, La.; Paul Malone. U. S. 5. Terry, care postmaster, New York; 'arl V. Malone, i'. S. S. Terry, care postmaster, New York: Hlarald Ma one, Company H, 3'd Infantry, Scho ield Barracks, Honolulu, Il. I.; Iledde lanning. U. S. S. New llampshire, are postmaster, New York; Ed Mar :inez, Company F. 21st Regiment En ,ineers. Rockford. Ill.; F. A. Manton, L'. S. S. Florida, care postmaster, \ew York: John HI. Miller, U. S. S. Sevada, care post office box 4, New York. N. Y.; Roy A. Moore, U. S. S. Savannah, Puget Sound, Washington State; Charles McCloskey, S. P. 277, Fort Morgan, Mobile. Ala.; Charles N. J. Miller, Battery E. 129th Field Ar tillery, Camp Donophen, Fort Sill, Dkla.; Elmer McCloskey. United States Training Station, San Fran isco. Cal.; W. L. Manning, care Y. I. C. A., Camp Pike. Little Rock, Ark.; A. P. Martinez, U. S. S. Bag ey, care postmaster, New York. N. Louis Nelson, U. S. S. Cleveland, ,are postmaster, New York. 0. Francis Olroyd, U. S. S. Wheeling, ,are postmaster. New York; Carl 31sen, Battery D, 80th Field Artil lery, Fort Oglethrope, Georgia. P. W. B. Peeks, Company'C, 111th M. s. Company, Camp McLellan, Annils ton. Ala.; Ed Price, 141st Field Ar :illery, Camp Beauregard, Alexan iria, La.; Gerald Price, U. S. S. P -1)47 Roamer, Sabine, Tex; Vincent Proveneano, Crew B, Naval Training Station, Newport, R. 1.; John F. Page, Company M, 132d Infantry, ramp Logan, Houston, Tex. Q. William Quinn. R. Chris Renecky, Radio Company, 3reat Lakes, Illinois; Bernard Richter, U. S. S. Connecticut, care postmaster, New York. 8. John Stasa. United States Radio School, Harvard University, Perkins Hall, Cambridge, Mass. ENLISTED OFFICERS. William Stanley Behrman, Camp Pike. Roy A. Schroeder, Camp Pike. Wallace Hebert, Camp Pike. Wallace McGuire, Camp Pike. Norman Hotard, Camp Pike. SELECTMEN AT CAMP PIKE. A. Alphone Arnone. B. Edward Burdette, Louis Buts, War ren C. Brechtel, Thomas J. Dirney, Melville E. Biraey, Joseph W. B-r. thelot, M~rtin Buts. C. Satn Calabrias, Joseph Catalrteto, Thomas E. Conners, Horace M. Cre p, Alphonse Camea, Jaames . CO1.. solm. Charles CkhIlAs1, Compter, Michael Calabres D. Joseph A. Durand, Josegph M. Du, Mike E. Donner, Dan J. Daly, Frank E. Donewaar, Raphael Davs, Joseph Dreilling. E. Walter T. Ellis. F. John Joseph Pox. G. Clifford J. Geratie, Jeff N. Garrets, Thomas R. Gray, John T. Oraham. A. J. Genduea. H. John E. Hughes, William F. Hughes. K. Eugene R. Kissiager, Gus . Ear.m August W. Ulnguist, Shtly T. Ie Blaenc, 0. J. Lyeos. M. Frank J. Meapre, Charles M. Me. Closkey, Martin Murray, John W. Murray, Elmer A. Mants, Gaser Robert Murphy, William J. Marray. N. Alex W. Normaa. O. Frank Orana. a. Vernom 3 Reaesay PRal RoeMeham Andrew Charles Resaey. Wifiam Sir, Alex C. Iperimr, 3d St. Germaine, Chri StE, An drew Charles Swan, Nick J. aay, Albert Bubervills, Alfred . Sars. Edward P. 1Twickler,. John TMn*, Isdorae Treadwa.y, Hery C. Tai, John Tranehina. U. William LH. Umbac. V. John M. Voelkla. Q. ChAlfred 1 oU , la trr Aal T. toll, Company a 1URt uThomas . GS kn. Comery . 114lth Enlneera H. Crdest Au gauset, 1Ua Anantrat, Jr. Olsar BT. Stoul, Hoasrn .ptiL5th D. 114th Engqneer. A. Jarst Auglsrt, A .m H. D. N. Jon NeadF. P. Joshe QGllre . R. Jonsep J. EYm Jomph u.ll ni,. , WilAMB M'4s