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CHARTRR& OF N. P. SLOAN CO., INC. F United States of America, State of Louiss- - ana, Parish of Orleans, City of New A Orleans. Be it known. Thet on this 3rd day of the o month of December, in the year of our Lord ) one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, d and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-see- a ond: Beofre me, Alfred Charles KLammer, a notary public, in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, aforesatid there-, in residing, duly connmissioned, sworn and i qualified, and in the presence of the wit nesses hereinafter named and undersigned: Personally came and apptpred: 1 The several persons whose names are here unto subscribed, who severally declared that availing themselves of the laws of the State J of Louisiana in such cases made and pro vided, and particularly of the provisions of Act No. 267 of the Acts of the General As sembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1914, they have covenanted and agreed and do, by these presents, covenant and agree and bind themselves, as well as such persons as may hereafter join or become associated with them, to form and constitute I _ corporation and body politic in law, for the objects and under the articles and stip ulations hereinafter set forth and expressed, which they adopt as the Charter of this cor poration, to-wit: Article I.--The name and style of this corporation shall be N. P. Sloan Co., Inc., and under its said corporate name it shall have and enjoy corporate existence and suc cession for the full term and period of ninety-nine (99) years from and after the date hereof; to contract, sue and be sued, to make and use a corporate seal, and the 1 same to alter and break at pleasure; to bo.d, receive, lease, purchase and convey, as well as mortgage and hypothecate prop erty, real, personal or mixed corporeal and incorporeal; to own and hold stocks and bonds of other corgorations; to name and appoint such managers, agents, directors and officers as its business or convenience may require, and to make and establish, as well as alter and amend, from time to time, such by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper government of the affairs of said corpo ration as may be necessary and proper. Article II.-The domicile of said corpora tion shall be in the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, but it may establish of ces and agencies throughout the United States of America and in foreign countries; and all citations or other legal process shall be served upon the President of said cor poration, or in his absence upon any one of the Vice-Presidents thereof, or in the ab sence of said officers, upon the Secretary of said corporation. Article III.--The objects and purposes for which this corporation is organized and es tablished and the nature of the business to be carried on by it are hereby declared to bo cary on a general commission and brokerage business; to act as the agent, fac tor or representative of corporations, firms and individuals; to buy, sell and otherwise dispose of, hold, own, export and import, and deal in, either as principal or agent, for its own account or for account of others, and upon commission or otherwise, stocks and bonds, cotton, coffee, grains and other agri cultural commodities and their by-products; to buy and sell spots and future contracts in cotton, coffee, grains and other commo dities and their by-products, for its own account or for account of others, as prin cipal, agent, factor, broker or commission merchant, on any cotton or other exchange, board of trade or other organization of a like character, and generally to have and exercise all such powers and privileges as are incidental or relate to the powers herein conferred. Article IV.-The Capital Stock of this cor poration is hereby fixed at the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.0), divided into ad reeseted by One Hundred Shares (00) of stock of the par value of One Hun dred Dollars $1fI0.00), each. Said stock shall be paid for in cash at such time, in such amounts, and after such notice to the sub cribers as aay be Axed by the Board of Directors, and the same may be issued at not less than par for labor done or property actually received by the corporation. This cope aion shall become a going concern sa t be autheried to do business as soon as the fall amount of its capital stock shall have been subscribed and paid for. The ameunt to which the Capital Stock of this eorpoatieo may be increased shall be the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($, Artiele V.-All of the corporate powers of said e on shall be vested in and ex ercised bya Board of Directors composed of de stoehboeds, a majority of whom at any time shall constitute a quorum. Said Directors shall be elected annually on the third Moday in in each year at a _neal 8tekhole meetin except the hrst Beard appointed in this arter, who ohall held their oices until the third Mon da in Ja ry 9919 All suh eketo shall be held by ballet and eanducted at the ee of the eerpoa ties, aunder the supervision of three om miasioers to be appointed by the Board of Directors. Notice of such meeting and of all eether etebelddrs' meetings shall be gie in th maner prscribed by law, and when so Icri thea writte notice of such medis shl h deposited, at least teen (IS) d prier to the date of such Ne is the pe a dee of the City of osused 4 sa sh stekhl`de'r at his yast katn residaes or place of business. At all M eleetisus and ot all corporate meetings eve stoehlder shall be entitled a oe () veto for eaos snare ofd stock tsingisa his ne bn the books of the e s b ast by him in _rse wi-; _ te pem, aa majority of d Yea east sail elect. An veney oerring emag the direc se death ni or otherwise, shall be fe by eletIo r fw the neapired term by he nsemal directrs. A faies to eet directors on the day shve spee 1shall not dissolve the cor prald. nr impair its orporste existence or 8mamset, but the directors then in eMee ads i fml fJa l ee until their see essea s re eetetd ad li. The DBeed e Direteran sldet bme its esm or w reel'dsn, a FPlat Vise-Pira na ah Less r Vl dsedenst It hall es ge a memutoar ad a Tr urer. or time ans sd aepat all a sh other em may r t rmnt a t aes om a ord it Bel ar ar make athrit s ao, nt a Gen eal r sa asdut a busines a nd s t ad of Dirtr fm e its e adr the te mto time s d api all suh r .6 esa, assadem le e m ay te ddigdh to e ses th act d a e lo oy w for ebe e and bs e. aid ,leo Sill T erBat s shall ii. o e lar ?e one l dipr oyssentw a pleasur o aid A30 30 r eld, se any 1sby M 1e ad e eemmi.etses ne esy and managemeat tf thee LheMS and See ae *i~t s --- e Man td m and em t eh e i a, - geemyed br saId ensesnal be " es e therm by law ar o at seM sdr sat am CIIA.ETUI. Frist Vice-President; J. D. Morhan, Second Vice-President; W. H. Dunn, Secretary; and r R. J. McKeown, Treasurer. The said Board of Directors shall hold office until the third Monday in January, a 1919, or until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. The subscribers to the Capital Stock of said corporation and their respective ad- , dresses are: N. P. Sloan, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, Twenty (2)) Shares; H. V. Sloan. 4530 Re gent SA, Philadelphia, Pa.,. Twenty (20) Shares; J. D. Morhan, 817 Perdldo St., New Orleans, La., Eighteen (18) Shares; W. H. Dunn, Coltord Ave., Collingawood, New Jer sey, Twenty (20) Shares; R. J. McKeown, 546 S. 48th St., Philadelphia, Pa., Twenty (3)) Shares; Harry P. Vinet, 817 Perdido St, New Orleans, La., One U1) Share; Law rence D. Houbion, 817 Perdido St., New Or leans, IA., One (1) Share. Thus done and passed at my office in the City of New Orleans, on the day, month and year herein first above written, in the pres ence of Messrs Eugene Thorpe and F. 11. Spauldang, competent witnesses, who have hereunto signed their names, together with the said appears and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole. (Original Signed) N. P. Sloan, by J. D. Morhan, Ridley Park, Pa., (20) shares, $2. 000.00; H. V. Sloan, by J. D. Mohan, Phil adelphia, Pa., (20) shares, $2,000.00; J. D. Morhan, New Orleans, (18) shares $1.800.00; W. H. Dunn, by J. D. Morhan, Collings wood, N. J., (B)) shares, $2,000.00; R. J. McKeown, by J. D. Morhan, Philadelphia, Pa., (20) shares, $2,000.00; II. P. Vinet, New Orleans, La., (1) share, $100.00; L. D Rou blo, New Orleans, La., (1) share, $100.00. Witnesses: Eugene Thorpe, F. H. Spauld AL. C. KAMMER, Not. Pub. I, the undersigned, Recorder of Mortgages, for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisi ana, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Act of Incorporation of the N. P. Sloan Co., Inc., was this day duly recorded in my office, in Book 1219, Folio -. New Orleans, December 4, 1917. (Signed) EMILE J. LEONARD, Dy. R. I, the undersigned Notary Public, do here by certify that the above and'foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original Act of Incorporation of N. P. Sloan Co., Inc., on file and, of record in m.y office, together with the certificate of the Deputy Recorder of Mortgages thereto attached. Witness my hand and seal of office at New Orleans, La., this 4th day of December, "1917. AL. C. KAMMER, Not. Pub. Dec 6 13 20 27 Jan 3 10 CHARTER OF VINCENT & IIAYNE REALTY COM PANY, INCORPORATED. United States of America, State of Louisi ana, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. Be it known, that on this 28th day of the month of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and sev enteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and forty-second, before me, W. Morgan Gur ley, a notary public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, therein residing, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared: The several persons whose names are here unto subscribed, all residents of the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, and of full age of majority, who severally declare, that availing themselves of the provisions of the laws and Constitution of this State, relative to the organization of corporations, they have contracted and agreed and do by these presents, contract, agree and bind and obligate themselves, as well as such per sons as may hereinafter become associated with them, to form and constitute a body politic in law, for the objects and purposes I and under the agreements and atiulationa herein' following, which they adopt as their charter, to-wit: i Article I.-The name of this corporation t shall be: "Vincent & Hayne Realty Com pany, Inc.," and shall have corporate exist ence for the period of ninety-nine years from the date hereof, and shall have and exercise " for the purpose of the business to be carried ton by it, all the powers conferred by law on similar corporations, including the power t to make and use a corporate seal and the I same to break or alter at pleasure; to con tract, sue and be sued in its corporate name; to hold, awn, receive, purchase, alienate, f lease, convey, mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise encumber property both real I and personal; to issue bonds, notes or other l obligations, for the purpose of borrowing I oney, and to secure same by mortgae or otherwise, tO name and appoint such office t managers, directors, agents and other em ployees as the interest of the said corpo ration may require, and to establish such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper, and the same to alter, i amend or abolish at pleasure, and generally to do and perform all such acts as may be necessary and proper to carry out and ene I cute the purposes of this corporation. I Article IL-The domicile of this corpora :tion shall be in the City of New Orleans, IState of Leuisiana, but It may establish and operate offices anad agencies wherever i it my deem advisable. All citations or i other legal processes shall be served on the I President of this corporation, or in the event of his absence or inability to act, upon the VicVe-President. Article III.-The objects and purposes for t which this corporition is organised, and the Snature of the business to be carried on by it, are hereby declared to be: To buy, sell, receive, held, ftnt, lease, sublease, mort ga and hypothecate, and to othmewise ac amsre and alienate, as well as to deal in, develop, subdivide and cultivate lands of -all kinds, timbered or antimbered, and real Iestate of every descriptiea; to buy, sell, re caive, hold, rent, lease, sublease, mortgage and hypothecate, and otherwise aquire and r alienate, as well as to manfacturetm and Sdeal in logs, timber, and timber premdacta a and by-prodnucts of every descriptio, and Sgenerally to do any eharactetr of basiness, whether cognate to the above sr met, which is not specially pohibited by the laws of a the tate of Iouisian, other than the be - iness of banking and insurance in all of Steir several forms, ad homaestead, bild inj and loan astocintSL SArticle IV--The estal stock of this cot L poration is hereby mad at the s-m of three Shundred sad fty thousand dollars ($9 is OL0), divided into thirty-dve hundred a (300) shares of one hundred dollars ($1010) Scash or its eqauivaleat at such time and in to cash or ta equivlent at such time and lan I- such manner as the oard of Directors may a determine, or may be iasued at par in a payment of prepey actually uh sd ad Ssuch stock so ue shall be ktl paid and Soa-eassessa·sble. All In estermity sad oa * der the restrictions d the a, reetly eist Idia~e o oate laws of Eeasana. I This easration shall be atheslaed I* cemmens bsineas and be a ilai esrn a as msn as one hundred sad evet-ye - tbousand dollars ($17SIM ) is usri at for, and 4fty per cent (SS%,) thereof paid in, Sthe active bm nes to dat res Jemats rr a li. The shares of std dshall he trams Sfesble only on the beaks of the carperat-e. sad no transfer of stok dshall be blnda or it have any effect upon this errtisauna and until mad aon its be . SThe capital estok of this corpomteat may f be increased up to an s asmsat of One Million d: Dllare ($,01U00aS) by a vote of threre y fartha of the eattadlag etck at a meet lag of the stockholders called for that pme s, pe, in the same mamr a peided ar r. tah fleeting to elect direasme after ing d to the stocklholden itbsn (I) daya a--l-e prior to said meeting. I Article V.-All the corporate pewes of bthi a erpl tion shall be vestemd in an d eselsed pIy a board of four (4) directors, wheo l a lh be a stockholder the eaposuetie, I three () dfwhom hasll esatitaste a quosum for the transacties of all lausiees ad a d majority vote at any mt shll decide - al ques tions voted w aid dliectos a shall be elected saeally re the asteekhld era, on the First Tmu ay i Jianmary each d a year. (the arst mati to be held in DIl), -ala deo note oe m etlng .s-ll ham al bn given o esach echholder seat by mal his last hakw address at Mae tese oe(IS) days prior to the holin t aid else a ltJs. And for all ether tng of sk a holdMr, nle ess lesel otherwlw presided, a theo sthholda mnut be tailed la the Smanamer e described at least ea ayI at &eeda Id am *as e h e teed bthbe a-- v ) per ent of te ee aa p Ls reident dhli mid maSSrs ad a l n is inablity or blm e tg asm t eh nehds the vem taN - -a _ eind e t of sma s :-h -o ..ndi.. g I, ee nt i le) a0ee * e a b #Wirir,~~c ~ a d aaaad-m are duly elected and qoallfed, exeept the tc Arst board herein provided for, whose terse will 'eSire on the lrst Tuesday of January,j d 1919, or until their successors have been duly ti elected; but the failure to hold an annual p election, or to elect the officers as above of provided for, shall not result in the disso lution of this corporation, but the then Board e, of Directors and officers shall hold their b respective offices until their successors are , duly elected. Any vacancies occurring on said Board of it Directors shall be filled by the remaining e members of said Board for the unexpired tu tern,. at a meeting called for that purpose, e after ten (10) days prior notice in writing e sent by mail to said directors at their last known address, and if the said Board fails c to elect at said meeting a second meeting - may be called for the purpose of electing said directors as above providej, and should a second meeting of the Board be held, and , fail to elect, then the Board must convene a special meeting of the stockholders after ten (10) days' notice, at which the vacancy a shall b'e tilled. The said Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to bor- a row money, to execute mortgages and to create liens; to issue bonds, notes and other . obligations, and generally to do all things reasonable, convenient and necessary for the proper carrying on of the business of the i corporation; to make all by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper management and conduct of the affairs of this corporation, to adopt by-laws, and the same to change, alter, amend, or abolish the same at pleas ure, and shall have and exercise all the powers conferred by law on similar corpo rations and as set forth in this charter. The said Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint any agents, managers, or employees who shall respectively have such 1 power and perform such duties at such place or places as the Board of Directors may by resolution delegate to them, and may re move them at pleasure, and said Board shall I have authority to delegate any of the pow ers vested in it, in the transaction of the I business of this corporation, to committees of their own body, or to the officers and agents of this corporation. Any Director can be represented at any l meeting of the Board of Directors by writ ten proxy, and said person so appointed need not be a member of the Board of Dr rectors or a stockholder in said corporation. 1 The first Board of Directors shall be com posed of Mr. Frank B. Hayne, Mrs. Nannie c McCutcheon Vincent, Mr. Hugh Evelyn Vian c cent, and Mr. Musgrove L Morrison, whose a present addresses are set opposite their re spective names to the subscription to the t capital stock of this corporation. The said Mr. Frank B. Hayne shall be the President 11 of the said corporation; Mrs. Nannie MlcCut cheon Vincent. shall be Vice-President, the I said Mr. Hugh Evelyn Vincent shall be Secretary-Treasurer, and said Mr. Musgrove 1 L. Morrison shall be Assistant Secretary- r Treasurer, all of whom shall serve until the p first annual election of officers as herein c provided for, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. a Article VI.-This corporation may be dis- t solved by a vote of two-thirds of the out- l standing capital stock thereof at a general o meeting convened for that purpose, after ifteen (15) days" notice given to stockhold ers in the manner above provided for the t calling of stockholders' meetings to elect a directors and otherwise in conformity with the laws of this State. Whenever this corporation is dissolved, c either by limitation or otherwise, its affairs shall be liquidated by three liquidating com missioners to be elected at such general meeting of the stockholders, who shall pro ceed with the liquidation as provided for by the laws of this State. And in case of death, resignation or inability to act of any of said commissioners, the surviving com-r missioner or commissioners shall appoint a successor, and together they shall continue the liquidation to its termination. Article VII,-This charter may be changedI or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the capital stock issued at a general meeting called for that purpose, after fifteen (15) days prior notice in writing having been sent to each stockholder at his last known address. No stockholder shall ever be held liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of this corporation in any further sum than unpaid balance due the company on the shares of stock owned by him, nor shall any mere informality in the organization hereof have the effect of rendering this charter null, or of exposing any stockholder to any liability beyond such unpaid balance that may be due on his stock. Thus done and passed in my olce, in the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, on the day and month and year herein first above written, in the resence of Theodore I Roehl and Louis Kenner, competent male witnesses, herein residing, who hereunto sign their names, together with said appearers and me, Notary, after a reading of the whole. I {Signed) Frank B. Hayne, 1749 shares, Address: 2501 St. QCarles Ave., N. O., La.; iNannie MoCutchen Vincent, 875 shares, Address: 10 Audubon Place, New Orleans, La.; Hugh E. Vincent, 875 shares, Addreuss: 10 Audubon Place, New Orleans, La.; M. L. Morrison, one (I) share, Address: 312 Wal nut St. Witnesses: Louis Kenner Theodore Roehl. W. MORGAN GURKY, Not. Pub. I, the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages, in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Act of Incorporation of the "Vincent & Hayne Realty ompany~ Inc. " was this day duly recorded in my b6ee in Book No. 1212, Folio 76a New Orleans, Lsouisiana, Nov. 2, 1917. EMr lE J LEONARD, Dy. E. I certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correet copy of the origial Act of Incorporation d "Vincent & Hayne Realty Company, Incorporated," together with the certificate of the Recorder of MortN~es thereto appended, and on Eie in my notarsal WI . MiORGAN GURLLEY, Nnt. Pub. I Dec 6 l 2O Jan 3 I0 1 CHARTER 'O-OPERATIVE 4.AND COMPANY, INC." SState of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans, City Sof New Orleas. . it known, et on this he 30th day I of the month of Noveamber in the year ofd our rtord nineteen hundred and seventeen and of-the ILdepemdene ofm theo United States of America the one hpldred and forty t seoend: before me, Franes D'Asises Char -boanet, a notary publie, duly comissioned I and qualiid, in and for this aity ad the ) ilash eo Oreans, dehreia residing ad is a the presence of the witnesue hereiaftor Snamed and undersigned, personally ease ad rsuea shoen amesre kere Sato who declsted that availila Sfames o te lws d this sael - tire to the formation of ao rato s they have ooveanated ad agreed t e tem selves to form a eporertion or body politic *ola law, fo the bects ad urposes and 5 under the articles, agreements nd stipla e ioens, ollowing, which shall be bdindg l 4 themselves as well as such others as map t later become uassociated with said corpo. I tion, tBowit: .Article Oo.--I'he sume, title ad style of . said oorporation shall be ~.Operative Land SCmp y,. Inc.", ad under seek name it shall have I .enjoy corporate so esaulon and existence eand enjoy all the rights- wriv. F iliges, inmuaities an m isita grated a or allowed by taw to Qsroti a; It shall have ower and u y to ea stract, see and be sued; to make d m a corporate seal and 'the same to elter d amen at r plesrp; it h mploy 0rdl of the eporllo - ma jutify; Imy pr I wise aots, end m tm or otherwie I hypctheecate any nd all kiod d poerty, I, real, persua or mixed; it mayr Issue stocks m bonds, notes w ether evidences of debt a . a shall ereri e s ad dditiond mmpowers as a mray b allowed lw and designated nad U prescribed by Its d of Directors. Article Two-The se d)ts aed pur s for I widdh this wrwtio s rlhd ad the I utsee fd 1Me ss to becarried oa by SIt are ery declared to be: I by, sell and deal in all kIlds of prep a et, movable and iaumovabl, real, Ipersonal Sand uixed, tangible end atangibla, crpo I real ad I a i Louisiana or al l, whre a the ato Lo m sle, or in the I United States or ay do its possessis or I in say oreign aatry; -l someritie and the name ts mortgae Slas, doe ret, aecage or otherwia alenaste, hpthobee a me mber; i To a e lam, impres or otherwise d hnort d estate and a t e mo am t li n la em t townite, tows e, lt i sit a oro ad other polica . ,b Ivmisb s an in senrtlas therewith to h end to erect open ush ree a sses an and S all oauses, Tesdeneg, someal d ding yar ar et res a ear be dskeird d , em es atha ear w anyo the a . & nimO OHARTURS. - thereof; To act, through itselfp or through those designated by the Board of Directors, as the agent of any person, firm or other cor poration, in the transaction of any business or matter, and Generally to exercise and do each and every act and thing allowed to be exercised by or done by corporations under the law, with the same authority and validity as if said act or thing to be done was set forth fully and at length herein, and also to gen erally do each and every business inciden tal, connected with, growing out of or nec essary to the objects and purposes above expressed. Article Three.-The capital stock of this corporation is hereby fixed at the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,0U.00), divided into and represented by two hundred shares of the par value of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) each, all of which stock shall be pad for at the time of subscription. All stock shall be full paid and non-assess able and to be valid shall be signed by the President (or the Vice-President in his absence) and by the Secretary. No transfer of stock shall be binding on this company until the same shall be made on said company's books. The capital stock of this corporation may be increased to the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or to any smaller sum, and it such increase is made, the amount of such increase, the number of shares, their par value, the preference such stock shall have, and the method of payment for the same and all other matters in connection with such increase shall be fixed by the Board of Directors. Article Four.-The domicile of this corpo ration shall be in the Parish of Orleans, Louisiana, and it shall enjoy corporate suc cession and existence for a period of ninety nine years from this date. Until otherwise provided by the Board of Directors, the street and number of the cor poration's domicile, in the City of New Or leans, shall be at 630 Gravier street. Article Five.-All legal process shall be served on the President, or in his absence on any other officer, as may be authorized by law to be served. Article Six.-All corporate powers of this corporation shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors, composed of not less than three and not more than seven directors, who shall be stockholders of the corporation. A majority of the Board to constitue a quorum for the transaction of all business. Said Jioard shall be elected annually on the first legal Monday in November and the first election under this charter to be held in 1918 Immediately after their election the said Board shall elect from their number a Pres ident, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, provided that the offices of Sec retary & Treasurer may be combined in one person, and provided further that such offi ces may be filled by one not a stockholder. Until the election to be held in 1918 and until the then to be elected Board of Direc tors shall elect officers and the same have qualified, the Board of Directors and officers of this company shall be: Allen H. Johness, 630 Gravier St., New Orleans, President, Eugene C. Roddie, 630 (;ravier St., New Orleans, Vice-President, and Ferdinand Katz 60) Gravier Street, New S)rleas,. Secretary-Treasurer. Said Board of Directors shall fill all va cancies in their own number and all vacan cies in said officers by election from the stockholders, except as to the Secretary who need not be a stockholder, as aforesaid. Said Board shall make all needed by-laws, rules and regulations for 'the proper man agement of said corporation and for the issuance, registration and certification of its stock, bonds and other securities; said Board shall provide the manner and method of voting stock held by it in ether corpora tions or fArms and shall delegate such an thority as may be necessary to carry out any of the powers or authority it may pos sess, and Generally said Board shall exercise each and every power and privilege usually, ex ercised by Boards of Directors and allowed by any existing or future law of this state. Article Seven.-This charter may be amend ed or changed by complying with the pro visions of law applicable thereto. Article Eight.-On the dissolution of this corporation, for any reason, its affairs shall be liquidated by three commissioners, to be elected by the stockholders, who shall hold office until the final liquidation of the said corporation's affairs. Any vacancy in said commissioners shall be filled by the re maining commissioners by selection by them from the stockholders or directors. Article Nine.-No stockholder shall be lia ble for any contract or fault of this corpo ration, or for any act of commission or omission, in any futher sum than his in debtedness to the corporation, for the apa balance due on any stock subscribed unpaid for, or otherwise. No informality in the organisatioa of this corporation shall render this charter null or shall expose a stockholder to sany liability other than as above expressed. Article Ten.-In order that this act may serve as the original subscription list of this corporation, the subscribers hereto have written opposite their names and addresses the amount of the subscription to the cap ital stook made by each, a follows, to-wit: A. H. Johness, 63 Gravier St., New Or leans, 72 shares, E. C. Rddie, 610 Grvier St., .New Orlesa, 64 shaes, and F. at,s. 630 Gravier St., New Orlesa, 64 shares. Which said stock is to be paid for, is full as soon as issued and upon call of the Beard of Directors. Thus done and passed, in my office at the City of Nerw Orleans, on the day and date first before written, in the presence of Loais P. Saeve and L A. Ducros, cometet wit anesses, who eign with the appeass sad me, notary, after reading of the whale. (Orisgial signed) eg. C ~oeli, 64 shares; Ferd Katz, 64 a A. i skas, 64ohsum. LF. Sauv, L. A. Doe, F. D. CHARIDOINP T, Nat. Public. I, the undersigned rerder oa rg s, in and for the Parish o Orlea, do ee certify that the above sad foroingac t of inecorporation of the CoOprati a Ce, Inc., was this day du? rerdad in my odiee in book 1212, at d -- -New Orkeans, Nov. -, 1491. 4Signe) U L J. LK O iDs L 3 A tru eo.p D~e61 t ja 31 OF "RURI A IAD ODPANY, INC." United States of Amrk, State eLa S ens Pariah of Orlesse, City of Nsa &e it h , set ea thisr. the lt day of the math dof Nvemberr In the ea of our terd aissetan huaded and seveatem s Ssad of the Independeame o the United State of America, the one hundrendad fr(ty mseed; before me, Prmaei D'Aslees Chs and quatised, i and f r this city ad the Parish of New Orleans, thereis rsidlng sad .in the presece of the witaeses hereifte named sad undersigned, persesstly came sad g ~ r l personawhose names are here Snto sabscrihed who dclaed that availiol shmtelvea of the laws of this State, rela tive to the formation of coqoratiea, they bhave covenanted and agreed between them selves as welL as with all otlhers who may Slater become associated with thetma, to fore a erperatioe end body politic in law, for the obijewcts and purposes sad uader the stip Satlstleasa flowia to.-wit: esyareioseo shall be "Rural Lead shal L aajd ae ll cte rights, p)riv i uor ustls alewed o ganted so c - ratlem by ay eaitl or atrs lawo utate; that nder ea m it shall have power and uthority to se be sed; so make sad use a· otMeo ad a m same to btreak alter amid at pleasure; to aske sad ester a all Stects that it shalul me At; to m Sdisdcharge all managers, masets sie Sas may be deemed ecessary ad ia compensation; to rhse or thewie " quire and to sell or otherwie. slins all r i s m e and ech otherr ries as may be pcriTed by te Beard f Diaseossa Artiath lScsd-The ebiets sad gs em of a4 Teriebo as bs k it hasobe delared to be: To by.aegsad deal I y sad all blads of sal msonlsd mixed eeey tan giis o antangble, eroal s-ad c mSan meria, its pomesime or else r nt age as mmov-le, elra a d to aba ea olut ntl~m9 -4 I - 1 -3 CHARTnERS. To own and operate mills and manufac turing plants to manufacture building and other materials and to use the same either for itself or for others; To buy or otherwise acquire and to sell at mortgage or otherwise alienate, hypoth ecate or pledge the stock and bonds or se curities in other corporations and partner ' ships and to vote the sane in any matter h or proceeding; To act as agent, either through itself or its sub-agents, as may be prescribed by its Board of Directors, for any person, firm or e corporation. And, generally, to do each and every act s and thing and to engage in any and all ,f businesses incidental, connected with or d growing out of any of the above mentioned s objects and purposes, the same as if such s businesses or purposes were set forth at e length herein. Article Third.-The capital stock of this - corporation is hereby fixed at the sum of y twenty five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, di is vided into and represented by one thousand shares of the par value of twenty-five ($25.00) n dollars each, all of which stock shall be paid le for in cash at the time of subscription. All stock shall be full paid and non-assess y able and shall be valid only when signed *d by the President, or the Vice-President ' whenever the President cannot act, and the Secretary. All transfers of any stock shall only be ie binding dn the company when the same shall n have been made on the books of the corpo te ration. The capital stock of this corporation may o- be increceased, from the amount hereinabove s, fixed, to not more than the sum of one hun c- dred thousand dollars, or any part thereof, r- and if such increase is made for said one hundred thousand dollars or any part there of of, the amount of said increase, and the r- number of shares and their par value, and r- the preference said stock shall have, if any, and the method of paying for the same, shall a be designated and fixed by the Board of :e Directors. :d Article Fourth.-The domicile of said cor poration shall be in the Parish of Orleans, is Louisiana, and it shall enjoy corporate ex - istence and succession for a period of ninety t nine years from this date. n Until otherwise changed and designated by 1o the Board of Directors the office and dmi of cile of said corporation in the City of New Orleans shall be at 630 Gravier street. n Article Fifth.-All legal process shall be d served on the president, or in his absence K on any other officer authorized by law to be served. d Article Sixth.-All corporate powers of this s- corporation shall be vested in and exer a cised by a Board of Directors, composed of :- not less than three and not more than seven ie dirtctors, who shall be stockholders of this i- corporation. r. A majority of said Board of Directors shall id constitute a quorum for the transaction of SI all business. re Said Board shall be elected annually on rs the first legal Monday of November and the first election under this charter shall be in w 1918, and until such date and until their M successors shall have been elected and have t1 qualified in that year, the following shall w constitute the first Board of Directors of this corporation, to-wit: Allen H. Johness, "[ Eugene C. Roddie, Joseph W. Sheldon, "- Immediately after their election said Board te of Directors shall elect from their number to a President, a Vice-President, a Sbcretary and a Treasurer, provided that the office of , Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one "- and the same person, and, provided further, ee that the Board of Directors may elect to ts the office of Secretary, one not of their own rd number and one not a stockholder of this Of corporation. "- Until the election herein provided for in t- 1918, the following shall constitute the ollf rt cers of this corporation and shall hold of o- fice until their successors qualify, viz: President, Allen H. Johaess, Vice-Presi h dent, Eugene C. Roddie, Secretary, Joseph K. W. Sheldon, Treasurer, Joseph W. Sheldon. td All elections shall be by ballot and a e. majority of the votes cast shall be necessary d" to elect; each stockholder shall be entitled O- to one vote for each share of stock stand i ing in his name, to be cast in person or by is proxy or by letter, as provided by law. The ll notices of election, other than the annual | election herein fixed for the first legal Mon 1i day in November shall be given as pro id vided by law. id Said Board of Directors shall fill all va cl cancies in their own body and all vacancies m occurring in the ofcers, by selections to be made by thems from the stockholders, except a- as to the secretary, who need not be a stock o- holder, as above provided. 5' Said Board shall have power and author s ity to make by-laws, rules and regulations id for the government of the corporation; to sd provide for the manner of issue, registra. tion and certification of its capital stock; is to vote stock or interests of other corpora. ill tions or partnerships as it may prescribe and 1y delegate and to do all acts and things, cen eally, as are usually done by Boards of iy Directors, with each and every power ape Sceial or general, allowed to Boards of birec - tors under any existin! or future law. - Article Seventh.--Ths charter may be P amended, changed or altered upon comply t: ing with the provisions of law applicable C thereto. er Article Eighth.-On the dissolution of this I* corporation, for any reasoa, its afairs shall be liquidated by three commissioners, to be lI elected by the stockholders. Sockh comhis rd sioeers shall remain in oice until its final liquidation and, in case of vacancies in their number, such vacancy shall be 6flled by t them bs their selection from the stockhold t er or Directors. it. Article Ninth.-No stockholder shall be li , able for amy contract, fault or act of cam .miseon .6 omission of this corporatio, i Say further sum than the then unpaid bel s aice uas my be due by him on the cwtal , stock suberle md unpoid for bhy h, i or for ay other amount that he may e indebted to said corepration nor shall say - informality in the organiastom of this ct f poradios der this charter nmull or a sLbscrber to Its stock to ay liabilit Sether han as above provided for. Artiele Teah.-4a order that this charter have written eppoeaite their names the amount of the capital stock subscribed by eah of them, together with thimi peot elie ad dresses, as follows, tor-wit: Alls I. Jehaess, 4 Graver New i W s. q des 4d Casset, Sat e ats -sa m ss. c e SA of which stoehai aid in 1. 0 in ash, us It isueb and as taled bohe er ald of D ortorls. SThis doe end arse idIn my esa af lto .- t Ct of Olan, on the d and dos L m af amreid Sth1e prewusene of Lou Vssv e L s. e A. m te w witm n r sit se , -s wieth id appeue nd . m, otary, : ea~t o r . i. wAes.&u u.I Welteses: LS. m.e. v L.A. De ero Ia- I). a. c uuWI rr, Not Public, _ I the and e te ,rh of Oralera, tte -of * t Louaisana do hebe y esly tht the sie land fe-goin act of meporation of the Co., Ins., m duly recorded Sthi ly ta my die in D·er 112 folio - S A eM 5'i D. IU J Cyrus Broussard STA IARIrCiT mif m. na m s A £ r .4i.hs . 1 A - *~rn. m UbII kuuw FLORIDA II AT Si MAKERS OF HATS-REMODELERS ANC PENOVATORS OF OF HATS; LADIES' HATS A SPECIALTY We are prepared to serve you w!h t ascd atisf Our Plant is equlipped with New and i :i and Workmanship. Our Priccs are right. , work- e FLORIDA HAT SHOPp :: 09O CANAL STREET. NEW o i Important To Men in the Servia their Relatives and Fried( The main concern, when sending a gift of caudy, have it received promptly and in perfect cow Parcels post and express are most uncertain. Huyler's have perfected a Service that guarantees ddhel any Huyler's product, immediately, fresh, and -to most Training Camps and many important and towns. Before you forward Candy-consult us about a Service. We recommend Huyler's $1.00 a pound cum& " The value is in the Candy. The box ie lncdml,a, ETER3UPP, Dru Ber uuda, Ewai ,Verre f The "Oldeat" Shoe Store in New with all the "Yerug lId a' W. L. Douglas S [Uies Mado] SOLD ONLY BY Schumacher Shoe 228 Royal Street A Suitable Christmas P N OUR RED CEDAR CH They Protect Yeour Clothes sad Furs, and They Le TrE REST HAND MADE CEDAR CHEST MADE. BUT 1R0M UPACTURER AND SAVE A ROlIT. SInsects and o mie clothing pacaked is it perfumes a room odor of the wood. some in every detail, on all sides and ive copper stripe. You can buy direc ufacturers' prices. dleman's profit. We varied stock to dess make immediate and look over our SPICK aI SP THE ELECTRIC P Sorderth Nw rlegiven Liht T 222 Ehkm An. pihu Royal Shoe Repa s camp Ustreet P*soe. eas 8off WH"U Shoe Repairin AUTOMOBILE DIRE **a The N*eseld. £sr_ e **, oe de maetsetlran ea Name of Car Distributor Do Sherousse-Steele HolwazT SMotor Car Co. Citrdes Ce Sherousse-Steele Howard Prenue Motor Car Co. Cacrd R al W. P. Parkhouse Auto Co. 752 St. F kl,* W. P. Parkhouse. Nae iai Auto Co. 752St. Cole 8 . J. Weinberger 70 St. Allen P. J. Weinberger 708 St. B * Bernstein-Glenny Motors Co. 822 Sha mes Bw.rknoten- s len F n i PSouthern Motor _ and Truck Co., Inc St. ole To "THE Alle F~j Wenberer 78 S.--