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At Th Playhouses I @miaIlun it I flQT ART ThflA1 "CHIN CHIN." Charles Dillingham's Stupendous Mu sical Production Coming to the Tulane Theater. Apparently one of their adventures in New York caused more pleasure to the committee of Chinese mer. chants who were touring America last year than their visit to "Chin Chin." Even those members to whom Eng lish was an unknown tongue nodded and smiled and applauded as their brethren of liguistic ability explained the jokes to them. For the most part though, they needed no explanations., so much of "Chin Chin" is made up of sheer beauty of spectacle and quick-moving divertisement. Ivan Caryll, the gifted composer of "Chin Chin." is well known here for his charming music in "The Pink Lady," "The Little Cafe" and other light operas. By birth, .Mr. Caryll is a Belgian, but a few years ago he was naturalized, thus becoming an ardent son of Uncle Sam. Anne Caldwell, part author of the book of "Chin Chin". is one of the few women librettists in America. She also wrote the librettes of "The Lady of the Slipper" and when Claudia Smiles"., It is interesting to know that Anne Caldwell was once a comedienne. hater she 'won poptt larity with her songs, the lyrics of which were by her husband, the late James O'Dea. The lyrics of the Chinese song, "Go Gar Sig Gong-Jue", which is one of Doyle and Dixon's biggest hits in "Chin Chin", were written by Anne Caldwell and James O'Dea in English and were translated by a Chinese gentlemen in Washington. The Eng lish equivalent of the title is "The High Cost of Living". "Chin Chin" is a modern version of the famous old Arabian Nights tale of "Aladdin", or "The Wonderful Lamp". The authors have taken all kinds of liberties with the original story, but upon its foundation they have built an up-to-date extravaganza with bewilderingly amusing adjuncts. Doyle and Dixon in this funny fantasy have become a couple of Chinamen who have more lo less thrilling adventures in the pursuit of the Lamp which brought its posses sor all manner of -happiness. For three years the playgoers of the Tulane Theatre have been wait. ing for Charles Dillingham's gigantic production of '"hin Chin" and now the announcement is made that this famous organization with Doyle and Dixon in the lead will appear at The Tulane Theatre for one week 'begin ning Sunday December 9th. ORPHHEUM THEATlE. The following is the program for the Orpheum next week: "Aamerica First," a Patriotic Spec tacle. Direction of Rolfe & Mad dock. Extra Feature, Al Shayne, the Singing Beauty, assisted by Joe Sully. Extra added -feature, The Head liners. A Stage Satire by Aaron Hoffman, with Henry B. Toomer & Co. 'Maurtee Brierre & Grace King, the Little Girl from Boston and the Boy from New Orleans, in Exclusive 8bags sad Dancing. La Veen & Cross, as "Julius and Brutus,' Roman Sports and Pas times. As they were in the 'Days of thq Mighty Caesars. LmIPde , the Celebrated Interna tional Card Expert. Apidles Zoological Cireus, four Bears eight Dogs, three Monkeys, one Ant Eater. Orphoum Travel Weekly. World at Work and Play. Mount Fujiams, Japan. Speces of $ish found in Tropieal watmers. A Journey through the Soena. Orpheum Coneert Orchestra, E. ;. Tece. Dmreetor. ,DaC= ROssOn IN TIANoGLZ PLAYJ, *-CA POt's Polly Theatre, Sunday BARN DANCL The James II. Blak Cirle, St. Margaet's Daugters, wil give a barn dance Wednesday, Dec. 12th at the Academy. Opelousas aveane, ad_ lssok SS2 centa. The preisdet, Mrs. R. P. Whitmore ad the seaous chairman. Mrs. J. W. Merrisoa, have been untlrnla i their meorts to make the stair a scsess, beth socaly sad lassasahl. The ds will to towards secartg end t a summer home on the Coast whe tred working girls women can so to spend a few vecasosn. The 3oehwlng committees have Snammed to uasist Mrs. iorrbon: V. Oltier and Mrs. J. R Manet,. Mrs. 3. 3. W. Merrlam., 1LI '1. ':~~ ":n: :aueC Ete L r ac·. , Marl. 1eva gh .,a .<5 uise W..t: I "CHIN:: ·'5T1, I".: . -is " :~M "'ý :· :·- ·-r"n. :;-·.- ` ··: "ý.. n "h r·, t . is · ·.; · ý '. , '; «'t<ý:) . s ý { ..AA:: .ý. .. Ine Baer Etel awoau MaioCavnah nd Luie Wr hug a . "HI CHN. School Notes THANKSGIVING AT THE ADOLPH MEYER SCHOOL. The children of the Adolph Meyer School entered into the true spirit of Thanksgiving and on Wednesday morning, when the bell was rung, ev ery face beamed with the pleasure and happiness that comes from help ing those who are in need. It was a beautiful sight to see them laden with bags and packages of fruits and edibles provided by their generous parents. Baskets, filled with all kinds of good things, were sent to the deserving people in the school district. The gratitude expressed by each one, as the basket was left was a sufficient reward to the donors. Perfect in Spelling. PFifth A Grade-Irma Gillich, Lucille Lecourt, Floyd Hofstetter, Ines Bour geois, Chas Smith. Julius Gillich. Fifth B Grade-Ruth Furlong, 8tel lo Cronan, Josie Calatanatto, Alden Smith. Pourth B Grade-Margaret Roberts, Eliska 'Sullivan. Marion lgsecomb, Joseph Catantanatto, Thomas Doael ly. -F ourth A Grade-Ora Brown, Pearl Hymel, Thelma Wille. Third A Grade-Eve Alonso, Myr tle Bourgeois. Second A Grade--Benjamine Can ton, Mildred Campbell, Thelma Fur long. Third B Grade-Jennae Scott, L;. cille Bauman, Thelma Rice. SELLEVILLE NOTES. The money collected on Thanksgiv in Day was given to St. Vincent de Paul Society, while the fruit and veg etables were sent to the St. Alphon sus Asylum and to the needy poor of our district. There were forty4-ve baskets distributed in our district. pecial thanks are exteiede to the committee in charge fPr suc kgood McDONOGH SCHOOL NO. 5. Assistant Superlateadent Baner was a visitor to the school last week. McDoeaoh No. 6 was oe of the nine schools in the city to reach a mark above the city average In every grade in the echool In the arithmetic test given by the superlntendent l May, 1317. The other schools which aored above the average were: Walter C. Flower, MoDonosh No. 14, MoDeoogo No. 7, P. T. Howard No. 2, MoDoaogh Nao 9, McDoogh Ne. 28, McDmogh No. 2 and MoDoako No. S. h iay aors e were hell The pupils e( MeDemogh No. 5 ar '¶1olg their Mit," may of them hait. tiag squares for a qPilt whihe will be forwarded to a iller be~ through he Red ~ees ý UOS NM.siangu No. 4 ' ` agrr sho 4 lac Uaa i at 8 I, Iý 3i1 deportment: Irvin Campbell, Ber trand Peck, Alfred Peterson, Roy Ripp, Lee Steele and Louis Fernan dez. Deportment: Wallace Marcour and Mark Senner. Fifth Grade B-Scholarship: Roy Hingle, Stephen Lecher, Alvin Le Blanc, Rubin Pieri, Leonard Chau vin, Stanford Wdllmore, Lee Menge, Royal Williams and Charles Beni nate. Fourth Grade A-Scholarship and deportment: Hymel Amuedo, Charles Gerrets, Jullan Humphrey, Joseph Sutherland, William Entwistle, Geo. Zatarain, athelbert Lagarde, Sidney Andre, John 'Hann. Charles Terre borne and Hypolite Veslen. Scholar ship: Chester Camus, Elmo Voegt inl, Joseph Umbach, Collie Mangano and Harold Treadaway. Perfect Winifred Allen in Thisangle play, "The faps.ater." Pete's Pelly Thursedy spelling: George Zatsrain and Ethel bert Lagarde. Fourth Grade B-Scholarship and deportment: Pred Kraemer, Prank Youngblood. James Higgins, Victor Cleutat, Wilson Baet, Obrles Puckett, Aloysrls Serpas and Joseph Perrin. Scholarship: Charles Well baecher and Ease West. Deportment: Walker Perron, Emialle 'Legendre, John Hunter, Walter Wilderfels and MarJoral McNeely. Third Grade A-James Fabares, Herman Grundmeyer, Fred Ham backer and Richard Kessler. Second Grade A-Merris Bodeager, Vincent Trauth and Russell Gilder. 6econd Grade 3-Scholarship and deportment: Tracey Lilly, Vallery Infreau and Beanie W ·iaer. Scholarship: Karl Brodtman, Pres ton Delcazal. Lester Smith and Harold O'Brien. First Grade A--Howard Evaas, Dan Church, Wfllmr VinLon. James Hearicks and Nougle Richard. De portmeat: Peter Proveuzano. First Grade B-Albert Brodtmaa. Jultiu Messner, Clayton l'rautb, Elbert Ross, Everett Ramsey, Charles Seoulast, Hugh Cb, Tanzley prias, Alvin Short and Floyd Brune. The following boys of McDonegh School No. 4 have started bank so counts: Mauriee Thibodeaux, Richard Fernandes, John Hunter, Earl Angelo, Charles Willis, Joseph Susslin and John Curran. ELKS HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE. New Orleans Lodge of Elks held memorial services unday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Tulane Theater. A large audience lled the Ms the ater when the tmpr elve service started with a selection by the or chestra under the dtrectes of Prof. E. . Ter. During the rederigl of the u aher, Chopan's "'Marche Sc,' rs of N-w *Orleaas Lft eame onto the seaort lag Walter P. Aadrews, past exated ruler of Atlanta Iedge, who delivered rlal rvies were ap lugof af _rgnt-me net as arlue is the smery ao the abmIt. uhee faelts are Written apes the s edai whom virtues are In PERSONALS. (Continued from page one) Club. The successful players were Mrs. Geo Herbert and Mrs. L. A. Theard. Mrs. D. Murtagh received the consolation. Mrs. F. C. Duvic will entertain at the home of Mrs. H. L. Hoyt at the next meeting. The Girl Scouts, Magnolia Troop No. 1, will hold their meeting Satur day evening at 5:30 at Masonic Hall. All members are requested to be present. The Big Four will give a dance at the Avenue Dancing Academy next Saturday evening. December 8, at 8 o'clock. One of the largest crowds that have attended a dance in Algiers in some time is expected to attend, and as the music is to be furnished by the "Original Jazz Band" a good time is in store for all who avail themselves of this opportunity. Virginia Lode No. 136, K. of P., will elect officers at their meeting Monday night at Pythian Hall. ALL AIRCRAFT OUTRIVALED. Ancient ird, the Ptsredatyl, Had Twenty-Five ast Wings, W*eIed About Twety-Flve Punds. Whence do the angels derlve their ings-th angels, that is to say, of panlating and sculptural art? Prom what source is the accepted model for these appendages derived? It is rather difficult to say, accord. ing to the Philadelphia Public Ledger. But apparently the wings conventlem ally worn by angels are those at the albatross. At all events, albatross wings correspeod most nearly to e patterns. The albatrom weighs about 18 pounds and has a wig spread ac 11u feet. Each of its wings has an area aof aves suare feet. With a wing spread preportloeate to lae, an angel as well equipped for Msght as the albatrss ought to be able to By very well. The trumpeter swan, which Is the greatest weight-carrier of all londis tance fyers, would be at a disadva. tage as compared with an angel. It weighs U pounds and has a wing spread of only ighsat eet. But no angel or modernm blrd could compare as a flyer with the ptero dactyl ot x 40,00 years or so aes which, welighing perhaps f pounse, had wing sp readt a5 feet. Its boone were almost paperlik and its body hardly more than an appendage to its wings. With a head tht was principally a dagglke beak, aad a pouch like tat of a pelican, it at tered mothlke (looking for fish) alolg the shores o the nretaceo ee that exteaded northward from th preasat ulf at oiaueo to and over Ka's. He was "ieme" flyer, the tara dea" (as naturalists ean tis species of pterodctyl); ar modern ying ma. chine have yet to rival his par erm OBLIGING immy aeremA-Tes, Hes, sIs har besk a beIge r i- bs w k~~~~~~~ of- , , ,, /. ;' "' SINGING IS LOST ART TODAI In This Age It is Largely Confled i the Profeslional Performersr, *a In the Churches ginldg, as far as most people ma concerned, is a lost art. Thousands ag tend operas, recitals and musical aoo 's, but, as for singing themselve4 tformally at their work or play, theg have forgotten how. In times past people of all ranks sang together ao a matter of course. Sailors sang at their work; peasants, shepherds, cow" boys. all had their favorite and appro priate songs. The songs of children at games, the lullabies of mothers, are in the collected ballads and folklore of many peoples. "The pastimes and labors of the haus bandman and the shepherd," says An. drew lang, according to the Indianapo. Us News, "were long ago a kind of natural opera. Each task had its own song; planting, seeding, harvest Ing, burial, all had their appropelats ballads or dirges. "The whole soul of the peasant clam breathes In its burdens as the great sea resounds tn the shell mast up ea the shore." Nowadays the whirl of machinery makes all the noise. The workers In mills might find It unsatistylng to saing at their work, but It Is doubtful If they would sing even it their voices could be heard, while singing In an ofice or store would pretty surely be stopped by the "boas" or the police. Thousands congregate every night In the silence of moving pecture theaters, and eves In the churches where asinging by the congreation used to be customary, the attendants now usually listen It slleneo to a paid singer. tn this ae ts largely * e fied the professional performe. SING TO SETTLE' QUARRELS Eakimes Have Peculiar Manner of Adjusting Their Orievancee-En. anmy Must Listen. The aklnmos, who live In the Iee. bound, barren Northland, have a way of settling quarrels which seems very strange and amusing to those who live In a land of policemen and courts of justice. There, when quarrels arise, tie man who has a grlevance writes a song In which he tells the wrongs that have ben done him. When this has been composed to his satisfaction, he Invites his enemy to come and hear him sing It. This the aemy must do. and be brlngs with him all his rela tives and many of his friends, while the singer also has gathered his friends and relatives for the occasion, which Is consdered something at a general entertainment by the people of the vii lagep n which the men live. Then. while other men of the village pound madly on huge drums, the song t wrongs is begun. When It is n ished, f the audience expresses ap preval, the singer Is considered to have won and to have a jst ause of com plaint. But it dissatisfaction is e. premed, that is comildered sudcleat pulshment After the song everya dances ad the party breaks up la great good humor. Do Big Jeob Pet. The more you ponder diealtaes the harder they seem. So the thing is to get them of the date as soon as poi hle. You get them of by going after them. Just cast up the work af the day. Bustimate the toll In .he prob. leam. Tackle the hardest one beere you are tired. That may not be a cording to precedent, but It's acording to goOd generalship. As sonn as you pet that of te lst tackee Mte nt thfhg I importanea Keep the wgrk SoinU and you're bMoad to wh vie tores over self ad th job you face. Soon there wo't be any reel problems to anoy you. It will jst be a matter of attack~l g tgs n the best order. You have gone a long way toward masterr when you bav learned to d4 big thangs iarst.-Grit. nolandoe na armlnmts. It Is claimed for the lelandie Ne tiers that theys playd no small part la the progrep s a prosperity the province of Manltoba, Osasda, sad it Is asserted that the story o the fo egin population of Wlnnlpe must ane emartuly begin with the Icelander. He has set the pace for al the tncoming raees o be is tS ltn tialm pae emel. Mece o how a people amMbtlem aad lndUstry can master dldiealties, tDr umph oever preudice, and attaln their desired place In t or the e polttlcl, the itellectual ad social lse ot a hutling ad rowtng city ti a strange land. Outsde the ctit it Is net unusual to fid Ieelanders wlt Efarms of L000 aere. TULANE WE SKtaria Matinees Wednesday and Saturday THE WORLD-RENOWNED MUSICAL PA" CHIN C HI Nights and Saturday Matinee, Popular Matinee Wednesday Best Seat 0I l LO EW S C RESCENT 10 - BI VAUDEVILLE ACTS 1 16 -REELS FIRST RUN MOVIESw, Pictures begin 1 P. M. 3 Vaudeville Shows Drily, 30 7 p Sunday. 2. 4, 7 and 9 P . ices AFTERNOONONS"O Pr ces Except Saturday and Sunday 5, 10 NIGHTS Sat. and Sun. Afternoons , 15 COME AND SO AL YOU PLIAS Two Complete Changes, Sunday and Thursday Pu PHONE MAfl~a~j BEST OF VAUDvn MATINEE EVERY DAY 2:15-10c TO SOc. BOX SEATS 7Sc. EVERY NIGHT 8:15-10C TO 7Ie. M3.a Foto's Folly Theatre ATTRACTIONS FOTOS FOLLY THEATRE Week Eadin Saturday, December 15. SUNDAY, Dec. 9-"Cassidy." Triangle, Dick Rossen. 5 parts. "Hula Hula Land," Keystone, Billy Armstrong. 2 parts. "Pathe News of the World's War." 1 part. MONDAY, Dec. 10--"The Girl that Could not Grow Up," Marguerite Fisher. S parts. "Three Other Pictures." TUESDAY, Dec. ll-"Barbray Sheep," Par amount, Elsie Ferguson. S parts. "Strand Comedy and Educational." 2 parts. PORTOLA TIEATRt CANAL AND DRYADS SiTS. High Class Motion Pictures Where to Stop In New NAN Ada... Rde.. n Nts 114Rojal CSty.. n MRomIoN 311 Echae Room$ 1M MlEvHd s I 758 Camp 4N 411 BienvilTe, ,O . SCa. N. Peters Th Alburth Ise Itberae ee Pfer r . Hro. i sug est nti S wFrig Bud's k s a°es s aA Ili in aeFood ti- fo, Pid. geer aLk Ib fam ferern tat CITIZENS' INDUSTRIAL LIFE INS AND SICK BENEFIT ASSOCIATU Po me~t ais *- ~a - .s pr. we stk.m : Patriotic Foods-- n Delicious Sea Foods for L e O a be bd al day loeu and after theat at our twa ri served a e style. We make daioue siads for ofr SAt Your Party set t·aeerCaterieg Depettent d eveM Sa ne d r ber o gets d mweed cd .' W ZA wr VIR ANYWIIRNs O. & G. PuIre of °wr c" i " a 10lEY FRUIT .tlE CUSTARD IE I 50O the Pound, No affair is utirsUr it 1o 4 30 . Pashage without this pae 3 31 Teara' Expweuiece Mekiut 1D* IOdenwald & Gros. Q UALITY CATERERS I 619 Caiel Street 920 Coi . I ,.lm Rd@r ainsa a.WI t1. 3636 l~~ ýxxxxxxI1 xx1x 1ý= x1li T... WEDNESDAY, Dec. - ture." Kese. Jno. McGrw 'Chal4ren Count," Mary parts. "Comedy." THURSDAY, Dec. l-"!ft Triangle. Winifred A $m S lusband," Komedy. " War." , FRIDAY, Dec. 14-e.T . , mount, Wallace leet,-s Ring," No. 9 and V L SATURDAY, Dec. World. Madge vaum`i 'Life and Trimagle LI. Pearce's T TRIAN 814 CANAL TU DO:i 610 CANAL