Newspaper Page Text
ay m. ore for Ferriage than e THE HERALD. ws Seb to oe Upbudling eof the Wet Side f the RIver. "A very live and ereditable weekly newepeper."-MANUFACTURERr RECORD.NITED STATES GOVERNMENT --L XXYI. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. JULY 4, 1918. No.8. PERSONALS A N OTHERWISE SGe. Thorning is spending a 3 Maandeville, La., with his who is summering there. Katherine Schabel who is . the summer in Bay St. of ~ spent a few d.ays here this to . Jerry Heitme.·(r spent a day's Pr "L with his mother here. of and Mrs. S. L. Vail have re w. e from a visit in the northern m: L ed the state. an g, Frank Johnson and little te IM Gaillot, Jr.. returned from fe svl , I., after spending ten in there to Sjite Roy Landry of Schriever, ni is spending ten days here with pr Ap Guillot. pe mIs A. Burke left Monday even g hr Norfolk, Va., to visit her m aT Thursday Afternoon Euchre w agS entertained by Mrs. A. }M The successful players were g . Clarke (for Mrs. J. A. Gar Miss S. Garland and Mrs. W. Mrs. U. J. Lewis received the ýslatlon. The next meeting will ma the home of Mrs. C. Hoffstet-sa m Mhe young Men's Setal1 and Bene- l t Association has purchased as Sworth of War Savings Stamps. 09Se w members have been added tl 1 therolls. O gS. H. Lee Sease entertained the J1 rift Club last week. The success- be players were Mrs. C. E. Dickey os. R. A. Tansey. Mrs. C. V. - bIet received the consolation. The ilmeeting will be at the home of p PB. A. Tansey. a: jr Behrman and his secretary, ol 4 i.Brodtman left Tuesday night ci to Francisco to attend the con- in of Advertising Clubs. A i-t American Social and Pleasure ai .'ig give a picnic on July 4 at It aietric Park, and the committee it iarge of plans, are doing g -.Ihi3 to make the oc-d MI highly enjoyable for all who ,m6M. Dancing, moving pictures, and other amusements will M the program. Every lady at will receive a souvenir and, there will be two entrance to R. C. Favret and children h returned to their home in -Hache after visiting rela- a Barbara Schabel returned t fron Bay St. Iouis, where a few weeks. paupis eg4I6 Now Or -t Oratory were given d at graduation exercises in Hall, Loyola University, night. Among them was Mamls Morrison of our town. a . tad Mrs. A. Menot have re trem Beaumont, Texas., and lelMtin at 432 Belleville St. Mildred Ose is spending a i tMandeville, the guest of 1I Thorning. sat Mrs. H. Lecourt of Peli e., spent Sunday at Coving It., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Itnain. Juasits McNeely left Satur ir Galveston, Texas, to spend iolader of the summer, the at Miss May McNeely. .eha McNeely and son, Harvey ave this week for Port Arthur, to raise a boat that was sunk ne ago. r M. Waller, of Bay St. Louis, 'Gatrday with her daughter, Marry Thompson of Opelousas t W. B. Covell, Sr., of Herbert, s peding a while here with m route to Galveston. hlk Meyers and daughter, hae shortly for a trip tke west. PaMay Night Euchre met at at Mrs. J. E. Collins. The plalyers were Mrs. W. Ien. T. U. Buchols, Mrs. J. and Miss Nelfe. Mrs. getlved the consolation. The I _Stn will be held at the I st Mr. Gerretts. . W. EBastwood left Monday SRoueaston, Texas. man friends of Miss Carmen gret to learn she is ill at Ia Morgan St. 4 bly Twelve Euchre Club met I hams of Miss Ruth Borne in lt. The successful players 1 m I. Abribat and R. Yura .th easolation fell to the , "ig lee White. 4 lkt and Nelia Bondreaux some time in Thibo Sget of relatives. estee Twickler returned Safter spending a aMh his parents here. Twickler is spending here with frlends. Jao. Behroder and SMarjorle, have re 31w York. Isds of Mr. Edward I. Mmlt very much to learn baesly buarned while at Sand hope tt will not he will be oat amoeg ramp entertained the thise week. The sue were Mrs. O. Ayeock, . and Mrs. L. P. Md. Mothe received the The next meetiag will at Mrs. L. P. GlaOk. Uind/s of Mrs. C. A. MI Oe pesed to tease bmuoring. left Tua eemr , am*. s e tre. who is t h t sI. ~ ti- - &sp BELLS TO 1RING SALUTE ON IIDEPEHDECE At the request of Bat. P. Sullivan of the "Loyalty Day" committee, Mayor Martin Behrman will cause to be rung on the fire alarm bells of the city twenty-one taps, (as a Presidential Salute) on the evening of July 4th, at 6:45 o'clock. The Mayor will also request the manager of the Public Belt Railroad and managers of all trunk lines en tering the city, as well as of the ferries, tugs, and all craft operating in the harbor to blow their whistles for a period of five minutes begin ning at 6:45 o'clock on that evening, proclaiming to the world that our people of all races, creeds and con ditions are standing squarely behind President Wilson in their loyalty to make this world safe for freedom and Democracy. TRINITY LUTHERAN SOCIETY. The Trinity Lutheran Society held its regular monthly business meet t ing Tuesday night. We are glad to say that we have taken a few new members into our society and would like all our young people to join us as soon as possible. A special meeting will be hald at the home of the Misses Clasen in Opelousas Avenue on Tuesday night. July 9th at 8 p. m. sharp. All mem bers are requested to be present. A MUMMY CAT. A few weeks ago. Mr. A. C. Heron. of Slidell Ave.. found a mummified cat under the old house he was mov ing from Vallette and Opelousas Ave. The mummy is well preserved and Mr. Heron has it varnished to I look like a genuine imitation, but t it is the real thing. The cat is a good sample of what the Egyptians s did years ago in preserving the dead. I I Mrs. Garrett Lynch is spending some time in Alexandria, La. Miss Estelle McGivney of Galves ton, Texas. is visiting relatives here. The Red Cross are very busy sew ing and would like to have all ladies help on this side of the river and at headquarters. Mr. Emmet Hardy will play pa triotic airs On the cornet at the flag raising at the Catholic Church in Gretna this evening. Little Miss Rhby Rol'icbauc of Garden City, has returned home after spending a week with Camilla Glan cey of 509 Olivier St. Misses Minnie and Bertha Price spent Sunday at Bay St. Louis with their parents. d Mr. John Finley has atcepted a pos ition with the government in the city. He is stationed at the I. C. fruit wharves where our ships are being loaded for the allies. The many friends of Mrs. Winm. Ba bin of Verret street regret to learn she is ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Attenhofer and baby and Miss Florence Kinkaid re turned from Beaumont, Texas. after e spending some time there. Miss Mildred Smith of Baton Rouge is spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. y L. Kinkaid. Miss Lottie Watkins and Mrs. Dru ry of Berwick. La.. are spending some time here with relatives. Miss Hattie Metzger who has been the guest of the Misses Hymel for the past six weeks returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Imboden of Rose land, 1,,I mIlted their parents on Sunday. rMr. Roy Moore, U. S. N., is spend ing a ten day furlough with his per ents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Seymour left for Madisonville, where they will spend Sawhile for his health. Mrs. Joe Gahn an! children left this e morning for Alexandria to reside per e manently. Mr. Warref Seymour of Baton ,y Rouge is in Algiers on business. Mrs. B. C. Gilder and 4amily are n visiting in Cuba, Ala. t Mr. and Mrs. H. L Hoyt and Mrs. Cora Johnson have taken up their t residence in Arcadia Court in the city. in Little Irma Klink was severely a burned about the right leg last Thurs ' day when a pot of hot coffee upset on her. She was attended by Dr. SMrs. W. T. Christy' returned Sat urday from Pittsburgh, Pa. where she visited her daughter Mrs. Bancroft Weaver. Troop No. 36, Boy 8aouts of Amer eain will give a penny party arsn July 9th at 415 Atlantle Ave. The price ad of admiassion will be five cents. Mr. and Mrs. Nat W. Bond are spending the sumamer at Bloxi, Mis. . Mrs. Hy. Dlchlea and baby left Syesterday for Birmaingham to spend t stome time with her great grandmoth et r. * The W. .S. . 506 Club met Tuneeday night, Mrs. L. Brl0kes entertaining. e The succeusstful players were Mrs. L. Do Laup, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. W. Sadler (tfbr Mrs. L. Brookes), Mrs. J. P. No lna, Mrs. Van Hen, Mrs. McCloskey, Sa4 Mrs. Lyaekr. Mrs. T. U. Buch 1 holsw eatertals at the next meet* tn. m Mrs. L. Do Iap eatertatiaed the lateday Night Club. The seceastal Mrew e. e Missl C. Richards and * UMs. 3. 3a esa retused tm ba S iIs alter pin*is te weeks there. M mn i ~as W. kib. med de- ml Ir b ~ s Sat J AI Get Busy! I 1,, 'to i ý ý ý / rý "a/ _ _ - "LES A tILL[[S" I Most of us have heard how the Belgium children are suffering as their country is being devastated. Most of us have expressed our de sire to help. Now, there is a way in which you can help the Belginas by becoming a member of the circle n known as "Les Abeilles," (The Bees) 0 a Junior League, for the aid of "Des- a titute Children of Belgium." 0 The duag are very pmall-'only ti five cents a month. Any member i, can take out one or more member- b ships. There are no meetings to tl attend .... Just pay the dues. The n money is sent to Mr. Leon de Waele, b formerly Belgium Consul to New a Orleans and Mr. de Waele sends the g fund direct to Her Majesty, the t Queen of Belgium. 0: K . .3 Sty, i2 ianiras A -e., Is soliciting contributions from the a people of Algiers. If there is any- p thing you wish to know, regarding t the matter, Miss Sirey will gladly furnish you with the information. I Surely. no one will refuse to give b such a small sum for such a worthy 4 cause. a HOME TALENT ENTERTAINS. t 'An impromptu "home talent" pro- d gram given Thursday night at the Y. I M. C. A. at the Algiers Naval Station was declared one of the most success r ful performances ever given there. Captain G. P. Chase, U. S. N., called for volunteers from the audience to supplement performers previously announced, and a number of addi- i tions to the prbgram resulted. r Among the most popular were F. C. a e Wilkingham; "the marine clog dan- I cer;" Misses Gernmale Casanove, I Genevieve Pitot, Florence Lusk, Eola r Mitchell, Marie Soulse Gaspard, S. t M. Bright, Rita Cauvin. Irma, Cau vin and M. Russo. Captain Chase has ordered the I Naval Station band to play at the Y. M. C. A. every Thursday night, Iwith one of the musiclans detailed to play four nights a week in con- I cert and in accompaniment for mov r ing pictures. "Home talent night" I d this Thursday will bring forth a more elaborate program, according to notices received by Nelson L. Bossing, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Bossing has announced amateus talent from New Orleans will be n welcomed at "Y" entertainments. TRUCK RIDE. r An enjoyable truck ride was given ,. Sunday by a jolly crowd. They rode all around town and then down the Lower Coast. After they return t ed, dainty refreshments were served ,. at the home of Mrs. Harry Dellam and dancing was indulged in. t Those participating were'. Mr. and e Mrs. H. Dellam and two obhildren, Mt r.' and Mrs. Chas. Traub and chil dren, Geo. Matulich, Misses Chris tine and Rose Zwicke, Evelyn Ellis, Prances Doyle and Margaret Huff. BLUE JACKET TERPSICHOR ,e EAN CLUB. it The Blue Jacket Terpsichorean Ad Club will have their regular dance b. at the Avenue Dancing Academy, on Saturday, July 6th at 8 p. m. STHE CLEfFUL aHRUB i th little busy singing I bus Sbounds. They nake e keck a.~nuo *- mdar MISS R[liTLOS IS MOVIE IISPECTOR Miss Roseada Reynolds, eldest daughter of the late Jas. W. Rey nolds has been appointed inspector 01 of moving picture theatres and has already entered upon the discharge m of her duties. p Miss Reynolds bears the distinc- d tion of being New Orleans' first mov- tl ing picture inspector. That has been an office which, it was felt, this city needed. The selection was made Saturday, and Monday Miss Reynolds received her commission and entered upon her duties at once. She will be carried on the rolls of , tke police department as matron. The recent thirty-three &nd one- F ta; per .eut irrdtae in the sal aries of all members of the police de partment will bring her salary up h to $80 per month. r There will be nothing spectacular W in Miss Reynolds' performance of her duties. She merely will go quietly into picture shows--one after a another-and if she finds anything 3 objectionable in a picture, will re port the matter to Superinetndent Mooney, who will issue orders for the manager of the theater in which i such a picture is' being shown, to didtontinue it. If that is not done. an affidavit will follow. ADVISORY BOARD TO HOLD e NIGHTLY SESSIONS. 1 b Legal advisory boards are getting t busy with the questionnaires of the , newly selected men for the national p army. Judge Mahoney announced E Friday that the Algiers board would hold nightly sessions at the Algiers B a courthouse at 7 o'clock. t t DANCE ON JULY 4TH. e On the evening of the 4th of July a dance will be given at the Avenue t d Academy, the proceeds of which will help to buy fans for the hall. Whitaker's Jass Band will furnish ý* music for the dancing. The price a of admission will" be twenty-five g cents. ' DEATH OF MRS. LAWRENCE e GERRETS. On Saturday, June 29. Mrs. Law rence Gerrets, one of the most es teemed residents of Algiers, passed to her eternal reward after a long ill n ness, borne with Holy Christian pa y tience and fortitude. Her entire n family, husband. sons and daughters I- were with her in her last moments. d One son, Lawrence, Jr., a student n for the priesthood, in the Marist Seminary, Washington, D. C., was d allowed to come home and brighten his dear mother's last hours on earth. The funeral was one of the most im pressive ever held in the Holy Name Church. A solemn requiem was celebrated on Monday by Rev. P. F. Qulnn, 8. M., assisted by Rev. J. A. Petit, 8. M., and -Rev. Justin J. Howe, 8. M. The absolution of the body was given by Father Casagne, 8. M., he also delivered a touching sermon. n Rev. P. H. Dagneau, 8. M., was pres ent in the sanctuary. Two of her ,i son's schoolmates in the Marist Semi nary, Messrs. Clyde Smith and Robt. Parrish, acted as acolytes and Mrs. Louis De Monsabert wos cross bear A large assemblage of friends and relatives gathered in the church to pay the last tribute of their respect to her memory. To the bereaved family we offer our deepest sympa thy. BalVILL SCHOOL. The regular meeting of the Chap ters of the W. 8. a. Clubs of Belle ville Sehool will be held at the school on PrId.y, July 5. at 2:45 o'eloek. All members of all clube are ursed to he ptsmet as a plieasat time lU be -ld alte( the reoerts ae hmw. A eruuei e hl an M - • od----d id Ji e who rrl E q - mammonTh am metme o BIRTHOAY PARTYA at jol da One evening last week, little Miss Alice Kissinger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jack Kissinger, entertained her li'tle f'riends at her home in Alix a0 St., in honor of the third anniversary a of her birth. The yard was beau tifully decorated, and dainty refresh- 1 ments were served. Games were played, and several songs were ren dered. The pprty was made more delightful by fancy dances, by lit tle Misses Harriet and Patricia Muntz. Little Miss Alice received many M pretty gifts from her little friends. b! Those present were. Muriel Yalets, B 1 Winona Gouner. Beryl Gouner, Mary C Gordon, Myrtle Johnson. Norma Au- fc coin, Ellen and Margaret Sansovich, U Helen May Covell. Mildred Sutton, de Ruth P.:'- . ~-^'!r:a -n,! D tr:r!u G Muntz. Muriel Lucas, Lorine and n Harriet Muntz., Hilda and Thais Su berville. Louis Sutton, Earl James, Philip Brauner, Morris Brauner. Ed r wary Sutton, Edwin Borne. Misses Ruth and Gladys Braurer. Mrs. Geo. n Brauner, Mrs. M. Sansovich. Jr., Mr. r and Mrs. Alex Suberville, Mr. and T Mrs. Jack Kissinger. do t. to r S1 SSOI'THEIRN COLLEGE OF MUSIC B o ('iLOES. m ti The twenty-third annual compli- t( mentary pupils recital of the South- m ern College of iMusic took place at w Tulane Theater last week and bh brought out some excellent talent in g the various selections. The college e was established in 1895 and incor l porated in 1903. Mrs. Arthur J. d Schoenfeld is president. d The orchestra and glee club did some fine chorus work. The dance by pupils of Madame Nina Picolatti and the play entitled "Beauty and the Beast" under the direction of Miss Mayme Haggerty were notable. Miss Grace Quinette received a y diploma to enter the violin gradua e tion class of 1919. I1 Misses Helen Wilmore, Thelma Kennedy and Eleanor Kennedy, re ceived diplomas to enter the 1919 e piano graduation class. U'NCLALMED LETERS. Remaining at Station A. New Or leans, La., Postoffice, Thursday, - July 4th, 1918. ,d MEN 1- B. G. LeGrand, Octave Harrison, s- Sidney Holley, K. F. Legendre. re WOMEN Mrs. Ferdinand Bergeron, Beulah at eolse, Orelia Green (2), Carina st Hells, Louise Hell. Mrs. Clarence m Hoript, Victoria Johnson, Leatha in King, Mrs. Livicy Moore, Mrs. R. b. Thompso*i Ida Wolf. Charles Janvier, Postmaster. 1e Jos. W. Daniels, Superlntendent. as I. A. GAIN8 MENTION FOR SERVICE AT e, TREBTLE WRECK. ly 1., n. Among the three men commend s- ed for services rendered at the wreck or of the trestle at Camp Jackson re ii- eeatly was Private F. J. Meyer, of t. Company D. 317th Machine Gun rn. Battalion, formerly of 445 Atlantic xr- avenue, Algiers. Before enlisting in Uncle Sam's army, Jake, as he ad is known to his numerous friends, to 'was an employe of the machine shops ,ct of the Southern PaciNfc in Algiers. ed Private Meyer is now stationed at a- Augusta, Ga. WILL BUIW UNmITED STATES ºp- TUO. Ise k The Johasem Iron Works an a ensreed Iastrday It ha lased a a 10-tofeet site e0 3a5m .St John Ssad that werL will bein at eoEe - e- the iM t6-Seet tga the flm ha. M* eastre d to helt Se the severe -he Ih o t s dlr*** LETTERS FROM THE I PEOPLE July 1st, 1':. bear )r Kraft: I take this means of conmplimnentin: you upon your proler celebratin t, f . the silver anniversary you have of The Herald. I appreciate Very mucth the .ervices The IHerald has been rentl.ering andI trust it has LI.iy tllT (io e day r years of usefulness bemlor,. it With best wishes. I amn Yours truly. C. " \ itr. FII{MEIN AND )Itti'E 4.I:11 I'l\1 .AlV ANC'E.4. AdIvantes in sa elaris Ir" al. ,1* plhte,, s of the police aill tirt', . p( t uilnt.Is except th*. chie, - ;IIL .intin to ::1 1-: per ent. of their pr, .-, t a pay was announced follittti it.-.t ngs ofi! the tto bhoards hell in to Ir ilyn ;ra parir Ia -t 'tik. "ireltn n and patrolmen i, , r - , -iive , $ ;S a niilth. I,.'l , nl ; g t I ?70 a c ont . ()itt tf tof I I p. I nowe,\+ r,. there are (|14 .+11 ti, !, t he pen-ion f-undt t u - a t ini l ,li 1'u." advan:i a "\ 1t:'! mll:t ek th." p \ ty .: :firemen an'id i itrolnwltn 1e' p",, montlT h sin'e the ne lW order a ill Int n P into eiffe t until Au u.t 1. the ad v ian, ed salaries will not be , r .eci''l until the .lugust 15 paiymentis Th. men are paid semi-monthly. ENJOYABLE DAY. A most enjoyable day was .pe.nt at Spanish Fort last Thursday ity a jolly crowd from our town. The day was spent in boating. hathtin, etc. Those participating were Mrs. ('has. Zatarain, Mrs. C. Arnold and son, Clarence, Mrs. Robt. Anderson and son Bernard. Mrs. Garrett Lynch. Misses Lois Stafford. Irva Daniels. Marvel Walter and Emma George. e PENNY PARTY. a A penny party was given Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and y Mrs. Albert Bourgeois in Verret St., by little Louise Bourgeois and I'ra B, Babin for the benefit of the Red y Cross. The sum of eight dollars and forty-five cents was realized. Miss U, Ura Babin received the Thrift Stamp i, donated by Mrs. Kinkaid, and Miss s Gri . .*.' , ,,le:I. the do1t's hat. do d nated by Mrs. A. Babin. TO PRESENT NERVI('E FI.IA( TO TENT. r. At the review of Martin Berhman d Tent No. 18, Maccabees, last Thurs day, four new members were admit ted and ten applications received. State Supreme Commander M. J. P Bulger was the guest of honor and made an inspiring talk. Past Com mander John Schrodler announced that he will present a service flag to the tent, in honor of the fifteen Smembers enlisted. A celebration t will be held and Mayor Behrman will d be invited to make the presentation. LAUNCHING A SECTION OF BIGGEST DRY-DOCK e Launching the bow, the second section of the largest dry-dock In the I world, at the Morse Dry-dock and Repair company's yards, BIrooklyn, N. Y. There are four other sections still to be launched. When completed the dock will accommodate the largest craft afloat. It will be 700 feet long and weigh Aso00 tons. YANKEE TROOPERS RESTING IN PICARDY ai f I. 1 C(I 4 ..ati .. * r e l * * I, - b · -oft A -. ALGIERS SOY TELLS OF SINKING OF GUNBOAT U. S. SCHURI \n t'l. it:u of th, Li.kinI of the l'. hut h i s" , iv In :n ,Id tail by .,Itu, Ii. liter in a I, trir to his I 'I ;.. "\b,,,,t b,, r ,i lus,,1 F : I.iy a m ., t.,' ,r,. r* tl : kn;i. (, t, l trrific tra t. al thoa ibht ii l\\ . a slhtlla il n It:ti k h \ 1s i . ': ll. Itt '_ iIr r . . t ri th e l ,'k a ,l t unl tl.haIt the S hurl !t h d <,,il;,h d with th!, tank -,.Inl, t. ' Titi ()lir a '.tI a till, it ,t.Itilli th ' ship at o nr ",' I :1, pr, ,,rv r in the other. - ii nIttri l I'ht ' i' I 1I I , I.I l tiil r 1ant i r' ht OrD .et., to : nt o i1[. ;:I oo ,'1 :r. :., " , t,,th r, a,.ý a,,+l l not - \\V, ,t on. a l i ,uIur rait. I h - t ,t t It, .' I t . i I.; l Itlt - I i It d y'-. i , it r "i .t k ' h er lst !.I'll h, ' plunge. i, l r itim i ll rvi, l," t irll i faci t thatr S : i' an t, re tr'li tl injure k. Iicip t' atI.o ... ,s for the- ftw it .jir, t an ' tl- i ui dea'. Er i'lo ne act-l ttl with re!ark;r . * bravery.i n n b r,.,' th, -:. , ,, ,,t th , . S 'I z w hich IThe crw and asse ir of thet'r A "'"l i t"rl ll' , . " .)It It Fl, ."i ta d :i- .1 i . 1r h ," ril 'lr 414,1 t :,"1 p ink I -ra ala dihd all thtl c'it 1 to lmak I h , c l .tforta hll , We cr. ate! l itel r ., l to, exr"ite tt and conitident. int 'we aorrived ll hn w York. Our the sl nothin g--no one was noprop y liyht and all todre wion arl the Sara stiani. ha llidl itl tie i sihler tae the ,<hurz muake her last noble plunge. thell called ev ald thtre fats that ,)lily (ole mnill was ni..shing out of at,1. Macny were slighitlyn injured. the head iscipline onts for the few in jured and one dead. Everyone act rd with remarkable bravery. The crew and passehngrs of the Saramacria did all they ouldpr to make tusl comfortab req We rd-atenfac quite a lot of exi ate home.' nt anirst comment when we arrived in New York. Our attire alone was, oys rused laughter. Am erly ertad. All these without shoe some had blankets thrown around them: others had mattress ticking and sacks with only an opening for vhe head and arms. The few in thred wree taken to the hospital. IThrongs crowded around tous to hear the news. The lad great of lifhe Y. W. C. Aen, were ready to rreceive us on our ar arrival here. We wre stprovided with comforts required-ln fact we fdi 'quite at home.' The first thing they said was, "Boys rush a telegram home." Certainly these women are doing re noble .work. We are now comfortably stationed on a receiving ship at Brooklyn. I am sitting on my bed to write this. Yes, a real bed, the first I have slept in since I left home. We were pro vided with shoes yesterday and all the boys are walking as if they were crippled. It has been such a long time since we have worn shoes, that it is hard to get accustomed to them again. This is a great life and I enjoy every minute of it. We are still re lating the incidents of the "rescue before dawn."