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Sus THE HERALD. - tR SAVINGS STAMPS 0.I0 o 00 Upbumeld «a he Wsi M Ne RMlver. "A very Ilve and creditabe weekly .w.spape."--MANUPACTURERq' RECORD. UNITE STATES GOVENMENT XXVI. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1918. No.30. NALS I Jeams lancey, Patrick SJuke 'satraLng left ar France. tt lancey left Saturday Toak, after spending a fiw his mother. Spol Jensen of New York - w days at the home of Miss OlanceY. Cayar of Lafayette is Algers, the guest of Mi irted of Mis 1we m irt to leorn that she is sI" t ElMira AvenS. 8uss00uy and little dnsgh f Sitletl, La., are visit the guests of the for iMr. August Krauss, in !g bel entertained the a. week. The success rWe Mrs. C. V. Kraft and Mrs. H Lee Ieaoe re eassolation. The next b at the home of Mrs. E chabel spent Thanks e with her mother, return l it. Louis on Friday. aes Hartnett will enter -e' TalurdaY Lvening Euchre r hbome in Vallette Street. aklt Donner is out again, re illness. ad Mrs. i. E. Hingle and a poate-a-la-Hache were m this week. j Thorn was home ona a brruIgg from North Car hre he visited his rela l s. Chris l. Stumpf. tocke Street. Chneard is spending a with her husband at La., where he is eam ftrieds of Mrs. George be gmad to learn that eel, after a severe spell *kroedr and family s Opelusasa and OlUvier Polock and family renldee at thet OvYlter 2aeet, nea SWRisa will be one of the e( the Normal School Oak who vit the aWb **ehool Dar" ad ae of cemsservatsic am S . the -be lj oa the 2, K. o P., wll year at the M 'eght II a tanted scholar laea r, played a esol G. Q. ,ashare on so. a e No. 6., order nikg. All mea ieMts tto be present. Jtl I JaL. anmd Clayton as ea the steamsbip a New York. il ile J. Leam , Jr.. 1 an supping with -s fer the bell Was beess irea y., -a str act ,ret Dipatch Cou 1ietiwaled the Ms 'abseay at tnorm. ipers were Mrs. Ln C. V. Kaft sad es. gr Mrs. .sb Herbert resved Miss Clair-s Rick at the aut ea Pell w ao.afhed swU who wila qead CL will te S Iatg, at 7 olok. bebre Clab mat Mrs . Owea M. -ayes were is V. 14t sad Jeha A. Marse teiiag the . A..T. C. Whetley was eleate . Mnr3. C. Go e. bay visit to Ms. a wo i a. Y ab aeeinb THOISANS HEEl MADE HAIPT OimNeda Trt" & Savings Bank Sends Out aceeks to Algiers People Amnasting to 12,aseaIs. The Algiers Branch of the Commer eial Trust and Barings Bank located on Patterson and Verret Streets, was certainly a good Santa Clause this year to tbhe Algiers people. They sent out their Christmas Savings obecks on Tuesday, paying out the great rm of $12,t99.55. Conideurln that our people have been called upon durinl the past year to buy two sets of Liberty Loan Bonds, and subscribe to Red Cross, Community War Work Campaign, War Saving Stamps etc.., the showing made by the Christmas Savings ac counts were very gratifying to the banking Institutions. It is predicted that the year 1919 will be a redord year for savings banks, and especially will there be larger amounts deposited again for Christmas Savinags The Christmas Savings Checks of the Commerolal Trust and Savings bank are beautifully lithographed with a picture of Santa Claus which is very attractive and inspiring to the young boys and girls, but the really interesting part of the check is the printed portion which says "Will pay One hundred twenty dollars anad eighty oeats." NO, rPAO STRIKE. ' ery dnwasd made-on iWedeedli_ I for a str of the rlir ,ots bd after sevet confer eaces the walk out was mporarilly sqspended. MaYer Behrma was brought into the controversy by a telegram from the National Adjustment Commission, asking him to prevent if possible a tie up of the harbor facilities at this port, The mayor pesenod the unionists and owaers o i boat for a confer eace , the ioslmae, eforts were also Sapended by a.J. Bm u of the lFedea pirsm elee to avert the waslko This esanfseoe, hel la the Audu boa uldingl. was infermal. No action was takes ol. o lmer B. Wood rep rated the owners, but sena sot prlwe that the 26 per eat Mgrease a5b03 1 be gives at eats.. The amn tsi" pIa, sad said tat te wealm tie up the whole pert saunless t was gives thSem. The bts were oeratisl when thl UNRIAINS AT DIxNMN . Mrs. J lMaorag entertalned at dianer on w ians Day In honor o her sea Dewey Therniag. U. S. N., who is hers an a furlough. Those presen were Misses Uher Sadler, laldrsd One and Susie T'horaag, Mr. and Mrs. W. Galling house and daughter, Mercedes; Mis Plesel, Mrs. P. Gerdes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cleutat and dsshter, Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs. N. Thorning, Mrs. J. M. Thboran and George and DeweR Thornaig. Mi-S EMnORIAL SRVICE. emorik services for departed Elks wen held by New Oreams Lodge No. 2O in the Athenaeum at 5:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The wourm eesa ted ehiey of- musical bers, the BElk' band and the Schoir taking a prominent part. Charles Janvier and Joe P. lUlivan delvered eulogies to themw gp who bave died. Amswn thee who died durti the pat year awre Peter lupp ad Peter resaee. A Je w meat at the bem et A Dus Udelas was landlge in as Cre, Dris Bake, MUdn HfllebrLdbt Delas Ume B nd Ntbhae,a am Rmatr ad Yrtse wa na t e STh I rns. aen and C ude spottag ad athl iei es amles, Is gu kee bik for a wu or age the ses wa " ra ' We Jabs - •~. ther., -s Igh i baes ot seIg Al reete the balag after he is masterdt at r aesrvi* for saho * naves ason eon M ner a als the prest**t* ansa m g wilab iv c *fr asses~t~ jeae Deaker 43 a teAvenuen pausing Aemsay, R.' * 4 31gett i JoNhn Mpyeldda 4._ ahamean - ~ - - -- - _ _ __ _ El Make the Him Do It[ : GE1WBSY lO~W "'AN CILAN UP~ 1; THS MES~vo. !1AD·1~:.! K·.r ii''·I:i l·:: .·~ ~ Ara ctEn V ·:I, i p a:;···. . ' ' K·· .·:~ ::i~il£GP: IF INO1 AUITHRIlE IIALF-TEA L ICESE Answering an inquiry from the Re tail Grocers' Association, Harry Gasp ble, Assistant Attorney Gendral, gave an opinion that there is no authority for the issuance of a half-year liquor license, because of prospective pro hibition, until, after July 1. The in quiry addressed to the Attorney Gen eral was "whether, In the event of prohibition for next July, the State will exact a full year's license." WEST END NAVAL STAT'ON GOES; AIIERS PER MANlENIT. 4 ot.adi~ -a 4adodtafttioa ot tion and the West and Naval trat lag Camp will eventually put the latter out of existence, a naval of fleer In close touch with both sta tions, said Tuesday. The numbei of men at the Algiers station will be reduced, but kt will still continue to be a permanent naval post, he said, explaining that New Orleans was an important naval center and that he could forsee nothing that would take the station away from its present location. The officer could not forecast Just how soon the West End camp would fallinto disuse. Present orders cov ering demobilization at the two posts aover principally the reanstatement to inactive duty of the reserve forces, called out by the war. So far, about 100 men have thus been retired, he explalned. The present orders call for the de mbillation retirement to inactive duty of eme man out of five, and the officers are attempting as far as pos sible first to send back home those men who most need to go back, such as men whom the war was prevent ing from ftnishing their education, it was explained. KODAK1iNO PBTr. crowd met at the hems o Misses Ireme alp Leoma Nolan and from there the rowd went to the hoe of Miss Helen Walk in McDseghville. Many -thr were taken and eewryoe en joyed themselves. Among those who wee present are: Misses P. L Usey, . North, E. Kennedy, P. KinkaM, M. North. J. Usey, H. Palk. L Guya, Ndia, A. Traha,V. Haush ect, Ward, L Nolan, . E, tnger, M."- t Msenerm. . O.Usey, H. 0. Peare` U. S. N, .. O. Burton, R. J. C I. Soa s, I L. Grand. L Wl .e . . N, G. H. Pepe, Jos. U 4ot, i , L & Bartoa, II. AFTER THE CAPTURE OF LONGPONT BY ALES ... .r - .- Ja d m J' -·r lrlr The pbove Is a good Skeuses of Jel ferson C. Gerrets, member of Battery "C," 141st Field Artillery. The gl ture was taken "somewhere" In France, in front of the regimental guardhouse, on Sunday, November 3. The picture shows that r. Gerrms has taken on considerable weight since he left Algiers. ENJOYABLE EVENING. A jolly crowd of young folks gath ered at the home of Mr. Royce Trauth in Ehnlira Avenue. Dacing and singing were ndulged tn ntil a late hour. Those present were: Misses Mildred Hildebrand, Doris Baker, OGlesar Shirk, Hadel Cayard, Carrie Hildebrand, Della Barmaster, Myrtle Sutherland, Annie Trauth. Gladys Siraey, OesulS and Laeanitus Caster, Catherian Ioroslp and Amelia Trauth, Nesuts. Robert Gal liaghouse Royes Trauth, William Barry, Igara Trauth. Ibdea ges dre. Maurni Robichaux, Raymond Daly, Thomas Hero, Janase Jeer, WWmla 8Stherd and Andrew Yaratich. WILL EQUIP SHIP II ALGIES YARN Machinery will be placed at the Johnson Iron Works aboard the Moss Point, the second wooden vessel built by the Dantzler Shipbuilding Com pany at Moss Point. $Mis. The vessel was towed by the BHaso Towboat Com pany and tied up at the Johnson Iron Works' wharf. She is of the Ferris type, of 3.500 tons and will be put into service by the Emergency Fleet Corporation as soon as the work on her is completed. ELECTION OPF OPPFICERS- sT. JOHN'S OIDGE No. 188. On Tuesday night 8ts. John Lodge elected the followtig officers 'for the year 1929: Worshipful Master, Theo Hotard; Senior Warden, Frank P. Dietrich; Junior Warden, Sam T. MGarry; Senior Deaeon. W. H. Crawford; Ju nior Deacon, L. ,Maus; Secretary, C. E. Dunbar; Treasurer, Geo. E. Her bert, Jr.; M. of C., I. Ekman; Tyler, Wm. Senat; Chaplain, Frank Hen ning; Stewards, W. Lucas; Hall Committee-F. H. Galt. J. E. Lorlo, Geo. Herbert, Jr.; Ptnance Commit tee-.. W. Bunrgis, L. Acker, C. A. Sutherland; Trusees--Geo. Herbert, Jr., A. Spitsfaden, Jr.; Organist- Geo. Herbert, Jr. Officers wil be installed on St. John nilght, December 27. There will also be a banquet. MADE PIRST LIEUTENANT BR. y ORADE. In Mr. Wilie Hantel, son of Chas. al Hastel of the old Famous Bath House, 3. has just been promoted to chief en ta gmneer of the U. S. 8 Keresospo, with ht the rank of lst Lieutenant, Senior grade. Young Hantel will be remem bered as having been torpedoed on three different ships, namely the Petrolltp and Log Lauman which were sunk and another ship which was able to make port after being ,ih strak. ce a S gwP3B U PART,. e On Tuaeday ight, December 3rd. an agreslae surprise was tendered Littl iss Sylvia Roseberry of Vlcksburgk at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Augsst SKrause, n PiMean Arene. JThe merry r myt at the hone of the M Ayee m a sm Street. then proceeded to the home. Dancing and many .m usans were in ad dalgsd In. Delaty re were ' served. SAll. present spent an tj o eve SCHOOL OTIES McDONOG(H No. 4 NOTES. W'ednesday morning of last week. after an appropriate program had been rendered, the usual collection of Thanksgiving donations took place. Potatoes, onions, and fruits of dif terent kinds were collected in large amounts. Besides these, there were edibles of every description. These articles were sent to the leaders of the various churches of our district, for distribution among those who were in need of help 4pd cheer. Some needy families were .,ent baskets of provisions. The Eighth Grade boys worked very wilingly and. under the principals di rection, collected, arranged, and dis: tributed the articles. We take this method of thanking the boys and their parents for their generous response to the Thanksglv. ing call and we know that they re ceive God's daily blessings and, in that fact, they get a just return. The principal's office has been en larged and renovated. The walls have been done over in two shades of buff and the woodwork has been stained oak. This important section of the school has an inviting and comfort able appearance. Messrs. Dewey, Thorning, and Ed mund Hebert were very welcome visitors to the school last week and the teachers were very glad to know that these splendid young men had not forgotten their old school and their teachers. The former came from Norfolk and has done active work in foreign waters in the hospital service, and the latter is stationed at the Naval Air Base, Pensacola, Florida. Both of these rollicking sailor boys have improved in every possible way, being in excellent physical condition and cheerful spirits. We wish them good luck in the future. A called meeting of the McDonogh No. 4 Co-operative Club was held last Tuesday. Owing to the Inclement weather, there were not many pres ent but much work was accomplished. Because the school needs so many Improvements that require funds, the club decided to give an entertainment the and dance in the school Saturday. sa December 14, at 6 p. m. We need tilt the co-operation of every parent and im- child to help make this affair a suec ael cess and we, hope to se a larg rm- generous crowd present on that oc on casion. ris A fine beand will be engaged and put the young gentlement and ladies who et form the dancing crewd of our din on trlct, are promisd a good time ff they attend. Donations to the refreshment and fanoy-wolk booths will be sratetally Sreoeved. Remember the date sad the place. Admisem a bw -e Iism cents td eh ret, tan its. The next rulaor ontLh dmitn or cý clueb Vwil tNs L , Tuesday, for rd; help an this uadertalag. h; The following have been placed on y; the committees: Fu- REtertlament Committee-Msses A. C. Poncet, Averill, Hughes, and Mee er- dames Dafy and Sehwarseabach. or, Reresm Committee-Meadames en- Wm. Short, f, Burgi, Habeer, all Amaeda, and Blakeessa. lo, Fancy-work and Mystery Boxe- it- Miss a Murphy and Medames Hop A. per, Irtr, L. Acher, sad H. Acker. rt, Muio6 Committee-Misses A. OShaughnesy, Davis, and Ader. Ticket Commattee-Msers. Deity, St. Burgle, and Huhpasr. ir Other co ittswlbe appointed weat Tuesday nlght, Os Wednesday of last week Thanks dvling Day exercise were held at Belleille Sheool . At these exercises SMiss loreee Burgih bade the teach e ra, the pupals, and the princpal, ith "ed-by" as she was to leave for '- "uy Frams" that snght. 'h Red Croe Cart is comint to on .w to collect the toys on Tues theday at 11 o'clock a. m. 1ch rem thirty to forty baskets were Sich seat aout to the poor by the kleville Spupils. Other baskets were' at to the Old Polk aM ud to the Sister of Poor. Money was meat to the local ebharitable orgatnatlon. The first I t on the War Wel ar ple a ee due wMetr. Stl area uwell u adalts ar 4 plylna ap. of mat '* MDONOGE No. 5 Nlor . Thaksgiving Day was sherved lu aof the uual way at MeDonogh No. . t. Donations were reoasved and dis lag tribtd among the needy by the e hldren of the schoo A Misty interest is beian shown in eforts to adopt. a trench orphan. Schldrn are sviag penie and by CI'it3tas to have the rs - sum for a little sister or MONITHLY SOCIAL CLUB. The Monthly Soeal Club met at tho bome of Mr. Claude atwistle on Tuesday, Decee~a er 3. DaIaty -r freshmets were servl. These was eat were: Misses Irva DaniLs, U.-t Pettligrove, Anna Belle Kltrktr_.* Helen Davis, ,Emma Georg Iella oy, Thel a Cayrd, i Capard,. Pearl Caletto and Gi uatcher, Mrs. 0. G nch. Mrs. ur .r 8. M. Cader, Mr. sd . T.N t - tie, Mrs. C. 3t~s M ters. ILe Hngle, Herbert inga Edgar Cy ard, Tisdale Deaels, Mr. Rolllar C. Widney, Claude Btwistle and others. On Pru , Nbvmber 3, a bly crowd of poang folks met at the home of Misses Mare nn Ead thel North anj gve sa dance Ia honor of Lylua .1s~a U. N, who s home on a f •r . The rmls was meet enayaMy spet. sgn bCelms tnladged It ,att a lat6 hear. Thee present were alasees Ednar, Kie seos asa Irae olsan, JIess Gauy, Ella Kea~s y Ethel sad Marion North, .M'es. Ig Sma B. WIMde, U. . N.; htris Got. tClger, Udwiar Me uad Chle Petty Osew Ed Tuner DEGIC COLLECTWIO OF REAL ESTATE TAX JANUARY 2, Collection of real estate taxes, due since July, will begin January 2, ac. cording to the announcement made 'Monday morning by Deputy Commis sioner Arthur .. O'Keefe. The delay in getting out the bills was caused by a change in the as. sessment system. necessitating the making of new assessessment rolls. Personal taxes must be paid by lie cember 14, said Mr. O'Keefe, or be delinquent. Mr. O'Keefe appealed to the' public to pay their personal taxes promptly and avoid rush and con fusion. The fact that poll taxes are being paid slowly also was pointed out by Mr. O'Keefe. who is making prepar ations to meet the usual last-minute rush. RED CROSS NOTES. During the past week very little work was turned out by the Surgical Dressings Deparrment. In fact, the result is most discouraging, in view -of the large allotments given us by the New Orleans Chapter. The em ergetey order for 20oo 81-A Pads for French hospitals is not yet com pleted, only 1.155 being finished to date. This order should have been completed by October 25th, and the prospects are that it will be carried over into next year. The October and November allotments remain un touched, and the December allot ment is due. From the foregoing report, It will be seen that although the war is over In a sense, there is still plenty of work for the Red Cross, and It will be just as unpatriotic to desert the cause now as it would have been while the war was in progress. Miss Herbert, Capt. of Surgical Dressings, therefore, urges all her workers to report at 'the workroom during this and next week. The working days for this department have been re duced to three, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 'Mrs. W. J. Vau HRes, Cotamandant a the Algiers Canteen, wishes all those who have expressed their de sirp to join this branch of Red Cross work. to meet with her at the K. of C. Hall, Priday, 6th ast, at 8 p. ', for the purpose of turning in their applicaton blank, receiving membership cards, emblems, etc. Instructions will also be given in regard to the material for the unl forms. It is hoped that erane 0 has given her name wll be pasnt at this meeting; those un ale to attend will please notify the secretary, Miss G. Herbert, sa4 re. Cehve ftom her the aeeeeaary ntornma tis. We are advsed, by the Canteen Headquarters thatf then Is Just as much need for this department as heretofore, and that the movement of men from eamp to camp and those returning from oversees whi will pass through our city, will make this feature of the Red Cros veryn ece sary for an Indefinite period. The Hospital Gaments and Re fugee departments have completed their allotments which will be de livered to tbs New Orleam ead quarters on Monday of nest week. There swl remain some sweaters to be distributeod. Knitters are asked to come forward that our al lotment will be completed on tioe. A meeting of Branch No. 4, A. R. C., has been called by the officers for Monday, December 9, at 7:06, at the K. of C. Hall. All members are urgently asked to be present. IllaDp IN ACIIO. The ewr an Serneat Alvin . Wi Dias havia bes killetd in atio In Prscs aon November 10th, was recelv. ad by his mother, Mrs. B. 3. Willtams, Sn Thabgvin morning, at her home, 491? Camp Street. He was 2 yars old and a forme mredet of Air Several years ao he o pi a pootion with a lare manu lecturln concern ia Jolet, Il.. and two weks afte the United States entered the war, he enlisted i Com pay B. 34th Regheeqt U. 8. A. and wa Mlmmdat* aged io duty on the dm . Damri the latter part of Junea, he cams home on a ten-day frlough, and e Auust 17th saeed ori an retters always cheerfl and kopeal, wer raeceivl from him rularly abalt every three weeks, and in his lst letter, dated Novem bier he made note of theim fact, that although n the front ltn trenehe, with bullets fabll like rain about him..e was still safe and his luck a bholdig out. He was writ ig in a est eamp and intended r turingn to the firtha line after a few hours rest,ad was killed on his re trn to the taehes on the topwring Shortly after his arrival in lasace he was promoted to SeriAAt, Was efred the positton of Seu t Major, trjo dendit wurk. iht deed It, Wb he had . enlisted in the Regular Ivq to w i ade eat service in w e I nt p pretld not to he lacd lai the offe. TheLou atrr is sur"ved by his ithe, Brard J. WillIms, his amther ho was Josephine sbina, ad feart ier Mrs. parry Monoea Mrs. 3 .Ic ahI d the Misem Ollie sad Jeeph_-m s. Mr. Willias was notiled at Pilot Town and hastened A vqy areeable surprise was ten. dared Mr. and .ike. -aett a3 Shiis Tuesday night at e b or at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas titenweep, the ocaslon beng the belemeg af the tairtesmth wedydo e aseal ky a It. sad YM. Shildts, A eautifl ke ad orned lwith tislgo' eiadles eeceuped the cster et thl tal, whmeil surreoudnl It was a wetith at sambla and n n abundanee of wrt and mr, rhet, The sae Wa ut by Mr, Moleey nd t easts .re drea . the sure heaith -p Ireepenspu the heaw esea