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ay smore for Ferriage than a tax.THE HEIBALDw e th eUmbudlln M the Wee* Side f the River. "A very live and creditable weekly aewpaper."-MANUFACTURERS RECORD. UNITED STATES XXVI. NEW ORLEANS L.UISIANA, THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1918. No 5. ?ERSONALS x$g OTHERWISE g- . Hildebrand and daughters Bailey .. d Miss Viola have returned to their Slor.ston, alter visiting rela sids Huckins, the talented aghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. has been appointed plan ia Summer Normal School. wleed a great honor for Miss although it is but a just rec ot her ability as a musician. George Bengert enjoyed a leave of absence this week. C. A. Borden has returned pp""s where she spent sever with her daughter, Mts. Ed Mrs. Borden's friends are to welcome her back and aM that she has again taken residence in our town, resid ier pid home in Vallette St. Dehrman was a visitor to -, m this week. Spitzfaden. who was op Sat Hotel 1)ieu, is home and Ages Cabibi returned from Miss., after spending a few a the guest of Mr. S. Cabibl. sarvel Stumpf spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Geo -iwis Munsterman returned elsr a week's stay at Moss smads Zwicke returned to uaregard Sunday after spend ,ty.eight hour furlough with Ss4 1nlk of Dayton. Ohio, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bargau and daughter Lil g her sister Mrs. C. E. f Birmifdgham, Ala. W. Geldert has returned to after spending awhile Mrs. J. J. Vanderlin Aialth returned from Lock night. G. Smith is at Tallulah, interest of Internal Rev annle nd Agnes George of Is., spent a week with Mrs. I. Vallette who has success the examination of ma has accepted a position t on the government Orlesas, at Burrwood, I .. Kerlin of Ponchatoula. *a tor days with his mother to Vallette t. the bright little daugh M rs. W. R. Lilly of seseied a Srat .honor al adesat oear mia Croes worArt B . T, Younger and asmlseiag at Bay St. ; laerer gad daughter y for Lafayette, La. -.murl months with Mr. Kaights and Ladies of No. 30, will hold their 1 tonight at Mechanics of the convention held read. All members are Zed (hoss branch re the ladies meet at the Clmabus HRal to assist "a Eugene Thlgpen have of their many friends in their baby girl whose 1 last week at their Mrs. Thigpen was 1 Odle Borne. Bais was graduated from Normal school last McGarry and Plor Web graduated from the Wigh school Thurday spent Sunday in Cognerich returned to Malira La., after spend . l Mrs. J. Heindel and Twvele EZuhre Club met eo Miss Joe White. The players were Misses Rit Sfor her sister Es in Abritat. The eonso- I *o the lot of Miss Ruth Club met at the homre Aeker. The suceeestfulI MVr. . A. Garland, Mis The consolatlon fell to Mu. W. Lampton. Thea will be held at the home 1 fdsds at Mrs. W. Chan treet mare sglad to know trom the Touom lnirmary t after undergoing an t thrnily returned from S after spending arrived from Beau' . * la his wife and baby here. Manls8 of MIss Leona to see her out again an operation. received a tel-i r son Dewey stating ' stfe from Prance and a of Miss Mildred -ad to know she is an illness of some day was spent t lawer coast by Mr. , Mrs. C. Russ and Miss Loulse l of 'Ir. and 1 SP. Russo motoredt the shoe Retail. I enjoyable day. K who enlisted ben deelarel has SS-haer on the eaLt le. oft Abita v. Chris Kned-I othe loas Luth a few days hereo to Hlebr., N.4I 4*d rith heaw ARCHBISHOI iLDSSES FLAG OF 255 STARS Greeted by the cheers of 2000 or more persons, a service flag contain ing 254 blue and one silver stars was raised at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, at 7 o'clock Monday evening. Archbishop Shaw blessed, the flag and made an address, while Mayor Behrman acted as master of ceremonies. The event was one of the most elab orate ever held in the Fifth District and the church grounds formed an impressive setting. Music was pro vided by the United States naval sta tion band and there were present many men of the army and navy. The ceremonies opened with an ad dress by the Very Rev. Father T. J. Larkin, S. M., rector of the church. who called upon Mayor Behrman to preside as chairman. The mayor praised the pepple of Algiers for their many evidences of patriotism, point ing to the handsome results of the Red Cross, Liberty Loan and other drives. "But," said the mayor, "no greater evidence of patriotism can be shown than is represented by this service flag with its 255 stars, showing what the C'atholic fathers and mothers of Algiers have done in giving their boys to Uncle Sam in his tight against kalserism." Very Rev. Jules B. Jeanmard, vicar general of the diocese, delivered the invocation. "America" was sung by the entire assemblage. including the school children and Knights of Col umbus. The latter attended in a body. Blessing of the flag by Archbishop Shaw followed, after which the arch bishop made an address. "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean" was sung by the audience and an ad dress by Hon. Ed. Rightor brought the ceremonies to a close. The flag was then carried from its place on the balcony of the rectory, where it was guarded by men of the army and navy, to the flagpole and raised by Harriet J. Muntz, the 7-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Muntz. The silver star on the flag is in hon. or of Charles Rupp, son of Peter Rupp of McDonoghville. who died in New York several weeks ago while en route to France. Following the ceremonies, the mem bers of the Naval Station band and other soldiers and sailors who attend ed the event were guests of the con gregation in St. Mary's hall, where re freshments were served by the mem bers of the Red Cross. The arrangement of the stars is un ique, forming the insignia of the church. Mr. Peter Muntz deserves much credit for his work In connection with the service flag. He worked earnest ly for the cause and should feel proud of the success of the affair. WILL HELP YOU HERE. The War Department desires photographs, drawings, and descrip tions of bridges, buildings, towns, and localities now occupied by the German forces in France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, sld likewise in that part of Germany lying west of the line running north and south through Hamburg. At the request of the War Depart ment, the Council of National De fense asks you, to secure all possible material of- this character. A large quantity of material is desired and 1 may be sent without sorting or with- t out any attempt -to avoid duplica tion. It will not be practicable to return the material to the contri butors. t All such material should be sent I by parcel post or express to: Colonel A." B. Coxe, 1156-15th Street, Washington, D. C. t USEC OF SERVICE STAR8 EXPLAINED. How should a servic6 flag be marked forone who has "passed on" while in the service of the counary? Numerous inquiries about this matter made to a local flag dealer caused her to write to a large ser vice flag house in Chicago asking for the correct rules. She received the following reply: "In reference to the information regarding service flags, these flags were originally made with only blue stars, Indicating one of a family or firm fighting for the cause of de mocracy. "A white star on the red border or a white star covering the blue star, just showing the edge of the blue, indicates death while in the service. "The is also used in this manner but is used more strictly by the people to indicate an officer in the service. A silver star 'on the red border is ' supposed to indicate one who has been injured or dis abled. The red cross indicates one in the service with the Red Cross and similarly, a Y. M. C. A. WOMAN HURT IN RUSH FOR 8TREET CAR SEATS, Mrs. C. Bialas, of McDonoghville, formerly of Slidell Ave., was the victim of a peculiar accident during a rush for seats in a Spanish Port train Sunday night. A woman ahead of Mrs. Bialas, whose name was not learned, acci dentally kicked Mrs. Blais in the stomach as she scrambled to mount to the platform of the car. The in Jured woman was rendered uncon blous for a time. A Charity Hos bltal ambulance met the Spanish Pert train at South Rampart stree and took Mrs. Bialas to that insti tution, where it was found that she had sustained a severe contusion and nervouns shock. Her condition was reported as not serious. PWPrr THInvBn. Thieves were busy again last week in ouear town. The store of Mrs. . Goebei. neraer of Lix and Ver et sttets, was broke inato ta a sg re tte ad s a seo weith S7.45 stoi. e h sae mf aUba rlss, ermer et AfMi ad Ue.ety streets, -e al lg into en robbed St BUY EARLY IN THE DAT In compliance with the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the Retail Grocers Association, the re tall groceries of our town have de cided to close their places of busi ness at 7 p. m., instead of 8 p. m., as heretofore. This is in accordance with the government's request to eliminate the neceslity 'for Itsing lights as much as possible. Everyone is alive to the fact that each little act counts in the great matter of win ning the war and no one should re fuse to co-operate with the grocers in this effort. Therefore let each person decide to visit the grocery before 7 p. m. and also to arrange to have their orders sent in early in the day, so that the retailers and their clerks can have an extra hour of daylight free from business cares. ('LASS '15 MEETS AGAIN AT ESPLANADE SCHOOL. The class of June. 1915, held their third annual reunion at Espla nade Avenue Girls' High School Sat urday. A large per cent of the class and many of the high school faculty were there. An impromptu program was enjoyed. Miss Mary Harvey was mistrtss of ceremonies. A paper on "Do You Remember?" composed by Mildred 'Morse, was thoroughly enjoyed. All joined in the singing of the class song. After enjoying refreshments, the reunion closed with the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner." RETAIL G R(O'ERS AGREE Tn ('IA)SE STO()RES AT 7 All retail groceries in New Or leans will close at 7 p. m. That this move would be taken was the unanimous decision of the members of the Retail Grocers' As sociation at a meeting of the organi zation Wednesday night. HI'CKINS EXTENDING BUSINESS. Mr. J. E. Huckins, our well known wall paper man and decorator, is branching out in his business to in clude bigger things and in keeping with war times Seeing the possibilities ahead of him on this side of the river for such work as painting and scaling of large steamships and sailing ves sels, Mr. Hucklns has entered into this business with a vim that has al ready secured him several contracts. Although this work may be % lit tle new to Mr. Huckins it was shown a few days ago that the first con tract of this kind was finished by him in less than the time re quired and the despatch with whic? he completed this work resulted In praise from the ship owners for the very satisfactory manner in which the work was executed. Mr. Huckins already has in his employ a score of men who are ready to go to work in an hours notice. GIRL SCOUTS NEWS. Magnolia Troop No. 1 will hold their regular meeting at Masonic Hall Saturday evening from 5 to 7 o'clock. Anyone desiring to become a memberfl can do so by coming out between those hours. All members are urged to attend the meeting. The scouts are glad to see Miss Mildred Thorning is off the sick list; but, are sorry to Iearn that their captain Miss Loraine Stecklin is sick. The Scouts have been having so many visitors that it interferes with their drilling and other work. They have decided to set aside a special day for visitors and hope that they remember this. The girls' parents are welcome to visit them at any time, however. INIVESTIGATION BY FEDERAL AUTHORITIE8. Patrolman 'Ben DeRocha of the lower coast arrested an Austrian Tuesday forenoon and lodged him in jail on a charge of dangerous and suspicious. Recorder Goff commit eed the accused to the parish prison p nding investigation by the federal athorities. The prisoner was un able to give his name to the police and an interpreter was obtained. [J[ .Work or Fight . j[J ,e. ...I.. *.. *i. *. 4Z ::~i...Yr.. *.·A·.: * i:'. *......*. - ~~.~*;':=;: ·~~.2..:.. ·- .. ?~tA1 BEHIMIAN TO FRISCO AS AD CLUB GUEST That Mayor Behrman will go to the San Francisco convention in July as the guest of the New Orlean. delegratiot was announced Friday by the committee which is handling the campaign of New Orleans for the ad club convention in 1919. The invitation was extended to the mayor following the close of the convention fund campaign, and con stitutes a partial recognition of his work as chairman of the money raising committee. The main rea son, however, for the invitation lies in a general belief his presence on the ground will aid materially in getting New Orleans the convention. IHTC'HERIS SEEK CIA)SING OF ALL 3L1ItIITS SUNDAYS. All markets will be closed on Sun day if a movement begun by the Butchers' Protective and Social Un ion is successful. This will be done through legis lative enactment, amending the Sun day law to include all public and private markets, according to offi cial advice from that organization to the Retail Grocers' Association., Wed nesday night, asking the official en dorsement of the latter. 0 was given unanimously. The matter is to be put before the legislature at the August session, it was stated. C('UT WEEDS OR PAY FINE, IS EDICT TO ORLEANIANS. Property owners in New Orleans must cut the weeds on their prem ises or face the penalties provided by city ordinances on the point Commissioner Lafaye said Saturday morning. Next week the forces of the pub lic property department will begin surveying the weed situation. Those not heeding the warning are going to be hailed before the recorders. Maximum penalties are a fine of $25 or a jail sentence of 30 days. It is up to property owners and occupants to slay the weeds and grass not only on private premises, but in that part of the street parking front ing on the lots. TO FRANCE AS TRAINED NURSE. Mrs. Kate Lamor of McDonogr ville will leave for France this month with the Base Hospital, and will be the only trained nurse from Algiers taking this position. Headquarters stated that not only trained nurses are accepted in this Base Hospital Unit but practical nurses who have not had a training in this line but who are able to nurse are also ac cepted. Mrs. Lamor is a sister of Penrose Radovich of our town. TOWN IN DARKNESS. Our town felt the effects of the explosion at the Market street power house of the New Orleans Railway and Light Company, Monday even ing, the lighting systems being out of commission and the street car ser vlc. being tied up for more than twelve hours. Regular schedules on the car lines were resumed at 8:45 Tuesday morAng. ALLEGEb YOCTHFI BURGLARS Captain George Bengert, Corporal George L. Hoffman and Patrolman Jules J. Fisse rounded up a gang of alleged youthful burglars Friday night. Arthur White, 17 years old. of 523 ElmIra avenue, and four juve niles, were taken in custody and, ac cording to the policL, made a com plete confession of their guilt in connection with the theft of tobacco and other articles from the establish ments of Anthony Cardona, Mrs. M. Goebel and Thomas Norman. White Is held for action in the criminal courts, while his companions were sent to the Waifs' Home. There have been half a dozen similar burg laries In Algiers during the past few weeks and the police believe that they have broken up the practice for the present at last. ABUSIVE 10 U.S. GUARDS C'harged with being drunk and dik turbing the peace and with having become abusive to United Statt"s Naval guard detailed on the ship. Isidore Osorio. Guatave .azie and Manuel Ebia. Mexican sailors of the steamship Jelisco. were arrested early Thursday. They are being held pending investigation by federal agents. W(MtItMIEN (IR('I'E IN JOINT MEMORIAL.L EERVI('E. Joint memorial services were held by the nineteen groves of the Wood men Circle in New Orleans, repre senting a membership of over 5,00,', at the Woodmen of the World hall in St. ('harles street Sunday night, in honor of twelve members who died during the past year. Supreme Representative, Mrs. Em ma Short was a member of the Me morial committee. The members from Orange Grove in whose memory the services were held were Mrs. L. Casanova, Inspec tor Jas. W. Reynolds and Mrs. :1. M oiore. THE ILE .IJA('CKET TERPSI C(HOIEAN (LUB. The Blue Jacket's will entertain at the Avenue Dancing Academy on Friday. June "lst. Detroit's band will be in attendance. ENJOYABLE I)AY. On last Saturday, a most enjoy able day was spent at the Bonner Home by a number or young folks. former pupils of Miss Amy Hin richs. The jolly crowd met at the home of the Misses Barrett and there boarded a truck for the Lower Coast. They enjoyed the day im mensely. Those present were: Misses Amy Hlnrichs, Helen, Imo gen. and Viola Barrett. Doris Drumm. * Cora Shields. Dorothy Kraft. Nellie O'Donnell, Nellie Honi ball, Sarah and Leah Davis, Hel ena Ehlers, Roberta 4-afkesbring. Yvonne Fernandez, Claire Wilson. Georgiana Reaney, Hilda Koelmel. and B. Cassidy, Mrs. Jno. A. Bar rett and Clarence Hinrichs. CARL CONRAD, ATTORNEY. Another of our boys has made good with a fair start in life. Mr. Carl A. Conrad, a recent graduate of Loyola University (Lail Depart ment) begils the practice of his pro fession at times when he is not en gaged with his present position in the Quartermaster's Depot. Mr. Conrad has been a resident of Al glers for the past ten years. He attended McDonogh No. 4 school and was a graduate of the boys high school. He graduated from Loyola as a lawyer on May 30. He has opened his office at 229 Lavergne St. His many friends wish him much success. MISS BOWERS HONORED. Miss Mae Casey entertained at a miscellaneous shower Thursday night ino honor of Miss Anita 'Bowers. The parlors were beautifullt deco rated with cut flowers and the chan dflicrs were draped with asparagus ferns and tiny American flags. Mips Bowers received many beau fuil gifts. which were showered upon her from an Hmerican flag. The evening was most enjoyably spent. Miss Casey rendered several vocal selections accompanied by Miss Camille 8pahr. Dainty re freshments were served. Those present were: Misses Anita Langforde Dot Labit, Camille and lMadeline Spahr, Alma Qulnn. Letetia Desonia, Marcle Johnson, Mae Casey, Olivia and Mae Bowers. Helen Jones, Corinne Biagglni, Mrs. T. Morrlson, Little Lea and Loretta Casey, Row land and 1orman James, Mrs. E. L. Casey and babies. Iris and Fay, Mrs. J. I. Casey. R. E. Cruise, J. S. Cazan bon, and N. J. Casey. I t New Manhood Registers For Service With Uncle Sam 110 Young Men of Algiers Who Reach 21 Years of Age Since Last Draft; 74 White and 36 Colored LOCAL MEN HELP REGISTRATION. BOARD June 5th., will long be remember ed by our young men who had dur ing the year reached their majority, for the fact that they not only as sumed their own responsibility in this world, but they offered them selves to the United States as select men to help fight this war, to its successful conclusion. This will take from us 110 young men, 74 of whom are white and 36 colored. Their places will soon have to be filled either by women or older men not of draft age. The board at the court house was in charge of Jno. Moynagh and Mark Ameudo, assisted by J. E. Huckins. Frank Killeen, Remy Charles, and C. E. Lee Dung. The board at the Gen eral Mayer school was in charge of August Gaspard Thomas Fox, assist ed by J. U. Lewis, George Babin. Theo. O. Hotard, Felix J. Borne, Jr., and Joe Simon. Willie Ward Busy. Mr. Wm. H. Ward, one of the members of our local board was busy during the day between the two reg istration booths, giving assistance and taking a genuine fatherly inter est in the boys who came to sign up. Our New Soldiers. The following is a list of our boys who registered: Registered at Court House. William Morris Spencer, 170 Del aronde St. Irvin Charles Briel, 546 Verret St. Salvador Provenzano, 530 Elmira Ave. Jules Louis Lusignan, 627 Atlan tic Ave. Royal John Strassel, 217 Atlantic Ave. Abel Trahan, 1003 Pelican Ave. Ernest Leathem, 91. Bellville. John J. Braai, Jr., 1021 Pacific Ave. Joseph John Wingerter, 601 Bell ville St. Earl Herbert Williams, 223 Bell ville St. Emile Zatarain, 513 Seguin St. Joseph George Strasser, 917 Nu nez St. Rene Joseph Breaux, 631 81idell Ave. Henry Alvin Graham. 926 Vallette. Earl Jacob Booth. 214 Delaronde. George McKinley SBrey, 425 El mira Ave. Alvin Irvin Verdoodt, 925 Bell ville St. Claude Calllout. 154 Alix St. William Edward Hogan, 917 Pa cific Ave. George Watts Hymes. 336 Opelou sas Ave. John Aloysious Stassi, 418 Pelican Ave. Henry Philip Senner. 338 Elmira Ave. John Edward Coyne, 622 Pacific Ave. Prederick Charles Dubret. 739 El mira St. Wallace Joseph Zeringue. 507 Pa cific Ave. Slcer Leon Phillips, 718 Bell ville St. Joseph Touraillion .Hogan, 239 Pellean Ave. Herbert Joseph Buras, 1226 Ver ret At. Henry John Umhaeh, 220 Verret St. Milton David Marcour, 481 Ope lousas Ave. Ellie Robert LeBlanc, 309 Atlan tic Ave. Martin Digiovanni, 112 Lavergne St. Peter John Folse, 543 Olivier St. Arthur Charles Soulant, 329 Eliza St. Selden Ed. Talbot, 229 Pelican Ave. James Gibbons Lange, 213 Pacific Ave. Nobert Frederick Helder, 815 Bellville St. R. E. Owens, 224 Bermuda St. Frank Joseph Calderone, 1200 Teche St. Edwin Leslie Munsterman, 521 Slidell Ave. Edward Henry Luft, 527 Seguin St. Andrew Lee Bevan, 512 Bellville St. Fortune Bourgeois. 232 Leboeut St. Herbert Ftgarola. 404 Diana. Roy Aloysious McCloskey, 21V Alix St. Wilson Paul Levron, 407 Elmira Ave. Mark Charles Abbott, 316 Seguin William Robert Aones, 405 Ope lousas Ave. Raford O. Cason, Zephryhllls, Fla. Michael Kirby Barrett, 705 Peli can Ave. Elmer Wallace Wilson, 909 Ope lousas Ave. Manuel Puma (Alien), 934 Brook lyn Ave. John Bruce Barrett, 705 Pelican Ave. Thos. Ure Buchholz, 215 Vallette St. Charles Robert Corbett, Jr., 314 Pelican Ave. Guston Adolph Lyneker, 235 Mor gan St. Hastings Eubanks, 500 Powder St. Karl Leonhardt liofmann, 919 Nunez St. John Peter Pugo, 235 Atlantic Ave. John- Henry Connell, 401 Pacific Ave. Benjamin W. Borne, 621 Opelou sac Ave. Andre W. Green, 323 DeArmas. George Franklin Page, 823 Paci fic Ave. Edward Davis, 730 Elmira Ave. Governor Thompson. Farragut St. Samuel Charles Perkins, 1320 Nunez St. Ferdo Leonard, 246 IleBoeuf St. Charles Southall. 724 Elmira St. Robert Mitchell. 1207 Teche St. Roy Winand, 72S Uciver St. Willie Hayes, 310 Atlantic Ave. Mitchell Kelly. Jr., 1218 Brook lyn Ave. Harry Lewis. 1611 Terhe St. Leonard Johnson. It. F. D. No. 1, Cutoff-Road. Robert Harden. 1223 Brooklyn Ave. Henry Alexander. 1131 Teche St. Viliry Parker, 538 Powder St. Robert Thomas Brown, 724 El mira Ave. Oswald Jules Levy, 1123 Nuna St Thomas Simmons, 816 Elmira Av. Victor Lewis. Homer St., R. P. No. 1, between Odeom an Ave. Walter Jones, S07 (Com a