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HeLp v THE HERALD. S y fr" tpies. Help remove clm trx. •WA SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE o I Ose Upbdnel of the Wee sit of the River. "A vry live and creditable weekly newspape."-MANUPACTURER' RECORD. UNITED STATES 60ERNMENT XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1918. No. 40. jSONALS AN3 OTHERWISE IMarman Tent No. 18,' will give a fancy g SaQuerade ball at Pyth ,ret auirday night, with ;I n charge headed by a ras chairman, and 4bfdSt, eleficio. Ladies will ifree. aming No. 5 of the i pythias will take place at hall, Feb. 8, under the ot Crescent Lodge No. 3 Lodge No. 136. The b eprseated will be "Con an d the speaker will be -eseler C. Hawkins. .....A gRichards, O'Neil Bar ; ohn Ryan were among Steek part in the play, dlb- " that was staged by the of the High School Depart gjeait College. Davld Durke. returned to - smreard Saturday after a week here with his m y friends of Miss Ethel regret to learn that she il at her home in Opelou r Mrs. Geo. Munsterman of yg., are spending a while ~ other, Mrs. H. Munster g eod street. 1he'as Graham and Al left Tuesday for Au gg to complete their trade stal workers. C. E. Bennett of Birming is visiting her parents, s. Jao. Matchett. friends of Mr. J. Ros o s avenue are glad that he is convalescent mI for some time. ing of 923 Opeloussas ted her husband with a t Gordon and Miss Louise M their guests Mrs. E. lad daughters, Misses Dor Clbri of New York city. ot Mr. and Mrs. Emory of IN Belleville street, was b the arrival of a baby Mrs. Jas. McIntyre of 408 are receiving congratula atrrval of a baby boy. Terpsichorean Club Suslar dance at the 4vening. Ge, Eider spent the the guest of their badesta presented her girL L. Plaswirth are re oa the arrival LAe, Jr., at their D. ' Phaswirth laMsie Gay. L Spitafaden return k aday after spending Cisreeg Robichaux of tiene are receiving con ea the arrival of a baby kAer entertained the le Club at her home N. last week. The suc were 8alome Acker, h*a Lauman, Esther Williams. Miss Vel the club last Ugaet Means of Di ree*ulg congratula ot a baby boy. entertained rive Hua k. The successful Irs W. A. Dilell and Mrs. Ward Sadler rialemon. The next bi at the home of Mrs. preseted her hue Mrs. E. Ver i etolmr that she Is t at Hotel Dieu. . al Mrs. J. W. Me Ave., was brighten-. ot a baby boy last li spending awhile in Polnte-a-la returned to her Ure Camp Grounds - lna espet a few days Ciap Orounds last elsron is spending a mathu i Gultport, is spending bhmds of Mrs. Fred tr#t are glad to after an ill S Demuer are re en the arrl* Cthre Club met *areR. Wlliasms. Iers werem rs C. R.Ac ker and rs. ineting will be rtda sdaer. l hta Cs met at . Delaup, the estained the _ri Mine P. Co g tle eemlain,. Siet the home la er see The u I l LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE 'The Herald, Algiers: During these strenuous times of peril, war and strife, in which the imperial German government is try ing to gain the supremacy of the earth and overcome democracy, there is nothing more important to us for our own welfare than econmy and thrift. Much has been said by noted speak ers, writers and the government it self about thrift and economy in the homes, and I believe the people are responding to their plea. A word about the financial side of the situation. To wage war, money in abundance is necessary, and where can the United States government get this money if not from the peo ple? Therefore the Liberty Loans and now the War Savings Movement. Economize, be thrifty and place every extra cent you can realize in either Liberty Bonds or War Sav ings Stamps. Do not get the idea, "I am only one in millions, and they will not miss what I can give or do." If everyone thought that way it would be the downfall of nations. In conclusion, I sincerely hope that the people of the United States of America will come up to all expec tations in their many sacrifices to save the great cause. democracy. F. C. DIED. Andress.-Stephen Singleton An dress, 70 years old, of 518 Pacific avenue, died suddenly at 7 o'clock Thursday morning in the local po lice station while awaiting the arri val of a Charity Hospital ambulance. Shortly before that hour the aged man, who was employed as a watch man at the Johnson Iron Works, was found seated on a step at Delaronde and Seguin streets by Doorman God frey Moll. who, with the assistance of Chauffeur George Keogh, brought him to the station, then telephoned for the ambulance. He expired in a chair. Asistant Coroner Pollock gave a certificate of death from apo plexy. Deceased was a native of Alabama, but had resided here for the past twenty-eight years. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Mary Ann Fitzpatrick and by other relatives. The funeral took place Friday evening at 2 o'clock from his late residence, 518 Pacific avenue. Interment was in Metairie Cemetery. Ely--On Friday at 4:30 o'clock p. m. Mm. Henry Ely age Anani b, died at the age of forty-eight years. J)eeeased was a native of our town and had always resided here. The funeral took place Saturday evening at 3 o'clock from her late residence, 504 Diana street. Inter ment was in St. 'Bartholomew Cem etery. Lambert - Ed .Lambert, well known street car conductor of the South New Orleans Light and Trac tion Company's Algiers and Gretna Mane, died Saturday morning, after as illness of several weeks. His funeral took place Sunday from the home of his brother, at 3513 Cleve land avenue. Members of the J. C. Root Camp, W. O. W., of which de ceased was a member, attended the funeral. Mr. 'Lambert was the first murber of the camp to die since Its organisation seven years ago. Lospitano-On Monday, Feb. 4th at 10 o'clock a. m., John A. Lospitano died. Deceased who was the son of Johanna Catheline and the late Nich s Lospitano, was a native of our town and was thirty-three years old. Deceaed was a member of J. C. Root Camp W. O. W. The funeral took plaee Wednesday afternoon at 3 o' clock p. m. from his late residence, 217 LeBoeuf St. Interment was in St. Bartholomew Cemetery. O'Brien-.On Monday. Feb. 4th at 1:20 o'clock a. m. death claimed Miss Nellie O'Brien after an illness of some time. Deceased was the daughter of Cath erine Weber and the late John O' Brien. She was a native of our town and was loved by all for her many good acts. She is survived by her mother and by a sister, Miss Katie O'Brien, and a brother, Mr. John O' Brien. She was a devout* Catholic. The funeral took place Monday morning from her late residence 222 Pelican avenue. A solemn requiem mass was smng at the Church-of the Holy Name of Mary. as well as the members of the club, are gordially invited to be present The many friends of Mr. Robert Gallinghouse are glad to see him out again, after an attack of la grippe. Mr. Albert Schlombrecht is ex pected home from DI Quincy today to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. George of Johnsborough, Ark., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ditch have re turned to their home it Morgan City, after spending a week here with "Mr and Mrs J. P. Walter Mrs. Mile Drown and son, Charles, left yesterday for their home' in OGrand Junction, Col., after spending three months with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Henrmy Clark. as. Louaes Fm left yesterdy for Orand Junction, CL., to speed awhile with her dseee, Mrs Mlloe kBrow~n. Mr. ad Mrs. J. T. Moliere sand sma retured to ther home in M br, 1a, easy nsht, after smdigs a few days with Mrs OG. 'le Wemia'. Bent LAsseelatlon et the MUweshes wll haed thetr es une aseeHs - nas gr t A3 meawsme onuissl regumsd t At the Throttle Jr II I L HELP A GOOD CAUSE A Recital and Fancy Dress Prom enade will be given by the St. Mar garet's Daughters on Tuesday, Feb. 12. at the Knights of Columbus Home, Olivier corner Alix street. An elaborate program will be pre sented by some of the most talented young ladies and children of Algiers and an orchestra will furnish music throughout the evening. The entertainment will begin at 7 p. m. and at the conclusion of the program a grand march will take place in which all the children wear ing a fancy dress costume will par ticipate. A grand prize will be awarded to the best masker and the five next best will also receive prizes. There will also be ten entrance prizes. St. Margaret's Daughters are working hard to defray the expeases for their summer rest home in Man deville for worn out working girls and women. This baritabI Work a4-at Ml 'to appeal to all, especially is these war times when women are called upon to do so much to help their country and themselves and many will be glad to have a good home to go to, to rest for a few weeks and forget the trials and tedious ness of hard work. The admission price to this festlv ity will be only ten cents for adults and five cents for children. Refreshments will be sold and there will be dancing after the per formance. A large crowd is expected and every one will be assured a pleasant evening. So dress the kiddies up and bring them next Tuesday evening (Feb. 12, Mardi Gras Day) to the Knights of Columbus Home and young and old together make a Carnival of glee. Tickets may be secured from the following ladles: 'Miss Ella and Emma Rees, Susle Murphy, Molly Stenhouse, ,May Strassel, Mayme and Marguerite Haggerty and Mrs. Nel lie Crane Andrews. ENJOYABLE EVENING. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Miss Alita Baker last Thursday evening. Songs were ren dered, and dancing was indulged in until a late hour. Those present were Misses Violet Strassel, Gladys, Juanita and Mildred Munsterman, Imelda Harvey, Pansy Hughes, Alita Baker, Messrs. Gus Lyncker, Rob ert Vicknair, Louis Chisholm, Dave Durkee, M. Greenburg, Dan Moeller, Charles Carter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gonzales, Hre. H. Munsterman, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Baker. INTERETING REVIEW. The last review of the Martin Behrman Tent No. 18 was very in teresting. The twenty-eight men who attended that review heard some of the best arguments and speeches ever heard at any associa tion meeting. The next meeting of this tent will be held on Thursday, Feb. 14, and every Maccabee is cor dially invited to attend to hear the fnish of the best debate ever start ed in a meeting room. MACCABEE BALL. The Martin Behrman Maccabee Tent No. 18 Maccabee Band will give its first grand ball at Pythian Hall on Saturday, Feb. 9. Originally it was intended that it would be a masquerade ball, but as the Mayor has forbidden masking, they were obliged to eliminate that part of it. However masking is not all the fun. There will be dancing and the Maceabee assz Band will make any one want to dance. Come out everyone and have a good time. The price of admLsLion for gentlemen will be twety-fve cents sad ladies will be admitted - u Remimlag at Sta. A., N. O., L. P. O., Tkrdaqy, Peb. ?, 1g18. Me-s--ke Per,, 8. M. Priee, . Nee. W. . Saele (2). . . W.eb ..S.,+ BUTCHERS CLOSE STALLS OH MEATLESS OATS Without a single dissenting voice New Orleans butchers at a mass meet ing Friday night voted to close their stalls Tuesdays and Fridays, begin ning last Tuesday. as a food conserv ation measure. The action was taken on their own initiative, and was dic tated by pure patriotism, which swept all thoughts of personal loss far to one side, and made a new record for New Orleans. Though the meeting was held under the auspices of the Butchers' Protective and Social Un ion, whose membership includes about half the butchers of the city, there were many non-members present, and the resolution reflects sentiment throughout the city, while Food Ad ministrator Parker pledged his efforts to its unversal observance. BACK ON THE JOB. Mr. K. Anderson, of Engine Co. 18, who was so unfortunate a few months ago to be kicked by a horse., is back on duty again. ,Mr. Ander son had his lower jaw broken in several places and his skull 'frac tured by the kick. He said he is a good man again but feels like he had been pulled through a small ring. FACE the FACTS ET us face the facts. The war situation is critical. L Unless the Allies fght as they never yet have fought, defeat threatens. Hungry men cannot ight at their best; nor hungry nations. Franc, England, and Italy are going hungry unless we feed them. Wheat Savi -They must have wheat. It is the best food to fight on. It is the easiest to ship. We alone can spare it to them. By saving just a little less than a quarter of what we ate last year-we can support those who are fighting our battles. And we can do it without stinting ourselves. We have only to substitute another food just as good. The Corn of Pleaty-Corn is that food. There's a surplus of it. Providence has been generous in the hour of our need. It has given us corn in such bounty as was never known before. Tons of corn. Train loads of corn. Five hundred million bushels over and above our regular needs. All we have to do is to learn to appreciate it. Was ever patriotic duty made so easy? And so cleart America's Own Food-Corn! It Is the true American food. The Indians, hardiest of races, lived on it. Our forefathers adopted the diet and conquered a continent. For a great section of our country it has blong een the staff of life. How well the South fought on it, history tells. Now it can help America win a world war. LeaM.n Corn I~ . it isn't one f66d. It's a dosen. It's a cereal. It's a vegetable. It's a bread. It's a desert. It's nutritious; more food value in it, dollar for dollar, than meat or eggs or most other vegetables. It's good to eat; how good you don't know until you've had corr-bread properly cooked. Best of all, it's plentiful and it's patriotic. Carm's ladme Vart-How much do you know about corn? About how good it is? About the many delicious ways of cooking it? And what you miss by not knowing more about it? Here are a few of its uses: There are at least fity ways to use corn meal to make good dishes for dinner; supper, lunch or break fast. Here are some suggestions: HOT BREADS DESSERTS Boston brown bread. Corn-meal molasses ake. Hoecake. Apple corn bread, MufYf, Duamplings. BIscuIts. Gingerbread, Griddle cakes. Fri gems. HEARTY DISH S Conmea emqets. C-r-md rsh bal Mat and e-mealm dumplis. ali-m pele Tamaes. TIM essip. me l FarmerV Buleta US, "Cer -.~~~ WveIA*j REV. H. LEITH RESIGNS The Rev. W. H. Leith has resigned as assistant pastor of the Lafayette Presbyterian Church to work with the War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Assooiation until the end of the war. The Lafayette Church released him immediately upon his request that he be allowed to take up his new work and he already is engaged in it. His work will be educational and he already has a French class of 100 soldiers at Camp Nicholls and another at West End. He also will conduct private classes at Camp Nichols every Friday night. The Rev. Mr. Leith came to New Orleans eight years ago from New Hampshire to be Sunday school evangelist for the Presbyterian Church. U. S. A.. in this district. He did that work for four years, when he became assistant pastor of the Lafayette Chareh. GOES TO ITALY. Miss Mary Louise Wilcox. who is one of the graduate trained nurses has signed to go to Italy with the Loyola Unit in charge of Dr. Danna. The unit is expected to leave here in a short time. Miss Wilcox has the good wishes of all Algiers in her sacrifice for the sake of suffering humanity. SCHOOL NOTES McDONOGH NO. 4 NOTES. i, Friday, Feb. 1, at 9:30 a. m., the completing exercises of the Eighth Grade A of MeDonogh No. 4 were held and twelve boys received their Certificates of Attainment. The recitations, dialogues, and songs, although very patriotic in character, were interesting and thor ouhly enjoyable. The school orches tra, composed of seven boys, ren dered several selections, which were highly appreciated. On the whole, the program was carried out in a very creditable manner. One source of regret and disap pointment was the fact that Mr. E. W. Burgis, a great friend of the boys and their school, was unable to be present, because of being confined to his bed. His presence was greatly missed, as well as his address to the boys, which is always a very in- I teresting and helpful one. We hope to have him with us next time. Addresses were made by the fol lowing well-known citizens of our town,-Rev. Sidney Vail and Messrs. A. Hubener and Frank i. Henning, who distributed the certificates. Rev. Vail delivered the closing prayer. I Their talks were very instructive I and full of good, wholesome advice.-( which the young of the present day need so much. The faculty wishes to thank these gentlemen, not only for their pres- 1 ence on this occasion but for their I heart-to-heart talks, which prove so beneficial to our boys. ALIEN ENEMIES REGISTERING Preparations for the registration of alien enemies by the police were completed Saturday night. The registration offices will be open from 6 a. m. to 8. p. m. every day until Saturday, Feb. 9. Women are not required to reg ister, but all male alien enemies over the age of 14 years must reg ister, or be arrested and prosecuted by the Federal government. No persons will be registered at police headquarters or at the new postoflice building. All alien ene mies must register at the precinct stations in whose territories they live. WARNING SIGNS FOR AUTOISTS. Commissioner Stone is having made a number of signs bearing the warning: "Parking Within Twenty Feet Prohibited." These are to be placed on each of the fire plugs as a warning against automobiles or other vehicles being parked to near a fire plug. The police will be in structed to impound any cars found parked tithdn the prescribed dis tance as is now provided by city or dinance. MORE BURMGLARS. On Sunday night burglars entered the saloon of the J. Klienkemper Co. r and stole the contents of the cash register. There was no clue. WAITED 35 MINUTES. They were standing at Canal and St. Charles streets, and this crowd of Algerines were in a hurry to get back to God's country, one of them, a heavy set, good looking gentleman with curly hair, who has a reputa tion for having a good appetite, sug gested that in order to make good time that they wait and take a Lou isiana Avenue car because it would go all the way to the ferry, and as it was near supper time, no chances were to be taken. It was agreed and all eyes were directed toward West End. In silence they stood un tll the oil man with a keen eye that an oil man only can have, espied something that looked like a Lou Isiana Avenue car. It was headed for the river, but the passled expres sion on the oil man's face said that something was wrong. The car had two signs which denoted that it would go in two directions. So with Peters avenue on one end and Louisiana avenue on the other, the boys threw up both hands, and after anxious looks at each other, they decided to wait for some other ear. cBy this time another Algerine ar rived and you could see he was in a hurry for he had his watch in his hand. There was now nearly a squad on hand and as they paced up and down, it suggested the spirit 1776 as they were now minute men they had waited 25 minutes already and still had enough energy to board the old reliable? Louisiana car as she came to a stop. Just how late the car No. 318 was has never been found out. BACK TO THE FARIM. The Colonial Land and Timber Co. are offering farm and timber lands for sale in this issue. They are also in the market for tracts of lands anywhere in Louisiana. Anyone hav ing lands for sale will do well to write or see 8. M. Anderson, mana ger. at 202 Denegre Building, Car ondelet street. ENTERTAINMENT. A Recital and Fancy Dress Prom enade will be given by the St. Mar garet's Daughters on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at the Knights of Colombus Home, Olivier street corner Alix 8t. Entertatament begins at 7 o'clock. Grand promensde for the chlildren in eoetume at 8:30. Prises will be awarded for the best dressed masker. Rereshments and danlcng after the performance. Muse will be furnlthed by an orchestra through out the evening. Admission, ten eats for adults, five cents for chil drnt. Ten entreace prises awarded to the ludLy wlanners. Tickets may be aseeured from the follownig Miles: M imm 31 and ALGIERS BRHACH A. I. C. During the past week, the s~twing department of the Algiers Branch of N. O. Chapter A. it. C., has been in active, as the N. 0. Chapter had no work to give out. However, next week a new lot of work is expected, and then all our workers will be kept busy. On the other hand, the knitting class has turned out a nice lot of sweaters, 28 of which were sent over to Chapter headquarters last week. and it is expected to send over fifteen or more during the coming week. This is a splendid record of which we are justly proud. Mrs. R. Whitmore and Miss Albert, instructors of the class, are to be congratulated on the quan tity and quality of the work turned out by the class. A quantity of wool for the making of socks has just been received, and from now on the class will devote all its energies to the manufacture of socks, which are so badly needed by our boys. The class meets every Wednesday morning and every Saturday afternoon. It has been decided that surgical dressings class will meet three days each week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 2 to 5 p. m. Miss Herbert. captain, and Mrs. Vallier and Mrs. O'Brien, lieutenants, will each take charge of an afternoon. This, of course, will not interfere in any way with the sewing. awhich can be done on these afternoons just the same. Now that weather conditions have improved, it is hoped the attend ance at these classes will also im prove, so that we may turn out work in a sufficiently large quantity to be a credit to our branch. Several new names have been added to the mem bership and these ladies will begin work as soon as their uniform is com pleted. MOUNT OLIVET CHURCH. On Thursday, Jan. 31, the Rector officiated at the burial of David Reid, aged 63 years. Interment in Green wood Cemetery. The Rev. S. L. Vail visited Mc Donogh School No. 4 and took part in the closing exercises on Friday. The entertainment held at the Avenue Theatre on last Friday night was quite a success. Thanks to the committee and the ladies assisting. Last Sunday was Missionary Day at Mt. Olivet. The Woman's Auxiliary held a most interesting meeting on Tues day evening at the residence of Mrs. H. L. Hoyt. Mrs. Wm. Land. Edu cational Secretary, was present and addressed the society. Services Sunday, Feb. 10. 7 a. m. Holy Communion sad sermon. 9:30, Sunday School. 3 p. m. Confirmation Class. 7:30. Evening prayer and ser mon. Lenten Services at Mt. Olivet, Last A. D. 1918. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13, 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 7:30 p. m. Penitential Office and Sermon. Sundays in Lent-(Servies as usual). 7 a. m.-Holy Communion and sermon. 9:30 a. m.--Church schoo . 7:30 p. m.--+Evening prayer and sermon. Week Daye- Wednesdays: 7:30 p. m., Liteay and Devotional Reading. Fridays: 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer and Sermon. Childrqe's service daily except Saturdays at 8:15 a. m. (From the first Sunday in Lent to Palm Sun day.) Holy Week Monday and Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.* ,Evening Prayer and Sermon. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Penitential Ofmce and Sermon. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Ante-om~ munfon Service and Sermon. Good Friday-12 to 3 p. m. Three hours devotion. "The Seven Words of the Cross." 7:30 p. m.-itsny and Sermon. Easter Day, March 31: 6 a. m. Holy Communion and Sermon. 9 a. m.: Holy Communion (choral service). 4 p. m.: Children's Festival with presentation of their Lenten Mis sionary offerling. (All other offerings on Easter DN will be for church expenses). Confirmation will be administered by the Bishop of the Dioeese on Suna day, March 3, at 7:30 p. m. Conflrmation nlastructions, Sun days 3 p. m. Take the Divine Christ as your ideal. Try daily to grow more llke int. Seek Him in the frequent services of the church. Read some portion of the Bble daily. Give more time and thought to your prayers. Every day let some dgood act be done, some kind word maid. Abstain from places of amuse ment. Practice self-denial. Do all things for some spiritual blessing and the good of your soul. love the FIgs tht wsI so Fires High up on buildings a ~i~ti. .