Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD. Smore for Ferriae thanSUED BY THE pay for taxes. Help remove O0.. XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918. _- -. _....... No. 42. PERSONALS u A I OTHERWISE - Thur5day Aft ernoon Euchre was entertained byv Miss Kath Clarke last vdt k. T'le su:. players were Adams, gU J. Lewis and M.iss Inez Abri (=_. g for Mrs. 11. Lee Sease). A. Burke rectived the consola Mrs. A. Diket will entertain at Nst meeting g. Giordano and sister, .Miss @- Ironton were here last to attend the funeral of the ator Escousse. " H. Tom Malone left Saturday for New York on a business f. Quinlan is spending a few is port Gibson with her niece, J. Watkins, to recuperate after of sickness. Ila Hotard was elected sec of Division B, Girls' U. S. A1, at a meeting held last Ballie Pearson was assistant at the vesper services held at the Y. W. C. A. building by a'maes Women's Club. e aay friends of Mr Theodore 4ishad are glad to know he is .mW eat, after a two weeks' lli Smauly friends of Mr. Victor *W k are glad to know he out after an attack of La Grippe. Ir. C. Olivier returned to Quar iation, after spending a'week his family. *. aid Mrs. William Albert Gla _ho were married in New Or seary 5, have returned from Wt Wa,rt Tex, where they spent aam yrmoon. They are stopping -I t residence of M. Glaser, 1139 il1gn Avenue, the father of the Mrs. Glaser before her Sglg was Miss Josephine Iala. pfhals Chas J. Hyde and George m ave 'exchanged places, transfer orders by Superin Mooney, the former going SSlixth Precinct and the latterl n Mrs. A. C. Emory have re ram our town and taken up 1 -Isasace in Ursulines Avenue. mls of John Moynagh will be Shlaw that he has returned to Srlnt la the City Hall as clerk to Stone. Mr. Moynagh us am the sick list for the past fl a 8Uaday the baby of Mr. and k J Schiro was baptized at St. Chrch Rev. Father Scam uistlang. The sponsors were Mss Cetlogtovanni and Mr. veanl. The little one I thei named of Frances Gbo the ceremony a recep haid at the home of Mrs greidts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ori L. Stumpf, the druggist aid Homer Streets, is re his store. Mr. Stumpf is sp with the rapid improve ai Ablers. Olee.Month Euchre Club met i S e o Mrs. John P. MoClos lay night. The successful -s- Miss M. Neffe, Mrs. D. Mhs S. iCappler and Miss lNsoU. The consolation fell let' Mrs. R. Williams. The muilfg will be held at the d Ol V. Cherbonnier. htmaday Night Euchre Club ta bLste of Mrs. L De laup. t almsfUl players were Mrs. L t I M O. W. Pollock. C IA friends of Miss A. Man will be glad to know that " hush after undergoing a suc- t tlStliun at Hotel Dieu sev S O'm Club was entertained u I Mrs. McK. Vesien. The 8 ibis's were Mrs. C. Kratt, rad d Mrs. George Pol- d for Mrs. O. Aycock). H tell to the lot of Mrs. The next meeting of the be at the home of Mrs. C. l Uir. J. C. Hanlon, who stepping with Mrs. M. Gal- N 12 Olivier Street, are leav _ ock, Ark.. on a month's . analona is an electri di aval Station. I'. SuBallivan of lake w 4k. has been spending hi With her father and als Mlli and daughters. a Mr..' Robert Maxwell of ii Street, Philadelphia, congratulatons on H ofa b aby boy at their w 18 Mrs. Maxwell Ms Agnes Reaney. H Olvia, a former rel ia Street, but now of I Ui Fly ill at Touro In SOlvian suffered a neryv a few weeks ago. S and Anna M.rtines Di M Boyce, L., where their brother, WIIe a IMay of 36 valleutt Thurdlq fo ( Clabidae An the eolors of some wl Darln his aab ro wril make her home ·it llsell. to Olve of our town, ac 'htter rereived by Mr. in is at Surwood, Ia., in i harg d sofhifts of cr In Weork for the govern- ho Nu er baa returned.p balt to relatives nd ithn LDe sr ad ltay[ette, La. M el of the te~mship S a t ew dey in port Sc ei4 bs of ltte Mercdles lo1 r5eSt to learn of her we ~. eaei Troop No. 1, eg l h nr meetaing at Re ray, n n 5 to 7 U ,s , ore raque.ted to P M 8. asr. Peter se he is 1 FIND EVIDEICE IF IICEllIARISH HERE What has been definitely proven to re be an incendiary fire was checked be h. fore daylight Monday morning, the ' extinction of the flames being just in s, the nick of time to preserve the evi 'i dence which showed that the blaze ). had been carefully kindled by a fire a- bug. The house In which the fire was discovered is located at 1140 Verret Street and has been unoccupied only t eight days. Among the evidence are .e the facts that tour barrels, three filled with kindling wood and shavings, and y one with excelsior, all heavily satur s ated with oil, were found in the va cant rooms of the house. K In addition the keyhole of the only fire alarm box in th neighborhood had r been tightly plugged with paper. The flames were discovered Mon day morning at 5 o'clock by Arthur t Gayaut, 1042 Verret Street. Gayaut, who ran at once to the nearest fire alarm box, which is located at the corner of Verret and Diana Street, discovered that the keyhole had been plugged, and he was therefore un able to send in the alarm until he had picked the bits of paper out of the opening. The building was valued at $1,500, r but Gayaut's quick work enabled the t apparatus to reach the scene in time to prevent more than $700 worth of damage, and in time to preserve the r evidence of incendiarism, which, in addition to he details given above, includes a broken demijohn which had contained gasoline. The building is owned by Santo LGuistinamo, 517 Newton Street, and the $700 loss is covered by insurance. 1 It is believed that malicious persons desiring to injure the owner set fire to the place. DIED. 1 Laina---On Feb. 25 at 2:30 o'clock a p. m. Anthony Lala died at the age i of sixty-nine years. Deceased was 1 a native of Contessa Entellina and ( had resided here for forty-two years. t The funeral was held Tuesday after- i noon from his late residence, 1411 1 Decatur street. Interment was in a Metairie Cemetery. Deceased was the father of Thee. t J. Lala and Lucas Lala of our town. Stokes-On Friday, Feb. 22, at 4 i o'clock a. m. Mrs. M. Stokes, nee I Virginia A. Hedges, died at the age 1 of seventy-four years. The funeral services were held Friday evening at e 5:30 o'clock, from the residence of I her son, H. H. Stokes, 2816 Louisi- t ana Ave. Iaterment took place 8at. urday at St. Franclsville, La. I Deceased was a daughter of the f late ,Rev. C. S. Hedges, who was s rector of Mt. Olivet church here for r many years. I Mr. IHarvey McNeely spent Sunday in Covington with his mother. The many friends of Edward Finley , regret to learn that he is confined to a his bed with an attack of typhoid I fever. Mrs. John McNeely and daughter, Erminie, arrived Tuesday night from Covington, La., to spend a few days with Mrs. Harvey P. McNeely in Ope lousas Avenue. They will later go to 8 Sabine, Tex., to spend awhile with i Capt. John McNeely, who is there C raising a ship. Grandma Lecourt left for Covington t to spend a month. ci Messrs. Joseph Thorning and Earl el Murtagh have joined the Naval Re- tl serve and are stationed at the Naval tl Station. Mrs. J. G. Duchlen and Mrs. Mid dleton were visitors to Poinba-la Hache last week. Col. John P. 'Mayo, of the local Im migration Station, received a cable- p gram announcing the safe arrival in France of his son, Ensign Mayo, U. 8. N. Ensign Mkyo is a laison ofcer in E the navy's aviation corps. Mrs. Nick Thorning went to Thibo- rg daux, La., Sunday morning to attend M the funeral of the late Miss Guillot, J. whose remains were shipped from P here Sunday morning. li Mrs. P. J. Borne has returned from a three weeks' visit to her daughters in Polnte-a-la-Hache, La. Mr. Edwin C. Kohn of Pointe-a-la Hache, La., spent a few days here this week. The many friends of Mrs. (Dr.) s Harry E. Nelson will regret to learn tr that she has been quite Ill at her PC home in Banks Street. oc Little Albert Short, while at play th Sunday, seriously injured his finger. t Dr. J. E Pollock is in attendance St Margaret's Daughters will give ch a dance at the Avenue Academy on April 5 he Mat Brodtman of Seguain Street was a paifUlly injured in the right eye bu while at work at the Public Belt Rail- rej road. of Mrs. dwin C. Kohn has returned ca to her home in Pointe-a-la-Hache, IA. mi Mr. Shade G. Smith, who has been ef In Lake Charles for several months, sp in connection with his work in the Internal Revenue Oaee, is expected ehi home Saturday. He will be accom- an pealnied by Mrs. Smith, who has been val in Northern Louisiana on business for W. the Woodmen Circle and later joinedlCo Mr. Smith at Lake Charles. B On Monday evening Mrs August C. Schabel entertained at a dinner of Ho eight covers in honomr of 3s. Pens- . lope A. Mills of Shreveport, grand K. worthy matron of the Order of East er Star. There were several pest grand ofilcers present, together with WA Rev. ad Mrs. C. C. Wlser. lag * of wsrs _ * let, * - -F--I mmgd iu On [Ii Those German "Piece" Terms 1 2 1 fOf(OT P? 6J / 1b M1Nn 0N AND MOON a /Y :;~ //./ *1C / - ~ CSF/ /Z'I" to 1lilT SCOUiTS OFAMEIl Os re The Boy Scouts of Troop 18: of Algiers were deeply grieved to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Henry L. Favrot. Mr. Favrot was very much interested in the move : ment of the Boy Scouts and was held se in high esteem by the officers and as boys of this troop. They wish to id extend their heartfelt sympathy to s. the bereaved family. Troop No. 18 r- was represented at the funeral by L1 Howard O'Donnel. Eldred Drumm in and several others. A beautiful floral offering was sent by this 0. troop. n. At the last meeting of Troop No. 18 there were twenty-five Scouts present and a lively meeting was en 4 ioyed. Afterwards they attended a ee patriotic meeting in the church in a se body. al The move to earn money by gath t ering paper is progressing rapidly. ýf We appeal to all of our friends to d- help us by saving papers. If they will telephone Algiers 172 or Algiers 138 a Boy Scout will be glad to call i for the same. The Scouts are also is selling the following magazines to Dr raise funds, The Saturday Evening Post, The Country Gentleman, The Literary Digest and The Ladles Home Journal. y The troop now owns a new drum. James Stafford, of Troop No. 18 y spent the week end with friend D Scouts in Troop No. 1 of Lafayette, d La. KNIGHTS WILL RIDE. The annual Moonlight Ride on the o Steamer Sidney given by Santa Ma b ria Council No. 1724, Knights of e Columbus, will take place St. Jo seph's night, Tuesday, March 19. The special committee in charge of 1 this ride have worked hard and have completed arrangements whereby an '1 enjoyable time is in store for all k their friends. The boat will leave 1 the foot of Canal Street at 8:30 p. m. UNCLAIMED LETTERS Remaining at Sta. A., N. O., La., P. O., Thursday, Feb. 28, 1918. Men-Watson Decker, Dr. Dan-1 loun, Frank J. Dietlau, John C. Grey, E. S. Hooper. Burges O. Trank. Women: Angel .Brunett. Mrs. Har ry Kirlin, Mrs. 'Louis Moel, Edna I Morris, 'Mrs. Thomas Morrison, Mrs. J. Porter, Ruth Patterson, Rebecca I Palmer, Lillia Williams, Susie Wil lis, care Kohn, Julia Woods. J Charles Janvier, P. M. Joe. W. Daniels, Supt. SELKTRICIAN COMPLIMENTED. A diamond studed badge was pre sented to Walter Dilsell, city elec triclan, by members of the Cosmo politan CIub Saturday night. The I occasion was an informal dinner at the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. James 1 Lynch, president of the club, made the presentation speech praising Mr. Dilsell's efforts to make a commer lal utility organization efficient. Mr. Dilzell responded by saying he greatly appreciated the gift be- f cause it came not from politicians, ( but friends. He wee elated to Sand reproduced on the badge a miniature t of the electrical fountain which he F constructed at the City Park. Dia monds were used for the lighting I effect with a ruby dominating the a splashing fountain. Those present included John Mar- a shall, secretary to Governor Pleas ant; M. L. Alexander, state conser vation commissioner; Robert Irwin, W. E. McPherson, E. A. Waldron, A Colonel Holmes. Ed Duhme, Max Blanchard, Captain James Thriffley, i C. R. Glynn, G. W. Reddy, Floyd Hedge, F. W. Wilson, J. C. Coco, G. W. Foster, J. 8. Smooth and W. K. Knight. WAR STAMP 8ALE8 BY WOMEN'S (XOMMIT1EE. The result of the sale of war say in stamps and thrift stamps by the s women's committee of the Councill of National Defense is shown in a r letter from the chairman of the city ewumittee to Mrs. W. A. Porteous, imirans of the women's committee. Ou district reports ftty.ineo $5 s s sad thrs. haendld two, tse e -'--- 'I·a·Ie4MdW 1,VO4d! I HIIlUDRE IF ALIEIS II SRE[GISTER Where are hundreds of enemy d aliens who have not registered? d That is the question United States 0 officials want the people of New Or leans to answer. 8 'Less than 700 have registered, in y accordance with the regulations ta n ken to insure the security of the 11 United States, and it is estimated Is that there are upwards of 1000 in New Orleans. Below are printed the names and addresses of all enemy aliens who have registered In New Orleans; a ' perusal of the list will show loyal a Americans whether all in their a neighborhood are included. All male alien enemies over 14 years of age I- who have not registered should be ". reported immediately to the police, 0 or to the United States marshal in y the federal building. ' Failure to oegister means intern 11 ment for the duration of the war. 0 One such arrest has already been 0 made in New Orleans. g Following are the registered alien e enemies in our district: 8 Wm. Bramacker, 825 Elmira St.; Bernard Eskhoff. 327 Bouny; Alfred . Fleischer, 919 Vallette; John Pfrang, g 720 Nunez; Frank Schiele, 1012 d Brooklyn; Eugene Werner, Lower Coast. SURPRISE PARTY. A most enjoyable evening was spent last Thursday at the home of e Miss Anna May 'Brechtel, when a surprise was tendered Mr. George f Gilbreath of Great Lakes. Those present were Misses Juanlta and Mildred Munsterman, May .O. f Brauner, Herbert and Hollis Malain, B Marion Harris. Ella Hotard and Anna May Brechtel, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Hunn, Mrs. G. George, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brechtel and family, Messrs. SM. Greenberg, Edmund Moore, W. H. Geynor, Louis Jackson, Herman Harris, Chas. McCloskey, George Giibreath and Dan Moeller. YOUNG MEN CHARGED IN HEN NESSEY ASSAULTS. s- ergeant Bengert of the Eighth Precinct filed affidavits Thursday in the Second City Criminal Court against Charles Harper, 340 Slidell avenue. John Statzkowski, 400 Alix street, and James Leddy, 323 Ope lousas. charging that they assisted Roy Niklaus in an attack Monday night upon Edward Hennessey of 1923 Euterpe street. The assault upon Hennessey, pre sumably, the police say, because the Algiers men thought Hennessey sh.uld confine his attentions to young women to those on the Orleans side of the river and should not Invade t.lgiers, was disclosed Wednesday with the filing by Dave Hennessey, father of the victim, of an affidavit charging Niklaus with assault and battery. STONE OPENS AT 005 COMMON STRWET. Mr. A. E. Stone, who is well and favorably known in our town and Gretna, has opened up a seed store at 405 Common street where he will 4 handle Reuters Reliable Seeds. Mr. Stone is an ex-newspaper man, hav ing held a position with the Daily Item in their editorial rooms and 1 also in their composing room. His many friends will no doubt give him a glad hand in this new business. 1 ROBBMR FLEE. By knocking down a ladder, Mrs. Anna Parker, 413 Atlantic avenue, avoided robbery of her home early Monday, Mrs. Parker heard a queer noise, which awakened her. When she investigated, she saw the man attempting to get up a ladder near a window. She sezlsed the top of the r ladder and thrust it away. The man I fed. 5 ENJOYABLE EVENING. A most enjoyable evening was b spent at the home of Misses Bowers I last week. Games were played and a refreshments served. Those present were Misses Thel- C ma OHlver, Besaie Chaustin, Oasde p Barry, May, Olivia and Anlta Bow- E ers. eers. R. . Crurse, K. Abbott I and J. MeCu . Mr. sal Mra ~ Bo Da I ess a r4g ag IALGIR$S IRANCH A. H. I The Algiers Branch of N. O. Chap ter. A. R. C., held its regular month ly meeting Monday, 25th inst., in the K. of C. Hall, with twenty members y present. Miss Rees, Chairman, reported a that there had been no sewing done '- for the past three weeks, as Chapter Headquarters had no work to give out; but that sewing was resumed this week and will continue unin terruptedly. The Knitting Department has been n most active, as the following will show: On January 29th, we sent over to the Chapter 30 Sweaters, 3 Helmets a and 2 pa.r Socks. On February 20th, 30 Sweaters, 1 Helmet and 1 pair of Wristlets. Several pairs of Socks are now near e ing completion and will be delivered to the Chapter within the next week. 'Miss Herbert, instructor of the n Surgical Dressings Dept., reported the following muslin bandages sent over to the Chapter on February 19. n 50 Abdominal ,Bandages, 41 Four Tailed Bandages, n 50 Triangular Badges. 4 T. Bandages. In response to an emergency call Sfrom headquarters, 139 Wound Dressings were delivered on Febru ary 26. These were delivered on February 26; they were made in four days by the members of the Surgical Dressings Dept., assisted by other members of the Branch. Miss Herbert wishes to express her deep appreciation of the co-oper 5 ation of the ladies who so promptly f respopded to the call for extra i workers, making possible such a s splendid contribution. As this emergency order is the i first of many such that we shall re ceive, it is highly necessary that our force in this department be in I creased, and we, therefore, again in vite the ladies of Algiers who may have some time to spare to Join us. The class meets three times a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thurs days, from 1 to 5 p. m. Everybody welcome! EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY. A most enjoyable dance was given last Thursday night at the Avenue Academy in honor of IMiss Hazel Cayard, the occasion being the eight eenth anniversary of her birth. (Danclng was indulged in, music being furnished by the Triangle Jazz Band. ,Miss Cayard was presented with a pretty gold barrette. Those present were Misses H. Cay ard, C. and M. Hildebrand, M. Spell man, C. Spahr, 'R. Humphrey, N. Keenan, Irma and Alma Tufts, Leah Kirby, A. Dllzell, E. Munts, I. Schro der, E. Holton, L. Knowles, E. and A. Gerrett, F. Luask, M. Himmel richt, E. Niklaus, G. Dubois, N. Tamborella, C. and A. Vanderlinden, L. and M. Burmaster, S. Barry, M. and 6. Sutherland, G. Shirk, M. Collins, E. Quinn, K. Spence, I. and H. Prench, L. Schroder, N. Herbert, I. Clement, L. Marxen, E. Richard son, A. and M. McKee, Messrs. H. Quinn, W. Donner, E. Vallette, E. Muro, J. Meyers, J. Gerretts, C. Nelson, C. Harper,. J. Leddy, J. Tufts, L. Cheramie, A. and T. Du puls, J. Spellman, 1. GalMaghouse, J. Uddo, B. North, A. Weilbaeher, F. Corbett, J. Charbonnett, E. Sta cey, E. Burns, -Lamprey, N. and E. Parmatel, H. Marie, F. Cayard, R. Horn, A. Israel, B. McMahon, O. Platt, B. Barrett, J. Orlesh, A. Ryan, B. Skelly, J. Lund, R. Reaney, J. Murtagh, R. Breaux, 8. Diket, J. Pollock, P. Krupp, J. White, A. Galennie, L. Dulac, A. Christy and A. Staley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cayard, Mrs. C. Higgins, Mrs. M. Geldert, Myrtle, Roy and Earl Cayard. TO CELEBRATE ST. PATRICK'S DAY. The annual entertainment on St. Patrick's day will be given at the H. N. G. C. hall by the Sisters Ma rianites of the Holy Cross and a pretty play appropriate to the occa sion has been selected. "The '"Las of Limerick Town" is the title and It will be presented by a cast a maost capable local Thespians, who already have begun rehearsals. Miss Mayme Haggerty will direct the production and will have a part in the cast, 4 which also will include Misses Luella Cronan, Cor1n hleld., Cornell Mur- I ph.y, Emily Talleon and Messrs. Val. Barras,. Henry Umbach, John A. Barrett Jr., Abrw u . J. Barrett and John P. Ua kes y, ]ISCHOOL NOTES .MI'I)N(X;I! NO. I. Ml ii, rs of the Junlior lted f'ro-;: Eilhth1 Grade A--Itc:tnyv Angel,. ohrn lHelninat. Aa.ron Breoaut. ey trail Cooper. Carroll (I'raie. Sidneiy A pont. -.John Forrest. ('liaude( l:- r"o rt,i. Evans Mahoney, Felix Me1.lnesa Melford I'itre. WValter P'op-, Vine ctl Ilosaintanol. Edgley Schroth, .l: i rnts Stafford and Philip Saleeby. Eigheth Grade Ii Milton Acker,. Joseph l'Folse. lalljh Gerrtts. Ah in ioffman. ,John Kri itne, Iee lol ntae1, Stelphen Quartaiio, Ma1:treel Ser pas, Ansel Shirk, Ar, hie, "inclair tiand Ed Williams. Seventh Grade A-Leonce Andre. Roland Cayard, John Cietait, .ants (Curren, . John Dufty, Ilenry Dutau, W\illiam Ellis, Tracy Entwistle. Johnl Fournier, Donald Gatreautx, lernard Grundti yer, Ed:dard lMolten, Morris lmuf-r. Eugene Le lleuf, lBeverly lAgI ndre. .laholm Mlanent, Ot'to Meder, Edward N-ewell. Harold Os wald, .lames l'eelr, .Jolhn lolerts. Hilary Schroeder. Marion Short. Joseph Simon, Austin Spahr awl Dearo Trotter. Seventh Grade I--Clement Balk, Richard Biiehler. lester Broussard. Felix Borne. Marion Crawford, .Mathis Crawford, Olin Cooper, Roy lrumm,. Joseph Dennis, Theodore lIubret. Ar thur Felsher. Emile Frederick, Alvin I athreaux, Samuel Harding. Claude Hauer, William ,Hidden, Roy Keenan. Hugh Lilly, James Maggio Frank O'Donnell, Melbourne Reed. Thomas Riordan, John Ruiz, Frank Silva, Walter Scott. Eugene St. German, John Talluto and Hlenry Tierney. Sixth Grade A-Clarence Arnold, Austin Borboy, Roland Briel, Charles Christiansen, Andre Couget, Clyde Gilder, Louis Fernandez, Jacob Gluck man, Mark Hynes, Joseph Matranga, Emile Mothe, Louis De Roche, Wal lace Owens, Alfred 'Peterson, Roy Rlpp, Siney Swayne. Clifford Sevart, e Joseph Trauth, Peter Tripolina, Wil liam Wolverton and Albert Monroe. Sixth Grade B--Malcolm Schwar e zenbach, Peter Anderson, Fred John, r L'lger Gaudin, Floyd I'mbach, Karl e Saleeby, August Pujol, Alvin Covell, d Stanley Baker, Luke Gillen, Arthur R- Rau, William Kassmer, Fred Herbert, Thomas Herbert, Thomas Little, Ed n Gerrets, Delmar Pitre, Adlan Baker, 11 Mark Senner, Milton Henry, Robert Talbot, George 'Bengert, Royce Flem 0 Ing, Albert Peeler, William Rau and s Alton Diket. Fifth Grade A-Clifford Angello. & Eugene Brown, H. Walter Bond, Charles Beninate, Henry Burlett, Leonard Chauvin, John Curran, Isa dore Davis, Byron Gruner, Emmett Hogan, Roy MHingle, Fred Langford. Alvin Le Blanc, Lee Menge, Harry t McNeely, Andrey McQuillan, Albert Newberry, Note Richard, Joseph Buss lin, Charles Willis, Royal Williams, Stanford Wilmore, William Parker, Louis .Broussard, James Carter and Francis Sadler. 1 Fifth Grade B-Henry Carruba, 3 Ethelbert Lagarde, Elmo Voegtlin, Ju - lian Humphrey, Hymel Amuedo, Mau - rice Thibodeaux, Sidney Andre, Wil s liam Entwistle, Charles Terreborne, e Richard Fernandez, Charles Gerrets, r Roland Meyers, Joseph Weir, Hypo lite Vezien and George Zatarain. s Fourth Grade A-Victor Cleutat, - Charles Ramelli, Willis Nelson, Earl P Angello. Emile Legendre, Wilson Lar rett, Jake Hansen and Fred Kraemer. Fourth Grade A-- Marjoral Mc Neely, Charles Sutherland, Walter Pierson, Herbert Trahan, Melbourne ITmbach, John Hunter and Aloysius Serpas. Fourth Grade B--Armand Delcazal, Maurice Davis, Hart Callow, Giles Gait, Patrick Cantrelle, James Fa bares, Peter Fink, Marcel Roth, Louis Deltrich, Bernard Covell, Malcolm O'Donnell and Emile (Hantel. Third Grade A-PFred LAughlin, Harry Bodinger. Joseph Koenlg, Paler Armitage, Lyle Albrecht, Mel vin Perron, Jerome Mine, Robert Rastrup, Mark Amuedo, Allen Guillot, Thomas Henricks, Thomas Duffy, Tony Carruba, Osburn Hunter, Wil liam Bond, Ben Olivier, Charles Nicholls,. George Kestler and Adolph Lachman. Third Grade B--Frazer Koeppel, Gurdon Camus, Alvin Reed, Russell Gilder, William Short, Lyman An. gello, John Casey, Christie Babin and Frank Nugles. Second Grade A-Jerome Cantrelle, Frank Malmaison, Charles Pink, Kevlin Morse and Charlds Carroll. Second Grade A-Preston Deleasal, Edwin Schwalb, Tracey Lilly, Bennle Whiner. Alfred Decker, Karl Brodt man and Wialter Talley. Second Grade B-Louis Murphy, Evert Ramsey, Clinton Whldden, James Henricks, Ludovle Gerrets, Dan Church and Sidney Bennett. Second Grade B--Bertwell Andry, Louis Bengert, Pred Gait, Nelson Pal lon, Gilbert Manson, Philip Tran china, Peter Provenzano and William Thibodeaux. First Grade A-Audley Berthoult, Harold Bourgeois, Robert Brown, Mil ton Covell, Kenneth Guy, Hugh Cobb, Alton, Morgan, Charles Rostrup. Sig fried Sprada, Charles Hildebrand and Albert Brodtman. (First Grade B--Noel Durkes, Au gust Oantln, Leslie Collins, Lucien Esmunard, John Carruba, Edward Ger rets, Leslie Brooks, Ashton Roberts, Bernard Henry, Lee Schwarenbach, Gerson Coqd. Warren Glsch, Alix Gluckman, "altph Pltre, lmrenee Humphrey, Arthur Mar~ln, lbert Mine, Edward PuJol, Editard Casey and Anthonf Bourgeois. MRS. PLATT ENTERTAINS. The followlng cMpplug from a Chattanooga, Tenn., paper will be of interest to our readers: "Mrs. Robwt J. Platt To Entertan SY. W. A. Mrs. Robert J. Platt, wife of Dr. Platt, of the medical corps at Camp Greenleaf, will entertain the Young Woman's auxiliary of the Pirst Bap talt chlurch Friday afternoon with a knitting party, at the home of Mrs. J. T. -Martin. The members are knltttns squares for an Afghlan to go to the boys In Fraese." BIG N1EW OURlANS MEN ORGANIE TO10 FINI 011 'pportunity For Small Investors. \\'ill Begin to )rill in Terre homnne in Sixty Days. IThe" op, rtlunityv for small iInvestors in L.,unitsina has arrived. \\ith the rL: l tiftiltll of the' .(,lli lanla South Ir ()I and Gas (Corporation in New riT.elns ith ri te ill be amphL chance for Aill t, paItit! pate in the profits froen oil that e ,n1m to all hcavily tin , ied elv *'lpmiittnt m(Iipanies. Ihis t , 'i r ii l is out to find oil in pay inl quall ti t ls i 'terre onne, rtapidels and Ato. Ile.s pa is.iis and promises to begin f ritl!if:g a ithin sixty days. If .i i'onllll is no stronger than it;; uiiters and directors, thlen the I .oiii ina Soutlhern can rightfully Ilay claimf to unlimited pre-organlza tion ;,ow er. For it has oue of the sir Ifctest sets o(f business nmen and tinian iers in the State. headced by C. C. (;aspard, secretary of the Federal .I ltl. d flank. Tilie nf11 are putting their hearts and soulls into this com pany. bad;lusl thhey realiz/i that any thintg amiss w\ill be a mark on their unblenmished reputations for honesty and flair dealing. Officers and direcTtors are: C. C('. Gaspard. president, banker and capitalist. lierman IAvy. first vice president, Levy Loeb (Comllpany, wholesale dry goodd. i'. S. S*chneidau, second vice presi dent, Schneidau rIeal estate and in vestments. John Perez. secretary, attorney-at law. Stonewall .lackson, treasurer, wholesale grain. Hugo Weldmann, sales manager, Maison Blanche Building. C. J. Webre. Friend & Webre, engi neers. Wm. Bancroft, secretary-treasurer, Bancroft & Ross Co., Ltd. Charles Dickensheets, managing di rector, the Louisiana-Southern 01 and Gas Corporation. Emanuel L. WVeil, capitalist. Frank Constant, contractor, Alex andria, La. Millions have been made in oil all over the country, which is the best possible proof that millions more can be made. Most of the millionaires of Oklahoma and California were made by oil at 40 cents a barrel. Now oil is bringing $2 a barrel at the well, with premiums from the refineries ranging from 25 to 85 cents a bar rel. Certainly if 40-.ent oil can make men wealthy $2.85 oil hardly can fail to do less. Not only that but the de mand for oil to-day is greater than it has ever been. The country and the allies need it for the thousand and-one war purposes. Therefore, it is not unlikely that oil will advamee in price, because it must be had at any price and the Loulsiana.4-othern is out to get it. First of all, this company poesitive ly will begin drilling in Terrebonne parish within sixty days. The pres ence of gas there Indicates oil in pay ing quantities It has about 1,000 acres of leases in likely territory and most of it is offset, that is adjoining property that has been developed or in state of development. Then the Louisiana-Southern is going to extend its operations to Avoy elles parish, near Marksville, where oil already has been found. Geolo gists, mineral experts, say that there is a deep pool somewhere in the par ish and that it can be found only by a deep test. The Loulsianm-outhern proposes to make that test and has the money in the bank to drill just as long as necessary. Last. but not least, the Iooosiana Southern is going to drill in Rapide parish, near Boyce-a recognlsei oil center. There are 1,000 acres of leases In this territory that give good promise of yielding oil and that In big qnmntles. A gusher will mean many new millionaires among the men and women who are cooperating with this company in its venture. It should not be forgotten *that the Standard, the Texas, the Atlas and others of the large oil companies own property near that of the LoUaisiana Souhern and in some lnstarices they have started drilling. This would in dicate that faith in Louisiana oil i not unfounded. GRAND MATIRON's VISIT. On Monday evening, Feb. 25, St. John Chapter Order Eastern 8tar sntertained the Worthy Grand Ma tron, Mrs. Penelope A. Mills of Shreveport, La. There was a large attendance both of members of Ste. John Chapter and from other Chap ters in the city; also several visitors from other parts of the State. There were a number of Past Grand OS. ters present, who made appropriate addresses. Several candidates were admitted to membership and the work of initiation was highly praised by the Grand Matron, who was pay Ing her official visit of inspection. The Worthy Grand Matron was pre sented with a handsome Bible as a memento of her visit. After enjoy ing a short program all were invited to the banquet ball, where delicious refreshments were served. The Chapter will celebrate its 12th Anniversary in March. ThE Cfl EEKFUL O lov to hear this tmursi box; t of' timie' thit used to be Th. ltte taums it tinkiss out iJut souid so lverdar to ts