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THE HERALD.__ wss. *ev Io t0he Upblldig of the Wee Side of the River. "A very live and creditable weekly mewupeper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. UNITED STATES GOVRNMENT VOL. XXVI. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1918. No.7. PERSONALS u A ND OTHERWISE Ch as. Brown left Sunday eve gtgr spending a few days fur with his parents. ,M Tharsday Afternoon Five Hun C3lb met at the home of Mrs. ard last week The successful were Mrs. W. Dilzell, Mrs. C. and Mrs. A. Theard. As this the last meeting of the season member received an appropriate The club disbanded until 'l plans for the fourth of July celebration were arranged last at a meeting of the executive Among those on the com ai re Messrs. Philip Foto and A. -m. Robert E. O'Connor was a vis .- to Baton Rouge last week. phi Thrift Club was entertained by . T. Malone last week. The *.fsl players were Mrs. C. E. v and Mrs. C. V. Kraft. Mrs. . Malone received the consola 'm. The next meeting will be at h'Ibme of Mrs. tI: Lee Sease. -" John Chapter No. :3, O. E. S., their regular meeting Monday when it was decided to close for minaer months. I May Cognevich returned to her Ito Nalrn, Ja., after spending time with Miss Bessie Chauvain. S sand Mrs. Jno. lleindel leave ry for Milneburg to spend two and Mrs. F. Spotts, Mr. and ,amL Stenhouse and children and p. Cucich are spending a few at Milneburg, La. Ssaid Mirs. M. J. O'Shea of Oliv met, left Wednesday for Biloxi, a while. L.Ias Lois Walters and Eleanore hit last Thursday for Lafay nere Richards. O'Neil Barrett bBan were among those who igdig parts in the play "In the lke" at the commencement at the Jesuits High School. ~as Lois Walter and Eleanor are spending a while in La Swith Mr. and Mrs. C. Brous mim friends of Capt. Chas. se glad to know he is Im wtbr a spell of illness Mis. Thomas Entwistle from Savannah, Ga., isding their honeymoon Alio Ilnch of Morgan City, the week-end here last week, of her sister-in-law, Mrs. 4l ch. Shb will attend the a aesity. . S rey, of Atlantic Avenue, Iller for Birmingham to spend I1s there. Mey friends of Mrs. N. House Avenue are glad to know i prviag after a serious ill P,, & Toeeny of Camp Beaure 'gt a forty-eight hour fur hi lst week. i- Mrs. Octave La Costa of .Aese, have the sympathy = ny7 frieds in the loss of sea, whose death oc dgap friends of Mrs. C. A. et Paelfle Avenue, will knew.she is rapidly im a serious illness. Walter returned from eater spending some time aete. Mrs. C. Broussard. pealed by her little ey Broussard, who s.Ae time here with rela en's Union and Be seuauation has subscribed death of War Savings Mrs. Sidney Legarde of lit Sunday for St. Joseph speed a while with reln hy1 Ose and Edna and speaot a few days In Bi mStumgf left I Monday to spend a while with O. W. MeDuff, tr. Johland Tender Chas. %m St. Genevieve, Mo., tsr the Illinois South Coe. They will be ab er town for some time. Mury and daughter, their home in Houston a few days with her sone and dauLghter ad Mrs. M. E. Barry. C. Rueasell and chil ma t Mrs. Ray Harding the guests at a water shlm by Mr. and Mrs. iMtr home on the Low ST. J. Morrison last Short is spending Pit Town. and James Colomb Iea after spendt~ n their grandmother, le of Camp Besaurt here with hbl pa uehre Club met the Msees Abriat It senoessful players tt Tmratich and laf n tell to the Abribat. *bat is home enjoying Mtetrio' left last te the service of of Mis. Maer s~ ve my much to Metwistle has jut Ga, where ot the South of Mr. George * teew he Is oee home tn Sstal. an eper rhe orteh ou Smo turamid iROCEISS AMONG OUR HOST IAIRIOTIC -CITIZEHS Among the folk who are doing more than their share toward win ning the war are the retail grocers of this town. The demands of the government on the grocer's have been hard and exacting, but the gro cers have responded willingly and are making their sacrifices cheerful ly. With the distribution of the food supply of the nation such an impor tant matter, the retaan grocery busi ness is one of the most important branches of Uncle Sam's service, even though not officially recog nized. Besides observing the 7 o'clock closing order and the order restrict ing the sale of wheat flour and su gar, both of which orders have in terferred with the conduct of the grocery business, most of our gro cers have become agents for the sale of War Savings Stamps, thus giving much time, and consequently a great deal of energy to this work. ILast week we published a list of the grocers who are closing at 7 p. m. By next week we hope that every one who is not closing now will see the advantage of this movement to conserve fuel and light and join the rest who are doing so. RED CROSS PENNY PARTY. On last week a penny party for the benefit of the Red Cross was given at the home of Miss Ernestine Stockfleth in Verret St. The party was given by Misses Olivia Bowers, Gladys Meyers, Ernestine Stockfleth and Master Roland Briel. During the party, a very interesting program was rendered: Recitation-"Lov ing"-Lillian Olivier; Song-"Bring Back My Daddy to Me"-Rosie Wei ner; Song. "A Japanese Love Dream" -Irene Dorsey; Recitation, "When I was in the Ones"-Isabel McVers lin. The exercises were opened by a salute to the flog by little Misses Grace Stockfleth and Leanora Ber nardi. After the program, a yoke was disposed of and received by Master Duril Talbot, a sailor doll by Roland Briel, a Red Cross Nurse Doll by Theresa Jones and a large rag doll by Jean Pagon. The four little workers deserve great credit for the success of their undertaking, for they were able to give eleven dollars to Mayor Behr man for the Red Cross. " MISS STUMPF WINS GOLD MEDAL Miss sPye Stumpf received a gold medal at the Holy Cross Convent in a competitive test in stenography. Miss Stumpf's speed on the type writer and her shorthand work was the best in the class. Texas, where he goes to look after an accounting job for his firm. Master Clement Stalcup of Booth ville is spending awhile with his grindmothe, Mrs. C. A. Borden. Mrs. William Stalcup, who has been quite ill, is doing nicely. Mrs. C. A. Borden has returnpd from Boothville, La. .Mr. and Mrs. John Quinlan have taken up their residence at 623 Olivier Street, which house they purchased recently. The Eachre Club was entertained last week by Miss Sadle Garland. The successful players were Miss Mary Traub end Mrs. Hy. Acker, Mrs. J. A. Garland received the boqby Mrs. Garland will entertain at the next meeting. The Saturday Night Club met at the home of Mrs. LeLaup. The suc cessful players were Mrs. J. Gerretts and Miss C. Richards. Little Martha Ann Carey is at home again and is doing nicely. Mr. Prlank Leeourt and family left last week for Bay St. Louis, to spend the summer. Mr. Lecourt returned Saturday night, but will spend each week-end with his family. Miss Mary Sullivan of Memphis was entertained Thursday by Mrs. W. P. Salathe. Mrs. Emanuel Calderaro of Pat terson St., has announced the forth coming marriage of her daughter, Esther, to Joseph P. Maset. As Mr. Masset will join the colors at Camp Beauregard Thursday, no date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis of Pas cagoula, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Souque and daughter, Myrtle, and Mr. Ernest Dellucky were entertain ed at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Amuedo, and daughter, Verna and son, Royal. St. Margarets Daugathters held an Interesting moeting on the 20th. $100.00 War St.ap were taken. Miss Kennedy was present and made an interesting address. Captain and rs M. W. GOeidert are visiting their parets, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vanlidels, for a few days. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs H. Duchiea will regret to learn t their little dasuhter, Yvonne, Is - rloeuly il IUtte Hele bese fel while play ing Tmaeday and cut her helad verely. Dr. W. L Weaver attended. Mrs. R. C. 1avret and childrea ef Peatnte-iache are spending awhile here with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. eorie Mr. sad s. Udwi a Kehn have returned t their hense a Penten*r aehe, after spendn seeal days herm - Mis Vem BSerne sad Mi iier fo he-tae wish reltamse Pum , se - her "er ann w .a m s a igsmaates -m RELEASED JUWIUM* UI Right Wing Halted '3.. I )) _. . LIEUTlAAI IHIlltR One of our local boys in the ser vice of Uncle Sam, Michael E. Don ner. has again been promoted and is now commissioned a lieutenant in the army. Lieutenant Donner is to be congratulated on the advance ment he has made since joining the service, and we predict that it will not be long before we chronicle an other advancement for him. Keep up the good work. $1,700 OF ENEMY ALIEN MONEY LN LIBERTY BONDS. Through Col. John P. Mayo, Unit ed States immigration commission here, $1,700 of enemy alien money has been invested in liberty bonds. Col. Mayo has a number of aliens in his custody. Their money was deposited with him. When he pointed out that it could be made to earn interest by investment in the bonds three of the aliens promptly asked him to make the investment and he has now received the bonds for their account. SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF MUSIC. The graduating exercises of the Southern College of Music weresheld Tuesday night at the Tulane Thea tre at eight o'clock, where a large crowd of interested persons gathered to hear the beautiful selections ren dered by the graduating class. The class motto "Harmony of thought and sound," was well exemplified throughout the evening. The dif ferent artists were applauded, again and again, which testified to the pa tience and ability of the teachers of this great institution. Mrs. Schoenfeld is to be congratu lated on the excellent showing made Tuesday night. GRATIFYING REPORTS. War Savings Stamps workers are busy, and the reports so far received are gratifying, every effort being made to exceed the ward's quota in this drive. M. J. Rooney, ward man ager, and his lieutenants are honey combing the ward and the indica tions are that their efforts will suc eeed. The meetings sEheduled in the various precincts for Friday night will bring out everyone interested and no one will be overlooked in the final summary. LARGE SUM REALIZED. Love, Service and Sacrifice Thrift Club, Chapter 'No. 1, gave a most successful penny party at Electric Park, Monday, June 24th. The sum of $90j84 was realized which will go towards purchasing Thrift Stamps for the club. The honorary members of the Club are Mesdames J. J. Vanderlinden, J. W, Reynolds, W. Lilly, J. Hull, C. Cabinol and J. Hansen. The Club wishes to thank Mr. J. Foster for the use of the Electric Park and lights; also to Mr. Jne. Hull, C. Bareusse and W. Lilly for their kindness in helping to make the party a success. The club intends to give another party in the near future. SUVCC sFUL FREING TRIP. Messrs. A. J. Hull, L. ierra, 3, Hall, A. J. Schmidt, and Sam Os wald returned Monday night from a very successful fishing trip at Spahr's ltke The boys made one of the largest eatehoes of the seoon, landlrg ilght heads of spekeiod trout. Sam Oswald caught large me maid. 0mb wIl gste se 4 **s h wear asseen..s as ames IRADUOS MAD_ SAIG.AII Algiers is indeed proud of her po lice officers, who have been pro moted lately. It is only another S evidence that we produce the goods c on this side of the river. The lat est Algerine to be recognized for pro motion is Albert C. Prados, who has I been promoted from Corporal to a Sargeant to take effect July 1. Prados joined the police force sev eral years ago. He was soon pro- i moted from supernumerary patrol- I man to a regular patrolman and af ter several years of hard work, his I ability as an officer was recog nized and he was promoted to Cor poral. As another recognition of his straightforwardness and good judgment, he has been further re warded and his Algiers friends as well as his city friends join in offer ing congratulations for his success in his profession. DIXIE FOLLIES. The second meeting of the Dixie Follies was held at the home of Misses Helen and Doris Graham. As usual, a most enjoyable time was had by all present. Dainty refreshments were served and miniature sailor hats were given as souvenirs. Among those present were: Misses M. Collins, Anna Escousse, M. Comeaux, G. Fin ley, D. and H. Graham, D. Kraft, E. I Muntz, A. Malone, M. Morrison and P. Stansbury. For pinning hat on sailor Miss D. Kraft won first prize and Miss M. Comeaux the booby. Miss D. Kraft will entertain at the next meeting. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Remaining at Station A, New Orleans I Post Omce, Thursday, June 27, 1918: Men-John J. Abrahams, Peter An derson, Leon Davis, G. L. Dillon, Sheriff Dan Dupre, W. H. Harris. J. 1 Dave Jackson. Willie Jackson, Dan King, Thomas McGee. James Mc Laughlin, R. Norman. Women-Harriet Bentley, Mrs. Lee sen Broussard, Diana Clarke, Laura Forbe, Margaret Olson, Sarah Smith, Julia Thomas, Myrtle Wiser, Jenevia Wilson and Bertha Young. ,Miscellaneous - "Carpenter. Oliver Street, Algiers, La."; "915 Elmira Street, Algiers, La." CHARLES JANVIER, Postmaster, JOS. W. DANIELS, Superintendent MAKES DEBUT. Little Miss Ermine McNeely, the winsome young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McNeely, formerly of our town made her debut on the stage in Covington, when she took part in the play "Everysoul," and "The Land of the Sunrise Sea," at the closing exercises of lt, Scholastiea Aedemy. The little Mis was also flower girl in the big procession on "Corpus Christi" Day. OOLORED RBD CROBB. Two new bands of colored Red Cross workers have been formed re cently by Mrs. Sarah Brows, chair man of the Red Cross Branch No. 11 of our town. One, the MeLellanville colored Red Cross workers reported $43.00 for membership in Branch No. 11, and $5.00 from a psnny party give Saturday, June 4th at the Cutoff tead. on the Lower Coest. The om mittee In charge of this branch is Medames Iolia Brown, I. Psher, C. Stokes, L. Joses, C. Jackson sad The eother ead wheIh was foeed Ses Jlme 1Ithl, ta re u $te$1s.0 CAAiAII I E i1 DIES Captain Benjamin F. Kelly. re tired United States Inspector of I steam vessels and well known in lo cal marine circles, died at his home, r 2215 Canal street, at 6:30 a. m. I Monday. Funeral services took place at the residence in Canal street at 4 p. m. Tuesday. Interment was 8 in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Born in Belfast, Ireland, Captain 2 Kelly came to New Orleans with his parents at the age of three years. He spent the greater part of his early life in Algiers, where he worked on the docks. When the Louisiana was launched in 1862 Captain Kelly had risen to be foreman of the yards. After the Civil war he served as one of the justices of the peace in Algiers, during the reconstruction period and the title of "Judge' stuck with him more or less during his lifetime. For thirty-one years he has been connected with the local office of inspector of hulls for the govern ment and in 1900 became local in spector of hulls. His retirement came in 1915 as the result of Ill health. Captain Kelly was twice married. By his first marriage, he is survived by three children, Mrs. Jno. Sch warsenbach, S. Kelly and Chas. Kelly of New York. His wife by his second marriage. Miss Annie Douglass and one son, Franklin Kelly survive. Several grandchil dren and great grandchildren also survive. HOTARD TO RECEIVE CONTRI BUTIONS DUE FOR RED CROSS. Mr. Theo. O. Hotard, whose office is located at 320 Opelousas Avenue has consented to take care of the collections for the Red Cross 'con tributions for the month of July, This arrangement with Mr. Hotard will be quite a convenience to the many subscribers to the fund on this side of the river. All those who signed pledges during the Red Cross Drive, some time ago, and whose monthly pledges come due I nJuly may make same to Mr. Hotard or his clerks at 320 Opelousas Avenue, where a temporary receipt will be given. The official Red Cross re ceipts will be forth coming within a few days after the payment of your contribution to Mr. Hotard. MAN BITTEN BY DOG. H. T. Plaggling, 813 Opelousas avenue, was bitten by a mad dog said to be owned by Mrs. William Oser, 432 Bonny street, Monday. Corporal Charles J. 'Hyde of the Eighth Precinct station, killed the animal. SUCVESSFUL PARTY. A most successful penny party was given last week on the lawn of the home of Miss Dorothy Acker, 245 Belleville St. It was given by the "Neighborhood Club" and the sum of $10.44 was realized for War Sav ings Stamps. - The little ones deserve great credit for the success of the affair. The following were in charge: Dorothy Acket. president; Hilda and Viola Carroll, Hilda and Thayer Suher ville, Thelma Kennedy, Edith Hil debrand, Irma Brauninger, Hazel MeMurray and Faye Scott. They were assisted by Alvin Covell. Jas. Jurren, Bernard Covell, and Milton Acker. INSTALLATION OP OPPFICER 0O Monday eventng, the loeal Chapter of the Amerleian Red Cross I stalled the follewla offleers: Miss nlla N. es, pnestdaet; :lm Vilat SBaset, vieq.prsliemt; Mis. L. C. *aI. sy, siag smeretar;y: Rew. Lr 1Irbst tree. The aint HAVE VIOLATED AGREEMEN[ It is claimed by the Groer'- ()r ganization in Algiers (most of whi, signed an agreement to close their place of business during the sntm mer at seven p. in..) are protesting that some of those who went into the agreement have violated it and the organization threatens to publish the names of those stores who are keeping open after seven oc lock herelby violating their agreement tnd not shoatinig the good spirit of ,atriotisjm in this matter. The purpose of closing hll the ;roceries at seven p. in. way for ton 'rvation of light and other explten-e neident to keeping open thli: places. If all the grocers will agree o close up at seven o'clock there will be no loss of trade and in rt turn for this patriotic art they \nit be rewarded eat h nilght by l,.1iog given anil opportuniity for re'creatini front stven to'clock on. c lhich tihe, have not bleen able to t.l1joy hi:' eto More. We believe this is a very goot mnove and the plub lc no doubt v\ill join in reconin tllldnig that all the grocery stores close promptly at seven p. In.. as well as all the othier stores in Algiers, excepting how ever, those of a nature that would not permit of the establishment of this rule. (GRD.I)UATING EXERC'ISES. On June l!th, the Holy C'ross ('on vent held their closing exercises and many of the students received di plomas, gold medals and certificates. A most enjoyable program was rendered and each number received its share of applause. The following are a list of those who received diplomas, certificates and medals: Graduating Crowns, Gold Medals and Diplomas were awarded to Misses Clare Cassidy, Mamle Morrison and Mary Collins. Gold Pins-Misses Mamie Morri son. Clare Cassidy and Mary Collins. A Gold Medal for History-Miss Mary Collins. A Gold Medal for Literature: Miss Mamie Morrison. A Gold Medal for English: Miss Clare Cassidy. A Gold Medal for the best Essay on "The Catholic Citisen," donated by the Santa Maria Council of the Knights of Columbus: Miss Clare Cassidy. ' Gold Medals and Diplomas for hav ing completed the two year Commer cial Course: Misses Elnora Mitchell and Katie Spence. A Gold Pin for Bookkeeping: Miss Nova Sadler. Bookkeeping Certificates: Misses Nova Sadler, Elnora Mitchell, Katie Spence. Katie Cogan, Catherine Sun seri. Nellie Herbert, Clara Kristen sen, Osceola Casler, Leonatus Cas ler. Claire Munsterman, Loretta Ger rets, Irma May Vinet, Zema Judlin, Ivy Mae Sterling. Gold Pins for Stenography: Misses Elnora Mitchell, Katie Spence, Faye Stumpf, Edwina Muntz, Rita Humphrey, Rita Lauman, Nellie Her bert, Ann'sa Escousse, Clara Kristen sen, Nibble Donner, Monica Escousse, Christine Giblin, Mary McLean, Al vs Salathe, Ruth Vallette, Eugenia Pennlson, Adre Meyers, Nlmle Bu nlff, Claire Munsterman, Katle Co gan, Oseeola Casler, Leonatus Cas ler, Catherine Sunseri, Thelma Sin clair, Mildred Camus, Maud Munster man, Henry Gerrets, Emmet Munts, George Munsterman. Gold Pins for Stenography donated by the Commercial Girls Club; Misses Faye Stumpi and Nellie Her bert. A Gold Medal for Composition: Miss Prances Haggerty. Eighth Grade Certificates and Gold Pins: Mildred McCauley, Feli cie DeBlanc. Landry Adams. George Huff. Emma Collins, Anna Foster, Dora Morse, Carmelite Goflf, Doro thy Murtagh, Georgia Cobb, Helen Tallon, Rosalie Genlusa, Elma Sir ey. Emmett Dwyer. Martin Cummis ky, Alice Riordan. Mildred Murtagh, Alden Johnson. Mary Brown. Irma Vinet, Ruth Fridolin, Neil Wilson., Earl Cayard. A Gold Medal for History donated by Mr. Alvin Foster: Landry Adams. Diplomas for Penmanship from the A. N. Palmer Co.: Mildred Mc Cauley, Emma Collins, Anna Foster, Dora Morse, Ddrothy Murtagh, Heleu..Tallon, Georgia Cobb, Allce Rlordan, Mildred Murtagh. Certificates for Penmanship from i the A. N. Palmer Co.: Landry Adams, George Heff, Carmelite Goff, Rosa lie Gendusa, Elma Slray Irma Vlnet, Ethel Pitre, Cecile Breed, Sterling Roblchaux. Pins for Progress in the Palmer Penmanship from the A. N. Palmer Co.: Eunice Cunningham, Ella Per sons, Vplma Boyer, CVarmel Oswald, Marguerite lEper, Florence McCord, Ineas Parish, Edwina Shields. Blance Mcdloskey, Grace Morse. Alma Shields. A Gold Medal for Fidelity in Serv lng Mass merited by Ignatius Sten ger. A Silver Medal for Fidelity in Serving Mass merited by Joseph Tallon. Rewards for Serving Mass are merited by: Udis Robichaunx, Lan l dry Adams, George Belanger, Ster uallng Robiehaux, George Huff, Nor. S* man Bristlig, Thomas Tallon. Jobh SRpp. Samuel learwo, JosephL Cox - Charle Morris, Malcolm Andry, Wer . ele Boate4ls, Alfred Chestnut tl Cneam LiShtsll. Ba. Comasu . Nahlsq Ubla, Mmli Malala. WiI tasm War. smpsh 3riettWa. MUSI SELL ICE OY WEIGHT IS POLICE ORDERS S pi tt 'it lndeit M10a 'ny. will in -triir all pI rec·ilnf t iniIIIanders to se'e that i,. dealers in their sections ,arry scalts on awagoons and sell ThI ruling i ,lw out of a letter rl", ivel lbv .la. or tllhrinazn Tuesday tornine trilll . Food A.dministrator P'al kr inll hih Mr. Parker states that nilulrerolri -ompnlainti have rt"ache.I his ,ffile lhari iing that ice Ittalers alnd distrilutors are not sell ing 1orr,,,t weight to custotmers. Mr. I'ark,.r iL<k- thel ,o-operation of the IUnllii:pi l autholltlituL III etnforcing a " t;~ a tichl e i", nires dealers to ,trry -~~ a s onl their wagoins anti to ,Ir lirker a-Iks that as a matter i' p.trioltint. tllij ait hel enforced thrugll h tilh ptoiiLue irce of the city. .a.%or lhe]rtI.ltIln at l(one co lmunli atel \ailh Sulllerintenldeit Mooniey anti the inltrutlionl< to precinct com manders followed. S .. " ,` J. E. HUCKINS. One of the livest and most eneg getic business men in our district is Mr. J. E. Huckins, who for many years conducted his business on Alix Street, as the exclusive interior decorator on this Side of the river. It certainly does take a hustler to keep a competitor away from him. and this Mr. Huckins has success fully done in Algiers for the past sixteen years. But, there is a rea son for all things, and the principal reason why Ned Huckins hasn't had an active competitor in Algiers is because he has endeavored to suit the people and to do the best work in the city. Mr. Huckins has always been a great believer in Union Labor, and whenever possible his shop was con ducted under Union Labor, and he has been known to have paid the very highest prices of any other in terior decorator in the city, regard less of whether his employees be long to the Union or not. He has the reputation in the city among the other decorators as always paying just a little bit more than the Union scale. Only a short time ago, Mr. Huck Ins branched out into another busl ness,-that i6 for taking large con tracts for painting ships, and his success in this line is due, to a great degree, In his treatment of the la boring man and paying the highest wage for the kind of work involved. Mr. Huckins has recently completed several large contracts in painting ships located in our different dry docks here, and other big work along this line is now waiting his atten tion. He is, however, not neglect ing his interior decorating work, and is ready to serve his old time cus tomers as promptly as ever. Mr Huckins was born on August i8, 1871,. and since the age of 16 years, he has been in his present businese. Mrs. J. E. Huckins and little daughter, Zelda are also very promi nent in our town. Mrs. Huckins, having been for the past years, a leader among the women, in the or ganizations, where women were cal ed upon to do their share. She was the originator of the Fifth Dis trict Civic League, and kindred or ganizations on our side of the river. She has also been elected to mem bership in other women's organiza tions throughout the city, and her influence for the good of many things have been felt here, in our district. Their daughter, Zelda Huckins, who is an accomplished pianist, is wrapped up in her music, and it is predicted for her that she will soon become a star in her chosen pro fession. APPOINTED DISTRICT DEPUTY. Mrs. Edith Schabel of Patterson and Olivier Sts., has Just been ap pointed district deputy grand ma tron of the Order of the Eastern Star. for Division No. 1. Mrs. Schabel hal always taken a great in terest in the Eastern Star Organiza tion on our aide of the river, and her selection is looked upon as very favorable by the other members. MUSICALE. Misses Doris Grahan, Daisy and Marion Kramme, Alma and . Lauman, and Uather Yuratick ters John Kramme, Wa. Edgley 8ehroth, Isidoe Galnes OGlder teok pat ii Slast Suada7 at the M* Canal St.