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r7Jo THE HERALD. or taxes. Help remove T H E " Uee o M r Up fis Wo.. *do o W Se S mve'. "A vry live and odltabl weekly ewpaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. NITD STATES L , XXV._ NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1918. E .RSONALS SA l OTHERWISE Friends of Mrs. ylve O-~s et are glad to know - iaMly after a spell of CS Delaume of Stumpf's i spending a few days with his parents. ý_ friends of Mrs. Ray be glad to know that sJscet after a serious pm- . Riley and Lowe were . Chiaci of Camp Beau p ot a few days with his - lest week. --W. McDuff, Jr., attended aW. Defioto Hotel given S,)m'f Mr. Cousin, who is t othe National American - efferkorn and little , have returned to their es sadria. La. __r a k H. Killeen, Hy. ad L. F. Glach, were elected ta the board of directors drd District 'Building and -Rat n'Reaney was one of -ýslin the debate held at ~elee by the freshmen, j Ject: "Resolved: That .astrol of national re aIgd be furthe strength geaded." She repro ' egativo side. ml of Atlantic Ave. is t hotel Dies. ttie s and Esther Marxen. art, Marion Harris, Ella sad Alva Salathe were StLs members of the senior d 0 U. S. N. Aid who en ot a dance in the city last b beaMr of Uncle Sam's navy -I*.d, 1t years old, of 1229 - elie avenue, fell into the sMto tsaship Maryland. ly b bead of Seguln street, sad sustained injuries ft leg ad jaw. He was by )r. PollOck. a. gesmader Jno. Schroeder g-" 1be address of welcome at sUJbs5N reception which was - W uy Sight in honor of gaggander D. P. Markey wawaleft Sunday for New ' e a position. 9 a.. Saturday damaged owned by Patrick street, to the ex 4N The loss wuas covered The adjolaag house, I. s MWiller, was also Be ., Wooedmes of 4ecided to meet but -aeasfter, the new yv ril 1. Meeting wa ss Tuesday of **c t, the Junior Euchre Sof Mis Rita Yara 1 players were leharde first and Cofltt, second. Miss reeelved the booby. vit be at the resi Amirebs Gallagher in 4.mtadmss left fr her after espeding aistives here. She home by her little W. Otlpert and daugh mre turmed reom -t,, where they iThey also visited to leston, Newark and *m y th week. iHudl of Bunkie, La. Stwo sisters Mrs. Cox i Cidamati. he ds of Mrs. Thoe. Sre ngrot to larm thmt tlieod to undergo an eaterizedta the thsweskr . T.he sue wee Mrs. T. U. SO. Bourgeois, and Se Katherine smeuoltUon. The _e at the home of lad childres have Roue to rel4e. returned fom La., Monday SHIPYARD IN THE WORLD RISES FROM THE MARSHIAND i wou.a u te e.. s St - an.ucs. at a leia1d, mear aa.uapm, a SS.amr Mr W e.+ r s a. ewaIl d am. liM.U Mna. k.lor tmai. US a weit a.ds bmte amms v sm.e fft eMyag s an ar SM 'er Um. aw r r M Rl4t t 1118 DONNil IIJUlli KILLEEI JUMIPS Locomotive Butts Street Car Public Belt locomotive No. 12 crashed into the rear of Louisiana avenue street car No. 0106 at 1 p m., at Canal and Water streets, crushing the rear vestibule of the car and slightly injuring the hip of one passenger, William P. Donner, 339 Verret street. Mr. Frank Kil leen who was also on the car jump ed before he was hurt, but he suf fered the loss of a suit of clothes in the wreck. The conductor of the street car failed to flag the car over the cross ing, and the motorman tried to beat the engine across, says the police report. Engineer Victor Ladner and Fire man George Roberts were in charge of the locomotive. Conductor W. R. Shriver and Motorman Henry Develle were in charge of the street car. The engine was on its way down town and the street car on its way uptown when the accident took place, says the police report. AGIIERS BRANCH A. R. C. The Algiers Branch of N. O. Chapter, A. R. C., will meet Monday, 26th inst., in the Knights of Colum bus Hall, at 7 .30 p. m. It is hoped there will be a large attendance. Mrs. Dave Mills was operated on Tuesday at Hotel Dieu for appendi citis. Mrs. V. Cherbonnier entertained the Once A Month Club. The suc cessfull players were Mrs. L. De laup, Mrs. J. P. McCloskey, Mrs. P. O. Caflero and Mrs. G. W. Pollock. Miss Ferguson received the conso lation. The next meeting wil be at the home of Mrs Henry Acker. Miss Josephine P. Thomas of Bil oxi, Miss., spent a week here in Al giers as the guest of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Kevlin. She has recently returned to her home in Biloxi. Miss Thomas was called here on account of the death of her uncle, Mr. Octave B. Vallette. Mrs. B. Williams entertained at a party last Wednesday night at her home in Lavergne St., the occasion being the anniversary of her birth. Mr. H. Morley of Buffalo. N. Y., was a visitor to Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Hogan last week. The Saturday Night Club met at the home of Mrs. L. DeIoup. The successful players were Mrs. G. W. Pollock and Mrs. L. Brooks. Mrs. Corn Whela speat last week here with her sister Mra F. J. Borne. Mrs. A. Cararas was also a guest of Mrs. Borne for a few days. Mr. Geo. Gordon of St. Louis. Mo, was the guest of Mis Mildred Ves lea Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Elder spent the week end at Biloxi with their mother. The Catholic Knights and ladies of America Branch No. 30 will give a euchre on Apri 7th at David Crockett's Hall, Oretna. This en tertainment rwll be for the beneAt of their branch. Mr. and Mrs. H. Duffel and baby spent the week end at Biloxi, Miss., with relatives. The many friends of Mrs. Hilton Hardy regret to learn that she is ill at her mother's home in McDonogh vil!e. Mr. and Mrs. Jso. Berg and fam ily have taken up their residence in Milueburg, La. Misses Kathleen and Hazel Barry of Houston, Tar., are spending a few days with their brother, Mr. M. E. Barry, of Seguin Street. Mr. M. A. Cowen has returned to Camp Beauregard, after a few days furlough, spent here the guest of Miss IEdna Verneull. Mrs. E. Manent entertained the Thursday afternoon Plve Hundred Club last week. The successful players were Mrs. Ward 8adler and Mrs. Geo. Herbert. Mrs. D. Mar tlgh received the consolation. Mrs. Engene LeBoeauf will entertain at the next meeting. A lawn party and dance will be given Saturday night from 6 to 12 p. m., at the Avenue Academy. There will be a program at 7:30 p. m. A Jazz band will furnish the musice. Admission will be ten cents. (Continued on passe 14) The Sower *1 _ ~ d itf b -- - - " - I, _ " _ _ _ _ OFFICIAL SAYS EiMT II HURT SELF IIN SLEEP "He did not attempt to commit suicide; he hurt himself accldental a ly during a nightmare." This de i nial of the poMce report that Leon I Tepsich, age 26 years, interned r alien enemy, tried to beat his brains out early Friday morning against i the iron bars of his cell, was made r Friday afternoon by Colonel J. P. i Mayo, United States commissioner of immigration, at the station where the trouble occurred. Mr. Mayo was the first to force entrance into 0 Tepsich's room. The police reported Tepsich at- tt * tempted to commit sueicide by driv- , Ing his head through a glass wla- o1 dow and then butting his head on th t the bare outside. Mr. Mayo de dares that duria a nightmare he m I ell ever a table and eat hbmsest oa e the beek of the head and on the a nose. "A man who tries to commilt Ssuicide desn't start oa the back of " his head," smid Mr. Mayo. Mr. Tepsich has been removed ci r from the Oharity Hospital to the si Immigration Station. ti U. S. PRISIONER WALKS OPP, p' t STAYS 8 DAYS AND RETURNS tr LoutL Gaudin, held at the United States Immigration Station in Al I lers for deportation to Henduras on a. charge involving bringing a woman to the United States from Headuras, decided March 1.1 that he wanted a little change of scenery. IShortly before noon he obtained it by climbing a fence and walking away. March 14 he decided that the r Immigration Station wasn't such a bad sort of place after all. So he re turned by the same over-the-fence route. He had been back "in cus tedy" two hours before guards knew he had returned. IMAYOR R'TURNS PROIM SATLANTA Mayor 'Behrman FPaday returned t from Atlanta where he went with General Manager Joubert of the · Belt railroad to try and prevent the - government taking over the belt as N had been threatened. He said Mr. McAdoo told him he - has not changed his opinion that Sthe belt should not be induded in g' - the roads taken under the govern- h menat control. ci 6 TUGS, MACHINERY FlOR TEN SHIPS AWAROED TO ALGIEIRS FIRM and pos 571 Johnson Iron Works Obta5ls Co r tract From Esmergscy Fleet 1 Corporation Sov fbor stit Warren Johnson, of the Johnson Iron Works Company, notified May or Behrman that his frm has re ceived contracts from the Emer gency Fleet Corporation to install the machinery in ten wooden vessels ce and to build six harbor tugs. All of this work will be turned out of the Johnson shope nhere. In order to safegpard the John son plant fres river disasters, such ne as eeurred recently when a steam sMp-esesl d hate a veasel moored at the Johs wharf, that fir has requested the Mayor to try to prs vail on all river pilots to keep their craft a safe distance away from the not ship works. It wees represented to Ial the mayor that aeddhlets of tlis of character, delaying important gov- In ernment work as they do, serve to put the port in an unfavorable light the when local ship and repair yards wa operators seek government co- offs tracts. edu San mir TME CiEERFWl C0 UB "1F frsel o s Ory Fo He, thje L eeds ya That rudVt ly I'm s e I eer htamer wit d.M.d saw Mr omr res e s m1. le theye ounfm to this r 'er JlWa olie NWIIEW OP MRS B. B. WRIT- o MORE DROWNED of Mrs. Robert E. Whitmore of e- Mrt guin t., has the sympathy of her Mr many friends in the loss of her nep- To hew John Edward Lynch, who was nan chlef engineer on the steamer Wini- La fred. Mr. Lynch was drowned in lny stepping from one ship to another. - Mrs. Whritore received a cable gram announcing that his death came by drowning, that the body was recovered and he was urled 'rOver There." Mr. Lynch was a brother of Mrs. Louise Eble and of Miss Naomil Lynch, formerly of our town, bat now in Baltimore, where she has entered a conaent to become a Smn. ENJOYABLE WYNINGr On Friday, March 15th, at the home of her parents, a birthday party was celebrated by little Miss Ethel Ader sn, anda her manay frise . aasagn games and deadng were Indulged I. Among the features oa the eveiang was the reitation by little Miss Mar aret Hymel ed the splendi playing of th pano by Nellie Hoamlbali, e treshmests were served In adaoace ald al voted sris Ethel a delghtfnl hosess. Amog sthose present were: Bae sad Irma Roberts, Doris Als weeth, Ceda,. Pat, sa Hirret Mos. miass sea Leoe Cheslanut Gram Marts, Waeie and haalle Thates. M erd aoses. Veas V. alen, Myrtle L" MoCtlake., LUewna Gomer. Ma Hyme, Uassbn Shiarey, Ktherlse SmhaeL O, Ch ce, Dorethes WebestErt en Chmrle vime, Nee Reaihau Thvi gagh - May o uE. Wails. Sierd, Ebsin Marphy, Ida Morgan, Agee O. Don neil, ias Brash, Vera la9a. CImra le , Dorothy Aer (C d Virgist Aune, Behenea W1lams Miusse Gerde , Int al MU I BAIK IPHEIS FO U$SINESS The opening of The Marine Bank and Trust Co. on Monday, with de posits for the first day of $2,525, 573.13, was another record-breaker for the bank. The banking house looked like a flower shop owing to the number of floral designs sent in by financial in stitutions and well-wishing friends. 'President Pool said he was very a much pleased with the result and is very thankful to the people who have shown their confidence and friendship. He expects a rapid In s crease in deposits and in business. Mr. L. M. Pool is president, Mr. W. T. Marfeld is cashier and Mr. W. J. Pillow is assistant cashier. The Herald Joins in wishing the new institution success. 11 i LIMUT. QIANTON BYTRM J Clinton M. Byrne, an ex-Algerine, is e now an enrolling officer In the Na Sval auxiliary serivice, with the rank s of lieutenant. His headquarters are Slin New York. o Lieutenant Byrne saw service in it the Spanish-American war and when s war was declared with Germany, he i- offered himself and his engineering education to the government. Uncle - Sam considered them worth a com mission as lieutenant, in the U. 8. Naval Auxiliary Reserve, and he sent Lieutenant Byrne to New York a few months ago. Lieutenant Byrne's residence in New Orleans is at 135 South Hennes sy street. Prom 1900 to 1902 he was warrant officer on the U. 8. 8. Pom pey, in the naval auxiliary service, with the Asiatic squadron. He also saw service during the Boxer rebel. lion in China. Returning to New Orleans at the expiration of his navy service, he became an engineer in the Central Station of the Sewerage and Water Beard. He Is a nephew of Mrs. L. A. fy mell, Mrs. P. Borne and of the late Jules B. Babin. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Emery of Urn line avenue, entertained at a dinner and card party, Thursday the 14th in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Mr. Emory. Those present were . Mr. H. H. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Judge. sr Mr. and Mrs. Bloodworth and son, . Tom, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Higgins I and children, Mizabeth and James i. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Emory I_ Ana .. 11 V. SFIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PEACE PARLEY AT BREST-UTOVSK( m lbS foum pm U SCHOOL NOTES ,clH)NOGll NO 4 ROLl, (OF HONOR March 15, 1918. Q A. Scholarship and Deportment: Philip Saleeby, Evans Mahoney, Jas. Stafford and Sidney Dupuis. 8 B: Scholarship and Deportment: Milton Acker. Jou. Folse and Ralph Gerrets. 7 A: Scholarship and Deportment: Eugene LeBocuf. John ('ieutat, Ed. Newell and Hilary Schroeder. 6 B: Scholarship and Deportment: Malcolm Schwarzenbach, Alvin Cov ell. Milton Henry. Wm. Hassmer, Ulger Gaudin, Arthur Rau, Alton l)iket, Luke Gillen. Karl Saleeby, Stanley Baker, Thomas Hebert. 5 B: Scholarship and Deportment: Hymel Amuedo, Charles Gerrets, Jos. Sutherland, Elmo Voegtlin, John Hunn. Scholarship: William Entwistle, Sidney Andre, Geo. Zatarain, Eldel bert Lagarde. Chas. Seitz, Chas. Terrebone. Julian Humphrey, Ches ter Camus. 4 A. Scholarship and Deportment: Victor Clentat. Friedrich Kraemer. Willis Nelson. James Louis Higgins, Harold Hans, Chas. Ramelli Scholarship: Emile Legendre, Wil son Barrett, Robert Smith, Arthur Sutton, Edward Harper. 4 A and 'B: Scholarship: Esse West, Chas. Weilbacher. Deportment: Ches. Puckett. Aloy sius Serpas, Mayoral Mc.Neely. 4 B: Deportment: Marcel Roth, James Fabares, Malcolm O'Donnell, Carl Cooper, Armand Delcazel, Er nest Andry, Giles Galt. Scholarship: Bernard Covell, Louis Hubener. 3 A: Scholarship and Deportment: Jos. Koenig. Osborn Hunter, Jerome Mine, Arthur Muensh, Allen Guillot, Chas. Nichols. 3 B. Scholarship and deportment: k Vincent Tranth, Avon Vinson, Rus sell Gilder, Alvin Reed, Jordon Camus, Francis Nugier, Leslie Du r plan and Leonard Johnson. 2 A: Scholarship and Deportment: a Alfred Decker, Preston, Delcasel )f Bennie Weiner. 1- 2 B: Scholarship and Deportment: 5. Walter Bainsfather, Wilbert Bains 7 father, Louis Bengert, Leroy Coop Id er, Elbert Ross. t 1 A: Scholarship and Deportment: Kenneth Guy, Segfried Sprada, Chas ' Rostrup, Chas Soulant, Walter West. Alvin Short, Robt. Brown, Floyd '. Brune, Albert cBrodtman and Harold r. Bourgeois. 1 B: Scholarship and Deportment: John Carrubs, Ashton Roberts, Lu cius Esnard, Aug. Oautin, Lee Scbwarseabaeh. Is ADOIPH IIRKEI NOTIE ak Miss Caroline Albert was a visitor e to the school during the past week. The regular monthly meeting of the Cv.operative Club was held on Wed t nAsday of last week. The final re Q part of the recent Festival was read Sand showed the net proceeds to be $170.20. A vote of thanks was given to all who worked so Indefatiguably 3 for the success which was achieved. During the morning last Thursday tthe Red Cross flag was raised. The W student body had been assembled near the flag staff. With bared heads 'n they stood at attention and gave the s salute and pledge; this was followed As by the singing of the "Star Spangled I- Banner." !, The folowing pupils were perfect 0 in the regular weekly test In spelling: Sixth Grade A--Margaret Mosely, W Olivier Wattigny, Louis Cronsa, Pe g ter Rouse. Sixth Grade B-Lucille LeCourt, Ines Bourgeois, Orace Cazaubon, Wil lard Walker, Alfred Olsen, Charles SSmith, Henry Oregory, Stello Cronan. SFifth Grade A-Ethel Rice, Orsdy Scott, Alvin Whitney. Fifth Grade B--Vera Lusk, Thelma Willse, Pearl Hymel, Ellska Sullivan. James GillIs. a Fburth Grade A--Nick Carona, Mar ir lon Edgecomb. In Fourth Grade B-Myrtle Boudreaux. th Third Grade A-Jennle Scott, lone re Cox, Azella Nepreaux, Tbelma Rice, e, Marie Wall, William Sullivan. m, Third Grade B-Eleanor Steele, s Ethel Hodgpon. as Second Grade A-Veda Baker, Irma ry dean Simon, Martha 8chluter, John Whelan. "OWN A HOME" ('amllaign of Education to Show IFolly of Rtenting With more than 100 New Orleans business men and tirms financially supporting the enterprise, "Own A iome'" has been given a whilrwind Istart, and hundreds of persons have been given new starts in life through the message. "Make New Orleans A City of Homes." The New Orleans campaign, one of the very few in which the public has not been asked to contribute and which is for the civic and in (dividaul benefit of everyone, is part of a national movement. With wages of workers at the highest mark, with the subject of "Own A Home" before every Or leanian as a result of the big public ity and advertising campaign, the campaign leaders believe great and lasting good will result for the city. The campaign. purely educational, is to show Orleanians and any others the advantages of owning their own home: the folly of renting, and how easy it is to become independent of landlords. New Orleans is just now striking hard blows for commercial success, particularly through the industrial canal project, and the housing prob lem will be difficult when the canal is realized. An interesting table of rent fig ures has been compiled by the "Own A Home" leaders, showing how much rent amounts to over a given period of years with interest at an average rate: Per 10 15 20 25 M',n:h Yar. Ye,rs Years Years $25 $2.954.20 6,982.71 11,035.65 16.459.28 26 4,112.37 7,362114 11,427.08 17,117.65 27 4.270.54 7.541.35 11.918.50 17.776.02 28 4.428.71 7.0821.1) 12.359.93 18,434.39 29 4.586.88 8,05 ).'7 12.811.35 19.092.77 30 4,745.04 8.374.27 13,242.78 19.751.14 The literature on the campaign is being distributed without cost or ob ligation from the campaign head quarters. 413 Carondelet street. Committees from the Real Estate Board, the Homesteads League, Furniture Men's Association and Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange direct the campaign. The joint com mittee, now complete, follows: Mey er Eiseman. ex-officio, chairman; J. L. Blum, chairman; R. E. DeMontlu zin, W. A. Kernaghan and Louis Schuler, treasurer, all of the realty board; William Pfaff, chairman. J. J. Malochee and George Morris, re presenting homesteads; Robert W. Market, J. 8. Galennie and C. P. Reimann, representing the Contrac tors and Dealers' Exchange. LETTERS FROM THE PIOPLE. El Paso, Tex., March 14 1918. Editor Herald: Dear Sir-Will you please publish the following? Your March 14 issue reached me here in Texas today. Under the heading of "Contractor~' Committee Makes Statement" appears some news wherein certain men claim that Charles J Donner might be sattisae tory as a clerk, but does not, in their opinion, possess the general qualifi cations devolving upon the secretary of the General Contractors' Assoe ation. Realizing, as I do, the ability of C J Donner as a secretary, by his faithful and eelfficient service for four years and more as secretary of the Levee Board under Governor L K. Hall, forces me to take some stock in Donner's idea of being persecuted. The fact that Donner served as secretary of this General Contract ors' Association from August 1, 1917, until January 22, 1918, proves be yond doubt that his services as such must have apparently been Natistao tory. If his services were not satm factory, or if he did not possess the general qualifications, etc., why was he given thirty days in which to re sign? Why was he not diasmsled immediately? fro request an employe to reasig is O. K., but to may his general quaB feations are such that he cannot pms form certain duties is to harm him In landing a position similar to the one from which his resignation w requested. Yours very truly, T. 0. HATES, 1100 Texas Street, El Pao, Tel. TO LEAVE 8HORTLY POR ITALY Miss Azella Hibben is the proud possessor of an American Red Croes Nurse's pin and will leave shortly with the unit that goes to Italy. We congratulate her on her success and wish her good luck in her noble work.