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o fr THE HERALD. _ Stod to tIe UpblIdl of the Wet ide of the Iver. "A very live and edltable weekly Mewopapep."-MANUFACTURERW RECORD. UNITED STATES G(VEDNMENT -XXV. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1918. No. 50. I - . - FERSONALS I Ap I OTHERWISE Alice Guillot and Ruth Mou - ayeette, La., were visitors to '. Albert Gullot this week. Matrons Club was entertained Il 0. Aycock Tuesday afternoon. 'I .l players were Mrs. J. TM r (playing for Mrs. E. Man Mrs. t. J. Williams, and Mrs. N. Vesien. Mrs. J. A. Garland for Mrs. T. U. Buchholz) re t ti consolation. Nat Chestnut left for Pittsburg - id a while. rn Archie Chestnut and Charles N have returned to Morgan City l aP-dg the week end with asd relatives here. dg W. Burgis has returned I aiter a stay in Touro Infirmary, Srapidly improving. .. L. L Carnish, who was strick " wibparalysis a few days ago is Mary Wills and Mr. Walter leave for Canada April 29. B W. B. King, father of Dr. A. C. Is quite sick. s L, W. Peterson entertained :he glday Afternoon Five Hundred The successful players were 1ggend Herbert and Mrs. W. L pleL Mrs. Ward Sadler receiv Sg consolation. The next meet $ will be held at the home of Mrs. S JWsFrtosh. a d Mrs. J. W. Ford spent the S ad in Covington, La., the of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. , N. McNeelY. 3M. J. W. Ford, formerly Miss An SLamise McNeely, is home from bqallle, La., where she was teach . 0d Mrs. H. W. Hauffe and Mrs. T. Cassiday and daugh Oale uad Mrs. C. Flscner mo SPlradis and to Des Allemand sad spent a most enjoyable J I Asold of Patterson St., has uI _ from Hotel Dieu after under as operation and is doing nice "al T. U. Buchholz entertained the -A-y Night Euchre Club. The suc players were Miss S. Kappler, i. Turatich and Mrs. P. Cogne (playing for Mrs. J. Owens), Mrs. Ineb. s reeived the consolation. & L Brookes will entertain at the . sad Mrs. J. P. Vezien spent at Bogalusa, La. melry Barrois who has been b sb parents at Jesuit Bend, Ms brother Jules Barrols of our stmrmed to Camp Beauregard S ard Twickler returned to armegard after a few days speat here with his parents. Mrs. N. Barrois of Jesuits am speda a few days here ~. N. eNeely spent the week l emste with his family. Sha. L. Yet left Sunday to hr has elad in Jacksonville, Fla. thmre they will visit New York otevr Atlantic ports. :b Saturday Night Euchre Club Iet the home of Mrs. L. DeLaup lUrgm. The successful players lmMs L. DeLaup and Mrs. J. Ger I Lelie Joly of Plaquemine, a while with her als !F. M. Heuner of Pelican iSMlday Night Euchre Club tb home of Mrs. A. Corbett. players were Miss Es and Mrs. J. Conrad. fell to the lot of Mrs. The next meeting will be as hoeme of Mrs. J. Conrad. Sutherland returned from and has accepted a posl I0 steamship Ella Andrews. George has returned from Ala., and is stationed at the DBodreaux and brother spent Suaday at Abita P. Walter and daughters re irfayette after spending with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Twlckler returned 8prIng Sunday after 4 few days there. Munaterman and little !h as Jr., of Buras, La., a week here with rela d Mrs. M. W. Geldert left y for Paeagoula. J. Vanderlinden and fami .' 8. Webert and family, :In. W. Mermillold and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mermil aturday at West End. Ia Smlth is visiting Soto, Scott in the interest of Cirele. ga Smith is still in Lake the interest of Revenue Me. H. Wagner and Clara Henley, L. and Sad Bsite Kelly and Mes Sa Harry Henley spent day at Concession, friende of Mr. Jas. a-eua St.. will regret to Judtla left yesterday for ter spending a few days Afternoon Euchre .- reek at the home of kro. The sueeesstful Mrs. A. Graf, Mrs. W. Mim Salome Kappler, Mr. Chas. Hoffstetter. kashols received the Mrs. A. Diket will be Rnuat meeting. S, Dva s and son are 'Il Lafourche, La. Twelve Euchre Club of Miss Jose White. ·ra~ were Mrs. F. r charts. Miss MnU d, the coumeola .m the week-eat at It New Yark, A patriotic meeting under the au spices of the women of our town took place Thursday night at the H. N. G. C. Hall with a good attendance and much interest was displayed. Dr. J. E. Pollock, who is interested in the work of the Child's Welfare Asso ciation in Algiers, acted as master of ceremonies and introduced the several speakers, whose remarks were greeted with frequent applause. E. W. Burgis made a patriotic ad dread, urging continued effort on the part of the people at home to back up the men at the front so our arms shall be victorious Mrs. W. A. Porteous spoke both as to the aims and purposes of the Coun cil of National Defense and Child's Welfare and in connection with the latter urged all mothers to have their babies weighed and measured last Monday. Emile Stier, of the Red Cross. dwelt upon the great work of that society, which is ably represented in Algiers, and his announcement that the New Orleans Chapter had just been placed on the honor roll met with hearty applause. Miss Nettle Hart spoke on "Food Conservation." A vocal selection, "Marseillaise," was rendered in a beautiful voice by Miss Georgina Hebert, accompa nied by Prof. F. Hebert. Selections were rendered during the evening by the orchestra of Mc Donogh No. 4 school, under the di rection of Miss L. Averill. The Boy Scouts of Troop 32 were on duty at the hall and acquitted themselves creditably. BUILDINGS DESTROYED BY FIRE Fire destroyed one building and damaged another at 2:20 o'clock Friday morning, causing loss to the extent of $1,150, with little insur ance. The building 1333-35 Nunez street, owned and occupied by Annie Washington. who was not at home. was completely destroyed, together with the contents, while the house at 1337 Nunez street an dits con tents blonging to Joseph White. were damaged $350. A fire alarm box was broken open with a brick by some unknown party who gave the alarm. A telephone call also was sent to Crockett fire company at Gretna and the auto-hose wagon responded. CAPTAIN OF VESSEL RE ARRESTED. Captain Adolph Hulst, interned for the war at Algiers, master of the German freighter Hohenseldt that was interned at Savannah, was re-arrested in New Orleang Saturday morning on instructions from Wash ington. Department of justice of ficials would give no explanation of what was back of the order for Hulst's re-arrest. It was Hulat who testified after his first arrest in Savannah that he had received official orders to destroy the machinery of his vessel. He was then sent to the Internment camp at Algiers. His wife had come to New Orleans, and was seriously ill in a boarding house on Camp street near Julia. Hulst had been parolled to attend her, and was out on an extension of parole when his re-arrest was ordered. FINED FIVE DOLLARS. Recorder Goff imposed fines of $5 or thirty days on C. J. Harper, Jul ius Spitzfaden and Oscar Spitzfaden, Friday after a trial on charges of disturbing the peace and reviling the police. They were arrested by Corporal Hoffman and Patrolman Fisse at 2:30 Friday morninb. 1ne accused paid their fines. James Leddy, who is an engineer on a gov ernment boat, was arrested at the same time, but did not appear in court. W'ATCH OUR ENEMIES. To the Herald, 500 Verret St.: It has come to the notice of of ficials that many people fail to 're port suspicious and disloyal acts or manifestations of sympathy for the enemy, because of uncertainty as to the proper official to approach. It is very important that the Gov ernment should have the assistance of all citizens in detecting enemy propaganda or suspicious activities of individuals, and you will do a service in notifying all people that any communication addressed to "Inteiligence Officer, Headquarters Southwestern Department, Charles ton, 8. C.," will receive attention and be transmitted to the proper of ficial of the Government for inves tigation. The names of informants will not be divulged and there need be no fear, on the part of anybody, of getting into trouble in case sus picion prove to be unfounded. Informants should indicate the na ture and source of their Informat ion, as well as the time and place. niversary of the birthday of Mrs. MoDuff. Miss Anna Vanderlinden is spend ing a while in Port Arthur, Texas, with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Wallace. The Junior Euchre Club met at the home of Miss Florence Richards in Delaronde St. The successful players were Misses Rita Yuratich and Evelyn Corbett. Miss Florence Borne received the consolation. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Evelyn Corbett. Mrs. Chas. Casanova and baby of B(dboa, Panama, are spending a while here. Mr. Robert Dill of Erie, Penn., left for home last Monday, after vis tintg his two nelces, Mrs. Jas. Me intoeh and Mrs. Walter Weidman. SMrs. J. L. Collina, wife of Colonel 3. L. Collns, U. 8. A., who is r _tag e General Pershing's starff in Panes, and her littlte se, J. L. Col he, II, are vlting Mrs. 3 . . Col .9v. W. . Slseh was elected --rh tes tf the Univermty eof Alese) at he a, m. Help Pave the Way ...... L OA N VO'A ------ Of-- IFT Sr -· EggY fCL ::.:·o; ·Si or:: o: .9- mm EiJOYABLE DAT A most enjoyable truck ride was given to Camp Ford last Sunday by a jolly crowd of young folks. The day was a most delightful one; games were played and a dainty lunch served. The crowd ar rived home tired, but happy. Later on. they accompanied Messrs. Archie Chestnut and Charles Morse to the depot on their departure for Morgan City. The crowd was chaperoned by Mrs. M. Heindel and Mrs. V. Bour dette . Those present were: Misses Katie Chestnut, Katie Grundmeyer. Katie Wolverton. Dora and Christine Es singer, Mary and Eugene Mine. Lu cille and Odette De Rocha. Stella Weidman. Carrie Pope.. Emma Grimes. Norita Fernandez. lone Hoke. Emma Webb and Nellie Kest ler; Messrs. Wm. Rice, Dewey Law rence, Edward Usey, BenJ. Malain. John Waiters. Eustace Voegtlin. Jos. Blum, Bernie McCabe, Thos. -Mine. Aug. Hoffman, Jos. Vincent. Jas. Coney, Jas. Cola, Archie Chest nut, Chas. Morse of Morgan City, Wm. Kanawshki of New York, Mat thew Heindel, Geo. Heindel and En sign Fred Bloescher of New Jersey. Confessions of a German Deserter The Pillaging and " Ravaging of Belgium is told in detail by one who participated-a Prussian officer whose conscience revolted at the atrocities, causing him to desert. The author-a young German was an engineer with Von Kluck's army when it crossed the Belgian fronlier on the mad rush to reach Paris. He participated in the en tire campaign until the battle of Mons, in which he was wounded and sent to a hospital from which he escaped over the Dutch fron tier, finally reaching America. He is in the United States now, regis tered as an alien enemy, and has i written his experiences for our readers. This Authentic, Vivid Story of German Militarism and "Kultur " as It Really Is can be read in THIS NEWSPAPER Doe't Fail to Read It S- rl'T meaYIN IN n. il - -W. GAYL CITI PUDLICITI Mayor Behrman's Address at Cincin nati Declared Helpful to Orleans. New Orleans gained widespread publicity through the address of Mayor Behrman at the National For eign Trade Convention in Cincinnati, according to Walter Parker of the Association of Commerce on his re turn Monday. Speaking of New Or leans foreign trade development as "an example," the mayor was the only speaker allowed to discuss local advantages. Following his speech the mayor was invited to speak at six other places and to be guest of honor at several banquets. CHEAP ONIONS. The Algiers people will be given a nopportunity next Tuesday morn ing to buy their winter supply of onions very cheaply as they will be soll from a box car on Tuesday morning at the head of Alix St. The price to all will *be 2 1-2 cents a pound. OLD CIII[IN ASSES AWAY Wednesday morning, about eight thirty, one of our oldest residents. Saul Sease, passed away, after spend ing many useful years in the vicinity of New Orleans. Mr. Sease was born in 1829, on March 14, in Allegheny county. Maryland, and, in his early youth, he moved to Indiana, where he lived near New Albany, Ind. Having followed the steamboat carpenter bus iness, he came to New Orleans in 1859 and in later years he became conspic uous for the fact that he was one or the few surviving crew of the famous old steamboats. Robt E. Lee, Nat chez, Katie, and others, upon which he served as carpenter. Mr. Sease will also be remembered as having been foreman for many years of the old Woods Dry Dock, and among the older workmen in town, perhaps he is one of the best known foreman or bosses as hundreds resid ing here learned their trade under Uncle Saul, as he was called. He was always recognized as being a glutton for work, and it was often said of him that where it required two or three men to move timber, Uncle Saul would pick it up himself and carry it to where it was wanted. Mr. Sease was married to Miss Emasetta Lamb, who preceded him to the grave a few years ago. The only survivors are two grand-children, Mrs. C. V. Kraft and H. Lee Sease and three great grand-children, Dor othy and Carlotta Kraft, and Helen Sease. The funeral will take place from his late residence, 503 Olivier street, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. In terment will be in Greenwood Ceme tery. THE BLUE JACKETS TERPSI ('HOREAN CLUB. The Blue Jackets Terpsichorean Club will give their dance as usual this Saturday evening at 8 P. M. They hope to see all the young ladies who usually attend these dances. LIGHTLESS NIGHT ORDER SUSPENDED. "Washington, D. C., April 22. "O'Kelly, Fuel Administrator, New Orleans:-At the urgent re quest of the Liberty Loan commit tee. Dr. Garfield has decided to sus pend operation of lightless night or der beginning next Thursday night. On account of late hour of lighting brought about by daylight saving bill, order will remain suspended un til Sept. 1. when it will again be come effective. (Signed) FUEL ADMINISTRATION, NOYES. ENJOYABLE SMOKER. Members of Elmira Lodge No. 206 International Brotherhood of Boiler makers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, enjoyed a smok er at Renecky's hall, Saturday night. GoMl handle umbrellas were present ed by the lodge to W. H. Todd, of the Machinists, and J. J. LeBlanc, of the Boilermakers, who served on the arbitration board. EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY. Mr. Artie Cummiskey celebrated the eighteenth anniversary of his birth last week at the home of his parents. 524 Seguin St. The even Ing was most enjoyably spent and refreshments were served. The large birthday cake, a gift from his mother, was cut by Miss Hattie Fas terling. Those present were, Misses Edna Cnmmiskey, Nellie Donnely, Hattie Fasterling, Hazel Gibb, Louise Aik man, Christiana Zwicke, Evelina Ellis, Stella Zatarain, Glessnes Shirk, Hay Hauer, Mildred Hilde brand, Phyllis Coyne, Eleanore Mit chell, Helen Jones, Loulse Donnelly, Margaret Spahr, Isabelle Russell, Wilhelmina Dellam, Messrs. Jos. EI lies, Chas. and Leon Legendre, Man rice Robichaux, John Fastering, Ed die Dallam. Thomas 8parr, Thos. Heron, Frank Samuels, Claude Hauer, Xavier Ellis, John Donnelly, Martin and Robert Cummiskey, Mr. sad Mrs. Jno. Klelin, Mr. Paleonia, JMr. Gets, Mr. sad Mrs. Dellam, Mr. sad Mrs. W. Bllis. The Conf gn of a Ger a " Deserter Wrilten by a Prussian Officerý Who Participated in the Ravag-". 4 ing and Pillaging of Belgium .. b,,' br a,*it , i', Aru , CHAPTER I. I am a German soldier. Naturally at the time when the war started we did not know that there would be such a war as is being waged today. Daily we soldiers were told that France and Russia wanted to attack us and that the kaiser was doing ev erything possible for our protection. Already on July 20 we were armed to the teeth and prepared to march away. During these preparations, which showed us all that war had to come, 18 men of my company deserted. The government published, during this time, bulletins almost hourly to prepare the people for the war, a subterfuge that succeeded perfectly. Consequently two days before war was declared, the people were overwhelm ingly for war, but they were certain that it was only to be between Ger many and France. Of the intervention of Belgium, Russia, England and Italy. the coun try had as little thought as it did of any participation of the United States. All thought only of the promenade to Paris, which, to the disappointment of the people, and also, surely to the disappointment of the autocracy, has been longer drawn out than had been wished for. In these days of uncertainty the soldiers, contrary to the cruel treat ment which they had experienced be fore, were treated liberally with great quantities of supplies, delicacies and beer, so that most of the soldiers were so drunk continuously that they were unable to realize the seriousness of the situation. And yet the majority of the sol diers could not be enthused over the war. They cheered and were enthu siastic because they knew it was the orders. On July 81, 1914, one day be fore the declaration of war, we left, after being brought to war strength, for ou ar lssi at Mans-am-Rheine. Where the enemy toward which we were to point our bayonets was we had not the slightest idea. AU we did know was that we had to be trans ported somewhere to protect the boee der. There were stirring times as we started out. Tens of thousands of people threw flowers at us and all wanted to shake hands. All-even soldiers--cried Many embraced their wives or young brides. The bands played farewell songs and people Ihughed and cried all at the same time. Strangers embraced and kissed each other. "A veritable witch's holi day" of emotion was loosened and en gaulfed the populace like a storm. No one, not even the strongest, could re sist its powers. Yet even this was surpassed by the leave-taking at the depot, where last farewells had to be said. This scene will never leave me I How desperately many women clung to their men i Many had to be forcibly removed. But this was at last done and then we were placed in cattle cars. Night came and we had no lights. The train went slowly toward the Rhine. It went smoothly enough. Our company, which had had days of great excite ment, welcomed the rest that the jour ney afforded. Most of the soldiers slept with their knapsacks as pillows. Others looked dreamily into the fu ture. Still othersesecretly pulled pic tures from their breastpockets and only a very few killed time by discussion and comment on their possible desti nation. "Where are we going?" Yes, where? No one knew. Then after endless hours, the train stopped. We were in Duren. What were we there for? We did not know. The omcers only shrugged their shoulders at our questions. After a brief pause we went ahead. On the evening of August 1 we reached a farmyard near Duren. Our company was billeted in a barn. No one knew what we had to do. Ignorant of the purpose of our being sent so near the Belgian border we laid down on our beds of straw. Something had to happen soon to rescue us from this un certainty. How few susmpected that would be the last night for many of us on Ger man ground. An alarm took as from our beds at 8 a. m. The company gathered and the captain demonstrat ed the war situation. As to the direc tion of the march he himself was i norant Scarcely half an hour later 50 big tracks drove up and stopped on the road before our quarters. The driv ers also were ignorant and waited for orders. Discussion of our destination started afresh. The orderlies who had been keeping their ears open said we would enter Belgium that day. Others contradicted them, no one knew for certainty. But the order to march did not come and in the evenlig we went back to our straw. But the rest was TO GO TO ITALY. ML. Arthur Vanderllnden, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vanderlinden, is now at Camp Beauregard, with Dr. J. A. Dana's Hospital nalt in train lag, preparatory to leaving for Maly. short. At 1 a. ml. we were again aroused and honored by a speech from our captain. He said we were at war with Belgium. He told us to show Ourselves brave, deserve the iron cross and bring honor to Germany. Then he continued: "We only make war against the armed force, the Belgian army. Life and prioperty of civilians are protected under International law. Yet you sol diers must not forget to keep your lives for the fatherland or sell them as Honored by a Speech From Our Cap. tain. dearly as possible. Uenncessary she ding of blood we will prohibit to the eltlian population. Yet I ask you to' consider that too much consideration borders on cowardice and that wll be punished very severely." After this speech of our captain we were loaded on our autos and at 4 a. m. crossed the border into Belgium. In order to make this a historical oc casion we were ordered to give three cheers. On the speedy autos we reached our goal at 10 a. m. It was a beautiful little rural village. Inhabi tants of the villages we had passed looked at us in astonishment, so that we all got the impression that these country people never knew why we came to Belgium. They were fright ened out of their sleep and looked out at us from their windows. As we halted and left our autos, the farmers came out and offered us cof fee, bread, meat, etc. We were still without a field kitchen, so that we en joyed the enemy's offerings more so since those of the better class of vil lagers refused any pay. They told us the Belgian soldiers had departed to some unknown destination. After a short rest we marched on. The autos returned. Hardly had we marched an hour when we were over taken by cavalry, dragoons and bus sars, who reported that the Germans were marching all over the nelghbor hood on all roads. Right behind came the bicycle corps. This was comforting. We no longer felt alone, Isolated in a strange coun try. Another Bicycle division over took us and passed on. Angry words were now uttered by members of our company. The others could ride but we had to walk. What we had always taken for granted suddenly became great injustice. If it did no good our grumbling at least *as a diversion from the weight of our packs. The heat was oppressive. The sweet came from all pores. The new and stiff leather trappings rubbed as sore, especially upon our hips. It was a re Ilef at 2 p. m. to halt at an abandoned farm and rest on the grass. We might have laln down about ten mln utes when suddenly we heard firing. We jumped up like lightning and hur ried to our guns. The firing which was about three kilometers away mgrew more Ilvely. At once we were on the march again. From the expressions on the faces of the soldiers we could read the minds of the men. Something took posses sion of them which they had never ex perienced before. As for myself I became very restless. Fright apd curi osity lashed my brain. Everything whirled around in my head and my heart was beating wildly. But I strove to conceal my fright from my com rades. I am sure that I tried energeti cally. I don't know that I succeeded better than my companions. Although I knew we would be in the fight in an hour, I tried to per suade myself that our interference would not be necessary. I clung tight (Continued on page 3) "Talk is cheap," said .Inceo "foh de manufacturer. But It expensive foh de man dat valuMbe tlme Usel'" to