t THE H ERALD BTH ra taes. epWreoSAVING S STAMPS em" MI ft UpIuig of Mn Wed Si of the iMver. "A very live and eredtable weekly newspape."-MANUPACTURERS' RECORD. UNITED STATES GONMENT -ot. XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. APRIL 4, 1918. No. 47. --il Ir SONALS AN3 OTHERWISE SMuntz, of 438 Bermuda Sbo enlisted some time ago, , d master at the Base pp Jackson, S. C. iy friends of Mrs. Charles will be pleased to learn Sis doing nicely after under s operation for appendicitis at Dr. A. C. King is in at Siatta Meyers. who is teaching t $prs, spent the Easter holi Ljs with her parents. Mr. and r. Meyers, in Pelican avenue. to Buras Sunday evening. .rl Sutherland. who has been I T York for the past eight spnt a few hours here with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Suth of Bltdell avenue. Mr. Suther been promoted to the rank larvel Walter left Monday for to spend awhile with her - Mrs. C. Broussard. W. B. Nash of Camp r spent Sunday here, the Mils Marvel Walter. S. p. Walter left yesterday to eow days in Lafayette with sd Mrs. Geo. W. McDuff, Jr.. g ,mis Stumpf and Misses Faye .ofdelw Stampf left last Thurs r lMae Catherine to spend a Ba hing trip. Miss Cath Min la nding an eight te dse , the frst fsh she a Mrs. Horace Nelson of i yet the Easter holidays Mrs. L. Tufts. igso of Opelouses avenue, b~e at the local Naval Sta a des his enlistment nearly a is now on board a "sub Gee. Munsterman and son, returned to their home in Ia. Satarday, after spending sp xys here with relatives. hW Bath and Grace Rhiner and ýgsr mn and brother, George, er in Burns, La., the guest st Mrs. George Munsterman. Mi rs. A. Eckert and baby from Mobile, Ala., after two weeks there with Paul and George Rhiner Sbom Burs, La., Sunday i r s--pemihg a few weeks dr aunt, Mrs. George Munster IMa Me Anderson spent Easter phe ri gs the guest of her als isI .J. Thompson. sal Mrs. Robert Anderson and nuas.t left Saturday for Abita is spedl a month. haues Zwlcke, of 619 At now stationed at Camp iraed home on a five e account of his mmoth SYTng Zwicke is looking e Oblrds save him a hearty " his return home. He re is samp Saturday. SC. Sptley has returnef to im. il emphisn Tenn., after a whle hre, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Fink. r bfriends of Mrs. David IN horna with the deepest re Se is still confined to her to as aecident that befell u/ ago. s4mint Satoes spent Tuesday tWebaiy at Abita Springs the uS eI sltr n.law, Mrs. C. J. lemi Lynch has returned hithere, Md., and will be is as her many friends at of her sister, Mrs. E. J. P Cherokee street. Flak has returned -rpIbg after a business vas msth. l Meads of Emmett Hardy to lesra that he is ill at 0 Ys mother in Bermuda NDb was brought home riday and is getting fter undergoing an oper les of Edward J. Vldette meteet, will be hm that he is at home e will be glad to se at his home. astel left Monday .Me Atlantle port, after with his parents. A i left aSunday for Sthe stermer Comus. Sthat ship as oiler. came in from stemer Proteus Sspending a few days mtmned from Thibo i ii her parents. She Mrs. Cogan of Belle bh , and daughter, ee week-end at Lafa uhert left Friday for a while with he) Zeringue. fis of A H Bloom hih home again from Sto which institution eSnday night, suf attack of acute indi t_ veteran Janitor of meoe. is back at undergolag an oper I. Nelso ad children t Nlson left yesterday L to pend severaln P. Cognevlch of Sunday here with tht. Whlam Felers Sylve left Tuesday iey, Arn. ~ Wuh le Tuesday * i of the Medical ras not at the Re wa sulering , with *renis Zwicke, rtum to Cernp h *ays here son, ead the ,eseea ALGIERS BRAICH A. I. C Owing to the inclement weather pslbv 4g pn Monday mnight last, the special meeting of the Algiers Branch, A. R. C., could not be held, as there was no quorum. As it is imperative that we call our members together this week, to discuss some important questions governing the work of the Branch, the special meeting will be held Thursday, the 4th, at 7:30 P. M. All members of the Branch are urged to be present at this meeting. ,Do not forget to send contribu tions of clothing and material for the French and Belgian Relief to K. of C. Hall. Contributions of money for the purchase of material and bedding can be sent to the chairman of the Branch, Miss Ella M. Rees, 319 Vallette Street, or to Miss G. Herbert, secretary, 216 Oli ver street. We earnestly request that all do nations be turned in by Saturday the 13th. as all goods must be packed and delivered to Mrs. Geo. Denegre, Superintendent of Refugee Clothing, A. R. C.. U. S. Mint, New Orleans, on the 15th inst. The following are the garments needed: Men's Wear-Shirts (preferably of light colored flannels), under shirts, underdrawers. trousers, coats, work-suits (overalls), coats (3 pieces), shoes, overcoats, Jerseys, sweater-vests, socks (sizes 10 1-2 to 11.) Do not send stiff hate (derbys. Straw, dress.) Woman's Wear-Skirts, drawers, corset-slips, petticoats, blouses, over coats, suits (2 pieces), shoes, pina fores, cloth hats, knitted caps, stock ings (7, 8, 9), shawls. Do not semd stiff hats mor fancy slippers. Boys' Wear-Shirts, union suits, undershirts, trousers, coats, suite, shoes, overcoats, Jerseys, socks (sizes 1 to 9). Girls' Wear-Dresses, skirts, over coets, night dre0ses, drawers, stockings (sizes 1 to 6), undergar ments, petticoats, suits (2 pieces), blouses, shoes. Boys' and Girls' Wear-Hooded capes, pinafores, woolen union suits. Infant's Wear---wani-skin swad dling clothes, cradle chemises, bodices, cradle dresses, sweaters, bonnets, bibs, neckerchiefs. diapers., shoes. baby dresses, hooded cloaks, jackets, shawls, socks. Miscellaneous-Bed ticks, bed sheets, pillows, cases, blankets, muf flers. Men's shirts and pajamas, so worn or shrunken as no longer to be serviceable are particularly wel come, since the material can be utilised for making children's gar ments. The following is an extract from the appeal sent out by the American Red Cross: "It is useless to lend a garment which is not made of the strongest and most durable materials, as the clothes are subjected to the hard est kind of use. But this does not mean that all garments must be in perfect repair. There are upwards of a hundred thousand women in Belgium and Northern France who will do anything for a little work, and who were mobilized and train ed into a marvelously efficient or ganisation for the making of new clothing-while there were still raw materials-or the repairing, ripping up and remaking of old clothing." "These women are happiest when at work. having less time to dwell upon their misery, and they look forward with dread to the day when their material is exhausted, they must lay down their work and await their turn to receive the next sup plies." We feel sure that this appeal will meet with ready response from the people of our district, who have al ways lead in all great movements for a worthy coase. PAREWELLI DINNER 1O NDGRO SML4CTMEN Eighty-three negroes from Algiers and McDonoghlke, who were called in the draft, were given a farewell re ception and dinner at the Young Men's Aid and Soeal Club Hall, Brooklyn and Homer streets, Algiers, by the White & Thompson Company of McDonoghville Friday night. Pray ers were offered by Rev. Mose Bird long. The committe in charge were: 'Thomas Robertson, chairman; Lather Thompson, Michel Tacker, Paul Thomas, Eddle Owens, James H. Har ris, Joseph Harris. by a special committee, assisted by the entire membership. Mrs. Chas. A. Smith, who was op erated on at Hotel Dieu by Drs. R. L. Riley and Holdridge has been brought home and is doing nicely. Miss Alice Dorvan of Delton, Texas, is visiting the Misses Hymel in Bermuda St. Mrs. IMaronge and two children left for Bay St. Louis to be gone five months. Mrs. Marongoe, who has just undergone an operation, is go ing over there for the benefit of her health. The Saturday night Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. L. DeLaup last week. The successful players were Mrs. L. Brookes and Mrs. L. DeLaup. Misses Kathleen, Hasel and Busie Barry left Saturday for their home in Houston, Tex., after spending a few weeks with their brother and sisater-4n-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Barry. Misses Lillie Ott, Georgians John son and Ella Hotard of McDonogh No. 5 echool, are attending the Teachers Convention in Baton Rouge. The many friends oE Emmett D. Hotard are pleased to know that he passed a successful examination from Tulane night school for !gineers and also with Marine Engineer As sociation for third class engineer. He sailed yesterday on the ship Alco, having enlisted with the Marine Shipping 8oard. St. Margarets Daughters will give their dance Priday night at the Avemu Academy. Manetta's Jass autd wiM furnlsh the muca . A ls Uw 1 m I ( m Ipotu I. The First Anniversary OrE dROOY fo f , , l y  I I I I "l lil' I I I YEAR IT, 4g i S! 9 SUfEIME COURT RULES AGAINST CISTER$S Notice that a vigorous campaign would be instituted immediately to force the tearing down of all cis terns remaining standing in the city was given by the Sewerage and Wa ter Board Monday night. This tol lowed the Supreme Court decision of Monday sustaining the order is sued in 1916 by the board requiring the removal of all cisterns and water barrels. The notice reads: "This is a very important matter at this time, as the warm weather is approaching, and we are going to do all we can to get cisterns down in order to reduce the mosquito nui mance. "We have already filed more than 2000 affifdavits in the First and Sec ond City Criminal Courts. We pre sume that an of these cases will now go to trial at an early date." It is regarded as quite certain there will be a rush to tear down cisterns this week. The Supreme Court decision leaves the property owner who refuses to tear down his cistern subject to a heavy fine as well as the loss of the cistern. BLUE JACKETS TERPSICHOREAN CLUB DANCE At a recent meeting of the Blue Jackets Terpsichorean Club, the fol lowing officers and members were elected. M. Greenberg, president; G. Nevelle, secretary-treasurer; G. Heckman and N. H. Rice, members. In the future the club will give their dances on Saturday nights, commencing this Saturday, April 6th. Mrs. W. W. Eastwood and Mrs. E. J. Hotard are the chaperones. The dance as usual will take place at the Avenue Dancing Academy in Opelousas Ave., and a handsome en trance prize will be given thb young lady who holds the lucky number.. All young ladies in Algiers are welcome at these dances and judg ing from the successful dances the boys gave before the Lenten season, we feel assured that the future ones will be well attended and greatly enjoyed by our young ladies. The Blue Jackets Naval Orchestra will furnish music foe the dancing. AEPlIAL VIEW OF DESTROYED GERMAN COMMUNICATION TRENCHES This potqraa abowy , vw daro vl Germa emnnutbo trrmbi acr a anesaWl bhasbatmet_ the 3LBga Iabtrv 1.1 airtlPll. ~hi gletr ws o by a B·dlgaa al1 obwevr ftn a h0gt at a-si- li at iu .. ,~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ý.. . .. . . . . . .. .. . -. . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . THOMAS A. JACKSON Mr. Thomas A. Jackson of Port Eads, La., died on Feb. 28, 1918, of spinal meningitis at the age of 24 years. The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson of Port Eads, La., and at the time of his death was a private in the 141st Field Artillery, Battery "A," stationed at Camp Beauregard, La. Mr. Jackson was buried at Buras, La., at a requiem high mass March 3, 1918. A light from our household gone, A voice we loved is still; A place is vacant in our home That never can be Alled. All is dark within our dwelling, Lonely are our hearts to-day; For the one we loved so dearly, Has forever passed away. -FATHER AND MOTHER. PATRIOTIC CHILD GIVES EGG66 TO MAYOR An egg with the shield of the Uni ted States artistically painted on it. and a miniature chicken perched above it was the Easter greeting re ceived by Mayor Behrman Tuesday morning from little Elsie Munster, of 3029 Washington avenue. After declaring that it afforded her much pleasure to send the chick en and egg to the Mayor, little Elsie said: "I hope this egg, under our flag, will hatch victory." Elsie's Easter greeting held a prominent place on the Mayor's desk Tuesday forenoon. RETURNS FOR TICKETS. Sister Xavier gratefully acknow ledges returns for tickets from Miss Albert, ,Mrs. J. F. Brynes, Mrs. Brownlee, Mrs. J. E. Collins, Mrs. W. Donner, Mrs. Diket, Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Hargis, Mrs. Kepper, Mrs. Kinkaid, Mrs. C. Kline, Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Kearnes. Mrs. M. Lawton, Mrs. Le Boeuf. Mrs. P. Muntz, Mrs. W. Nel son, Mrs. N. Nolan, Mrs. Olivier. Mrs. Platt, Mrs. Rupp, Mrs. Stacy, Mrs. Tackaberry, Mrs. Weigman. GWINN GIVES RULES FOR OWN. A-HOME ESSAY COONTEST Rules for the "Own-a-Home" bunga low essay contest in the public schools, was announced by Superin tendent J. M. GOwnn, of the school board, Thursday, following a confer ence with "Own-a-Home" leaders. April 30 is the date for the essay con test; forty schools or more, having sixth, seventh and eighth grades, will participate, and the winning school will be formally given the model, miniature $500 bungalow in Lafayette Square Saturday, May 11. The subject of the essays is "The Advantages of Home-Ownership in New Orleans." The principal of each school will select the best twenty-five compositions and, in turn, they will be submitted to the award committee, yet to be chosen. The bungalow, being made by ex pert carpenters at the National Sash and Door plant, is the gift of the Southern Pine Association to the "Own-a-Home" civic and educational enterprise. FIRST SOLDIER DEATH FROM WEST SIDE Telegrafihic information conveys the sad new-s to the parents and friends of 'lharles Itupp of Meclton otrville, that he succum ntbed to somIle ailmentl wihile stationed at the campl at loboken, N. J. Young tRupp was stationed for some time at ('amp ieaituregard. Alexandria, La., and . as one of thie volllnteers who agreed to go to the trout at once. lie le't .\lexanilria about ten days ago with i dletatH tll enllt of troops for the At lantic seaboard. where they "ere to take passage for some point "Over There. " It seems that only a few day- prior to the receipt of the telegram an nouncing his death, his sisters re ceived letters front him stating that he had beenl to a dance and was (n joying excellent health. Almost im mediately upon the heels of the re ceipt of this letter cartme a telegram of his untimely death. The body will arrive here today or totnorrow and the funeral will take place from his residence in McDonogh ville. Young ('harles Rupp was well known both in McDonoghville and Algiers wher.k he had a hoAt of friends. Hie was employed for some time with the Texas and Pacific Company in their shops both here and Alexandria. He was born in McDonoghville twenty-six years ago and was the son of Peter Rupp. He is survived by his father and by three sisters, Misses Lillian. Maude and Annie Rupp. BOY (S)UTS NEWS. Troop 32 held its meeting Tuesday, March 26 with good attendance. As there was no other business to trans aat. the line wap taken ifor the planning of the hike which took place Thursday. Scoutmaster Pollock, with four teen scouts left Algiers at 5:10 Thursday morning for Bo-Hon and returned Sunday afternoon. From all indications the boys had a fine time. We regret to report that Scout George Jones is ot. the sick list and we hope to see him out soon. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR SUMMER CLOTHING. THE GRAND LEADER, 1624-1628 DRY ADES ST. U'NCLALMED LETTERS Remaining at Sta. A., New Orlesas, La., Post Office. Thursday, April 4, 1918. Men A. P. Baker, Plasanne Bell, Joe Bourgeois, Joseph Cavallo, Colum bus Ernest. Prof W. M. Ivory, A. B. Mean, H. Perrin, G. C. Rees. Women Mrs. Bertha Bed, Mrs. Hannah Berry, Mrs. J. R. Crusse, Lizlie Bert Chatler, Mrs. M. Dunn, Mrs. Maud Shultz. Mrs. Josephine Walker. Vic tory Williams. Charles Janvier, P. M. Jos. W. Daniels, Supt. THE BLUE JACKETS TERPSI CHOREAN CLUB. The Blue Jack.its Terplschorean Club, will welcome the young ladies of Algiers to their dance Saturday niht, April 6th, at the Avenue Acad emy on Opelousas Ave., and will give their dances weekly on Satur day instead of Friday nights on ac count of the many enlisted men who attend night school. CUT IN FACE. Horace Heard, a negro, was sent to the Charity Hospital Saturday by the Algiers police, having been brought from McDonoghville, where he was cut in the face and the side by another negro named Nunie Payne following a dispute in a crap game. ASKS MAYOR TO CHICAGO FOREIGN T'RADE MEETING Mayor Behrman Thursday morn ing received an invitation to attend the fifth National Foreign Trade Convention, to be held in Cincin natI, O., April 18, 19 and 20. SMALL FIRE ON SHIP. Fire, believed to have originated from burning candles in the forepeak, caused a damage of $150 to the steam ship Carib. which is undergoing re pairs in New Orleans Dry Dock No. 1. The fire was discovered by John Dalk en, 1120 Orange street, a watchman, and after giving the alarm was quick ly extinguished. The ship is valued at $300,000 and is owned by the Kerr Steamship Line. MHIftE FOOJ -A~ L ( .yL~ *1i el / A iEATU5 TO ENFORCE AUTO ORDER lThe ordinance prohibiting the open ing of Iifttier (ut-outs on mtotor ve hicl·es u ill be rigidly enforced by the polive. ;an order to that effectt having been -il'"t oui from )polit a headquar ter. T"'hbr d, The olrinancef was fr;amed fr thef pulrpolse, o preve'nting sllokei" ,nd noie It st-at es that "no Jperllonl shall opn a t hlllll r cut-out on a :motolr % lhic'l,. mllotor'yc.le or mlno tiiri - c I., Thel Jip lic., h\ave' liieen in st tiuie d to mak'e affidaviLts aainst all lper.onl.s %iolating this ordillnance. I'IIIID RllEt.lAKS WRIST W'hile at play Sundayl . little (eeilia Mlul!tz. a;'gd nine iyears., daughter of Mr ;til Mrs i'eter Mlnntz. of Seguin strIeet. fe.ll and broke her right arnm at the wrist She wllas attended by ir A J. Il:itiln. ME.TILlNs " I.11 RlI'ULE IS SUS I'P:NI:ED) IFOR MONTH Suspension of the meatle.s day reg ulations for thirty days. beginning M.arch 311 was ordered by the food administration in instructions tele graphed to all State food adminis trators. Temporary relaxation of the restric tions was decided upon because thou sands of hogs now coming into the market has increased the meat sup ply beyond the country's shipping and storage capacity. CHARLEY CHAPLIN TO BE IN NEW ORLEANS ON APRIL 28. Charley Chaplin. the well-known movie comedian, will speak in New Orleans on April 23 in the interest of the Liberty Loan. ORDER YOUR COAL AND WOOD The Fuel Administration is prepar ing to launch a campaign to educate the people to the necessity of placing their orders for coal and wood now, in the hopes that there will be no more "fuelless" days. The Fuel Administration hopes to be able to have supplied the domestic consumers long before the winter sea son begins. If this can be accom plished the war transportation prob lem will have been solved, at least in part. This work is just as Important as any other in the war, and you will be doing your country a great service by co-operating with us. EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY On Sunday night Miss Halcyon Suth erland celebrated the eighteenth an niversary of her birth at the home of her parents in Slidell avenue. She received many pretty presents from her friends. The evening was most enjoyably spent in dancing. Dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Misses P. Knecht, M. Vanenhort, C. Erickson, L. and M. Boudreaux and H. and C. Suth erland, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sutherland, Messrs. H. Bach, F. Knecht, L. Twickler and Wooling, Misses Lillian, Naomi and Clement Steckler, Majorle Prados and Vernon Sutherland. TRUCK RIDE On last Sunday a jolly crowd spent a most enjoyable day at lower coast, the occasion being a truck ride given by Miss Elenora Mitchell. Games were played and a dainty luncheon wacs served. Those pres ent were: Misses Doris Baker, Glessner Shirk, Blanche Senner, Mae Hauer, Carmelite Goff, Mildred Mur tagh, Phyllis iCoyne, Mildred Hil debrand, Lillian Pennison. Zlta Ho tard and Eleanora Mitchell; Messrs. Marion Dlaz, Leon Legendre, Emile Hoffman, John Hock, Thomas Her on, Joe Rosamano, Merritt Murtagh, Maurice Roblchaux, Philip Ho:, Artle Cummisky, William Berry, Framnk Madraza, Leslie 8turtevant, Albert Henrichs, Wilfred Boude reau, Devoe Frisch, Albert Diket and Beryl Diket. The jolly crowd was chaperoned by Mrs. A. DILket. RESIGNED. L. E. Imbau, poundkeeper of the Fifth District pound, and his assis tan, Henry Heuer, have resigned, according to announcement made Saturday by Imbau, who visited the office of The New Orleans States to impart the information. Of course, this means that the live stock will have a merry time feed ing on the products of ward gardens, flower beds. etc., unless restrained by the police, who will. perforce, fall heir to Inbau's coveted (?) job.