OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, December 12, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1918-12-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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ay more for Ferriage tha
py for taxes. Help remove
-m tax. tW, S S
... ,p oL ue fl e W04 Ws . Of M Rw mer. A very live and eredltamble weekly wpepe."--.-MANUpACTUR lMU . U STATES GOVERNMETRO
Segtmeier and daughter,
- were guests of Mr. and
M. Harvey, tor some time,
to their home in Jer
ay friends of Ensign Fred
will be glad to learn that
,eao made a lieutenant.
* gtaeler also received his
d f  r oversea service. He
jog returned home after having
ia ninth trip to France and
Toeman Jas. C. Leddeck has
to duty at New London,
g.at spending a furlough with
Ab Segain St.
Eastwood is here from
8. C., to spend a thirty
with his parents, Mr.
., W. Eastwood, of Dela
u. L C. Handley has returned
le in Patterson, La., after
a most enjoyoble time here
ame of the Misses Martinez
nas Schiele and baby, ac
by her mother, left for
SLa., to spend a short
Mrs. Aug Alwell, who is
bet health.
ere 8Stenger, of Addis. La.,
Ia Algiers, the guest of
j. W. Bancroft Weaver
( ICittsburg, are visiting
 es. McGhan is much im
a serious illness.
Schroeder has returned
Tth after visiting his par
SMrs. C. E. Bennett and
e, of Birmingham,
uitligt her mother, Mrs.
of Belleville.St.
Talbot is out again
attack of lagrippe.
' rown of Bonny St.,
l ne to fracture his
at work in the Texas &
COnrad, of Bay Adam,
here th!s week, having
hbre by the death of his
l Tsey~ eaertained the
SEuchre Club last
isfl players were
Mrs. C. V. Kraft
O. A afire. Mrs. W.
consolatio. The
Ij at the home of
agSt·mt tie barn
IT. Malone aad
Mrs. C. Z Dickey
who has been
at Prt Worth, Tex.
ot Camp Beaure.
all" has dtatked.to
Ia., after e-
at the boae of
of the U. B.
,r board the
rt Msso Isla our
that shie i sog
at her boe hI Pell
methsi at b. BDl
Lor c·ew York.
S S Lake View
theg ll -of
s ee atee.
of ofleers em
m.atul chmto
e dt Mr. and
.It r been
Last Fridday being Food Conserva
tion Day, the pupils of McDonogh No
6, celebrated with appropriate exer
cises. An assembly of children an:
teachers was called in the afternoon
The program opened with a flag salute
which was followed by a reading o
the food conservation proclamatioi
and pledge.
Recitations and stories suited to thi
occasion made up the enjoyable pro
Those taking part were Anna Perez
Pique, Wm. Gahn, Dieonese Vitter
Ben Levy, Thyra Hotard, Elma Jor
den, Catherine Barton,.
The fund for the French orphat
is steadily growing and the little
American at McDonogh No. 5 wll
soon be very proud when the amounl
is sufficient to adopt a child of France
On Friday last, the members oi
Normal School Story Telers League
visited the different schools and gave
talks to the pupils of the lowe,
grades on food conservation.
Miss Doris Graham, one of ow
talented young ladies was one of the
speakers at Belleville, her subjeci
being "The Adventures of Captain
Sugar." Miss Graham presented he,
subject in a most intelligent manner
and her remarks made a great im
pression.on her listeners. Miss Eunice
Care was the other speaker.
D. S. S. CLUB.
On Saturday, December 7, Misi
Anna Vanderiinden was hostess tc
the D. 8. 8. Club. Owing to the fact
that our last meeting had been a
social one there was much businesa
on hand, so we went right to work
"All work and no play," however,
"makes Jack a-dull boy and Mary a
dull girl," so we were all glad, when
Miss Caimen Vanderlinden and Mr
A. Vincent, U. 8. N., of Galveston, ar
rived, and we set aside our work and
enjoyed a nice little chat.
Most delicious refreshments were
served and a lovely toast was give
by Mr. Vincent. We separated at a
late hour, after having spent a most
enjoyable evening.
The Salvation Army, which the
last year has bee holding services
weekly for the sailors at the Algiers
and West End Naval Stations, has
extended its activities to the rce.t
iag ship at Werit u
The first erylce was held !r the
men aboard the ship several weeks
a and is held regularly every
l night. Servipe for the other
mea at the West Hfa Stafoa is held
Sunday aftesnoe.. fer the Al
giers sailors,. Weod uidy night.
A telegram from the War Depart
meat 8 t mornag conveyred the
ews ti Jo Raney, that his son,
Verson A., was seriously wunded i
ram, Novembr 9, two days before
sleasng : the armistice.
Verna. with his brther, Rey A.,
enlisted i ret a"rtillery smn
ot Udr ulsn's areta l th ormer sJi*
SBattery P, 1411k iPldd Artillery,
sad thp letter Battery B, 14Zst Plied
Artl -J . Vsreo had bees i rla es
a ler while and had mseen mach so
tie a a rooat sMttr u sipoake
erasing army lleasd said, "the lang
er I remain the batel liken iP Roy
is laso oerses with his regieat.
-eL - Jrlads, segr 1211 Wae
*e who - alter _ _t
a. t Tu.c an DAkrma street,
(a ke Geerms Deseert of
wae newly.e whs shtou is e
sd1~M d it setaiteapt to ee en
ebelle sad wril
ages, ., wee
* mwee as Agie
nie m . euis
- e s s - , a nW . M i e. a o
Wh. eat M lsp Iin M st
i erie-s. we e as 4 a Me
an - east als
· s - U.
mu a
t It seti
asuae te sm
A banking hour In a Y. M. C. A. buldtlng of a Soathern department camp. The army "Y" Is the soldier's inan.
clal agent; it takes his savings and deposits them for him in a local city bank; It sells him Thrift stamps; it issues
him express money orders, and In certain cases keeps money and valuables for him temporarily in the building,
One "Y" man in each building is authorized to act as the agent of the express company to Issue money orders to
the soldiers. The banking service and the Thrift stamp sales encourage the army man to save his money, and this is
made more possible by the free comforts, conveniences and entertainments offered by the Y. M. C. A.
Miss Anna Davis who has been act.
ing as Credit Department Stenegrapher
and Welfare Assistant of D. H. Holmes
Co.., Ltd. has lately been appointed
Welfare Director to act as Manager
of the Welfare Department in the ab
sence of Miss Lois Janvier who is
expecting to leave for France in the
early part of January. Miss Janvier
expects to be gone some six months
and her departure was made possible
by the appointment of so competent
and splendid a representative.
Miss Davis is the daughter of Mr.
Selig Davis of Algiers. She greada
ated from the Esplanade Avenue Girls'
High School in 1914. She entered D.
H. Holmes Co. as stenographer in
1915 and by her clever work and
loyalty she has advanced herself in
the store's confidence until now she
Is entrusted with a valuable and re
sponsible position as leader in the
Welfare and Educational Department
of the most prominent Department
Store In the South. Too much Credit
Cannot be iven to bar.ad Algiers
.Pde htself on climing her as
eoe oe its own.
The following excerpt from a letter
from Mr. Kirk Abbott, chief yeoman
of the U. 8. S. Banasa will be of in
terest to our readers.
"There .i oe thnlg that I can talk
about when I get back to New Orleans
and that Is that I saw the "U. 8. S.
George Washington" which carried
the President and his party over to
France. He left Hoboken, which is
about a half mile from here at 11:00
sharp, and there were thousands of
people down to the different docks.
The ships in the harbor made all kinds
of noises and gave a great ovation to
oar President. Aviators from the
Naval Aviation Camp did circus stunts
in the air and cirerled around the
George Washington; one of the avia
tors ducked under the Brooklya
Bridge which Is not very far from
whre re e moored."
On Sunday. December 8th, a most
delishtul surpise was given In hoor
of Miss Arnna D. leter the occasion
being the of her birth.
Miss Anna ho erself a most
ageeable hostess was presaented with
a loverly eamera and photograph al
ban from her many mrends Manyu
other level gitws were iwbel. Datm
rereshments wro served. These o-.
acving the lucky eats of the bhethey
cake wm e m DMalace sad
Macre Meats. "U satd gmas
wre esloeed aftil a late hor.
-mess tho present wer Charles
eulhuer. James Carre. Chareu
mr i Shie l, H. chredr, Tom
gelr eb T uualo AaWillM m stsa -
-w-- san Lasdrr lam, Mr. ad Mrs.
T. 3. Mervaenr. r. sad Mrs. J AdIms,
i-M Iem M Niass, Mr. WSilim
Nihlaa, 'res. . 8heLdM. Mr. aend
Mrs, mmett ihiedls and Mr. ad
N 1. .~obter.
'! r
D . `i· nC uw a c.ýýIEý CWIITEII sus
tl'} 'r . ý .-ý. , V`.+ "-"Y k<. E
~.·r(- · ·W i i
The collection of state taxes began
Monday. E. P. McGoey, chief clerk to
Tax Colector Fltapatrick, stated that
his office Is six months behind in its
collections because of the delay in de
livery of the books of the assessors
Chief Clerk McOoey recommends that
tax-payers take with them, when they
visit the collector's office, their old
bills, showing the district, square num.
ber and lot number of their property,
as with this Information the clerks
can more speedily locate the assess
meats on the rolls. The rate of state
taxes is nine mills on a fifty per cent
assessment, .the citytax being twenty
two mills an a seventy-tile per cent
Final arragements for the dance
to be given by the McDonogh No. 4
Cooperative Club, Saturday, Decem
her 14. 1918, were made at the rega
lar meeting held Tuesday night
The Avenue Academy has been en
gaged for the affair and music will be
furnished by the seven-piece Harmony
Jazz Band, composed of a portion of
our well-known Naval Station Band.
No extra charge will be required for
Mystery boxes, fancy work articlee
and refreshments will be sold at popu
lar prices.
Turkeys, bOxes of candy, and the
beautiful and much-admired "Kewple"
dolls will be disposed of in the usual
Fortunes will be told by a gypsy and
the boys of the school will conduct a
Little children will be entertained
trom 6 until 8:30 p. m. Mr. Alvin
Harvey, of our town, has kindly vol
unteered to secure a maving-picture
machine, install it and act as oper
ator. The pletures will be shown to
the "kiddies" free. They will be hr
nished with dance musie and will be
allowed to dance until 8:30 p. m.
After 8: p. m, the floor will be
cleared for "The Big Dane." It is
hoped that a large crowd will atterd,
have a fine time and spend their
POy treely.
Some gentlemen have promised to
led their services to the teachers and
the parents. If any others w'eid IIke
to help, head la your ames to the
principal sr sme teacher at your
earliest convenisece.
Now is the time for the (agr
"Beys of McDemesh No. 4" to ra~f
Its support and make this atfir em
grmnd sucese.
Don't forget:
The nlght--lsturday, December 14.
Admismise-Adults 15 ests, chld
rem 10 eents
Place-Avenue Deanlag Aadem,.
ObJeet--To make McDomas Na 4
es "eer the tsp."
On Wednesday, December 4th, an
enjoyable evening was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Sirey, 425
Elmira Avenue, in honor of their
daughter Irene. Dainty refreshments
were served and dancing indulged in
antil a late hour. Those present were
Misses H. Malain, A. Trauth, L. and
X. Boudreaux, O. and L. Casler, 0.
Shirk, N. Keenan, R. Xennair, R.
Fernandes, K. Hornoskey, H. Cayard,
G. Sirey, A. Johnson, I. and E. Sirey,
Messrs. E. and C. Stasey, A. Ryan, J.
Lamana, F. Lange, T. Heron. R. and
I. Trauth, W. Sutherland. W. Bou
dreaux, U. Sperler, G. Donnelly, N.
Burke, P. Burns, A. 8enaer, L Le.
gendre, M. Robcbhaux, . Sirey, Mr.
and Mrs. Sirey.
At a meeting of Branch No. 4, A.
o .r w. Im rauhaub e, e00 d
3. Hesley was unanisously seated
chairpan. The members who have
chosen this leader feel satisfled that
they have made an exedllent choiee
apd hope that the good work of the
Branch will continue and that Algiers
will hold its high standard of efficiency
under the new chairman.
All departments working as separate
parts of one grand unit have establish.
ed an enviable record among city
chapters. It seems, homever, that in
teest begainning to lag, especially
Is the Surgical Dressing class, all of
whose work must be done on Tuesday,
Wedneeday and Thursday afternoon
at headquarters. Miss H. Herbert cap
tain, and her able lietenant, Mrs. W.
Van Hess are doian all in
powr to hold the class together,
giving unditvided time and uatli
eforts to the work for the suttering
boys n Eurpe.
As work will close to-day until
after the holidays, it is hoped that
a largs force will report on the first
Tuesday. of Year, 1919.
During the last week the total of
our emergency call for 81-A pads was
brulght up to 1180 which is still far
frm the 20ee ea.
Reports frote the Hespital Garments
departmert show that the allotment is
finished. lar workers of this do
pertmint are ready sad wlling to se
lot the Surgical Dressing class,
whose allotment s so large.
The knitting depertment reports
slow work In sweter makin. With
Christmas so near, women and girls
are.husy end ive man y exuoes. But
Christmas brings hoays ad t It
ted that our sehool irl experts
llspend ome o their lesure
hoonme o uittin, this being ample
M- to make en eo the treach
swaters. "AlPs well that ends well,"
aud lets not tfal at he end, as every
thing h been well.
blems or i teen uniforms have
been teeved. All lades whoo -ook
ape-stims with a desire of besom.
t ese are askeu to ste
theH to ereeL rt, ceaes am
retauy e that the membership cards
mihbt be pt in prper oraer.
OILIN(;E GIROVE No. if, Wt)I).
Orange Grove No. b., Woo,ldmen
Circle, elected the following otr·~ers
at a lumeeting held last Thursd..y
night: Mrl. Anna V'andlerlindenu.
past guardian; Mrs. Amelia .4mith,
guardian; Mrs. Mary Jacu':, advisor;
Mrs. Lizzie Borden, clerk; Mrs. May
Stalcup, assistant clerk; Mrs. lat
tie 31. Tufts, banker; Mrs. itosie No
Ian, attendant; Mrs. Theresa Ilausk
necht, assistant attendant; Mrs.
Emma Short, chaplain; Mrs. Jose
phine Mock, inner sentinel; Mrs.
Margaret Matchett, outer sentinel;
Miss Mildred Hausknecht,. organist;
Miss Mary Hell. Mrs. T. Cassidy and
Mrs. K. Miller. managers. Dr. J.
E. Pollock, Physician; Mrs. Antio
nette Owens, Love; Mrs. ('ath:-rine
Zaffers. Wisdom; Miss Eunice Rob-i
incon, Power; Mrs. Elsie Fredericks., i
The installation will be held on
Thursday, Jan. 2nd. All members
are cordially invited to attend.
('OLU.M1BUS LOiDIE No. 24,
I. O. O. F.
LColumbus Lodge No. 24, I. O. O. O
F., held their weekly meeting last
Thursay night at Renecky's Hall.
The following officers were elected;
for the next year: Vice-Grand, J.
L. Crittendon; Recording Secretary,
A. G. Smith; Financial Secretary, R.
Hauffe; Treasurer, H. Griese; rep
resentatives to grand lodge, J. A.
McIntosh and A. G. Smith; alter
nates, T. U. Carty and R. Hauffe.
The noble grand will be elected
on Thursday night.
Crescent Lodge No.. 3, Knights of
Pythias, has elected the following
officers for the ensuing year viz: R.
Chestnut, C. C.; J. E. Huckins. V. C.;
J. Hughes, Sr., P.; E. E. Babin, K.
of RI; J. Porzler, M. of F.; C. A.
Sadler, AM. of A.; C. Miller, I. G.; L.
Martin, O. G.; J. Hughes, Sr.., repre
sentative; J. E. Huckins, alternate;
C. Miller, tapstee; J. T. Sutherland,
steward; E. J. Moths and John A.
Barrett undertakers.
J. C. Root Camp No. 579. Wood
men of the World, elected the follow
lug officers at a meeting held Monday
night, viz: A. C. Duplan, P. C. C.; A.
Hubener. C. C.; P. H. Choate, A. L.;
N. E Humphrey, banker; Albert
Tufts, clerk; F. P. Jagot, escort; L.
SA. Smasos, watchman; Joseph
R. Davis, sentry; Dr. W. H. Weaver,
physician; C. O. Keen, J. L. Dulcich,
E. J. okle, managers.
VIRG8INIA IdwDG No. 188, K. of P.
Virginla Lodge No. 13, Knights of
Pythia, met Monday night and elect
ed the following offcers for the en
sulkn year: A. P. Kaffman, C. £.;
W. B. Owens, V. C.; G. Ponta, prells;
S. L Crawford. M. of W.; L P. GO. ch,
R. of R. and 8.. C. L. Krogh, M. of
P.; 8. G. Smith, M. of E.; John Pendas.
M. at A.; 0 X. fRisch, L G.; J. I.
Thornfng 0. 0.; Wi. Spahr, grand
ledge representative; L. F. Gch, al
ternate; C. L. Krogsh, . I Thornlns,
general relief committee; J. E. Thorn
tag. W. Spahr , 8. L Crawford, com
mittee of three; Dr. A. F. . Burgs,
physician; John A. Barrett, funeral
Sts. John Chapter No. 35, O. I B.
elected the following officers at their
meeting Monday night: Worthy Ma
tro Na om Beoth; worthy Patron,
Thou. rtwtle; Abhoelate M ,
CeCore Hughb; Seeretary, Ell Loer;
He Mnatsh, Assocate Coadsu;
traess, H. JJ.Centat; Ad·aL. L 8teck
Un; Rth, Oro Isbel; Esther, K Car;
ManSe, M. mler; lectra 8. oaUt;
Oranst, A. satarla; Warder. C.
Green; Setnel, W. Las. InstMalls.
tibo o sulurs December 23rd.
News has bee reeilved here by
N. Warmkes that his brother George
huas bee wounded in one of the
fieret battle of the war and is now
In the Amelean Red Croess Hospital
No. 1 in lhse
He enlisted as a prvate i Company
6th luatr in 8eptember, 1617,
and was lat.ransferrd overseas.
He emmSd.im pervete to epoporal
uad ter advanced to sereaut.
A royal weleome awaits hls return
fm~ front by his brother of 614
Borny Street.
I ·mNA
Air. Aurthur (Gun'.Ort o, our town
and Miss llanie ,1 r"-haiH Lr~lis of
the city were lmarrie' a+ th'e Sac'r'd
Heart Church on I, ,,nmlher lth. The
attenditlti it we're Miss .\lie Ghut'lert
and Mrs. iGeorge Marshall .\fit r the
ceremony. they le't or a shoti tri trip toi
lleaullo)l t, Tl.ex.
FI:N("H-ti-IOlW N.I:iE..
The marriage of lMi>s Irmia Lee
French. daughter of the lion and
Mrs. II. 1). French. of NcX ()Orlaurls.
and Q. N . A. Norman E. lirownle'
I'. S. A. T. C. .\r'adia a sin of
lion and Mrs. ('harlek 11. Itrownlee. of
New Orleans. was quietly etcelebrated
in New York on Saturda . lie embter
7. The antnouncetuentl is of much in
terest to the social world as the couled
are very popular inl the younger circle.
Among the attractive weddings of
the winter season was that of Miss
I'llaine Theriot and 1Mr..\ lin le.court
youngest son of George I.ecourt of
Bouny Street. which was celebratedl
Wednesday. December Ith. at o::81
o'clock at St. Mary's Church. The
attendants were Miss Blanch Kline
and Mr. E. Zatarain.
The marriage of Miss Imelda liar
vey to Mr. Louis ('hisholm took place
at the Church of the Holy Name of
Mary Tuesday evening. Rev. Father
Dougherty officiating.
The attendants were Miss Barbara
Elsensohn and Mr. Joseph H. Harvey.
After the ceremony, a reception was
held at the home of the bride's parents
in Atlantic Avenue. The young couple
received many handsome and costly
present. They are home to their
friends at 921 Atlantic Avenue.
On Monday evening, Mr. Howard
O'Donnell was host to a few of his
boy friends in honor of the seventeenth
anniversary of his birth.
Those present were H. O'Donnell.
Tisdale Daniels, Eldred Drumm. G.
Gilder, B. Anderson, E. Aucoin, and
R. Brown.
George Lecourt has been appointed
doorman to succeed the late Theodore
Johnson and assumed his duties at
the Eighth Precinct police station.
Tuesday night.
On Friday last at 8:00 o'clock p.
m., at the Charity Hospital, Willie
Conrad, aged 32 years, a well known
character of our town, was as easy
victim to the influenza.
He was buried Tuesday when his
father, James Conrad, of Empire,
Louisiana, came up to claim the
body. 'Deceased is survtid by a
brother, Alfred Conrad, who is now
in. the Army and his fether, James
Conrad, who is the keeper of the
Bay View Gua and Rod Club at Bay..
a--On Sunday, D. $t, at
11:20 o'clock p. m., Mrs. Harry 8.
Hall, nee Millie Lee, died at the age
of sixty-nne years. Deceapd was
a nativo of ',rankln Cou.nty, elis.
The funeral took place Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock from her late
residence to ocrates, between Whit
ney and Leoeouf Sts.
ailau*--On S8aturday' at 6.30
o'clock Armand A. Barfleaux died at
the Hotel Die Deceased who was
a native of ockport La.. was thirty
sIx years age. He ws the husband
of Mi Valerse MoBl of our town. The
reais were shipped to Fanln,
whee teameat took place Sunday
Healy-On Thabd, Peeaber
5th at 4:05 o'clock p. CIpa A-sell
Healy died after a short illnss. Ie
ceued wan the daughter of the late
aCole and Wina . aJ. Henly and
was twenty-four years of age. The
funer took ple riday at 5:30
o'clock p. ia, from the late rsMidece
of the deceaseud, 308 Pelican Avenue.
Interment was I St. Mrtholomew
AMdroe.Mrs. Andrew Anderson,
ne Elzasbeth Wooltron, died at the
ae of twty-five years. Deceased
was a attive of Germany, and had
rede4 hee for the past six years.
5k s survarived by her huband and
by two mll children.
The tunea took hCe Tuesdasy
afternoon from her late residence, 519
A Street, Rev. J. A. Petit, offticit.
ina. h ant we in McDooghrvIe
On Saturday afternooon about 3
o'clock, Peter )lagSUre was killed by
a tall at the new totton wnrebouse,
whre he wes employed. He died
while beian taken to Touro Intfir
mary in an automobile.
Mauire was repairing a steam
holster when he fell albout ten fteet.
His had struck an iron plate and it
is belhved he snffelrd a fractre of
the skulL When Dr. E. C. tSamuel
eualned Magulre at the Touro In.
framry he prnoncned him dead.
)ee d was born In eour town
forty-dlht years ago and was the
husand of Miha Les Albert. He
wan member of Orange Camp No.
8, W. O. W., of Oranse Grove No. 9,
W. C., and of the Young MUa's So
del and Benevolet Asselation.
e funeral* took place Sunday
mersg at ):3 eoeteek, from his
solen reqem see was sang at
the Chr of the R hName of
Wk Ceih. 0. ug.t · lmeII.
- elne

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