Newspaper Page Text
-gore for Ferriage than r taxes. Help remove SAVNG STAMPS ISSUED BY THE Se Uw upOe a M t INwW.* e o of t iver. "A very live and ereditable weekly Mewmper."-MANUPACTURER' RECORD. NITED STATES GOVERNMENT XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THIILRSDAY, APRIL 11. 1918. No. 48. SONALS OTHERWISE rina Favret, who spent with her grandparents. hIr home in Polnt*-sl Hotard, Georgina 'ad Ulie Ott returned *s Baton Rouge, where uests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 4 ring the techers' es s were decorated Aigiers with miniature -lm"i and the campaign Pt New Orleans over the rent drive is well under SHoffstetter, who was for appendicitis, has r and is improving in rimes of Montgomery, ~ as here for ten days, the s. and Mrs. H. T. Malone, hose last Wednesday Br was Indeed on a sad Sah wife died Weddesday a institution in the $l ageompnated the re the same night. s. G. A. Weber, and g Mershall, Tex., spent here with Mr. and Mrs. to Opelousas Ave. s g umphrey has return SbelUlMm, Ala., where he - aw case. friends of Mrs. Jno. will be pleased to she has returned from sad is much improved in LBurke entertained the afternoon Euchre Club The successful players A. Oral, Mrs. A. Diket Aeker. playing fdr _ o_Irstet ter. Mrs. H. reeived the consolation P. 0. Catiero will en s neat meeting. Moyers who is teach at Burns, spent a few Petroviet attended Convention in Baton week, stopping here on te Sunrise, La., where smhool. Borne and daughters, Bueali and Florence, at lnate-a-la-Haehe, Ioeanf eatertaled afternoon Five Bun %g week. The success ren Mrs. W. A. Dilsell Manet. Mrs. A. the consolation. will entertain was entertained . The m sem - Men U. J. Lewis. AoshNris sr . A/eoo wW eo tetnaale the club alut wes. Iplyers were Mrs. U C. uishk and Ma. la. P. O. Casero re MNe. 8. Be at the next meet spent Sunday entertained the Cl0b last week. were Mrs. D. sned Mrs. L. se sameeting wt at Mrs. T. U. Back of the Catholic labia of America, he held Thurseday Gretan. All at n tla before the rt Alexandrin is aeta Mr. anad Dr. Loehte, U. tebamerred to port Me Mrs. Lochte will Jr., is home a serious op ef Jaeoby, la., kt er mter et BIviue St.. tth the Hoespital ir las. Hie sulr for this the ooleohS at Cerete lysique. Wednesday the OGrnewald Con Seon of John Oeut eof Apeal, at Newport News, belng his see ta honor of . who came ,bet wil re In a week. has been v& $tsL. end Mrs. Uturnae to Camp Fathers Le 81 PA IIIIC hAILT There wil ba big pat sltote ras unde the W ru.emet of the Lee liana, Couneil Nateonal Detfese a the . oW. 9. C. Ham Verret san Eliza 6ts., on Thursday Apri - 1g at 8 P. M. Mayor SBehrma, Mrs. W. A. Poe teous and other promineat speake will addres the meeting in the i, terest of Child's Welfare. War laf ings, Food Conservation and lbrt3 Bonds. A large crowd Is oepected to b4 in attendanee. The Boy Scouat will act as ushers. CUT-OFF BITE INSPECTED. Leo Favrot of Baton Rouge, Bishop Thirkfield, Superintendent Owinn. President Capdau of the School Board and Inspector Gore visited Cut Off, Wednesday mortial to look into conditions with a vie of obtaining a school building foi the negroes there out of the Rosen. wald fund. Mr. Farrot declared, after the inl vestigation, he believed there would be lttle trouble in getting Mr. Ros. enwald to contribute the funds foi a new school. At present there is a school it the settlement conducted in a tr ternity home with two teachers oem ployed by the School Board. Then are 103 children. Previous to the establishment of this school, som( six weeks ago, some of the negrc children walked three miles to at. tend the Lawton school. There are some 500 negroes in the settlement two churches, and there should be a substantial public school there, said Mr. Owinn. PROMINENT WOMAN TO AD DESS8 MmETING Miss Jane Adams, founder of Hull House, Chicago, who is doing valan able work for the food coneervatioe cause also social welfare work, will be in New Orleans, Sunday, April 14th. and wil laddress a meeting at the Athenseum at ! o'clock In tOf aftersoen. The meeting will be a opea one for men and women. AOmiP B POSImION IRER Mr. J. H. Seaman has accepted a positlon with the S. N. O. IUght A Traction Co., as eisetriees eaginelr Mr. Seaman Is from the Wsting house Electrie Co. He also foerme ly held a position at Almadria, La., where he had charge of thi Municipal Lighting Pleat. The danme of the hue Jacket Trelpbehesk Clb wMid was pes poeod Satudray evornng on aeeouni of tad weather, will be uivea ets urday evening, April 13, 1918; Si usual at the Avenue Academy s Opelouas Ave% Cistiib be-nd will be in attednance. The dance given Friday night at the Avenue Academy by St. Mar. garet's Daughters was ily well attended, considering the bad weather. The ladles wish to thank -al who *lestted, The ,eg4qlar meetas m be held tonight at Y:!0 o'clock at the Knights of ColImbus Hall. All members are requested to' attend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leits of An nunciation St. entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Miss Alita Baker an Mr. Soat. VS*asir. Mr. Chas. SBtth of San Diego, who is aviator iustruactor of the mpaon camp there, left for his home in New York, after visitin Mr. ra assG. . Walter of 1436 Teche S. The regular meeting of the Belle vle landerlarten Mothers Cluab wti be held FPriday, April I1 at 3 o'clock P. M. All members are rged to be present as all arrange ments for the annual picnic of Belle viie Kindergarten will be made. Mrs . .. Evams sad ebadreda are hero treem Baltimnor MEd., to vii the former'e mothek, Mrs. O. h,, bat. The Jolly Twelve uchre Clua met at the brne of Mb BRuth bro-e lst wek. The smcmful players were Mrs. Coeveich and Miss Josh White. Miss 8taBsile Abribat re calved the consolatlon. The 'Tuese lNigt Naneh Cla met at the home of Mrs. F. Yura tib. The suecoesful players we, Mrs. F. Turatiuh and giss E. Yurra tfeh. Mrs. P. Cognerich will en tertain at the next meeting. Meedam K. M. Valer, H. T dMalone, H. L. Hoyt, Vie OMver and R. P. Whitmere atteded the lrnh eon at the Qrmnnwald Cavn In hono of Dr. Anna Roward Ehaw, ehai. man of the Connat of National De tense. A penny party w given at ths home of Ch, WII5is, 02 VateL t It.. Tueeday pight by the fifth I and fourth A eaCde of MoDonogo No. 4 school, for the benefit of th4 Julelor Red Crorss. Game were played and a pieture show enuJoed Jbe sum of $7.00 was retimed. Mr. J. Meader, driver of eagia Co. No. 18 is on his rvastion, part of wheh will be spent at Bay Ada Where be wnl.tspeed the time fsh' tig. MI Marvel W ter returnet m rom Lat·ayettef La., Weadnsedsy sft, speedi two weeks with her s ter Mrs. C. Brouassmr. traire stw leocae la-t to gti st at Me"Ie~. whe be is e oe of thi ems. Mrs. 5. P. Walter Le home fro sqar City. e she gent a few with herge.ghte, u . Gr neG -Ir a Mr. st I April Showers ~c2) D,. D·.r. * * ,e w:, I7. d o **o ' a° ;°.. • o * / e . - ".N" !rý I f:: · WILL GII I ITALI Measrs. Anthony and Nicholas Castrogavasnl, who have Sone to Camp Beauregard for tralnlmg have been selected as two of the young American Italians to go to Italy with Dr. Danna's Hospital Unit. Both of the boys speak Itallaa fluently and it Is for this reason that they were accepted. When they left for Camp Beauregard a few days ago a large crowd of admiring Mriends both ladies nd boys were there to bid them God' wped In their eat fort to capture the Kaiser. NATURAL GAS IN SIX MONTHS "Natural gas for New Orleans will be an accomplished fact probably within six months. At the latest it will not be over eight months." This is the assurance given by authordtUes to several New Orleans industrial plants, which have re quested some definite statrest as to the prable date on weh nat ural gas will be availaste n this city. It was said Satutday that Senator Ransdel,. at the request of the city admainstration, has already taken up with the War Industrie Board the matter of getting priority orders on the pipe necessary to pipe the gas from Terebonne field to this city. It developed Saturday, also. that the city has already asked the New Orleans Oas & Light Company to fix a price on Its system of gas mais,. which Mayor Behrman pro poses to take over. The company as yet has set no price on its prop erty. CAMBL WALA4g 4, AWIHERS 10. The Algiers Playgrounds basket ball team defeated the Camel Walk ers Sunday afternoon by the score of 10 to 4. It was the most exct ing game ever played at the play grounds. The feature of the game was the all-round playing of Tex Richards sand L. Lgendre. Mc Glvney made a wonderful throw from midfield; R. Worley also star red for Algiers. and the guarding of "Ply"' Cummiskey kept the Walkers helpless. Dupre and Simpson were the best of the Walkers. Nest San day. the two teams will meet Is the fifth and deciding game at Audubon Park and a good game is looked for. AlpePians come out end root for your team. Patrolman Williams Manager. THB OYT SCOUVS OF AMmICA The Boy Scouts of Troop 30, held their regular meeting Thursday, April 2 with a good attendance. The bes met Thursday afternoon at the Courthouse grounds and drilled un der the direction of Capt. L. P. lsch. The Seots Pet Friday even ing at the Alhambra building for the purpose of dlstributlg iberty Bond posters throughout Algiers. Troop 32 and 18 attended the patri otic parade last Staurday. We are glad to report that c800out George Jones 1s off of the ick list. IDEAL TRAINING GrROUND IN CUBA FOR AMERICA'S FIGHTERS CIAIL[S EiWARD RUIP Funeral ,of Charles Edward Rapp Is Attended by large Thro The funeral of Charles Edward Rupp of the United States Engi neers, who died from double pneu monia at Hoboken, N. J., on route to France, last Tuesday afternoon, was held Saturday from the family home in MoDonoghville and inter ment was made alongside his moth er's remains in St. Mary's Cemetery, Algiers. A great throng attended. Services were conducted by Rev. J. P. Cassagne, S. M., whe preached the eulogy at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary. Very Rev. T. J. Larkin. 6. M., and Rev. Joseph A. Petit. 8. 5., assisted at the church services. A military escort from Camp Nichols atteedod the obee quies, and four f the atlenial army nomen ate as pa bearers. "Taps" were somded at the grave, which was beaked la flowers, eyaglst of the eigaa basng magilest. ,Mr. Rup was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Alexandria Connel., No. 1134, and representa tives of that body, as well as of Santa Maria Council, No. 1724, of Algiers, attended, together with members of the various railroad fraternal bodies. Deceased also be longed to Little Rock Lodge, No. 325. Brotherhood of Railroad Ma chinists. MAYOR GO8S TO WHI'PTI'NGTON FUNERAb. Mayor Berhman left Monday af ternoon for Alexandria. La., to at tend the funeral of Mayor Whitting ton of-that town. Mayor Whitting ton was an old friend of Mayor Behrman and frequently called upon him when he came to New Orleans. PURIICHASSB lUBD lWPBTY Virginia Lodge No. 136, Knight sf Pythias, decided to purchase $100 of Liberty bolds at the meeting held 4 Monday night. This is the third bond of the kind bought by the I lodge. one for each of the issues. ELJOTION OF OIPICERB. The Royal Pleasure Club elected the following offlcers for the manu lag year: F. P. Dietrich, pesident; C. . D bar, eretat~-treasurer; S. IT. csrry, chairman, Investiga tion Committee; L. Speies, chair man Hall Committee. There will be a grand opening at the camp at an early date. iBAxSB OIluB DONE. Herman Norris. 2 years old, of 419 Newton street, fell while ridiln a bicycle down the Newton treet viaduct, Sunday afternoon, and sue tdned a broken otllar bone. He was sent to the hospital. BOlliS IOkEl Litle Clarence Warren Oisch, 6 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence F. Gisch, of 414 BellevUlle St., who was injured by a horse at Belle ville and Alix streets at 8 o'clock Wednesday night, is reported to be doing as well as could be expected at the hospital. The little fellow sustained a fractured jaw and a fractured shoulder blade, and it will be several days beoorg he will be able to be out. He was playing and ccidentalir ran into a horse at tached to a wagon belonging to J. Tripelino, 639 Elmira avenue. TRIUC RIDE. On last Sunday, a most enjoyable truck ride was given to Stanton Plantaton by a jolly crowd of young folks. They met atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Comeaux where th beead da the trcek alat poeoued t the Lower easit. he d y was spent in playing ball, ,lkng blackbe rimes asnd erayshlmag. They arrived home at ?:20 P. M., and the rest of the evening was spent at the hone of the Misses Ab ribat, where dancing was enjoyed by all. Those present were, Misses Inen Carmen and Stlla Abribat; A. Cal houn, M. Bijou, V. Bouterle, E. TYratich. G. Slrey, M. Comeau., '. and N. Bourgeois, U. Con, E. Levy, U. Johnson and A. Landry, Messrs. P. Comeaux, . Bourg, U Ree, B. Williams, n. Woods, I. Lpshr, Clar ean Metsker, Fill HermeMki. C. Webre. N. MeDeasid. S. Yorker sad L. LeBlane, O. Bourgeoir Otis and Edna Bourgeois and Alice Mae -pjhr. SAVBE, LME FOoIn, cOSlING MOBa NOW. Owing to to the high st of living and the advance in the cost of what is grouped under the general name of cosmetice the barbers of New Orleans have decided to advance the cost of having the tface saed and the hair triame. The rabers' anion Tuesday night decided that beginnlng next Monday their charge for a shave shall be 15 cents In all the shops In town, while a hair cuat will be advanced from 25 to 35 cents. The barbers have also advanced the east of honrlg razors from 25 to o easts, in oe expeeatisa that this may have an effect on the self shaving habit. Followtng is the official schedule adopted by the unioaln: Hair out, men's, 35 eents. Children's heir cut, under 14 years, 265 enoats. Shaving, 15 monts. Shampoo. 25 eents. Massage, 2$ esuat. Hair tonie. 10, 15, 20 esnts. Beard trim, 25 eents Shavrngldead men, $5. Hair stage, 25 ents. 1 SCHOOL NOTES McDonogh No. 4 Represented in Patriotic Parade McDonogh No. 4 School was rep resented by twenty-one boys in Sat urday's great patriotic Liberty Loan parade. Despite the fact that the rain was falling in torrents at the time, these young citizens of Uncle Sam's great and glorious domain, assembled at the Canal St. Ferry Landing at the appointed time and proceeded across the river to the place assigned to the schools before the formation of the parade. The rain still continued and there followed a period of doubt as to whether there could be a parade or not. The Nation's motto. "In God is Our Trust," seemed to be the prayer of the people of the Crescent City, and soon that prayer was an swered. The clouds lifted, the rain stopped, and the parade was formed. The boys of No. 4, at a given sig nal from Mr. E. Etier. took their as signed place in the line and every one of the number marched from the beginning of the route to the end. Cheer after cheer greeted them as they marched through the the streets. The banner-bearer was John Beninate and his aids were Sidney Dupuis and Edgley Schrith. The large white satin Red Cross banner was donated and made by the tearh ers of the school. The name of the school and "100 per cent." were suitably arranged on it, and it was the prettiest standard carried by any school. This school bears the distinction of being the only boys' school rep resented and the only one from the Fifth District. These young Americans feel proud that they "did their bit" towards helping their city go "over the top" in this patriotic undertaking, and they will always remember the part they played during this stirring war time. Mrs. M. Hopper and Miss L. E. Averill accompanied the delegation. The boys were: John Beninate. Sidney Dupuis, Edgley Bchroth, Gerald Cooper, Evans Mahoney, Mel ford Pitre, -Reany Angelo. Walter Pope, John Forrest, John Leonard, Joseph Folse, John Cleutat, James Curren, Morris Laufer, Charles Beninate, Hilary Schroder, John Roberts, Dearo Trotter. Donald Gautreaux, Joseph Simon; Edward Holton. The followring boys from this school marched with the Boy Beouts, James Stafford, Felix McAnespy, Philip Saleeby, Milton Acker, Ed ward Williams, Lawrence Menge, Hugh Lilly, Frank Silva, Richard Bilehier, Carl Salseby, Roy Williams, Joseph Weir. MeIOWOGM MN. 4 MOlL OP MONOR Eighth Grade A--4cholarship and deportment: Philip Saleeby, Evans Mahoney. Eighth Grade B--Scholarship and deportment: Milton Acker and Marcel Serpas. 8ixth Grade B--,eholarship and deportment: Malcolm Secwanrsa bach. Alvin Covell, Thos. Little. Milton Henry. Fred John, Wi. Kass mar, Arthur Ran, Alton DIket, Luke GOllen, Stanley asher. arlu Saleeby, Alvin LeBlanc and Louis Brous sard. Fifth Grtde B--Scholarship and deportment: Hymel Amuedo, Elmo Voegtlin. Jos. Sutherland, Chas. Gerrets and Jos. Umbach. Scholar ship: Roland Meyers, Maurice Thibodeaux, Chas. Delta, Chas. Ter reborne, Sidney Andre, Ethelbert Lagarde, eGo. Zatarain, John unn, Julian Humphrey, Chester Camus, Jos. Weir, Wi. Entlwistle and Le. ie Kirkpatrick. Fourth Grade A--Scholarship and deportment: Vietor Cleutat, Juas. L. Higgins,, Willis Nelson, Chas. Ra me$i, Aloysinu 8erpal and Chas. Puokett. Scholarship: red Krae mer, Robt. Smith, Wilson Barrett. Harold Hano and Esse West. De portment: MarJoral MeNeely, John Hunter and Walter Perron. Fouarth Grade B---cholarship ad deportment: Marcel Roth, Jes. Pabares, Jos. Wilmore, Louis Hubo nor and Armand Deleazel. cholar ship: Bernard Covell. Deport meant: Elmear avidson ad Mal·olm ODeanetl. Third Grade A--Scholarship and deportmene Weliman Boed, Nor man WLhitney, Arthur Mesanck. Al len OGlilot, Loauis Peterson, Melvin Perron, Lyi Albrecht and Harry Bodeanger. Third Grade B--Scholarshlp and deportment: Vincent Trauth, Rue sell Gilder, Alvin Rad, Chas. Car roll and Lucien Ahysen. Second Grade A--eholarship and deportment: Bennie Weiner, Pres tda' DMleasel, Edwin Schwalb. Second Grade B-Scholarship and deportment: Walter and Wiibest Bainstarther, Henry Buras, Nelsea ' Th9;IS czs Lii t~t, - K ic1 ~ -~E% - _c~i SJE CI VOLUYOiTEERS MAY ETI. S. UTTOIiS In response to his querry to Sen ator Itansdeil, Mayor Behrman M.unday morning was advised that young men who volunteered their services to the country and were re jected for physical disability and other causes beyond their control would possibly, in the near future, be awarded buttons showing their status. Since the declaration of war .Mayor BAlirman has received nu merous requests from young men to ascertain if some Insignia would not be given them to show that they had attempted to volunteer and had been rejected. The Mayor wrote Senator Itansdell. who took the question up with Adjutant General Met'ain. According to the Adjutant Gen eral., an act was introduced into the United States Senate to provide such a button, and was passed by the Senate Feb. 5, 1918. The act was introduced into the House of Repre sentatives Feb. 7. and If it is adopt ed there, the buttons will be issued. IA)SES THREE FINGERS. Mr. Alphonse Niklaus was the victim of a very serious accident on last Thursday evening while at work at the River and Ocean Towing Com pany. He was operating a circular saw and in some way his hand slipped causing the loss of three fin gers and laceration of other parts of the hand. lie was attended by Dr. A. C. King and was taken to the Presbyterian Hospital where he is now improving. ED. MUN~ TER.MAN INJURED On last Tuesday morning at the River and Ocean Towing Company, Ed. Munsterman, was palnfully injured in the groin by a piece of timber he was sawing, coming dis lodged from the saw striking him. He has been laid up for several days. UNCLAIMED LETER1B Remaining at Station A, New Or leans. La., Postoffice, Thursday, April41 11, 1918: Men John J. Abrame, A. M. Bollinger, Antonia Bush, C. H. Dumser. James Linzy. David Aaplet (Special), George Williams. Women Mary Dreckey, Matte Gillins, Mrs. F. Jones. Mrs. L. Joseph, Victorta Owens. Alice Parker, Box 135, R. F. D. 1; Mrs. B. A. Posey. Charles Janvier, Postmaster. Joseph W. Daniels, Sup. WHEAT FLOUR AND U8if.. The attention .of every housewife is called to the advertisement of the Retail Grocers' Association in this edition of tahe Herald, explafnlag the order of the Food Adminlstra tion, as to use of wheat flor sad substitutes. In order to explain to the housewife the real meaning of this order and the beet way to con serve wheat the Grocers' Associa tion has published this advertise ment. In many instaneds the gro cer has been blamed for his sup posedly arbitrary action in selling wheat flour, when, in fact. he was only carrying out the order of the Food Adminlstration. Fallonu Louis Bergert, Henry Coop er. First Grade A-4-chlarship and deportment: Harold Bourgeois, Chas. Hidebrand, Domnlago Migael, Albert Brodtmas, Alvi Short, Tas ley Eroes, Alton Morgan ad Ro3het Brown. FiPlrst Grade B--4cholarship satd deportment - LAe ehwarsase&, Ashton Roberts and John Carubba. Scholarship: Luolen Esaard. Boys Who WIl Pastldga te emba Meet I- May. Eighth Grade A-John Leonard, 70 yd. dash. Elghth Grade B-Edword Wil liams, 60 yd. dash. Seventh Grade A-Relay Race sad 60 yt dash-Donald Gautreax, Hilary Schoder, Morris Lastu, John Roberts. Seventh Grade B--0 yd. dash Arthur Feleher and Alvin Gas treaux. Sixth Grade A-o0 yd. dash Auitln Burbay. Sixth Grade B--100 yd. dashu- Ga4rgt Beugert. 60 yd. dash Raymond Hener, Boyee Plemlng, 8'hos. Hebert, Peter Anderson, Nd. Matehett, Stanley Leoard, AtMe Laker. 20 yd. dash-Pred HRebert, Alvin LeBlane. Abton Diket, Prd John, Alvin Covell, Loul Brk sgld Sand Thos. Little.