piy for taxes. Help remove
axa tlx. OWAR SA.VNGS STW.1iP3
Ita M UpbUidl or the Wet N.e of the nverv. -"A very ive and creditable weekly eewepapeK."-MANUFACTURERS RECORD. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
eo. Bertrand and daughter
- t Sunday for their home in
Texas, after spending a
hre, the guests of Mrs. B.
C. E. Dickey entertained the
Club. The successful players
n. H. T. Malone and Mrs. F.
Mrs. ui. Lee Sease received
~--olation. The next meeting
-at the home of Mrs. F. Goebel.
Harvey, the well known
an left Friday night for
Pike, having advanced at his
S uest to Class 1-A in the draft
ber of his friends gathered at
jet to wish him well.
B. F. Richards and daughter
.aently for a trip East, visiting
on, Philadelphia and Atlan
S Thursday Afternoon Euchre
,et at the home of Mrs. Chas.
tter. The successful players
Mrs. R. A. Tansey. Mrs. J. A.
and Miss Margaret Garland.
for Mrs. W. Adams. Mrs.
b. Caflero received the consola
The next meeting will be at
bue of Mrs. U. J. Lewis.
W. T. Christy and Repre
Oe. (,has. llenricks, have re
from Baton Rouge, where
attended the session of the Leg
Annette Butaud of Lafayette
- teurdy for her home after vis
Kia Lois Walter.
, rnest Ditch of Morgan City
g her sister, Mrs. J. P. Wal
- Faye Stumpf returned home
fronm Morgan City after
two weeks with her sister,
G~ W. McDuff.
Leona Nolan has returned
s vyit to Hermitage, La.
AIade G. Smith visited Che
Md Melville this week.
Wii Cantin is spending a
ts-u at Milneburg.
eadler has returned from
a where he spent several
Borne, who has been
-Bache for the past few
,is town Monday for a
$. Hingle and children
"4Iache are spending a
'lth Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
C. Moore has return
SS. Naval Station after
furlough in Alabama
ts. Mr. and .Mrs. J. A.
Lay social functions were
n and children are
aton Rouge, La.
O. Brauner, who return
from a three weeks via
tad Mrs. J. A. Moore In
was the guest of honor at
Mrs. J. L. Cunningham,
lly returned after spend
in Milneburg at Camp
Glepert returned af
her siste. Mrs. J. L. Cnn
3r., at Milneburg for a
Mrs. A. E. Schneider and
Louise left Saturday
Galveston, Texas, to be
weeks, toe guest of Mrs.
and family.
OGepert left Saturday
Gatveston, Texas, to be
waub. the guest of Mrs.
and family.
lOupert, Sr., spent the
at Milneburg, the guest of
* Mrs. J. L. Cunning
turealite Giepert spent the
at Mrlleburg the guest of
Misses Cunningham.
Idael Cunningham o
ithe summer in Lafayette,
of his grandfather.
3, Garland, Mrs. H. J.
. Chas. Hoffastetter,
le. Mr. Geo. Hoff
Sadle and Margaret
Stansbury, Char
, Rita Humphry and
are spending a week
of Houma spent
with Mr. I. Johnson of
aeuzaayder of Launder
Ist a few days here this
of her parents, Mr.
. ilesan r Harvey and
SMrs. . .KuntS -of
Pla, end sister wereo
the pest week to Mr.
, to bid her good.bye
for 1lorida.
Mayer sad son have re
Lne, La., after spe-d
uEa m and children left
Kay St. Lou to
hlle. and daughter,
dato spend the
eamer home in
1 aeit Friday for
a hustleas trip.
iihois left Sunda
to spend his rvae
Within the next few days, the new
law just passed by the Louisiana Leg
islature will go into effect and it
means this:
That all those, who have not already
cut their weeds in front of or on their
premises, will be given 3 weeks' no
tice to do so, and at the expiration of
these three weeks, if the weeds are
not cut, the city of New Orleans is
authorized by the new law to cut the
weeds and charge the expense of this
operation against the property. The
amount of cost of cuttin4 the weeds
will be placed as a lien against the
property, and this lien will be just
the same as any other lien until it is
There will be thousands of people
throughout Louisiana who will be grat
hlled to know that this law has been
put into effect, and it will relieve tens
of thousands of hay fever sufferers
throughout the state.
Mrs. D. Morrisey will spend a
month with Mrs. J. R. Allen at Bay
St. Louis.
Mr. Wallace Christy spent the
week-end at Chef Menteur.
Mrs. C. B. ('umings and two chil
dren will spend Sunday at Bay St.
Louis. the guest of Mrs. J. R. Allen.
Jeff N. Gerretts of 144 Engineers
Camp Beauregard, has returned to
his duties after sepnding two days
with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Donovan and
little son, James, Jr., and their sis
ter, Miss Alma Gerrets, left Thurs
day morning for an extended trip
in the East. They will visit rela
tives in New York, Boston and New
port, before going to the White
Mountains, where they will be guests
of Mr. Donovan's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Donovan of Keene, N. H.
Mrs. Frank Hymel and little daugh
ter. Margaret, Misses elda Huckins,
and Lois Gravois will leave tomorrow
night for Monteagle, Tenn., to spend
the summer.
Mrs. L. Grace Daudelin left Friday
night for Monteagle, Tenn.
Miss Elmer Gouner is spending a
while at Morgan City.
Misses Willie May, Myrtle and Su
sie Roberts and Miss Bessie Pyle are
visiting in Magnolia, Miss.
Miss Ruth Pettigrove left last
night for Monteagle, Tenn
Mrs. P. Cognevich entertained the
Jolly Twelve Euchre Club last week.
The successful players were Miss Yur
atich and Miss R. Borne. Miss M.
Traub received the consolation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Payne have as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hig
gins and Mrs. Alvin Schiele and
daughter Catherine Nell of Algiers.
The party motored to Alexandria on
the Fourth; stopping off at Colfax on
their way home.
Mr. Higgins and Mrs. Schiele and
daughter returned home last Thursday
while Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Payne
will go on to Shreveport to be the
guests of Mrs. E. L. Sanderson for
the next two weeks
The Matrons Club met at the home
of Mrs. L. F. Gisch. The successful
players Were Mrs. R. J. Williams, Mrs.
0. Bourgeois and Mrs. L. F. Gaisch.
Mrs. C. V. Kraft received the con
solation. The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. R. Engler.
Mrs. Chas. Arnold and son Clarence
have returned from Mineral Wells
where they spent two weeks.
Mrs. A. Graf went to Passu Christian
last week to attend the funeral of the
late Mrs. Bleleaberg.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Engler and daugh
ter Violet returned Baturday from a
visit to North Carolina and Arkansas.
Charles E. Smith, formerly of Al
giers and for many years a member
of the police force, is visitlang rel
tives He is now located at Morgan
City, where, under the Shipping
Board, he holds a position as captain
of the fire department and as such
directs the operatiolns of the fremen
employed in protecting the shlpbuild
ing pleats.
Mrs. R. Mertillold and children
left yesterday for Ocean Springs to
spend a while wih Mrs. J. J. Van
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stumpft of Teche
strueet aaoaus the eagagemment of
their daughter Marvel Louise to Laur
auce J. McCue of New Orleans. The
weddia ilI take place i October.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Boargtos spent
aar i Mandevilie. Tai
r. R. A. Mee has returned to
Bastea. Mass., after ejoyluag a tro
weeks' furlough with his parets here.
The may triends of Mr. Jao. Cle
Olen will regrst to arm that she
uwas compelled to undergo a opera
tion Momdamy at Hotel Disa.
Mrs. Gee. Wilson ad daughter Mis
Lude left for New York to visit her
daughter, Mrs. W. J. Gemuer. They
expect to spead sevral .moths.
Mr. ad Mrs. Gusner are reclvia
eoogratalatles a the arrival of a
aine. poand irl at their home M
Meantaln read, West Hoerken, N. J.1
Mrs. Gesser was formerlHy Miss Else
Wilson t oar tow
Miss Thelma Ven 89sl1 is the gue t
of Mrs. 3d IRy.
The many ftuiads of Mrs. Jno Cle -
tat wll be glad to learn that he is Iam
proving after a spe or stasness.
Mr. Walter Pop who has been
s peeding his tregh here left last
night or ceap.
Mrs. Nk .Theralng uhas rtured
Ioe Mandeveah a r sedina
week with Mrs . J. M. Thoralg.
Mr. DeweI Tborlng has arrivel
ae a N ew York after makag his
mened trip in Frames.
Miss MBed l 0e and Mr. Georg
Thrmig sp ent tin Mwandeye
wih MrI. 5. M. TgrI s .
If.rs. UfEmd and d hare
ý.ýsrro wwt i
S/ - c
41 j
-~ fffky ''/r
,w 'r/wa
a e -
Remaining at Station A. New Or
leans. La., Postoffice, Thursday.
July 18. 1918:
John J. Abrams. John Boudreaux.
W. T. Catts. John Henry. Frank
Hewer. Prof. W. M. Ivory, Dr. S. S.
Katz, Isidore Magar, "Charley Ned."
Mrs. Chris. Sailing, Mrs. R.
Thompson, Mrs. Ida Wolf, Mrs. Wil
lie Young.
Charles Janvier, Postmaster.
Joseph W. Daniels, Supt.
William M. Railey, president of
the Citizens League, in the Criminal
District Court Tuesday pleaded not
guilty to a second charge of criminal
libel filed against him, by District
Attorney Luzenberg, on complaint of
Philip Haag, saloonkeeper. Mr.
Railey was released on bond.
Last week Mr. Railey was called
to trial on an information filed by
the district attorney in the same case
but Judge Chretien. sustaining a de
murrer by the defense, dismissed the
charge. The court held that the in
formation was faulty, as it did not
contain in full a published letter in
which Mr. Railey is alleged to have
libeled Haag. Mr. Luzeaberg pre
pared another information.
Seventeen Pythian lodges com
bined in a rally in Castle Hall, 134
South Rampart street, Sunday in
honor of the 14th of July.
Crescent Lodge No. 3 and Virginia
No. 136 participated in the rally.
Another rally will be held this Satur
day night.
Misses Agnes Baer, Hazel Meagher,
Winona Lange and Juanita Mcleely
havr been re-ppointed teachers in
the Jefferson Parish public schools
for the 1918-19 session which be
gins September 2nd.
Officers and enlisted meh at the
Naval Station were furnished a cork
ing good boxing program Saturday
which was brought to a climax by
a four-round draw between George
Sirey and J. Castrogiovanni.' Sirey,
a product from the local ring who
figured in preliminary bouts some
time back, gave the sailor-barber the
hardest scrap he has experienced at
the station.
From the time the. going sounded,
81rey and Castrogiovanni battled
away in nip and tuck fashion. In
the third round when it appeared as
if he was all in, Sirey sent a right
cross to the Jaw of his opponent
which sent him to the mat. How
ever, he was up on his feet at once
and his strong finish gave him a
draw verdict.
This was the feature bout of the
card and kept the bluejackets on
their toes from the opening gong un
til the verdict given by Referee
Red Dolan and L. Landrieu fought
a three-round exhibition. Young
Wolgast and Young Dolan, former
preliminary boys here who are now
in the service, also fought an exhi
bition bout.
The negro mess attendants furd
alshed, an amusing spectacle for the
fans in a battle royal. In another
scrap, Shorty Pox put over a wallop
that put Winslow to sleep for sev
eral minutes.
The show was well attended by
men at the station. Several women
also witnessed the bozing.
Sehedules for the armlation of
appIeasats for teashers' aerttlfeates
to be held the week hlJuy f were
approved by the seheot goed Ir
ldar. seams et te past naumber
-l " .th t a3 r -t
Work on the city's assesment rolls
was completed Monday afternoon,
and the books were open for public
inspection Tuesday.
The books will remain open for
fifteen or twenty days, and at the end
of which time the revision commit
tee of the Commission Council will
sit to hear arguments why certain
assessments should be reduced.
It is the rule, however, that before
any property holder can appear be
fore the revision committee, he must
register his complaint with the board
ef assessors, on the third floor ot
the City Hall.
Rev. R. M. Brown, pastor of the
Felicity Methodist Church, left last
week for San Antonio, Texas, where
he has entered training for Y. M.
C. A. work in France. He has re
signed his pulpit at Felicity Church
to take effect upon his return from
Texas, after which time he will de
vote his entire time to Y. M. C. A.
work until after the war.
IDennis Johnson, a negro, 17 years
old, disappeared with $12 belonging
to Wm. Ross, and a yellow bicycle
belonging to Robert Lewis, Thurs
day. The money was given to him
to pay a lumber bill. The police are
now looking for Johnson, who hails
from the lower coast, where his vic
tims also live.
Owing to the alleged violations of
the agreement to close at 8 o'clock
by some of the signers, the barbers
of Algiers decided at a meeting held
Priday night to keep their shops
open until 9 o'clock every night here
after. The Saturday and Sunday
rules remain as heretofore.
When Mayor Behrman left San
Francisco Friday morning on the
start of his Journey back home he
took with him three loving cups, pre
sented to the New Orleans Ad Club
as the club with the largest delega
tion, the club that travelled the far
thest and the club that won the 1919
Joseph DIket. father of Joseph
Henry Diket. United States Marine
who was seriously wounded in France
on May 11, news of which- was re
ceived only a few days ago, Is in re
esipt of a letter from his son who
says he was shot through the arm
and the thigh. He is improving
saend is expected to recover.
111E C. e'UI C-I ,
son turned all
ky to gold
on the sa..
It a the whole
Uord btautifiul
thaM it (
On last Sunday a most enjoyab!e
truck ride was given by Lutheran
Trinity Society-. The young people
met at the home of the Misses Clasen
in Opelousas A'e.. and boarded the
truck. They went to Coquille and
spent a most enjoyable day. Re
freshments were served, games were
played and everyone had a most en
joyable time.
Those present were Misses Lola
Stevenson, Mildred Gladys and Jua
nita Munsterman, Helen Manning.
Dora Essinger, Myrtle and Thelma
Clasen. Juanita Hoffstetter, Myrtle
and Emma Sutherland, Marguerite
Irma and Viola Reagan. Norma
Weber, Messrs. William Hoff
stetter, Chas. Hantel. Andrew
Kllenpeter. Joe Welch, Richard
White, Royce Trauth. Reems Bieh
ler, Fred IIeebe, Henry Garther,
Leonard Hoffman. John Sinclair.
Masters Warren and Chas. Reynolds.
Mat. Crawford. John 'Hambacher, and
little Tillie Crawford.
The chaperones were. Mrs. Chas.
Reynolds, Mrs. Theo. Sutherland and
Mrs. Crawford.
The Love, Service and Sacrifice
Club, of Belleville behool Chapter
No. 4, will have a special meeting
Tuesday, July 23, 6:30 P. M., at the
home of Mrs. Koenig, 336 Bermuda.
All the members and their mothers
are urgently requested to attend.
After the meeting is over, refresh
ments wll cbe served and games
will be played.
Chaplain A. F. Vaughan was the
guest of honor at a banquet given
by the Methodist preachers of New
Orleans at the Monteleone Hotel
Monday noon. Chaplain Vaughan
has been pastor of the Carrollton
avenue Methodist church for the past
two years and has just finished the
chaplains' training school at Camp
Taylor, Louisville, Ky. He was ac
cepted, given the rank of First Lieu
tenant and assigned to over-seas
Twelve Methodist preachers were
subject of many eloquent eulogies.
Among other gifts, Dr. Vaughan re
ceived la handsome troll bearing
the signatures of the ministers to
words of praise and commendation.
Dr. Vaughan has been ordered to re
port for service on August 10 at Ho
boken, New York.
Hermes Yarbrosgh, Native of Kee
tucky, Found a River Benk
In Aliers.
Norman Yarbrough, 32, sergeant,
Battery E, 75th Coast Artillery sta
tioned at Jackson Barracks, attempt
ed to end his life at 6 a. m. Monday
on the bank of the Missisippi river
.near DeArmas street, by sending a
bullet through his right temple. 8er
geant Yarbrough was rushed to the
Charity Hospital where he died the
same evening at $ o'clock.
The soldier used an army auto
matic and before shooting himself,
fired two shots into the air. Anton
Oraf, 523 Seguin street, heard the
shots and rushed to the soldier.
He found Sergeant Yazbrough ly
ing on the river bank. The revrol
ver, with three empty eartridges,
wa in htis aLd ,Yarbrough is
mid to have told the police that he
was tbd of ife.
Ofltaers of Jhacksoan Barracks were
notiffed and are making an investit
xt' YaTrolugh is a native of
and has bees In the army
oIvry ,liv telo thle pl,.rois' of I',.;;. r
'I -' .t h it ' : 11t tl , ir' t 'r," :1
lparl.ors, will be giect an il'novati nI
in th ., 'v:',.. e.t 'h patron \t ill b
crree,! oe l , c Ov i' Il a new gi i- s
n -e\ r e Ie u- . (Týini The .'ait,.'
with their diih!:,- of ic" r,;anll Ea., h
s llcer cc ill he branti n!i + an! t+ ill a
he' ilt ediaitely t elt-'re,l .I aft,'r the
patron finih . \\'e :iht 'al
state that the service c'(,h-t'< of .:
ver, and of coulrsc' you will b! into.r t
ested to know how a n,.w re, ',,ta ', t
can be given to earlt rntomer eIa ii
time. tinder the-ck condition. T.
new service is the most ,tlitur"
ever gotter oili; in thi- ,ila i; 1,,;
ness. and you will '.e, plea-i il i
you go to see it.
Ill. llt\ II 4!-i' S .:1 1 'i T1i l .l.i ' lI .l'
() .l i ,+ , I i V, , . ,,rý : il,, !' rh, . ,u ;
tra, Jf i,' r d-1.,,.1r :, ll l, ,t , 1th t i.,
, o the , 'aIF " n f ni . \h el h t r, - ,
' Ih 4 ,"l:tl;l ' . 'I'n,, ' 1,. 1\:.'ll ' jl j
he' .iioi. i '1( . TI li' I'. IC lieu i' i I
tiated steps to organiam a branh ,h t
the neo.% safety dvlepi ar t,:t tlh l ,
11r Webb. -inte tthe iz,\oerllnent i
-nuen I oiatrol of the road. hai teen
transferred to I)allas and has ,'har-e
of the organization of thim new eo
Tarotlin t. through hirl the t'coverti- I
nent calculates a great savine in
nilt power by edu atitine skill,.I
%aorker l to b- re .arefi l cn-i thn f
avoid at ,iiltent- anld jo-silel de thl .
Under its new name and new man
agement, the former "Bauejackots
Terpsichorean ('lub." will give its
first dance of a new series on Mon
day. July 22. at s o'clock p. m.
sharp, at the Avenue Academy.
The Club expects this dance to be
a gala event, and the new officer
are planning to have a record-break
ing attendance of men from the Sta
The boys know that they can al
ways depend upon thy assistance of
the girls at their dances, and. in ap
preciation of this fact. they have
prepared a delightful surprise for
The management of the Bluejack
ets Social Club. and the chaperone,
Mrs. E. J. Hotard, extend to the
girls, who have heretofore done
their "big bit." a cordial invitation
to attend this, their first dance.
Alleged to have cashed two worth
less checks, William B. Parker, 1438
North Miro street, was arrested
early Friday evening on the com
plaint of Felipe V. Sierra, grocer and
saloonkeeper of Esplanade avenue
and Galvez street. Walter F. Stew
art. who was with Parker at the
time, also was arrested and held as
a dangerous and suspicious charac
ter, pending investigation.
Mr. Sierra says on June 8, 1918.
he cashed a check for $15, drawn on
the First National Bank of Ports
mouth, N. H., and on June 22 he
cashed another for Parker for $30
said he learned later from the bank
that Parker had no account there.
On last Saturday, a most enjoy
able picnic was given by the Ladies'
Auxiliary of Machinists Pride 62.
The morning was spent in pleasant
cports, and in the afternoon, games
were had for the ladies and children.
Every one left late in the evening,
tired, but happy,. expressing the
hope that all the families of this aux
iliary would attend the next pic
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Long of McDon
oghille entertained their friends at
a dance and a dinner at the Ameri
can Pleasure Club house, "Over the
Rhine," Spanish Fort.
The day was spent in boating.
bathing, and dancing. All had a
most enjoyable time.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cruki
shank, Mr and Mrs. Nmmett Wat
tigney, Meadames L. Peters. A. Peck,
SJ. Esparagon, J. Staples, and P.D uv
vol. Misses Beatrice Dubos, Margue
rite Wattigney, Ella and Bertle Long,
I Clairia Richards, Anna and Louise
Peters. Gertlie and Odile Marshall
and Stella Fisher, Sergeants L.
Staples and Leo McKay, Privates O.
C. Platt and A. B. Parker, Messrs.
l Theo. Burgaun, John Holmes, Arthur
Cranchky. Chant. Keeting, John Mil
ler, Clifton Wattigney. Abby ,Junot.
, Leo Reichards, Emmett and Floyd
Wattigny, Christy Burgau, Bertraud
Peck, Paul Malain, and Tom Mine.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stumpf of Teche
s St., announce the eagagement of
- their daughter. Martel Louise to
f Lauree J. MoCume, of New Orleans.
y the welding to take place in Oc
g:.' i,.: t- nl: ti i t " 'i tI h ' ¾'n. I ! t U1 't1
No Y , iAiu tl MT t"ii h v. v l iit e t the
failltting t nh111 ln ioi ' t' a t he Si n
t lih I!.tiiillit, Il in thit I.t .i' t tllureo
a hi : b..uh-titur , " It l. and were
as'wl hb htI h I lliscs unanimrltiuitsly.
ii .:,' hf 'aIrty . lpp ,lirt i to S nati e ill
N-.' _.n i. t h i. t1' ir. Itti rela tive to thf
pt r :' 1"tiv t a in t f at ptt /d r the tile of
'.hilh iii a'ci follot
i 1 t,N. l I, h ro l lt ' r. l t' hrisity
: 1 11t. 11 ' ma i oti atlew nis or !or
', 't ! i it f r t ,'h-ity n . lirn w , al -
.t" i.'.' ii wi ; r at iot n. o hi o.i t" iits.
+ `.1O' lo ',r It'l" ,: t IVt il o i)t .ill f6 lr "
ir t i' ,Iltt ::I :.!r h I ,\ " ofor th**
rtiv"e ti) r ntsing of salary o Pnresi
'f . of ,. r of_,, , h si 1 Li ir, city or
1!ew tricatis, a tiount of $0 alfer
year. to runburse u
r. wib h (ofr in a tor i prsain
debnr of the bori. Da twie llnren ei
S. ll ;I :,l al t l ' il' lth"
lt ' r t tinea sitr hIh the iietlle or
ibtuse Bill 22. New rrleans bcridge
btill extenin the tinloy r yars at ar
the war ends to Inf old n of ane
' ouse ,, i' i No , . tit ,ilea l z tin o
Sur I, aan ll oern,,' irnt l tae ora
."h' i l -t t" .r ..r . I ;,c; ull' :lis t e la bility tio
L uitin .; l IC% I i, ,I" ill' be o ingl ti
thlse tae thert utlonr to maein
H ouill e i ll Nos. 26 ari'nellll t o any
wleans only onfeted by birll 260.a
iHouse I ilul Nto. 3 by Mr. Martin.
antrom los 2,000in tho $2,iy. 00le was handled byso
Relative to rasing of salary of Presi
Mr.nt of oard of Assessors, city of
New Orleans, aiount of $1,000 per
Mr. I'mbach our assessor is presi
dent of the board, and will receive
$4.0ou per year. instead of $3,000, a
of houmerited increase fandr his efficient ser
stviate ands president of said to te nexard.
Genouse Bill 22Assembly, New Orleans bridge
bill. extending the time 3 years after
the war ends to buil worthysame.
teahouse Bill No 1tainin legalizing Oc
tobyer 12 as holiday, to bo known as
Christopher Columbus ay. by requestm
of our Italian colony in the State of
Louisiana. Lourses.ana becoming the
34th state in any to make it a
Hloue Bills Nos. 260 and 349, mak
Ing Sunday a day of rest for barbers,
butchers and bakers, city of New Or
leans only affected by bill 260.
Hsouse Bill No. 384 by Mr. Martin. 21
rathe ing salary of labor commissineed.oner
from $2,000 to $2,400 was handled by
Mr. ChriTuesdaty in Senate by request.
Relative to the Field's resolution.
Mr. Chrlsty said:
"I am heartily in favor of the FBeld's
resolution to appoint two members
of Senate and three members of
House to study the question of a min
mum oflittle ll waes and maximum umber
of hours for women and girls In this
state and report baek to the next
General Assembly, this commwhen hssion
has not been announeed as yet." I
gave support to all worthy measures,
such as raising of salaries for school
teachers and maintaining of schools
by taxation and others too numerous
to mention.
ing for gC. irls whon attendane.rous of
be taken in any hospital and in
but the uniform and seven dollars
should call on Mrs. K. Vdllier, 219
Oer St., who willr Rabbit better make hem all
the Information hey need.ot po
iiOn Tuesday evennh Ilttler' cookiahler
hArmvin'tage, thsave nine yeatr old son of
olk'lMr. and Mrs. Armthave of Bermuda
wt., met our with a ver'ny serious acc
Smade outen d ynt.re
The little fellorow was sliding downo
s to wiron pole Irn the engine house,
SddeJIly began to feel dls'y and ell,
Wednesday, he was still d neo o
o a' atstbe