Newspaper Page Text
.E BLOSSMS PASSE Vyglabli for Home Remedies In M of Our Grandmothers and - Herb Doctors. S the exception of some of the spring blossoms, our wild re passed by without com Violets. hepaticas, bluebells, : s are still sought after and h e fall asters are gathered by a the goldenrod is admired, into disrepute on account I 1y.fever aggravations. Ther gt a i e, however, when grandmoth S O~s n g, relates the Ohio State i , when most of our common agd wayside flowers were of iIportance in the household, In l pe of family bitters, physics and a pest to the farmer and fI tt beauty4even to the wild d- ler, was at one time a most bleb from which a tea was that cured all sorts of ailments, J toothache to typhoid fever. the boneset plant, so common ar streams now, a tea was also , wich was a prime favorite in ·llngl of that common malady, .gl bone fever"--do not laugh what we know today as Ca.momile, we call it dog fen ,ga brewed into a tea as well, and gIed as a tonic and blood purifier. {weed. a corruption of James ' was valued by the settlers early village as a narcotic, and go used, for that matter. Self lbe little close-growing purple pest of our lawns, was used "le sufferers with quinsy and lrat afflictions. This plant be t the mint family, and most of l e were of use medicinally. Sspearmint, Oswego tea, catnip and mother-wort all e value to the simpler of a r more ago. E WIELDS AN INFLUENCE Prefer Starvation Rather Than . Bate m Food Cooked by the Brahmins. 4 eatloa is still preserved among Cill natives by inheritance and ms that the diversion of la ap Iastrial parsualts has been o rpossible task confronting government, the Natibnal aphlie Magazine observes. The V of agricultural labor constantly r the demand, thus keeping the raln extremely low. Caste also people from leaving crowded and going to sparsely lnhab. Iasglon, of which there are many. As of distress the restri aste throws about rescue and -e-rk would be exasperating if me not o tragic. For example, trible Orissa famine thousands IIIs perished, in the midst of Spplles furnished by the gov m fore it was discovered that 1 ll pecullar tenet of their faith dbitds them to touch food V > Bahmin4s It was also di, killed weavers would not rdinary relief work camps t the hard labot would to lose the delicacy of they value so highly. sapeauntstal Artlt. wIel d Masgane win ing .Iat the public taste and Sast is not tobedepled, artists should consider gim Mes. It says: adt eda honors himself when I w iuges for one moment the ot pleasing that great weorld Mt should seek forever to i. not merely by pleasing it, It so much that It will ts take od his hat to him, of .ll sood thtins for him, and honor Itelt Ms aame hi ap in the Thuas he will win a heaLrt of mankad, which immertal love eo the rece truly wise a great dawn deep into the heart ma, there to i Itf race is feeling, tkha to hive expreed .r hopea of beiag aptrsd eof the rams la whilh laeseas the W gs. whieh Br-ueduet of Mw. waidch emats Ia whi tnmn It ot ia mrs- this loft' was esidered to he a s ,ew t It is *L As It Is gthe frome iat e is dt :a irt, y Br at eparat is t. to work It ever ntsil It Arm of powder ad ean sed: 'qlles, ermd ase and luabead-F. e a ow earys tn am a pplne trip. was bsyr sleCenag ber wandered r to the which wee em that s ats o I the win. aig age, Notdedln * u rls ot the shMd, the Ketty curS 3la.-th and the yoagm in a tealng way: "Whoe sad easphatle Seie easwered: "Ihe eaer silnd 'em." Art s amid ie .sThe set singl Asher1 HAD TO FIGHT DUEL OR WED You. Ma teprpetis t tlve Chat huum it Mere Suprise to Find F*e a w eane William Kenrick, a Berkshire gentle. pa f a hundred years ago, left his , which was considerable, to only daughter. This young lady a mind of her own and, finding one of her suialtors to her liking, sim ly determined to wait until the right tleman should come along. It so happened that one day she at tended a wedding at Reading, an ex khange relates, where she met a young gentleman named Benjamin Child. He was a poor attorney. With this hand Mome young man the younger lady fell violently in love, but still she was can ious. She reasoned with herself for ý veral days, trying to shake herself of the sudden passion, but all in vain. Then, feeling that something must be done, but unable, from confu sion of mind, to devise a proper course, bhe took the extraordinary step of pending the young man a letter de manding satisfattlon for alleged In jurles. She appointed a time and place for the hostile meeting. Mr. Child was much surprised, and quite at a loss to conceive who the challenger could be. By the advice of a friend, he decided to go to the dueling place. Here he was met by the young woman, who, much to his surprise, told him he would have to fight her or marry her. He naturally chose the latter, and, as the saying goes, they lived happily ever afterward. FIRST STEAMERS ON LAKES The Ontario and the Frontenao Launched 101 Years Ago, Were Constructed in 1816. The first steamboats on the Great kakes were launched 101 years ago on take Ontario. Two craft operated by steam were constructed in 1816 on the shores of the latter lake, one being the Ontario, built at Sacketts Harbor, tN. Y., and the other the Frontenac, ;which was launched at Ernertown, Canada, on September 7, 1816. The FrontenRc was one of the finest steam boats afloat at that time. It cost $75, 000, and was of 700-tons burden, its length of dedk being 170 feet. The Fronthuac was placed in operation 100 years ago, making three round trips each month from Kingston to York and Niagara. Capt. James McKenzie, who had had experience in the British navy, was placed in command. The Iron tense was in service on Lake Ontario for ten years, and soon had several rivals for the lake trade. A fare of $15 was charged from lngston to Niagara for frst-clas pas sengers, but deck passengers were car ried for $3.75 a head. The treight rate as "4 shillings per barrel bulk." The first steamship on Lake, rie was the Walk-indbe-Water, which was launc.ed at Black Rock, near Buaalo, In 1818. Hew to Keep Your Frlands. It is almost impossible to be genuine. ly friendly with a person who tnsists on being too close to you, on knowing ael your thoughts, tlinpg and affairs, and on claiming your time and atten tion on the exse of affection alone. The h of true friendshlp must be esynd ts demands must be for something real and vital. The woman who calls on you perpetually because she has taken a sudden fancy to you Is a blind and sel·a egotist, in a mild way. Her calls may interrupt yotar wrk and bore you Intensely, but If you are a polite and courteous person youa bear with her until she directs he at tentlio elsewhere. She will proably tell the new trienda that you are "verl responsive" Some women dutch at every new acquatatane sand then com plain that they have so few frlad. The reason is that friendshidp is t bult on trirvaltle ant wlims, bat by givitng asuch valuable thina as troe eom ldsratieo, teal interest and manlem lag a decent reserve as to tbhe other p e r s o n ' o n ad e c e a n d n ne~o d n g s . -Wman's Hmnome Compaato. Mate Swam Enemies i ards. Mld msthnus on the roaud ora Il w ts which fall vletla to rats Is on tremely large and Is one of thea many M e ao Injury done by these peral ed s almals whilh ean~et be eompt* ed, W. Nelson writes th e Nation g eor aphr c Magaslne. Probably dew desquenars of the countryside have returned to look Into a bird's aet to ebserve its esmdtim witbout many times ading it destry and frasg maets a eg shells lyng about. Un aestUmmhl a large pernatege at suc naests loeatd Ia the nelghborhno of buidtg have been raided by rats. On oe a thebr m Deanle sands it has beau te.ntienllyreceded that the progeyr ct a slsle pair of ras wIch eaped fe c ptivity, a two years eterminatsd a seat qeoy at birds tr whih the sand has bees noted. Ina iDs Pope Greory xm Meas ht as tbh Oathol es ntrio asoul aaept a -n- aleadr. This ealabr oas carreme and Is at thepe wo l. In a year tt htthe nmtr was a teadys were bes * Thus th day fter October a4 Jallan aendader booaim Octeob 6 Ian the egrsan. ses alendar was met lagsm being bsra ' 18, he wan tw t yas eM st the i a th mew mesrr an the a . br ten as t ad. She wors o the popular .age *Hemt s, were walen ater, ~ e. ka k In Mew SilK and adhas h AMeae In i~i3IU~ ~i~13-- |_ WHAT HE HAS MISSED "No; I never take excurslons latq the realms of fancy. I deal with knows, quantitles, and leave the uaknown for the dreamers." "Evidently you never courted a giu them." Railroad Schedules. NEW ORLEANS & LOWER COAST RAIL. ROAD COMPANY. (via Canal Street Ferry) Leave Week Day Traius Arrive 8:05a. m. .-Lower Caret ]ixed. :l5 pm. 4:05 p . . .....Passenger & Mail..J:4 a. . 'On Saturday leaves at 5:00 p. a. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Arrive 8:05a. m. ...Lower Coast Excursion..:45 p. a. 5:00 pm. .......Passenger ....:45 a. m SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES. Depart. Arrive. 5:55 a. m.TEXAS LOCAL for Hous ton and all statiols inter mediate ... 5:10 p.m. 11:30a. m. .-.SUNSET LIMITED for San Antonio, El Paso, New Mexico, Arizona, Apache Trail and California . .8:00 p. m. 12:20p. m....SUNSET MAIL for Hous ton, Galveston, Austin, Waco, Fort Worth, Dallas, San An tonio, Del Rio and interme diate -........ 7:05 a. m. 3:05p. m. ..LAFAYETTE LOCAL for afayette and all stations intermediate .-- . .A1:4 a. 8:15 p. m...TEXAS LIMITED for Houston, Galveston, Austin, Fort Worth, Dallas and other North Texas points .. 6:30 a. a 11:00 p. m....SUNSET EXPRESS for Houston, Galveston, Waco, Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Apache Trail California and Interiedite points 6:45 p a. TsRMINAL rSTATION. Seoath Rahway ym.I . (New Orleans & Northeasaera Railreed) Depart Arrive 7:0p. m.-N. Y. & Washington..:..4t a. a 7:30p. m.-Cincinnati & Asheville.. :40a. a 4:45 p. m.-St. Louis & Chicage......:4 a. a. 8:15 a. a.-Cincinnati & Asheville-._ : p a. 8:15 a. -S. Louise CL sa...J.. : p. m 500a a.-'Meridian An c0medar e.-4:p. . 4:45 p. m.-eridian Local, Hattles barg Local : a. m. (Sunday E.xcnrsis) 7:15 a. a.-Carrier and Int. Piats.J:2 p. a PONTCNARTRAIIN rALf OAD. In Elect Sunda;t September 16 117. SOU'TH-Leave M sbu: 6:10 a. IL., 7:10, 8:35, 10:0, 11:30 a. a.; 12:30 p. a., 2:34 3:3, 4:30, 5:45, 700, 8:30 p. a. NORTH-Leave hAtahartrala Jnectimn: 3:4 a. a., 4, 6 7:54 9:3, 11:00 a. a.; 12:0 p. m., 2:0 3:0, 40 , 50 6:24 7:40 p. I CNARTRR OF THE . GULF PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. United States of America, State of Lousi nsa, Parish of Orleans. City of New Orleans. Be it known, That on this, the let day o the month of December, in the eer of Our Lrd, ne thousand, aine hundred and see emtr, and of the Indapeandam o the Uitd States of America, the e hendred gad forty-second, before me, Ww er . Mill in. a J4otary 3ublic, duly esmisined and q~ulided, within eand for the Parish of Or lean, State of Lousiana, and i the gr . e of the witnesses huresnft noad and nadarsied, personally came sad ap e sred the several persos wohe sames are ereuto 8uribed, who mverally detced that, availin themselves of the hebets sed provisions of the Coustittio of the State of Louisaa and ef the owa of said State relative t the anisatie of srratl, and partie rly of the pevisdo Act No.r of the General d y thof State of omiana the year o u 4 ty have estrted an sqpeed sad frm and kd the_ e sem ts. etract an ree and hd sd blist thmslve ! sa organisea themeelves, an well es suc ther persea who map &sremrw join or bmo aseeeiated with them or their ounssoss, into a stak oelrtisa end bod dperie ilak the e , ,es a pupam litdlns and smremets of thel utle fo Altele L-Thm urs aid tie of th i corporatio el be a itt nductse Com anyt, Ir. and ad by mid a m, ul s r dwa lv n emeodar with law and this ehorter, it shD odu end eon tiane, aud srhll hav end eljoy eoer Ueistene and se n kg a url of anet- aiw () ya r fro a str th* -dateo s of ai a f he, ld, ctma borro, lan eah ~ ire by ursn wifnee w oromt ee proprty of -ay hind, whther el, petr isteaine as m ,e e by ta . It ty mhe, isauen en e oe h r l ea nd or ether deb t Is my street, me ed be med p or , 't-stploeedab, le oe m Int rany ,ut ml aesitr It mimbsler It e altere the .a po im It mid held with their~ ~- I4 ars r ew, ee eg en v nloe . my rot aIn, end my o , daw, Sa ds ka 1r w~t bllrtd opQ d~rr CHARTERS nature of the business to be carried on by it are hereby declared to be: Section 1. To manufacture, produce, adapt, buy, sell, import. export, and generally deal and trade, either at wholesale or retail, in real and personal property of every kind and description, and particularly turpentine, pine oil, rosin, rosin oil, compounds, and otner naval stores and by-products; wood, lumber, timber, wood pulp, straw board, and other fibre; any and all kinds of paper and any and all ingredients, products and compounds of any of the foregoing substances, and any and all machinery, materials and articles t that may be now or hereafter used or re quired in or in connection with the manu facture or handling thereof. Section 2. To acquire, rent, construct, equip, improve, operate, manage, work and develop woodlands, wood, timber, trees, fac tories, plants, shops, mills, camps, stores, depots, selling agencies, and all necesary real estate, buildings, structures, machinery, tools, implements and appliances necessary and proper for the manufacture, production, disposition and sale of any or all of said articles. Section 3. To apply for, purchase or other wise acquire and use, operate, sell, assign, transfer and otherwise dispose of, processes, formulas, patents, licenses, and other rights in any and all inventions or improvements, whether secured or not, under letters patent, domestic or foreign. Section 4. To survey, subdivide, and plat lands for the purpose of lease or sale, and to improve and develop the same by the erection of houses or buildings thereon and to do such other lawful acts as may be need ful or desirable in and about the improve ment and development thereof for any pur pose; to plant, grow and cultivate all kinds of fruits, plants and vegetables; to raise, buy, sell and deal in horses, mules, cattle, live stock and poultry of all kinds, and generally to engage in the business of a planter. Section 5. To construct, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire and own, maintain and operate, steamboats, sailing vessels, barges and other water craft, piers, docks, wharves and such lines of tramway or railway as may be convenient, necessary or incidental to any business or enterprise of the corpo ration, with all necessary side-tracks, loco motives, cars, depots, round houses and other equipment necessary to the operation of said vessels, piers, docks, wharves, tramways or railways and the traffic thereon; provided that this corporation shall not, without an amendment of this charter, be a common carrier or have the right to exercise the power of eminent domain. Section 6. To enter Into, make, perform and carry out contracts of every kind not contrary to law, with any person, firm, asso ciation or corporation, and to carry on any 1 other business which under the law it may be entitled to carry on, which may seem to the corporation to be calculated, directly or indirectly, to effect the aforesaid objects or either of them, or to facilitate it in the transaction of its aforesaid business or bus inesses or any part thereof, or in the trans action of any other lawful business that may be calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of or to render profitable, any of the corporation's property and rights, and generally to hold and exercise all such incidental powers and privileges as relate to the objects and purposes hereinabove set forth or as may be necessary, useful or con venient for electing said objects and pur poses. Article IV.-The authorized capital stock of this corporation is hereby declared to be the sum of Two hundred thousand dollars ($310,000.0), which capital stock may be in creased in the manner provided by law, to the sum of Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00). The presently authorized cap ital stock of this corporation shall be rep resented by two thousand (2,000) shares of the par value of One hundred dollars ($100.00) i each. The said capital stock shall be rep resented by certificates and shall be per sonal property. No transfer of said capital t stock shall be binding upon this corporation I unless made in accodance with its charter I and by-laws and recorded on the books thereof. Article V.-The capital stock of this cor poration shall be fully paid and non-assess- 1 able when issued, and shall be issued only t for labor done or for property actually re- I ceived or for cash to be paid at such times t and in such amounts and after such notice e as may be determined by the Board of Di- < rectors, but, whereas, Robson Dunwody of New Orleans, Louisiana, has invented, dis covered or perfected certain new and useful I improvements in certain processes for distil- . lation and handling of crude pine rosia, cer tain processes for distillation and handlingl rosin, certain processes for the manufacture of rosin and rosin oil compounds, and cer- tain processes for the recovery of navala stores from dross and other distillery waste, this corporation, in ayment of the sub scription to one thousand, nine hundred and 4 ninety-eight (1998) shares of its cap ital stock may receive and take title to the full and exclusive right to the process s invented, discovered or perfected by the said Duawody. With the understanding and agreement with the said Dunwedy that any letters patt ent ever issued for said processes, or any se or more thereof, shall vest the exclu sive right of said invention and said letters patent in this corporation, which aforesaid processe so invented, diescovered or perfected bythe said Dnwedy and the rights there under have been appraised by the parties hereinafter named as the rst Board of Di rectors of this coreporation as havin a value of at least Two headed thousan dollars s(eo Te.-sA the owr of this earpo ratio n hall be rested in eried abe SeBoar o na t more than suves () san d sit os f three () m Dirsctors, toce o horm ebJa hid in ais own usuam, t last oe () a a stock. _Said Board o Di rectors sll be elcted tnnuDlly oa t sead Tusen ay in Jaunry eatch ear, e first eleetioa a be oeld in the year by. All spep oleeti, s d ll o b s ballet, ast eat r th e otifl, uader the o perdi fiof o three en ( ommssioeh to ge b psicted the oo f oDircr-to, ad ins las sied ad or asa tthmione t e r Pae - delt ehall at e o wOr lte ill te hlae by dugte, as wtdrs a .nm .eem ent etat t time and place of the meeting. ak lihareh er ahaldl b e entitled to ne veto for each share d stoak standiln in his am e the kobks of the aipy, to e o the ve easts elect Directors shall have power to ill all vacan ele that may ea in the Board Failured to elect directors on the day above egecied shall not dissve the crpoti, but the Diretor then ia eee hll remain iq esa until their seuomesers are elected an eusied. Due netis of another election hall frtdhih he given as above prvdd Such notice o felen beall eooinuedto be give uatil a electi.on is held. The Bead D irectors at their rist mtoin folowi ec an d l eo elnetie shall fiem tei.r number a Presidet, a Vise-r ohr ers as the Board of Dictrs shll derm nseesary. he oa shall have pow er in its discretion, to unite two or mere dees, d s te sth to eauer upon e pirses, and shall hawe power to as th sal aries al o soese sad all such other ejeenr and establish, as won a alter ad amend, all k.lws, res aed regulatins nec ary dcs bte sd trhred mt ties, aet ineuslelteat with its charter. Said to ag o at execute eorgae arether obllgatloe, nl such smut ch terme as Im hir u1d d rraissu W also to Issue an d deliver .of stock sad heds or abli gahiee tIn were, ,e · l paymt ao smr e e pbo aerw, orony w a as ereto ou rse l a radonI s wa~itW wb stocks p 5eu.S ~ oI CHARTERS. Board of Directors shall be composed of Robson Dunwody, whose postoffice ad4ress is New Orleans, Louisiana; Joseph B. Behr. whose postoffice address is New Orleans. Louisiana, and H. E. Allen, whose postoftice address is Hattiesburg, Mississippi, with Joseph B. Behr as President, Robson )Dun wody as Vice-President, and H. E. Allen, as Secretary-Treasurer. Article VII.-This charter may be amend ed, and the capital stock of this cor poration may be increased or decreased, or this corporation may be dissolved in the method and manner provided by law. Article VIII.-No stockholder of this cor poration shall ever be held liable or respon sible for the contracts or faults of this cor poration iii any further sum than the unpaid balance on the stock for which he has sub scribed, nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of rendering this charter null or of exposing a stock holder to any liability than as above pro vided. Thus done and passed in my office at the City of New Orleans, Louisiana, on the day, month and year tirst above written, in the presence of R. R. Ramos and I. R. Saal, competent witnesses, who hereunto sign their names with said appearers and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole. (Original Signed) Jos. B. Behr, New Or leans, La., One (1) share; Robson Dunwody, New Orleans, La., Nineteen ninety-eight (1998) shares; H. E. Allen, Hattiesburg. Miss., One (1) share. Witnesses: R. R. Ramos. I. R. Saal. W. F. MILLING, Notary Public. A True Copy from the Original Act: New Orleans, La.. December 3, 1917. W. F. MILLING, Notary Public. Dec 6 13 20 27 Jan 3 10 CHARTER ROSE HILL, INC. United States of America, State of Louisi ana, Parish of Orleans. Be it known, that on this sixth day of the month of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sev enteen (1917), and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hun dred and forty-second, before me, Felix J. Dreyfous, a notary public, duly commissioned in and for the City of New Orleans, in the Parish of Orleans, therein residing, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared the several persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, who declared that, availing themselves of the provisions of the laws of this State relative to the organiza tion of corporations, they have covenanted and agreed, and do by these presents cove nant, agree, bind, form and constitute them selves, as well as such persons as may hereafter join or become associated with them, into a corporation and body politic in law, for the objects and purposes, and under the agreements and stipulations following, to-wit: Article I.-The name of this corporation shall be Rose Hill, Inc., under which name it shall exist for the longest period permit ted by laws of the State of Louisiana, and shall enjoy all the power and authority to contract, sue and be sued; to accept and receive mortgages, pledges, or other hypoth cations; to make and use a corporate seal, and the same to break and alter at pleasure; to purchase, receive, lease, hold or other- 1 wise acquire and convey, under its corpor ate name, property both real, personal and mixed; and to secure same in such manner as the Louisiana law may permit; to name and appoint such managers and directors, officers and agents as the interest and con venience of said corporation may require, and to make and establish, as well as alter and amend at pleasure, ouch by-laws, rules and regulations for the management and regulation of the affairs of the corporation, as may be necessary, proper or conven ient Article II...The domicile of this corpora tion shall be the City of New Orleans, Louisiana, and all citations or other legal process shall be served upon the president of the corporation, or in his absence upon a vice-president. Article III.-The objects and purposes for which this corporation is established, andj the nature of the business to be carried on by it, are declared and specified to be: To own, hold, lease, buy, sell or otherwise acquire and alienate, and to dedicate, lay out, operate and conduct a cemetery or cem eteries in the City of New Orleans or else where, and in connection therewith to own, hold, lease, buy, sell or otherwise acquire and dedicate, real, personal or mixed prop. erty of all kinds, including particularly lands and interests in lands, franchises, permits, grants. and rights of all kinds from the State or Federal Government, or any mu nicipal corporation or other political sub division thereof; aend in connection there with to own, lease, construct, buy, sell or otherwise acquire, alienate, operate, care for, conduct and maintain mausoleums, tombs, monuments, copings, graves, roadways, drains, sidewalks, chapels, or other struc tures and any end all embellishments, im provements, additions or betterments used, or proper to be used, in connection with a cemetery or burial ground, and in connec tion therewith to set aside and dedicate funds, the income from which may be used and dedicated to said purposes, or any of them Article IV.-The capital stock of said cor poration is hereby fixed at three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ($37S,00400, divided into or represented by three thou sand, seven hundred and Sfty (3750) shares of one hundred dollars ($100.0) each. Said stock shall consist of two different classes of issue, one thereof to be known as Pre ferred Stock and the other as Common Stock. Section 1. The amount of said preferred stock is Exed at the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,r0000), divided into or represenated by twelve hun. dred and fifty (1250) shares of one hundred dollars ($100.60) each. The preferred cap ital stock shall be entitled by preference and priority ever the common stock of the eorporation to dividends in each and every year at the rate of eight per cent (8O%) per annum, payable out of the profsta; such dividends shall be cumulative and limited to eit per cent ( ) per anan, and said preferred stock shall he entitled to no other or further share d the prodt No dividends shall be declared or paid on the common stock in ay yearU until all of the preferred essck, topther with all cumulated dividends theree, shall have oe paid in full and retired. The whole or ay prt of said prefersed stock may be called and r tired at per, plus cumlated dividends to date of parment, at any time, pareided that or retiement, th r to be so setied shall be determined by lot, a numer shall be d in the allotment for each sot shareof preferred stock, and frem tlb total numbers thus collected, £ somber or numbesO equal to the adar of sharesm to e retired shall be draw by lot. In the event of ay liqldatio or dissolutioe or wiadi up whether relantary or iavel pefered stock shall be paid in full the par value of their shres. together with all cumulated dividends tberma, at the rate o eight per cant 0%) per auma the daot per valm with l ed dividends, thremag asets and tfnds shall be divided ap a d te Itolders of th em rIs hereby 1usd at the sa of two thosad nm d dollars . 01U0), dlvldsd into or ssprsss4sdby Woard Direc as Jeto the prvisn of Seete i heef, en ad be etied to shae In the asse and funds d th e r-n prtios only In the manner presraibed in ecto e I r sad i as t way. x-. my titienralely be e -all v in rights every kin d dll e ee d-u svely vested i the holders the eme stock, each holder beig entitled to mme wet for ac share ter la his ame at the dats d the elosag of the oksh for electlo purposca, which vote may be oat either tInpers a e "a's The whoe of said steck or say pat there am be Issued ad delivered to any per sem alm lr fto thea a cu re preperty, eorviud l s ay r ast thee, owned ora eatsels by s14r. a ! m o the mete, aedusna end aepomse ncruned for san drd It the fesetia sad organIatIo o Sesmptass ma fnd e sal a rade r rs insl t meants M ae rh mmuts ne the Deed of Dirsetrs my detesmals; al for Pa u O r lt w sviiNr as . ally ad to tM0 th BMoa f Diosea b e .s spea ialy a thied a digme o e etek or any JM CHARTERS. and to accept the conditions of said ordin ance or ordinances. \r:icle \.--All the powers of this corpo. rat'n shall be veCted in and exercised by a board of not less than three (3), and not •Jare than nine (9) directors, each of wiooi ·hal have it his uown name at liast live 51 harres of stock. Said board of director hall be elected annually on the first Mon da.y of t)cto,,icr of each year, the tirst ehlc ,tn to be held in the year of 1913, p;o v~ded that within the l:mits fixed by this charter the duly elected board of directors may, at any time, by a threefourths vote 'of the entite ex:s:ing directorate, increase the number of directors and fill the vacancy or vacanciees thus created. All such e:ec t:onls sha!l be by ballot at thie office of the corporation, under the supervision of three (3) commiissioners to be appointed by the board of directors, and in the absence of any ci:nnisilaner, the president shall have the power to till the place by appointment; and of all each elet;oios, as well as all nmeet i:igs of;s, except when otherwise requited by law, t.fteen days notice shalt be giveni, either persotially or by depositing in :he piot attice, pIroperly addressed to each c ,iiit n stoclkh :lder, s.ich! not ice being ad .adcI to the stockholder's la.t desigunacd add.ress, or at the Gicneral I)ehvery at New I rleanis. Lou:iatlna, if he has not designated tan add:eo, aind anllnouncing the time and place of tuie mIncet:ng. Each cotmmn I s.aJe hoilder, and in those cases in which pie ferred shareh,'lIders are entitled to vote. each lircter: id sharehl :der shall be entitled to o*ne il vte fr each share if stock stand ng ill his namlle on: the books of the corm panly, sail vote to be cast in person or by proxy, arid the majority of the votes cast shall elect. The board of directors shall have power 'o fill all vacancies which ma) rctur on the board. Failure to elect the ,oard of directors on the day above specl tied shall not d:ssolve the corporation, but the d: rect.)s then in office shall remain in ofthe until their successors are elected Due notice of election shall forthwith be given, as above provided, and such notice of election shall be continued to be given until an election is held. The board of directors at their first meeting following each annual election shall, out of their num ber, elect a president and two vice-presi dents, and they shall likewise elect, but not necessarily from their number, a secre tary, a treasurer, and such other officers as the board of directors shall deem, necessary. The board shall have power in its discre tion, to unite two or more offices, and the samne to confer upon one person, and shall have the power to fix the salaries of all 'olicers. The board of directors shall have power to make and establish, as well as alter and amend, all by-laws, rules and regulations necessary and proper for the sup port and management of the business and affairs of said corporation, and not incon sistent with its charter. Said board shall also have full power and authority to bor row money through the president or some other duly authorized agent or agents, to execute notes or other obligations in such amtount and on such terms as in their judg ment may be advantageous; and generally to do all things reasonably necessary for the proper carrying on of the business of the corporation; also to issue and deliver full paid shares of stock or obligations of said corporation in payment of money borrowed, labor, or services, or property, or rights ac tually received by said corporation, as here tri.ore set forth; and shall have power to do all such acts and things as may be neces sar) to carry out the objects and purposes for which this corporation is organized. The majority of the existing board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business at any meeting of the board of directors. Any director absent from the meeting may be represented by any other director, who may cast the vote of thsaid absent director, according to the written irn structions of said absent director. The board of directors shall have the power, by unanimous vote of the board of directors, to sell, or lease, or pledge any anst all of the property, movable and im mcvable belonging to the corporation or to receive in exchange therefor money, or stocks, or bonds or other obligations of any corporation without referring to the share holders for the power to do so, and they may also purchase for stock, or for cash or on credit, property of any kind required for any of the purposes of the corporation without authority of the shareholders. Until the next general meeting to be held under this charter on the first Monday of October, 1918, or until their dulf qualified successors are elected and installed, the board of directors shall be oamposed of Michael A. Baccich, 3737 Gentilly Boule vard, New Orleans, Louisiana; Edward E. Lafaye, 3707 Gentil Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana; Roch E. E. de Montluzin sS53 Gentilly Boulevard, New Orleans, Lonisi ana; Frederic Wilbert, Plaquemine, Lou isiana; Hughes J. de la Vergne, 5931 St. Charles Avenue; with Roch E. E. 4Ie Mont luzin as President, Frederic Wilbert as vice president, Hughes J. de is Vergne as vice president, and Michael A. Baccich as secre tary and treasurer. Article VI.-Whenever this corporation shall be dissolved, from any cause, its of fairs shall be liquidated by three (3) stock holders to be appointed at a general meet ing of stockholders convened for the pur pose of liquidation, as hereinafter provided, each share of common stock being entitled to one (1) vote to be cast by the holder, either in person or by proxy. Said commis sioners shall remain in ofice until the af fairs of said corporation shall be fully set tied and liquidated, and they shall have full power and authority to transfer and give title to all the property and asuets of the corporation, and to distribute the pro ceeds. In case of death, disability, or rs ignation of one or mere commissioner or commissioners, the vacancy shall be filled Sthe survivns eommseiolener or commis Article VIL-This act of incorposation may be modified, changed or altered, or this cor. poration may be dissolved with the con sent of two-thirds of all of its common atoek, epresentecd at a general meeting of the etockholders convened for such pur posest, after previous notice shall have been given in one or more daily newspapers pub lished in the Parish of Orsans, State of Louisiana, once a week during thirty days preceding such meeting, and upon the date of such meeting, and by notice mailed at least fifteen days prior to such meeting to each stockhbolder who appears as suck on the books of the company, to the post-ffSe address designated by him; sad I case of failure to desisnate an address, to the Geo oral Delivery, City of New Orleans. Any change which may be propoled or madre in reference to the capital tck of said c poration shall be made n ccordance with tie laws of the State of laouislane, son the subject of the matter of altering the amonatr f stock of said poatist. It ma therwith. The said stock may he increased to a manishtm of twenty five hudred (2500) shares of preferred stock of a per value of one hundred dollars ($100.00), ad a maxi mum of five thousand (000) shares of eorem mon stock of a per value of one hundred dollars ($10100) per chae. No stockholder shall ever be held libue ot responsible for the contracts or faults of said corporation in ray further tam tha the unpaid balanee due on share of stock owned by hin, nor shall ayy mere ilfor mality in organisation have the pester rendering this charter nall, or of expomnl any stockholder to any liabilit~ beyond _ amount due on his sto by. Artlcle VIIL-Th is annexed hereto a curorate, detailed sad itemised description of certain property, kbln a certain priv loge, permit or franchiseto operate a eam etery in the City of New Orlesi . and -ertain real estate which is to be odyed to this corporation in payment of artain suhscriptions for a total of one hudred thosand dollars (00,00100) parr ofvae 'isht per cent (8l) cumulative preferred stock, and two hunred rd ffty thousand dollare ($00,U00) par value of common stock, said descriptioa showing the asmou., locationa extent, character, state of mproe meat of said land, with a statement of the value of said land and permit frandise as appraised b7 the Board of Di rectors of thas corporationl d, in ords that this charter may serve as the original subcription list, subscribers herete have in dicated opposite their respective snatures the number of shares of stek ueeribd for by each of them Thus done and passed in my ie, at the Cit of New Orleans, LuIat , the day, month and year first above wrrit thei presence of Florence L elly sad . Blanc Monroe, competent witneases, who behee anto s rIe their ames, together with e Notary, ad said appearera after due readinl of the wbhle. (Origisadl bied) . 3L de Moodeda, fifty shares r IFrederick WI rt, fity stock: Hue - la V fft shares refrrd -stock; Lf shares preferd ock; Lab ., LLa 6 Leadn v.. el, pm * Ce, oo 3. ,. 3.--. Mes, , 3r. l - -ne. Mon rtoe Lejsae re heoky Osit y that the oei m -L Pu CII HARTERS. OF EDWARDS MOTOR CO., INC. Sat'e ,f Lauziia..a, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. I;c t ks rn, That on this twenty-seventh .% of I ttber, In the year one thousand :e h.i.I: d an:: seventeen, before me, \\; Ila,: \ Younjg, a notary public, in 'd he t Parish of Orlea:s. S:a:e of Lou . d'ly , mllu:ibsi tned and qualted, and n ":. ;cra-:ce of the witnesses hereinafter 'un d a Ji uiderstgied: Perso::aily came .ld ap; L.- 1: 'Ilse sit;.i, pes': i whose names are here 'nt , u ,.: be, all ab .ve the full age of :,.Jlri:. , wshi. ,cvcr.i lv declar ed that, avail :; tihe.-c;ves of the laws of the State of .": ic i:s .:. .,,d a ;pcci.tliv the laws relaitve the ,:'a: i of c, ins. they have ',, tedl and agreed to bold, form and u': t t!c:m el;vrc as well as all such ,:!!,r [rs, ns as :nay ; rc.ii;:er join . or be .':- . - .,cilated with thel'::. l:to a corpora a':d ody pilit:c tt i.1w, fir the objects a.4 l l p,,-o s and under the a:ic les, agree S : I s:lullitionts fl: ,witArg, towit: :lt 'e I.- -'lhe nILtle, style and t.tle ot S:;ra: n shall lie Edwards Motor I . :i. urdelr that nam:!, It shall have J A'i,-y iil :ihe rights, advantages and ;i,:r.t1 gi-':ied by law to corporations :, -!al 'exit r~"r tile full ternm and period t ;lt:-lln:e t') )cars t:Im this day. It e1 r' I t ti ct:tatt, sue and be :'.id; t;:.,akc arid ue a corpurate seal, and ie , t, e a:cr aind ?eIsk at pleasure; to !iId, receive. Icae, piitchase, sell and con i'., as well as no,:tgage, hypothecate and ;cle prttpeity. real, ptersonal and mixed, rrca atnd incorporeal; to name and ap S.·iit such :ni'otagers, lirectors, officers, ige lts and other e:nhplyees as its interest id.1 convenience mays relquire, and to make aid establish, as well as alter and amend, :ro:u tine to ti:ne, such by-laws, rules and eualati, ns as may be necessary and expe ,i t.,t for the pr.,,per management and gov. crnmenil t of the attairs of said corporation. Artcle II.--The dolAmicile of this corpora tion is hereby axed in the City of New Or trans, S;ate of Loursiana, and all citation or ,thcr legal process shall be served upon the PIresdent of sa:d corporation, or, in his ab sence, upon its Secretary-Treasurer. Article Ill.--The objects and purposes of h. c.rlo:atnon, and the nature of the bus i nre ti be carried on by It are hereby de clated to be: To bul', sell, repair, and generally deal in autor:loblales, automobile trucks, and other nIit,r-dt iven vehicles and bicycles and au tooiiublle andI bicycle supplies, and all other iusinles idncidental to the retail and whole sale autoi,blile, automobile truck, and bi )CiCe business; to promote and assist fin. anclally any person, firm or corporation en aged in the bIusiness of selling automo oiles, automobile trucks and other motor driven vehicles at retail or wholesale; to accept in pledge automobiles, automobile trucks, or other motor-driven vehicles for any n. iney lent on the security thereof, and to keep and store said automobiles, automo bile trucks, and other motor-driven vehcile pending their redemption; with the right and power to do any and all things necessary or connected with, or in any manner incidental or complementary to the objects and pur poses therein set forth. Article IV.-The capital stock of this cor poration is hereby fixed at the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), to be divided into and represented by one hundred (100) shares, in the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars, each. The capital stock of this cor poration may be increased to the sum of one hundred thousand ($1000.00) dollars. Article V.-All the corporate powers of said corporation shall be exercised by a Board of Directors, consisting of not less than Chree, and not more than Five stockholders, a majority of whoma shall constitute a quo rum for the transaction of business. The Board of Directors shall elect annually from their number a President, Vice-President and a Secretary-Treasurer. The first Board of Directors shall consist of three stockholders, and shall be composed of John K. Edwards, George H. Edwards and Edwin W. Edwards, with John K. Edwards, as President, Edwin W. Edwards, as Vice President, and George H Edwards, as See retary-Treasurer. The post office addresses of said directors are as follows: John K. Edwards, 3801 Canal Street, New Orleans, La. George H. Edwirds, P. O. Box 117, Bay St Louis, Miss; Edwin W Edwards, P. O. Box 277, Gulfport, Miss. These directors and officers shall serve until the second Wednesday of September, 1918, or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. The annual meeting of stockholders for the election of directors shall be held on the second Wednesday In September of each year, unless said day be a legal holiday, and then on the next bank day thereafter. Each subscriber hereto sets after his name his post office address and a statement of the number of shares of stock which he agrees to take in the orporation. Article VI.-In the event of the liquidation or dissolution of this corporation, the stock holders shall elect two liquidators from amang their number, at a meetin, convened for that purpose, after ten days written notieo sent to each stockholder by mail, to his last known address; said liquidators shall have the authority to wind up the business and affairs of this eorporation. In case of death of either of said liudl dators, the survivor shall appoint a steek holder as successor to him. Article VII.-This charter may be modi fied, chanaed or altered, or said may be dissolved, with the assent of stock holders owning two-thirds of the entire es ital stock, at a general meeting of td stockholders convened for such purpose, after ten days' writen notice shall have boos rcven to each stockholder, mailed to lh at his lest known address Article VIII.-No subsriber for stoek shall ever be held liable for the eontraets, falts or debts of said corporatio n any further sum than the unpaid balance, If say, due the oorporation on the stoeck for whih he has stascribed; nor shall any steetholder ever be held liable for asuh contracts, faults or debts in any further sum than the aS paid balance, if any, on the stock weod by hm; enor ehal any mere informality isn or lganization have the elect of renderilg this charter ull, or renderi any eerby r liable beyond the unpaied amot, if amy, a remainina due on his stock. Article IX.-This easposatlo Is orgind under the laws of the State of and especially Act No . of 1914, ad stth hereto, for themselves and sid corporation, and for its Mrs, directero sm d stockholdersa hereby accept, as part of this charter, ad as conditions of this etspra tio, all the rights, powers, Iv M d immunities granted to corpotrat, a granted to and onferred upo ofediroe tors and stockholders of cowporatoIsb sald laws and said act; such aeeeptanm u s full, complete and binding as if said , powers, privilees, and immunities wa se forth at full lenIth in this lstrument. Article X. -Tbae sbcription of thitr-three (33) shares each, of the said Garge LL. Ed wards and Edwin W. Edwards to the . ital stock of this earporat has bee for by them by the transter to the eer poration of the real property, described in the attached Ilnvetory; whihetL erty is new appraised by the oed f Directors of thai eoeratlpen at t sum of nine thanad and sity-ltrelis 662s-.t10 (eI.U66-) dllar; all a l more fully appear by reese e tohe t at sale, transferrn rid p esty to the es tary, this day; and t I for() shares of the saido d to the caaital stock of this has been pai4 for by him the sao end delivery to this erpoatl of the i amoel property described i the said attabed In ventory; which property is nw apprad the Board of Diretors of thiseeges at three thousand, four headred l,4i dollars. The inventory herein efere ta contains a acarate, detailed and temised deaeription of the prerty to be trefermd, hereof, and Is pphed 'NIo afsitu by herewith. Thus done and pused, In my netaril lice, in the eity of New Orleans aforedd, in the preaee of George l Terrberry end Fraser L Rie, eampetest witnaesses of law ful age, and mesidingl I this city, who hbase unto siecribea their nae, t r ith said parties and me, ntay the sy a de set forth in the eps hoearet. Original Signed: Edasthr la; Edwin WM. -Edw rde. tth shae P. o. Box m t, -isa. Gas. I dr L ,sdsthleytthe saes, 1P. . ie ill Bay St. Lade, a.Mi Witeee: Ge, N. Tibeiberry, 1aser, L Rice. W. W. YOUNG~ Net. Po I, the undegned Rscogder of Msrtgags in ad for the rash of Orlean IStat f ,duisana, do hereby eertify that the above and foreing act of inerporatian the Edwards Mtor Co, In., was this day duly recorded In my offce in Book 1212. ell W. New Orleans, November 29, 1917. EMILE J. LEONARD, D. 3. A true eopy. W. W. YOUNG, Net. P Nov 1 8 IS ) 9 Dec 6 CARPETS AND RUOS VACUUM CLEANED ED. McL, o , s11 BdlievllSt, iU . .m..i.e I -0 .I